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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: PROTECTION SYSTEMS
Komentarz do art. 105 i ustawy o ochronie konkurencji i konsumentów
PublikacjaCommentary to the article of the Act of Protection of Competition and Consumers on the inspection led by the Polish Competition Authority for the European Commission
Multisource model of ship electric field
PublikacjaA steel-hulled ship in sea water produces an electric field around itself. The source of this field are electrochemical processes and ship's cathodic protection. The analysis of the electric field around the ship is important by the reason of the ship's identification and counter-mine protection. The paper presents a simplified model of the ship's multisource electric field, which allows to calculate the electric field distribution...
The Conservation and Preservation of Gdynia`s Modernist Architecture
PublikacjaThe paper presents the introducing of legal protection in Gdynia City Center and conservation of modern monuments built before WWII in this town
Gdynia City Centre as a Historical Monument
PublikacjaThe articel presents the experience connected with the legal protection and conservation of modern monuments built before WWII in Gdynia City Center
Underwater Electrochemical Offshore Tests of a Paint Coating Applied in Water on the Legs of an Oil Production Platform
PublikacjaThis paper presents the methodology developed for underwater measurements using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) technique, aimed at determining the resistance of an epoxy coating applied in seawater to the legs of an oil production platform. Performing such underwater tests in an offshore environment was technically challenging. The results of measurements obtained on the platform were confronted with comparative results...
Rozdział 3.2. W: [Praca zbiorowa] Materiały do monografii przyrodniczej re-gionu gdańskiego. Gdańsk: Marpress**2002 s. 69-70. Tom 8 Diagnoza stanu i koncepcja ochrony środowiska przyrodniczo-kulturowe- go w województwie pomorskim. Diagnosis of natural-cultural environment´scondition and the idea of its protection in Pomeranian Voivodship. Red. A.Kostarczyk, M. Przewoźniak.
Resonance problems in UHV transmission lines
PublikacjaThe paper presents resonance phenomena observed in 400 kV transmission lines in the Polish power system. Two events are analysed, when shunt reactors used for reactive power compensation, caused overvoltages and overcurrent protection tripping as a result of resonance. An oscillographic fault recordings from protection devices are compared to time domain simulation results. The obtained simulation results match fault recordings,...
Performance analysis of power swing blocking feature in ABB 670 series impedance relays
PublikacjaThis paper presents test results of a distance protection’s PSD power swing detection feature in ABB 670 series relays. A RED670 relay was tested, which is part of the hydroelectric set protection in Żarnowiec Pumped Storage Plant. The power swing blocking feature’s performance was analysed on the basis of the results of object tests made with an Omicron digital tester. Also presented are simulation results that illustrate the...
Effect of MgSO4 nutrition on Theobroma cacao L. susceptibility to Phytophthora megakarya infection
PublikacjaA new strategy to reduce the severity of black pod disease (BPD) in T. cacao plants using MgSO4 nutrition was investigated. The dynamics of the tolerance to BPD of 18 susceptible T. cacao plantlets coming from the cross (♀SNK64 × ♂UPA14) was monitored during weekly (8 weeks) supply of MgSO4 into the soil. Prior to MgSO4 application, disease scores of the 18 plantlets (in six sets of three plantlets per set) were varying between...
Automotive fleet repair facility wastewater treatment using air/ZVI and air/ZVI/H2 O2 processes
PublikacjaAdvanced automotive fl eet repair facility wastewater treatment was investigated with Zero-Valent Iron/Hydrogen Peroxide (Air/ZVI/H2 O2 ) process for different process parameters: ZVI and H2 O2 doses, time, pH. The highest Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) removal effi ciency, 76%, was achieved for ZVI/H2 O2 doses 4000/1900 mg/L, 120 min process time, pH 3.0. COD decreased from 933 to 227 mg/L. In optimal process conditions odor and...
Content and mobility of strontium in forest soils according to north-south transect in Poland
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Cold Start Emissions of Spark-Ignition Engines at Low Ambient Temperatures as an Air Quality Risk
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Removal efficiency of anionic surfactants from water during UVC photolysis and advanced oxidation process in H2O2/UVC system
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Environmental aspects of using gas chromatography for determination of pharmaceutical residues in samples characterized by different composition of the matrix
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Air pollution in landfill of wastes other than hazardous or inert / Zanieczyszczenia powietrza na składowiskach odpadów innych niż niebezpieczne i obojętne
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Process control of air stream deodorization from vapors of VOCs using a gas sensor matrix conducted in the biotrickling filter (BTF)
PublikacjaThis article presents the validity, advisability and purposefulness of using a gas sensor matrix to monitor air deodorization processes carried out in a peat-perlite-polyurethane foam-packed biotrickling filter. The aim of the conducted research was to control the effectiveness of air stream purification from vapors of hydrophobic compounds, i.e., n-hexane and cyclohexane. The effectiveness of hydrophobic n-hexane and cyclohexane...
Numerical model of human head phantom to ensure dosimetry of dose components for boron neutron capture therapy
PublikacjaExtremely important aspects of the boron neutron capture therapy are, first of all, administering to the patient a boron compound that selectively reaches the neoplastic cells, and in the second step, the verification of the irradiation process. This paper focuses on the latter aspect, which is the detailed dosimetry of the processes occurring after the reaction of thermal neutrons with the boron-10 isotope. The results of computer...
Evaluation of surfactant and biosurfactant mixture usefulness in oil removal from soil, based on physicochemical studies and flushing experiments
PublikacjaZbadano aktywność powierzchniową i właściwości zwilżające surfaktantu niejonowego - Rokanolu NL6, biosurfaktantu - JBR 425 i ich mieszanin. Na podstawie tych badań określono zdolność tych surfaktantów do usuwania oleju syntetycznego (PAO 6) z piasku. Roztwory surfaktantów zostały użyte do przemywania złoża piaskowego w kolumnie oraz odmywania piasku metodą dynamiczną. Testy kolumnowe z roztworami Rokanolu NL6 i JBR 425 dały niskie...
Sorption of ionic liquids
PublikacjaCiecze jonowe przyciągają rosnącą uwagę a zakres ich potencjalnych zastosowań nieustannie się rozszerza. Aby ciecze jonowe mogły spełniać nie tylko wymagania technologiczne ale również wymagania odnośnie ochrony środwiska, ich oddziaływanie z poszczególnymi jego elementami powinno zostać poznane. Niniejsza publikacja zawiera szerokie studium literaturowe dotyczące oddziaływań cieczy jonowych z glebą. Ponadto przedstawiono wyniki...
Seasonal fluctuation of Agriotes lineatus, A. obscurus and A. sputator click beetles caught using pheromone traps in Poland
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Characterisation of PRESAGE™: A new 3-D radiochromic solid polymer dosemeter for ionising radiation
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3D Dosimetry Study of 188Re Liquid Balloon for Intravascular Brachytherapy Using BANG Polymer Gel Dosemeters
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Application of low-cost Gallium Arsenide light-emitting-diodes as kerma dosemeter and fluence monitor for high-energy neutrons
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The growth of Thermomyces lanuginosus (TSIKL.) isolates from garden composts and coffee beans on cellulose substrates and xylan at various water activity
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Possibility of NOx emission reduction from combustion process using sewage sludge gasification gas as an additional fuel
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Sewage gardens - constructed wetlands for single family households
PublikacjaDuring the last 30 years the increase of interest in low-cost decentralized and small wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) is observed in Europe. For this purpose sand filters, stabilization ponds, mini reactors with activated sludge, trickling filters and treatment wetlands are used. Among the listed facilities treatment wetlands (TWs) offer effective and reliable treatment efficiency, being at the same time low-cost and simple...
Preparation, composition and properties of fish silage produced with post-coagulation sludge
PublikacjaPost-coagulation sludge was added to fish fydrolyzates (silage). Silage was prepared using whole sprats. Technology of the process has been modified and sulphuric acid was replaced with phosphoric acid. The objective was to evaleuate the quality of produced silage during storage, particulary the changes of peroxide value and amount of free acids in silage fat.
PublikacjaThe paper compares two methods of analysis of odour of volatile organic compounds: classical sensory analysis and electronic nose technique. Eight volunteers participated in the classical sensory analysis investigations, which lasted two weeks. An instrumental odour analysis involved a prototype of 6-sensor electronic nose designed by the authors. The research performed with this device provided higher reproducibility and reliability...
Fluctuation of nitrogen fraction during wastewater treatment in a multistage treatment wetland
PublikacjaFactors influencing COD and removal and transformation of N fractions have been investigatedin the conditions of horizontal (SSHF) and vertical (SSVF) flow reed beds. Multistage treatment wetlandin Wiklino ensured a stable and very effective removal of all the analysed pollutants. Based onthe resultsof investigation, it could be assumed that the working conditions of SSHF beds play an importantrole in the transformation of particulate...
The first Polish interlaboratory comparision of the luminescent bacteria bioasssay with three standard toxicants
PublikacjaBadania biegłości laboratoriów z zastosowaniem odpowiednich materiałów referencyjnych powinny być regularnie wykonywane dla potwierdzenia jakości stosowanej procedury. W pracy zaprezentowano rezultaty pierwszych badań przeprowadzonych dla 9 polskich laboratoriów w zakresie oznaczania toksyczności z zastosowaniem bakterii Vibrio fischeri.Wyniki pokazują, że pierwsze polskie porównania międzylaboratoryjne biotestu opartego o bakterie...
Advanced oxidation treatment of Pentoxifylline in aqueous solution
PublikacjaThe degradation of pentoxifylline (PTX) using H2O2, UV, H2O2/UV, Fenton and photo- Fenton processes has been examined in aqueous solution. The influence of various amount of oxidation agent on H2O2, H2O2/UV, Fenton and photo-Fenton reactions were investigated. Initial PTX concentration in Fenton and photo-Fenton was considerated. The addition of inorganic ions (Cl-, NO3-, SO42- and CO32-) on the degradation efficiency of PTX were...
Influence of composition of raw wastewater on removal of nitrogen compounds in multistage treatment wetlands
PublikacjaInfluence of composition of raw wastewater on the efficiency of organic matter and nitrogen removal in multistage treatment wetlands has been examined. Commonly used indicators, like COD/BOD5 and BOD5/TN ratio, determining wastewater susceptibility to biodegradation in conventional treatment technologies were assessed. It was confirmed that multistage treatment wetland may be used for treatment of wastewater with high loads of...
PublikacjaPotentialities of ultrafast gas chromatography applied to periodical monitoring of odor nuisance originating from a municipal landfill have been examined. The results of investigation on classification of the atmospheric air samples collected in a vicinity of the landfill during winter and summer season have been presented. The investigation was performed using ultrafast gas chromatography of Fast/Flash GC type HERACLES II by Alpha...
Deodorization of model biogas by means of novel non-ionic deep eutectic solvent
PublikacjaThe paper presents new non-ionic deep eutectic solvent (DES) composed of natural and non-toxic components i.e. guaiacol, camphor and levulinic acid in 1:1:3 molar ratio as a promising absorbent for removal of selected volatile organic compounds (VOCs) including dichloromethane, toluene, hexamethyldisiloxane and propionaldehyde from model biogas. The affi nity of DES for VOCs was determined as vapour-liquid coeffi cients and the...
Correlations between organic pollution indicators in municipal wastewater
PublikacjaThe paper presents the results of a study of parameters used for determining the amount of organic pollutants in wastewater flowing into a collective wastewater treatment plant with a population equivalent of about 120 000 PE. The plant constituted part of a sewage system. Assays were performed for biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5), chemical oxygen demand (CODCr), permanganete index (CODMn) and total organic carbon (TOC). In addition,...
Removal of cyclohexane and ethanol from air in biotrickling filters inoculated with Candida albicans and Candida subhashii
PublikacjaThis paper presents investigations on the removal of cyclohexane and ethanol from air in polyurethane- -packed biotrickling filters, inoculated with Candida albicans and Candida subhashii fungal species. Results on process performance together with flow cytometry analyses of the biofilm formed over packing elements are presented and discussed. The results indicate that the presence of ethanol enhances the removal efficiency of cyclohexane...
Microbial and chemical quality assessment of the small rivers entering the South Baltic. Part II: Case study on the watercourses in the Puck Bay catchment area
PublikacjaDue to its location, Puck Bay is an area particularly vulnerable to pollution of anthropogenic origin. The aim of the study was to assess the water quality of small watercourses entering the inner part of Puck Bay. The paper presents the results of chemical and microbiological analyses of 10 rivers and canals at their estuaries located on the western shore of the internal Puck Bay. The following environmental parameters were analyzed:...
Sanctions and their role in preventing the appropriation of the creditor’s property rights in bankruptcy proceedings–the case of Poland
PublikacjaThe aim of this paper is to fill the cognitive gap regarding the role of sanc-tions in the protection of a creditor’s property rights in the event of an entrepreneur insolvency. The impact of sanctions on transaction costs, including their identifica-tion and types, as well as the impact on the protection of creditor rights, has been poorly recognized in the subject literature to date. This article investigates...
Rozdział 3.1.1. Przestrzenne formy ochrony przyrody. W: [Praca zbiorowa]Materiały do monografii przyrodniczej regionu gdańskiego. Gdańsk: Marpress **2002 s. 57-66, 4 tab. Tom 8 Diagnoza stanu i koncepcja ochrony środowiska przyrodniczo-kulturowe- go w województwie pomorskim. Diagnosis of natural-cultural environment´scondition and the idea of its protection in Pomeranian Voivodship. Red. A.Kostarczyk, M. Przewoźniak.
Valuation of architectural heritage by multicultural student groups
PublikacjaIn this article, the author addresses the education of architecture students in the field of architectural history and the determination of the value of architectural objects. Important changes at present are underway concerning this. Both the role of architectural history in architectural education and content in architectural history curricula is changing. The need for re-evaluation...
Reforms of Polish Antitrust Law: Closer to, or Further From, the European Model? Journal of European Competition Law and Practice
PublikacjaThe Polish Act on the Protection of Competition and Consumers has been recently amended. Changes include the introduction of a two-phase based merger control, a more efficient leniency program, and the administrative liability of individuals involved in antitrust agreements.
The Modernist Centre of Gdynia. Management Plan for the Nominated Property for the Years 2022-2027. Attachment to: Nomination Dossier on the inscription on the UNESCO World Heritage List of a part of Gdynia City Centre, Poland
PublikacjaThe Management Plan is a document that helps in managing the Nominated Property and follows the Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the Convention. The Plan is intended as a management tool to ensure the protection and maintenance of the Outstanding Universal Value (OUV) and the features that determine the integrity and authenticity of the place.
Fortifications of Hel Peninsula in Poland – history, preservation and contemporary adaptation.
PublikacjaThe Hel Peninsula fortifications are one of the largest and most interesting historic coastal fortification complexes in Poland. Built from the 1930s until demilitarisation at the end of the Cold War, they are now one of the biggest tourist attractions of the region. The article attempts to describe the history of their development, current state and selected problems related to their protection and adaptation for touristic purposes....
Performance of zinc-rich coatings evaluated using AFM-based electrical properties imaging
PublikacjaThe paper presents the results of investigation of polyvinyl zinc-rich coating exposed to 97% relativehumidity atmosphere for 40 days. Condition of the coating and evolution of its protective properties weredetermined with the novel AFM-based approach capable of providing surface profiles, local dc currentmaps as well as local impedance spectra. The proposed technique allowed insight into the local changesof coating topography...
PublikacjaThe article deals with one of the scientific issue solved within frames of the research project financed by Voivodeship Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management in Gdansk, namely, in particular, the method of energy investigations of the self-ignition engine in conditions of its supply with a non-standard (modified) marine fuel. The representative results of engine tests worked out on the especially built laboratory...
Ranking ecosystem services delivered by trees in urban and rural areas
PublikacjaPolicies and strategies for tree management and protection on a national, regional, and local level have not sufficiently considered differences between rural and urban areas. We used expert knowledge to compare rural and urban areas in a case study evaluating the relative importance of ecosystem services (ES) in policy development. The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and focus group discussions were used to rank 17 ES, representing...
Rozdział 2.2.1. Strukturalizacja przyrodnicza obszaru województwa pomors-kiego. W: [Praca zbiorowa] Materiały do monografii przyrodniczej regionu gdańskiego. Gdańsk: Marpress**2002 s. 18-31, 1 rys. Tom 8 Diagnoza stanu i koncepcja ochrony środowiska przyrodniczo-kulturowe- go w województwie pomorskim. Diagnosis of natural-cultural environment´scondition and the idea of its protection in Pomeranian Voivodship. Red. A.Kostarczyk, M. Przewoźniak.