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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: energy management systems

  • Onboard Energy Storage and Power Management Systems forAll-Electric Cargo Vessel Concept

    This paper presents an innovative approach to the design of a forthcoming, fully electric-powered cargo vessel. This work begins by defining problems that need to be solved when designingvessels of this kind. Using available literature and market research, a solution for the design of apower management system and a battery management system for a cargo vessel of up to 1504 TEUcapacity was developed. The proposed solution contains...

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  • Microgrid Energy Management System


    In the era of rapid development of "green energy” and storage devices, microgrids implemented in line with the concept of distributed generation can be an effective form of power management. There is a need for an efficient, optimal and reliable control of the combined infrastructure. The article presents a flexible, configurable microgrid's resources control system, which executes the task of meeting the electricity demand of...

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  • Energy Management of Microgrid System


    - Rok 2011

    W artykule przedstawiono system sterowania rozproszonych źródeł energii (DER) w oparciu o protokół Ethernet POWERLINK. Autorzy opracowali metody komunikowania się z systemu Zarządzania Energią z przekształtnikami energoelektronicznymi w system zwany mikrosiecią (Microgrid). W artykule przedstawiono optymalny podział mocy pomiędzy źródłami wytwórczymi a obciążeniem. System ten składa się z: kogeneratora z silnikiem na gaz ziemny...

  • Specific guality management systems.


    - Rok 2007

    obecnie coraz więcej również niewielkich przedsiębiorstw wdraża i certyfikuje systemy zarządzania jakością. w większości przypadków bazą do opracowania szj są normy serii iso 9000, które ze względu na swój ogólny charakter nie zawsze wskazują konkretne rozwiązania możliwe do implementacji. coraz większą popularnością cieszą się jednak specyficzne, branżowe systemy zarządzania, lepiej dostosowane do specyfiki przedsiębiorstwa i...

  • Decentralized Microgrid Energy Management System with Market-Based Energy Trade System


    This paper presents a decentralized energy management system for a power microgrid, which integrates individual users, who own renewable energy sources and energy storages. The purpose of the system is to make optimal use of available resources to cover the electricity needs of the whole microgrid. Thanks to the energy exchange system, in addition to exchanges with the distribution network, the system also allows trades within...

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  • Utilising IT-based systems in regatta management


    - Rok 2016

    The development and increasing accessibility of new technologies has brought changes to the management of sailing regattas. Organisational and promotional difficulties faced by the organisers are now being tackled with software-based systems. This article considers various information technology (IT) systems, designed to support the organisation and presentation of sailing regattas and explores how they are perceived by regatta...

  • Systems modeling and simulation for environmental management.


    - Rok 2004

    W pracy omówiono podstawy systemowego modelowania i symulacji w szerokim zakresie zagadnień związanych z zarządzaniem przepływami informacji w środowisko naturalnym.

  • Innovation and Knowledge Management in the SME Sector and the Role of Normative Management Systems


    - Rok 2012

    The article presents deliberations related to importance and specificity of innovation activities in small and medium-sized enterprises. Basing on results of the research the characteristics of the SMEs concerning process related and organizational innovation has been determined. Interrelations between innovation activities and knowledge management within the framework of normative management systems have been emphasized.

  • Energy Management in an Islanded Microgrid: A Consensus Theory Approach

    • A. Waqar
    • J. Hu
    • M. Mushtaq
    • H. Hussain
    • H. Qazi

    - Rok 2019

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  • Knowledge and knowledge management in agro-food systems

    • M. Dąbrowska

    - Rok 2005

    Artykuł prezentuje zmiany, które się dokonały w systemach rolno-spożywczych, postrzeganych jako złożone sieci wzajemnie na siebie oddziałujących graczy. W artykule opisano również wyzwania, jakim te systemy muszą sprostać. Ponadto, zaprezentowano koncepcję zarządzania wiedzą i jej zastosowanie w systemach rolno-spożywczych.

  • Knowledge and knowledge management in agro-food systems

    • M. Dąbrowska

    - Economic and Environmental Studies - Rok 2005

    W artykule przedstawiono zagadnienia związane z zarządzaniem wiedzą w systemach rolno-spożywczych, a także możliwości zastosowania tej koncepcji w rozwoju zrównoważonym.

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  • Functional safety and security management in critical systems


    - Rok 2005

    Głównym celem referatu jest przedstawienie wybranych kwestii zarządzania bezpieczeństwem i ochroną w systemach podwyższonego ryzyka i systemach krytycznych. Zarysowuje się kilka praktycznych problemów analizy bezpieczeństwa funkcjonalnego w celu podejmowania decyzji zgodnie z normami międzynarodowymi IEC 61508 i IEC 61511. Podkreśla się, że aspekty związane z ochroną powinny być starannie rozpatrzone zarówno w fazie projektowania,...

  • Simulation of the Dynamics of Renewable Energy Sources with Energy Storage Systems

    The intermittency of renewable energy sources (RES) constitutes a challenge for effective power system control. Fossil-fuel-based units offering ancillary power services to meet the short-term power imbalance are a financial and environmental burden for the society. Energy storage systems (ESS) can be the solution in view of the electricity market development and growing environmental concern. The major questions are, in what circumstances...

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  • Alternative Energy: Photovoltaic Modules and Systems


    Use of solar energy does not contribute to global warming. The light-to-current conversion (photovoltaic conversion) takes place within solar cells, which in most cases are made of silicon. Solar module consists of many solar cells, which are electrically connected and placed between glass or Tedlar® and framed by an aluminium frame. A number of solar modules and other components form photovoltaic systems. In this entry, a brief...

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  • Photovoltaic energy systems - recycling or utilization?


    - Rok 2008

    W ostatnich latach obserwuje się znaczny wzrost produkowanej ilości modułów fotowoltaicznych (do 40% rocznie), przy czym 90% światowej produkcji ogniw do zastosowań naziemnych stanowią ogniwa z krystalicznego krzemu. Wskutek tak znacznego wzrostu produkcji pojawił się problem zaopatrzenia producentów w odpowiednią ilość krzemu odpowiedniej jakości. Dodatkowo za parę lat trzeba będzie dokonać wymiany modułów, pracujących od lat...

  • Alternative Energy: Photovoltaic Modules and Systems



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  • Multi-Agent Signal Filtering for Electrical Energy Demand Management


    - Rok 2015

    Consumers participating in electrical energy Demand Response (DR) programs may be exposed to energy-use related decisions at instants of time which are generally hard to predict. This is especially cumbersome to residential consumers who are less capable of investing in special equipment, or devoting significant time to analyze information and take decisions. To ease residential consumer participation, a multi-agent system proposed...

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  • Integration of Lean Manufacturing with ISO Management Systems in Enterprise

    Lean manufacturing [LM], quality management system and environmental management system are clear initiatives with a goal of improving effectiveness and efficiencies of organizations. Many organisations tackle lean philosophy, ISO standards individually but this kind of attempt do not focus on the synergy and the advantage from the potential collaboration. This paper aims to present the possibility of integration Lean Management...

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  • Sustainability: myth, reality, future–planning and renewable energy management

    • R. Barelkowski

    - Rok 2013

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  • A Survey of Vehicular Network Systems for Road Traffic Management


    In this survey, we analyze the proposals of vehicular communication systems in the context of road traffic management. Starting with the definition of communications between vehicles (V2V), vehicles-to-infrastructure (V2I) and vehicles-to-everything (V2X), we first focus on the requirements and current standards for the Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), including the maximum communication delay, the communication range and the...

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  • Current risk analysis and management issues in technical systems.

    Dealing with the reliability and safety of industrial hazardous plants requires taking into account relevant interdisciplinary scientific knowledge and some existing approaches based on so-called good engineering practice, also those included in the international standards and guidelines. In this article an approach is proposed how to integrate the functional safety concept with information security aspects in the design and management...

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  • Process management methodology for quality systems of small organizations

    W artykule przedstawiono najważniejsze elementy metodyki wdrażania zorientowanych procesowo systemów zarządzania jakością wg normy ISO 9001. Zaprezentowano przykład struktury procesów systemu jakości oraz prosta metodę opisu procesów (przewodnik procesu). Omówiono założenia metodyki oraz wybrane sposoby nadzorowania procesów. W podsumowaniu wskazano korzyści płynące ze stosowania metody w małych organizacjach.

  • Multi-level models of transport systems for traffic management


    The region of Pomorskie uses a variety of tools for forecasting and analysing transport. They can be operated, calibrated and updated with data that will be collected and stored in the TRISTAR system. An initiative of the Department of Highway Engineering of the Gdansk University of Technology is designed to develop and implement an integrated and hierarchical system for forecasting and analysing transport called MST (Multilevel...

  • Challenges in security and safety management of critical systems and infrastructures


    - Rok 2005

    Referat poświęcono aktualnym problemom zarządzania bezpieczeństwem systemów i infrastruktur krytycznych. Infrastruktury krytyczne szereguje się z uwzględnieniem kilku kryteriów. Zarysowuje się problematykę zarządzania podatnością obiektów podwyższonego ryzyka na działania z zewnątrz oraz zagadnienie analizy ryzyka na przykładzie systemu elektroenergetycznego. W końcowej części referatu opisuje się nowe wyzwania związane z zarządzaniem...

  • Review and Indication of Key Activities for Energy Management Improvement in DC Microgrids

    DC MicroGrids (MG) must have Energy Management Systems (EMS) to guarantee efficient, dependable, and environmentally friendly electricity. The application of Model Predictive Control (MPC), proved to be helpful due to its adaptability and capacity to use non-linear models. This paper, based on an extensive literature review, identifies and discusses the three key activities to improve the characteristics of DC microgrids, i.e.:...

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  • Potential Application of Solar Energy Systems for Electrified Urban Transportation Systems


    The paper presents a novel approach toward the use of solar energy systems in public transportation. The concept of energy generation in PV systems for supplying a trolleybus transportation system is proposed for the city of Gdynia (Poland). The suggested way of energy production allows reducing the environmental harm impact of the municipal transportation system. Moreover, the proposed way of green energy use can be a more profitable...

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  • Innovative system for energy collection and management integrated within a photovoltaic module

    • W. Grzesiak
    • P. Maćków
    • T. Maj
    • A. Polak
    • E. Klugmann-Radziemska
    • S. Zawora
    • K. Drabczyk
    • S. Gułkowski
    • P. Grzesiak

    - SOLAR ENERGY - Rok 2016

    The dynamic development of battery technology and design based on the flow of lithium ions, mainly driven by the needs of the automotive industry, leads to the conclusion that these batteries are becoming a more viable alternative to traditional lead-acid batteries. Their use is driven by the ability to quickly charge and discharge, a higher durability, maintenance-free operation, much smaller dimensions and lighter weight. The...

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  • Losses and energy efficiency of drive motors and systems


    Losses and energy efficiency of every drive motor must be presented as functions of physical quantities independent of losses in the motor. Such quantities are speed and load required by the machine or device driven by the motor, changing in the drive operating field. Speed and load of the motor decide of the instantaneous useful power of the motor and also in a differentiated way of kinds and values of losses occurring in the...

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  • Losses and energy efficiency of drive motors and systems


    - Rok 2013

    Losses and energy efficiency of every drive motor must be presented as functions of physical quantities independent of losses in the motor. Such quantities are speed and load required by the machine or device driven by the motor, changing in the drive operating field. Speed and load of the motor decide of the instantaneous useful power of the motor and also in a differentiated way of kinds and values of losses occurring in the...

  • Models of Information Systems Integration in CompaniesW : Information Systems Architecture and Technology : IT Models in Management Process


    This work indicates the need for supporting IT organizations with incident and change management IT tools. The work presents tche characteristics of a computer system for the comprehensive management of projects, wich can be used to resolve the issues of version management, releases and incidents.

  • Innovative Gathering and Energy Management System Integrated within PV Module


    - Rok 2015

    The dynamic development of battery technology and design based on the flow of lithium ions, mainly driven by the needs of the automotive industry leads to the Conclusion That they are becoming a more viable alternative to traditional lead-acid batteries. Their use is driven by the ability it quickly charge and discharge times higher durability, maintenance-free operation and much smaller dimensions as well as weight. The emergence...

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  • Key activities to improve energy management in DC microgrids connected by urban traction

    DC MicroGrids must have Energy Management Systems to guarantee efficient, dependable, and environmentally friendly electricity. The application of Model Predictive Control, proved to be helpful due to its adaptability and capacity to use non-linear models. This paper, based on an extensive literature review, identifies and discusses the three key activities to improve the characteristics of DC MicroGrids, i.e.: the use of Energy...

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  • Functional Safety and Cybersecurity Analysis and Management in Smart Manufacturing Systems


    - Rok 2021

    This chapter addresses some of the issues of the integrated functional safety and cybersecurity analysis and management with regard to selected references and the functional safety standards: IEC 61508, IEC 61511, ISO 13849-1 and IEC 62061, and a cybersecurity standard IEC 62443 that concerns the industrial automation and control systems. The objective is to mitigate the vulnerability of industrial systems that include the information...

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  • Evaluation of Supply Chain Management Systems Used in Civil Engineering

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  • Machine learning for the management of biochar yield and properties of biomass sources for sustainable energy

    • G. V. Nguyen
    • P. Sharma
    • Ü. Ağbulut
    • H. S. Le
    • T. H. Truong
    • M. Dzida
    • M. H. Tran
    • H. C. Le
    • V. D. Tran

    - Biofuels Bioproducts & Biorefining-Biofpr - Rok 2024

    Biochar is emerging as a potential solution for biomass conversion to meet the ever increasing demand for sustainable energy. Efficient management systems are needed in order to exploit fully the potential of biochar. Modern machine learning (ML) techniques, and in particular ensemble approaches and explainable AI methods, are valuable for forecasting the properties and efficiency of biochar properly. Machine-learning-based forecasts,...

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  • Smart Asset Management for District Heating Systems in the Baltic Sea Region.


    - ENERGIES - Rok 2021

    The purpose of this review is to provide insight and a comparison of the current status of district heating (DH) systems for selected Baltic Sea countries (Denmark, Germany, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, and Sweden), especially from viewpoints of application and solutions of novel smart asset management (SAM) approaches. Furthermore, this paper considers European projects ongoing from 2016, involving participants from the...

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  • Analysis of an Energy Management System of a Small Plant Connected to the Rural Power System


    - ENERGIES - Rok 2022

    This paper presents the analysis of an energy management system (EMS) implemented to fulfill the requirements of a microgrid (MG) power supply owned by a small industrial company and connected to the rural power system. The main goal of this system is to ensure connection with the existing rural power system in terms of energy exchange, as well as to perform islanding mode operation of the microgrid based on the energy demand of...

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  • Motion Trajectory Prediction in Warehouse Management Systems: A Systematic Literature Review


    - Applied Sciences-Basel - Rok 2023

    Background: In the context of Warehouse Management Systems, knowledge related to motion trajectory prediction methods utilizing machine learning techniques seems to be scattered and fragmented. Objective: This study seeks to fill this research gap by using a systematic literature review approach. Methods: Based on the data collected from Google Scholar, a systematic literature review was performed, covering the period from 2016...

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    The conducted research investigations aimed to carry out an identification of the constructional materials fatigue state of the ship propulsions’ rotational mechanical units for diagnostic purposes. The fatigue cracks of the elements transmitting mechanical energy streams from the propulsion engines to the ship propellers or to the generators of the ship’s electric power station stand for a primary reason for the secondary, usually...

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  • Perspectives of Telematics Implementation in Tri-City Transport Systems Management and Planning

    In 2010 the City of Gdynia applied for match funding the project ''Implementation of the Integrated Traffic Management System TRISTAR in Tri-City" under the Operational Programme Infrastructure and Environment. This year the project has been placed on a list approved by the Ministry of Infrastructure. Tri-City proceeds with a tender for the implementation of the system. The project will be implemented in key elements are included...

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  • Quantitative interpretation of energy-based systems and index of their reliability


    W artykule zaproponowano interpretację wartościującą działania, które rozumiane jest jako wielkość fizyczna o jednostce miary zwanej dżulosekundą. Przedstawiono oryginalną metodę analizy i oceny tak rozumianego działania dowolnego systemu energetycznego z uwzględnieniem jego niezawodności i bezpieczeństwa. Do uzasadnienia przydatności tak interpretowanego działania zastosowano jednorodny proces Poissona. Proces ten umożliwił skonstruowanie...

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  • Artificial Intelligence for Energy Processes and Systems: Applications and Perspectives

    • D. Skrobek
    • J. Krzywanski
    • M. Sosnowski
    • G. Uddin
    • W. Ashraf
    • K. Grabowska
    • A. Zylka
    • A. Kulakowska
    • W. Nowak

    - ENERGIES - Rok 2023

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  • Systems for storing and reducing energy consumption in residential buildings


    - Rok 2017

    W pracy przeprowadzany został przegląd różnych koncepcji magazynów energii cieplnej zintegrowanych z budynkiem mieszkalnym. Przedstawione zostały warianty różniące się między sobą pod względem kształtu, rozmiaru, wypełnienia, sposobu instalacji itp. Opisany został sposób zintegrowania systemów magazynujących z odnawialnymi źródłami energii. Następnie wskazane zostały inne rozwiązania projektowe umożliwiające redukcję zapotrzebowania...

  • Quality and environmental management systems in polish shipbuilding industry - methods of implementation

    W pracy przedstawiono metodę wdrażania systemu zarządzania jakością i środowiskiem, którą wykorzystano przy realizacji projektu BALTECOLOGICALSHIP. Metoda oparta była o wzory i doświadczenia szwedzkie. Rezultatem było wykonanie przeglądu środowiskowego w 50 organizacjach z obszaru przemysłu stoczniowego oraz wdrożenie w 13 firmach systemu zarządzania jakością i środowiskiem. Praca zawiera również wskazanie barier we wdrażaniu obu...

  • Concept of building knowledge based systems applied in software project management.


    - Rok 2003

    W artykule przedstawiono koncepcję budowy systemów opartych na wiedzy. Koncepcja ta bazuje na wykorzystaniu teorii zbiorów rozmytych oraz metodach ustawicznego modelowania. W artykule wskazano na metody strojenia i adaptacji tych modeli

  • Methods of building knowledge-based systems applied in software project management


    - Rok 2005

    Praca zawiera rozdział poświecony problematyce budowy systemów z bazami wiedzy dla wspomagania procesów zarządzania. W rozdziale tym przedstawiono metody budowy systemów dla potrzeb zarządzania koncentrując uwagę na systemach opartych na wiedzy. Następnie omówiono możliwości zastosowania teorii zbiorów rozmytych do modelowania wiedzy. Na zakończenie przedstawiono przykład wykorzystania zbiorów rozmytych i systemów opartych na wiedzy...

  • Improved energy management technique in pipe-embedded wall heating/cooling system in residential buildings

    Effective and environmentally responsive techniques of energy management in residential buildings are desirable for the resulting reduction of energy costs and consumption. In this paper, an improved and efficient technique of energy management in pipe-embedded wall heating/cooling systems, called the Thermal Barrier, is described. Specifically, the Thermal Barrier is a technique focused on the management and control of heat...

  • Improved energy management technique in pipe-embedded wall heating/cooling system in residential buildings

    Effective and environmentally responsive techniques of energy management in residential buildings are desirable for the resulting reduction of energy costs and consumption. In this paper, an improved and efficient technique of energy management in pipe-embedded wall heating/cooling systems, called the Thermal Barrier, is described. Specifically, the Thermal Barrier is a technique focused on the management and control of heat supply...

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    - POWER ENGINEERING - Rok 2024

    The implementation of smart charging of electric vehicles allows operators of local power networks and electricity suppliers to implement new business models for the interaction of electric vehicles with the network. In addition to the optimal selection of Microgrid capacities when charging electric vehicles, it is also important to use different charging methods. To satisfy the interests of all participants of local systems from...

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  • Energy-Aware Scheduling for High-Performance Computing Systems: A Survey


    High-performance computing (HPC), according to its name, is traditionally oriented toward performance, especially the execution time and scalability of the computations. However, due to the high cost and environmental issues, energy consumption has already become a very important factor that needs to be considered. The paper presents a survey of energy-aware scheduling methods used in a modern HPC environment, starting with the...

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