wszystkich: 1088
wybranych: 898
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: predicting the breakout force
Prediction of protein structure using a knowledge-based off-lattice united-residue force field and global optimization methods
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Improved conformational space annealing method to treat β-structure with the UNRES force-field and to enhance scalability of parallel implementation
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Prediction of Stress and Deformation Caused by Magnetic Attraction Force in Modulation Elements in a Magnetically Geared Machine Using Subdomain Modeling
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Coupled evolution of preferential paths for force and damage in the pre-failure regime in disordered and heterogeneous, quasi-brittle granular materials.
PublikacjaMetoda elementów dyskretnych (DEM) została wykorzystana do symulacji betonu poddanego jednoosiowemu rozciąganiu. Beton modelowano jako materiał losową heterogeniczy 2/3-fazowy, złożony z cząstek kruszywa, matrycy cementowej i stref przejściowych międzyfazowej. Odkryto dowody na zoptymalizowaną transmisję siły, scharakteryzowaną przez dwa nowe wzorce, które przewidują i wyjaśniają sprzężoną ewolucję ścieżki siły i uszkodzenia od...
<p>Optimal Body Fat Percentage Cut-Off Values in Predicting the Obesity-Related Cardiovascular Risk Factors: A Cross-Sectional Cohort Study</p>
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Use of Restraints from Consensus Fragments of Multiple Server Models To Enhance Protein-Structure Prediction Capability of the UNRES Force Field
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Protein structure prediction with the UNRES force-field using Replica-Exchange Monte Carlo-with-Minimization; Comparison with MCM, CSA, and CFMC
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Improvement of the Treatment of Loop Structures in the UNRES Force Field by Inclusion of Coupling between Backbone- and Side-Chain-Local Conformational States
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Physics-based protein-structure prediction using a hierarchical protocol based on the UNRES force field: Assessment in two blind tests
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Optimization of the UNRES Force Field by Hierarchical Design of the Potential-Energy Landscape. 2. Off-Lattice Tests of the Method with Single Proteins
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High-Performance Face Milling of 42CrMo4 Steel: Influence of Entering Angle on the Measured Surface Roughness, Cutting Force and Vibration Amplitude
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Report no: WOiO /II/46/2015 - Construction node verification test, estimation of breaking load (shear force) and destruction form
PublikacjaA new generation of tanks for LNG transportation has been designed. Mass reduction forced our customer to use three different materials: austenitic steel, aluminium alloy and LNG compressed wood between them. The expertise concerns structural node between tank foundation and suspension. Expertise contains: description of object of test, test principals, results and conclusions
Atomic force microscopy based approach to local impedance measurements of grain interiors and grain boundaries of sensitized AISI 304 stainless steel
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Optimization of the UNRES Force Field by Hierarchical Design of the Potential-Energy Landscape. 1. Tests of the Approach Using Simple Lattice Protein Models
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Prediction of protein structure with the coarse-grained UNRES force field assisted by small X-ray scattering data and knowledge-based information
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Ensemble fits of restrained peptides’ conformational equilibria to NMR data. Dependence on force fields: AMBER/8 ff03 versus ECEPP/3
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Comparative study of donor-induced quantum dots in Si nano-channels by single-electron transport characterization and Kelvin probe force microscopy
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Atomic force microscopy based approach to local impedance measurements of grain interiors and grain boundaries of sensitized AISI 304 stanless steel
PublikacjaPraca prezentuje wyniki badań uzyskane z pomiarów techniką lokalnej spektroskopii impedancyjnej (LIS) wykonanych w trybie kontaktowym mikroskopii sił atomowych (AFM), które zostały przeprowadzone w lokalnych obszarach powierzchni ziarna austenitu i na granicy ziarna austenitu wysokostopowej stali austenitycznej AISI 304 poddanej procesowi uczulania oraz na próbkach odniesienia nie poddanych obróbce cieplnej.Badania LIS-AFM były...
Thermal cooling process by nanofluid flowing near stagnating point of expanding surface under induced magnetism force: A computational case study
PublikacjaThis paper is dedicated to the exam of entropy age and research of the effect of mixing nanosolid additives over an extending sheet. In this review, Newtonian nanofluid version turned into researched at the actuated appealing field, heat radiation and variable heat conductivity results. With becoming modifications, the proven PDEs are moved into popular differential situations and paintings mathematically making use of a specific...
Predicting the Purchase of Electricity Prices for Renewable Energy Sources Based on Polish Power Grids Data Using Deep Learning Models for Controlling Small Hybrid PV Microinstallations
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Physics-Based Potentials for the Coupling between Backbone- and Side-Chain-Local Conformational States in the United Residue (UNRES) Force Field for Protein Simulations
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Parametrization of Backbone−Electrostatic and Multibody Contributions to the UNRES Force Field for Protein-Structure Prediction from Ab Initio Energy Surfaces of Model Systems
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2007 Guidelines for the management of arterial hypertension: The Task Force for the Management of Arterial Hypertension of the European Society of Hypertension (ESH) and of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC)
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Analysis of Cutting Force and Power Under the Conditions of Minimized Cooling in the Process of Turning AISI-1045 Steel with the Use of the Parameter Space Investigation Method
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In silico modelling for predicting the cationic hydrophobicity and cytotoxicity of ionic liquids towards the Leukemia rat cell line, Vibrio fischeri and Scenedesmus vacuolatus based on molecular interaction potentials of ions
PublikacjaIn this study we present prediction models for estimating in silico the cationic hydrophobicity and the cytotoxicity (log [1/EC50]) of ionic liquids (ILs) towards the Leukemia rat cell line (IPC-81), the marine bacterium Vibrio fischeri and the limnic green algae Scenedesmus vacuolatus using linear free energy relationship (LFER) descriptors computed by COSMO calculations. The LFER descriptors used for the prediction model (i.e....
Molecular Simulation Study of the Potentials of Mean Force for the Interactions between Models of Like-Charged and between Charged and Nonpolar Amino Acid Side Chains in Water
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A Hierarchical Multiscale Approach to Protein Structure Prediction: Production of Low‐Resolution Packing Arrangements of Helices and Refinement of the Best Models with a United‐Residue Force Field
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Simple Physics-Based Analytical Formulas for the Potentials of Mean Force for the Interaction of Amino Acid Side Chains in Water. IV. Pairs of Different Hydrophobic Side Chains
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Surface characteristics of glass fibres covered with an aluminum layer after a chemical modification process using secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) and atomic force microscopy (AFM)
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono wyniki z badań powierzchni modyfikowanych włókien szklanych (przed i po procesie chemicznej modyfikacji ich powierzchni), które są kandydatem na przyszły oryginalny bezmatrycowy materiał odniesienia lotnych analitów etenu (C2H4) metodami spektrometrii mas jonów wtórnych oraz mikroskopii sił atomowych. Badania miały na celu obserwację zmian oraz procesów, jakie zaszły na powierzchni włókien szklanych pokrytych...
Implementation of Molecular Dynamics and Its Extensions with the Coarse-Grained UNRES Force Field on Massively Parallel Systems: Toward Millisecond-Scale Simulations of Protein Structure, Dynamics, and Thermodynamics
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ARIMA vs LSTM on NASDAQ stock exchange data
PublikacjaThis study compares the results of two completely different models: statistical one (ARIMA) and deep learning one (LSTM) based on a chosen set of NASDAQ data. Both models are used to predict daily or monthly average prices of chosen companies listed on the NASDAQ stock exchange. Research shows which model performs better in terms of the chosen input data, parameters and number of features. The chosen models were compared using...
Overcoming Challenges of Virtual Scrum Teams: Lessons Learned Through an Action Research Study
PublikacjaAfter the COVID-19 breakout, agile teams found themselves in situations that “pure agilists” and textbooks on agile methods had preferred to ignore. Whereas agile mindsets helped them to quickly shift to remote work, mere virtualization of agile practices often proved insufficient, and several challenges emerged. This paper reports on an Action Research project carried out in Lufthansa Systems Poland with the aim of (1) revisiting...
Physics-Based Coarse-Grained Modeling in Bio- and Nanochemistry
PublikacjaCoarse-grained approaches, in which groups of atoms are represented by single interaction sites, are very important in biological and materials sciences because they enable us to cover the size- and time-scales by several orders of magnitude larger than those available all-atom simulations, while largely keeping the details of the systems studied. The coarse-grained approaches differ by the scheme of reduction and by the origin...
Machine learning-based prediction of seismic limit-state capacity of steel moment-resisting frames considering soil-structure interaction
PublikacjaRegarding the unpredictable and complex nature of seismic excitations, there is a need for vulnerability assessment of newly constructed or existing structures. Predicting the seismic limit-state capacity of steel Moment-Resisting Frames (MRFs) can help designers to have a preliminary estimation and improve their views about the seismic performance of the designed structure. This study improved data-driven decision techniques in...
Combined numerical and experimental approach to determine numerical model of abdominal scaffold
PublikacjaA proper junction of the prosthesis and the abdominal wall is important in successful hernia repair. The number of tacks should be balanced to assure appropriate mesh fixation and not to induce post-operative pain. Numerical simulations help to find this balance. The study is aimed at creating a proper numerical model of a knitted surgical mesh subjected to boundary conditions and load occurring in the abdominal cavity. Continuous,...
Computational Complexity and Its Influence on Predictive Capabilities of Machine Learning Models for Concrete Mix Design
PublikacjaThe design of concrete mixtures is crucial in concrete technology, aiming to produce concrete that meets specific quality and performance criteria. Modern standards require not only strength but also eco-friendliness and production efficiency. Based on the Three Equation Method, conventional mix design methods involve analytical and laboratory procedures but are insufficient for contemporary concrete technology, leading to overengineering...
Extended duration running and impulse loading characteristics of an acoustic bearing with enhanced geometry
PublikacjaThis paper presents performance during prolonged running of the acoustic bearing when PZTs are switched off and when they are switched on. The effect of active PZT on shaft’s displacements in X and Y directions is clearly demonstrated. Performance of the acoustic bearing was also assessed when an impulse force was applied to the running shaft at speed. Once again the benefits of having PZTs active are beyond doubt. The instability...
PublikacjaIn the paper dierent approaches of predicting blood pressure values are presented. Basically, two methods and theirs modifications are considered. In total, seven algorithms have been examined. Tests have been conducted using both synthetic and clinical data. From our study it follows that none of the examined methods is superior to other.
Wpływ strat mechanicznych w siłowniku teleskopowym zespołu zagęszczającego w pojeździe do usuwania odpadów z pojemników na skuteczność prasowania odpadów
PublikacjaHydraulic telescopic cylinders are used to power the moving wall of rear loader garbage trucks equipped with the traditional "sweep and slide" system. As the garbage compression force is directly dependent on the resistance force of the moving wall, losses in the hydraulic telescopic cylinder influence the compaction process. Taking them into account in the control system may improve the operation of the compaction...
The significance of the properties of water for the working cycle of the kinesin molecular motor
PublikacjaExplicit solvent molecular dynamics simulations were performed in this study to investigate and discuss several aspects of the influence of the properties of water on the working cycle of a molecular motor from the kinesin superfamily. The main objects of attention were: the binding of the neck linker and the association of the kinesin and the tubulin. The docking of the neck linker is considered a crucial event during the working...
Wysokociśnieniowe uszczelnienia ruchu obrotowego wału hydraulicznych maszyn wyporowych
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań mające na celu wytypowanie węzła uszczelniającego wał silnika hydraulicznego zapewniającego najwyższą trwałość przy smarowaniu wodą. Parametry pracy: ciśnienie 2 MPa i minimalna prędkość poślizgu uszczelek 2 m/s. Opisano również nowatorski przyrząd, na którym przeprowadzono pomiary wszystkich parametrów węzła uszczelniającego.
Stability of truss with side - supports. The case of linear and rotational elastic supports
PublikacjaThe research is devoted to study lateral buckling of truss with linear and rotational elastic side-supports. Geometrically nonlinear analysis of example truss with linear and rotational elastic sidesupports is carried out. The limit normal force in compressed chord of the truss due to stiffness of side supports is calculated. The elastic support reaction in relation to force in compressed chordand coefficient of buckling length...
Theoretical calculation of the physico-chemical properties of 1-butyl-4-methylpyridinium based ionic liquids
PublikacjaACCEPTED MAIonic liquids (ILs) have attracted much attention for their unique physicochemical properties, which can be designed as needed by altering the ion combinations. Besides experimental work, numerous computational studies have been concerned with prediction of physical properties of ILs. The results of molecular dynamics simulations of ILs depend strongly on the proper force field parameterization. Classical force fields...
Impact damage in SiO2 nanoparticle enhanced epoxy – Carbon fibre composites
PublikacjaLow velocity impact behaviour of nano-SiO2 enhanced carbon fibre/epoxy composites for naval applications is reported. Epoxy resin matrix was enhanced by 1- 8 wt% SiO2 nanoparticles, based on industrial surface-modified nanosilica. Impact parameters: force, deformation, energy, damage size were recorded. The most pronounced effect was damage size decrease; e.g. ∼28% recorded by infrared thermography and X-ray computed radiography...
A New Critical Risk on the Block: Cyber Risks as an Example of Technical Knowledge Risks in Organizations
PublikacjaThe breakout of the COVID-19 pandemic has intensified the appearance of many additional technical knowledge risks in organizations. Cyber risks in particular are becoming a great challenge for organizations. At the same time, academic research on cyber risks, their costs, consequences and ability of overcoming them is still scarce and fragmented. In order to fill this gap, the paper is aimed to identify different types of cyber...
Application of dynamic impedance spectroscopy to scanning probe microscopy.
PublikacjaDynamic impedance spectroscopy, designed for measuring nonstationary systems, was used in combination with scanning probe microscopy. Using this approach, impedance mapping could be carried-out simultaneously with topography scanning. Therefore, correlation of electrical properties with particular phases of an examined sample was possible. The sample used in this study was spheroidal graphite cast iron with clearly defined phases...
Effects of polymer sealant interlayer on quality of EN AW-2024-T3 aluminum alloy lap joint prepared by friction stir welding
PublikacjaThis study investigates the influence of polymer interlayers on the mechanical properties and fracture behavior of friction stir welded EN AW-2024-T3 aluminum alloy joints. Aqualock AL 6002 (Adhesive_1) and 3M Adhesion Promoter 86A (Adhesive_2) were selected as polymeric sealants for EN AW-2024-T3 aluminum alloy interfaces. Force analysis revealed that the choice of polymer interlayer significantly affects the axial force during...
Model-Based Adaptive Machine Learning Approach in Concrete Mix Design
PublikacjaConcrete mix design is one of the most critical issues in concrete technology. This process aims to create a concrete mix which helps deliver concrete with desired features and quality. Contemporary requirements for concrete concern not only its structural properties, but also increasingly its production process and environmental friendliness, forcing concrete producers to use both chemically and technologically complex concrete...
Advanced Scalar-valued Intensity Measures for Residual Drift Prediction of SMRFs with Fluid Viscous Dampers
PublikacjaMaximum Residual Inter-story Drift Ratio (RIDRmax) plays an important role to specify the state of a structure after severe earthquake and the possibility of repairing the structure. Therefore, it is necessary to predict the RIDRmax of Steel Moment-Resisting Frames (SMRFs) with high reliability by employing powerful Intensity Measures (IMs). This study investigates the efficiency and sufficiency of scalar-valued IMs for predicting...