Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: COVER PLATES - MOST Wiedzy


Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: COVER PLATES


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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: COVER PLATES

  • Application and mechanical properties of aluminium alloys


    The paper presents a short survey of the application and mechanical properties of aluminium alloys. This area of scientific research is still developing, the authors restricted it to about 30 papers. Numerical simulations of the aluminium bracket are also investigated. The authors propose a solution to increase the load capacity of aluminium brackets with application of the additional cover plates. This study is proposed as an...

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  • Mechanical Properties of Aluminium Bracket Strengthening

    The aim of the research is laboratory investigation of aluminium brackets employed to fasten lightweight curtain walls to building facilities. Tensile loads perpendicular to end plates (vertical) were applied here. The author focused on the solutions intended to increase the load-carrying capacity of aluminium brackets applying the plain washer form A (DIN 125; ISO 7089), plain washer with an outer diameter about 3d (DIN 9021;...

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  • Numerical and Analytical Investigation of Aluminium Bracket Strengthening


    This paper focuses on an analytical and numerical investigation of aluminium brackets used to fasten light-weight curtain walls to building facilities. The authors propose a solution to increase the load capacity of aluminium brackets by means of additional cover plates (straps). This paper also includes a short survey of literature and material properties concerning the EN AW-6060 T6 aluminium alloy. This paper suggests an initiation...

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