wszystkich: 551
wybranych: 415
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: ANALYTICAL STUDIES
Analytical studies of spectrum broadcast structures in quantum Brownian motion
PublikacjaSpectrum broadcast structures are a new and fresh concept in the quantum-to-classical transition, introduced recently in the context of decoherence and the appearance of objective features in quantum mechanics. These are specific quantum state structures, responsible for the objectivization of the decohered state of a system. Recently, they have been demonstrated by means of the well-known quantum Brownian motion model of the recoilless...
Analytical studies on deposition and entrainment present in the Venturi nozzle two-phase flow
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Analytical studies on ascosin, candicidin and levorin multicomponent antifungal antibiotic complexes. The stereostructure of ascosin A2
PublikacjaIn the class of polyene macrolides, there is a subgroup of aromatic heptaenes, which exhibit the highest antifungal activity within this type of antibiotics. Yet, due to their complex nature, aromatic heptaenes were not extensively studied and their potential as drugs is currently underexploited. Moreover, there are many inconsistencies in the literature regarding the composition and the structures of the individual components...
Analytical studies on the environmental state of the Svalbard archipelago - critical source of information about anthropogenic global impact
PublikacjaThe Svalbard archipelago differs from other polar regions due to its specific environmental conditions and geographic location which make the area gather pollution from long-range transport. Due to the recent development in analytical techniques it is possible to determine the concentration of pollutants at the level present there. This paper collates and discusses the information from the literature about: pollutants present in...
Pathways and analytical tools in degradation studies of organic pollutants
PublikacjaWszystkie substancje chemiczne podlegają różnym procesom w wyniku wielu reakcji chemicznych, biochemicznych czy też fotochemicznych. W zależności od elementu środowiska w jakim znajduje się analit (np.: gleba, sedymenty, wody powierzchniowe i podziemne), może on ulegać powolnym przemianom w wyniku różnych procesów. W pracy przedstawiono niektóre drogi degradacji wybranych substancji w różnych warunkach. Omówiono problem identyfikacji...
Analytical studies on the environmental state of the Svalbard Archipelago provide a critical source of information about anthropogenic global impact
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Analytical techniques in studies of the environmental fate of pharmaceuticals and personal-care products
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono dane literaturowe odnośnie źródeł emisji, dróg transportu, przemian i metabolizmu, pomiomu stężeń ksenobiotyków z grupy farmaceutyków i środków higieny osobistej w próbkach pobranych z różnych elementów środowiska (woda, gleba, osady denne) oraz próbek bioty. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na techniki analityczne wykorzystywane w badaniach losu środowiskowego w/w zanieczyszczeń.
Studies of human and veterinary drugs' fate in environmental solid samples- analytical problems.
PublikacjaW różnych ośrodkach naukowych na całym świecie trwają prace nad poznaniem losu środowiskowego zanieczyszczeń z grupy farmaceutyków. Obecność pozostałości farmaceutycznych w poszczególnych elementach środowiska stanowi nowe wyzwanie zarówno z punktu widzenia technologii oczyszczania wód i ścieków jak i analityków, których zadaniem jest opracowanie nowych metodyk analitycznych. W publikacji przedstawiono problemy z jakimi stykają...
New Technique of preparation of standard gas mixtures needed for validation of analytical procedures used in environmental studies
PublikacjaStandard gas mixtures are indispensable reference materials for ensuring the reliability of analytical work. Paper presents one novel approach in the field of production of gaseous reference materials based on the application of thermal decomposition process of proper surface compound for obtaining the desired gaseous analyte. The main fields of application of reference materials are presented. The field of application of thermal...
Analytical Strategies and Applications in Lipidomics
PublikacjaLipidomics is a field of study aiming at a comprehensive analysis of a set of lipids in biological systems. This includes both quantitative and qualitative characterization of lipid profiles, comparative studies of lipidomes, and analysis of lipid-protein interactions. Lipids are structurally diversified that make their analysis a challenging task. The constant advances in analytical technologies, especially in the field of high-performance...
The Education of Analytical Chemists in Polish Universities
PublikacjaAnalytical Chemistry plays a very important role in the modern world. The main reasons are; the need of environmental monitoring, quality of food and water control, human health, quality of industrial production control, nanotechnologies and material science. Together with Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry and Physical Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry is a fundamental chemical course. The education of Analytical Chemists is...
Green analytical chemistry: Social dimension and teaching
PublikacjaGreen Analytical Chemistry (GAC) is the idea which every analytical chemist should be familiar of. Due to continuous improvement in the subject both from the aspects of theory and experimentation, the dynamic way analytical chemistry studies are evolving in the frame of chemistry degrees should not be surprising. Recently, many efforts have been made in order to include Green Chemistry principles to Education, also in the field...
Introduction to MIP synthesis, characteristics and analytical application
PublikacjaOne of the trends in analytical chemistry is associated with designing and developing new types of sample preparation techniques, which might significantly increase the efficiency and selectivity of the analytes isolation or/and preconcentration process. One of the most widely employed solutions are selective sorption materials, defined as molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs), as well as the sorbents with the molecular fingerprint....
Analytical Techniques Used in Monitoring of Atmospheric Air Pollutants
PublikacjaThe air pollution monitoring is one of the most pressing environmental problems today. The paper describes common air pollutants, their interaction and impact on the environment, and classifies the techniques and methods applied in air studies. Furthermore, the review characterizes the selected collection and sampling techniques used for gas sample analysis. Finally, the schematic diagrams of typical designs of systems applied...
AGREEprep – Analytical greenness metric for sample preparation
PublikacjaThis work proposes for the first time, a metric tool that gives prominence to sample preparation. The developed metric (termed AGREEprep) was based on 10 categories of impact that were recalculated to 0 e1 scale sub-scores, and then used to calculate the final assessment score. The criteria of assessment evaluated, among others, the choice and use of solvents, materials and reagents, waste generation, energy consumption, sample...
Revisiting serotonin’s role in spatial memory: A call for sensitive analytical approaches
PublikacjaThe serotonergic system is involved in various psychiatric and neurological conditions, with serotonergic drugs often used in treatment. These conditions frequently affect spatial memory, which can serve as a model of declarative memory due to well-known cellular components and advanced methods that track neural activity and behavior with high temporal resolution. However, most findings on serotonin's effects on spatial learning...
Analytical procedures used in examining human urine samples.
PublikacjaŹródłem informacji o stanie środowiska mogą być zarówno wyniki badań próbek części nieożywionej (woda, gleba, powietrze) jak i części biotycznej, w tym także tkanek i płynów ustrojowych człowieka, który jest nieustannie narażony na działanie szerokiego spektrum ksenobiotyków. Badanie płynów ustrojowych człowieka (głównie krwi i moczu) może być bardzo użyteczną i interesującą drogą do uzyskania informacji o stanie środowiska....
Some remarks on gas chromatographic challenges in the context of green analytical chemistry
PublikacjaOmówiono możliwości wprowadzenia zasad zielonej chemii analitycznej w odniesieniu do technik chromatograficznych.
Main strategies, analytical trends and challenges in LC-MS and ambient mass spectrometry-based metabolomics
PublikacjaA plethora of analytical LC-MS-based methods have been successfully applied to analyses of complex samples of various origin for metabolomics investigations. Over the last ten years, the substantial evolution of ambient mass spectrometry (AMS) techniques has highlighted their tremendous potential in metabolomic studies due to the minimal sample pretreatment requirement and the ability to analyse samples in their native state. This...
Pre-analytical aspects in metabolomics of human biofluids – sample collection, handling, transport, and storage
PublikacjaMetabolomics is the field of omics research that offers valuable insights into the complex composition of biological samples. It has found wide application in clinical diagnostics, disease investigation, therapy prediction, monitoring of treatment efficiency, drug discovery, or in-depth analysis of sample composition. A suitable study design constitutes the fundamental requirements to ensure robust and reliable results from the...
AGREEMIP: The Analytical Greenness Assessment Tool for Molecularly Imprinted Polymers Synthesis
PublikacjaMolecular imprinting technology is well established in areas where a high selectivity is required, such as catalysis, sensing, and separations/sample preparation. However, according to the Principles of Green Chemistry, it is evident that the various steps required to obtain molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) are far from ideal. In this regard, greener alternatives to the synthesis of MIPs have been proposed in recent years....
Analytical methods for exhaustive characterization of Brassica plants and dietary products based on them
PublikacjaGlucosinolates (GLs), and particularly two classes of their degradation products - isothiocyanates (ITC) and indoles - released upon myrosinase catalyzed hydrolysis, belong to the most promising chemopreventive dietary components. Despite their wide use in plant research, studies on chemopreventive mechanisms and industrial utilization in the production of e.g. dietary supplements, the methods of reliable characterization of myrosinase-GLs...
Analytical procedures for quality control of pharmaceuticals in terms of residual solvents content: Challenges and recent developments
PublikacjaResidual solvents play an important role in the synthesis of drugs and in product formulations. In addition, they pose a serious problem, that is toxicity, as many of them exhibit toxic or environmentally hazardous properties. Therefore, constant monitoring of quality control is needed. In this study, we present an overview of regulatory and general methods described by various pharmacopoeias. Then, the most commonly used methodologies...
Deep eutectic solvent based method for analysis of Niclosamide in pharmaceutical and wastewater samples – A green analytical chemistry approach
PublikacjaThe paper presents a simple, but very effective and sensitive spectrophotometric method for trace analysis of Niclosamide based on liquid–liquid microextraction using deep eutectic solvents (DESs) prior to its quantification. Here, different DES systems, such as Choline chloride (ChCl) + Urea, ChCl + Citric acid, ChCl + Ethylene glycol and ChCl + Phenol, were synthesized and evaluated at different molar ratios, selecting ChCl + Phenol...
Analytical eco-scale for assessing the greenness of analytical procedures
PublikacjaWe propose the analytical eco-scale as a novel comprehensive approach to evaluating the greenness of analytical methodology. It is based on assigning penalty points to parameters of an analytical process that are not in agreement with the ideal green analysis. This approach compares different parameters and different steps of the analytical process. Traditional green chemistry metrics 9e.g. Atom Economy, E-factor and Reaction Mass...
A novel analytical approach in the assessment of unprocessed Kaffir lime peel and pulp as potential raw materials for cosmetic applications
PublikacjaVolatile fraction of fruits is a rich source of bioactive and aroma compounds, which can be used in the cosmetics industry after meeting relevant criteria. This is particularly evident in citrus fruits, especially in Citrus hystrix, in which the headspace consists mainly of terpenes. Due to the insufficient sensitivity of analytical methods, essential oils are used in investigations in contrast to fresh fruits. Therefore, a novel...
Introducing the concept of sustainable development into analytical practice: green analytical chemistry
PublikacjaW rozdziale przedstawiono innowacyjne techniki analityczne spełniające wymogi zrównoważonego rozwoju w kontekscie praktyki analitycznej. Przedstawiono bezrozpuszczalnikowe metody przygotowania próbek oraz przykłady calych procedur analitycznych spełniajacych warunek zielonej chemii analitycznej
A new tool for the evaluation of the analytical procedure: Green Analytical Procedure Index
PublikacjaA new means for assessing analytical protocols relating to green analytical chemistry attributes has been developed. The new tool, called GAPI (Green Analytical Procedure Index), evaluates the green character of an entire analytical methodology, from sample collection to final determination, and was created using such tools as the National Environmental Methods Index (NEMI) or Analytical Eco-Scale to provide not only general but...
Decoding soundscape stimuli and their impact on ASMR studies
PublikacjaThis paper focuses on extracting and understanding the acoustical features embedded in the soundscape used in ASMR (Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response) studies. To this aim, a dataset of the most common sound effects employed in ASMR studies is gathered, containing whispering stimuli but also sound effects such as tapping and scratching. Further, a comparative analytical survey is performed based on various acoustical features...
Quality of analytical results
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono podstawowe informacje dotyczące kontroli i zapewnienia jakości wyników analitycznych (QC/QA). W postaci odpowiednich schematów zaprezentowano: ideę spójności pomiarowej; zasady walidacji metodyk analitycznych; rolę materiałów odniesienia w procesie analitycznym.
Analytical chemistry with biosolvents
PublikacjaOne of the current trends in green analytical chemistry is the introduction of green solvents, some of which are biobased. At the same time, the development of the biorefinery concept has allowed more biochemicals to be obtained with increased efficiency and from a wider range of feedstocks. The first examples of the use of biosolvents in analytical applications included extractions performed with alcohols, esters, and terpenes....
The 12 principles of green analytical chemistry and the SIGNIFICANCE mnemonic of green analytical practices
PublikacjaThe current rapid development of green analytical chemistry (GAC) requires clear, concise guidelines in the form of GAC principles that will be helpful in greening laboratory practices. The existing principles of green chemistry and green engineering need revision for their use in GAC because they do not fully meet the needs of analytical chemistry. In this article we propose a set of 12 principles consisting of known concepts...
Application of multivariate statistics in assessment of green analytical chemistry parameters of analytical methodologies
PublikacjaThe study offers a multivariate statistical analysis of a dataset, including the major metrological, “greenness” and methodological parameters of 43 analytical methodologies applied for aldrin determination (a frequently analyzed organic compound) in water samples. The variables (parameters) chosen were as follows: metrological (LOD, recovery, RSD), describing the “greenness” (amount of the solvent used, amount of waste generated)...
Green analytical chemistry introduction to chloropropanols determination at no economic and analytical performance costs?
PublikacjaIn this study we perform ranking of analytical procedures for 3-monochloropopane-1,2-diol determination in soy sauces with PROMETHEE method. Multicriteria decision analysis was performed for three different scenarios – metrological, economic and environmental, by application different weights to decision making criteria. All three scenarios indicate capillary electrophoresis – based procedure as the most preferable. Apart from...
Application of analytical procedure based on accelerated solvent extraction and ion chromatography technique for determination of thiocyanate and other inorganic ions in human placenta samples
PublikacjaExposure of a pregnant woman during pregnancy is a special case of exposure to toxic substances. Samples of placenta collected for the studies had been prepared with the technique of accelerated solvent extraction and later analyzed for the presence of thiocyanate ion and other inorganic ions, with the use of the technique of ion chromatography. The concentration of thiocyanate ion in placenta samples collected from active smokers...
Green and equitable analytical chemistry
PublikacjaGreen analytical chemistry introduces the ideas of reduction ofanalytical activities impact on the environment. However, to bemore sustainable, analytical chemistry should include socialaspects in greater manner. In this light‘equitable’analyticalprocedures, which are easily available in terms of price andapplicability by everyday user, are developed. These positivetrends are observed as many procedures, based on commonlyused for...
Evaluation of the Greenness of Analytical Procedures
PublikacjaThis contributions introduces the need to develop the methods to evaluate analytical procedures in the light of green analytical chemistry. Green chemistry metrics are not applicable in analytical chemistry because they refer to the mass of product and no product with mass is generated during analytical determination. Analytical greenness evaluations are based on scoring - such as NEMI or Eco-scale or comparative analysis as it...
Metrics for green analytical chemistry
PublikacjaGreen analytical chemistry, although not being a new concept, does not have a greenness metrics system. Green chemistry metrics are not suitable for analytical procedure assessment because they often refer to the mass of the product. Some efforts have been made to develop suitable metrics for analytical chemistry. Some are simple to use but do not cover all aspects of analytical methods’ environmental impact. Others are more comprehensive...
Fundamentals of classical and analytical mechanics
PublikacjaThe book is a monographic description of the present attempt to Newtonian and Lagrangian mechanics. But also, it could be found as a supplementary educational material useful for the graduate courses in mechanics taken by students majoring in mechanical engineering, physics or physical science. In the book you can find a brief introduction to concepts and principles of algebra of vectors; Kinematics of particles, mainly focused...
Modified GAPI (MoGAPI) Tool and Software for the Assessment of Method Greenness: Case Studies and Applications
PublikacjaThe green analytical procedure index (GAPI) has been widely used to assess the greenness of different steps in analytical methodology. In the GAPI index, the different stages of the chemical analysis process are depicted using five pentagrams divided in subsections, labeled green, yellow, or red according to the degree of greenness. This GAPI tool provides a quick overview of the environmental impact and safety of the procedure....
Vibration and buckling characteristics of nonlocal beam placed in a magnetic field embedded in Winkler–Pasternak elastic foundation using a new refined beam theory: an analytical approach
PublikacjaIn this article, a new refined beam theory, namely one variable first-order shear deformation theory, has been employed to study the vibration and buckling characteristics of nonlocal beam. The beam is exposed to an axial magnetic field and embedded in Winkler–Pasternak foundation. The von Kármán hypothesis along with Hamilton’s principle has been implemented to derive the governing equations for both the vibration and buckling...
History and Milestones of Green Analytical Chemistry
PublikacjaDue to the increased environmental consciousness, Green Analytical Chemistry (GAC) is an important concept steadily gaining popularity, as its implementation facilitates the decrease the detrimental effect analytical chemistry methodologies may have on the environment. In this chapter, a brief overview of the history of Green Analytical Chemistry (GAC) and its milestones was given. Emphasis has been put on the beginnings of green...
The role of analytical chemistry in the study of the Anthropocene
PublikacjaThe term “Anthropocene” refers to not yet formalized epoch of geologic time during which geologic processes have been dominated by the human impact. This impact takes on many forms. Biological, physical and chemical changes to the Earth System caused by anthropogenic activity are recorded in natural archives either as new fossil assemblages (neobiota), anthropogenic deposits or a wide variety of pollutants emitted to the environment....
Greener organic solvents in analytical chemistry
PublikacjaThe paper presents the most recent advances in analytical applications of greener organic solvents. Substitution of problematic solvents with more benign organic ones is much easier than shifting to technique applying alternative solvents, such as ionic liquids or supercritical fluids. In the area of liquid chromatography greener mobile phases, much attention is given to application ethanol or acetone instead of acetonitrile. Solvent-based...
Analytical procedure for the determination of chlorobenzenes in sediments
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono badania nad opracowaniem procedury oznaczania chlorobenzenów w próbkach osadów dennych. Składa się ona z następujących etapów: ekstrakcji za pomocą rozpuszczalnika (wytrząsanie); oczyszczanie ekstraktu; odparowanie rozpuszczalnika (redukcja objętości ekstraktu); analiza z wykorzystaniem techniki GC-MS. Przeprowadzono badania stopnia odzysku z wykorzystaniem wzorca wewnętrznego (deuterowany 1,2-dibromobenzen).
Mineral components in food - analytical implications
PublikacjaRozdział w całości poświęcony jest analizie próbek żywności pod kątem oznaczania w nich mikro i makroelementów. Przedstawione zostały metody przygotowania próbek oraz techniki wykorzystywane na etapie oznaczeń końcowych.
Liquid Crystals in Analytical Chemistry: A Review
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Life Cycle Assessment of Analytical Protocols
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Life Cycle Assessment of Analytical Protocols
PublikacjaLife cycle assessment is a relatively new tool for environmental management, which is becoming more and more important owing to the globalization of the world economy, where there is a need to develop standards in protecting the environment
Teaching of Analytical Chemistry in Polisch Universities
PublikacjaChemia Analityczna zajmuje się poszukiwaniem i opracowywaniem optymalnych strategii (metod i urządzeń) pozwalających na uzyskiwanie miarodajnych informacji dotyczących chemicznej natury różnych obiektów znajdujących się w naszym otoczeniu i przebiegających w nich procesach. Wykorzystanie informacji analitycznej jest bardzo szerokie. Otrzymany wynik jest towarem, tym droższym im jest bardziej miarodajny. Chemik analityk odpowiada...