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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: FLORA AND FAUNA IN THE ART

  • Mural i jego rola w przestrzeni zurbanizowanej


    - Rok 2016

    Czym tak naprawdę jest mural? Definicji jest bardzo wiele. Według Słownika języka polskiego PWN mural to „wielkie malowidło wykonane bezpośrednio na ścianie budynku”. Pierwotnymi malowidłami tego typu były prace naskalne z epoki paleolitu. Następnie ważnymi epokami dla rozwoju tego typu prac był starożytny Egipt i starożytny Rzym. Samo słowo „mural” pochodzi z języka hiszpańskiego (h. mural – ścienny; malarstwo ścienne). To dzięki...

  • Mural - kiedy wandalizm staje się sztuką


    - Rok 2016

    Całość mojego referatu rozpoczęłam od przytoczenia opinii na temat tego czym tak naprawdę jest mural. Następnie skupiłam się na pochodzeniu współczesnego muralu. Odpowiedziałam na pytanie skąd, w jaki sposób i dlaczego pojawiły się rysunki ścienne. Przechodząc od malarstwa jaskiniowego sprzed 32 tysięcy lat, przez malarstwo starożytnego Egiptu, hasła wypisywane na murach starożytnego Rzymu, mural propagandowy Meksyku z lat 20....

  • Crystalline Silicon (c-Si)-Based Tunnel Oxide Passivated Contact (TOPCon) Solar Cells: A Review


    - ENERGIES - Rok 2023

    Contact selectivity is a key parameter for enhancing and improving the power conversion efficiency (PCE) of crystalline silicon (c-Si)-based solar cells. Carrier selective contacts (CSC) are the key technology which has the potential to achieve a higher PCE for c-Si-based solar cells closer to their theoretical efficiency limit. A recent and state-of-the-art approach in this domain is the tunnel oxide passivated contact (TOPCon)...

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  • Interactive and Media Architecture – From Social Encounters to City Planning Strategies


    The paper searches into the potential of media and interactive projects to support participation and generate social encounters in public spaces. Moreover, it proposes implementation of media and interactive projects into city planning processes. On the basis of theoretical approaches, case studies and interdisciplinary surveys the paper gives insight how interactive and media architecture can engage people in activities in urban...

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    The paper studies the role of light in architectural creations of contemporary buildings of representative function. Based on the selected projects and completed buildings dedicated to culture and art, it analyzes and systematizes the examples of using light to obtain visual effects that mark the architecture with a universal and timeless message. The method of research is case study and critical analysis of literature. Light plays...

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  • Self Portrait with a Mask


    Paweł SASIN - Self Portrait with a Mask “Every work of art is the child of its time, and, in many cases, the mother of our emotions. “ Wassily Kandynsky, Concerning the Spiritual in Art The two years 2020 and 2021 were marked by the COVID-19 pandemic – a lengthy period of time in which everyone felt in danger of losing one’s health or life. As a result, many people were experiencing negative emotion, becoming subject to psychological...

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  • Towards defragmented Lighting Design: concatenating research theories for effective use in design practices.

    • K. M. Zielińska-Dąbkowska
    • A. M. Dugar

    - Rok 2015

    This paper aims to provide guidelines for transferring design research to practice in the realm of lighting. It is based on the premise that design research in lighting should function as a development of practice, instead of being a distraction to it. Design research refers to the scholarly inquiry that seeks to advance design by studying and improving it in systematic and scientific ways by expanding, testing and operationalizing...

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  • Scheduling jobs to contain a natural disaster: a model and complexity

    this paper is devoted to the problem of scheduling suppression units so that a natural disaster is dealt with as efficient as possible. the concept of deteriorating jobs is adopted, that is, the formal model of scheduling represents linearly increasing value loss as the disaster remains unsuppressed and increasing time for its suppression. more precisely, two different goals are considered: finding a suppression schedule of minimal...

  • Determination of p-y curves for offshore piles based on in-situ soil investigations

    Offshore piles are subjected to complex loads with considerable lateral component. The pile-soil response to lateral loads can be described with the p-y method. For a given depth the load–deflection relationship is built to simulate the surrounding soil stiffness. This state-of-art paper presents a brief discussion of determination methods for the p-y curves using a standard approach based on the soil parameters derived from laboratory...

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  • High-Precision FIR-Model-Based Dynamic Weighing System

    Conveyor belt-type checkweighers are increasingly popular components of modern production lines. They are used to assess the weight of the produced items in motion, i.e., without stopping them on the weighing platform. The main challenge one faces when designing a dynamic weighing system is providing high measurement accuracy, especially at high conveyor belt speeds. The approach proposed in this paper can be characterized as a...

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  • Identification of Fast Time-varying Communication Channels Using the Preestimation Technique

    Accurate identification of stochastic systems with fast-varying parameters is a challenging task which cannot be accomplished using model-free estimation methods, such as weighted least squares, which assume only that system coefficients can be regarded as locally constant. The current state-of-the-art solutions are based on the assumption that system parameters can be locally approximated by a linear combination of appropriately...

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  • Kinetics of nitrogen removal processes in constructed wetlands


    - Rok 2018

    The aim of this paper is to present a state-of-the-art review of the kinetics of nitrogen removal in constructed wetlands. Biological processes of nitrogen removal from wastewater can be described using equations and kinetic models. Hence, these kinetic models which have been developed and evaluated allow for predicting the removal of nitrogen in treatment wetlands. One of the most important, first order removal model, which is...

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  • Effects of beach wrack on the fate of mercury at the land-sea interface – A preliminary study

    • B. Graca
    • A. Jędruch
    • M. Bełdowska
    • J. Bełdowski
    • L. Kotwicki
    • G. Siedlewicz
    • E. Korejwo
    • W. Popińska
    • K. Łukawska-Matuszewska


    Since the 1970s, the amount of aquatic plants and algae debris, called beach wrack (BW), has increased along the shores of industrialised regions. The strong ability of primary producers to accumulate pollutants can potentially result in their deposition on the beach along with the BW. Despite that, the fate and impact of such pollutants on sandy beach ecosystems have not been investigated so far. This study examines the fate...

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  • Automatic Correction of Non-Anechoic Antenna Measurements Using Complex Morlet Wavelets

    Real-world performance of antennas is normally tested in anechoic chambers (ACs). Alternatively, experimental validation can be performed in non-anechoic environments and refined in the course of post-processing. Unfortunately, the existing methods are difficult to setup and prone to failure. In this letter, a wavelet-based framework for correction of non-anechoic antenna measurements has been proposed. The method involves automatic...

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  • Amino Acid Based Antimicrobial Agents – Synthesis and Properties

    Structures of several dozen of known antibacterial, antifungal or antiprotozoal agents are based on the amino acid scaffold. In most of them, the amino acid skeleton is of a crucial importance for their antimicrobial activity, since very often they are structural analogs of amino acid intermediates of different microbial biosynthetic pathways. Particularly, some aminophosphonate or aminoboronate analogs of protein amino acids are...

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  • Miniaturized solid-phase extraction techniques

    More than 80% of analysis time is spent on sample collection and sample preparation, so sample preparation is a critical part of the analytical process. Traditionally, liquid-liquid extraction was developed and employed to screen for general unknowns. However, solid-phase extraction (SPE) is becoming highly popular as an alternative, due to its simplicity and economy in terms of time and solvent. This review summarizes the current...

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  • Extending Expressiveness of Knowledge Description with Contextual Approach


    In the paper we show how imposing the contextual structure of a knowledge base can lead to extending its expressiveness without changing the underlying language. We show this using the example of Description Logics, which constitutes a base for a range of dialects for expressing knowledge in ontologies (including state-of-the-art OWL). While the contextual frameworks have been used in knowledge bases, they have been perceived as...

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  • The role of ergonomics in architectonic and marketing operations


    - Rok 2014

    The 20th century, along with the development of mass culture, brought a rapid increase of marketing communications significance. At first, this branch of art had an informational function associated with advertising operations. Nowadays, an increase of marketing specialists’ interest in influencing a human being by the space they stay in may be observed. Ergonomics plays an important role in such operations. The aim of this article...


    Natural organic dyes are group of substances that belong to various types of chemical compounds. The most commonly used in paintings and dyeing textiles were naturally occurring dyestuffs from group of anthraquinones, flavones and indigoid dyes. Identification of coloring substances present in historical artistic paints provides relevant information for a wide range of specialists dealing with works of art and in the field of conservation science....

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  • Selected studies of flow maldistribution in a minichannel plate heat exchanger

    Analysis of the state of-the-art in research of minichannel heat exchangers, especially on the topic of flow maldistribution in multiple channels, has been accomplished. Studies on minichannel plate heat exchanger with 51 parallel minichannels with four hydraulic diameters, i.e., 461 μm, 574 μm, 667 μm, and 750 μm have been presented. Flow at the instance of filling the microchannel with water at low flow rates has been visualized. The...

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  • CSR and innovation or CSR as non-technological innovation


    - Rok 2022

    This chapter investigates the relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and innovation process. There is an ongoing discussion in the literature regarding this relationship, in particular on its one- or bidirectional nature and possible antecedents or mediating factors. This research addresses this gap and aims to provide more conceptual clarity and synthesize the different types of relationships between CSR and...

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  • Miniaturized dual‐band branch‐line coupler with enhanced bandwidth

    In this letter, a miniaturized hybrid dual-band branch-line coupler (BLC) with enhanced fractional bandwidths is proposed. Compact size and bandwidth enhancement are obtained using meandered transmission line sections with broken symmetry between cross-coupling branches. The circuit is designed at a low numerical cost using surrogate-assisted techniques. The optimized design features small size of only 0.25λg×0.19λg(28% miniaturization...

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  • Integration of Services into Workflow Applications


    - Rok 2015

    Describing state-of-the-art solutions in distributed system architectures, Integration of Services into Workflow Applications presents a concise approach to the integration of loosely coupled services into workflow applications. It discusses key challenges related to the integration of distributed systems and proposes solutions, both in terms of theoretical aspects such as models and workflow scheduling algorithms, and technical...

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  • Computer-assisted pronunciation training—Speech synthesis is almost all you need



    The research community has long studied computer-assisted pronunciation training (CAPT) methods in non-native speech. Researchers focused on studying various model architectures, such as Bayesian networks and deep learning methods, as well as on the analysis of different representations of the speech signal. Despite significant progress in recent years, existing CAPT methods are not able to detect pronunciation errors with high...

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  • Concurrent Video Denoising and Deblurring for Dynamic Scenes

    Dynamic scene video deblurring is a challenging task due to the spatially variant blur inflicted by independently moving objects and camera shakes. Recent deep learning works bypass the ill-posedness of explicitly deriving the blur kernel by learning pixel-to-pixel mappings, which is commonly enhanced by larger region awareness. This is a difficult yet simplified scenario because noise is neglected when it is omnipresent in a wide...

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  • Sztuka w blokowisku


    - Rok 2016

    Artykuł poświęcony jest sztuce pojawiającej się w przestrzeni polskich blokowisk. Przybliżone zostaje zjawisko powstawania murali oraz mozaik na osiedlach mieszkaniowych. Pojawia się wyjaśnienie czym dokładnie są te techniki plastyczne, gdzie pojawiły się po raz pierwszy, ich krótka historia na terenach Polski oraz przykłady niedawno powstałych i obecnie tworzonych prac. Poruszona zostaje również kwestia finansowania, odbioru przez...

  • Architektury klasyfikatorów obrazów


    - Rok 2022

    Klasyfikacja obrazów jest zagadnieniem z dziedziny widzenia komputerowego. Polega na całościowej analizie obrazu i przypisaniu go do jednej lub wielu kategorii (klas). Współczesne rozwiązania tego problemu są w znacznej części realizowane z wykorzystaniem konwolucyjnych głębokich sieci neuronowych (convolutional neural network, CNN). W tym rozdziale opisano przełomowe architektury CNN oraz ewolucję state-of-the-art w klasyfikacji...

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  • Mainstream shortcut N removal modeling current status and perspectives

    • G. Kirim
    • K. Mccullough
    • T. Bressani-ribeiro
    • C. Domingo-félez
    • H. Duan
    • A. Al-omari
    • H. Clippeleir De
    • J. Jimenez
    • S. Klaus
    • M. Ladipo-obasa... i 5 innych


    This work gives an overview of the state-of-the-art in modelling of short-cut processes for nitrogen removal in mainstream wastewater treatment and presents future perspectives for directing research efforts in line with the needs of practice. The modelling status for deammonification (i.e., anammox-based) and nitrite-shunt processes is presented with its challenges and limitations. The importance of mathematical models for considering...

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  • Upper Limb Bionic Orthoses: General Overview and Forecasting Changes

    Using robotics in modern medicine is slowly becoming a common practice. However, there are still important life science fields which are currently devoid of such advanced technology. A noteworthy example of a life sciences field which would benefit from process automation and advanced robotic technology is rehabilitation of the upper limb with the use of an orthosis. Here, we present the state-of-the-art and prospects for development...

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  • Synthesis and characterization of cycloaliphatic hydrophilic polyurethanes, modified with l-ascorbic acid, as materials for soft tissue regeneration

    In this paper we described synthesis and characteristic of obtained hydrophilic polyurethanes (PURs) modified with ascorbic acid (commonly known as vitamin C). Such materials may find an application in the biomedical field, for example in the regenerative medicine of soft tissues, according to ascorbic acid wide influence on tissue regeneration Flora (2009), Szymańska-Pasternak et al. (2011), Taikarimi and Ibrahim (2011), Myrvik...

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  • Hierarchical Estimation of Human Upper Body Based on 2D Observation Utilizing Evolutionary Programming and 'Genetic Memory'

    New method of the human body pose estimation based on single camera 2D observation is presented. It employs 3D model of the human body, and genetic algorithm combined with annealed particle filter for searching the global optimum of model state, best matching the object's 2D observation. Additionally, motion cost metric is employed, considering current pose and history of the body movement, favouring the estimates with the lowest...

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  • Automatic Correction of Non-Anechoic Antenna Measurements using Low-Pass Filters


    Prototype measurements belong to key steps in the development of antenna structures. They are normally performed in expensive facilities, such as anechoic chambers (ACs). Alternatively, antenna performance can be extracted (at a low cost) in non-anechoic conditions upon appropriate post-processing. Unfortunately, existing correction algorithms are difficult to set up and prone to failure, which limits their practical usefulness....

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  • Multistage generalized adaptive notch filter with improved accuracy


    - Rok 2015

    Generalized adaptive notch filters (GANFs) are estimators of coefficients of quasi-periodically time-varying systems. Current state of the art GANFs can deliver highly accurate estimates of system variations’ frequency, but underperform in terms of accuracy of the coefficient estimates. The paper proposes a novel multistage GANF with accuracy improved in this aspect. The processing pipeline consists of three stages. The preliminary...

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    - Rok 2014

    Estimation of instantaneous frequency of narrowband com- plex sinusoids is often performed using lightweight algo- rithms called adaptive notch filters. However, to reach high performance, these algorithms require careful tuning. The paper proposes a novel self-tuning layer for a recently intr o- ducedadaptive notch filtering algorithm. Analysis shows th at, under Gaussian random-walk type assumptions, the resultin g solution converges...

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  • Automatic Optimization Of Adaptive Notch Filter’s Frequency Tracking


    - Rok 2014

    Estimation of instantaneous frequency of narrowband com- plex sinusoids is often performed using lightweight algo- rithms called adaptive notch filters. However, to reach high performance, these algorithms require careful tuning. The paper proposes a novel self-tuning layer for a recently intr o- ducedadaptive notch filtering algorithm. Analysis shows th at, under Gaussian random-walk type assumptions, the resultin g solution converges...

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  • Recent trends in determination of neurotoxins in aquatic environmental samples

    Anatoxins, saxitoxins, ciguatoxins, beta-N-methylamino-l-alanine and its isomers are groups of neurotoxins which have a highly specific effect on the nervous system of animals, including humans, by interfering with the transmission of nerve impulses. In order to assess the human exposure to these neurotoxins, selective, interlaboratory-validated analytical methods are being developed to facilitate obtaining reliable results on...

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  • Design and Optimization of a Compact Planar Radiator for UWB Applications and Beyond


    A compact monopole antenna for ultra-wideband (UWB) and beyond applications has been proposed. The radiator is based on the monopole topology. The super-wideband behavior has been achieved using a combination of spline-based modifications applied to the driven element, as well as utilization of a tapered feed and a slot-modified ground plane. The electrical performance of the structure has been tuned using a numerical optimization...

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  • Optimally regularized local basis function approach to identification of time-varying systems


    Accurate identification of stochastic systems with fast-varying parameters is a challenging task which cannot be accomplished using model-free estimation methods, such as weighted least squares, which assume only that system coefficients can be regarded as locally constant. The current state of the art solutions are based on the assumption that system parameters can be locally approximated by a linear combination of appropriately...

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  • Development of proximity in cluster organizations

    Sustainable development in cluster organizations (COs) is most fully manifested in the synergy effect. In turn, the synergy effect is achieved thanks to the development of proximity among cluster entities. The purpose of the paper is to test two conceptual models reflecting relations between selected dimensions of proximity in cluster organizations. The author reports the findings of a quantitative study conducted in four COs....

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  • A Circular Waveguide Dual-Mode Filter With Improved Out-of-Band Performance for Satellite Communication Systems

    This letter presents a novel design for a 3-D-printed circular waveguide dual-mode (CWDM) filter with a modified cavity shape. The modification leads to a wide spurious-free stopband, which is highly desirable for channel separation in waveguide contiguous output multiplexers (OMUXs) in satellite communication systems. The new resonant cavity design is a result of applying shape deformation to a basic circular cavity in order to...

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  • Robotics in architectural education

    Robotics rapidly is becoming an important part of architectural design at all stages, from early conceptual work to construction. In this article is presented the present state of the art in the field related to architectural education, from computer numerical control (CNC) milling tools, through drones to multi-axis robotic arms. Professionals involved in modern design techniques often use them to create precise, complex forms...

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  • Surgical tool tracking by on-line selection of structural correlation filters


    In visual tracking of surgical instruments, correlation filtering finds the best candidate with maximal correlation peak. However, most trackers only consider capturing target appearance but not target structure. In this paper we propose surgical instrument tracking approach that integrates prior knowledge related to rotation of both shaft and tool tips. To this end, we employ rigid parts mixtures model of an instrument. The rigidly...

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  • Architektura medialna : kierunki rozwoju w kontekście sztuki i technologii


    - Rok 2014

    W artykule zaprezentowane jest zagadnienie architektury medialnej w obrębie której następuje integracja sztuki i technologii. Jest to architektura, która staje się nośnikiem zmiennych treści wizualnych w oparciu o technologie informacyjne i oświetleniowe. Zagadnienie to rozpatrywane jest w kontekście przestrzeni komercyjnych, w których architektura medialna staję się nowym sposobem ich promocji. Zarysowany zostanie kontekst rozwoju...

  • Dostępność zakładów karnych i aresztów śledczych z uwzględnieniem potrzeb osób z dysfunkcją wzroku


    - Rok 2014

    Projektowanie zakładów karnych i aresztów śledczych do potrzeb osób z dysfunkcją wzroku powinno podlegać takim samym uwarunkowaniom, jak projektowanie obiektów zamieszkania zbiorowego. Niestety przepisy Rozporządzenia Ministra Infrastruktury w sprawie warunków technicznych jakim powinny odpowiadać budynki i ich usytuowanie wyłączają zakłady karne z konieczności ich dostosowania do potrzeb osób z niepełnosprawnością. Stoi to w...

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    - Rok 2017

    W pracy podjęto próbę oceny efektywności dostępności przestrzeni publicznych na Kampusie Politechniki Gdańskiej oraz zbadania zagadnienia zgodność tych przestrzeni z założeniami projektowania uniwersalnego. Celem pracy jest zbadanie relacji między poszczególnymi obiektami dydaktycznymi, zidentyfikowanie głównych korytarzy dostępu oraz wykazanie czy przestrzeń publiczna Kampusu PG jest przestrzenią dostępną (spatial accesibillity)...

  • Przesył energii elektrycznej - potrzeby,progi i bariery

    • M. Bartosik
    • W. Kamrat
    • M. Każmierkowski
    • W. Lewandowski
    • P. Maciej
    • T. Peryt
    • T. Skoczkowski
    • A. Strupczewski
    • A. Szeląg

    - Przegląd Elektrotechniczny - Rok 2016

    W artykule przeanalizowano stan aktualny i kierunki rozwoju krajowego systemu przesy ł owego w kontek ś cie potrzeb gospodarki krajowej. Przedstawiono znaczenie sieci przesy ł owych oraz rol ę operatorów systemu przesy ł owego i systemów dystrybucyjnych w sektorze energetycznym. Oceniono mo ż liwo ś ci rozwoju przy uwzgl ę dnieniu aktualnych prognoz zapotrzebowania na energi ę , wytyczono potencjalne...

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  • Quality Evaluation of Novel DTD Algorithm Based on Audio Watermarking


    Echo cancellers typically employ a doubletalk detection (DTD) algorithm in order to keep the adaptive filter from diverging in the presence of near-end speech signal or other disruptive sounds in the microphone signal. A novel doubletalk detection algorithm based on techniques similar to those used for audio signal watermarking was introduced by the authors. The application of the described DTD algorithm within acoustic echo cancellation...

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  • Accurate Post-processing of Spatially-Separated Antenna Measurements Realized in Non-Anechoic Environments


    - Rok 2024

    Antenna far-field performance is normally evaluated in expensive laboratories that maintain strict control over the propagation environment. Alternatively, the responses can be measured in non-anechoic conditions and then refined to extract the information on the structure field-related behavior. Here, a framework for correction of antenna measurements performed in non-anechoic test site has been proposed. The method involves automatic...

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  • Application of regularized Savitzky–Golay filters to identification of time-varying systems

    Savitzky–Golay (SG) filtering is a classical signal smoothing technique based on the local least squares approximation of the analyzed signal by a linear combination of known functions of time (originally — powers of time, which corresponds to polynomial approximation). It is shown that the regularized version of the SG algorithm can be successfully applied to identification of time-varying finite impulse response (FIR) systems....

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  • Considerations of Computational Efficiency in Volunteer and Cluster Computing


    - Rok 2016

    In the paper we focus on analysis of performance and power consumption statistics for two modern environments used for computing – volunteer and cluster based systems. The former integrate computational power donated by volunteers from their own locations, often towards social oriented or targeted initiatives, be it of medical, mathematical or space nature. The latter is meant for high performance computing and is typically installed...

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