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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: amendment
Critical study of crop-derived biochars for soil amendment and pharmaceutical ecotoxicity reduction
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Ammonia amendment promotes high rate lactate production and recovery from semi-continuous food waste fermentation
PublikacjaIn this study, a reliable approach using ammonia nitrogen was proposed to increase lactate production during semi-continuous food waste (FW) fermentation under mesophilic conditions. Both free ammonia nitrogen (FAN) and ammonium ion (NH4+-N) were present in mesophilic reactors, with a wide FAN/NH4+-N ratio variation due to the intermittent pH control. The investigation of responsible mechanisms revealed that the increased production...
Proposed Amendments to Reactive Energy Billing
PublikacjaThis paper describes possible amendments to the rules of reactive energy billing in the tariffs in Poland. Modifications in the tariffs to improve their motivational function for distribution system users are identified as the most expedient. New problems arising from distributed generator operations are also indicated. A billing method that can be effectively implemented at the occurrence of distorted voltage and current waveforms...
Sustainable Soil Remediation Using Organic Amendments
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Immobilization of Pb and Cu by organic and inorganic amendments in contaminated soil
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The Role of Organic and Inorganic Amendments in Carbon Sequestration and Immobilization of Heavy Metals in Degraded Soils
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Investigating the potential influence of biochar and traditional organic amendments on the bioavailability and transfer of Cd in the soil–plant system
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Nowelizacja art. 209 kodeksu karnego. Analiza proponowanych zmian. Analysis of the Proposed Amendments to Article 209 of the Polish Criminal Code.
Publikacja"W niniejszym artykule rozpatrywane jest zagadnienie przestępstwa niealimentacji (zwłaszcza, gdy pokrzywdzonymi są dzieci). Artykuł dotyczy analizy nowelizacji polskiego kodeksu karnego. Przez lata ściągalność roszczeń alimentacyjnych pozostawała na niskim poziomie. Właśnie w celu poprawy skuteczności egzekucji świadczeń alimentacyjnych Ministerstwo Sprawiedliwości przygotowało zmianę w obszarze kodeksu karnego. Nieprawidłowości...
Efficiency of various silicon rich amendments on growth and cadmium accumulation in field grown cereals and health risk assessment
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A field study investigating the potential use of phosphorus combined with organic amendments on cadmium accumulation by wheat and subsequent rice
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Investigating the biochar effects on C‐mineralization and sequestration of carbon in soil compared with conventional amendments using the stable isotope (δ13C) approach
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Investigating the uptake and acquisition of potentially toxic elements in plants and health risks associated with the addition of fresh biowaste amendments to industrially contaminated soil
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Farmyard manure alone and combined with immobilizing amendments reduced cadmium accumulation in wheat and rice grains grown in field irrigated with raw effluents
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Comparative effects of biochar-nanosheets and conventional organic-amendments on health risks abatement of potentially toxic elements via consumption of wheat grown on industrially contaminated-soil
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Efficacy of rice husk biochar and compost amendments on the translocation, bioavailability, and heavy metals speciation in contaminated soil: Role of free radical production in maize (Zea mays L.)
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Innowacje w standardach okablowania strukturalnego
PublikacjaW pracy oceniono zasadność realizacji w najbliższych latach okablowania sieci teleinformatycznych w technologiach miedzianych. Przedstawiono stan standaryzacji okablowania miedzianego. Wskazano na rozwiązania, w tym nowe, inowacyjne (IEEE 802.3at PoE 2009, ANSI/TIA-568-B.2-10 2008, Amendment 1 to ISO/IEC 11801 2nd Ed. 2008, IEEE 802.3ap backplane 2007, autonegocjacje 2008), których stosowanie umacnia rolę instalacji miedzianych...
Leather Waste Hydrolysation, Carbonization, and Microbial Treatment for Nitrogen Recovery by Ryegrass Cultivation
PublikacjaLeather waste contains up to 10% nitrogen (N); thus, combustion or gasification only for the energy recovery would not be rational, if safety standards are met. On the other hand, the chromium (Cr) content exceeding 5% in half of the waste stream (w/w) is too significant to be applied in agriculture. In this work, four acid hydrolysates from leather waste shavings, both wet-white free of Cr and wet-blue with Cr, were used: two...
Establishment of the Right of Electricity Transmission Easement Through Court Proceedings
PublikacjaIncluding the amendment of the Civil Code Act on May 30, 2008, issues related to the right of easement of transmission were introduced to it. Such a regulation was necessary in view of the need to define the legal status of transmission facilities, existing and designed on real estate property. The purpose of the study is to analyze issues related to the definition of the spatial extent of the law of transmission easement for power...
Glosa do orzeczenia Izby Karnej Sądu Najwyższego z 20 marca 2019 r., sygn. I KZP 17/18 (aprobująca). A gloss in aproval of judgment II KZP 17/18 issued by the polish supreme court on 20 march 2019.
Publikacja"Glosowany wyrok SN dotyczy problematyki związanej z wejściem w życie ustawy z 23 marca 2017 r. Naczelny organ władzy sądowniczej w Polsce wskazał, że do oceny czynu osoby zobowiązanej do alimentacji, której obowiązek został określony co do wysokości orzeczeniem sądowym, ugodą zawartą przed sądem albo innym organem albo inną umową, a popełnionego przed 31 maja 2017 r., możliwe jest zastosowanie przepisu art. 209 k.k., zarówno...
On the fast BSS transition algorithms in the IEEE 802.11r local area wireless networks
PublikacjaHandover performance is critical to support multimedia services that are becoming increasingly available over the wireless devices. The high transition delay can be unaccepted for such services or can be a source of disruption on the session. On the other side, IEEE 802.11 standard is being extended with new functionalities. Security and QoS features, included in recent IEEE 802.11-2007 standard, add management frames that are...
Mobility and biodegradability of an imidazolium based ionic liquid in soil and soil amended with waste sewage sludge
PublikacjaSorption on solids and biodegradation are main phenomena that can mitigate the pollution of soil and water by ionic liquids (ILs). ILs sorbed on soil particles become immobilized (temporarily or permanently) which prevents them from spreading into deeper layers of soil or groundwater but which also makes them less bioavailable. In this study we attempt to examine if amendment of soil with waste sludge has a potential to mitigate...
Market Price Prediction of Property Rights from Gas Fired Plants or Plants with Total Installed CHP Source Capacity Below 1 MW until 2025
PublikacjaThe resolution on the Polish Energy Policy until 2030 (PEP-30) was adopted by the Council of Ministers on 10 November 2009. The document specifies the combined electricity and heat generation as a direction of pursuing the goals of energy efficiency, fuel and energy supply security, competitive fuel and energy markets development, and reduction of the energy sector’s environmental impact. PEP-30 assumes that electricity generation...
Cross-layer integration of network mechanisms for increasing efficiency of multimedia session support in IEEE 802.11s environment
PublikacjaWith an IEEE 802.11 wireless networks operating in Point-to-Multipoint mode being the most popular WLAN access technology employed today, it can be expected that a Wireless Mesh Network (WMN) based on the technology can provide significant advantages for such network systems. The IEEE 802.11s standard amendment provides the comprehensive set of mechanisms required to implement and deploy a WMN utilizing this widely popular technology....
Poszukiwanie sankcji optymalnej w perspektywie projektu ustawy z dnia 7 lipca 2022 r. o zmianie ustawy Kodeks karny oraz niektórych innych ustaw. The search for the optimal sanction in the perspective of the draft act of 7 July 2022 amending the Penal Code and some other acts.
PublikacjaPolski ustawodawca opublikował w połowie września 2021 r. na stronie Rządowego Centrum Legislacji projekt gruntownej zmiany – między innymi – Kodeksu karnego. W dniu 7 lipca 2022 r. Sejm RP przyjął ww. projekt ustawy (druk sejmowy nr 2024). W zasadniczym stopniu nowelizacja - między innymi - zwiększa wysokość kar grożących za poszczególne przestępstwa. Ustawodawca – poprzez zabiegi legislacyjne –...
Enhancing chain-elongating microbiomes: Sequential fungi-bacteria cooperation for efficient food waste upgrading using endogenous electron donors
PublikacjaThe upgrading of organic waste such as food waste (FW) into medium-chain carboxylates (MCC) is within a bio-based circular economy concept. An efficient chain elongation (CE) microbiome is difficult to obtain, which normally requires long-term acclimatization and an exogenous supplement of electron donor (ED, especially ethanol). In this study, the CE microbiome was rapidly shaped within 18 days and an efficient endogenous ethanol-based...
Społeczne koszty niealimentacji. The Social Costs of Default on Child Maintenance Payment.
Publikacja"Niniejszy artykuł opisuje historię kryminalizacji przestępstwa niealimentacji w polskich kodeksach karnych. We wszystkich polskich kodeksach karnych: kodeksie karnym z 1932 r., kodeksie karnym z 1969 r. oraz w kodeksie karnym z 1997 r. ujęto przestępstwo niealimentacji. Aktualna maksymalna sankcja z tytułu przestępstwa niealimentacji jest niższa niż w kodeksie karnym z 1932 r. Sankcje karne zawsze powinny być ostatecznością...
A novel approach to enhance high optically active L-lactate production from food waste by landfill leachate
PublikacjaThe recycling of food waste (FW) through anaerobic fermentation into lactic acid (LA), with two isomers L-LA and D-LA, aligns with the principles of a bio-based circular economy. However, FW fermentation is often limited by competing pathways, acidification inhibition, and trace metals deficiency. This study investigates the introduction of landfill leachate, containing buffering agents (ammonia) and trace metals, into FW fermentation....