wszystkich: 284
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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: STAND-ALONE PV HYBRID SYSTEMS
Supercapacitors in stand-alone pv systems with instantaneus high output energy pulses
PublikacjaSuperkondensatory (ang. supercapacitors, ultracapacitors, double-layer capacitors, gold capacitors and power capacitors) stanowią stosunkową nowość w energetyce prądu stałego, zwłaszcza w dziedzinie magazynowania i oddawania energii. Podjęto próby zastosowania superkondensatorów jako jedynego lub wspierającego źródła, służącego do gromadzenia energii PV w autonomicznych instalacjach. Opracowany we własnym zakresie, wykonany i opisany...
Heat recovery from the hybrid photovoltaic tile – experimental studies with the solar light simulator
PublikacjaConsidering the current development of micro-cogeneration energy sources, supported by the national prosumer policy and the act on the renewable energy sources, there is a great demand for the effective solar technologies. In this area, the photovoltaic cells with a combined conversion of the solar radiation energy into the electrical and thermal energy (PV/T cells) seem to be attractive. They are already widely available and treated...
Solar Photovoltaic Energy Optimization and Challenges
PublikacjaThe study paper focuses on solar energy optimization approaches, as well as the obstacles and concerns that come with them. This study discusses the most current advancements in solar power generation devices in order to provide a reference for decision-makers in the field of solar plant construction throughout the world. These technologies are divided into three groups: photovoltaic, thermal, and hybrid (thermal/photovoltaic)....
Solar Photovoltaic Energy Optimization and Challenges
PublikacjaThe study paper focuses on solar energy optimization approaches, as well as the obstacles and concerns that come with them. This study discusses the most current advancements in solar power generation devices in order to provide a reference for decision-makers in the field of solar plant construction throughout the world. These technologies are divided into three groups: photovoltaic, thermal, and hybrid (thermal/photovoltaic)....
Voltage Control of a Stand-Alone Multiphase Doubly Fed Induction Generator
PublikacjaThis article presents a multiphase doubly fed induction generator (MDFIG) with a dedicated and unique control algorithm in a stand-alone wind energy conversion system. The algorithm has been developed and elaborated in the case of different emergency modes. Compared with the traditional double-fed induction generator, the MDFIG has increased reliability, reduced current level per phase, and low rotor harmonic currents. The control...
Modelling and Control of a Brushless Multiphase Doubly-Fed Induction Generator in a Stand-Alone Wind Generation System
PublikacjaThe development of the novel multiphase brushless doubly-fed generator system and voltage controller for stand-alone mode configuration is proposed in this paper. The generator system is based on the new machine construction with multiphase control winding and traditional three-phase power winding. The dynamic model of multiphase brushless doubly-fed generator is presented, and the control strategy for voltage amplitude and frequency...
The use of LiFePO4 technology in autonomous PV systems
PublikacjaBattery manufacturing based on the flow of lithium ions is currently the fastest growing and the most promising technology. It is used in many applications - from the smallest electronic devices to the large-scale energy trays. However, in the PV systems lead-acid batteries are still the most commonly used. As they are much cheaper they also come with a number of significant disadvantages. It is anticipated that they will be replaced...
Green energy extraction for sustainable development: A novel MPPT technique for hybrid PV-TEG system
PublikacjaThe Photovoltaic (PV) module converts only a small portion of irradiance into electrical energy. Most of the solar energy is wasted as heat, resulting in a rise in PV cell temperature and a decrease in solar cell efficiency. One way to harvest this freely available solar thermal energy and improve PV cell efficiency is by integrating PV systems with thermoelectric generators (TEG). This cogeneration approach of the hybrid PV-TEG...
Energy Management for PV Powered Hybrid Storage System in Electric Vehicles Using Artificial Neural Network and Aquila Optimizer Algorithm
PublikacjaIn an electric vehicle (EV), using more than one energy source often provides a safe ride without concerns about range. EVs are powered by photovoltaic (PV), battery, and ultracapacitor (UC) systems. The overall results of this arrangement are an increase in travel distance; a reduction in battery size; improved reaction, especially under overload; and an extension of battery life. Improved results allow the energy to be used efficiently,...
Hybrid forecasting models for wind-PV systems in diverse geographical locations: Performance and power potential analysis
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Testbed for development and verification of hybrid localization systems
PublikacjaIn this paper a testbed for development and verification of hybrid localization systems is presented. It allows for systematic analysis of hybrid localization methods and speed up the development of new schemes. The proposed testbed platform is composed of subsystem for sequential data collection and testing infrastructure that can be used for investigating the localization mechanisms in controllable environment.
Distributed Operation of CHP and Hybrid PV Using Consensus Protocol
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Hybrid, Approximate Models of Distributed-Parameter Systems
PublikacjaThe paper introduces the method of distributed-parameter systems modelling. It enables to obtain low order modal model of the system that experiences Coriolis acceleration component and gyroscopic effect. In such cases, corresponding system equations are non-self-adjoined. To solve this problem modal reduced model is built up for the system without Coriolis acceleration or gyroscopic effect terms. These phenomena are next included...
Active materials to enhance the efficiency of PV systems
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An interactive system for remote modeling and design validation of hybrid photovoltaic systems
PublikacjaIn the paper a multi-functional demonstrator of the interactive system designed to modeling, monitoring and validation of hybrid photovoltaic systems assisted by fuel cells and thermoelectric generators is presented. The purpose of this paper is to report the system solution expressed in the form of a block diagram. Technical parameters of demonstrator components such as: silicon photovoltaic modules, fuel cells, thermoelectric...
Desulfurization of raw naphtha cuts using hybrid systems based on acoustic cavitation and advanced oxidation processes (AOPs)
PublikacjaA combination of dual-frequency acoustic cavitation (acoustic cavitation) and UV assisted advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) reaction system was developed for desulfurization of raw naphtha used to produce aviation fuels. Various types of oxidants in hybrid systems including hydrogen peroxide, acetic acid, acetone, air and ozone were compared. At optimum oxidant to sulfur compounds molar ratio (rox) of 5.0, the hybrid process...
Evaluation of respiration capacity of VF in hybrid constructed wetland systems.
PublikacjaThree VF-beds operating in hybrid constructed wetlands in configuration HF-VF-HF were analysed. These hybrid constructed wetlands provide the II stage biological treatment. They are located in Pommerania voivodship, in Sarbsk, Wiklino and Wieszyno, and their capacities are 29.5, 14.2 and 21.6 m3/d, respectively. The article focuses on performance and operation of VF-CW plants during one year. Based on removal of organic matter...
Market value of PV battery systems for autonomous rural energy supply
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An interactive system for remote modeling and design validation of hybrid photovoltaic systems
PublikacjaAbstract: A multi-functional demonstrator of the interactive system is presented. The demostrator enables modeling, monitoring and design validation of hybrid photovoltaic systems assisted by fuel cells and thermoelectric generators, as well as experimentation and scientific research. A block diagram of the system is presented and the selection of its components is discussed. Availability of the system via Ethernet or GSM...
Automotive Validation Functions for On-line Test Evaluation of Hybrid Real-time Systems
PublikacjaThe aim of this paper is to present the means of black-box on-line test evaluation for hybrid real-time systems. The described procedures can be used for the model-based testing process so as to improve its effectiveness. In particular, intelligent automotive validation functions are considered, which are divided into different types depending on the nature of the evaluated issue. All provided definitions are specified on the meta-model...
Hybrid hydrophilic polymer/montmorillonite systems
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Hybrid Inception-embedded deep neural network ResNet for short and medium-term PV-Wind forecasting
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PVT - hybrid photovoltaic - thermal solar systems
PublikacjaPVT - to urządzenia, łączące ze sobą funkcje modułu fotowoltaicznego i kolektora słonecznego, w którym rolę absorbera pełni moduł ogniw fotowoltaicznych. Umożliwia to otrzymywanie z tej samej powierzchni pokrycia dachu lub fasady budynku uzyskiwanie jednocześnie energii elektrycznej i cieplnej. Uzyskiwane ciepło jest ciepłem niskotemperaturowym. Poszczególne rozwiązania systemów PVT można scharakteryzować ze względu na: różną liczbę...
Optimization of hybrid parallel application execution in heterogeneous high performance computing systems considering execution time and power consumption
PublikacjaMany important computational problems require utilization of high performance computing (HPC) systems that consist of multi-level structures combining higher and higher numbers of devices with various characteristics. Utilizing full power of such systems requires programming parallel applications that are hybrid in two meanings: they can utilize parallelism on multiple levels at the same time and combine together programming interfaces...
From Functional Requirements through Test Evaluation Design to Automatic Test Data Retrieval – a Concept for Testing of Software Dedicated for Hybrid Embedded Systems
PublikacjaFrom Functional Requirements through Test Evaluation Design to Automatic Test Data Retrieval – a Concept for Testing of Software Dedicated for Hybrid Embedded Systems
Auto-tuning methodology for configuration and application parameters of hybrid CPU + GPU parallel systems based on expert knowledge
PublikacjaAuto-tuning of configuration and application param- eters allows to achieve significant performance gains in many contemporary compute-intensive applications. Feasible search spaces of parameters tend to become too big to allow for exhaustive search in the auto-tuning process. Expert knowledge about the utilized computing systems becomes useful to prune the search space and new methodologies are needed in the face of emerging heterogeneous...
Hybrid Integrated Components For Optical Fiber Communication And Instrumentation Systems
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Hybrid quantum-classical approach for atomistic simulation of metallic systems
PublikacjaThe learn-on-the-fly (LOTF) method [G. Csanyi et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 175503 (2004)] serves to seamlessly embed quantum-mechanical computations within a molecular-dynamics framework by continual local retuning of the potential's parameters so that it reproduces the quantum-mechanical forces. In its current formulation, it is suitable for systems where the interaction is short-ranged, such as covalently bonded semiconductors....
High-efficiency hybrid PV-TEG system with intelligent control to harvest maximum energy under various non-static operating conditions
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Machine Learning- and Artificial Intelligence-Derived Prediction for Home Smart Energy Systems with PV Installation and Battery Energy Storage
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Computational Model of Time for Stiff Hybrid Systems Applied to Control Synthesis
PublikacjaComputational representation.
A Salp-Swarm Optimization based MPPT technique for harvesting maximum energy from PV systems under partial shading conditions
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A possibility of vibration surveillance of the hybrid systems by the optimal control at energy performance index.
PublikacjaPraca poświęcona jest nadzorowaniu drgań niestacjonarnych układów mechanicznych modelowanych metodą elementów skończonych. W celu redukcji poziomu drgań wprowadzono zewnętrzne sygnały sterujące. Zdefiniowano uzmienniony w czasie energetyczny wskaźnik jakości. Uwzględnienie założenia o możliwości podziału układu na podukład modalny, podukład strukturalny oraz podukład łączący umożliwiło opis układu sterowanego we współrzędnych hybrydowych....
Internal heat recuperation in vapor compression and hybrid desiccant air conditioning systems
PublikacjaPraca przedstawia badania prowadzone w Katedrze Techniki Cieplnej Politechniki Gdańskiej nad wewnętrznym odzyskiem ciepła w parowo-spreżarkowych oraz adsorpcyjnych hybrydowych urządzeniach klimatyzacyjnych. Zaprezentowano wyniki analizy psychrometrycznej procesów realizowanych w urządzeniach, stanowiska badawcze urządzeń oraz uzyskane wyniki eksperymentalne.
Bond-graphs based modelling of hybrid energy systems with permanent magnet brushless machines
PublikacjaW referacie przedstawiono metodę grafów wiązań (GW) w zastosowaniu do modelowania hybrydowych systemów energetycznych z bezszczotkowymi maszynami elektrycznymi o magnesach trwałych. W części pierwszej referatu omówiono ogólne formalizm GW. Następnie przedstawiono kolejno: ogólną strukturę modelu hybrydowego systemu energetycznego w ujęciu GW; założenia modelowania maszyn elektrycznych w ujęciu GW, model silnika bezszczotkowego...
Bond-graphs based modelling of hybrid energy systems with permanent magnet brushless machines
PublikacjaW referacie przedstawiono metodę grafów wiązań (GW) w zastosowaniu do modelowania hybrydowych systemów energetycznych z bezszczotkowymi maszynami elektrycznymi o magnesach trwałych. W części pierwszej referatu omówiono ogólne formalizm GW. Następnie przedstawiono kolejno: ogólną strukturę modelu hybrydowego systemu energetycznego w ujęciu GW; założenia modelowania maszyn elektrycznych w ujęciu GW, model silnika bezszczotkowego...
The dynamic of processes responsible for transformation of nitrogen compounds in hybrid wetlands systems in a temperate climate.
PublikacjaAnalizowano ilościowe i jakościowe przemiany związków azotu po poszczególnych stopniach oczyszczania w hybrydowych systemach hydrofitowych w Wiklinie i Sarbsku.
Bond-graphs based modelling of hybrid energy systems with permanent magnet brushless machines
PublikacjaW referacie przedstawiono metodę grafów wiązań (GW) w zastosowaniu do modelowania hybrydowych systemów energetycznych z bezszczotkowymi maszynami o magnesach trwałych (BMMT). W części pierwszej referatu omówiono ogólne formalizm GW. Następnie przedstawiono kolejno: ogólną strukturę modelu hybrydowego systemu energetycznego w ujęciu GW; założenia modelowania maszyn elektrycznych w ujęciu GW, model SBMT w ujęciu GW dla potrzeb modelowania...
Hybrid of Neural Networks and Hidden Markov Models as a modern approach to speech recognition systems
PublikacjaThe aim of this paper is to present a hybrid algorithm that combines the advantages ofartificial neural networks and hidden Markov models in speech recognition for control purpos-es. The scope of the paper includes review of currently used solutions, description and analysis of implementation of selected artificial neural network (NN) structures and hidden Markov mod-els (HMM). The main part of the paper consists of a description...
Local Dye Concentration and Spectroscopic Properties of Monomer−Aggregate Systems in Hybrid Porous Nanolayers
PublikacjaAnalysis of absorption, fluorescence, and time-resolved emission spectra of rhodamine 6G in hybrid porous nanolayers at high dye concentration allowed identification of two fluorescent species: monomers and fluorescent aggregates. The method of determination of mean local concentration of aggregates in matrices is proposed based on the energy transfer process between monomers and fluorescent aggregates. Evaluation of aggregate...
Hybrid systems using hydrodynamic cavitation/ultrasound/Fenton processes for effective treatment of wastewater
PublikacjaThe present situation of rapid growth in industrialization generates complex recalcitrant pollutants that are challenging to degrade by conventional wastewater treatment processes. The new generation pollutants such as non-metals in cosmetics or household cleaning chemicals and radioactive compounds which are recalcitrant are the emerging threat to the ecosystem. The headstrong micro and macro pollutants present in wastewater are...
Predicting the Purchase of Electricity Prices for Renewable Energy Sources Based on Polish Power Grids Data Using Deep Learning Models for Controlling Small Hybrid PV Microinstallations
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Investigation of Parallel Data Processing Using Hybrid High Performance CPU + GPU Systems and CUDA Streams
PublikacjaThe paper investigates parallel data processing in a hybrid CPU+GPU(s) system using multiple CUDA streams for overlapping communication and computations. This is crucial for efficient processing of data, in particular incoming data stream processing that would naturally be forwarded using multiple CUDA streams to GPUs. Performance is evaluated for various compute time to host-device communication time ratios, numbers of CUDA streams,...
Advancing sustainable hybrid bitumen systems: A compatibilization solution by functionalized polyolefins for enhanced crumb rubber content in bitumen
PublikacjaPolymer waste pollution has a profound effect on the environment and, consequently, on the lifestyle of hu- mankind. The massive production and disposal of cross-linked polymers clearly exemplify the challenges of recycling. Increasing efforts are being undertaken to introduce recycled polymers, especially crumb rubber (CR), into asphalt formulations. Due to the rather poor processability and phase separation associated with CR- modified...
Tuning a Hybrid GPU-CPU V-Cycle Multilevel Preconditioner for Solving Large Real and Complex Systems of FEM Equations
PublikacjaThis letter presents techniques for tuning an accelerated preconditioned conjugate gradient solver with a multilevel preconditioner. The solver is optimized for a fast solution of sparse systems of equations arising in computational electromagnetics in a finite element method using higher-order elements. The goal of the tuning is to increase the throughput while at the same time reducing the memory requirements in order to allow...
Hybrid Monte-Carlo simulations of fluorescence anisotropy decay in disordered two-component systems in the presence of forward and back energy transfer
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono hybrydowy algorytm symulacji Monte Carlo zaniku anizotropii emisji fluorescencji w układach dwuskładnikowych z uwzględnieniem prostego i powrotnego transferu energii. Poprawność nowego algorytmu symulacji Monte Carlo zweryfikowano poprzez porównanie z wynikami obliczeń teoretycznych otrzymanymi w ramach modelu SCDM i z wynikami standardowej symulacji Monte Carlo (algorytm 'step by step').
Hybrid Monte-Carlo simulations of fluorescence anisotropy decayin three-component donor-mediator-acceptor systems in the presenceof energy transfer
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono nowy hybrydowy algorytm symulacji Monte-Carlo układu trójskładnikowego donor-mediator-akceptor. Działanie algorytmu zilustrowano na przykładzie zaników anizotropii emisji fluorescencji powyższego układu. Porównano wyniki hybrydowej symulacji Monte-Carlo z wynikami klasycznej metody ''step by step''. Stwierdzono bardzo dobrą zgodność wyników obu symulacji, przy czym algorytm hybrydowy wymaga znacznie krótszego...
Integration of inertial sensors and GPS system data for the personal navigation in urban area
PublikacjaGPS and Inertial Navigation Systems (INS) have complementary properties and they are therefore well suited for integration. The integrated solution offers better long-term accuracy than a stand-alone INS and better integrity, availability and continuity or a stand-alone GPS receiver, making it suitable for demanding applications. The complementary features of INS and GPS are the main reasons why integrated GPS/INS systems are becoming...
PublikacjaThe paper presents the final version of intelligent system to support the design process of hybrid photovoltaic systems supported by fuel cells and / or thermoelectric generators developed and constructed at the Institute of Electron Technology, as well as to conduct experiments and research. A block diagram of the system and the selection of its components is described and discussed. The paper considers the availability of the...
Conception and design of a hybrid exciter for brushless synchronous generator. Application for autonomous electrical power systems = Koncepcja i projekt hybrydowej wzbudnicy bezszczotkowego generatora synchronicznego. Zastosowanie w autonomicznych systemach elektroenergetycznych.
PublikacjaThis paper covers a subject of a hybrid excitation system for a brushless synchronous generator working with variable speed in an autonomous energy generation system (e.g. airplane power grid). A hybrid excitation system (hybrid exciter) means a synchronous machine with wound-field and permanent magnet excitation. The hybrid exciter supply a dc field current to the synchronous generator field winding through a rotating rectifier....