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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: MARKETING
Osoby starsze wobec innowacyjnych form świadczenia usług ubezpieczeniowych
PublikacjaPrzedmiotem zainteresowania badawczego w niniejszym tekście są usługi ubezpieczeniowe świadczone z wykorzystaniem innowacyjnych środków komunikacji: Internetu lub telefonu. W artykule skoncentrowano się na osobach powyżej 50 roku życia, szczególnie narażonych na zjawisko wykluczenia cyfrowego. Na podstawie przeglądu literatury sformułowano hipotezę badawczą: Cechy społeczno – demograficzne osób powyżej 50 roku życia wpływają na ich...
Profilowanie dzieci dla celu marketingu cyfrowego w europejskim prawie ochrony danych osobowych a konieczność realizacji najlepiej pojętego interesu dziecka
Publikacja -
J. Staszak, K.Grzelec: Promocja usług komunikacji miejskiej w Gdyni w świetle wyników badań marketingowych z 2004 r.., Biuletyn Komunikacji Miejskiej, 80/2004
Publikacja -
Etyczne podstawy marketingu bezpośredniego. W: Etyczne podstawy ekonomii - teoria i praktyka. Red.nauk. J. Kubka. Gdańsk: Zakł. Nauk. Filoz. Wydz. Zarz. i Ekon. P. Gdań.**2003 s. 157-160 bibliogr. 5 poz.
PublikacjaAutor porusza etyczne problemy związane z wykorzystaniem przez firmy po-szczególnych form marketingu bezpośredniego ( m. in. telemarketingu, marke-tingu katalogowego i on-line). Ukazano także strukturę Kodeksu EtycznegoStowarzyszenia Marketingu Bezpośredniego. Wśród głównych zarzutów kierowa-nych do firm, wymienia się m. in.:naruszanie prywatności, niuczciwość, nadużycia i oszustwa.
Analysis of Attitudes of Internet Users Towards the Brand in Social Media
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Zarządzanie łańcuchem dostaw - partnerstwo w handlu
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono nowe zależności w handlu między dostawcą a detalistą. Szczególną uwagę poświęcono budowaniu relacji partnerskich w łańcuchu dostaw przez zastosowanie koncepcji ECR oraz systemów EDI. Przedstawiono również przykład wykorzystania powyższych teorii przez firmę Geant Polska.
Rozwiązania kooperacyjne jako kryterium klasyfikacji produktów przemysłowych
PublikacjaW pracy omówiono pojęcie i cechy charakterystyczne produktu i rynku przemysłowego, scharakteryzowano klasyfikacje produktów przemysłowych, wskazano różnice między komponentami kooperacyjnymi i komponentami standardowymi, jak też różnice powiązań rynkowych wytwarzających je przedsiębiorstw. Przedstawiono korzyści klasyfikacji produktów przemysłowych oraz wnioski.
Rynek pracy w Polsce.
PublikacjaW pracy przeprowadzona jest analiza wskaźników bezrobocia w Polsce w latach 1990-2003. Bezrobocie rozpatrywane jest również w układzie regionalnym i z punktu widzenia wykształcenia.
Communication of luxury brands based on Vogue, Harper's Bazaar and L'Officiel - case study
PublikacjaThe article presents an introduction to the concept of luxury brands and the way they communicate in a fashion and design magazines based on the available literature of the subject. The article describes comprehensive communication and marketing tools that can be used in practice. The publication begins with an indication of fashion industry in the light of current literature on the subject, an explanation...
Consumerism and the Quality of Life
PublikacjaHigh level of consumption, driven by marketing activities, the pleasure and joy of possession and the accumulation of material goods are often associated with prosperity, sense of happiness and fulfilment in life. On a broader scale, economic indicators related to production and consumption are used to define the well-being and quality of life in societies. Unfortunately, the phenomenon of consumerism entails negative social and...
AI-powered Digital Transformation: Tools, Benefits and Challenges for Marketers – Case Study of LPP
PublikacjaThe article aims to show the role (benefits and challenges) of AI-powered digital marketing tools for marketers in the age of digital transformation. The considerations were related to the Polish market and a case study of LPP, a Polish clothing retailer. The starting point for this study was the analysis of the literature on the concept of artificial intelligence (AI) with reference to digital marketing. In the next steps, the...
The Digital Research Revolution
PublikacjaMarketing research has been through a significant evolution in the digital age. The evolution of technology has had a cross-cutting impact on the discipline. In light of this, a perspective is presented on how this impact has been reflected in marketing research. A review of traditional techniques is provided, followed by a description of the reconceptualization of traditional methods resulting from the application of new technologies....
Social Media in the Fashion Industry. Fundamentals, Strategy and Research Methods
PublikacjaThis book introduces social network fundamentals in the fashion domain. It addresses the creation of social media marketing plans, highlighting strategic approaches that allow fashion brands to differentiate themselves in the ephemeral and challenging fashion context. Through a variety of academic and professional sources and by sharing the results of their own research, the authors present research methodologies, including netnography,...
City as a product. Architecture as an Economic Instrument. Are Global Cities People-Friendly Places?
PublikacjaWhile spending time in our everyday urban environment do we ever think how particular architecture influences the economic value of that space? Space has its measurable financial value. From the economic point of view a place can be treated as a product that fights for appearing in tourists’ and investors’ consciousnesses. Space - treated as an object of demand and supply - becomes an element in a marketing game. To reach its...
Doświadczenie jako wartość dla klienta
PublikacjaMarketing doświadczeń opiera się na przekonaniu, że oprócz produktu i usługi konieczne jest wyodrębnienie dodatkowej wartości, jaką jest niepowtarzalne doświadczenie, spełniające racjonalne i emocjonalne oczekiwania nabywcy. Autorka opisuje rolę doświadczeń w kształtowaniu postaw konsumenckich oraz budowaniu satysfakcji i lojalności klienta. Omawia również zasady służące projektowaniu pozytywnych doświadczeń zakupowych.
Night in a big city. Light festivals as a creative medium used at night and their impact on the authority, significance and prestige of a city
PublikacjaCities in times of global urbanization, are looking for completely new marketing methods, one such tool is the creative use of artificial light after dark, in the form of light festivals. This paper aims to introduce the historical development of the phenomenon and contemporary as well as contemporary illuminations / projects of illuminations of Fete des Lumieres festival in Lyon, Luminale in Frankfurt or on a smaller scale Lights...
Antecedents and Consequences of Brand Loyalty
PublikacjaThe objective of this paper is to review, systematize, and summarize empirical research on the antecedents and consequences of brand loyalty. The literature review has identified five categories of antecedents to brand loyalty associated with consumer, brand, social, corporate and relational factors. The type of loyalty formed varies according to the combination of various antecedents, with premium loyalty being considered the...
Measuring the effectiveness of digital communication - social media performance: an example of the role played by AI-assisted tools at a university
PublikacjaThe aim of the article is to show the role played by AI-powered tools in measuring the effectiveness of digital communication in social media using a university case study. Therefore, a research problem was formulated to identify the metrics (KPIs) used to measure the effectiveness – non-financial outcomes – of digital social media communication at the university using AI tools. The literature review on the role of AI in digital...
Fashion Games, Fashion in Games and Gamification in Fashion. A First Map
PublikacjaFashion companies have been using different forms of entertainment such as film and television, sport, music, museums, and photography as inspiration sources and as communication and marketing channels for decades. However, in recent years, they have also started to consider the gaming world. While gaming offers a potential revenue stream from sales of physical and digital clothing, change in it is also the gateway to access new...
Perceptions of entrepreneurs among Polish students - entrepreneurs' alternative constructions from different, not mainstream research perspective - what do children of transition think?
PublikacjaArtykuł jest próbą prezentacji wyobrażeń i konstrukcji przedsiębiorców w oczach studentów kierunku zarządzanie i marketing na Politechnice Gdańskiej. Wykorzystane w nim zostały metody analizy zawartości danych wizualnych oraz elementy semiotyki.
Innowacje we współczesnej bankowości - ich ocena
Publikacjaw opracowaniu przedstawiono innowacje występujące we współczesnej bankowości. Autorzy dokonali klasyfikacji innowacji, które zostały poparte przykładami. Przeanalizowano badania przeprowadzone przez European Financial Management& Marketing Association w zakresie innowacyjności banków detalicznych.
Communication as a Factor Limiting University-Business Cooperation
PublikacjaObjective - Despite the broad extent of the scientific activity dealing with university-business cooperation, Poland has yet to develop a satisfactory cooperation strategy that takes business needs into account. This issue is still relevant due to the need for continuous improvement and resulting benefits aimed at improving enterprise competitiveness. Methodology/Technique - Authors of this article attempt to select an overriding...
Wybrane elementy logistycznej obsługi klienta
PublikacjaMarketing relacji zakłada wynegocjowaną obietnicę obsługi, która na rynku transportu miej-skiego oznacza pewność zrealizowania usługi przewozowej dla określonego pasażera, w danej relacji, danym środkiem transportu, po określonej cenie, w oczekiwanych warunkach przewozu i w założonym przez organizatora transportu zbiorowego czasie. Uniwersalność zasad obsługi klienta powoduje, że Zarząd Komunikacji Miejskiej w Gdyni od początku...
The Impact of Generative AI and ChatGPT on Creating Digital Advertising Campaigns
PublikacjaThe use of AI-based solutions is currently discussed in relation to various industries. The proliferation of tools based on generative artificial intelligence (GAI), including the emergence of ChatGPT, has resulted in testing as a first step and implementations in further areas of business life, including marketing, as a second step. Still only a few studies have analysed and evaluated specific solutions for different areas of...
Strategie zarządzania obszarami śródmiejskimi - kwestia przestrzeni handlu
PublikacjaArtykuł opisuje strategie zarządzania śródmiejskimi przestrzeniami handlu, m. in. Town Centre Management (TCM) jak i Business Improvement Districts (BID). Artykuł zawiera opis genezy strategii oraz głównych zadań przez nie realizowanych (zarządzanie, marketing, estetyzacja, ochrona). Artykuł kończy spojrzenie na alternatywy dla komercyjnych aspektów BID związanych z zarządzeniem śródmieściem jako strategią aktywizacji społecznej.
Enhancing Customer Engagement in Social Media with AI – a Higher Education case study
PublikacjaPurpose. The study aims to demonstrate the importance of artificial intelligence (AI) and examples of tools based on it in the process of enhancing (building, measuring, and managing) customer engagement (CE) in social media in the higher education industry. CE is one of the current essential non-financial indicators of company performance in Digital Marketing strategy. The article presents a decision support system (DSS) based...
PublikacjaDepending on the process behavior, available know-how and organizational goals, different techniques and tools can be used for business process modeling. We concentrate on e-commerce, and try to find the best marketing strategy for the sales process improvement. In the paper we present the multilayer approach to define enterprise scenarios. This allows us to collect the suitable knowledge necessary for enterprise analysis and improvement....
Fake News: Possibility of Identification in Post-Truth Media Ecology System
PublikacjaThe main aim of the article is identification of the attitudes towards the processes of identification and verification of fake news in the environment of digital media. The subject of the research refers to the users’ attitudes towards fake news. As indicated by the research, the attitudes towards fake news are not unambiguous. About 2/3 of the respondents claim that they are not able to distinguish fake news from true information;...
The concept of aida applied to online interactive advertisement: an youtube case study
PublikacjaThis paper presents an approach of application of the AIDA framework to interactive advertisements presented on social media channels. The first section introduces the definitions of social media and its categorization. It is given an overview of the online video service The second section describes social media marketing. The third section presents a theoretical introduction of traditional and interactive advertisement....
Trust in Electronic Word-of-Mouth (eWOM): the concept and the most important determinants
PublikacjaeWOM and trust in it is now the most important factor in determining buyers' purchasing behavior. Familiarity with the determinants of trust establishes the formation of appropriate marketing activities. However, the growing number of new forms of eWOM and its increasingly complex and multidimensional nature have created a lot of confusion. The article aims to organize the concepts related to trust in eWOM, to indicate the most...
Sklepy typu pop-up – od Guerilla Stores marki Comme de Garcons przez unikalne doświadczenie zakupowe Bikini Berlin do ... ?
PublikacjaObiekty, sklepy typu pop- up pojawiały się w miastach ponad dziesięć lat temu. Otwierane są na krótki okres czasu w celu promocji marki i nawiązania bezp o- średniego kontaktu z odbiorcą. Pop -up’y różnią się od tradycyjnych, stacjona r- nych sklepów rodzajem prowadzonej w nich działalności, mającym na celu przede wszystkim promocję marki. Pierwsze tymczasowe obiekty, tzw. Guerilla stores , stworzone zostały w 2004 roku...
CSR and innovation or CSR as non-technological innovation
PublikacjaThis chapter investigates the relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and innovation process. There is an ongoing discussion in the literature regarding this relationship, in particular on its one- or bidirectional nature and possible antecedents or mediating factors. This research addresses this gap and aims to provide more conceptual clarity and synthesize the different types of relationships between CSR and...
Literature Review on Conceptualisation of Online Consumer Engagement
PublikacjaThe purpose of the current study is to develop a literature review on “online consumer engagement” (OCE). Articles from 2006 to 2016 published in the marketing journals and other related journals have been reviewed to summarise the OCE concept. Although there is not an agreed definition and conceptualisation of OCE, this study classified the concept as either behavioural or psychological within the dimensions of cognitive, emotional,...
Business applications of geolocation - modern solutions and trends
PublikacjaThe technological development of geolocation systems has resulted in the utilization of physical location of users by a growing number of entrepreneurs. As mobile technology develops, the use of geolocation in business is becoming widespread with a new range of geomarketing techniques. Entrepreneurs therefore more often utilize geolocation in their promotional and operational activities. In this article mobile-based geolocation...
Selfie and Personal Branding Phenomena in the Context of the Network Economy. A Literature Review
PublikacjaSelf-taken pictures called “selfies” shared in social media have become a worldwide phenomenon. This is due to the increased need of human being to share to other people their daily lives and to build their own personal brand in the networked world. Despite that, the subject of personal branding has not been sufficiently discussed in academic marketing literature over the past decade. The objective of the study is to present the...
PublikacjaGlobalization is unification. In the field of architecture and in the social structure alike, the globalization leads to a blending of economies and cultures that produces uniformly branded public space as a response to universal assumptions of integration and correlation. While branding consists in creating a recognizable and outstanding image a strong contradiction exists between both of these approaches. As a result, regional...
Badania doświadczenia użytkownika (User Experience) w projektowaniu interakcji użytkownik-system
PublikacjaArtykuł omawia coraz częściej używany termin "doświadczenie użytkownika" (ang. User Experience - UX) oraz je-go znaczenie dla emocjonalnych aspektów satysfakcji użytkownika produktów informatycznych i usług on-line. Dokona-no przeglądu czterech głównych podejść badawczych stosowanych obecnie w odniesieniu do tematyki UX: projektowa-nie interakcji, e-marketing, pomiary psychofizjologiczne i współprojektowanie usług. Przedyskutowano...
The Relational Benefits and the Quality of Services in Tourism
PublikacjaIn a very competitive environment, it is highly important to identify the indicators that exert a major influence on customer satisfaction and loyalty. Based on the current relationship marketing concept of relational benefits (Gwinner, Gremler, Bitner, 1998; Hennig-Thurau, Gwinner, Gremler, 2002) and destination quality (Blazquez-Resino, Molina, Esteban-Talaya, 2015), a conceptual model was built. The present paper aims to analyse...
Dynamic Signal Strength Mapping and Analysis by Means of Mobile Geographic Information System
PublikacjaBluetooth beacons are becoming increasingly popular for various applications such as marketing or indoor navigation. However, designing a proper beacon installation requires knowledge of the possible sources of interference in the target environment. While theoretically beacon signal strength should decay linearly with log distance, on-site measurements usually reveal that noise from objects such as Wi-Fi networks operating in...
Wartość marki jako wskaźnik. Metody pomiaru
PublikacjaCelem artykułu jest przedstawienie znaczenia wskaźnika „wartość marki”1 dla celów optymalizacji strategii marketingowych w oparciu o przegląd metod pomiaru zarówno pod kątem zarządczym, jak i raportowania. Wartość marki stanowi najbardziej obiektywny wskaźnik oceny przyjętej strategii marketingowej oraz sprawności skonfigurowanej sieci wartości marki z powodu możliwości jednoznacznej oceny, czy przyjęty „marketing mix” zapewnił...
Effects of social media communication on brand equity and brand purchase intention
PublikacjaThe author studied the effect of two different social media communication on brand equity and brand purchase intention. A total of 504 data sets were generated through a standardized online-survey and analysed with structural equation modeling. The results of the empirical study showed that both firm-created and user-generated social media communication influenced brand equity, consequently impacting brand purchase intention. This...
Regional quality contests based on business excellence models – Pomeranian case study
PublikacjaCompetitions based on models of organizational excellence have significant potential. Organizations participating in these initiatives have the chance not only to get marketing benefits, but also gain comprehensive knowledge about their management systems. Moreover, thanks to the structure of models of excellence an organization can plan in detail the improvement activities in its main processes. The aim of the authors is to analyze...
How non-technological innovation saved the day by using ICT
PublikacjaCertainly, the current pandemic situation provides a lot of evidence of the need for non-technological innovations, both in the area of company organization and marketing. Socio-cultural innovations are not less important. Therefore, the role of non-technological innovation during the COVID-19 pandemic is discussed in the sixth chapter. Innovations supported by digital solutions have become a silent heroes for many companies as...
New patterns in the position of CEE countries in global value chains: functional specialisation approach
PublikacjaResearch background: High servitisation of manufacturing makes it impossible to separate services from manufactured goods properly, which implies difficulties in the assessment of the position of the country on the smile curve, i.e. in the proper assignment of products or services to one of the industrial process steps: pre-production, pure fabrication or post-production services. Therefore, we propose to use the business functions...
Innowacyjność instytucji finansowych w Polsce – perspektywy rozwoju
PublikacjaUsługi finansowe będące coraz ważniejszą częścią gospodarki w krajach rozwiniętych, w dużym stopniu absorbują innowacje, stając się jednocześnie ważnymi podmiotami tworzącymi innowacje w obszarze zmian marketingowych i organizacyjnych. W artykule przedstawiono istotę innowacji w usługach finansowych. Przedstawiono podstawowe kategorie innowacji stosowanych w usługach finansowych. Na podstawie danych statystycznych dokonano analizy...
High Rise Building: The Mega Sculpture Made Of Steel, Concrete and Glass
PublikacjaHigh rise building has transformed from providing not only the expansion of floor space but functioning as mega sculpture in the city. The shift away from economic efficiency driven need is only expected to grow in the future. Based on literature studies; after analysing planning documents and case studies, it was examined whether the presumption that gaining the maximum amount of usable area is the only driving factor; or if the...
Exploring the role of brand experience in driving consumer emotions and engagement with sports brands in Australia
PublikacjaPurpose: This paper aims to fill the theoretical gap in understanding and practical implementation by examining how sports brands in Australia use brand experience to link emotional response and brand engagement. Design/methodology/approach: The study fits into the positivist paradigm. The starting point is the stimulus-organism-response theory. A quantitative method, which is an online survey, was used to collect data. Responses...
Creating Hotel Services from a Perspective of Extraordinary Customer Experience
PublikacjaThis conceptual article aims to explore the process of providing hotel services in the context of requirements arising from the experience economy. Both the concept of experience marketing and the concept of customer experience management provided a theoretical framework for the discussion. Based on a review of literature and conclusions derived from hotel managers’ experiences, a research model is proposed, which may be of some...
Development of trolleybus public transport in Gdynia as part of sustainable mobility strategy
PublikacjaIn many EU cities trolleybuses are experiencing a period of revitalization. New lines, new and modern trolley-buses, the use of auxiliary propulsion battery, eco-logical values and others, create great opportunities for that kind of public transport as an effective tool to shape transport policy in accordance with the principles of sustainable mobility. Gdynia is one of three cities in Poland with trolleybuses public transport...
How Swiss Watchmaking Brands are Communicating Made in Switzerland
PublikacjaCountry-of-origin indications, also called “made in” labeling [35], are utilized in marketing strategies by companies to distinguish themselves from others, trying to associate their products with positive characteristics [9]. Swiss watchmaking companies have an iconic status that is essential to their reputation - mainly due to their high quality, precision, innovation, and craftsmanship [7]. They are also using country-of-origin...