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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: MUSICAL SOUND SEPARATION

  • Comparison of effectiveness of musical sound separation algorithms employing neural networks.


    Niniejszy referat przedstawia kilka algorytmów służących do separacji dźwięków instrumentów muzycznych. Zaproponowane podejście do dekompozycji miksów dźwiękowych opiera się na założeniu, że wysokość dźwięków w miksie jest znana, tzn. wejściem dla algorytmów jest przebieg zmian wysokości dźwięków składowych miksu. Proces estymacji fazy i amplitudy składowych harmonicznych wykorzystuje dopasowywanie zespolonych przebiegów harmonicznych...

  • Estimation of musical sound separation algorithm effectiveness employing neural networks.

    Ślepa separacja dźwięków sygnałów muzycznych zawartych w zmiksowanym materiale jest trudnym zadaniem. Jest to spowodowane tym, że dźwięki znajdujące się w relacjach harmonicznych mogą zawierać kolidujące składowe sinusoidalne (składowe harmoniczne). Ewaluacja wyników separacji jest również problematyczna, gdyż analiza błędu energetycznego często nie odzwierciedla subiektywnej jakości odseparowanych sygnałów. W tej publikacji zostały...

  • Musical instrument sound separation methods supported by artificial nueural network decision system


    - Rok 2006

    Rozprawa doktorska (27 czerwica 2006).Celem prowadzonych prac badawczych było opracowanie algorytmów separacji dźwięków instrumentów muzycznych. Dodatkowo dobrano zestaw parametrów tak aby możliwe było wytrenowanie sztucznej sieci neuronowej w celu automatycznego rozpoznawania odseparowanych sygnałów. Zaproponowano również aby algorytm decyzyjny odpowiedzialny za klasyfikacje dźwięków pełnił funkcję automatycznej metody oceny algorytmów...

  • Automatic evaluation of sound separation quality


    W publikacji tej opisano problem oceny efektywności algorytmów separacji dźwięków muzycznych. Standardowa procedure służąca do takiej oceny nie istnieje. Najbardziej uzasadnionym podejściem wydają się być odsłuchowe testy subiektywne. Niemniej, aby taka ocena była wartościowa, niezbędna jest porządna walidacja statystyczna wyników, co oznacza iż grupa ekspertów powinna być duża oraz właściwości akustyczne pomieszczenia. Ponadto...

  • Rough set based automatic classification of musical instrument sound


    Referat dotyczy problemu automatycznego rozpoznawania instrumentów muzycznych rozwiązywanego z zastosowaniem, inteligentnych algorytmów decyzyjnych. Wnioski zawarte w referacie dotyczą reprezentacji sygnałów muzycznych, która jest przydatna w procesie automatycznej klasyfikacji instrumentów.

  • Role of various parametres in automatic classification of musical instrument sound.

    Artkuł dotyczy problemu automatycznej klasyfikacji dźwięków instrumentów muzycznych, w tym głównie wpływu indywidualnych parametrów na proces automatycznego rozpoznawania instrumentów. Parametryzacja wykorzystuje wdirmo Fourierowskie i analizę czasową dźwięków do formowania 14 i 62-parametrowych wektorów cech dystynktywnych. Autorzy porównują jakość rozpoznawania i rozróźnialność instrumentów. Przy ocenach tego typu stosowano drzewa...

  • MPEG-7-based low level descriptor effectiveness in the automatic musical sound classification.


    Celem referatu jest określenie, które z parametrów opisowych MPEG-7 są najbardziej przydatne w klasyfikacji dźwięków instrumentów muzycznych. Określana jest wysokość dźwięku a następnie wyznaczane są wartości parametrów zawartych w standardzie MPEG-7. Otrzymany wektor parametrów poddawany jest analizie statystycznej w celu wyeliminowania danych nadmiarowych. Do celów automatycznej klasyfikacji i testów zaprojektowano dwa systemy...

  • Musical Instrument Separation Applied to Music Genre Classification . Separacja instrumentów muzycznych w zastosowaniu do rozpoznawania gatunków muzycznych


    - Rok 2015

    This paper outlines first issues related to music genre classification and a short description of algorithms used for musical instrument separation. Also, the paper presents proposed optimization of the feature vectors used for music genre recognition. Then, the ability of decision algorithms to properly recognize music genres is discussed based on two databases. In addition, results are cited for another database with regard to...

  • Automatic music genre classification based on musical instrument track separation / Automatyczna klasyfikacja gatunku muzycznego wykorzystująca algorytm separacji dźwięku instrumentó muzycznych


    The aim of this article is to investigate whether separating music tracks at the pre-processing phase and extending feature vector by parameters related to the specific musical instruments that are characteristic for the given musical genre allow for efficient automatic musical genre classification in case of database containing thousands of music excerpts and a dozen of genres. Results of extensive experiments show that the approach...

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  • Automatic Rhythm Retrieval from Musical Files


    - Rok 2008

    This paper presents a comparison of the effectiveness of two computational intelligence approaches applied to the task of retrieving rhythmic structure from musical files. The method proposed by the authors of this paper generates rhythmic levels first, and then uses these levels to compose rhythmic hypotheses. Three phases: creating periods, creating simplified hypotheses and creating full hypotheses are examined within this study....

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  • Separation of Simultaneous Speakers with Acoustic Vector Sensor


    - SENSORS - Rok 2025

    This paper presents a method of sound source separation in live audio signals, based on sound intensity analysis. Sound pressure signals recorded with an acoustic vector sensor are analyzed, and the spectral distribution of sound intensity in two dimensions is calculated. Spectral components of the analyzed signal are selected based on the calculated source direction, which leads to a spatial filtration of the sound. The experiments...

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  • Musical inspiration in contemporary architecture - to build a music and to hear an architecture


    - Rok 2009

    The goal of this research is chosen from a wide range of subjects within two fields of knowledge on the crossroads between music and architecture There are many designs in modern contemporary architecture that would illustrate the relationship between music and architecture, mainly through musical inspiration. The article shows contemporary musical and architectural discussion that cross over from the theoretical to the practical...

  • Nonlinear Modeling in Time Domain Numerical Analysis of Stringed Instrument Dynamics


    - Rok 2017

    Musical instruments are very various in terms of sound quality with their timbre shaped by materials and geometry. Materials' impact is commonly treated as dominant one by musicians, while it is unclear whether it is true or not. The research proposed in the study focuses on determining influence of both these factors on sound quality based on their impact on harmonic composition. Numerical approach has been chosen to allowed independent...

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  • Analysis-by-synthesis paradigm evolved into a new concept

    This work aims at showing how the well-known analysis-by-synthesis paradigm has recently been evolved into a new concept. However, in contrast to the original idea stating that the created sound should not fail to pass the foolproof synthesis test, the recent development is a consequence of the need to create new data. Deep learning models are greedy algorithms requiring a vast amount of data that, in addition, should be correctly...

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  • Introduction to the special issue on machine learning in acoustics

    • Z. Michalopoulou
    • P. Gerstoft
    • B. Kostek
    • M. A. Roch

    - Journal of the Acoustical Society of America - Rok 2021

    When we started our Call for Papers for a Special Issue on “Machine Learning in Acoustics” in the Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, our ambition was to invite papers in which machine learning was applied to all acoustics areas. They were listed, but not limited to, as follows: • Music and synthesis analysis • Music sentiment analysis • Music perception • Intelligent music recognition • Musical source separation • Singing...

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  • Ruch wirowy wywoływany przez ultradźwięk w płynach z relaksacją


    - Rok 2012

    Rozprawa doktorska poświęcona jest badaniu ruchu wirowego wywoływanego przez ultradźwięk w różnych modelach płynów z relaksacją. Ma ona charakter teoretyczny, jednak wykorzystanie uzyskanych dzięki niej wyników może przynieść lepsze zrozumienie ruchu wirowego wywoływanego przez siłę akustyczną. W I rozdziale rozprawy przedstawione zostały ogólne rozważania dotyczące akustyki nieliniowej. Rozdział II dotyczy ruchu wirowego wywoływanego...

  • Multimedia System for Environmental Noise Monitoring. [Multimedialny System Monitorowania Hałasu Środowiskowego]

    IntroductionNumerous reports relating to noise threats in Poland indicate that they occur commonly. The noise has an enormous impact on the health and life quality of the human beings. Noise pollution in Poland is greater than in others UE countries, moreover it has been increased recently. Taking into account 2002/49/WE directive related to the control and assessment of environmental noise a necessity of monitoring these threats...

  • Guido: a musical score recognition system


    - Rok 2007

    This paper presents an optical music recognition system Guido that can automatically recognize the main musical symbols of music scores that were scanned or taken by a digital camera. The application is based on object model of musical notation and uses linguistic approach for symbol interpretation and error correction. The system offers musical editor with a partially automatic error correction.

  • Exploring Neural Networks for Musical Instrument Identification in Polyphonic Audio



    The purpose of this paper is to introduce neural network-based methods that surpass state-of-the-art (SOTA) models, either by training faster or having simpler architecture, while maintaining comparable effectiveness in musical instrument identification in polyphonic music. Several approaches are presented, including two authors’ proposals, i.e., spiking neural networks (SNN) and a modular deep learning model named FMCNN (Fully...

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  • Classification of Music Genres Based on Music Separation into Harmonic and Drum Components . Klasyfikacja gatunków muzycznych wykorzystująca separację instrumentów muzycznych


    - Archives of Acoustics - Rok 2014

    This article presents a study on music genre classification based on music separation into harmonic and drum components. For this purpose, audio signal separation is executed to extend the overall vector of parameters by new descriptors extracted from harmonic and/or drum music content. The study is performed using the ISMIS database of music files represented by vectors of parameters containing music features. The Support Vector...

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  • The nonlinear effects of sound in a liquid with relaxation losses


    The nonlinear effects of sound in electrolyte with a chemical reaction are examined. The dynamic equations that govern non-wave modes in the field of intense sound are derived, and acoustic forces of vortex, entropy, and relaxation modes are determined in the cases of low-frequency sound and high-frequency sound. The difference in the nonlinear effects of sound in electrolyte and in a gas with excited vibrational degrees of molecules,...

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  • Improving automatic surveillance by sound analysis


    An automatic surveillance system, based on event detection in the video image can be improved by implementing algorithms for audio analysis. Dangerous or illegal actions are often connected with distinctive sound events like screams or sudden bursts of energy. A method for detection and classification of alarming sound events is presented. Detection is based on the observation of sudden changes in sound level in distinctive sub-bands...

  • Studies of the separation performance of silanized silica gel for simulated distillation

    We present the results of investigations of the chromatographic (sorptive) properties of silanized silica gel as a stationary phase for gas chromatography used for simulated distillation. Commercially available silanized sorbent (particle diameter range 63–200 m, average pore size 60 Å) was sieved to obtain the 80–100 mesh fraction (180–150 m). The obtained results revealed that silanized silica gel allows the complete separation...

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  • generation of the vorticity mode by sound in a bingham plastic

    This study investigates interaction between acoustic and non-acoustic modes, such as vorticity mode,in some class of a non-newtonian fluid called Bingham plastic. The instantaneous equations describinginteraction between different modes are derived. The attention is paid to the nonlinear effects in the fieldof intense sound. The resulting equations which describe dynamics of both sound and the vorticity modeapply to both periodic...

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  • Musical Instrument Identification Using Deep Learning Approach


    The work aims to propose a novel approach for automatically identifying all instruments present in an audio excerpt using sets of individual convolutional neural networks (CNNs) per tested instrument. The paper starts with a review of tasks related to musical instrument identification. It focuses on tasks performed, input type, algorithms employed, and metrics used. The paper starts with the background presentation, i.e., metadata...

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  • Adaptive Personal Tuning of Sound in Mobile Computers

    An integrated methodology for enhancing audio quality in mobile computers is presented. The key features are adaptation of the characteristics of their acoustic track to changing acoustic conditions of the environment and to users’ individual preferences. Signal processing algorithms are introduced that concern: linearization of frequency response, dialogue intelligibility enhancement, and dynamics processing tuned up to the users’...

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  • Sound intensity distribution around organ pipe

    The aim of the paper was to compare acoustic field around the open and stopped organ pipes. The wooden organ pipe was located in the anechoic chamber and activated with a constant air flow, produced by an external air-compressor. Thus, long-term steady state response was possible to obtain. Multichannel acoustic vector sensor was used to measure the sound intensity distribution of radiated acoustic energy. Measurements have been...

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  • Sound engineering as our commitment to its creators in Poland

    Sound engineering is an interdisciplinary and rapidly expanding domain. It covers many aspects, such as sound perception, studio and sound mastering technology, music information retrieval including content-based search systems and automatic music transcription frameworks, sound synthesis, sound restoration, electroacoustics, and other ones constituting multimedia technology. Moreover, machine learning methods applied to the topics...

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  • Features of Nonlinear Sound Propagation in Vibrationally Excited Gases


    - Archives of Acoustics - Rok 2013

    Weakly nonlinear sound propagation in a gas where molecular vibrational relaxation takes place is studied. New equations which govern the sound in media where the irreversible relaxation may take place are derived and discussed. Their form depends on the regime of excitation of oscillatory degrees of freedom, equilibrium (reversible) or non-equilibrium (irreversible), and on the comparative frequency of the sound in relation to...

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  • Comparison of sound of organ pipes in contemporary and historical instruments


    The aim of this research is to examine the differences in the timbre of organ pipes’ sound between a historical and a contemporary organ instrument. The historical instrument is the Oliwa organ from Gdansk, Poland, and the contemporary one is from Kartuzy, Poland. Recordings are made of single notes played by an open labial pipe that belongs to the Principal rank. The analyses and comparison of several sound features compatible...

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  • Online Sound Restoration for Digital Library Applications


    A system for sound restoration was conceived and engineered having the following features: no special sound restoration software is needed to perform audio restoration by the user, the process of restoration employs automatic reduction of noise, wow and impulse distortions performed in the online mode, no skills in digital signal processing from the user are needed. The principles of the created system and its features as well...

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  • New applications of sound and vision engineering


    - Rok 2019

    Multimedia, Sound & Vision Engineering are relatively new fields within the area of science and technology, but teaching and research in this area has been carried out at Gdansk University of Technology (Gdansk, Poland) for nearly 5 decades. Current project carried-out in the Multimedia Systems Department are in the scope of the paper.

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  • New Aspects of Virtual Sound Source Localization Research—Impact of Visual Angle and 3-D Video Content on Sound Perception

    The influence of image on virtual sound source localization, called the “image proximity effect” or the “ventriloquism effect”, is a well known phenomenon. This paper focuses on other aspects related to this effect, namely the impact of the visual angle of the presented object and 3D video content on sound perception. The research conducted confirmed that the visual angle of the presented object determines the image proximity effect...

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  • Guitar String Sound Retrieved from Moving Pixels

    The aim of this study was to develop a method of visual recording and analyzing the vibrations of guitar strings using high-speed cameras and dedicated video processing algorithms. The recording of a plucked string reveals the way in which the deformations propagate, composing the standing and travelling wave. The paper compares the results for a few selected models of classical and acoustic guitars, and it involves processing...

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  • Gesture-controlled Sound Mixing System With a Sonified Interface


    - Rok 2013

    In this paper the Authors present a novel approach to sound mixing. It is materialized in a system that enables to mix sound with hand gestures recognized in a video stream. The system has been developed in such a way that mixing operations can be performed both with or without visual support. To check the hypothesis that the mixing process needs only an auditory display, the influence of audio information visualization on sound...

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  • Experimental tests of selected damping and sound-absorbing materials to determine their suitability for sound attenuation of hydroacoustic measuring tank

    The article contains a description and results of the measurements necessary to select the optimal material for damping two hydroacoustic measuring tanks according to simple suitability criteria, i.e. obtaining minimal sound reflections from the water surface, walls and bottom in these pools by covering the surfaces with sound-dispersing materials or acoustic absorbers. One will be larger (15x10x10 m) for measurements in the range...

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  • Numerical modeling of sound intensity distributions around acoustic transducer

    The aim of this research study is to measure, simulate and compare sound intensity distribution generated by the acoustic transducers of the loudspeaker. The comparison of the gathered data allows for validating the numerical model of the acoustic radiation. An accurate model of a sound source is necessary in mathematical modeling of the sound field distribution near the scattering obstacles. An example of such obstacle is a human...

  • Chromatographic separation, determination and identification of ecdysteroids: Focus on Maral root (Rhaponticum carthamoides, Leuzea carthamoides )


    The review presents general principles for choosing optimal conditions for ecdysteroid separation, identification, and isolation using HPLC/TLC techniques in RP, NP- HILIC or NP modes. Analytics of ecdyteroids pose a still insufficiently resolved problem. Plant-derived ecdysteroids are a point of interest of pharmaceutical industry and sport medicine due to their postulated adaptogenic and anabolic properties. In insects, ecdysteroids...

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  • Sound quality metrics applied to road noise evaluation

    Road noise monitoring systems typically measure sound levels in specific time periods. The more insightful approach suggests to measure also the nature of noise. Sound quality of sounds such as car noise can be objectively evaluated by several parameters. One of them is psychoacoustic annoyance, described by loudness, tone color, and the temporal structure of sound. In this paper the assessment of several sound quality parameters, such...

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  • Automatic tagging of musical files


    - Rok 2011

    Celem niniejszej pracy jest zbadanie możliwości automatycznego tagowania utworów muzycznych z wykorzystaniem systemu śledzenia punktu fiksacji wzroku użytkownika. Badania przeprowadzono z udziałem dwudziestu osób o różnym doświadczeniu muzycznym. Zadaniem badanej osoby było wskazanie odpowiedzi na pytania zawarte w ankiecie internetowej, która pozwala na określenie cech utworów muzycznych, takich jak: tempo, dynamika, gatunek....

  • Acoustic Detector of Road Vehicles Based on Sound Intensity


    - SENSORS - Rok 2021

    A method of detecting and counting road vehicles using an acoustic sensor placed by the road is presented. The sensor measures sound intensity in two directions: parallel and perpendicular to the road. The sound intensity analysis performs acoustic event detection. A normalized position of the sound source is tracked and used to determine if the detected event is related to a moving vehicle and to establish the direction of movement....

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  • The vortex flow caused by sound in a bubbly liquid

    Generation of vorticity in the field of intense sound in a bubbly liquid in the free half-space is considered. The reasons for generation of vorticity are nonlinearity, diffraction, and dispersion. Acoustic streaming differs from that in a Newtonian fluid. Under some conditions, the vortex flow changes its direction. Conclusions concern streaming induced by a harmonic or an impulse Gaussian beam.

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  • Localization of sound sources with dual acoustic vector sensor


    - Rok 2019

    The aim of the work is to estimate the position of sound sources. The proposed method uses a setup of two acoustic vector sensors (AVS). The intersection of azimuth rays from each AVS should indicate the position of a source. In practice, the result of position estimation using this method is an area rather than a point. This is a result of inaccuracy of the individual sensors, but more importantly, of the influence of a source...

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  • Automatic sound recognition for security purposes


    - Rok 2008

    In the paper an automatic sound recognition system is presented. It forms a part of a bigger security system developed in order to monitor outdoor places for non-typical audio-visual events. The analyzed audio signal is being recorded from a microphone mounted in an outdoor place thus a non stationary noise of a significant energy is present in it. In the paper an especially designed algorithm for outdoor noise reduction is presented,...

  • Detection of the Incoming Sound Direction Employing MEMS Microphones and the DSP


    - Rok 2017

    A 3D acoustic vector sensor based on MEMS microphones and its application to road traffic monitoring is presented in the paper. The sensor is constructed from three pairs of digital MEMS microphones, mounted on the orthogonal axes. Signals obtained from the microphones are used to compute sound intensity vectors in each direction. With this data, it is possible to compute the horizontal and vertical angle of an incoming sound....

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  • Measurement and visualization of sound intensity vector distribution in proximity of acoustic diffusers


    In this work, we would like to present analyses and visualizations of sound intensity distribution measured in proximity of an acoustic diffuser. Such distribution may be used for estimation of basic acoustic parameters of a diffuser. Measurement is performed with the use of a logarithmic sine sweep which allows for the analysis of waves scattered by the diffuser and rejecting the direct sound signal component. Pressure and sound...

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  • Measurements and visualization of sound field distribution around organ pipe


    Measurements and visualization of acoustic field around an organ pipe are presented. Sound intensity technique was applied for this purpose. Measurements were performed in free field. The organ pipe was activated with a constant air flow, produced by an external compressor, aimed at obtaining long-term steady state responses of generated acoustic signal. Sound energy distribution was measured in a defined fixed grid of points...

  • Nonlinear increase in bubbles radii caused by sound in a bubbly liquid

    The nonlinear interaction of acoustic and entropy modes in a bubbly liquid is considered. The reasons for interaction are both nonlinearity and dispersion. In the field of intense sound, a decrease in the mixture density is predicted. That corresponds to the well-established growth of bubbles volumes due to rectified diffusion. The nonlinear interaction of modes as a reason for a bubble to grow due to sound, is discovered. The...

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  • Estimation of Average Speed of Road Vehicles by Sound Intensity Analysis


    - SENSORS - Rok 2021

    Constant monitoring of road traffic is important part of modern smart city systems. The proposed method estimates average speed of road vehicles in the observation period, using a passive acoustic vector sensor. Speed estimation based on sound intensity analysis is a novel approach to the described problem. Sound intensity in two orthogonal axes is measured with a sensor placed alongside the road. Position of the apparent sound...

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  • Bilge water separation by membrane distillation

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