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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: heuristic results verification
PublikacjaThe advent of e-Learning tools allowing for automated online test grading will probably increase the frequency of using tests in technical education. The same tools may provide for measures of test question quality. By purposely crafting question sets, test grading may serve different goals. The paper contains examples and test study with score histograms.
Evaluation of the Variability of Vibration Measurement Results in Rolling Bearing Quality Control
PublikacjaThe final result of rolling bearing quality control is influenced by many factors that are not always taken into account. If non-conforming products leave the factory, then the reliability of equipment containing rolling bearings is significantly weakened. The paper presents an analysis of the reasons for the variability of vibration measurement results in rolling bearing quality control. The paper describes the organisation of...
Verification of Satellite Railway Track Position Measurements Making Use of Standard Co-Ordinate Determination Techniques
PublikacjaThe article presents the results of satellite railway track position measurements performed by a multidisciplinary research team, the members of which represented Gdansk University of Technology and Gdynia Maritime University. Measuring methods are described which were used for reconstructing the railway track axis position and diagnosing railway track geometry deformations. As well as that, the description of the novel method...
Evaluation of Thermal Stresses in Asphalt Layers in Comparison with TSRST Test Results
PublikacjaThe paper presents the results of calculations and laboratory determination of thermal stresses at low temperatures. The modified Hills and Brien's method was used to calculate the thermal stresses in asphalt layers of pavements and the results were compared against the values obtained at a laboratory with the Thermal Stress Restrained Specimen Test (TSRST) method. The laboratory investigations were conducted using plain grade...
Verification of a Novel Method of Detecting Faults in Medium-Voltage Systems with Covered Conductors
PublikacjaThis paper describes the use of new methods of detecting faults in medium-voltage overhead lines built of covered conductors. The methods mainly address such faults as falling of a conductor, contacting a conductor with a tree branch, or falling a tree branch across three phases of a medium-voltage conductor. These faults cannot be detected by current digital relay protection systems. Therefore, a new system that can detect the...
Daylighting Education in Practice Verification of a new goal within a European knowledge investigation
PublikacjaTwo independent surveys were conducted in 2017 and in 2018 among architecture students across Europe to investigate their knowledge on daylighting and the impact of that knowledge on the visual perception of daylit spaces. A total of 600 responders were involved. This paper presents findings from the second survey, which was distributed in six European countries. Based on the findings from the first survey, a new goal was set for...
Verification of Economic and Agricultural Indicators With the Use of Statistical Methods on the Example of Individual Farms
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Experimental verification of natural convective heat transfer phenomenon from isothermal cuboids
PublikacjaArtykuł przedstawia wyniki badań eksperymentalnych konwekcyjnej wymiany ciepła od powierzchni izotermicznego prostopadłościanu o stosunkowo dużych rozmiarach (t.j. 1.5 m x1 m x 0.5 m). Celem tych badań było otrzymanie wyników, które można by porównać z otrzymanymi dla obiektu w mniejszej skali i prezentowano we wcześniejszych doniesieniach (Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 46 (2003) 2169-2178). Rozwiązanie eksperymentalne przeprowadzono...
Security aspects in verification of the safety integrity level of distributed control and protection systems
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono najważniejsze zagadnienia zwišzane z weryfikacjš poziomu nienaruszalnoci bezpieczeństwa SIL rozproszonych systemów sterowania i zabezpieczeń z uwzględnieniem aspektów ochrony informacji. Przedstawiono ilociowš metodę weryfikacji poziomu SIL z wykorzystaniem wskaników różnicowych oraz dwuparametrowš funkcję kryterialnš łaczšcš wymagania SIL oraz EAL (poziom uzasadnionego zaufania dla ochrony informacji).
Perceived supervisor support as a relevant factor for subordinates’ job satisfaction – model verification
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Verification of GNSS measurements of the railway track using standard techniques for determining coordinates
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The new footbridge in city of Cracow dynamic design and final verification in test loading
PublikacjaArtykuł przedstawia rozwój projektu kładki od formy architektonicznej do ostatecznego kształtu konstrukcji.
Numerical modelling of moored floating structures using SPH. Preliminary results
PublikacjaThis article presents partial results of the works carried out under the research project "The development of the methodof modeling the dynamics of the floating (offshore) objects subjected to the environment influence", which aims at developing computational methods for modeling the dynamics of offshore structures.The article contains the description of the method of modeling the hydrodynamic impacts using SPH method and the description...
A note on the applications of artificial intelligence in the hospitality industry: preliminary results of a survey
PublikacjaIntelligent technologies are widely implemented in different areas of modern society but specific approaches should be applied in services. Basic relationships refer to supporting customers and people responsible for services offering for these customers. The aim of the paper is to analyze and evaluate the state-of-the art of artificial intelligence (AI) applications in the hospitality industry. Our findings show that the major...
Untargeted metabolomics in gastric and colorectal cancer patients – preliminary results
PublikacjaIntroduction: Recent years, microbiota-associated aspects have been analysed in multiple disorders regarding cancers. Existing evidence pints that gut microorganisms might take part in tumour origin and therapy efficacy. Nevertheless, to date, data on faecal metabolomics in cancer patients is still strongly limited. Therefore, we aimed to analyse gut untargeted metabolome in gastrointestinal cancer patients (i.e., gastric and colorectal...
Solubility of Methane in Water: Some Useful Results for Hydrate Nucleation
PublikacjaIn this paper, the solubility of methane in water along the 400 bar isobar is determined by computer simulations using the TIP4P/Ice force field for water and a simple LJ model for methane. In particular, the solubility of methane in water when in contact with the gas phase and the solubility of methane in water when in contact with the hydrate has been determined. The solubility of methane in a gas–liquid system decreases as temperature...
Reject water and landfil leachate treatment with hydrophyte method - preliminary results
PublikacjaTreatment of landfill leachate (LL) and reject water (RWC) from dewatering of digested sludge in WWTPs have become one of the actual problems. Treatment of both types of wastewater is in many cases very costly and difficult due to quality and quantity fluctuations in time as well as high concentrations of specific pollutants. In case of our investigation the TSS concentration in RWC was two times higher than in LL. The shere of...
A Fast Prediction of the OCR Results Based on Binary Image Quality Assessment Methods
PublikacjaSince the first step of the Optical Character Recognition (OCR) procedure is usually image binarization and the execution of the OCR process takes longer time than image quality assessment (IQA) of binary images, a fast prediction of the OCR results before text recognition would be interesting for non-uniformly illuminated document images, also for applications in mobile devices. Since IQA methods for binary images usually require...
Simulation Results of Dynamic Capacity Reallocation in Hierarchical Cell Structure of UMTS Network
PublikacjaIn the paper simulation results of dynamic capacity reallocation between different layers of hierarchical cell structure of UMTS network has been described. This approach for load management seems to be useful for improving the resource utilization perfmorance.
Real and Virtual Instruments in Machine Learning – Training and Comparison of Classification Results
PublikacjaThe continuous growth of the computing power of processors, as well as the fact that computational clusters can be created from combined machines, allows for increasing the complexity of algorithms that can be trained. The process, however, requires expanding the basis of the training sets. One of the main obstacles in music classification is the lack of high-quality, real-life recording database for every instrument with a variety...
Tinnitus Therapy Based on High-Frequency Linearization Principles - Preliminary Results
PublikacjaThe aim of this work is to present problems related to tinnitus symptoms, its pathogenesis, hypotheses on tinnitus causes, and therapy treatment to reduce or mask the phantom noise. In addition, the hypothesis on the existence of parasitic quantization that accompanies hearing loss has been recalled. Moreover, the paper describes a study carried out by the Authors with the application of high-frequency dither having specially formed...
Fiber-optic Fabry-Pérot sensors – modeling versus measurements results
PublikacjaThis paper describes how parameters of investigated substances and the fiber-optic Fabry-Pérot sensing interferometer affect the spectrum of the optical radiation at the output of the sensor. First, the modeling of the operation of the sensing interferometer was conducted. Most important parameters and effects that were taken into account are: dependences of the refractive indices of the core and the cladding, as well the mode...
Wear estimation of current collector contact strips by analysis of a 3D scanning results
PublikacjaThe technical condition of current collector contact strips is very important when operational reliability of railway transportation is considered. The authors proposed a novel measurement system based on a 3D camera to register the shape and dimensions of the current collector contact strips surface. The system was installed above the railway track for tests in target ambient. During the trial operation a few dozen of contact...
Tire/Road Noise On Poroelastic Road Surfaces - Results Of Laboratory Measurements
PublikacjaTire/road noise is the most important part of traffic noise for medium and high speed driving both in the case of passenger cars and trucks. The potential to make modification of tires that significantly reduce tire/road noise in nearly over, at least for conventional tires so the only promising action is to improve road pavements. One of the innovative solutions is poroelastic road pavement (PERS) that reduces airflow related...
Origin and fate of nanoparticles in marine water – Preliminary results
PublikacjaThe number, morphology and elemental composition of nanoparticles (<100 nm) in marine water was investigated using Variable Pressure Scanning Electron Microscopy (VP-SEM) and Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS). Preliminary research conducted in the Baltic Sea showed that the number of nanoparticles in seawater varied from undetectable to 380 (x102) cm-3. Wind mixing and density barriers (thermocline) had a significant impact...
Some results concerning the complexity of restricted colorings of graphs
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Some results on a trading model in a consensus list coloring
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Report on anisakid nematodes in polar regions – Preliminary results
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Text categorization with semantic commonsense knowledge: First results
PublikacjaDo przetwarzania tekstów typowo wykorzystuje się reprezentacjeBOW. Podejście takie nie daje jednak dobrych rezultatów w sytuacjigdy podobne dokumenty nie współdzielą ze sobą słów.W artykule zaprezentowano podejście do konstrukcji funkcjijądra dla klasyfikatorów SVM opartego na zewnętrznej bazie wiedzyo pojęciach językowych.
Some results on trading model in a consensus list coloring
PublikacjaKonsensusowy model kolorowania grafów - uogólnienie kolorowania listowego, został zdefiniowany przez Mahadeva i Robertsa w 2002 jako użyteczne narzędzie teoretyczne w niektórych zagadnieniach bioinformatycznych. Pozostaje on jednak słabo rozpoznany pod względem własności algorytmicznych. Wykazujemy, że problem kolorowania grafów pełnych w tym modelu jest wielomianowy, co można uogólnić na częściowe k-drzewa przy ustalonym ograniczeniu...
Recent Results from Studies of Electric Discharges in the Mesosphere
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Analysis of the Electronic Device Exploitation Process – Research Results
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Results from a geotechnical benchmark exercises of an embankment on softclay
PublikacjaZagadnienie brzegowo-początkowe przykładowego nasypu budowlanego na podłożu słabonośnym zostało rozwiązane przy pomocy różnych programów komputerowych opierających się na metodzie elementów skończonych. Zastosowano także różne modele konstytutywne opisujące zachowanie się jednorodnego podłoża słabonośnego. Wyniki obliczeń porównano analizując szczegółowo różnice oraz ich przyczyny. Przeprowadzona analiza jest cennym porównaniem...
Some results of experimental research into turbine rotor trajectory
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono rezultaty eksperymentalnych badań trajektorii wirnika turbinowego. Doświadczenia przeprowadzono na modelowej turbinie powietrznej przy różnych częstotliwościach obrotów wału i różnym obciążeniu wału względem osi korpusu.
Results of investigations of the fault arc in L. V. Switchgears
PublikacjaOmówiono wyniki badań eksperymentalnych wyłączania 3 fazowych zwarć łukowych w rozdzielnicach niskonapięciowych za pomocą aparatów umieszczanych jedynie w środkowej fazie płaskiego układu szyn zbiorczych. ...
Thick - film and LTCC multicontact resistors - preliminary results
PublikacjaW artykule zaprezentowano i skomentowano wstępne wyniki elektryczxnych i geometrycznych charakterystyk wielokontaktowychstruktur rezystywnych wykonanych w technologiigrubowarstwowej i LTCC ( ceramicznej z niską temperatura wypadaniz). Realizowane struktury miały rozmiary od 200 x 100 μm2 do 1500 x 500 μm2 i 3 lub 6 kontaktów rozmieszczonych e różny sposób na obwodzie warstwy rezystywnej.
Nordhaus-Gaddum results for the convex domination number of a graph
PublikacjaPraca dotyczy nierówności typu Nordhausa-Gadduma dla dominowania wypukłego.
Agile Requirements Prioritization in Practice: Results of an Industrial Survey
PublikacjaAgile software development stresses the importance of providing the customer with a product of a maximized business value. To achieve that, requirements prioritization is used. Agile development methods like Scrum define guidelines for prioritization, however practitioners do not necessarily have to follow them. Our goal was to investigate the industry practice related to requirements prioritization process, including its timing,...
A Study on Influence of Normalization Methods on Music Genre Classification Results Employing kNN Algorithms
PublikacjaThis paper presents a comparison of different normalization methods applied to the set of feature vectors of music pieces. Test results show the influence of min-nlax and Zero-Mean normalization methods, employing different distance functions (Euclidean, Manhattan, Chebyshev, Minkowski) as a pre-processing for genre classification, on k-Nearest Neighbor (kNN) algorithm classification results.
Verification of Selected Calculation Methods Regarding Shear Strength in Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete Beams
PublikacjaThe purpose of this article was an attempt to compare selected calculation methods regarding shear strength in reinforced and prestressed concrete beams. Several calculation methods were tested. This included codes: PN-EN 1992-1-1:2008 [1], ACI 318- 14 [2] and fib Model Code for Concrete Structures 2010 [3]. The analysis also consists of methods published in technical literature. Calculations of shear strengths were made based...
Design and Simulation Verification of Low Power Wireless Charging Battery System for Electric Bicycle
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Verification of selected calculation methods regarding shear strength in beams without web reinforcement
PublikacjaThe purpose of the article was to compare selected calculation methods regarding shear strength in reinforced concrete beams without web reinforcement. Several calculation methods were tested. This included codes: PN-EN 1992-1-1:2008, ACI 318-14 and fib Model Code for Concrete Structures 2010. The analysis also consists of authorial methods published in technical literature. Calculations of shear strengths were made based on experimental...
Evolutionary Sets of Safe Ship Trajectories: the Method's Development and Selected Reaserch Results
PublikacjaThe Evolutionary Sets of Safe Ship Trajectories is a method solving ship encounter situations. The method combines evolutionary approach to planning ship trajectory with some of the assumption of game theory. For given positions and motion parameters the method finds a near optimal set of safe trajectories of all ships involved in an encounter. This paper presents framework of the method and its development. Additionally, selected...
Preliminary Results of a System-theoretic Assessment of Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships' Safety
PublikacjaWhile a system‐theoretic approach to the safety analysis of innovative socio‐technical systems gains a growing acceptance among academia, safety issues of Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (MASS) remain largely unexplored. Therefore, we applied a System‐Theoretic Process Analysis to develop and analyze a preliminary model of the unmanned shipping system in order to elaborate safety recommendations for...
The concept of estimation of elevator shaft control measurement results in the local 3D coordinate system.
PublikacjaGeodetic control measurements play an important part because they provide information about the current state of repair of the construction, which has a direct impact on the safety assessment of its exploitation. Authors in this paper have focused on control measurements of the elevator shaft. The article discusses the problem of determining the deviation of elevator shaft walls from the vertical plane in the local 3D coordinate...
Comparison of Mathematical Models of Torque Transmitted by Multi-disc Wet Clutch with Experimental Results
PublikacjaIn this article was described the methodology for the experimental study of flows in the prototype of a satellite hydraulic motor with a rotating body. The experimental tests of the motor were carried out at a low constant rotational speed in a wide range of pressure drop in this motor. The constant rotational speed of the motor was kept by a worm gear. Based on the test results, the leakage characteristics in the flat gaps of...
Entanglement of genuinely entangled subspaces and states: Exact, approximate, and numerical results
PublikacjaGenuinely entangled subspaces (GESs) are those subspaces of multipartite Hilbert spaces that consist only of genuinely multiparty entangled pure states. They are natural generalizations of the well-known notion of completely entangled subspaces, which by definition are void of fully product vectors. Entangled subspaces are an important tool of quantum information theory as they directly lead to constructions of entangled states,...
Solubility of carbon dioxide in water: Some useful results for hydrate nucleation
PublikacjaIn this paper, the solubility of carbon dioxide (CO2) in water along the isobar of 400 bar is determined by computer simulations using the well-known TIP4P/Ice force field for water and the TraPPE model for CO2. In particular, the solubility of CO2 in water when in contact with the CO2 liquid phase and the solubility of CO2 in water when in contact with the hydrate have been determined. The solubility of CO2 in a liquid–liquid...
Application in circular sawing machines of the experimental results of investigations of the chip removing system operation
PublikacjaThe experimental results of the chip removing system operation are presented. The main aim of them was to optimize suction system of the panel saw Fx3 and its follower Fx550. The attention was focused on the upper casing, which was the part of removing system. Within the framework of the work a systematic experimental study of pressure distribution in the casing during operation of the selected rotational speed of saw blade with...
Multi-stage magnetic-fluid seals for operating in water - life test procedure, test stand and research results. Part II Results of life tests of multi-stage magnetic - fluid seal operating in water
PublikacjaThe edge criteria for magnetic-fluid seals durability research were described in previous article [24] and now the tests results are presented. The tests were made with three magnetic fluids using various magnets quantity in magnetic assemblies. If values obtained in the repeated test deviated by more than 10 % from results of the first test an additional control test was made for final characteristics. The characteristics are:...