Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: GREY ECONOMY - MOST Wiedzy


Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: GREY ECONOMY


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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: GREY ECONOMY

  • Szara strefa na krajowym rynku pracy


    W artykule przedstawiono zjawisko szarej strefy w Polsce, wskazując m.in. przyczyny jej tworzenia się oraz szacowane jej rozmiary. Zwrócono też uwagę na to, że mimo jej generalnie negatywnej oceny, niesie ona ze sobą także pewne pozytywne skutki dla gospodarki.

  • Driving forces of informal employment: An empirical study based on Polish enterprise data

    Objective: The article aims to indicate the determinants of informal employment in registered enterprises using company-level evidence from Poland. Research Design & Methods: The survey conducted among Polish small and medium-sized (SME) enterprises in 2018 was used to find the driving forces of informal employment in Poland. The adequate sample comprised 952 representative surveys derived from the computer-assisted telephone...

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    - Ekonomika - Rok 2016

    This article aims to present the significance and prevalence of the phenomenon of undeclared work. First, we discuss the definitional issues of this phenomenon. Then, we present previous estimates on shadow economy and undeclared work in Poland, based on statistics provided by Central Statistical Office and other research entities. Our analysis covers the years 2000–2014. In the last part of the article, we use data from the Labour...

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