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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: tree

  • Effect of the Road Environment on Road Safety in Poland

    Run-off-road accidents tend to be very severe because when a vehicle leaves the road, it will often crash into a solid obstacle (tree, pole, supports, front wall of a culvert, barrier). A statistical analysis of the data shows that Poland's main roadside hazard is trees and the severity of vehicles striking a tree in a run-off-road crash. The risks are particularly high in north-west Poland with many of the roads lined up with...

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  • Wybrane metody przydatne w analizie niezawodności i bezpieczeństwa funkcjonalnego systemów technicznych.


    Przedstawiono wybrane metody przydatne w analizie niezawodności i bezpieczeństwa funkcjonalnego systemów technicznych takie jak: metoda FMECA (failure mode, effect and criticality analysis, FTA (fault tree analysis, RBD (reliability block diagram) RCM (reliability centered maintenance, LCC (life cycle cost) i PMO (preventive maintenance optimising.

  • Non-isolating bondage in graphs

    A dominating set of a graph $G = (V,E)$ is a set $D$ of vertices of $G$ such that every vertex of $V(G) \setminus D$ has a neighbor in $D$. The domination number of a graph $G$, denoted by $\gamma(G)$, is the minimum cardinality of a dominating set of $G$. The non-isolating bondage number of $G$, denoted by $b'(G)$, is the minimum cardinality among all sets of edges $E' \subseteq E$ such that $\delta(G-E') \ge 1$ and $\gamma(G-E')...

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  • Non-isolating 2-bondage in graphs

    A 2-dominating set of a graph G=(V,E) is a set D of vertices of G such that every vertex of V(G)D has at least two neighbors in D. The 2-domination number of a graph G, denoted by gamma_2(G), is the minimum cardinality of a 2-dominating set of G. The non-isolating 2-bondage number of G, denoted by b_2'(G), is the minimum cardinality among all sets of edges E' subseteq E such that delta(G-E') >= 1 and gamma_2(G-E') > gamma_2(G)....

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  • Drawing maps with advice


    W pracy podejmujemy temat konstrukcji algorytmu dla agenta, który zostaje umieszczony w dowolnym wierzchołku grafu (wierzchołki są nierozróżnialne, krawędzie mają etykiety portów), po czym realizuje algorytm zmierzający do znalezienia drzewa spinającego grafu lub izomorficznej kopii grafu. Dla obu problemów podajemy asymptotycznie dokładne lub prawie dokładne oszacowania na ilość bitów dodatkowej informacji, którą agent musi otrzymać...

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  • Utilization of New Activated Carbon Derived from an Oak Leaves for Removal of Crystal Violet from Aqueous Solution

    Significant negative environmental impact has been noticed at the campus garden of Gdansk University of Technology , Poland, when the withered leaves of Quercus robur Oak Tree (OL) cover large areas at such places. In this regards,an attempt has been made to recycle the most abundant agricultural leaf waste into a high quality local activated carbon (LAC) for use in the decolorizating processes of dye industrial waste- water.

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  • The complexity of zero-visibility cops and robber



    We consider the zero-visibility cops & robber game restricted to trees. We produce a characterisation of trees of copnumber k and We consider the computational complexity of the zero-visibility Cops and Robber game. We present a heavily modified version of an already-existing algorithm that computes the zero-visibility copnumber of a tree in linear time and we show that the corresponding decision problem is NP-complete on a nontrivial...

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  • Distinguishing views in symmetric networks: A tight lower bound


    The view of a node in a port-labeled network is an infinite tree encoding all walks in the network originating from this node. We prove that for any integers n ≥ D ≥ 1, there exists a port-labeled network with at most n nodes and diameter at most D which contains a pair of nodes whose (infinite) views are different, but whose views truncated to depth Omega( D log(n/ D )) are identical.

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  • Komputerowo wspomagana klasyfikacja wybranych sygnałów elektromiografii powierzchniowej

    Wykorzystywanie sygnałów elektromiografii powierzchniowej (ang. Surface Electromyography, SEMG) w procesach sterowania systemami rehabilitacyjnymi stanowi obecnie standardową procedurę. Popularność SEMG wynika z nieinwazyjności metody oraz możliwości szybkiej i precyzyjnej identyfikacji funkcji mięśniowej. W przypadku osób małoletnich proces klasyfikacji sygnałów jest utrudniony ze względu na mniejsze rozmiary i wyższą dynamikę...

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  • Building Polish space sector – from small islands of excellence to a national innovation ecosystem


    In the paper a national potential of Poland to build its space industry after joining the European Space Agency (ESA) in 2012 is assessed, based on the series of survey reports published annually by POLSA since 2016. Their methodology was based on the ESA technology tree, classifying all the space-related technical knowhow and allowed identification of the most promising strengths to exploit and shortages to challenge by policymakers...

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  • All-gather Algorithms Resilient to Imbalanced Process Arrival Patterns

    Two novel algorithms for the all-gather operation resilient to imbalanced process arrival patterns (PATs) are presented. The first one, Background Disseminated Ring (BDR), is based on the regular parallel ring algorithm often supplied in MPI implementations and exploits an auxiliary background thread for early data exchange from faster processes to accelerate the performed all-gather operation. The other algorithm, Background Sorted...

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  • The circle object detection with the use of Msplit estimation


    - Rok 2018

    The paper presents the use of Msplit(q) - estimation in the filtration and aggregation of point clouds containing a known number of elliptical shapes with preliminary unknown - locations and dimensions. These theoretical solutions may have practical relevance especially in the modelling of terrestrial laser scanning data of objects that have similar shape to circles. Mentioned shapes can be scanned of tree trunks, columns, gutters,...

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  • Investigation into MPI All-Reduce Performance in a Distributed Cluster with Consideration of Imbalanced Process Arrival Patterns


    - Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing - Rok 2020

    The paper presents an evaluation of all-reduce collective MPI algorithms for an environment based on a geographically-distributed compute cluster. The testbed was split into two sites: CI TASK in Gdansk University of Technology and ICM in University of Warsaw, located about 300 km from each other, both connected by a fast optical fiber Ethernet-based 100 Gbps network (900 km part of the PIONIER backbone). Each site hosted a set...

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  • Collision-Free Network Exploration

    • J. Czyzowicz
    • D. Dereniowski
    • L. Gąsieniec
    • R. Klasing
    • A. Kosowski
    • D. Pająk

    - Rok 2014

    A set of mobile agents is placed at different nodes of a n-node network. The agents synchronously move along the network edges in a collision-free way, i.e., in no round may two agents occupy the same node. In each round, an agent may choose to stay at its currently occupied node or to move to one of its neighbors. An agent has no knowledge of the number and initial positions of other agents. We are looking for the shortest possible...

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  • Environmental Role of Rime Chemistry at Selected Mountain Sites in Poland

    The results of field experiments on fog pollutantdeposition enhanced by local mountain climate, completed by thedendrochronological analysis of the forest response, are presentedin this paper. In spite of their low absolute altitude (1,000-1,600 ma.s.l), the Sudetes and the Silesian Beskid form a noticeable orographicbarrier for the airflow of the humid Atlantic air masses.This results in the increase of cloudiness and fog frequency...

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  • Investigation of continuous wave jamming in an IEEE 802.15.4 network


    This paper presents how continuous wave jamming affects IEEE 802.15.4 network. To this end, an office-based measurement setup has been proposed. Within the measurement area, 25 nodes have been set up in order to create a IEEE 802.15.4 tree-based test network structure. A dedicated jamming device that generates and transmits a continuous wave signal has been developed. Several tests have been conducted and presented to demonstrate...

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    Dla administratorów systemów sieciowych niezwykle istot-nym jest posiadanie narzędzia tworzącego dynamicznie mapę sieci do celów zarządzania, diagnostyki, zapobiegania awariom i włamaniom. Artykuł prezentuje protokoły wspierające tworzenie map sieci a także własne badania nad usprawnieniem istniejących algorytmów. Proponowane rozwiązania to: budowa map z użyciem protokołu LLDP i SNMP, odkrywanie wąskich gardeł w sieciach dzięki...

  • Improving all-reduce collective operations for imbalanced process arrival patterns


    Two new algorithms for the all-reduce operation optimized for imbalanced process arrival patterns (PAPs) are presented: (1) sorted linear tree, (2) pre-reduced ring as well as a new way of online PAP detection, including process arrival time estimations, and their distribution between cooperating processes was introduced. The idea, pseudo-code, implementation details, benchmark for performance evaluation and a real case example...

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  • The Snow Team Problem


    - Rok 2017

    We study several problems of clearing subgraphs by mobile agents in digraphs. The agents can move only along directed walks of a digraph and, depending on the variant, their initial positions may be pre-specified. In general, for a given subset~$\cS$ of vertices of a digraph $D$ and a positive integer $k$, the objective is to determine whether there is a subgraph $H=(\cV_H,\cA_H)$ of $D$ such that (a) $\cS \subseteq \cV_H$, (b)...

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  • A graph coloring approach to scheduling of multiprocessor tasks on dedicated machines with availability constraints

    We address a generalization of the classical 1- and 2-processor unit execution time scheduling problem on dedicated machines. In our chromatic model of scheduling machines have non-simultaneous availability times and tasks have arbitrary release times and due dates. Also, the versatility of our approach makes it possible to generalize all known classical criteria of optimality. Under these stipulations we show that the problem...

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  • Weighted 2-sections and hypergraph reconstruction


    In the paper we introduce the notion of weighted 2-sections of hypergraphs with integer weights and study the following hypergraph reconstruction problems: (1) Given a weighted graph , is there a hypergraph H such that is its weighted 2-section? (2) Given a weighted 2-section , find a hypergraph H such that is its weighted 2-section. We show that (1) is NP-hard even if G is a complete graph or integer weights w does not exceed...

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  • Vehicle classification based on soft computing algorithms

    Experiments and results regarding vehicle type classification are presented. Three classes of vehicles are recognized: sedans, vans and trucks. The system uses a non-calibrated traffic camera, therefore no direct vehicle dimensions are used. Various vehicle descriptors are tested, including those based on vehicle mask only and those based on vehicle images. The latter ones employ Speeded Up Robust Features (SURF) and gradient images...

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  • The impact of training and neurotrophins on functional recovery after spinal cord transection: cellular and molecular mechanisms contributing to motor improvement

    Beneficial effects of locomotor training on the functional recovery after complete transection of the spinal cord indicate that in chronic spinal animals spontaneous recovery processes are enhanced and shaped by the training. The mechanisms of that use-dependent improvement are still not fully understood. This review tackles three aspects of this issue: (1) neurochemical attributes of functional improvement...

  • New data acquisition system for birch sap concentrate production using the reverse osmosis technology

    The work presents a simple electronic device that helps to monitor the basic parameters of the reverse osmosis (RO) system during the concentration of birch tree sap. The construction costs are low (around 150 Euro) but the functionality of the device is high. It has an in-build two channel conductometer and can measure the volumetric flow rate of two streams of liquids. The collected data are transmitted wirelessly via Bluetooth...

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  • The Effect of Protrusions on the Initiation of Partial Discharges in XLPE High Voltage Cables


    - Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences-Technical Sciences - Rok 2021

    This paper is focusing on 3D Finite Elements Analysis (FEA) based modelling of protrusions as defects or imperfections in the XLPE high voltage cable. This study is aiming to examine the impact protrusions have on the initiation of partial discharges. Spherical and ellipsoidal protrusions with different sizes at the conductor screen of the high voltage cable is an essential content of this paper. In addition, a spherical gas-filled...

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  • On the Limiting distribution of Lempel Ziv'78 Redundancy for Memoryles Sources


    - Rok 2014

    We show that the Lempel Ziv'78 redundancy rate tends to a Gaussian distribution for memoryless sources. We accomplish it by extending findings from our 1995 paper [3]. We present a new simplified proof of the Central Limit Theorem for the number of phrases in the LZ'78 algorithm. As in our 1995 paper, here we first analyze the asymptotic behavior of the total path length in a digital search tree (a DST) built from independent sequences....

  • Limiting distribution of Lempel Ziv'78 redundancy


    - Rok 2011

    We show that the Lempel Ziv'78 redundancy rate tends to a Gaussian distribution for memoryless sources. We accomplish it by extending findings from our 1995 paper [3]. We present a new simplified proof of the Central Limit Theorem for the number of phrases in the LZ'78 algorithm. As in our 1995 paper, here we first analyze the asymptotic behavior of the total path length in a digital search tree (a DST) built from independent sequences....

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  • Runoff Water


    - Rok 2013

    This entry summarizes the current state of knowledge on the role of atmospheric pollutants' transport to the surface and transformations of wet deposition on contact with various surfaces. Runoff waters are one of the forms in which precipitation reaches the groundwater and surface water. They are formed when rain or melting snow washes the surfaces of roofs, highways, agricultural areas, or tree canopies. Pollutants present in...

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  • Exploiting multi-interface networks: Connectivity and Cheapest Paths


    - WIRELESS NETWORKS - Rok 2010

    Let G = (V,E) be a graph which models a set of wireless devices (nodes V) that can communicate by means of multiple radio interfaces, according to proximity and common interfaces (edges E). The problem of switching on (activating) the minimum cost set of interfaces at the nodes in order to guarantee the coverage of G was recently studied. A connection is covered (activated) when the endpoints of the corresponding edge share at...

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  • Conversion of waste biomass into activated carbon and evaluation of environmental consequences using life cycle assessment

    • M. Amin
    • H. H. Shah
    • A. Iqbal
    • M. Krawczuk
    • U. Z. R. Faroogi
    • A. Zia

    - Applied Sciences-Basel - Rok 2022

    In this article, activated carbon was produced from Lantana camara and olive trees by H3PO4 chemical activation. The prepared activated carbons were analyzed by characterizations such as scanning electron microscopy, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, Brunauer–Emmett–Teller, X-ray diffraction, thermogravimetric analysis, and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. H3PO4 is used as an activator agent to create an abundant pore...

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  • Examining Classifiers Applied to Static Hand Gesture Recognition in Novel Sound Mixing System

    The main objective of the chapter is to present the methodology and results of examining various classifiers (Nearest Neighbor-like algorithm with non-nested generalization (NNge), Naive Bayes, C4.5 (J48), Random Tree, Random Forests, Artificial Neural Networks (Multilayer Perceptron), Support Vector Machine (SVM) used for static gesture recognition. A problem of effective gesture recognition is outlined in the context of the system...

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  • Reconstruction of 3D structure of positive corona streamer by local methods

    • M. Kocik
    • M. Tański
    • J. Mizeraczyk
    • R. Ichiki
    • S. Kanazawa
    • J. Dembski

    - Rok 2009

    The computer algorithms were used for reconstruction of streamer 3D structure. We propose the 3D tree structure model of corona discharge streamer composed with nodes and edges between chosen couples of nodes, which enables easy computation of some important parameters ofstreamers. The 3D model can be derived directly from two projection images by global methods like evolutionary searching or particle simulations. In this paper...

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  • Clearing directed subgraphs by mobile agents



    We study several problems of clearing subgraphs by mobile agents in digraphs. The agents can move only along directed walks of a digraph and, depending on the variant, their initial positions may be pre-specified. In general, for a given subset S of vertices of a digraph D and a positive integer k, the objective is to determine whether there is a subgraph H=(V,A) of D such that (a) S is a subset of V, (b) H is the union of k directed...

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  • Estimation of the Ultimate Strength of FRP Strips-to-Masonry Substrates Bond


    - Applied Sciences-Basel - Rok 2023

    Fiber-Reinforced Polymers (FRP) were developed as a new method over the past decades due to their many beneficial mechanical properties, and they are commonly applied to strengthen masonry structures. In this paper, the Artificial Neural Network (ANN), K-fold Cross-Validation (KFCV) technique, Multivariate Adaptive Regression Spline (MARS) method, and M5 Model Tree (M5MT) method were utilized to predict the ultimate strength of...

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  • Collision-free network exploration

    • J. Czyzowicz
    • D. Dereniowski
    • L. Gąsieniec
    • R. Klasing
    • A. Kosowski
    • D. Pająk


    Mobile agents start at different nodes of an n-node network. The agents synchronously move along the network edges in a collision-free way, i.e., in no round two agents may occupy the same node. An agent has no knowledge of the number and initial positions of other agents. We are looking for the shortest time required to reach a configuration in which each agent has visited all nodes and returned to its starting location. In...

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  • Domination subdivision and domination multisubdivision numbers of graphs

    The domination subdivision number sd(G) of a graph G is the minimum number of edges that must be subdivided (where an edge can be subdivided at most once) in order to increase the domination number of G. It has been shown [10] that sd(T)<=3 for any tree T. We prove that the decision problem of the domination subdivision number is NP-complete even for bipartite graphs. For this reason we define the domination multisubdivision number...

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  • Nagranie formy muzycznej w systemie stereofonii dookólnej


    - Rok 2009

    Celem pracy była realizacja nagrania kwintetu jazzowego w wybranych systemach stereofonii wielokanałowej. Dodatkowym celem było przeprowadzenie testów subiektywnych zrealizowanych nagrań. W pracy zawarto w pierwszej kolejności zagadnienia związane z przestrzenną lokalizacją źródeł dźwięku przez człowieka. W dalszej części przywołane zostały wybrane techniki mikrofonowe stereofonii wielokanałowej, a także metody prowadzenia testów...

  • NLP Questions Answering Using DBpedia and YAGO

    In this paper, we present results of employing DBpedia and YAGO as lexical databases for answering questions formulated in the natural language. The proposed solution has been evaluated for answering class 1 and class 2 questions (out of 5 classes defined by Moldovan for TREC conference). Our method uses dependency trees generated from the user query. The trees are browsed for paths leading from the root of the tree to the question...

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  • Process arrival pattern aware algorithms for acceleration of scatter and gather operations

    Imbalanced process arrival patterns (PAPs) are ubiquitous in many parallel and distributed systems, especially in HPC ones. The collective operations, e.g. in MPI, are designed for equal process arrival times (PATs), and are not optimized for deviations in their appearance. We propose eight new PAP-aware algorithms for the scatter and gather operations. They are binomial or linear tree adaptations introducing additional process...

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  • The design of an intelligent medical space supporting automated patient interviewing


    The article presents the architecture and results of implementing an application for the intelligent medical space UbiDoDo (Ubiquitous Domestic Doctor's Office). The main purpose of the application is real-time monitoring of the biomedical parameters of a patient in his domestic environment. It allows an immediate reaction to appearing symptoms and provides means to automatically interview the patient and deliver his results to...

  • On the Limiting Distribution of Lempel-Ziv’78 Redundancy for Memoryless Sources


    We study the Lempel-Ziv'78 algorithm and show that its (normalized) redundancy rate tends to a Gaussian distribution for memoryless sources. We accomplish it by extending findings from our 1995 paper, in particular, by presenting a new simplified proof of the central limit theorem (CLT) for the number of phrases in the LZ'78 algorithm. We first analyze the asymptotic behavior of the total path length in the associated digital search...

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  • Impact of surface skin temperature change on blood flow characteristics in palm


    Heating a human palm during 3 minutes period causes changes in superficial skin temperature and leads to thermoregulation system response. The response time and level of flow characteristics change depend on the subject hand size and health of his vascular tree. A solution of Pennes bioheat propagation model was analyzed in order to see how much heat has to be transferred into the tissue to extort the observable reaction. The reflective...

  • The role of analytical chemistry in the study of the Anthropocene



    The term “Anthropocene” refers to not yet formalized epoch of geologic time during which geologic processes have been dominated by the human impact. This impact takes on many forms. Biological, physical and chemical changes to the Earth System caused by anthropogenic activity are recorded in natural archives either as new fossil assemblages (neobiota), anthropogenic deposits or a wide variety of pollutants emitted to the environment....

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  • DBpedia and YAGO Based System for Answering Questions in Natural Language

    In this paper we propose a method for answering class 1 and class 2 questions (out of 5 classes defined by Moldovan for TREC conference) based on DBpedia and YAGO. Our method is based on generating dependency trees for the query. In the dependency tree we look for paths leading from the root to the named entity of interest. These paths (referenced further as fibers) are candidates for representation of actual user intention. The...

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  • Toward Human Chromosome Knowledge Engine



    Human chromosomes carry genetic information about our life. Chromosome classification is crucial for karyotype analysis. Existing chromosome classification methods do not take into account reasoning, such as: analyzing the relationship between variables, modeling uncertainty, and performing causal reasoning. In this paper, we introduce a knowledge engine for reasoning-based human chromosome classification that stores knowledge...

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  • COVID-19 severity forecast based on machine learning and complete blood count data

    Proper triage of COVID-19 patients is a key factor in eective case management, especially with limited and insucient resources. In this paper, we propose a machine-aided diagnostic system to predict how badly a patient with COVID-19 will develop disease. The prognosis of this type is based on the parameters of commonly used complete blood count tests, which makes it possible to obtain data from a wide range of patients.We chose...

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  • COVID-19 severity forecast based on machine learning and complete blood count data

    Proper triage of COVID-19 patients is a key factor in eective case management, especially with limited and insucient resources. In this paper, we propose a machine-aided diagnostic system to predict how badly a patient with COVID-19 will develop disease. The prognosis of this type is based on the parameters of commonly used complete blood count tests, which makes it possible to obtain data from a wide range of patients.We chose...

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  • Road Restraint Systems as a Basis for Roadside Safety Improvement

    Roadside-related crashes occur when vehicles run off the road. The majority of the crashes have severe outcomes, especially when an object is hit (tree, pole, supports, front wall of a culvert, barrier). These accidents represent app. 19% of all of Poland's road deaths. Roadside crashes involve: hitting a tree, hitting a barrier, hitting a sign or utility pole, vehicle roll-over on the roadside, vehicle roll-over on a slope and...

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  • Comparative Evaluation of Selected Biological Methods for the Removal of Hydrophilic and Hydrophobic Odorous VOCs from Air

    Due to increasingly stringent legal regulations as well as increasing social awareness, the removal of odorous volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from air is gaining importance. This paper presents the strategy to compare selected biological methods intended for the removal of different air pollutants, especially of odorous character. Biofiltration, biotrickling filtration and bioscrubbing technologies are evaluated in terms of...

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  • Parity vertex colouring of graphs


    - Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory - Rok 2011

    A parity path in a vertex colouring of a graph is a path along which each colour is used an even number of times. Let Xp(G) be the least number of colours in a proper vertex colouring of G having no parity path. It is proved that for any graph G we have the following tight bounds X(G) <= Xp(G) <=|V(G)|− a(G)+1, where X(G) and a(G) are the chromatic number and the independence number of G, respectively. The bounds are improved for...

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