wszystkich: 479
wybranych: 309
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: construction technology
Impact response of two-layered grouted aggregate fibrous concretecomposite under falling mass impact
PublikacjaTwo-layered Grouted Aggregates Fibrous Concrete Composite (TGAFCC) is a new category concrete which became popular recently and attracted the attention of researchers globally. Recent studies indicated that TGAFCC has notable improvement in mechanical properties, which has been sufficiently documented. However, the impact behaviour of TGAFCC when combined with Glass Fibre Mesh (GFM) and Textile Fibre Mesh (TFM) is still unexplored....
Application of Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy to evaluate cathodically protected coated steel in seawater
PublikacjaTwo types of organic coated carbon steel (S235JR2 grade) electrodes were exposed to artificial seawater environment. One prepared type was defect free while the other one had an intentionally introduced φ0,5 cm coating defect. Both kinds of samples were polarized during the exposure to four potentials corresponding to four different cathodic protection levels. Evolution of their EIS spectra is presented in this paper. Results obtained...
Mechanical and fracture properties of concrete reinforced with recycled and industrial steel fibers using Digital Image Correlation technique and X-ray micro computed tomography
PublikacjaPaper presents investigation of fracture phenomenon in plain concrete and in concrete reinforced with both recycled steel fibers (RSF) and industrial steel fibers (ISF). The wedge splitting test (WST), which enables stable crack propagation for quasi-brittle materials, was carried out on 75 75 75 mm cube samples. Initially, fracture process zone development was investigated only on the surface of samples using Digital Image Correlation...
Reference-free determination of debonding length in reinforced concrete beams using guided wave propagation
PublikacjaThis paper presents theoretical and experimental investigations of guided wave propagation in reinforced concrete beams, with pre-existing debonding between steel rebars and concrete blocks, for the purpose of damage detection. The primary aim of these investigations was a detailed analysis of the possible applications of wave propagation in single and multiple debonding detection in reinforced concrete structures and reference-free...
Asphalt concrete subjected to long-time loading at low temperatures – Deviations from the time-temperature superposition principle
PublikacjaThe article presents the observed deviations from the time-temperature superposition principle of asphalt concretes, tested in the bending beam creep test at low temperatures for a long time of loading. In almost all tested asphalt concretes, deviations appeared after 500 s of loading at the temperature of -10 C. Some types of bitumen presented deviations at other temperatures – usually the harder the grade of the bitumen, the...
Influence of cooling rate and additives on low-temperature properties of asphalt mixtures in the TSRST
PublikacjaThe paper presents the results and analysis of low-temperature properties of asphalt mixtures according to Thermal Stress Restrained Specimen Test (TSRST) and Indirect Tensile Test methods. Different groups of bitumen were investigated: neat, SBS-modified and highly SBS-modified. Influence of cooling rates (1 C/h, 3 C/h, 5 C/h and 10 C/h) and additives (aramid fibres and crumb rubber) was identified as well. Moreover, for each...
Shear fracture of longitudinally reinforced concrete beams under bending using Digital Image Correlation and FE simulations with concrete micro-structure based on X-ray micro-computed tomography images
PublikacjaThe paper presents experimental and numerical investigations of the shear fracture in rectangular concrete beams longitudinally reinforced with steel or basalt bar under quasi-static three point bending. Shear fracture process zone formation and development on the surface of beams was investigated by Digital Image Correlation (DIC) whereas thorough analyses of 3D material micro-structure, air voids, width and curvature of shear...
Characterization of fracture process in polyolefin fibre-reinforced concrete using ultrasonic waves and digital image correlation
PublikacjaThis study explores the monitoring of the fracture process in concrete beams and aims to characterize the evolution of damage in polyolefin fibre-reinforced concrete beams by utilizing the integrated application of two measurement techniques, digital image correlation and ultrasonic testing. The interpretation of registered wave time histories data was provided by the calculation of the magnitude-phase-composite metrics. An efficient...
Standard and modified falling mass impact tests on preplaced aggregatefibrous concrete and slurry infiltrated fibrous concrete
PublikacjaAlthough several studies have been conducted to evaluate the impact response of concrete using theAmerican Concrete Institute (ACI) 544-2R falling mass impact test, the variations in test results are themain drawback of this testing method. This study aims to reduce the variations in experimental impacttest results by introducing two simple test setup modifications; (1) using coarse or fine aggregate bed-ding as an alternative...
FEM and experimental investigations of concrete temperature field in the massive stemwall of the bridge abutment
PublikacjaThe paper deals with the prediction of early-age concrete temperature of cast-in-place stemwall of the bridge abutment. The considered object is an arch bridge located in Gda´nsk. In the case of massive structures, it is particularly important to not exceed the temperature difference between the core and the concrete surface. Too high temperature gradient generates an increase in thermal stresses, what could be the reason of exceeding...
Stress–strain model of lower corroded steel plates of normal strength for fitness-for-purpose analyses
PublikacjaThis study investigates the mechanical properties of specimens made of normal strength steel subjected to lower marine immersed corrosion degradation levels (below 25 %). The specimens were corroded in laboratory conditions, and only natural factors were controlled to raise the corrosion rate (reaching the level of 1 mm/year). Three different thicknesses of plates made of normal strength of shipbuilding steel are investigated (between...
Impact and stretching standardized tests as useful tools for assessment of viscoelastic behavior for highly rubberized asphalt binder
PublikacjaAsphalt binder is generally identified as a brittle material at low service temperature or under high-speed load, and the brittleness becomes serious after weathering aging. Improving the toughness of asphalt binder through adding high-content of crumb tire rubber is an efficient method to solve this problem. Devulcanized rubber modified asphalt binder (DRMA) with different contents (15–40%) of devulcanized rubber (DR) were prepared...
Simple empirical formula to estimate the main geomechanical parameters of preplaced aggregate concrete and conventional concrete
PublikacjaPreplaced aggregate concrete (PAC) or two-stage concrete is a specific type of concrete successfully employed in many projects including underwater concrete structures, massive concrete structures, structures made of reinforced concrete, and improvement of concrete structures. PAC is significantly different than the conventional concrete. In this type of concrete, aggregates are initially poured into the mold, the voids between...
Preliminary study of linear viscoelasticity limits of cold recycled mixtures determined in Simple Performance Tester (SPT)
PublikacjaThe publication presents methodology developed for determination of linear viscoelasticity limits for cold recycled mixtures with cement and bituminous emulsion using Simple Performance Tester (SPT). Methodology was verified on reference materials (PCV and steel dummy specimens, cement concrete and asphalt concrete) to comply with elasticity and viscoelasticity theory. The developed methodology enabled determination of linear viscoelasticity...
Experimental and analytical analysis of punching shear in flat slabs supported on column topped with concrete head
PublikacjaAn experimental laboraatory test of the two series of slab-column elements topped with drop panels of varying sizes is described in this paper. The scope of the paper is to investigate the influence of the drop panel size and stiffness on the behaviour of the connection between the flat slab and the column topped by the concrete head. The impact of the head size and stiffness is analysed analytically and experimentally. The experimental...
Mechanical, durability, depolluting and electrical properties of multifunctional mortars prepared with commercial or waste carbon-based fillers
PublikacjaCarbon-based fillers from industrial wastes and commercial ones were compared to improve the properties of lime-based mixes. As commercial fillers, graphene nanoplatelets and activated carbon were used, whereas as industrial wastes a char obtained by the gasification of biomasses and a used foundry sand were chosen. Carbon-based wastes were found to be a good cost-effective alternative to commercial carbon based fillers to increase...
Investigations on fracture in reinforced concrete beams in 3-point bending using continuous micro-CT scanning
PublikacjaThis study explores a fracture process in rectangular reinforced concrete (RC) beams subjected to quasi-static three-point bending. RC beams were short and long with included longitudinal reinforcement in the form of a steel or basalt bar. The ratio of the shear span to the effective depth was 1.5 and 0.75. The focus was on the load–deflection diagram and crack formation. Three-dimensional (3D) analyses of the size and distribution...
Experimental investigations on water sorptivity in mortars with the use of X-ray micro-CT system.
PublikacjaW pracy doswiadczalnej zbadano zjawisko sorpcji wody w pryzmatycznych próbkach zapraw, które jest ściśle powiązane z trwałością materiału. Sorpcyjność oceniana na etapie ustalonym w połączeniu z warunkami zewnętrznymi może być wykorzystana do przewidywania okresu użytkowania. Sorpcyjność początkową i wtórną wody w próbkach zapraw nienasyconych zmierzono w badaniach laboratoryjnych zgodnie z normą amerykańską ASTM C 1585–04. Wpływ...
Nano-engineered diamond-based materials for supercapacitor electrodes: A review
PublikacjaOwing to the popularity of carbon-based supercapacitors, diamond has also been examined as a potential candidate with unique advantages such as a wide electrochemical potential window and stable capacitive behavior in both aqueous and non-aqueous electrolytes. Moreover, its chemical stability in harsh environments at extreme applied potential and current provides rare opportunities for designing new supercapacitors. Owing to the...
PublikacjaThis work describes the restraints in the optimization problem. This is an important and complicated issue because it requires taking into account a vast range of information related to the design and production. In order to describe the relations of a specific optimization problem, it is essential to adopt appropriate criteria and to collect information on all kinds of restraints, i.e. boundary conditions. The following paper...
Removal of persistant organic pollutants from landfill leachates treated in three constructed wetland systems
PublikacjaThe objective of the study was assessment of occurrence and removal of two groups of persistent organic pollutants: polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in landfill leachate (LL) treated in three constructed wetland systems (CWs) of different construction and flow regime. Two subsurface flow systems (SSF) were analyzed: one with horizontal flow and the second one consisting of two vertical...
The effect of an active force while slide diamond burnishing of wooden shafts upon process quality
PublikacjaThe quality of the surface of wooden elements that have been turned and burnished has got a crucial meaning in the whole production process flow, since the obtained effects affect the quality of the wooden surface after finishing (coating, painting). In the paper, selected results of the investigation of the effect of the burnishing process on the surface quality of the elements after turning are presented. Research experiments...
Restoration and preservation of the reinforced concrete poles of fence at the former Auschwitz concentration and extermination camp
PublikacjaThe objective of this study was to assess the present state of the reinforced concrete poles of fence at the former Auschwitz I and Auschwitz II-Birkenau concentration and extermination camp. The poles were subjected to renovation about 10 years ago. After this time some deficiencies of applied renovation method were noticed. Cracks appeared between fresh and original part of concrete cover. Analysis of the reasons of these failures...
Stability and load bearing capacity of a braced truss under upward wind loading
PublikacjaThe paper is focused on the numerical and experimental investigation of stability of a steel truss under upward wind loading. The structure was stiffened by elastic braces situated at the top and bottom chord. Usually the lateral (translational) brace stiffness is considered. However, the rotational stiffness of braces caused by interaction between torsional stiffness of the truss top chord and bending stiffness of the roof elements...
Morfologia napawanych warstw na bazie kobaltu po utlenianiu i korozji w gazach spalinowych
PublikacjaPrzedmiotem badań były warstwy wytworzone z proszku na bazie kobaltu, napawane laserowo i plazmowo na przylgnie zaworów wylotowych silników Diesla. Dla wszystkich warstw stwierdzono dobrą jakość, brak pęknięć i jednorodność struktury na powierzchni. Badania degradacji wykonano w specjalnie wykonanej komorze w gazach spalinowych silnika okrętowego. Badania napoin przeprowadzono po 2 miesiącach ekspozycji w podwyższonej temperaturze...
Zastosowanie metody analizy obrazu w określaniu odporności kawitacyjnej materiałów
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono optyczną metodę określania właściwości kawitacyjnych materiału oraz charakterystyki kawitacyjnej stanowiska przy zastosowaniu komputerowej analizy obrazu erodowanej powierzchni uzyskanego w mikroskopie świetlnym.
Charakterystyka kawitacyjna laserowo obrabianych napoin Fe-Cr-Mn
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono badania odporności kawitacyjnej napoin Fe-Cr-Mn w dwóch przypadkach: bez dodatkowej obróbki powierzchniowej oraz po przetapianiu powierzchni napoiny wiązką lasera CO2 o mocy 1000W. Oceniano głębokość i stopień umocnienia warstwy wierzchniej.
Badania i modelowanie degradacji materiałów pod wpływem oddziaływania czynników mechanicznych i korozyjnych
PublikacjaOpisano formy niszczenia materiałów pod łącznym działaniem czynników mechanicznych i korozyjnych. Dokonano przeglądu metod stosowanych do badań degradacji materiałów poddanych działaniu naprężeń w środowisku korozyjnym. Przedstawiono przykłady badań modelowych procesów niszczenia wodorowego, korozji naprężeniowej i zmęczenia korozyjnego.
Tradition and modernity in the structural art of steel-glass structures in Japan
PublikacjaTradition and modernity in the structural art of steel-glass structures in Japan
Intensywność skażenia grafitu w żeliwie sferoidalnym niestopowym docieranym luźnym ścierniwem.
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono wyniki badań skażenia powierzchni żeliwa sferoidalnego niestopowego docieranego luźnym ścierniwem. Ta wada docierania materiałów miękkich lub zawierających składniki o niskiej twardości ma istotne znaczenie zarówno ze względów technologicznych jak i eksperymentalnych. W przeprowadzonych eksperymentach skażenia grafitu wykorzystano mikroskopy skaningowe i mikroanalizę rentgenowską powierzchniową.
Stiffness of cold-recycled mixtures under variable deformation conditions in the IT-CY test
PublikacjaStiffness modulus belongs to the most important properties describing the cold-recycled mixtures (CRM) in terms of their usability in road pavement structures. Previous research proved that this property is strongly dependent on the scheme and conditions of the test (temperature and time of loading) and the time that has passed since the compaction of the specimen or pavement layer. It is a result of the influence of two different...
Characterization of corrosion in reinforced concrete beams using destructive and non-destructive tests
PublikacjaThe paper presents both non-destructive and destructive experimental tests on steel-reinforced concrete beams subjected to electrochemical corrosion. To examine the condition and behavior of the specimens, destructive tests were carried out, i.e., a three-point bending together with a modulated ultrasonic wave test. In addition, a series of non-destructive experiments were conducted, such as the potential measurement method, low-frequency...
Comparative study on fracture evolution in steel fibre and bar reinforced concrete beams using acoustic emission and digital image correlation techniques
PublikacjaIn recent decades, the demand for sustainable construction practices has increased, but raw materials such as reinforcing steel remain scarce. Therefore, steel fibres have emerged as a popular and sustainable choice in the construction industry, offering a cost-effective alternative to traditional steel bar reinforcement for both flatwork and elevated structures. The purpose of this study is therefore to compare the performance...
Ocena ryzyka kruchego pękania wspomaganego przez wodór złączy spawanych stali okrętowej o wysokiej wytrzymałości
PublikacjaOceniano podatność na niszczenie wodorowe stali 14HNMBCu (S690Q) o wysokiej wytrzymałości i jej połączeń spawanych przy obciążeniu monotonicznie rosnącym oraz stałym w wodzie morskiej. Badania przeprowadzono w powietrzu, oraz w środowisku wody morskiej przy potencjale korozyjnym i przy polaryzacji katodowej. W próbie rozciągania z małą prędkością odkształcenia próbek gładkich jako mierniki podatności na kruchość wodorową przyjęto:...
Przyczyny pękania wspomaganego przez wodór rozdzielaczy paliwa w silnikach okrętowych
PublikacjaWykorzystano badania skłonności stali 26H2MF i 34HNM do niszczenia środowiskowego przy rozciąganiu próbek ze stałą małą prędkością, przy obciążeniu stałym dla próbek z karbem oraz przy obciążeniu cyklicznie zmiennym w środowiskach paliwa kotłowego i przepracowanego oleju mineralnego. Obserwowano szybkie pękanie stali w badaniach zmęczeniowych, niewielką utratę plastyczności w próbach statycznego rozciągania oraz brak efektu w próbie...
Influence of bitumen grade and air voids on low-temperature cracking of asphalt
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Raman modular system with fibre-optic probes for remote monitoring of CVD process
PublikacjaW pracy opisano konstrukcję modułowego spektroskopu ramanowskiego umożliwiającego monitorowanie wzrostu warstw w procesach CVD. Przedstawiono rezultaty testów skostruowanego układu oraz wstępne wyniki pomiarów warstw diamentowych.
Insight into the microstructural and durability characteristics of 3D printed concrete: Cast versus printed specimens
PublikacjaThis study presents the comparison of microstructural and durability characteristics of 3D printed concrete (3DPC) depending on its production method (printing or casting). Printed samples with different numbers of layers, as well as a cast specimen with an identical mix composition, were produced and compared, with their microstructural pore and solid characteristics quantitatively and qualitatively investigated. For this purpose,...
Towards development of sustainable lightweight 3D printed wall building envelopes – Experimental and numerical studies
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Deformations of the steel schell of a vertical cylindrical tank caused by underpressure
PublikacjaUnderpressure in a tank with a fixed roof may arise in the final stage of its construction as well as during its usage. This article presents stages of deformations of the tank shell and their development from the occurrence of the first deformation to either removal of the causes of underpressure or cracking of the steel shell.
Electrolytic corrosion of water pipeline system in the remote distance from stray currents– case study
PublikacjaCase study of corrosion failure of urban water supply system caused by the harmful effects of stray currents was presented. The failure occurred at a site distant from the sources of these currents namely the tramway and railway traction systems. Diagnosis revealed the stray currents flow to pipeline over a remote distance of 800 ÷ 1,000 meters from the point of failure. At the point of failure stray currents flowed from the pipeline...
Research on causes of corrosion in the municipal water supply system
PublikacjaThis paper presents results of failure analysis study to characterize the corrosion damage that occurred in the water supply system in Krakow. This analysis includes: electrochemical noise, linear polarization and resistometric measurements. Water aggressiveness of four water intakes was defined using Langelier and Ryznar indices. Results from this indices did not reveal the causes of considerable corrosion losses in water systems....
Critical analysis of laboratory measurements and monitoring system of water-pipe network corrosion-case study.
PublikacjaCase study of corrosion failure of urban water supply system caused by environmental factors was presented. Nowadays corrosion monitoring of water distribution systems is an object of major concern. There is possibility of application broad range of techniques like gravimetric and electrochemical. Both kinds of techniques can be applied in laboratory and field conditions. In many cases researches limit the case analysis to measurements...
Restoration and preservation of the reinforced concrete poles of fence at the former Auschwitz concentration and extermination camp
PublikacjaThe objective of this study was to assess the present state of the reinforced concrete poles of fence at the former Auschwitz I and Auschwitz II-Birkenau concentration and extermination camp. The poles were subjected to renovation about 10 years ago. After this time some deficiencies of applied renovation method were noticed. Cracks appeared between fresh and original part of concrete cover. Analysis of the reasons of these failures...
The aluminium and polycarbonate covering to the roof over the stadium in Gdańsk
PublikacjaThis paper presents information about structural elements of the roof covering to the stadium in Gdansk built for the 2012 European Football Championship in Poland and the Ukraine. The paper discusses elements of the polycarbonate covering, the supporting structure and the drainage system. It also provides information about tests and research performed prior to construction, which determined the solutions adopted as well as...
The new steel-glass architecture of buildings in Japan
Contribution to the capacity analysis of the classic composite girder of Möller
PublikacjaThe analysis (brief history, experiments, numerical method) of the classic composite girder of Moller has been presented.
Analiza miar narażenia na ryzyko w ruchu drogowym
PublikacjaNarażenie na ryzyko jest elementem składowym ryzyka społecznego. W artykule przedstawiono analizę miar narażenia na ryzyko w ruchu drogowym. Przedstawiono ewolucję definicji narażenia na ryzyko w ruchu drogowym, a następnie scharakteryzowano najczęściej stosowane i proponowane do analizy miary narażenia na ryzyko. Wykorzystując analizę regresji korelacji określono siłę współzależności pomiędzy piętnastoma miarami narażenia na ryzyko,...
Diagnostyka obiektów przemysłowych z wykorzystaniem wspólnej magistrali usług DIAGNOSTIC SERVICE BUS DSB
PublikacjaKorzystając ze znanego pojęcia magistrali, w pracy przedstawia się sposób przystosowania i wykorzystania magistrali usług w systemie diagnostyki obiektów przemysłowych. Koncepcja takiego środka komunikacyjnego opiera się na architekturze SOA (z architekturą zorientowanej na usługi). Koncepcja ta stanowi metodę rozwiązania problemów wydajnościowych rozwijanego projektu pt. "Sieciowy Monitor Obiektu" (SMO). Wspólna szyna danych zwiększa...
Metody sprzęgania modeli dynamiki rurociągów przemysłowych
PublikacjaArtykuł opisuje dwie metody sprzęgania modeli dynamiki rurociągów przesyłowych. Stanowią one niezbędny element przy budowie efektywnych systemów symulacji rozległych i złożonych instalacji rurociągów stosowanych w przemyśle. Pierwsza z proponowanych metod (globalna metoda sprzęgania - GMS) wykorzystuje 'globalne' (w skali modelu) zależności (oraz fizyczne przybliżone zależności) pomiędzy ciśnieniem i przepływem masowym medium w...