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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: SENESCENCE
The immunological, biochemical and molecular bases of canine senescence and carcinogenesis: a review
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Cellular senescence induced by DNA damage and its role in carcinogenesis and chemotherapy
PublikacjaUszkodzenia DNA indukują w komórce różne procesy, w tym starzenie komórkowe, co może uruchamiać proces karcinogenezy jak i być związane z odpowiedzią na leki przecinowotworowe. Biologiczna rola starzenia komórkowego nie jest jednak jasna. Zasugerowano, że proces starzenia komórkowego może hamować proces karcinogenezy poprzez indukcję nieodwracalnego zahamowania wzrostu przez czynniki genotoksyczne. Indukcja starzenia komórkowego...
Imidazoacridinone C-1311 induces both autophagy and senescence in human lung cancer A549 cells
PublikacjaNiedrobnokomórkowy rak płuc (ang. NSCLC, non-small cell lung cancer), stanowiący blisko 80-87% wszystkich przypadków, jest najczęściej występującą formą raka płuc. Skuteczność dotychczas stosowanych chemoterapeutyków w stosunku do tej formy raka jest bardzo ograniczona dlatego poszukuje się nowych związków o lepszych właściwościach leczniczych. Imidazoakrydon C-1311 wykazuje wysoką aktywność cytotoksyczną wobec komórek niedrobnokomórkowego...
c-Myc inhibition and p21 modulation contribute to unsymmetrical bisacridines-induced apoptosis and senescence in pancreatic cancer cells
PublikacjaBackground Pancreatic cancer (PC) is one of the most aggressive cancers and is the seventh leading cause of cancer-related death worldwide. PC is characterized by rapid progression and resistance to conventional treatments. Mutations in KRAS, CDKN2A, TP53, SMAD4/DPC4, and MYC are major genetic alterations associated with poor treatment outcomes in patients with PC. Therefore, optimizing PC therapy is a tremendous challenge. Unsymmetrical...
Modulation of CYP3A4 activity and induction of apoptosis, necrosis and senescence by the antitumor imidazoacridinone C-1311 in human hepatoma cells
PublikacjaThere is increasing evidence that the expression level of drug metabolic enzymes affects the final cellular response following drug treatment. Moreover, anti-tumour agents may modulate enzymatic activity and/or cellular expression of metabolic enzymes in tumour cells. We investigated the influence of CYP3A4 overexpression on the cellular response induced by the anti-tumour agent C-1311 in hepatoma cells. C-1311-mediated CYP3A4...
The imidazoacridinone C-1311 induces p53-dependent senescence or p53-independent apoptosis and sensitizes cancer cells to radiation
PublikacjaC-1311 is a small molecule, which has shown promise in a number of preclinical and clinical studies. However, the biological response to C-1311 exposure is complicated and has been reported to involve a number of cell fates. Here, we investigated the molecular signaling which determines the response to C-1311 in both cancer and non-cancer cell lines. For the first time we demonstrate that the tumor suppressor, p53 plays a key role...
Accelerated senescence as a cost of reproduction: Testing associations between oxidative stress and reproductive effort in rural and urban women
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Modulation of CYP3A4 activity and induction of apoptosis, necrosis and senescence by the anti-tumour imidazoacridinone C-1311 in human hepatoma cells
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DNA-damaging imidazoacridinone C-1311 induces autophagy followed by irreversible growth arrest and senescence in human lung cancer cells
PublikacjaImidazoacridinone 5-diethylaminoethylamino-8-hydroxyimidazoacridinone (C-1311) is an antitumor inhibitor of topoisomerase II and FMS-like tyrosine kinase 3 receptor. In this study, we describe the unique sequence of cellular responses to C-1311 in human non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) cell lines, A549 and H460. In A549 cells, C-1311 (IC80 = 0.08 µM) induced G1 and G2/M arrests, whereas H460 cells (IC80 = 0.051 µM) accumulated...
Antitumor 1-nitroacridine derivative C-1748, induces apoptosis, necrosis or senescence in human colon carcinoma HCT8 and HT29 cells.
PublikacjaC-1748 jest związkiem oddziaływującym z DNA i potencjalnym związkiem przeciwnowotworowym szczególnie wobec nowotworów prostaty i jelita grubego przeszczepialnych na myszach.W pracy badano odpowiedź komórek nowotworowych HCT8 i HT29 na działanie pochodnej C-1748, w stężeniach biologicznie istotnych (EC90). Analiza cyklu komórkowego linii HCT8 pokazała, że związek powoduje wzrost frakcji sub-G1, świadczący o apoptozie tych komórek...
c-Myc Protein Level Affected by Unsymmetrical Bisacridines Influences Apoptosis and Senescence Induced in HCT116 Colorectal and H460 Lung Cancer Cells
PublikacjaUnsymmetrical bisacridines (UAs) are highly active antitumor compounds. They contain in their structure the drugs previously synthesized in our Department: C-1311 and C-1748. UAs exhibit different properties than their monomer components. They do not intercalate to dsDNA but stabilize the G-quadruplex structures, particularly those of the MYC and KRAS genes. Since MYC and KRAS are often mutated and constitutively expressed in cancer...
Imidazoacridinone derivative C-1311 (SymadexTM) induces apoptosis, mitotic catastrophe or senescence in human colon carcinoma HCT116 cells depending on p53 status
PublikacjaPrzeprowadziliśmy badania zmierzające do wyjaśnienia odpowiedzi komórek ludzkiego raka jelita grubego HCT116 traktowanych C-1311 w zależności od statusu białka p53. Wykazaliśmy, że pochodna imidazoakrydonu C-1311 w stężeniach biologicznie istotnych indukuje przejściowy blok w fazie G2M komórek HCT116 p53-/- oraz blok w fazie G1 i G2M komórek HCT116 p53+/+. W komórkach z niefunkcjonalnym białkiem p53 imidazoakrydon indukował katastrofę...
A prototypical non-malignant epithelial model to study genome dynamics and concurrently monitor micro-RNAs and proteins in situ during oncogene-induced senescence
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Correction to: A prototypical non-malignant epithelial model to study genome dynamics and concurrently monitor micro-RNAs and proteins in situ during oncogene-induced senescence
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4-methyl-1-nitroacridine derivative C-1748 induces apoptosis, mitotic catastrophe or senescence in human colon carcinoma HCT116 cells depending on p53 status
PublikacjaPrzeprowadzone badania miały na celu określenie zdolności pochodnej 4-metylo-1-nitroakrydyny C-1748 do uruchomienia apoptozy, katastrofy mitotycznej lub procesu starzenia komórek ludzkiego raka okrężnicy HCT116 posiadających dziki gen p53 oraz podlinii nie posiadającej tego genu. Wykazano, że pochodna C-1748 indukuje apoptozę w komórkach obu linii HCT116 w sposób zależny od czasu inkubacji, przy czym komórki HCT116 p53+/+ wykazują...
Cancer stem cells and escape from drug-induced premature senescence in human lung tumor cells: implications for drug resistance and in vitro drug screening models
PublikacjaBadania z użyciem modelu komórek nowotworu płuc A549 wykazały, że komórki te po traktowaniu lekami uszkadzającymi DNA zatrzymują proliferację i wchodzą w stan starzenia komórkowego. Jednak post-inkubacja tych komórek prowadzi do powrotu do stanu proliferacji małej frakcji komórek. Wykazaliśy, że frakcja ta związana jest z obecnością komórek pierwotnych nowotworu w populacji komórek A549. Powrót do stanu proliferacji komóek A549...
Antitumor imidazoacridinone derivative C-1311 induces cell cycle arrest and cellular senescence-like phenotypic changes in human non-small lung A549 cancer cells
PublikacjaPrzeprowadzone badania miały na celu zbadanie rodzaju odpowiedzi komórkowej indukowanej przez pochodną C1311 w komórkach ludzkiego, niedrobnokomórkowego raka płuc A549, wyselekcjonowanych do badań ze względu na wysoką wrażliwość na działanie pochodnej C-1311. Wszystkie eksperymenty przeprowadzone zostały przy stężeniu hamującym proliferację komórek nowotworowych w 80%. Badania z wykorzystaniem techniki cytometrii przepływowej oraz...
Telomere uncapping by common oxidative guanine lesions: Insights from atomistic models
PublikacjaOxidative damage to DNA is widely known to contribute to aging and disease. This relationship has been extensively studied for telomeres – structures that cap chromosome ends – due to their role in cell proliferation and senescence, and exceptional susceptibility to oxidation. Indeed, the repetitive telomeric DNA sequence contains the 5′-GGG-3′ motif that has the lowest ionization potential of all trinucleotides. Accordingly, experiments...
Quantum Dots as a Good Carriers of Unsymmetrical Bisacridines for Modulating Cellular Uptake and the Biological Response in Lung and Colon Cancer Cells
PublikacjaNanotechnology-based drug delivery provides a promising area for improving the efficacy of cancer treatments. Therefore, we investigate the potential of using quantum dots (QDs) as drug carriers for antitumor unsymmetrical bisacridine derivatives (UAs) to cancer cells. We examine the influence of QD–UA hybrids on the cellular uptake, internalization (Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope), and the biological response (flow cytometry...
CYP3A4 overexpression enhances apoptosis induced by anticancer agent imidazoacridinone C-1311, but does not change the metabolism of C-1311 in CHO cells
PublikacjaWe examine whether CYP3A4 overexpression influences the rate and pattern of antitumor imidazoacridinone C-1311 metabolism, in relation to the impact of this overexpression on cell cycle progression and final cellular response of CHO cells following C-1311 treatment. Methods: Three CHO cell lines: CHO-WT, wild type, CHO-HR, overexpressing cytochrome P450 reductase (CPR) and CHO-HR-3A4, coexpressing CPR and CYP3A4 were applied....
Framing the Temporal Dimensions of a Brand
PublikacjaDrawing on existing research dealing with time in brand and brand management, this paper aims at providing a comprehensive and coherent framework of some time-related concepts, with a special emphasis on what happens when a brand reaches the senescence stage. In addition, it strives to consider what happens when a brand becomes long-lived enough, looking at the brand’s customer base. While undoubtedly time affects customers’ age...
Modified Peptide Molecules As Potential Modulators of Shelterin Protein Functions; TRF1
PublikacjaIn this work, we present studies on relatively new and still not well-explored potential anticancer targets which are shelterin proteins, in particular the TRF1 protein can be blocked by in silico designed "peptidomimetic" molecules. TRF1 interacts directly with the TIN2 protein, and this protein-protein interaction is crucial for the proper functioning of telomere, which could be blocked by our novel modified peptide molecules....
In vitro biological evaluation of a novel folic acid-targeted receptor quantum dot−β−cyclodextrin carrier for C-2028 unsymmetrical bisacridine in the treatment of human lung and prostate cancers
PublikacjaTraditional small-molecule chemotherapeutics usually do not distinguish tumors from healthy tissues. However, nanotechnology creates nanocarriers that selectively deliver drugs to their site of action. This work is the next step in the development of the quantum dot−β−cyclodextrin−folic acid (QD−β−CD−FA) platform for targeted and selected delivery of C−2028 unsymmetrical bisacridine in cancer therapy.Herein, we report an initial...
A comprehensive review on current and emerging technologies toward the valorization of bio‐based wastes and by products from foods
PublikacjaIndustries in the agro-food sector are the largest generators of waste in the world. Agro-food wastes and by products originate from the natural process of senescence, pretreatment, handling, and manufacturing processes of food and beverage products. Notably, most of the wastes are produced with the transformation of raw materials (such as fruits, vegetables, plants, tubers, cereals, and dairy products) into different processed...
Teloxantron inhibits the processivity of telomerase with preferential DNA damage on telomeres
PublikacjaTelomerase reactivation is one of the hallmarks of cancer, which plays an important role in cellular immortalization and the development and progression of the tumor. Chemical telomerase inhibitors have been shown to trigger replicative senescence and apoptotic cell death both in vitro and in vivo. Due to its upregulation in various cancers, telomerase is considered a potential target in cancer therapy. In this study, we identified...
The overexpression of CPR and P450 3A4 in pancreatic cancer cells changes the metabolic profile and increases the cytotoxicity and pro-apoptotic activity of acridine antitumor agent, C-1748
PublikacjaDrug resistance is one of the major cause of pancreatic cancer treatment failure. Thus, it is still imperative to develop new active compounds and novel approach to improve drug efficacy. Here we present 9-amino-1-nitroacridine antitumor agent, C-1748, developed in our laboratory, as a candidate for pancreatic cancer treatment. We examined (i) the cellular response of pancreatic cancer cell lines: Panc-1, MiaPaCa-2, BxPC-3 and...
CYP3A4 overexpressin enhances the cytotoxicity of the antitumor triazoloacridinone derivative C-1305 in CHO cells
PublikacjaW pracy badano wpływ nadekspresji izoenzymu CYP3A4 na cytotoksyczność i odpowiedź komórkową indukowaną przez przeciwnowotworową pochodną triazoloakrydonu w modelowym układzie komórek CHO: dzikego typu, z nadekspresją reduktazy cytochromu P450 (CHO-HR) oraz z koekspresją reduktazy i izoenzymu CYP3A4 (CHO-HR-3A4). Wykazano, że komórki CHO wykazywały różną wrażliwość na badany związek, a linia CHO-HR okazała się najbardziej wrażliwa,...