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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: BRAIN
The Brain of the city
PublikacjaIn order to highlight the characteristics of the West End of Wrocław, we conducted a site analysis. Using the strengths of the site, we were able to create a unique concept of the district while minimizing the impacts of weaknesses by design. The purpose of redesigning the West End of Wrocław is to attract new people to the district through the transformation of an identity. Initially, we conducted a SWOT analysis to identify the...
Physical Activity vs. Redox Balance in the Brain: Brain Health, Aging and Diseases
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Hypertension, Brain Damage and Cognitive Decline
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Systemic approach to modelling the human brain
PublikacjaW prezentacji przedstawia się ogólną koncepcję w pełni autonomicznego systemu decyzyjnego dla robota (awatara, linguabota), zdolnego reagować na bodźce ze środowiska oraz opartego na opracowanym matematycznym modelu psychologii poznawczej człowieka, z elementami psychologii osobowości., uwzględniającymi 'potrzeby', 'emocje', 'nastrój' oraz elementy 'woli'.
Validity of MRI brain perfusion imaging method
PublikacjaW artykule zaprezentowano zbiór analiz dotyczących walidacji metody DSC-MRI. Zbadano wpływ rozmycia, opóźnienia, niskiego SNR bolusa oraz innych możliwych źródeł zakłócających wartość parametru perfuzji. Różne metody uzyskiwania parametrów perfuzji zostały zaprezentowane i porównane.
Validity of MRI brain perfusion imaging method
PublikacjaW artykule zaprezentowano zbiór analiz dotyczących walidacji metody DSC-MRI. Zbadano wpływ rozmycia, opóźnienia, niskiego SNR bolusa oraz innych możliwych źródeł zakłócających wartość parametru perfuzji. Różne metody uzyskiwania parametrów perfuzji zostały zaprezentowane i porównane.
Limitations of DSC-MRI for quantitative brain perfusion.
PublikacjaArtykuł przedstawia ograniczenia metody DSC-MRI w ilościowej ocenie przepływów mózgowych. W zakresie pięciu różnych grup zagadnień przeprowadzono testy symulacyjne oraz obliczenia na podstawie badań fantomowych i in-vivo. Pokazano i omówiono wyniki badań.
Pathological brain network activity: memory impairment in epilepsy
PublikacjaOur thinking, memory and cognition in general, relies upon precisely timed interactions among neurons forming brain networks that support cognitive processes. The surgical evaluation of drug-resistant epilepsy using intracranial electrodes provides a unique opportunity to record directly from human brain and to investigate the coordinated activity of cognitive networks. In this issue of Neurology®, Kleen and colleagues1 implicate...
Image Segmentation of MRI image for Brain Tumor Detection
Publikacjathis research work presents a new technique for brain tumor detection by the combination of Watershed algorithm with Fuzzy K-means and Fuzzy C-means (KIFCM) clustering. The MATLAB based proposed simulation model is used to improve the computational simplicity, noise sensitivities, and accuracy rate of segmentation, detection and extraction from MR...
The association between allostatic load and brain: A systematic review
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Parametric imaging in dynamic glucose metabolism studies in brain
PublikacjaArtykuł analizuje badania dynamiczne 18FDG-PET, które służą do estymacji metabolizmu glukozy w mózgu. Zbadano w nim wpływ zakłóceń na wyznaczanie interesującego nas parametru LCMRGlc.
The Unfolded Protein Response: A Double-Edged Sword for Brain Health
PublikacjaEfficient brain function requires as much as 20% of the total oxygen intake to support normal neuronal cell function. This level of oxygen usage, however, leads to the generation of free radicals, and thus can lead to oxidative stress and potentially to age-related cognitive decay and even neurodegenerative diseases. The regulation of this system requires a complex monitoring network to maintain proper oxygen homeostasis. Furthermore,...
Automatic Clustering of EEG-Based Data Associated with Brain Activity
PublikacjaThe aim of this paper is to present a system for automatic assigning electroencephalographic (EEG) signals to appropriate classes associated with brain activity. The EEG signals are acquired from a headset consisting of 14 electrodes placed on skull. Data gathered are first processed by the Independent Component Analysis algorithm to obtain estimates of signals generated by primary sources reflecting the activity of the brain....
PublikacjaAn experiment conducted to validate a possibility of use a single active electrode EEG device for detecting Steady State Visually Evoked Potentials (SSVEP) is shown. A LED stimulator was applied to stimulate patients with two different frequencies - 13 Hz and 17 Hz. First, EEG signals were recorded and pre-processed using MATLAB software. In the next step recordings were analysed and classified employing the WEKA software. As indicated...
Deep brain stimulation: new possibilities for the treatment of mental disorders
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Global DNA demethylation as an epigenetic marker of human brain metastases
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Behavioral state classification in epileptic brain using intracranial electrophysiology
PublikacjaOBJECTIVE: Automated behavioral state classification can benefit next generation implantable epilepsy devices. In this study we explored the feasibility of automated awake (AW) and slow wave sleep (SWS) classification using wide bandwidth intracranial EEG (iEEG) in patients undergoing evaluation for epilepsy surgery. APPROACH: Data from seven patients (age [Formula: see text], 4 women) who underwent intracranial depth electrode...
Method for Clustering of Brain Activity Data Derived from EEG Signals
PublikacjaA method for assessing separability of EEG signals associated with three classes of brain activity is proposed. The EEG signals are acquired from 23 subjects, gathered from a headset consisting of 14 electrodes. Data are processed by applying Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) for the signal analysis and an autoencoder neural network for the brain activity separation. Processing involves 74 wavelets from 3 DWT families: Coiflets,...
Sweet grass protection against oxidative stress formation in the rat brain
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Deep learning approach on surface EEG based Brain Computer Interface
PublikacjaIn this work we analysed the application of con-volutional neural networks in motor imagery classification for the Brain Computer Interface (BCI) purposes. To increase the accuracy of classification we proposed the solution that combines the Common Spatial Pattern (CSP) with convolutional network (ConvNet). The electroencephalography (EEG) is one of the modalities we try to use for controlling the prosthetic arm. Therefor in this...
Mixture model of NMR - its application to diagnosis and treatment of brain cancer
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Brain/blood distribution described by a combination of partition coefficient and molecular mass
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Diagnosis of Brain Tumors Through Global Specific DNA Methylation Analysis
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Molecular Diagnostics of Brain Tumours by Measuring the 5-Methylcytosine Level in Their DNA
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Direct brain stimulation modulates encoding states and memory performance in humans
PublikacjaPeople often forget information because they fail to effectively encode it. Here, we test the hypothesis that targeted electrical stimulation can modulate neural encoding states and subsequent memory outcomes. Using recordings from neurosurgical epilepsy patients with intracranially implanted electrodes, we trained multivariate classifiers to discriminate spectral activity during learning that predicted remembering from forgetting,...
Direct electrical brain stimulation of human memory: lessons learnt and future perspectives
PublikacjaModulation of cognitive functions supporting human declarative memory is one of the grand challenges of neuroscience, and of vast importance for a variety of neuropsychiatric, neurodegenerative and neurodevelopmental diseases. Despite a recent surge of successful attempts at improving performance in a range of memory tasks, the optimal approaches and parameters for memory enhancement have yet to be determined. On a more fundamental...
An experimental EEG study of brain activities underlying the Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response
PublikacjaAutonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR) is an audio-visual phenomenon that has recently become popular. Many people have reported experiencing a tingling-like sensation through their body while watching audio/video clips known as ASMR clips. People capable of having such experiences have also reported improved overall well-being and feeling relaxed. However, the neural activity underlying this phenomenon is not yet well-studied....
Intracranial electrophysiological recordings from the human brain during memory tasks with pupillometry
PublikacjaData comprise intracranial EEG (iEEG) brain activity represented by stereo EEG (sEEG) signals, recorded from over 100 electrode channels implanted in any one patient across various brain regions. The iEEG signals were recorded in epilepsy patients (N=10) undergoing invasive monitoring and localization of seizures when they were performing a battery of four memory tasks lasting approx. 1 hour in total. Gaze tracking on the task...
Modeling of subarachnoid space width change caused by blood circulation in brain vessels
PublikacjaThe subarachnoid space is an anatomic space, lying in the central nervous system, between the arachnoid membrane and the pia mater. It is filled with cerebrospinal fluid, which protects and nourishes the brain. The pathological disorder of the subarachnoid space (i.e. increase or decrease of its width) a ects the nervous system. Therefore, it is important to diagnose the width changes of the subarachnoid space. One way to support...
Analyzing the Effectiveness of the Brain–Computer Interface for Task Discerning Based on Machine Learning
PublikacjaThe aim of the study is to compare electroencephalographic (EEG) signal feature extraction methods in the context of the effectiveness of the classification of brain activities. For classification, electroencephalographic signals were obtained using an EEG device from 17 subjects in three mental states (relaxation, excitation, and solving logical task). Blind source separation employing independent component analysis (ICA) was...
Unraveling the Protective Effects of Cognitive Reserve on Cognition and Brain: A Cross-Sectional Study
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Deep brain stimulation in obsessive-compulsive disorder – case report of two patients
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Brain-Inspired Deep Networks for Facial Expression Recognition. Frontiers in Biomedical Technologies
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Variances in the Expression Profile of Circadian Clock-Related Genes in Astrocytic Brain Tumors
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Mortality After Traumatic Brain Injury in Elderly Patients: A New Scoring System
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Myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs) in brain cancer: challenges and therapeutic strategies
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Validation of the Elderly Traumatic Brain Injury Score: Observational Case Control Study
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Comparison of Three Extraction Approaches for the Isolation of Neurotransmitters from Rat Brain Samples
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Modified U-Net with attention gate for enhanced automated brain tumor segmentation
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Brain perfusion imaging with the use of parametric modelling basing on DSC-MRI data
PublikacjaW pracy do estymacji parametrów perfuzji mózgu: przepływu krwi mózgowej (cerebral blood flow, CBF), objętości krwi mózgowej (cerebral blood volume, CBV) oraz średniego czasu przejścia (mean transit time, MTT) wykorzystano pomiary DSC-MRI (Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast Magnetic Resonance Imaging). W modelowaniu danych MRI zastoswoano model trzykompartmentowy. Przedstawiono i porównano dwa podejścia do identyfikacji modelu różniące...
Intellectual brain drain and economic growth in developing countries: A theoretical solution of strategic compensation
PublikacjaBrain drain is a real problem for the developing countries like Pakistan. It not only impacts theworkforce, but its effect eventually translates to economic growth as well. The most severe form of braindrain is intellectual as top tier skilled employees’ move out of the country. This study explores the issue ofintellectual brain drain in Pakistan moreover analyzes its severity to the economic growth. Finally,...
CyberEye: New Eye-Tracking Interfaces for Assessment and Modulation of Cognitive Functions beyond the Brain
PublikacjaThe emergence of innovative neurotechnologies in global brain projects has accelerated research and clinical applications of BCIs beyond sensory and motor functions. Both invasive and noninvasive sensors are developed to interface with cognitive functions engaged in thinking, communication, or remembering. The detection of eye movements by a camera offers a particularly attractive external sensor for computer interfaces to monitor,...
A Study in Experimental Methods of Human-Computer Communication for Patients After Severe Brain Injuries
PublikacjaExperimental research in the domain of multimedia technology applied to medical practice is discussed, employing a prototype of integrated multimodal system to assist diagnosis and polysensory stimulation of patients after severe brain injury. The system being developed includes among others: eye gaze tracker, and EEG monitoring of non-communicating patients after severe brain injuries. The proposed solutions are used for collecting...
Hydroxylamine attenuates the effects of simulated subarachnoid hemorrhage in the rat brain and improves neurological outcome
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Analysis of the Capability of Deep Learning Algorithms for EEG-based Brain-Computer Interface Implementation
PublikacjaMachine learning models have received significant attention for their exceptional performance in classifying electroencephalography (EEG) data. They have proven to be highly effective in extracting intricate patterns and features from the raw signal data, thereby contributing to their success in EEG classification tasks. In this study, we explore the possibilities of utilizing contemporary machine learning algorithms in decoding...
Optimized procedure of extraction, purification and proteomic analysis of nuclear proteins from mouse brain
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Comparison of protein precipitation methods for various rat brain structures prior to proteomic analysis
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Compensatory functional reorganization may precede hypertension-related brain damage and cognitive decline
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Blood–brain barrier permeability mechanisms in view of quantitative structure–activity relationships (QSAR)
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Brain Fog and Quality of Life at Work in Non-Hospitalized Patients after COVID-19