wszystkich: 3062
wybranych: 2023
wyświetlamy 1000 najlepszych wyników Pomoc
Synthesis and properties of CaFe2As2 single crystals
PublikacjaOpisana została synteza i podstawowe właściwości fizyczne monokryształów CaFe2As2. CaFe2As2 krystalizuje w strukturze ThCr2Si2, stałe sieciowe wynoszą odpowiednio: a = 3.887(4) A and c = 11.758(23) A.
Growth and characterization of PrBa2Cu3O7-δ single crystals
PublikacjaWe report on the growth of PrBa2Cu3O7-δ single crystals in the Al2O3 and ZrO2 crucibles by flux method. The high influence of the reaction between crucible and liquid on the initial melt composition has been established. We found that the precipitation of the chemically stable compound BaZrO3 and BaAl2O4 occurs by direct chemical reaction between BaCuO2 and ZrO2 or Al2O3 crucibles materials. Free separated crystals with maximum...
Growth and characterization of PrBa2Cu3O7-δ single crystals
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Structural properties of superconducting PrBa2Cu3O7−δ single crystals
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High-accuracy polarimetric studies on lead germanate single crystals
PublikacjaA high-accuracy polarimetric technique has been used for the characterization of a lead germanate ferroelectric single crystal. The measurement results of the linear and circular birefringence in the [010] direction at a wavelength of 633 nm under the influence of an electric field are presented. Gyration–electric field hysteresis loops at alternative crystal positions in the polarization system have been used to determine the...
The first order phase transition and superconductivity in BaNi2As2 single crystals
PublikacjaDyskutowane są synteza i właściwości fizyczne monokryształów BaNi2As2. BaNi2As2 krystalizuje w strukturze ThCr2Si2, a stałe sieciowe wynoszą odpowiednio: a = 4.112(4) A i c = 11.54(2) A. Pomiar oporu elektrycznego, zmiennopolowej podatności magnetycznej, ciepła właściwego, pokazują objętościowy efekt nadprzewodzący z Tc = 0.7 K.
Magnetic, thermodynamic, and magnetotransport properties of CeGaGe and PrGaGe single crystals
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A resistivity peak close to Tc in Nd2-xCexCuO4-y single crystals.
PublikacjaW pracy dyskutowane jest maximum oporu elektrycznego występujące tuż powyżej temperatury przejścia nadprzewodzącego. Maksimum jest obserwowane tylko przy jednej z dwóch możliwych konfiguracji pomiarowych w metodzie van der Pauw.Proponowany, na bazie niejednorodności składu ceru, prosty model wyjaśnia w pełni pochodzenie efektu.
The effects of growth conditions on superconducting properties of Nd1Ba2Cu3O7-ë single crystals.
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono rezultaty badan wpływu warunków wzrostu kryształów Nd1Ba2Cu3O7-d na ich własności nadprzewodzące. Kryształy hodowano metodą spontanicznego wzrostu z fazy ciekłej. Mikrostruktura kryształów została zbadana skaningowym mikroskopem elektronowym oraz skaningowym mikroskopem tunelowym. Własności nadprzewodzące badano przeprowadzając pomiary momentu magnetycznego w funkcji temperatury.W przypadku badanych kryształów...
Crystal growth and the influence of oxygen stoichiometry on electrical resistivity of single crystals
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A resistivity peak close to Tc in Nd2−xCexCuO4−y single crystals
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Fluorescent imaging of heavy charged particle tracks with LiF single crystals
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Intrinsic and defect-related luminescence of YAlO3 and LuAlO3 single crystals and films
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Effect of Cr and Mn doping on ferroelectric and dielectric properties of Li1.72Na0.28Ge4O9 single crystals
PublikacjaLi1.72Na0.28Ge4O9 single crystals pure and slightly doped with chromium and manganese, obtained by Czochralski growth, were investigated for their ferroelectric and dielectric properties. The change in stoichometry of Li2− x Na x Ge4O9 (x = 0.28) crystals doped with Cr and Mn (0.1 mol.%) had an influence on the value of ferroelectric-to-paraelectric phase transition temperature, T c. The applied doping affects the T c value by...
Structural properties of superconducting PrBa 2Cu 3O 7−δ single crystals
PublikacjaThe influence of high-temperature reduction/oxidation treatment on the structural properties of superconducting PrBa2Cu3O7−δ (PrBCO) single crystals was examined. The scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis has shown that even the short-lasting exposure to the oxygen-deficient atmosphere leads to creation of regular-shaped crystallites of PrBaO3 and BaCuO2 phases with the size of 0.5 ÷ 2.0 μm on the smooth and flat crystal...
Polarimetric studies of L-arginine-doped potassium dihydrogen phosphate single crystals
PublikacjaConoscopic interference patterns, channelled spectra and polarimetric techniques have been used for the characterization of pure and doped (with L-arginine amino acid) potassium dihydrogen phosphate (KDP) single crystals. Experimental polarimetric data have been obtained for the frequently used wavelength of 633 nm and for two close wavelengths of 532 and 543 nm in a high-accuracy dual-wavelength polarimeter. The measurement of...
New insights into structural, optical, electrical and thermoelectric behavior of Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3 single crystals
PublikacjaThe single crystals of lead-free Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3 were grown using the Czochralski method. The energy gaps determined from X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and optical measurements were approximately 2.92 eV. The current-voltage characteristics, depolarization current, dc (σdc) and ac (σac) electrical conductivity, and Seebeck coefficient of the crystals were investigated. The frequency/temperature-dependent electrical properties...
In-plane and out-of-plane temperature dependencies of the resistivity in single crystals and films of Nd2CuO4
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Superconductivity in PrBa2Cu3O7−δ single crystals after high-temperature thermal treatment
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Optical activity and electro-optic effect of l-arginine doped KDP single crystals
PublikacjaWe have used the modified polarimetric methods to study optical activity (OA) in the potassium dihydrogenphosphate (KDP) crystals doped with 0.7, 1.4 and 3.8 wt% L-arginine (L-arg) amino acid. Crystals were grown by the temperature reduction method. Small changes of the absolute eigen waves ellipticity and OA values in doped crystals were noted. We have experimentally determined the signs of OA in the [1 00] and [01 0] directions...
Changes in optical properties of YAG:Ce single crystals due to codoping and ionizing radiation treatment
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Surface morphology of PrBa2Cu3O7-ë single crystals after the long lasting high temperature reduction. .
PublikacjaZaprezentowano wyniki szczegółowej analizy powierzchni kryształów poddanych długotrwałej redukcji wysokotemperaturowej. Badania za pomocą skaningowej mikroskopii (SEM) wykazały obecność niestabilnych strukturalnie krystalitów powstałych w wyniku rozpadu powierzchni kryształów. Zanikanie zaindukowanego przy pomocy obróbki wysokotemperaturowej nadprzewodnictwa może być spowodowane migracją defektów podsieci Pr-Ba z wnętrza...
Composition engineering of Tb3-xGdxAl5-yGayO12:Ce single crystals and their luminescent, scintillation and photoconversion properties
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Specific features of refractive, piezo-optic and nonlinear optical dispersions of β-LiNH4SO4 single crystals
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Superconductivity in PrBa 2Cu 3O 7− δ single crystals after high-temperature thermal treatment
PublikacjaThe influence of post-growth treatment, consisting of high-temperature reduction, quench and oxidation, on the structural, electrical and magnetic properties of PrBa2Cu3O7−δ single crystals, obtained in Al2O3 and ZrO2 crucibles by the self-flux method, was examined. We report on the observation of inhomogeneous superconductivity in several Al-doped crystals from the ac magnetic susceptibility and resistivity measurements. Superconducting...
New Tetragonal ReGa5(M) (M = Sn, Pb, Bi) Single Crystals Grown from Delicate Electrons Changing
PublikacjaSingle crystals of the new Ga-rich phases ReGa~5(Sn), ReGa~5(Pb) and ReGa~5(Bi) were successfully obtained from the flux method. The new tetragonal phases crystallize in the space group P4/mnc (No. 128) with vertex-sharing capped Re2@Ga14 oblong chains. Vacancies were discovered on the Ga4 and Ga5 sites, which can be understood as the direct inclusion of elemental Sn, Pb and Bi into the structure. Heat capacity measurements were...
MPD growth of single crystals of Ce3+ doped Gd3−xLuxAl5−yGayO12 mixed garnets and their luminescent, scintillation and photoconversion properties
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Luminescent, Scintillation, and Photoconversion Properties of Micro‐Pulling‐Down‐Grown Single Crystals of Ce 3+ ‐Doped Gd 3− x Lu x Al 5− y Ga y O 12 Garnets
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Growth and Electric Transport of Ca-doped PrBa2Cu3O7-δSingle Crystals
PublikacjaCrystal growth of Ca-doped PrBa2Cu3O (Pr-123) single crystals by slow cooling of Pr3O11-CaCO3-BaCO3-CuO melts (self-flux technique) in ambient air atmosphere was studied. As the first approach the growth of Ca-free crystals in Al2O3 and ZrO2 crucibles was investigated. The best quality crystals with the average size of 5 x 5 x 0.2mm3 were obtained from Al2O3 crucibles for Ba/Cu = 0.41 and 15 wt.% (2.41 mol.%) of stoichiometric...
Ultrasonic spectroscopy of silicon single crystal
PublikacjaSpecimens of Si single crystals with different crystal orientation [100] and [110] were studied by the electro-ultrasonic spectroscopy (EUS) and Resonant Ultrasonic Spectroscopy (RUS). A silicon single crystal is an anisotropic crystal, so its properties are different in different directions in the material relative to the crystal orientation. EUS is based on interaction of two signals: electric AC signal and ultrasonic signal,...
Investigations of the optical activity of nonlinear crystals by means of dual-wavelength polarimeter
PublikacjaA dual-wavelength method in high accuracy polarimetry has been successfully tested and applied to measure optical activity (OA) of nonlinear crystals. In proposed polarimetric scheme two neighboring semiconductor laser wavelengths (635 and 650 nm) are used, which increases number of parameters measured simultaneously and improves the data processing. By neglecting dispersion of eigen wave ellipticity in crystals, more efficient...
Luminescent and Scintillation Properties of CeAlO3 Crystals and Phase-Separated CeAlO3/CeAl11O18 Metamaterials
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On the origin of surface imposed anisotropic growth of salicylic and acetylsalicylic acids crystals during droplet evaporation
PublikacjaIn this paper droplet evaporative crystallization of salicylic acid (SA) and acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) crystals on different surfaces, such as glass, polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), and paraffin was studied. The obtained crystals were analyzed using powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) technique. In order to better understand the effect of the surface on evaporative crystallization, crystals deposited on glass were scraped off. Moreover,...
In Situ Random Microseeding and Streak Seeding Used for Growth of Crystals of Cold-Adapted beta-D-Galactosidases: Crystal Structure of betaDG from Arthrobacter sp. 32cB
PublikacjaThere is an increasing demand for cold-adapted enzymes in a wide range of industrial branches. Nevertheless, structural information about them is still scarce. The knowledge of crystal structures is important to understand their mode of action and to design genetically engineered enzymes with enhanced activity. The most difficult task and the limiting step in structural studies of cold-adapted enzymes is their crystallization,...
Computational Study of Molecular Interactions in ZnCl2(urea)2 Crystals as Precursors for Deep Eutectic Solvents
PublikacjaDeep eutectic solvents (DESs) are now enjoying an increased scientific interest due to their interesting properties and growing range of possible applications. Computational methods are at the forefront of deciphering their structure and dynamics. Type IV DESs, composed of metal chloride and a hydrogen bond donor, are among the less studied systems when it comes to their understanding at a molecular level. An important example...
Large magnetoresistance and first-order phase transition in antiferromagnetic single-crystalline EuAg4Sb2
Publikacjapresent the results of a thorough investigation of the physical properties of single crystals using magnetization, heat capacity, and electrical resistivity measurements. High-quality single crystals, which crystallize in a trigonal structure with space group , were grown using a conventional flux method. Temperature-dependent magnetization measurements along different crystallographic orientations confirm two antiferromagnetic...
Scintillation and Energy-Storage Properties of Micro-Pulling-Down Grown Crystals of Sc3+- and La3+-Doped YAlO3 Perovskite
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Liquid Crystals, PIV and IR-Photography in Selected Technical and Biomedical Applications
PublikacjaThermochromic liquid crystals (TLC), Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV), Infrared Imaging Themography (IR) and True-Colour Digital Image Processing (TDIP) have been successfully used in non-intrusive technical, industrial and biomedical studies and applications. These four tools (based on the desktop computers) have come together during the past two decades to produce a powerful advanced...
Liquid crystals for information processing.
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono właściwości ciekłych kryształów, zastosowania tych materiałów w akwizycji, przetwarzaniu i przesyłaniu informacji. Omówiono urządzenia i systemy wisualizacji informacji wykorzystujące ciekłe kryształy. Zaprezentowano zastosowania elemetów ciekłokrystalicznych w urządzeniach pamięci optycznej.
Synthesis and properties of CaFe2As2single crystals
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Single crystal growth and physical properties of MCo2Al9 (M= Sr, Ba)
PublikacjaSingle crystals of SrCo2Al and BaCo2Al9 were grown using a self-flux method. A LeBail analysis of the powder X-ray diffraction patterns show that both compounds crystallize in a hexagonal (P6/mmm) crystal structure with lattice parameters: a = 7.8995(1) Å, c = 3.9159(1) Å for SrCo2Al9, and a = 7.9162(2) Å, c = 3.9702(1) Å for BaCo2Al9 aluminide. The low temperature analysis of the heat capacity measurements give a Sommerfeld...
Microgrinding with single-disk lapping kinematics.
PublikacjaGrinding operations are carried out with a variety of tool-workpiece configurations. The selection of a grinding process for a particular application depends on part shape, part size, ease of fixture, requirements concerning the acceptable shape errors. It is evident that lapping is very effective in eliminating the waviness while surface grinding is not. Dual disk machines for the double face grinding with planetary kinematics...
Topochemical, Single‐Crystal‐to‐Single‐Crystal [2+2] Photocycloadditions Driven by Chalcogen‐Bonding Interactions
PublikacjaThe face-to-face association of (E)-1,2-di(4-pyridyl)ethylene (bpen) molecules into rectangular motifs stabilized for the first time by chalcogen bonding (ChB) interactions is shown to provide photoreactive systems leading to cyclobutane formation through single-crystal-to-single-crystal [2+2] photodimerizations. The chelating chalcogen bond donors are based on original aromatic, ortho-substituted bis(selenocyanato)benzene derivatives...
Synthesis, single crystal growth and properties of Sr5Pb3ZnO12
PublikacjaAbstract The novel Sr5Pb3ZnO12 oxide was synthesized by the solid-state reaction method. The crystal structure was studied by means of the powder x-ray diffraction Rietveld method and was found to be similar to 3 other previously known Sr5Pb3MO12 compounds (M = Co, Ni, Cu). Crystals of several hundred microns in size of the new phase were grown in molten sodium chloride and imaged using confocal optical and scanning electron microscopy....
Liquid Crystals in Analytical Chemistry: A Review
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Internationalization and Europeanization of Businesses in the Single European Markets
PublikacjaThe aim of the article is to determine internationalization and Europeization of businesses in the Single European Market, especially the territorial scope of their international activities
Crystal Structure, Hydration, and Two-Fold/Single-Fold Diffusion Kinetics in Proton-Conducting Ba0.9La0.1Zr0.25Sn0.25In0.5O3−a Oxide
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Novel Quaternary TlGaSn2Se6 Single Crystal as Promising Material for Laser Operated Infrared Nonlinear Optical Modulators
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Separability in terms of a single entanglement witness
PublikacjaThe separability problem is formulated in terms of a characterization of a single entanglement witness. More specifically, we show that any (in general multipartite) state rho is separable if and only if a specially constructed entanglement witness W-rho is weakly optimal, i.e., its expectation value vanishes on at least one product vector. Interestingly, the witness can always be chosen to be decomposable. Our result changes the...
Enhancement of the Magnetic Coupling in Exfoliated CrCl 3 Crystals Observed by Low‐Temperature Magnetic Force Microscopy and X‐ray Magnetic Circular Dichroism
PublikacjaMagnetic crystals formed by 2D layers interacting by weak van der Waals forces are currently a hot research topic. When these crystals are thinned to nanometric size, they can manifest strikingly different magnetic behavior compared to the bulk form. This can be the result of, for example, quantum electronic confinement effects, the presence of defects, or pinning of the crystallographic structure in metastable phases induced by...