Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: KEYSTROKE DYNAMICS - MOST Wiedzy


Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: KEYSTROKE DYNAMICS


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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: KEYSTROKE DYNAMICS

  • Recognizing emotions on the basis of keystroke dynamics


    - Rok 2015

    The article describes a research on recognizing emotional states on the basis of keystroke dynamics. An overview of various studies and applications of emotion recognition based on data coming from keyboard is presented. Then, the idea of an experiment is presented, i.e. the way of collecting and labeling training data, extracting features and finally training classifiers. Different classification approaches are proposed to be...

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  • User authentication based on keystroke dynamics analysis


    - Rok 2011

    W pracy przedstawiono kilka metod, które można wykorzystać do uwierzytelniania użytkowników na podstawie rytmu pisania na klawiaturze. Dwie z opisanych metod wykorzystują miarę odległości zdefiniowaną do porównywania wpisywanych tekstów, natomiast trzecia analizuje parametry rozkładów cech wydobytych z wpisywanych tekstów. Algorytmy te zostały przetestowane na dwóch zbiorach danych. Ponadto oceniona została efektywność metody powstałej...

  • Towards detecting programmers’ stress on the basis of keystroke dynamics

    The article describes the idea of detecting stress among programmers on the basis of keystroke dynamics. An experiment with a group of students of artificial intelligence classes was performed. Two samples of keystroke data were recorded for each case, the first while programming without stress, the second under time pressure. A number of timing and frequency parameters were calculated for each sample. Then statistical analysis...

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  • Keystroke Dynamics Patterns While Writing Positive and Negative Opinions


    This paper deals with analysis of behavioural patterns in human–computer interaction. In the study, keystroke dynamics were analysed while participants were writing positive and negative opinions. A semi-experiment with 50 participants was performed. The participants were asked to recall the most negative and positive learning experiences (subject and teacher) and write an opinion about it. Keystroke dynamics were captured and...

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  • Usefulness of Keystroke Dynamics Features in User Authentication and Emotion Recognition

    The study presented in the article focuses on keystroke dynamics analysis applied to recognize emotional states and to authenticate users. An overview of some studies and applications in these areas is presented. Then, an experiment is described, i.e. the way of collecting data, extracting features, training classifiers and finding out the most appropriate feature subsets. The results show that it is difficult to indicate a universal...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • A review of emotion recognition methods based on keystroke dynamics and mouse movements


    - Rok 2013

    The paper describes the approach based on using standard input devices, such as keyboard and mouse, as sources of data for the recognition of users’ emotional states. A number of systems applying this idea have been presented focusing on three categories of research problems, i.e. collecting and labeling training data, extracting features and training classifiers of emotions. Moreover the advantages and examples of combining standard...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Automatic recognition of males and females among web browser users based on behavioural patterns of peripherals usage


    - Internet Research - Rok 2016

    Purpose The purpose of this paper is to answer the question whether it is possible to recognise the gender of a web browser user on the basis of keystroke dynamics and mouse movements. Design/methodology/approach An experiment was organised in order to track mouse and keyboard usage using a special web browser plug-in. After collecting the data, a number of parameters describing the users’ keystrokes, mouse movements and clicks...

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