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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: ELECTRICAL HEATING
PublikacjaNonlinear effects of planar and quasi-planar magnetosound perturbations are discussed. Plasma is assumed to be an ideal gas with a finite electrical conductivity permeated by a magnetic filed orthogonal to the trajectories of gas particles. the excitation of non-wave modes in the filed of intense magnetoacoustic perturbations, i.e., magnetoaciustic heating and streaming, is discussed. The analysis includes a derivation if instantaneous...
Influence of material properties of charge on electrical parameters of induction heating setup
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Energy Efficiency Analysis of Railway Turnout Heating With a Simplified Snow Model Using Classical and Contactless Heating Method
PublikacjaElectrical heating of railway turnouts is a considerable technical and economic challenge, hence the need to conduct research for optimisation of a railway turnouts heating system. This paper presents results of a numerical analysis and experimental research on heating systems mounted on rail turnouts in line with the classical method and including a heater thermally insulated from the base of a rail. The numerical calculations...
Synthesis, thermal, structural and electrical properties of vanadium-doped lithium-manganese-borate glass and nanocomposites
PublikacjaA glassy sample with a nominal formula LiMn1−3x/2VxBO3 (where x = 0.05) was synthesised using the melt-quenching method. Material was characterised by differential thermal analysis (DTA), X-ray diffactometry (XRD) at room temperature and as a function of temperature (HT-XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), impedance spectroscopy (IS) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Dependences of glass transition and crystallisation...
The Influence of Thin Gold Electrodes on the High-Temperature Impedance of Oxide Glasses
PublikacjaThe influence of thin gold electrodes on the electrical measurements of glasses at high temperatures was studied using impedance spectroscopy. The impedance was measured several times over a wide frequency range from 10 mHz to 1 MHz and the temperature ranged from 213 to 673 K under air and nitrogen atmospheres. The results showed a drop in the conductivity of more than an order of magnitude at a temperature around 603 K during...
On the Nonlinear Effects of Magnetoacoustic Perturbations in a Perfectly Conducting Viscous and Thermoconducting Gas
PublikacjaNonlinear effects of planar and quasi-planar magnetosound perturbations are discussed. The plasma is as- sumed to be a Newtonian thermoconducting gas with infinite electrical conductivity permeated by a magnetic field orthogonal to the trajectories of gas particles. Generation of the non-wave modes (magnetoacoustic heating and streaming) in the field of periodic and aperiodic magnetoacoustic perturbations is discussed. The results...
On description of periodic magnetosonic perturbations in a quasi-isentropic plasma with mechanical and thermal losses and electrical resistivity
PublikacjaMagnetosonic periodic perturbations in a uniform and infinite plasma model are considered. Damping due to compressional viscosity, electrical resistivity, and thermal conduction are taken into account, as well as some heating–cooling function, which may destroy the isentropicity of wave perturbations. The wave vector forms arbitrary angle h with the equilibrium straight magnetic field, and all perturbations are functions...
Optimizing conductivity in Na-V-Te-O glass through controlled heat treatment
PublikacjaSemiconducting Na2O-V2O5-TeO2 glasses with various Na2O contents were melted and subjected to controlled heating to improve conductivity. Topography analysis were performed using confocal microscopy and scanning electron microscopy on both as-quenched and heat-treated samples. X-ray diffraction confirmed the amorphous nature of the samples post-melting, with subsequent heating resulting in the formation of nanocrystallites primarily...
Deposition and Electrical and Structural Properties of La0.6Sr0.4CoO3 Thin Films for Application in High-Temperature Electrochemical Cells
PublikacjaLow-temperature deposition of electroceramic thin films allows the construction of new devices and their integration with existing large-scale fabrication methods. Developing a suitable low-cost deposition method is important to further advance the development of microdevices. In this work, we deposited a 1-lm-thick La0.6Sr0.4CoO3d (LSC) perovskite with high electrical conductivity on sapphire substrates at 400C and analyzed its...
Experimental research on helical coil biomass boiler with oil as a heating fluid
PublikacjaThis paper presents an experimental research of helical coil biomass boiler with thermal oil heating agent. Heat exchanger consists of two coaxial helical coils swept by the flue gases. The burner is a single vertical retort connected to the fuel tank (wooden pellets). The boiler is a part of micro-power plant in which the heat from the boiler is exchanged with low-boiling HFE7100 to produce steam for a custom steam turbine. The...
On the Nonlinear Effects of Magnetoacoustic Perturbations in Optically Thin Quasi-Isentropic Plasmas
PublikacjaNonlinear effects of planar magnetosound perturbations in a plasma are discussed. Plasma is non-adiabatic due to optically thin radiation and external heating. For these reasons, thermal instability of a plasma may appear which makes it acoustically active. The plasma is assumed to be initially homogeneous ideal gas with infinite electrical conductivity permeated by a straight magnetic field which is orthogonal to the trajectories...
The unstable thermoelectric effect in non-stoichiometric Cu2Se during the non-equilibrium phase transition
PublikacjaThe superionic α ↔ β phase transition in Cu1.96Se thermoelectric material is investigated by means of thermal analysis (DSC) and measurements of Seebeck coefficient and electrical conductivity. Results of the DSC measurements with 1–10 K/min heating and cooling rates show that the material is close to the equilibrium phase composition during the transformation. However, the kinetic limitation of the process exists, which is indicated...
PublikacjaThis paper deals with measurements of dynamic viscosity, thermal conductivity, electrical conductivity and pH of thermal oil-MWCNT (TO-MWCNT) nanofluid. Nanoparticles were tested at the concentration of 0.001%, 0.005%, 0.01%, 0.05%, and 0,1% by weight. Ultrasonic vibration was used in order to stabilize the dispersion of the nanoparticles. Thermal oil (TO) was selected as a base liquid, because of possible application in ORC systems...
Will NILM Technology Replace Multi-Meter Telemetry Systems for Monitoring Electricity Consumption?
PublikacjaThe estimation of electric power utilization, its baseload, and its heating, light, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) power component, which represents a very large portion of electricity usage in commercial facilities, are important for energy consumption controls and planning. Non-intrusive load monitoring (NILM) is the analytical method used to monitor the energy and disaggregate total electrical usage into appliance-related...
Influence of nanoparticle concentration on thermal properties of thermal oil-MWCNT nanofluid
PublikacjaResults of the measurements of dynamic viscosity, thermal conductivity, electrical conductivity and pH of thermal oil-MWCNT (TO-MWCNT) nanofluid have been presented. Nanoparticles were tested at the concentration of 0.001%, 0.005%, 0.01%, 0.05%, and 0,1% by weight. Thermal oil (TO) was selected as a base liquid, because of possible application in ORC systems as an intermediate heating agent. Multi-walled carbon nanotubes were used...
On the Nonlinea Distortions of Sound and its Coupling with Other Modes in a Gasesous Plasma with Finite Electric Conductivity in a Magnetic Field
PublikacjaNonlinear phenomena of the planar and quasi-planar magnetoacoustic waves are considered. We focus on deriving of equations which govern nonlinear excitation of the non-wave motions by the intense sound in initially static gaseous plasma. The plasma is treated as an ideal gas with finite electrical conductivity permeated by a magnetic field orthogonal to the trajectories of gas particles. This introduces dispersion of a flow. Magnetoacoustic...
Assessment, optimisation and working fluid comparison of organic rankine cycle combined with negative CO2 gas power plant system
PublikacjaThis study aims to investigate the application of the Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) as an alternative to low-pressure expansion in the negative CO2 power plant (nCO2PP). The reason for this study is that a detailed analysis of nCO2PP indicates a certain amount of waste heat present in the exhaust gas from the high-to-intermediate pressure gas turbine. Some of this energy can be used by the application of the expansion in a low-pressure...
Technical and economic conditions of supplying residential consumers with heat from nuclear power plant
PublikacjaThe reduction of CO2 emission requires technological shift towards carbon-free options. Cogeneration of electricity and heat based on coal and natural gas will experience generation cost increase, if the costs of emissions are imposed on the plant operators. Therefore, nuclear and renewable options should be considered. In this paper, we present the concept of electricity and heat supply system with nuclear condensing turbine adapted...
Nonlinear Excitation of the Non-Wave Perturbations by the Magnetoacoustic Waves in the Non-Isentropic Plasma
PublikacjaNonlinear excitation of slow modes by the planar magnetosonic perturbations in a plasma is discussed. Plasma is an open system due to radiation and external heating. This may stipulate enhancement of wave perturbations and hence the acoustical activity of plasma. Plasma is assumed to be a homogeneous ideal gas with infinite electrical conductivity. The straight magnetic field is orthogonal to the velocity of fluid’s...
Neoclassical Navier–Stokes Equations Considering the Gyftopoulos–Beretta Exposition of Thermodynamics
PublikacjaThe seminal Navier-Stokes equations were stated even before the creation of the foundations of thermodynamics and its first and second laws. There is a widespread opinion in the literature on thermodynamic cycles that the Navier-Stokes equations cannot be taken as a thermodynamically correct model of a local "working fluid", which would be able to describe the conversion of "heating" into "working" (Carnot's type cycles) and vice...
Measurement of temperature-dependent viscosity and thermal conductivity of alumina and titania thermal oil nanofluids
PublikacjaThe results of simultaneous measurements of dynamic viscosity, thermal conductivity, electrical conductivity and pH of two nanofluids, i.e. thermal oil/Al2O3 and thermal oil/TiO2 are presented. Thermal oil was selected as a base liquid because of possible application in ORC systems as an intermediate heating agent. Nanoparticles were tested at the concentration of 0.1%, 1% and 5% by weight within temperature range from 20°C to...
PublikacjaIn this study results of simultaneous measurements of dynamic viscosity, thermal conductivity, electrical conductivity and pH of two nanofluids, i.e. thermal oil/Al2O3 and thermal oil/TiO2 are presented. Thermal oil is selected as a base liquid because of possible application in ORC systems as an intermediate heating agent. Nanoparticles were tested at the concentration of 0.1%, 1% and 5% by weight within temperature range from...
Application analysis of a hybrid solid oxide fuel cell-gas turbine system for marine power plants
PublikacjaThe results of theoretical studies of the possibilities of using hybrid solid oxide fuel cell–gas turbine (SOFC-GT) systems for marine power plants are presented. A 500 kW auxiliary marine power plant scheme using stacks of SOFCs in combination with a regenerative gas turbine operating with over-expansion based on our recent patent application is proposed. The results of mathematical modelling showed the opportunity to obtain a...
Physicochemical properties of Mn1.45Co1.45Cu0.1O4 spinel coating deposited on the Crofer 22 H ferritic steel and exposed to high-temperature oxidation under thermal cycling conditions
PublikacjaThe Crofer 22 H ferritic steel substrate was coated with an Mn1.45Co1.45Cu0.1O4 spinel by means of electrophoresis. After high-temperature oxidation under thermal cycling conditions, the physicochemical properties of the obtained system were evaluated. During 48-h cycles that involved heating the samples up to temperatures of either 750 or 800 °C, the oxidation kinetics of both coated and unmodified steel approximately obeyed...
Profitability criteria of partial cogeneration in nuclear power plant.
PublikacjaIn this paper, profitability criteria and calculation methodology of profitability conditions for partial cogeneration in nuclear power plant (NPP) was presented. Considered NPP supplies electricity to consumers through public power system, whereas heat is expected to be supplied to consumption regions via long-distance heat transport line. First proposed profitability criterion was total annual costs of electricity and heat delivered...
Prowadzenie ruchu małego źródła kogeneracji gazowej według kryterium efektu ekonomicznego
PublikacjaCechą charakterystyczną źródeł gazowych jest ich duża elastyczność ruchowa, w porównaniu do większości źródeł konwencjonalnych i odnawialnych. Cecha ta może i powinna być wykorzystywana do poprawy wskaźników ekonomicznych obiektu. W tym celu należy przeanalizować możliwości jakie daje prowadzenie ruchu źródeł nie w standardzie pracy z wymuszeniem zapotrzebowania na ciepło, ale właśnie maksymalnie wykorzystując elastyczność ruchową...
Prowadzenie ruchu małej elektrociepłowni gazowej według kryterium efektu ekonomicznego
PublikacjaCechą charakterystyczną źródeł gazowych jest ich duża elastyczność ruchowa, w porównaniu do większości źródeł konwencjonalnych i odnawialnych. Cecha ta może i powinna być wykorzystywana do poprawy wskaźników ekonomicznych obiektu. W tym celu należy przeanalizować możliwości jakie daje prowadzenie ruchu źródeł nie w standardzie pracy z wymuszeniem zapotrzebowania na ciepło, ale właśnie maksymalnie wykorzystując elastyczność ruchową...
The Possibility to use a Nuclear Power Plant as a Source of Electrical Energy and Heat
PublikacjaIn this article issues concernig the possibility of nuclear power plant (NPP) operation also as a source of heat, which means combined heat and power production, have been described. CHP work is possible and profitable only in those areas where high thermal power demand occurs, which means near city agglomerations such as Warsaw or the Tri-City. Two levels of thermal power delivered to the heating system have been considered. Preliminary...
Nuclear power plant as a source of electrical energy and heat
PublikacjaIn this paper certain issues concerning usage of nuclear power plants as sources of not only electric power but also thermal energy will be discussed. For such a solution appeals most of all the need to limit harmful emissions of gases (including CO2) and ashes, which come from the process of burning fossil fuels, as well as the raising demand for network heat and chill. Additionally combined heat and power production brings measurable...
Trends in Locally Balanced Energy Systems without the Use of Fossil Fuels: A Review
PublikacjaIn recent years, the idea of the operation of energy systems (power systems, heating systems) has changed significantly. This paper is an overview of locally balanced energy systems without the use of fossil fuels. The paper justifies the concept of local energy balancing in a new energy system that does not use fossil fuels (coal, natural gas, and crude oil), based on European Union guidelines and formal documents as well as the...
Computer simulation of induction heating system with series inverter
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Induction heating in estimation of thermal properties of conductive materials
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Battery Technologies in Electric Vehicles: Improvements in Electric Battery Packs
PublikacjaRestrictions on fossil fuels and related environmental pollution issues motivate many organizations and countries to set their focus on electric vehicles (EVs) rather than conventional internal combustion engine vehicles [1], [2]. EVs require an energy storage system to store converted electric power in another form of energy and then reconvert the stored energy to electric power whenever it is required. The energy stored can be...
A novel approach for processing CaAlSiON glass-ceramics by spark plasma sintering: Mechanical and electrical properties
PublikacjaLithium containing glassy materials can be used as solid electrolytes or electrode materials for lithium-ion batteries due to their high energy density. Conventional melt-quenched Ca11Al14Si16O49N10 glass powder containing 24 e/o N, doped with Li-ions (1, 3, and 6 wt. %) and sintered by spark plasma sintering technique (SPS) was studied. The benefits of using SPS to produce glass-ceramics are rapid heating rates compared to conventional...
The optimisation of induction heating system based on multiquadric function approximation
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Phase Change Thermal Energy Storage – The Experience of the Materials Preparation for the Specific Applications.
PublikacjaThermal energy storage and temperature stabilization is very important in many engineering applications. There are three kinds of thermal energy storage: sensible heat storage, latent heat storage and reversible chemical reaction heat storage. Phase change materials (PCM) absorb, store and release large amounts of energy in the form of latent heat, at constant temperature, called the transition temperature. The amount of heat...