wszystkich: 71
wybranych: 67
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: SOUNDING
Hydrographic echosounder for sounding inland waters.
PublikacjaNowy model echosondy zaprojektowanej specjalnie dla instytucji administrującymi śródlądowymi drogami wodnymi, sztucznymi i naturalnymi zbiornikami oraz morskimi wodami przybrzeżnymi jest opisany. Podstawowym wymogiem wynikającym z sondażu wód płytkich jest pomiar możliwie najmniejszych głębokości. Przez zastosowanie oddzielnych przetworników (nadawczego i odbiorczego) i ich wytłumienie oraz przez wprowadzenie układu TVG o dużej...
Sounding rocket vibration mechanical filter and amplifier
PublikacjaMeasuring accelerations and vibrations of a sounding rocket provides both information for engineers on the launcher vehicle performance as well as environment description for future payload designers. Typically, information on the level of vibration and eigenfrequencies are required to properly design a payload. This paper presents a design of a novel mechanical filter and amplifier for mechanical vibrations. Its key feature is...
Selected results of the parametric sounding of the Gdansk Bay
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono metodykę i wyniki sondowania dna Zatoki Gdańskiej echosondą parametryczną.
Sounding of Layered Marine Bottom - Model Investigations
PublikacjaThe necessary actions connected with interpretations of examining of physical properties of sea bottom structure is developing of proper procedure of modeling of the layered structure. The implementation of the acoustic waves for the determination of seabed stratification requires a precise diagnosis of the topic from both the theoretical and practical side. Little differences between the parameters of sediments, as well as irregular...
Optimising the sounding pulse of the rotational directional transmissionsonar
PublikacjaPrzedmiotem artykułu jest cyfrowa realizacja techniki ciągłego obrotu wiązki nadawczej w sonarach. W klasycznych rozwiązaniach analogowych polega ona na pobudzaniu elementów anteny hydroakustycznej sygnałami quasi-harmonicznymi o zmieniających się w czasie przesunięcia fazy. W cyfrowej realizacji zmienne w czasie przesunięcia fazy sprowadzają się do pobudzenia elementów anteny sygnałami harmonicznymi o specjalnie dobranych częstotliwościach...
Direction-of-Arrival Estimation Methods in Interferometric Echo Sounding
PublikacjaNowadays, there are two leading sea sounding technologies: the multibeam echo sounder and the multiphase echo sounder (also known as phase-dierence side scan sonar or bathymetric side scan sonar). Both solutions have their advantages and disadvantages, and they can be perceived as complementary to each other. The article reviews the development of interferometric echo sounding array configurations and the various methods applied...
Gdansk Bay sea bed sounding and classification of its results
PublikacjaThe main goal of this paper is to describe the results of sounding the Gdansk Bay sea bed by using a SES-2000 Standard parametric sub-bottom profiler. Quality of data obtained during trials depends inter alia on a proper location of transducer array to reduce influence of pitch, roll and heave motions as well as ship self noise (resulting from bubbles due to propeller and flow around hull, vibration generated by main engine and...
Time variable gain for long range sonar with chirp sounding signal
PublikacjaThe main purpose of applaying Time Variable Gain (TVG) in active sonars with digital signal processing is to reduce dynamic range of echo signal and adapt it to the dynamic range of the analogue to digital conversion. With high transmission losses level, the dynamic range of the input signal in long range sonars can be very high and even exceed 200dB. When chirp sounding signals with matched filtration are used, sonars can raech...
Processing data on sea bottom structure obtained by means of the parametric sounding
PublikacjaThe aim of the paper is to analyze data obtained during sounding the Gdansk Bay sea bed by means of the parametric echo-sounder. The accuracy of the sea bottom structure investigation needs correct configuration of research equipment and proper calibration of peripheral devices (GPS, heading sensor, MRU-Z motion sensor and navigation instruments which provide necessary data to bathymetrical measurement system, enabling its work...
Sounding Mechanism of a Flue Organ Pipe—A Multi-Sensor Measurement Approach
PublikacjaThis work presents an approach that integrates the results of measuring, analyzing, and modeling air flow phenomena driven by pressurized air in a flue organ pipe. The investigation concerns a Bourdon organ pipe. Measurements are performed in an anechoic chamber using the Cartesian robot equipped with a 3D acoustic vector sensor (AVS) that acquires both acoustic pressure and air particle velocity. Also, a high-speed camera is employed...
Processing data on sea bottom structure obtained by means of the parametric sounding
PublikacjaThe aim of the paper is to analyze data obtain during sounding of the Gdansk Bay by means of the parametric sonar. The accuracy of the sea bottom structure investigation needs the correct configuration of research equipment and the proper calibration of peripheral devices (GPS, heading sensor, motion sensor MRU-Z and navigation units) which provide necessary data to bathymetrical measurement system enabling its work with whole...
Inverse heat transfer problem solution of sounding rocket using moving window optimization
PublikacjaAn Inverse Heat Transfer Problem is solved for a sounding rocket module given its geometry and measured temperature profile. The solution is obtained via moving window optimization, a technique for solving inverse dynamics. An analysis is performed to modify the method to avoid oscillatory behavior of the resulting heat flux profile. The method parameters are tuned in relation to characteristic phases of the flight. Results are...
Preliminary results from HEDGEHOG REXUS project – A sounding rocket experiment on accelerations, vibrations and heat flow
PublikacjaDuring flight, a sounding rocket is subject to a unique environment - severe vibrations and substantial heat flux. In order to design payloads, precise measurement of these conditions is required. This paper presents preliminary results from HEDGEHOG REXUS Project, whose scientific goal was to characterise the thermal and dynamic environment of REXUS sounding rockets. For this purpose, two new sensors have been designed - mechanical...
Preliminary results from HEDGEHOG REXUS Project - sounding rocket experiment on accelerations, vibrations and heat flow
PublikacjaAs access to space conditions becomes more available, both technically and economically, scientists' interest in launching finer and more sophisticated experiments grows. This applies now more than ever to fragile by nature biological and chemical experiments. To be qualified for launch, such experiments need to be carefully tested prior to the event. The tests should represent actual launch conditions as closely and in as detailed...
Comparison of near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) and near-infrared transillumination-backscattering sounding (NIR-T/BSS) methods
PublikacjaThe aim of the study was to compare simultaneously recorded a NIR-T/BSS and NIRS signals from healthy volunteers. NIR-T/BSS is a device which give an ability to non-invasively detect and monitor changes in the subarachnoid space width (SAS). Experiments were performed on a group of 30 healthy volunteers (28 males and 2 females, age 30.8 ± 13.4 years, BMI = 24.5 ± 2.3 kg/m2). We analysed recorded signals using analysis methods based...
Technical foundations for noninvasive assessment of changes in the width of the subarachnoid space with near-infrared transillumination-backscattering sounding (NIR-TBSS)
PublikacjaPraca opisuje metodę transiluminacji w bliskiej podczerwieni umożliwiającą nieinwazyjne monitorowanie zmian szerokości przestrzeni podpajęczynówkowej oraz amplitudy tętnienia naczyń powierzchniowych mózgu.
Post processing and selecting data obtain with parametric sub-bottom profiler SES-2000 Standard during sounding the Gulf of Gdansk
PublikacjaThe main goal of the paper is to describe the results of sounding the Gulf of Gdansk seabed using a parametric sub-bottom profiler SES-2000 Standard. Quality of obtained during trials data depends inter alia on proper location of antenna to reduce influence of pitch, roll, heave and ship noise (bubbles from propeller and a hull flow, vibration from main engine and peripheral devices). Furthermore calibration of complementary units...
Assessment of the Steering Precision of a Hydrographic USV along Sounding Profiles Using a High-Precision GNSS RTK Receiver Supported Autopilot
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New aspects in assessment of changes in width of subarachnoid space with near-infrared transillumination/backscattering sounding, part 2: clinical verification in the patient
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono porównanie wyników symulacji propagacji promieniowania z zakresu bliskiej podczerwieni z danymi uzyskanymi na drodze pomiarów wykonanych w warunkach klinicznych. Różnice między nimi nie przekraczały 4 dB, co potwierdziło słuszność przyjętych założeń w procesie symulacji. W pomiarach wykorzystano unikatowy zetstaw nadajników i odbiorników promieniowania podczerwonego, pozwalającego prowadzenie pomiarów transmisji...
New aspects in assessment of changes in width of subarachnoid space with near-infrared transillumination/backscattering sounding, part 1: Monte Carlo numerical modeling
PublikacjaW pracy wykorzystano zmodyfikowaną metodę Monte Carlo do numerycznego modelowania propagacji promieniowania z zakresu bliskiej podczerwieni w warstwach anatomicznych głowy. Badano efekt zmian szerokości warstwy podpajęczynówkowej pod wpływem tętna na natężenie promieniowania wstecznie rozpraszanego. Przeprowadzone obliczenia pokazały, że możliwe jest monitorowanie zmian tej szerokości na podstawie pomiarów transmisji promieniowania...
Spectral analysis of mechanical and respiratory influences on width of subarachnoid space assessed with non-invasive method of near-infrared transillumination/back scattering sounding
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono zastosowanie analizy widmowej do badania zmian szerokości przestrzeni podpajęczynówkowej spowodowanych ruchami głowy i wysilonym oddechem w nieinwazyjnej metodzie transiluminacji w bliskiej podczerwieni.
Use of Near Infrared Transillumination/Back Scattering Sounding (NIR-T/BSS) to assess effects of elevated intracranial pressure on width of subarachnoid space and celebrovascular pulsation in animals
PublikacjaW pracy dokonano ocenę zmiany szerokości przestrzeni podpajęczynówkowej i tętnienia naczyń mózgowych w czasie chwilowego zwiększenia ciśnienia śródczaszkowego u królików doświadczalnych. Badania zostały przeprowadzone przy wykorzystaniu metody transiluminacji w bliskiej podczerwieni z rozpraszaniem zwrotnym NIRT-BSS.
Assessment of the Steering Precision of a Hydrographic Unmanned Surface Vessel (USV) along Sounding Profiles Using a Low-Cost Multi-Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) Receiver Supported Autopilot
Publikacjahe performance of bathymetric measurements by traditional methods (using manned vessels) in ultra-shallow waters, i.e., lakes, rivers, and sea beaches with a depth of less than 1 m, is often difficult or, in many cases, impossible due to problems related to safe vessel maneuvering. For this reason, the use of shallow draft hydrographic Unmanned Surface Vessels (USV) appears to provide a promising alternative method for performing...
Digital microcontroller for sonar waveform generator
PublikacjaGenerating sounding signals is essential for the operation of active sonar. The system should be highly reliable. This can be achieved through architecture, communication between the devices, and a well-designed and self–testing software. The system presented in the article is responsible for the generation of hydroacoustic sounding signals, and ensures proper interaction between power amplifiers and power supplies. Thanks to its...
Investigation of Transmit and Receive Characteristics of Laboratory Model for the Parametric Echosounder
PublikacjaInvestigation and operation of devices based on nonlinear interaction of high-intensity waves have been carried out for several decades. However, it is still a new tool to study the properties of the water environment and especially the upper layers of the seabed. This paper describes the results of tests of the new device that is intended to be applied for sounding underwater areas. The device has been designed and built in collaboration with...
Continuous wave sonar with hyperbolic frequency modulation keyed by pseudo-random sequence
PublikacjaA CW FM type sounding signal is used in the classical solution of silent sonar. While the signal provides a relatively simple implementation of digital signal processing, and ensures good detection conditions, unfortunately, in the presence of the Doppler effect, distance measurement results tend to be wrong. This is due to the fact that the received signal’s instantaneous frequency value is dependent both on the distance to the...
Conditions for Multiple Acquisition of Echoes from Stationary Targets in Successive Transmissions of Active Sonars
PublikacjaIn echolocation, the highest possible number of contacts with a detected target is clearly decisive on the possibilities of echo processing to optimise the estimation of distinctive characteristics of the observed target. In hydrolocation, the slow propagation of acoustic waves in water reduces the number of contacts of echosounders and sonars with detected targets. The article considers model conditions for acquiring multiple...
Methods of data extraction from sub-bottom profiler's signal
PublikacjaData obtain during sounding Gdansk Bay with SES-2000 Standard parametric sub-bottom profiler has two types of information: envelope and pure signal. First is used to plot echograms in real time and contain envelope of echo. The second one is stored during sounding and can be processed after recording data. Comparison of results will be shown and discussed. First step in investigation was proper configuration of small measurement...
Mutual Clutter Suppression Techniques for FM Sonars
PublikacjaThe article presents methods that help in the elimination of mutual clutter as well as the consequences of two FM sounding signal sonars operating in the same body of water and frequency band. An in-depth analysis of mutual clutter was carried out. The effects of sounding signal differentiation were determined, as was the Doppler effect on mutual clutter suppression. One of the methods analysed is of particular interest in a situation...
Cichy sonar - stan aktualny i perspektywy
PublikacjaW zastosowaniach militarnych często istnieje potrzeba prowadzenia obserwacji w sposób skryty za pomocą urządzeń emitujących sygnały trudne do przechwycenia przez przeciwnika. Rozwiązania stosowane w cichych radarach stanowiły punkt wyjścia do opracowania cichego sonaru. Prace nad projektem rozpoczęto na Politechnice Gdańskiej w roku 2010 w ramach Grantu NCBiR i są one dalej kontynuowane. W celu zachowania w cichym sonarze warunków...
Application of Maximum Lenght Sequence in Silent Sonar
PublikacjaSilent sonars are designed to reduce the distance over which their sounding pulses can be detected by intercept sonars. In order to meet this objective, we can use periodical sounding signals that have low power, a very long duration and wide spectrum. If used in the silent sonar's receiver, matched filtration ensures very good detection of motionless or slow moving targets. However, it is more difficult to detect echo signals...
Acoustic imaging of selected areas of Gdansk Bay with the aid of parametric echosounder and side-scan sonar
PublikacjaThe article presents and analyses the data recorded during sounding of the Gdansk Bay seabed with the aid of a parametric echosounder and a side-scan sonar. The accuracy of seabed structure examination, as a condition for obtaining valuable results, requires correct configuration of echolocation devices and proper calibration of peripheral devices, such as the survey unit geographical position sensor – GPS, the navigation unit,...
Selected acoustic images of the Gdansk Bay
PublikacjaThe main goal of the paper is to describe the results of sounding the Gdansk Bay seabed by using a parametric sub-bottom profiler, multibeam echosounder and side scan sonar. Quality of dsata obtained during trials depends interalia on a proper location of antenna to reduce influence of pitch, roll and heave motions as well as ship noise.
Using differential pressure sensor to measure nitrous oxide level in a tank
PublikacjaA method for measuring the level of liquid nitrous oxide oxidizer in a hybrid rocket motor oxidizer tank is proposed. Presented approach is more accurate than the most commonly used method of this measurement, which employs weighting of the whole sounding rocket or an oxidizer tank. In our solution we use a differential pressure sensor to measure the change of pressure at the bottom of an oxidizer tank in comparison to the pressure...
Silent Sonar with matched filtration
PublikacjaRadars with continuous wave frequency (CW FM sonars) are used in radiolocation as 'silent sonars'. They determine the distance to target by measuring the difference between the frequency of the sounding signal and echo signal. The article presents the principle of operation and parameters of silent CW FM sonars. Target distance determined by these sonars is based on the signal at the output of the matched filter. The Doppler effect...
Analysis of distance measurement errors in CW FM sonar with MLS code modulation
PublikacjaAlthough used in the classic silent sonar, the CW FM sounding signal has a major flaw which is its inaccuracy in determining the distance to a target. The authors of the article have developed a concept of silent sonar using frequency modulation signals switched by pseudorandom codes, already discussed in their previous work. This article presents a detailed analysis of errors in CW FM sonar with pseudo-random sequence code modulation...
Effect of Maximal Breath Hold Apnea on Pial Artery Pulsation and Subarachnoid Width in Human
PublikacjaLittle is known about intracranial pressure (ICP)-cerebral hemodynamic interplay during maximal breath-hold apnea. A recently developed method based on near-infrared transillumination/backscattering sounding (NIR-T/BSS) noninvasively measures changes in pial artery pulsation (cc-TQ) as well as subarachnoid width (sas-TQ) in humans. Changes in sas-TQ correlate with ICP to a considerable extent, whereas cc-TQ reflects the functional...
Distance measurement errors in silent FM-CW sonar with matched filtering
PublikacjaThe secretiveness of sonar operation can be achieved by using continuous frequency-modulated sounding signalswith reduced power and significantly prolonged repeat time. The application of matched filtration in the sonarreceiver provides optimal conditions for detection against the background of white noise and reverberation, and avery good resolution of distance measurements of motionless targets. The article shows that target...
Operational Enhancement of Numerical Weather Prediction with Data from Real-time Satellite Images
PublikacjaNumerical weather prediction (NWP) is a rapidly expanding field of science, which is related to meteorology, remote sensing and computer science. Authors present methods of enhancing WRF EMS (Weather Research and Forecast Environmental Modeling System) weather prediction system using data from satellites equipped with AMSU sensor (Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit). The data is acquired with Department of Geoinformatics’ ground...
Pomiar odpowiedzi impulsowej kanału radiowego na obszarze morskim i przybrzeżnym
PublikacjaW artykule zaprezentowano wyniki pomiarów odpowiedzi impulsowej kanału radiowego na obszarze morskim i przybrzeżnym. Pomiary przeprowadzono na częstotliwości 1457 MHz a sygnałem sondującym był sygnał o paśmie 10 MHz z modulacją BPSK i pseudoprzypadkową zawartością binarną. Odbierane sygnały były rejestrowane przez dwie stacje ruchome, zainstalowane w samolocie i na łodzi patrolowej. Podczas późniejszej obróbki danych zastosowano...
Detection Range of Intercept Sonar for CWFM Signals
PublikacjaStealth in military sonars applications may be ensured through the use of low power signals making them difficult to intercept by the enemy. In recent years, silent sonar design has been investigated by the Department of Marine Electronic Systems of the Gdansk University of Technology. This article provides an analysis of how an intercept sonar operated by the enemy can detect silent sonar signals. To that end a theoretical intercept...
High-quality Experiment Dedicated to microGravity Exploration, Heat Flow and Oscillation Measurement from Gdańsk
PublikacjaIn this paper we propose HEDGEHOG (High-quality Experiment Dedicated to microGravity Exploration, Heat flow and Oscillation measurement from Gdańsk) REXUS experiment to investigate vibrational and heat flow phenomena during the whole (ascent, microgravity phase, descent and recovery) flight of a sounding rocket. First, a proposed system of cantilever beams is discussed to study dynamic behaviour of dummy payload. Dimensioning has...
Acoustic Processor of the Mine Countermeasure Sonar
PublikacjaThis paper presents the concept of an acoustic processor of the mine countermeasure sonar. Developed at the Department of Marine Electronics Systems, Gdansk University of Technology, the acoustic processor is an element of the MG-89, an underwater acoustic station. The focus of the article is on the modules of the processor. They are responsible for sampling analogue signals and implementing the algorithms controlling the measurement...
A device for measuring heat flux on a rocket skin surface
PublikacjaA novel method for measuring heat flux on a surface is presented. It is an extensive upgrade of currently known heat flux sensors used mostly in civil engineering. As the thermal environment of launchers, especially sounding rocket can have an enormous negative effect on payload, careful considerations have to be taken in the process of preparing insulation. Usually, thermal data provided by the launch vehicle manufacturer is limited...
The Examination of the Upper Layers of the Seabed by the Means of the Acoustic Methods
PublikacjaPropagation of acoustic waves in the sea, in particular in shallow sea, depends on several factors. The basic of them are source power and frequency of acoustic waves, spatial distribution inhomogeneous medium in which acoustic wave propagates, and distributions of speed of sound and density of seawater. The coastal conditions, which limit water medium from above (free surface of the sea) and from bottom (the seabed), are no less...
Acoustic Processor of the MCM Sonar
PublikacjaThis paper presents the concept of an acoustic processor of the mine countermeasure sonar. Developed at the Department of Marine Electronics Systems, Gdansk University of Technology, the acoustic processor is an element of the MG-89, a modernised underwater acoustic station. The focus of the article is on the modules of the processor. They are responsible for sampling analogue signals and implementing the algorithms controlling...
Impact of the glazed roof on acoustics of historic interiors
PublikacjaThe paper discusses the adverse acoustic phenomena occurring in the semi-open interiors (courtyards, yards) covered with a glass roof. Particularly negative is the rever-beration noise, which leads to the degradation of the utility functions of the resulting spaces. It involves the drastically reducing the intelligibility of speech, loss of natural sounding of music, problems with the sound system, as well as disturbances in the...
Transiluminacyjne monitorowanie stanu przestrzeni podpajęczynówkowej
PublikacjaTransiluminacja tkanek ludzkiego ciała w celach diagnostycznych jest stosowana od ponad stu lat. Metoda transiluminacji w bliskiej podczerwieni z rozpraszaniem zwrotnym (NIRT-BSS) umożliwia ciągłe, bezinwazyjne monitorowanie zmian szerokości przestrzeni podpajęczynówkowej, które może być cennym narzędziem w ocenie zagrożenia obrzękiem mózgu. W rozprawie przedstawiono optyczny model rozchodzenia się promieniowania podczerwonego...
Web-based 3D processing and dissemination of multibeam sonar data
PublikacjaThe continuous detailed surveys of the various water bodies over time produce a large and ever-increasing volume and density of underwater sounding data. Three-dimensional data, such as those obtained by multibeam sonar systems, are quite complex to manage, and thus their growing numbers increase the pressure on development of new solutions dedicated to processing them. This paper presents a concept system for web-based dissemination...
Analyzing the relationship between sound, color, and emotion based on subjective and machine-learning approaches
PublikacjaThe aim of the research is to analyze the relationship between sound, color, and emotion. For this purpose, a survey application was prepared, enabling the assignment of a color to a given speaker’s/singer’s voice recordings. Subjective tests were then conducted, enabling the respondents to assign colors to voice/singing samples. In addition, a database of voice/singing recordings of people speaking in a natural way and with expressed...