Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: GENDER DISCRIMINATION - MOST Wiedzy


Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: GENDER DISCRIMINATION


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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: GENDER DISCRIMINATION

  • Perceptions of Gender Diversity's Impact on Mood in Software Development Teams


    - IEEE SOFTWARE - Rok 2019

    Gender inequality persists in IT teams. We examine how gender differentiation affects the workplace atmosphere and analyze the results of our study of the issue. We discuss the problem of gender discrimination and consider methods to reduce inequality

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  • The convergence of gender wage differences - myth or fact - multi country multi sector analysis


    The Becker’s theory of discrimination predicts that in the long run the gender wage differences should disappear. In our empirical analysis we verify the testable implications of this mode considering the hypothesis of gender wage gap convergence. The study takes into account 31 sectors in 13 European countries for the period between 1970 and 2005. We distinguish between wages paid to different groups of workers classified according...

  • Gender Disparity in the FinTech Sector: Systematic Literature Review


    The main objective of this chapter is to identify research areas of FinTech activity in which gender disparity has been observed. In addition, we shall identify how the development of FinTech reduces the gender gap. A systematic literature review using the PRISMA concept is the preferred research method. Publications were searched in the following databases: Web of Science, Scopus and Google Scholar using the formula “FinTech AND...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Gender, equality, science and information systems


    - Rok 2008

    In the entire Europe more women than men graduate from tertiary education institutes1. However, they are underrepresented in scientific and engineering disciplines. Women researchers still constitute a minority in the Government and Higher Education Sectors that both are related to power. A number of industry reports highlight a low number of women in IT occupations2. The EU Member States have, on political levels, committed themselves...

  • Myths and facts about women aged 50+


    This study attempts to confront the three stereotypes attributed to women aged 50+ in Poland: the one related to women being interested in retiring as early as possible, the other related to the lack of educational activity and reluctance to acquire new knowledge and skills, and the third related to the image of a grandmother focused on looking after her grandchildren. The author’s aim is to present rational arguments in favour...

  • Activity and discrimination against women in the labour market in the countries of Baltic Sea Region


    An increasing participation of women in the labour market seem to be a key to overcome the problems of the EU labour market and to achieve the objectives of Strategy Europe 2020. Therefore, the objective of this paper is to identify differences in the situation of women in the labour market in selected countries such as those in the Baltic Sea region and to attempt to verify the hypothesis of the existence of discrimination against...

  • China and the Chinese in the modern world. An interdisciplinary study


    This monograph is a collection of chapters devoted to modern China on various approaches. There is no future without a past and a modern China is a country that skillfully combines the new with the old and the authors have attempted to present this phenomenon in this book. It brings to light issues such as a honorificativity in Chinese administrative and legal documents, a comparison of Chinese and...

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  • Uncovering the invisible barriers to women’s success


    - Rok 2022

    In the area of science and higher education, as in business and politics, the job situation of women is improving, and the percentage of women on executive positions is increasing. However, there is still a serious underrepresentation of women in the highest decision-making bodies. Ladies also take part in the strategic institutional events less frequently. There are still serious disproportions in academic and management positions,...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Discriminatory expressions, the young and social networks: The effect of gender

    • D. Dueñas-Cid
    • P. Pontón-Merino
    • Á. Belzunegui-Eraso
    • I. Pastor-Gosálbez

    - Comunicar Latin American Scientific Journal of communication and Education - Rok 2016

    In the framework of the «Project I: CUD» (Internet: Creatively Unveiling Discrimination), carried out in the United Kingdom, Italy, Belgium, Romania and Spain, we conducted a study into the expressions of discrimination used by young people on social network sites. To do so we designed a methodological strategy for detecting discriminatory content in 493 Facebook profiles and used this strategy to collect 363 examples for further...

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