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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: COOPERATIVE GAME THEORY

  • Game Theory Analysis of Bidding for a Construction Contract


    The authors are concerned with a bidding problem. There are two companies (P1 and P2) bidding for a highway construction project. In order to be more competitive, P1 considers buying a new gravel pit near the construction site. The basic cost of the pit is known to both companies. However, there is also an additional, hidden, cost (C) known only to P1. P2 is uncertain whether the hidden cost is C = 0 or C = x. P1 plans to bid for...

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  • Application of Game Theory to Conflict Management in a Construction Contract

    Interest has recently grown in the application of game theory (GT) to solve a number of diverse problems in the field of construction. The use of GT by a general contractor (GC) of construction works to indicate the best strategy leading to winning court proceedings in a situation of conflict with investor (IN), has not been investigated until now. Thus the aim of this paper is to indicate the optimal strategy from the GC viewpoint...

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  • Game theory, as a way for integrating of ship control systems

    Referat przedstawia koncepcję wykorzystania algorytmów zastosowanych w teorii gier do zintegrowania układów sterowania statków, takich jak układ sterowania kursu i trajektorii statku, układ sterowania napędu statku, układ sterowania stabilizacji kołysań bocznych statku, itp. Jest to koncepcja oryginalna.

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  • Modelling Negotiations of Construction Subcontract based on a Game Theory – Results of an Experiment

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  • Application of Game Theory against Nature in Supporting Bid Pricing in Construction


    - Symmetry-Basel - Rok 2021

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  • Game theory-based virtual machine migration for energy sustainability in cloud data centers

    • F. J. Maldonado-Carrascosa
    • S. García-Galán
    • M. Valverde-Ibáñez
    • T. Marciniak
    • M. Szczerska
    • N. Ruiz-Reyes

    - APPLIED ENERGY - Rok 2024

    As the demand for cloud computing services increases, optimizing resource allocation and energy consumption has become a key factor in achieving sustainability in cloud environments. This paper presents a novel approach to address these challenges through an optimized virtual machine (VM) migration strategy that employs a game-theoretic approach based on particle swarm optimization (PSO) (PSO-GTA). The proposed approach leverages...

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  • Cooperative control in production and logistics

    • L. Monostori
    • P. Valckenaers
    • A. Dolgui
    • H. Panetto
    • M. Brdyś
    • B. Csáji


    Classical applications of control engineering and information and communication technology (ICT) in production and logistics are often done in a rigid, centralized and hierarchical way. These inflexible approaches are typically not able to cope with the complexities of the manufacturing environment, such as the instabilities, uncertainties and abrupt changes caused by internal and external disturbances, or a large number and variety...

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  • A Reputation Scheme to Discourage Selfish QoS Manipulation in Two-Hop Wireless Relay Networks


    - Rok 2018

    In wireless networks, stations can improve their received quality of service (QoS) by handling packets of source flows with higher priority. Additionally, in cooperative relay networks, the relays can handle transit flows with lower priority. We use game theory to model a two-hop relay network where each of the two involved stations can commit such selfish QoS manipulation. We design and evaluate a reputation-based incentive scheme...

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  • Crowdsourcing-Based Evaluation of Automatic References Between WordNet and Wikipedia

    The paper presents an approach to build references (also called mappings) between WordNet and Wikipedia. We propose four algorithms used for automatic construction of the references. Then, based on an aggregation algorithm, we produce an initial set of mappings that has been evaluated in a cooperative way. For that purpose, we implement a system for the distribution of evaluation tasks, that have been solved by the user community....

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  • Discouraging Traffic Remapping Attacks in Local Ad Hoc Networks

    Quality of Service (QoS) is usually provided in ad hoc networks using a class-based approach which, without dedicated security measures in place, paves the way to various abuses by selfish stations. Such actions include traffic remapping attacks (TRAs), which consist in claiming a higher traffic priority, i.e., false designation of the intrinsic traffic class so that it can be mapped onto a higher-priority class. In practice, TRAs...

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  • Game about space or game in the space?

    The article analyzes various aspects of the actions taken by participants involved in the process of a spatial change. Such a process is described as a game about space or a game in the space. Different terminology is presented, in particular the meaning of: spatial order, regional studies, eco-development, sustainable development. Different forms of the game are analyzed: space as a theater, as a casino, as an area of conflict....

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  • Overview of cooperative communication methods

    The paper presents issues related to the cooperative communication in wireless networks. Cooperative com-munication involves the use of mobile terminals as relay stations to improve the transmission quality, improve network performance and reduce energy consumption. It is also possible to use several different data transmission standards. The paper presents the methods used to implement cooperative communication. The types of cooperative...

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  • Cooperative Data Transmission in Wireless Vehicular Networks


    - Rok 2017

    The paper presents issues related to the cooperative transmission in wireless vehicular networks. Cooperative transmission involves the use of mobile terminals as relay stations to improve the transmission quality, improve network performance and reduce energy consumption. The paper presents the methods used to implement cooperative transmission and the types of cooperative networks.

  • Model of emotions for game players


    - Rok 2015

    Affect-aware video games can respond to a game player's emotions. Such games seem to be more attractive for users. Therefore for that kind of games it is necessary to create a model of the player's emotions to know to which emotions the application should react. The paper describes different models of emotions. The questionnaire and experiment for video game players is presented. Some results of the tests are shown. Then the model...

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  • Analysis and improvement attempt of prof. Alan Fowler’s negotiation game

    The main goal of the following article is to design an improved version of the negotiation game created by prof. Alan Fowler (Fowler, 1997). I have tried to achieve this by constructing four separate versions of the game which represent different approaches while preserving rules, chosen basic technical assumptions and the simplicity of the base game. Each version of the game is supposed to i.a. make it less obvious, create new...

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  • Game with a Purpose for Mappings Verification

    Mappings verification is a laborious task. The paper presents a Game with a Purpose based system for verification of automatically generated mappings. General description of idea standing behind the games with the purpose is given. Description of TGame system, a 2D platform mobile game with verification process included in the gameplay, is provided. Additional mechanisms for anti-cheating, increasing player’s motivation and gathering...

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  • Locally Adaptive Cooperative Kalman Smoothing and Its Application to Identification of Nonstationary Stochastic Systems

    One of the central problems of the stochastic approximation theory is the proper adjustment of the smoothing algorithm to the unknown, and possibly time-varying, rate and mode of variation of the estimated signals/parameters. In this paper we propose a novel locally adaptive parallel estimation scheme which can be used to solve the problem of fixed-interval Kalman smoothing in the presence of model uncertainty. The proposed solution...

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  • Integration of brood units in game universe


    - Rok 2011

    An access to a great number of various services allows for decomposition of complex problems Developing a game universe usually involves creation of various units which can be encountered by a player. Those can be lonely or organized in broods animals and monsters wandering around the game world. In order to provide natural gaming experience those units should behave variously depending on the world situation. Those behaviours...

  • Assessing Word Difficulty for Quiz-Like Game


    Mappings verification is a laborious task. Our research aims at providing a framework for manual verification of mappings using crowdsourcing approach. For this purpose we plan on implementing a quiz like game. For this purpose the mappings have to be evaluated in terms of difficulty to better present texts in respect of game levels. In this paper we present an algorithm for assessing word difficulty. Three approaches...

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  • Cooperative mobile guards in grids

    Praca dotyczy problemu strzeżenia dwuwymiarowych krat ortogonalnych, przy założeniu, że obszar widoczności strażnika obejmuje jedną ulicę oraz wszystkie ulice ją przecinające. Rozważano wariant straży słabo współpracujących, w którym dodatkowo każdy strażnik musi widzieć przynajmniej jednego innego strażnika. Podano dowód NP-trudności problemu optymalizacyjnego w przypadku ogólnym, algorytm dokładny o złożoności O(n log n) dla...

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  • Game with a Purpose for Verification of Mappings Between Wikipedia and WordNet


    - Rok 2017

    The paper presents a Game with a Purpose for verification of automatically generated mappings focusing on mappings between WordNet synsets and Wikipedia articles. General description of idea standing behind the games with the purpose is given. Description of TGame system, a 2D platform mobile game with verification process included in the game-play, is provided. Additional mechanisms for anti-cheating, increasing player’s motivation...

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  • The Successful Case of Social Cooperative 50+ as an Example of Value Creation


    The article presents the successful case of social cooperative 50+ as an Example of Value Creation. Authors discuss an idea of social enterprises and social cooperatives and success factors of them.

  • Smooth start for strategry game development supported by XNA framework

    To attract young and casual game developers, Microsoft created a set of libraries oriented towards easier game development and end-product management. The aim of XNA Framework is to provide a unified software development environment for creating games for both PC's and dedicated platforms like XBOX consoles or mobile phones capable of 3D acceleration. The use of modern, object oriented languages available for the .NET platform...

  • Linear game non-contextuality and Bell inequalities—a graph-theoretic approach



    We study the classical and quantum values of a class of one-and two-party unique games, that generalizes the well-known XOR games to the case of non-binary outcomes. In the bipartite case the generalized XOR(XOR-d) games we study are a subclass of the well-known linear games. We introduce a 'constraint graph' associated to such a game, with the constraints defining the game represented by an edge-coloring of the graph. We use the...

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  • Zero-Visibility Cops and Robber Game on a Graph



    We examine the zero-visibility cops and robber graph searching model, which differs from the classical cops & robber game in one way: the robber is invisible. We show that this model is not monotonic. We also provide bounds on both the zero-visibility copnumber and monotonic zero-visibility copnumber in terms of the pathwidth.

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  • A proposition for integrating elements of game universe by means of behavioral trees

    Modern computer games often involve autonomous beings collaborating and competing with each other to reach their objectives in the game universe. It seems only natural to use agent-oriented approach in such cases. This article identifies the rules of building a game universe as an environment for executing agents. The paper also covers a method for decomposing compound behaviors into behavioral trees. Dividing complex behaviors...

  • The Cluster Organization. Analyzing the Development of Cooperative Relationships


    - Rok 2021

    Cluster organizations are becoming more and more popular, both in developing and developed countries. Considering the development of cluster policy and the related dynamic growth of cluster initiatives in the world, the lack of sufficient knowledge on the development of cooperation in cluster organizations inhibits their development and, in many cases, causes their complete disintegration.   The book provides new important elements...

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  • Concept description vectors and the 20 question game


    - Rok 2005

    Knowledge of properties that are applicable to a given object is a necessary prerequisite to formulate intelligent question. Concept description vectors provide simplest representation of this knowledge, storing for each object information about the values of its properties. Experiments with automatic creation of concept description vectors from various sources, including ontologies, dictionaries, encyclopedias and unstructured...

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  • Designing effective educational games - a case study of a project management game

    This paper addresses the issues of designing effective educational games. We aim at investigating how the cognitive, behavioral and emotional aspects of the games influence their educational effectiveness. The results were obtained with an observational user experience study extended with affect analysis carried out for a project management game GraPM. We analyzed the...

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  • A Biofeedback System that Uses the Game to Study Electrical Muscle Activity


    The aim of this project was to design a system that will allow performing repetitive muscle exercises using a biofeedback device. It is supposed to enhance the motivation and attractiveness of the performed tasks thanks to an interactive game developed for mobile devices with the Android operating system. The built-in calibration mechanisms enable the users to play a game that is independent of their abilities which evens out the...

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  • The Waiter Game: Structure and Development of an Hospitality Training Game

    • L. Cantoni
    • N. Kalbaska

    - Rok 2010

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  • Bringing Common Sense to WordNet with a Word Game


    We present a tool for common sense knowledge acquisition in form of a twenty questions game. The described approach uses WordNet dictionary, which rich taxonomy allows to keep cognitive economy and accelerate knowledge propagation, although sometimes inferences made on hierarchical relations result in noise. We extend the dictionary with common sense assertions acquired during the games played with humans. The facts added to the...

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  • On cooperative image denoising


    - Rok 2011

    In this paper we suggest how several competing image denoising algorithms, differing in design parameters, or even in design principles, can be combined together to yield a better and more reliable denoising algorithm. The proposed fusion mechanism allows one to combine practically all kinds of noise reduction tools. It also allows one to account for the distribution of measurement noise, and in particular - to cope with heavy-tailed...

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  • Workbook for cooperative development of personnell and organisation for innovation in SME in the Baltic Sea Region


    - Rok 2012

    This study highlights the potential for cooperative development of personnel and organisational innovations in SMEs and gives an example implemented by the University of Lund together with the Municipality of Astorp and local companies. This innovation field is of particular importance for all companies in the region, since it does apply to any professional sector, be it a service oriented company or a manufacturing business. This...

  • Distributed protection against non-cooperative node behavior in multi-hop wireless networks


    An important security problem in today's distributed data networks is the prevention of non-cooperative behavior i.e., attacks consisting in the modification of standard node operation to gain unfair advantage over other system nodes. Such a behavior is currently feasible in many types of computer networks whose communication protocols are designed to maximize the network performance assuming full node cooperation. Moreover, it...

  • Adjusting Game Difficulty by Recreating Behavioral Trees of Human Player Actions


    - Rok 2013

    This paper presents a proposition of a method for adjusting game difficulty to the current level of player's skills in one-on-one games. The method is based on recognition of human player's actions and recording of those actions in the form of behavioral trees. Such trees are later used to drive behaviors of computer-controlled opponents so that human player has beat hit own strategy and improve on it, to win subsequent games....

  • Easy recipes for cooperative smoothing


    In this paper we suggest how several competing signal smoothers, differing in design parameters, or even in design principles, can be combined together to yield a better and more reliable smoothing algorithm. The proposed heuristic, but statistically well motivated, fusion mechanism allows one to combine practically all kinds of smoothers, from simple local averaging or order statistic filters, to parametric smoothers designed...

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  • Weakly cooperative guards in grids


    - Rok 2005

    W pracy autorzy zajmują się rozmieszczaniem strażników mobilnych w kratach ortogonalnych, podali wzór na minimalną liczbę strażników w kracie oraz przeanalizowali złożoność obliczeniową problemu.

  • Evolving neural network as a decision support system — Controller for a game of “2048” case study


    The paper proposes an approach to designing the neuro-genetic self-learning decision support system. The system is based on neural networks being adaptively learned by evolutionary mechanism, forming an evolved neural network. Presented learning algorithm enables for a selection of the neural network structure by establishing or removing of connections between the neurons, and then for a finding the beast suited values of the network...

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  • A repeated game formulation of network embedded coding for multicast resilience in extreme conditions

    • C. Esposito
    • A. Castiglione
    • F. Palmieri
    • F. Pop
    • J. Rak

    - Rok 2017

    Computer networks and data sharing applications are vital for our current society and fundamental for any available ICT solution, so that networking is considered as one of the key critical infrastructures and its correct behavior should be always enforced, even in case of disasters or severe execution conditions. Resilience is a strongly demanding nonfunctional requirement for current computer networks, and one of the key factors...

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  • Modeling a Traffic Remapping Attack Game in a Multi-hop Ad Hoc Network


    - Rok 2017

    In multi-hop ad hoc networks, selfish nodes may unduly acquire high quality of service (QoS) by assigning higher priority to source packets and lower priority to transit packets. Such traffic remapping attacks (TRAs) are cheap to launch, impossible to prevent, hard to detect, and harmful to non-selfish nodes. While studied mostly in single-hop wireless network settings, TRAs have resisted analysis in multi-hop settings. In this paper...

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  • Game-based Sprint retrospectives: multiple action research

    In today’s fast-paced world of rapid technological change, software development teams need to constantly revise their work practices. Not surprisingly, regular reflection on how to become more effective is perceived as one of the most important principles of Agile Software Development. Nevertheless, running an effective and enjoyable retrospective meeting is still a challenge in real environments. As reported by several studies,...

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  • Weakly cooperative mobile guards in grids.


    - Rok 2004

    Problem straży w kratach stanowi przypadek problemu minimalnego pokrycia spójnego podzbioru płaszczyzny przez pewne szczególne podzbiory. W modelu tym przyjmuje się, że strażnik porusza się wzdłuż odcinka kraty i widzi wszystkie przecinające się z nim (prostopadłe) odcinki. W rozważanym modelu współpracy zakłada się, że każdy strażnik musi być widziany przez przynajmniej jednego innego strażnika. W pracy pokazano dowód NP-zupełności...

  • Equilibria of wireless multihoming game

    Terminale podłączone do wielu sieci bezprzewodowych modelowane są jako uczestnicy gry niekooperacyjnej, której symetryczny punkt równowagi Nasha w strategiach mieszanych wyznaczono dla przypadku sieci WLAN standardu IEEE 802.11. Udziały pasma w punkcie równowagi okazują się niższe w porównaniu ze środowiskiem terminali stosujących ustawienia standardowe.

  • Developing Game-Structure Sensitive Matchmaking System for Massive-Multiplayer Online Games


    - Rok 2015

    Providing a fair matchmaking system is an essential issue, while developing every online video game. In the article, we show that the currently existing matchmaking system in League of Legends, one of the most popular online video games currently existing, is built on a base of conditions which do not hold true in the presence of empirical data. This, in short, decreases the effectiveness of the ranking system, and negatively affects...

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  • Cooperative editing approach for building Wordnet database


    - Rok 2007

    Artykuł przedstawia podejście do kooperacyjnej pracy nad baza danych systemu Wordnet. Opisana została architektura systemu oraz wizualizacja sieci powiązań konceptualnych z użyciem komponentu touchgraph.

  • On Applications of Fractional Derivatives in Circuit Theory


    - Rok 2020

    In this paper, concepts of fractional-order (FO) derivatives are discussed from the point of view of applications in the circuit theory. The properties of FO derivatives required for the circuit-level modelling are formulated. Potential problems related to the generalization of transmission line equations with the use of FO derivatives are presented. It is demonstrated that some of formulations of the FO derivatives have limited...

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  • DST-Based Detection of Non-cooperative Forwarding Behavior of MANET and WSN Nodes


    - Rok 2009

    . Selfish node behavior can diminish the reliability of a mobile ad hoc network (MANET) or a wireless sensor network (WSN). Efficient detection of such behavior is therefore essential. One approach is to construct a reputation scheme, which has network nodes determine and share reputation values associated with each node; these values can next be used as input to a routing algorithm to avoid end-to-end routes containing ill-reputed...

  • On Applications of Fractional Derivatives in Electromagnetic Theory


    - Rok 2020

    In this paper, concepts of fractional-order (FO) derivatives are analysed from the point of view of applications in the electromagnetic theory. The mathematical problems related to the FO generalization of Maxwell's equations are investigated. The most popular formulations of the fractional derivatives, i.e., Riemann-Liouville, Caputo, Grünwald-Letnikov and Marchaud definitions, are considered. Properties of these derivatives are...

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  • Cooperative multi-provider routing optimization and income distribution


    - Rok 2009

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