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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: chemical reaction cross sections
Unveiling the electron-induced ionization cross sections and fragmentation mechanisms of 3,4-dihydro-2H-pyran
PublikacjaThe interactions of electrons with molecular systems under various conditions are essential to interdisciplinary research fields extending over the fundamental and applied sciences. In particular, investigating electron-induced ionization and dissociation of molecules may shed light on the radiation damage to living cells, the physicochemical processes in interstellar environments, and reaction mechanisms occurring in combustion...
Dissociative electron attachment and anion-induced dimerization in pyruvic acid
PublikacjaWe report partial cross sections for the dissociative electron attachment to pyruvic acid. A rich fragmentation dynamics is observed. Electronic structure calculations facilitate the identification of complex rearrangement reactions that occur during the dissociation. Furthermore, a number of fragment anions produced at electron energies close to 0 eV are observed, that cannot originate from single electron-molecule collisions....
Calculations of Cross-Sections for Positron Scattering on Benzene
PublikacjaIn this work, we present a theoretical study on positron scattering by benzene molecules over a broad energy range (1–1000 eV). The aim of this work is to provide missing data from partial cross-sections for specific processes. In particular, calculations of cross-sections for direct ionization and electronic excitation were carried out for benzene molecules in the gas phase. An estimate for the cross-section for positronium formation...
A semiempirical model for low energy electron–atom transport cross sections: The case of noble gases
PublikacjaA semiempirical approach to describe low energy electron–atom transport cross sections of easy implementation and reproduction is presented. The heart of the model is an energy independent two-parameter potential that was adjusted to reproduce the accurate total cross sections for He, Ne, Ar and Kr, measured with a threshold photoelectron source technique from meV up to 20 eV. Once the potential was conceived, the model was validated...
PublikacjaTotal cross sections (TCS) for electron scattering from selected alkyne molecules, ethylene and its derivatives are compared. All cross sections have been measured in a wide energy range, from about 1 eV up to 370 eV, with the same electrostatic electron spectrometer. The substitutional and additivity effects are indicated and discussed.
Absolute Photoabsorption Cross-Sections of Methanol for Terrestrial and Astrophysical Relevance
PublikacjaWe investigate the methanol absorption spectrum in the range 5.5–10.8 eV to provide accurate and absolute cross-sections values. The main goal of this study is to provide a comprehensive analysis of methanol electronic-state spectroscopy by employing high-resolution vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) photoabsorption measurements together with state-of-the-art quantum chemical calculation methods. The VUV spectrum reveals several new features...
Electron scattering cross sections for 1-pentene, H2C=CH-(CH2)2CH3, molecules
PublikacjaCross sections, both experimental and theoretical, are reported for electron scattering from 1-pentene (C5H10) molecules. Absolute grand-total cross sections (TCSs) were measured at electron impact energies ranging from 1 to 300 eV, using a linear electron-transmission technique. The dominant behaviour of the experimental TCS energy function is a distinct asymmetric enhancement with the maximum located around 6.5 eV. Discernible...
PublikacjaCross sections for electron-impact ionization and for elastic electron scattering for rhodanine (C3H3NOS2) and cyanoacetic acid (C3H3NO2) have been calculated in wide impinging electron energy range.
Time-of-flight electron scattering from molecular hydrogen: Benchmark cross sections for excitation of the X1Σ+g→b3Σ+u transition
PublikacjaThe electron impact X1Σ+g to b3Σ+u transition in molecular hydrogen is one of the most important dissociation pathways to forming atomic hydrogen atoms, and is of great importance in modeling astrophysical and industrial plasmas where molecular hydrogen is a substantial constituent. Recently it has been found that the convergent close-coupling (CCC) cross sections of Zammit et al. [Phys. Rev. A 95, 022708 (2017)] are up to a factor...
PublikacjaCross sections for electron-impact ionization of purine and pyrimidine molecules have been calculated using binary-encounter-Bethe method for electron energies ranging from the ionization threshold up to 5 keV. Ionization cross section for purine molecules is 1.4 times higher than for pyrimidine molecules. Acceptable agreement between experimental and theoretical ionization data for pyrimidine molecule has been found.
Joint experimental and theoretical study on low-energy elastic electron scattering by gaseous alkynes: Differential cross sections, shape resonances, and methylation effects
PublikacjaA detailed comparison of experimental and theoretical elastic cross sections for low-energy electron scattering by ethyne, taken earlier in our group by Gauf et al. [Phys. Rev. A 87, 012710 (2013)], and some of its methylated derivatives, propyne, and the isomers 1-butyne and 2-butyne, taken here, are presented. The present differential cross sections were measured at incident electron energies ranging from 1 eV to 30 eV and...
Electron-scattering cross sections for selected alkyne molecules: Measurements and calculations
PublikacjaWe report cross-section results from experimental and theoretical studies on electron collisions with 1-butyne (HC≡C–CH2CH3) and acetylene (HC≡CH) molecules and from computations for a propyne (HC≡C–CH3) molecule. Absolute grand -total electron-scattering cross sections (TCSs) were measured at impact energies ranging from about 0.5 to 300 eV using the linear electron-transmission method. The TCS energy curve for 1-butyne has a...
The POCOBIO Database for Computed Scattering Cross-Sections for Positron Collisions with Biomolecular Systems
PublikacjaThe design of a database for positron interactions with biomolecular systems is outlined. The database contains only scattering cross sections, which are derived from theory. The data model is defined in a very flexible way, which facilitates the usage of weakly bound clusters of molecules and molecular systems with many tautomeric forms.
Electron-impact dissociation of molecular hydrogen: benchmark cross sections
PublikacjaWe present a joint experimental and theoretical investigation of a fundamental process in atomic and molecular physics: electron impact excitation of molecular hydrogen’s (H2) most dominant transition (X1Σg+ → b3Σu+). Excitation of this state is by far the main channel that causes the dissociation of H2 into H + H atoms at low energies. The Convergent Close-Coupling (CCC) calculations predicted significant, more than factor of...
The Role of Molecular Structure in Monte Carlo Simulations of the Secondary Electron Yield and Backscattering Coefficient from Methacrylic Acid
PublikacjaIn this paper, we show the influence of the chemical structure of four different conformers on the secondary electron emission and backscattering of an electron beam from a gel of methacrylic acid. The conformers have different permanent dipole moments, which determines the cross sections for elastic collisions with electrons. The cross sections are used in Monte Carlo simulations of an electron beam, which enters the gel of methacrylic...
Cross sections for electron collision with pyridine [C5H5N] molecule
PublikacjaThe absolute grand -total cross section (TCS) for electron scattering from pyridine, C5H5N, molecules has been measured at impact energies from 0.6 to 300 eV in the linear electron-transmission experiment. The obtained TCS energy dependence appears to be typical for targets of high electric-dipole moment; the cross section generally decreases with rising energy, except for the 3–20 eV range, where a broad enhancement peaked near...
Cross sections for ionization and ionic fragmentation of pyrimidine molecules by electron collisions
PublikacjaThe electron impact mass spectroscopy and the total ion collection measurements were used to investigate the ionization and ionic fragmentation of the pyrimidine, C4H4N2, molecules in the gasphase. The cation mass spectra were measured in the 10−85 amu range and the observed mass peaks assigned to corresponding ionic fragments. The most abundant cation in the mass spectra is the parent cation, C4H4N+2, at 80 amu. The appearance...
Low-energy positron scattering from gas-phase uracil
PublikacjaQuantum scattering calculations are presented for the interaction of low energy positrons with the uracil molecule, an important component of biological systems. The rotational elastic and inelastic cross sections and vibrational inelastic cross sections are reported and compared with existing experiments, indicating a general trend of the cross sections different from the experimental findings and in line with what should be expected...
Elastic electron scattering and vibrational excitation of isoxazole molecules in the energy range from 2 to 20 eV
PublikacjaDifferential cross sections for elastic electron scattering and the excitation of the C-H vibrational modes of isoxazole molecules were measured in the energy range from 2 to 20 eV and over the scattering angle range from 10◦ to 180◦. The cross sections at the scattering angles of and above 90◦ were accessible with the use of a magnetic angle changer. The differential cross sections were integrated to yield integral and momentum...
Cross-sections for electron-scattering from 2-methyl-1-buten-3-yne, C 5 H 6 , molecules
PublikacjatCross-sections for electron collisions with the 2-methyl-1-buten-3-yne [H2C C(CH3)C CH] moleculewere measured and calculated. Absolute grand-total electron-scattering cross-section (TCS) was takenat impact energies from 0.6 to 300 eV in the linear electron-transmission experiment. The TCS energydependence for the electron–C5H6collision has two prominent enhancements separated with a deepminimum located near 1.8 eV. In addition,...
Low energy differential elastic electron scattering from acetonitrile (CH3CN)
PublikacjaMeasurements of elastic differential cross sections for electron scattering from acetonitrile (CH3CN) have been performed utilizing a crossed electron-molecular beam experiment and with the relative flow method, for the incident electron energy range of 0.7 eV–30 eV and the scattering angle range of 10◦–130◦. These differential cross sections have been used to calculate the elastic integral and momentum- transfer cross sections,...
Low-energy positron scattering from gas-phase tetrahydrofuran: A quantum treatment of the dynamics and a comparison with experiments
PublikacjaIn this paper we report new quantum calculations of the dynamics for low-energy positrons interacting with gaseous molecules of tetrahydrofuran. The new quantum scattering cross sections are differential and integral cross sections at collision energies between 1.0 and 25.0 eV and include a careful treatment of the additional effects on the scattering process brought about by the permanent dipole moment of the target molecule....
Low energy inelastic electron scattering from carbon monoxide: I. excitation of the a3Π, a’3Σ+ and AΠ1 electronic states.
PublikacjaDifferential scattering cross sections for electron excitation of the three lowest excited electron states of carbon monoxide are obtained experimentally using low-energy electron energy-loss spectroscopy and theoretically using the R-matrix method. The incident electron energies range from near-threshold of 6.3 eV to 20 eV. Experimental scattering angles range from 20◦ to 120◦. The normalization of the experimental cross sections...
Theoretical and experimental study on scattering of low-energy electrons by dimethyl and diethyl ethers
PublikacjaWe report a joint theoretical and experimental investigation on low-energy electron scattering by dimethyl and diethyl ethers. The experimental elastic differential cross sections were measured at impact energies from 1 eV up to 30 eV and scattering angle range of 10◦ to 130◦. Theoretical elastic differential, integral and momentum-transfer cross sections are calculated at impact energies up to 30 eV, employing the Schwinger multichannel...
H2O˙+ and OH+ reactivity versus furan: experimental low energy absolute cross sections for modeling radiation damage
PublikacjaRadiotherapy is one of the most widespread and efficient strategies to fight malignant tumors. Despite its broad application, the mechanisms of radiation-DNA interaction are still under investigation. Theoretical models to predict the effects of a particular delivered dose are still in their infancy due to the difficulty of simulating a real cell environment, as well as the inclusion of a large variety of secondary processes. This...
Positron collisions with molecular hydrogen: cross sections and annihilation parameters calculated using theR-matrix with pseudo-states method
PublikacjaThe molecular R-matrix with pseudo-states (MRMPS) method is employed to study positron collisions with H2. The calculations employ pseudo-continuum orbital sets containing up to h (l = 5) functions. Use of these high l functions is found to give converged eigenphase sums. Below the positronium formation threshold, the calculated cross sections agree with other high-accuracy theories and generally with the measurements. Calculation...
Cross-Section Calculations for Electron-Impact Ionization of Pyrimidine Molecule and Its Halogenated Derivatives: 2-Chloropyrimidine, 5-Chloropyrimidine, 2-Bromopyrimidine and 5-Bromopyrimidine
PublikacjaThe total cross-sections for the single electron-impact ionization of pyrimidine (C4H4N2), 2-chloropyrimidine (2-C4H3ClN2), 5-chloropyrimidine (5-C4H3ClN2), 2-bromopyrimidine (2-C4H3BrN2) and 5-bromopyrimidine (5-C4H3BrN2) molecules have been calculated with the binary-encounter-Bethe model from the ionization threshold up to 5 keV. The input data for the BEB calculations concerning electronic structure of the studied targets have...
Low energy inelastic electron scattering from carbon monoxide: II. Excitation of the b3Σ+, j3Σ+, B1Σ+, C1Σ+ and E1Π Rydberg electronic states
PublikacjaIn this second part of a two part paper (first part: Zawadzki et al (2020 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 53 165201)) we present differential scattering cross sections for excitation of several Rydberg electronic states of carbon monoxide by electron impact. The first part concerned the low-lying valence states of CO. In the present study cross sections are obtained experimentally using low-energy electron energy-loss spectroscopy...
Positron Scattering and Annihilation in Organic Molecules
PublikacjaIn this paper, we address the problem of connecting positron lifetimes in liquids with collision cross sections in gases. We present the analyses of annihilation lifetime spectra of positrons in the liquid benzene, c-hexane, n-hexane, methanol and ethanol and calculations of scattering cross sections of positrons with benzene and c-hexane in the gas phase.
Cross section calculations for electron scattering from platinum chemotherapeutic compounds
PublikacjaCross section for electron impact ionization of carboplatin, C6H12N2O4Pt, and oxaliplatin, C8H14N2O4Pt, have been calculated within binary-encounter-Bethe model for energies from the ionization threshold up to 5000 eV. Cross section for elastic electron scattering from carboplatin and oxaliplatin molecules have also been derived using independent atom method (IAM) and additivity rule for collision energies ranging from 50 eV to...
Joint experimental and theoretical study on electron scattering from titanium tetrachloride (TiCl4) molecule
PublikacjaAbsolute grand-total cross section for electron scattering from titanium tetrachloride, TiCl4, molecule was measured at electron-impact energies ranging from 0.3 to 300 eV, in the linear electron-transmission experiment. The elastic integral, differential, momentum transfer, and total ionization cross sections for TiCl4 molecule were also calculated for low and intermediate collisional energies at the level of various theories. The...
Low energy elastic scattering of electrons from hexafluoropropene (C3F6)
PublikacjaWe present cross sections from a joint experimental and theoretical study on elastic electron scattering from hexafluoropropene (C3F6) in the gas phase. The experimental results, using low energy electron spectroscopy, were obtained at incident electron energies of 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15 and 20 eV, for scattering angles ranging from 10°to 130°. The theoretical method used in the computation of the integral, momentum...
Application of the J-matrix method to multichannel scattering
PublikacjaIn this contribution we describe the multichannel extension to the nonrelativistic J-matrix method, and present differential cross sections for scattering of slow electrons from Argon atoms. Nonrelativistic phase shifts, then the S-matrix and the cross sections have been calculated using newly developed Fortran code, JMATRIX-MULTI.We applied the model Hartree-Fock potential as the scattering potential, which was truncated in the...
Low-energy positron scattering from DNA nucleobases: the effects from permanent dipoles
PublikacjaAb initio quantum calculations for low-energy positron scattering from gas-phase isolated molecular nucleobases which are part of the DNA structure are presented and discussed over the range of 1 eV to 25 eV. The calculations report the integral cross sections (ICSs) and the momentum-transfer cross sections (MTCSs) for Adenine, Guanine, Thymine and Cytosine. The calculations show very clearly the important role of the dominant...
Do positrons measure atomic and molecular diameters?
PublikacjaWe report on density functional calculations (DFT) of elastic integral scattering cross-sections for positron collisions with argon, krypton, nitrogen and methane. The long-range asymptotic polarization potential is described using higher-order terms going much beyond an induced dipole potential (−α / r 4) while the short-range interaction is modeled by two different forms of electron – positron correlation potential (Boroński-Nieminen...
Binary-Encounter Model for Direct Ionization of Molecules by Positron-Impact
PublikacjaWe introduce two models for the computation of direct ionization cross sections by positron impact over a wide range of collision energies. The models are based on the binary-encounter-Bethe model and take into account an extension of the Wannier theory. The cross sections computed with these models show good agreement with experimental data. The extensions improve the agreement between theory and experiment for collision energies...
Harnessing low-cost LiDAR scanners for deformation assessment of 3D-printed concrete-plastic columns with cross-sections based on fractals after critical compressive loading
PublikacjaThis article aims to explore the potential of using low-cost devices (iPhone and iPad) equipped with LiDAR scanners in the context of measuring the volume of concrete-plastic specimens with complex shapes. The goal was to assess whether these tools can support or even replace traditional metrology methods. For the purpose of the research program concrete-plastic columns with very complex cross-sections (based on different fractals)...
Electron-impact ionization of fluoromethanes – Review of experiments and binary-encounter models
PublikacjaExperiments and recommended data on electron-impact ionization of methane and fluoromethanes (CH3F, CH2F2, CHF3, CF4) are reviewed and compared with binary-encounter models (Gryzinski’s, ´ Deutsch and Märk’s, and Kim and Rudd’s). A good agreement between recent experiments and the two latter classical-like models is shown. Kim and Rudd’s model (calculated presently in the restricted HartreeFock 6-31**G orbital basis) predicts well...
Low energy elastic electron scattering from benzonitrile (C6H5CN)
PublikacjaWe present experimental differential elastic scattering cross sections (DCSs) for low energy electron scattering from benzonitrile along with integral and momentum-transfer cross sections that are determined from these DCSs. The measurements of DCSs are obtained using the relative flow method with helium as the standard gas, in a crossed electron-molecular gas beam arrangement. Our measurements are made at incident electron energies...
Elastic scattering of electrons from chloroform
PublikacjaWe present experimental and theoretical cross sections for elastic electron scattering from CHCl3. This is an important target because of its relevance to environmental chemistry and the plasma etching industry as a source of chlorine radicals. The experimental results were obtained at incident electron energies ranging from 0.5 to 800 eV in the 10deg-130deg scattering angle range. Theoretically, the scattering cross sections in...
Low-energy electron scattering from molecular hydrogen: Excitation of the X1Σg+ to b3Σu+ transition
PublikacjaWe present time-of-flight differential cross-section measurements and convergent close-coupling calculations of differential cross sections for the electron-impact excitation of the X 1 g + → b 3 u + transition in molecular hydrogen. A part of this work was recently published [M. Zawadzki et al., Phys. Rev. A 97, 050702(R) (2018)]. In this work, agreement between theory and experiment is excellent overall, and marks a transition...
Quality Evaluation of Small Features Fabricated by Fused Filament Fabrication Method
PublikacjaThe purpose of this research was to evaluate the quality of small features fabricated by the fused filament fabrication (FFF) method. The samples containing circular and square cross-sections through holes with different dimensions, lengths, and orientation angles were printed from ABS (acrylonitrile butadiene styrene) filament. The adopted optical inspection method allowed us to conduct observations of individual features and...
Electron attachment to hexafluoropropylene oxide (HFPO)
PublikacjaWe probe the electron attachment in hexafluoropropylene oxide (HFPO), C3F6O, a gas widely used in plasma technologies. We determine the absolute electron attachment cross section using two completely different experimental approaches: (i) a crossed-beam experiment at single collision conditions (local pressures of 5 × 10−4 mbar) and (ii) a pulsed Townsend experiment at pressures of 20–100 mbar. In the latter method, the cross sections...
Electron interactions with Bis(pentamethylcyclopentadienyl) titanium(IV) dichloride and difluoride
PublikacjaWe present a combined experimental and theoretical study of the interaction of electrons with Bis(pentamethylcyclopentadienyl)titanium(IV) dichloride (Cp∗2TiCl2) and difluoride (Cp∗2TiF2). We report the experimental measurements of partial cross sections for the dissociative electron attachment (DEA) and the electron ionization (EI) mass spectra of isolated molecules. Estimates of the absolute cross sections are done on the basis...
Polarisation effects in low-energy positron–molecule scattering
PublikacjaThe UK molecular R-matrix method has been adapted to treat positron collisions from polyatomic targets. A simple empirical enhancement factor which corrects for the underestimation of electron–positron polarisation and correlation effects in the calculations performed with the static-plus-polarization model at low scattering energies is presented. Application of this model to positron scattering from carbon dioxide at energies...
Total cross section measurements for electron scattering from tin(IV) chloride (SnCl4)
PublikacjaTotal cross section for electron scattering from SnCl4 molecules has been measured for energies from 0.6 to 300 eV. Obtained results have been compared with total cross sections for electron scattering from other tetrachloride molecules: XCl4 where X=C, Si, Ge.
PublikacjaElectron-impact cross sections for platinum chemotherapeutic compounds, purine and pyrimidine molecules calculated using binary-encounterBethe model are presented as examples of possible applications of that method.
Experimental Testing of Innovative Cold-Formed "GEB" Section / Badania Eksperymentalne Innowacyjnego Kształtownika Giętego Na Zimno Typu „Geb“
PublikacjaOne of the major advantages of light gauge steel structures made of cold-formed steel sections is their low weight, so manufacturers are increasingly using the possibilities of those sections for the production of typical single-storey steel structures systems. Well known profiles, such as Z, C and the so called hat sections that have been studied and described in the literature, are used mainly as purlins or truss components....
Electron-impact ionization cross section calculations for selected ribonucleosides
PublikacjaTotal cross sections for the single electron-impact ionization of selected ribonuclosides (guanosine, adenosine, cytidine and uridine) have been calculated for electron energies ranging from the ionization threshold up to 5 keV.
High temperature corrosion of evaporator tubes with thermal sprayed coatings
PublikacjaDegradation examinations of outer surface of low-emission steam boiler evaporator tubes are presented in the paper. Metallographic evaluation of scale morphology, its micro sites chemical composition analysis and distribution of elements on cross sections have been performed. Water-wall tubes were exposed in steam boiler for up to two years period. Common tubes made of 16Mo3 steel suffered sulphide and molten salts corrosions....