wszystkich: 32
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: DLLME
Derywatyzacja in situ w połączeniu z techniką DLLME-oznaczanie amin biogennych w winach owocowych
PublikacjaW literaturze można znaleźć potwierdzenie dla tezy, że miniaturyzacja oraz automatyzacja to kluczowe elementy, które powinny być brane pod uwagę przy optymalizacji tych procedur analitycznych, w których występuje etap derywatyzacji analitów, jeśli mają być one zaliczone do grupy tzw. zielonych metodyk analitycznych. Rezultatem zastosowania takiego podejścia jest zmniejszenie ilości zużytych odczynników i tym samym, zmniejszenie...
Magnetic hydrophobic deep eutectic solvents for orbital shaker-assisted dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction (MAGDES-OS-DLLME) - determination of nickel and copper in food and water samples by FAAS
PublikacjaIn this work, a cheap and widely applicable dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction (DLLME) method was developed for the extraction of Ni(II) and Cu(II) from water and food samples and analysis using flame atomic absorption spectrometry. DLLME was assisted by orbital shaker, while ferrofluid as an extractant was based on deep eutectic solvent (DES). This ferrofluid was made of hydrophobic DES (hDES), composed of lauric acid and...
Chemometryczne podejście do optymalizacji dyspersyjnej mikroekstrakcji w układzie ciecz-ciecz (DLLME), jako metody przygotowania próbek do rozdzielania i oznaczania krezoli w ściekach rafineryjnych
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono procedurę optymalizacji dyspersyjnej mikroekstrakcji w układzie ciecz-ciecz (DLLME), z zastosowaniem frakcyjnych planów czynnikowych tj. planu Placketta-Burman’a oraz centralnego planu kompozycyjnego. Zdefiniowano parametry mające istotny wpływ na efektywność ekstrakcji krezoli i dla nich przeprowadzono procedurę optymalizacyjną, w wyniku której wyznaczono wartości optymalne parametrów w tym pH 6 oraz objętość...
Investigation of vortex assisted magnetic deep eutectic solvent based dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction for separation and determination of vanadium from water and food matrices: Multivariate analysis
PublikacjaA new and simple vortex assisted magnetic deep eutectic solvent dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction procedure (VA-MDES-DLLME) was developed for the determination of vanadium (V) in food and water samples by flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS). In the extraction medium, a bis(acetylpivalylmethane) ethylenediimine (H2APM2en) was used for the complexation of V(V) in sample solution at pH 6. The VA-MDES-DLLME was optimized...
Sensitive method for determination of benzoic acid in beverages and food samples using air–assisted hydrophobic deep eutectic solvent-based dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction
PublikacjaA simple, reliable and rapid air–assisted hydrophobic deep eutectic solvent-based dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction (AA-HDES-DLLME) was developed for analysis of benzoic acid in various beverages and food samples. The final determination stage was performed via UV–visible spectrophotometry. The key parameters (extraction time, HDES type and volume, dispersant volume, pH and sample volume) of the AA-HDES-DLLME method were...
A closer look at how the dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction method works. Investigation of the effect of solvent mixture composition on the quality and stability of the cloudy state
PublikacjaThe dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction (DLLME) is one of the most popular miniaturized extraction procedures. In this paper, the degree of dispersion and dispersion stability were studied with the aim to assess the correlations of these parameters with efficiency for the selected analytical application. The dependence between the degree of dispersion (cloudy state quality) and its stability obtained by various emulsification...
Application of chemometric modeling for ionic liquid-based ultrasonic-assisted dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction: Analysis of fosetyl-aluminum in fruit and vegetable samples
PublikacjaThis manuscript presents a new method for selective extraction and determination of fosetyl-aluminum in fruits and vegetable samples based on ultrasonic-assisted dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction method using ionic liquids (IL-UA-DLLME). A UV-Visible spectrophotometer was used for detection and quantification. Plants used for sample collection were grown under controlled conditions in a greenhouse. Central composite design...
Combination of homogeneous liquid–liquid extraction and vortex assisted dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction for the extraction and analysis of ochratoxin A in dried fruit samples: Central composite design optimization
PublikacjaThis paper presents a new analytical procedure based on combination of homogeneous liquid–liquid extraction (HLLE) and vortex-assisted dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction (VA-DLLME) for the accurate and reliable determination of ochratoxin A (OTA) in dried fruit samples. To enable selective extraction of the OTA, six hydrophobic deep eutectic solvents (hDESs) were prepared and tested as extraction solvents. Optimization of...
A rapid dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction of antimicrobial onion organosulfur compounds in animal feed coupled to gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
PublikacjaA rapid analytical procedure is proposed for determining two antimicrobial onion organosulfur compounds, propyl disulfide (PDS) and propyl propane thiosulfonate (PTSO), in animal feed. The use of PTSO as a natural ingredient in animal feed is allowed due to its antimicrobial activity against pathogenic organisms. Two analytical methodologies using gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC-MS) are compared. After the extraction...
Application of dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction for the determination of selected organochlorine pesticides in honey by gas chromatography - mass spectrometry
PublikacjaDispersive liquid-liquid microextraction (DLLME) is a rapid and easy technique that consumes minute amounts of organic solvents. In this work, we present chemometric study on optimization of DLLME parameters for the extraction of aldrin, endrin, lindane, alfa-endosulfan, 4,4'-DDT and its metabolites from honey matrix. Method quantification limits (MQLs) vary between 0.3 ng/g for 2,4'-DDE and 4,4'-DDE to 13.2 ng/g for alfa-endosulfan...
Zastosowanie chromatografii gazowej do oceny stopnia degradacji LZO w ściekach przemysłowych po procesach oczyszczania
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono przykład zastosowania metodyki DLLME-GC-MS w trybie SCAN, w połączeniu z modelem MCR-ALS, do identyfikacji lotnych związków organicznych (LZO) obecnych w próbkach surowych ścieków z produkcji asfaltów naftowych, a także oceny stopnia ich degradacji po zastosowaniu różnych metod oczyszczania chemicznego. Wykorzystanie modelu chemometrycznego do dekonwolucji sygnałów chromatograficznych umożliwiło identyfikację...
Nowe metodyki analityczne w oparciu o technikę dyspersyjnej mikroekstrakcji w układzie ciecz-ciecz
PublikacjaPrezentowana praca doktorska poświęcona jest tematyce związanej z opracowaniem nowych metodyk analitycznych, w których zastosowano technikę dyspersyjnej mikroekstrakcji w układzie ciecz-ciecz spełniającej wymogi zielonej chemii do analizy próbek ciekłych w celu oznaczenia śladowych ilości składników organicznych. Głównym problemem w przypadku stosowania techniki DLLME w praktyce laboratoryjnej jest konieczność użycia toksycznych...
An in situ derivatization – dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction combined with gas-chromatography – mass spectrometry for determining biogenic amines in home-made fermented alcoholic drinks
PublikacjaA novel dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction (DLLME) gas chromatography mass-spectrometry(GC–MS) method was developed for the determination of 13 biogenic amines in home-made wine sam-ples. The method allows to simultaneous extraction and derivatization of the amines providing a simpleand fast mode of extract enrichment. During the study, two different procedures were examined. Sta-tistical analysis was performed to choose...
Ciecze jonowe w technikach mikroekstrakcyjnych. Cz. II. Praktyka analityczna.
PublikacjaRosnące od lat zainteresowanie cieczami jonowymi, wynikające z ich unikalnych właściwości fizykochemicznych, znalazło odzwierciedlenie w ich wykorzystaniu jako rozpuszczalników w chemii analitycznej, w tym szczególnie w wielu technikach przygotowania próbek do analizy. Ciecze jonowe zastosowano jako materiał sorpcyjny w takich technikach jak: mikroekstrakcja do fazy stacjonarnej SPME; mikroekstrakcja do pojedynczej kropli, SDME...
Application of dispersive liquid - liquid microextraction for determination of pesticides from various chemical groups in water samples
PublikacjaPesticides are a global risk because they move with the wind, rain and sea currents from other regions, which makes getting to places which were never used before. Their presence was detected in all types of water circulating in the ecosystem, which is an easy source of exposure to life and health of all living organisms. Currently, it is considered one of the most dangerous and toxic pollutants, which fate and function is still...
Fast, sensitive and reliable multi-residue method for routine determination of 34 pesticides from various chemical groups in water samples by using dispersive liquid – liquid microextraction coupled with gas chromatography – mass spectrometry
PublikacjaA simple and efficient dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction technique (DLLME) was developed by using a mixture of two solvents: 40 μL of tetrachlorethylene (extraction solvent) and 1.0 mL of methanol (disperser solvent), which was rapidly injected with a syringe into 10mL ofwater sample. Some important parameters affecting the extraction efficiency, such as type and volume of solvents, water sample volume, extraction time,...
Volatile Organohalogen Compounds Determination with Dispersive Liquid-Liquid Microextraction Applying Solvent Lighter than Water
PublikacjaBackground: Volatile organohalogen compounds (VOX) are a group of environmental pollutants that risk the quality of drinking water. These compounds are characterized by certain acute and chronic toxicities, possessing mutagenic properties. Because of these potential risks factors that these compounds cause, the maximum allowable concentrations (MACs) have been established by respective organizations. The abundance of VOX, their...
‘Green’ multi - residue methods for the determination of high importance currently used pesticides in environmental samples
PublikacjaThe purpose of the research has been to develop and apply ‘green’ analytical methodologies to control and monitor the level of currently used pesticides from different chemical groups in aqueous samples. For extraction of analytes solid - phase microextraction (SPME) and dispersive liquid - liquid microextraction (DLLME) have been applied and compared. For SPME, commonly used materials for coating fibers include: polydimethylsiloxane...
Ionic liquids in the microextraction techniques: the influence of ILs structure and properties
PublikacjaIonic liquids (ILs) are composed entirely of ions thus they possess unique properties, including negligible volatility, a liquid state in a broad range of temperatures and ability to change them depending on the chosen type of anion and cation, which make ILs unique and useful for many applications in sample preparation techniques. A deeper understanding of the nature of ILs and the impact of their structure on their parameters...
Liquid–phase microextraction: A review of reviews
PublikacjaSample preparation is an important step in chemical analysis. It is generally done to deal with problems associated with the nature of the matrix, low analyte concentrations in real samples or analyte features incompatible with the instrumentation. Classical methods of extraction consume large volumes of hazardous solvents and other reagents and are not in line with the recent emergence of green analytical chemistry. Liquid-phase...
Application of additional factors supporting the microextraction process
PublikacjaDue to the fact that green analytical chemistry is of high importance, the past two decades have witnessed a rapid growth in the sample preparation area with special emphasis on simplification, miniaturization and automation of extraction procedures. In addition, to accelerate the extraction processes and to improve the separation of analytes, several enhanced parameters are applied. These factors include, ultrasounds, microwaves,...
Application of deep eutectic solvents in atomic absorption spectrometry
PublikacjaAtomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) is a widely applied technique for metal quantification due to its practicality, easy use and low cost. However, to improve the metrological characteristics of AAS, in particular the sensitivity and the detection limit, sample pretreatment is commonly used before the detection step itself. In consideration of the principles of Green Analytical Chemistry, new solvents are being introduced into...
The impact of cold plasma on the phenolic composition and biogenic amine content of red wine
PublikacjaThe effect of cold plasma (CP) on phenolic compound (PC) and biogenic amine (BA) contents of red wine was investigated for the first time. The influence of CP was compared with the effects of a wine preservation using potassium metabisulfite and a combined method. The PC profile was determined by UPLC-PDA-MS/MS while BAs using DLLME-GC–MS. Chemometric analysis also was used. The content of PCs was 3.1% higher in the sample preserved...
Application of multicriteria decision analysis in solvent type optimization for chlorophenols determination with a dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction
PublikacjaThis study presents a novel support tool for the optimization and development of analytical methods. The tool is based on multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA), namely the Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to the Ideal Solution (TOPSIS), that allows users to rank possible solutions according to their requirements. In this study, we performed rankings of pairs of eight extraction and three dispersive solvents used...
Determination of parent and methylated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in water samples by dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction–two dimensional gas chromatography–time-of-flight mass spectrometry
PublikacjaPolycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are contaminants frequently found in environmental waters. Owing to their toxic effects, it is important to develop analytical methodologies that allow their fast and reliable determination. Dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction (DLLME) allows a quick extraction of analytes with little organic solvent consumption. The best results regarding sample preparation are obtained when 40 mL of...
Characterization of home-made and regional fruit wines by evaluation of correlation between selected chemical parameters
PublikacjaSince the last decade of the 20th century, there has been rising interest in the production of fruit wines, as evidenced by the high number of published papers and books covering this matter. When aiming to produce quality fruit wines, it is essential to evaluate the analytical parameters of the beverage. In this context, there are a large number of analyses for the evaluation of wines and fruit wines. This article characterizes...
New Trends in Sample Preparation Techniques for the Analysis of the Residues of Pharmaceuticals in Environmental Samples
PublikacjaPharmaceutical residues in the environment is a field of special interest due to the adverse effects to either human health or aquatic and soil environment. Pharmaceuticals have been already detected in underground, surface and wastewaters, soils, manure and sediments. The growing awareness of environmental pollution arising from human activity forces the need for their comprehensive determination. Environmental samples are complex...
Evaluation of the Impact of Storage Conditions on the Biogenic Amines Profile in Opened Wine Bottles
PublikacjaA survey of biogenic amine (BA) profiles in opened wine bottles has been established to monitor the level of biogenic amines (BAs) in opened bottles against time and other conditions. Bottles of red and white wine were submitted to different temperatures, stopper type (screw cap, cork), and use of vacuum devices. A total of six wines made from a variety of grapes were obtained from vineyards from regions across Poland. Dispersive...
The content of biogenic amines in Rondo and Zweigelt wines and correlations between selected wine parameters
PublikacjaThe purpose of this study was to evaluate the content of biogenic amines (BAs) in wines using dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction–gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (DLLME-GC–MS). An additional objective was to assess the correlations between selected parameters characterizing the samples such as the content of BAs, sugars, and organic acids, pH, and total acidity. Wines produced from the same grape variety in which alcoholic...
Green aspects, developments and perspectives of liquid phase microextraction techniques
PublikacjaDetermination of analytes at trace levels in complex samples (e.g. biological or contaminated water or soils) are often required for the environmental assessment and monitoring as well as for scientific research in the field of environmental pollution. A limited number of analytical techniques are sensitive enough for the direct determination of trace components in samples and, because of that, a preliminary step of the analyte...
Dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction combined with gas chromatography–mass spectrometry for in situ determination of biogenic amines in meat: Estimation of meat's freshness
PublikacjaA dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction (DLLME) gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS) technique was developed for the determination of selected biogenic amines (BAs) in samples of poultry, pork and beef. Prior to the extraction process, an appropriate volume of sodium hydroxide solution was added to each of the portioned samples. Next, samples were homogenized, centrifuged and finally sonicated at an increased temperature....
Diethyl carbonate as a green extraction solvent for chlorophenol determination with dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction
PublikacjaThe principles of green analytical chemistry indicate that the search for greener organic solvents for extraction applications is crucial. In this study diethyl carbonate (DEC) is proved to be a green solvent, as it is relatively nontoxic, obtainable from renewable resources and biodegradable. Here it is applied as an extraction solvent for chlorophenol determination in water samples with dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction....