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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: initial value problem


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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: initial value problem

  • Comparision principles for parabolic differential - functional initial - value problems.

    Badamy paraboliczne równania z zależnością funkcyjną i podajemy kryteria jednoznaczności przy warunkach porównawczych typu Perrona i Lipschitza dla nieliniowej prawej strony. W przypadku gdy zależność funkcyjna dotyczy również pochodnej funkcji niewiadomej, to stosujemy nierówności typu Henry'ego.

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Initial value problems for neutral fractional differential equations involving a Riemann-Liouville derivative

    Badano równania neutralne typu ułamkowego z odchylonym argumentem. Podano warunki dostateczne na istnienie jednego rozwiązania.

  • On solvability of initial boundary-value problems of micropolar elastic shells with rigid inclusions

    The problem of dynamics of a linear micropolar shell with a finite set of rigid inclusions is considered. The equations of motion consist of the system of partial differential equations (PDEs) describing small deformations of an elastic shell and ordinary differential equations (ODEs) describing the motions of inclusions. Few types of the contact of the shell with inclusions are considered. The weak setup of the problem is formulated...

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  • On the well posedness of static boundary value problem within the linear dilatational strain gradient elasticity



    In this paper, it is proven an existence and uniqueness theorem for weak solutions of the equilibrium problem for linear isotropic dilatational strain gradient elasticity. Considered elastic bodies have as deformation energy the classical one due to Lamé but augmented with an additive term that depends on the norm of the gradient of dilatation: only one extra second gradient elastic coefficient is introduced. The studied class...

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  • On weak solutions of the boundary value problem within linear dilatational strain gradient elasticity for polyhedral Lipschitz domains



    We provide the proof of an existence and uniqueness theorem for weak solutions of the equilibrium problem in linear dilatational strain gradient elasticity for bodies occupying, in the reference configuration, Lipschitz domains with edges. The considered elastic model belongs to the class of so-called incomplete strain gradient continua whose potential energy density depends quadratically on linear strains and on the gradient of...

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  • On well-posedness of the first boundary-value problem within linear isotropic Toupin–Mindlin strain gradient elasticity and constraints for elastic moduli

    Within the linear Toupin–Mindlin strain gradient elasticity we discuss the well-posedness of the first boundary-value problem, that is, a boundary-value problem with Dirichlet-type boundary conditions on the whole boundary. For an isotropic material we formulate the necessary and sufficient conditions which guarantee existence and uniqueness of a weak solution. These conditions include strong ellipticity written in terms of higher-order...

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  • Computational issues of solving the 1D steady gradually varied flow equation

    In this paper a problem of multiple solutions of steady gradually varied flow equation in the form of the ordinary differential energy equation is discussed from the viewpoint of its numerical solution. Using the Lipschitz theorem dealing with the uniqueness of solution of an initial value problem for the ordinary differential equation it was shown that the steady gradually varied flow equation can have more than one solution....

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    The analyzes were aimed at demonstrating the influence of parameters describing the deformation of the structure on the uncertainty of critical force, and the impact of technological imperfections on stress uncertainty in compression conditions. In a linear buckling analysis, the problem is considered only for the initial, permanent state of the stiffness matrix. In the case of demonstrating the influence of initial deformations...

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  • Method for the correlation coefficient estimation of the bottom echo signal in the shallow water application using interferometric echo sounder

    The article presents a new method for the assessment of bottom echo correlation coefficient in the presence of multiple echoes. Bottom correlation coefficient is a parameter that characterizes spatial properties of echo signal. Large variability of the bottom shape or properties (for example caused by the presence of bottom objects) and the presence of the acoustic shadow strongly influence the value of the correlation coefficient....

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  • Dynamic soil improvement by hybrid technologies


    - Rok 2015

    Hybrid method of subsoil improvement for road embankment foundation is described. This method is composed of two wellknown methods: dynamic replacement (DR) and microblasting (DDC) one (Deep Dynamic Compaction). The method was used for both the strengthening of the fully saturated organic subsoil as well as for acceleration of the consolidation of the organic layers. The practice ensures the expected results. A proper example on...

  • Expedite EM-driven generation of Pareto-optimal trade-off curves for variable-turn on-chip inductors

    This work presents a novel approach to computationally efficient Pareto front identification for variable-turn on-chip inductors. The final outcome is a set of solutions that correspond to the best trade-offs between conflicting design objectives. Here, we consider minimising inductor area and, simultaneously, maximising its quality factor, while maintaining a specified inductance value at a given operating frequency. As opposed...

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  • Direct-contact condensation from vapour- gas mixture in a spray ejector condenser for negative CO2 power plant


    - Rok 2022

    Direct-contact condensation of vapour containing the inert gas on a spray of subcooled liquid exists in a number of technical applications. For example, it may be found in the nuclear industry (e.g. pressurized jet under normal operating conditions, in safety analyses) or in the chemical industry (e.g. mixing-type heat exchanger, degasser, sea water desalting). The problem is also essential to modelling and analysis of some...

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  • Możliwości wydłużania krzywych przejściowych w układach geometrycznych torów

    W pracy przedstawiono analizę problemu wydłużania krzywych przejściowych, wykorzystując do tego celu analityczną metodę projektowania. Podstawę analizy stanowiły obliczenia numeryczne przeprowadzone dla zestawu parametrów charakteryzujących standardowy układ geometryczny: krzywa przejściowa – łuk kołowy – krzywa przejściowa (w wersji niesymetrycznej). Ocenie poddano różnice rzędnych poziomych układu istniejącego oraz układu z...

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  • Modelling tunnelling-induced deformation in stiff soils with a hyperelastic–plastic anisotropic model


    - Acta Geotechnica - Rok 2024

    In this paper, the tunnelling-induced deformation in anisotropic stiff soils is analysed using FE modelling. The influence of material description is investigated rather than an advanced simulation of the tunnelling method. A new hyperelastic– plastic model is proposed to describe the anisotropic mechanical behaviour of stiff highly overconsolidated soil. This model can reproduce the superposition of variable stress-induced anisotropy...

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  • Minimization of a ship's magnetic signature under external field conditions using a multi-dipole model


    The paper addresses the innovative issue of minimizing the ship's magnetic signature under any external field conditions, i.e., for arbitrary values of ambient field modulus and magnetic inclination. Varying values of the external field, depending on the current geographical location, affect only the induced part of ship's magnetization. A practical problem in minimizing the ship signature is separating permanent magnetization...

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  • Multiuser Stereoscopic Projection Techniques for CAVE-Type Virtual Reality Systems

    Despite the development of increasingly popular head mounted displays, CAVE-type systems may still be considered one of the most immersive virtual reality systems with many advantages. However, a serious limitation of most CAVE-type systems is the generation of a three-dimensional (3-D) image from the perspective of only one person. This problem is significant because in some applications, the participants must cooperate with each...

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  • Analizy ilości i jakości odpływu wód deszczowych i roztopowych z kontrolowanej zlewni zurbanizowanej

    Istotnym problemem Gdańska staje się bezpieczeństwo ekologiczne związane ze spływami miejskimi odprowadzanymi bezpośrednio do wód powierzchniowych, często akwenów użyteczności publicznej. W latach 2011÷2013, Katedra Hydrotechniki Wydziału Inżynierii Lądowej i Środowiska Politechniki Gdańskiej, we współpracy z Wojewódzkim Funduszem Ochrony Środowiska i Gospodarki Wodnej w Gdańsku oraz Gdańskimi Melioracjami, podjęła się wdrożenia...

  • Poszukiwanie układów obiektów architektonicznych zgodnych z uwarunkowaniami przyrodniczymi Pojezierza Kaszubskiego. Studium autorskie

    Studium docelowych form zamieszkiwania oparto o obserwacje przyrodnicze i próbę ich kulturowej transpozycji poprzez działania artystyczne. Metaforyczne wyobrażenia form zamieszkiwania prezentowane w wielu wariantach ukazują jej adaptowalność do różnorodnych, unikalnych uwarunkowań przyrodniczych. Kontekst stanowi zarówno inspirację jak i zadanie problemowe, na które odpowiedzią jest konkretna forma układu, spasowana do swojego...

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  • Monitoring działania wzmocnienia gruntu pod nasypem drogowym za pomocą sztywnych kolumn

    Opis systemu pomiarowego zainstalowanego w kolumnach betonowych wzmacniających słabe podłoże gruntowe pod nasypem drogowym. Wstępne przedstawienie przykładowych wyników pomiarów. Problematyka niedokładności i odchyleń pomiarowych oraz sposób ich interpretacji.

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  • The maximum edge-disjoint paths problem in complete graphs


    Rozważono problem ścieżek krawędziowo rozłącznych w grafach pełnych. Zaproponowano wielomianowe algorytmy: 3.75-przybliżony (off-line) oraz 6.47-przybliżony (on-line), poprawiając tym samym wyniki wcześniej znane z literatury [P. Carmi, T. Erlebach, Y. Okamoto, Greedy edge-disjoint paths in complete graphs, in: Proc. 29th Workshop on Graph Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science, in: LNCS, vol. 2880, 2003, pp. 143-155]. Ponadto...

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  • Tworzenie wartości dla akcjonariuszy w świetle nadzoru korporacyjnego


    Duży odsetek spółek publicznych w Polsce nie tworzy wartości dla akcjonariuszy. Zaprezento-wano wyniki badań dotyczących wpływu struktur własności na efektywność działania spółek pu-blicznych. Badania te nie były w stanie wyjaśnić w wystarczającym stopniu zjawiska destrukcji warto-ści. Starano się wykazać, że jedną z przyczyn tego zjawiska jest transfer wartości. Zalicza się go do głównych problemów nadzoru korporacyjnego. Szczególna...

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  • Istota chmury wartości - założenia podstawowe

    Obserwacje efektów działań gospodarczych przedsiębiorstw wsparte badaniami literatury pozwoliły na zdiagnozowanie niedostatku w zakresie ogólnych modeli tworzenia wartości. Punktem wyjścia było określenie celu działania przedsiębiorstwa, który wykazuje immanentną dychotomię. Dążenie do realizacja tak ujętego celu jest podstawą do konfigurowania wartości generowanych przez przedsiębiorstwo. W tym zakresie wykorzystujące wyniki prac...

  • Degree of entaglement as a physically ill-posted problem: The case of entaglement with vacuum


    - PHYSICAL REVIEW A - Rok 2006

    Analizujemy przypadek fotonu w superpozycji różnych modów i zadajemy pytanie o stopień ich splątania z próżnią. Problem okazuje się być źle postawiony, gdyż nie wiemy którą reprezentację algebry CCR wybrać dla kwantowania pola. Gdy dokonamy wyboru jednoznacznie możemy rozwiązać zagadnienie splątania. Tak więc trudność nie leży w matematyce lecz w fizyce problemu.

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  • Równolegle przebiegające procesy separacji pianowej jonów Al(III), Cu(II) i Zn(II) z roztworów ich mieszanin


    - Rok 2015

    Metody flotacji jonowej i precypitacyjnej należą do procesów separacji pianowej, wykorzystujących zdolność selektywnej adsorpcji niektórych składników roztworu na powierzchni międzyfazowej gaz – ciecz. Do zalet separacji pianowej zalicza się m.in. niewysokie koszty inwestycyjne i eksploatacyjne oraz wysoką skuteczność w obróbce roztworów rozcieńczonych. Celem pracy jest ocena wpływu kluczowych parametrów na wydajność i przebieg...

  • Modelowanie przepływu ustalonego niejednostajnego w sieciach kanałów otwartych z uwzględnieniem obiektów hydrotechnicznych


    W pracy sformułowano zagadnienie brzegowe dla równania energii opisującego przepływ ustalony niejednostajny i przedstawiono sposób jego rozwiązania przy pomocy metody różnicowej. Zaproponowana metoda obliczeń nadaje się do analizy przepływu w dendrycznych i pierścieniowych sieciach kanałów otwartych. Ponadto na przykładzie przelewu prostokątnego zaproponowano metodę uwzględnienia w obliczeniach zabudowy hydrotechnicznej. Słowa...

  • Determinanty kreowania wartości marki poprzez media społecznościowe w gospodarce sieciowej


    - Rok 2016

    Głównym problemem badawczym podejmowanym w pracy, jest określenie struktury czynników determinujących kreowanie wartości marki w mediach społecznościowych. Dla rozwiązania tego problemu wykonano dwa badania. Pierwsze z nich dotyczyło określenia relacji pomiędzy wartością marki a jej pozycją w sieciach społecznościowych (model BV). Badanie to zrealizowano w oparciu o metody ilościowe: analizę statystyczną danych wtórnych i danych...

  • Initial Considerations


    - Rok 2017

    Chemical processes have made use of a wide number of volatile organic solvents due to their efficiency in countless unit operations. The increasing knowledge on the environmental, health, and safety hazards associated to their use has significantly contributed to the search for greener alternatives. The primary purpose of this book is to provide an overview of alternative solvents with reduced issues that have successfully replaced...

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  • Impact of Initial Population on Evolutionary Path Planning Algorithm


    In this paper an impact of initial population on evolutionary path planning algorithm is presented. Tested algorithm is used to determine close to optimal shippaths in collision avoidance situation. For this purpose a path planning problem is defined. A specific structure of the individual path and fitness function is presented. For the simulation purposes a close to real tested environment is created. Four tests are performed....

  • Impact of Initial Population on Evolutionary Path Planning Algorithm


    In this paper an impact of initial population on evolutionary path planning algorithm is presented. Tested algorithm is used to determine close to optimal ship paths in collision avoidance situation. For this purpose a path planning problem is defined. A specific structure of the individual path and fitness function is presented. For the simulation purposes a close to real tested environment is created. Four tests are performed....

  • Bifurcation in von Karman problem for rectangular, thin, elastic plate resting on elastic foundation of Winkler type


    Praca poświęcona jest utracie stateczności prostokątnej, cienkiej płyty sprężystej spoczywającej na podłożu liniowo sprężystym typu Winklera. Płyta jest ściskana równomiernie rozłożonymi obciążeniami na dwóch równoległych brzegach. Wyznaczono obciążenia krytyczne, formy utraty stateczności płyty oraz początkowe zachowanie pokrytyczne. Analizę prowadzono za pomocą analizy funkcjonalnej przy zachowaniu precyzyjnego matematycznego...

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  • Wpływ równości nawierzchni i dynamicznego oddziaływania pojazdów ciężkich na trwałość zmęczeniową nawierzchni podatnych

    Podczas ruchu pojazdu obserwuje się odchylenia nacisków osi pojazdów od nacisku statycznego, co jest spowodowane nierównościami nawierzchni. Dynamiczne obciążenia pojazdów w większym stopniu wytężają konstrukcję nawierzchni drogowej. Rozkład obciążeń dynamicznych ma kształt rozkładu normalnego i jest opisywany poprzez obciążenie statyczne oraz wskaźniki dynamiczne DI lub DLC. Wraz z pogorszeniem równości i zwiększeniem prędkości...

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  • Centers of Excellence - initial conception


    In literature, the most basic definition of centers of excellence is " CoE is a team of people that promote collaboration and use best practices around a specific focus area to drive business result". More broadly, center of excellence is defined as " a premier organization providing an exceptional product or service in an assigned sphere of expertise and within a specific field of technology, business, or government, consistent...

  • Kształtowanie toru zwrotnego rozjazdu z odcinkami krzywizny liniowej


    W pracy została przedstawiona analityczna metoda kształtowania toru zwrotnego rozjazdu kolejowego posiadającego na swojej długości odcinki krzywizny liniowej. Odróżnia go to w istotny sposób od rozwiązania typowego, stanowiącego pojedynczy łuk kołowy bez krzywych przejściowych. W metodzie tej dokonano identyfikacji problemu rozkładu krzywizny za pomocą równań różniczkowych. Uzyskane rozwiązania mają charakter uniwersalny; m. in....

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    - Rok 2017

    Rozprawa doktorska dotyczy zagadnienia projektowania układów geometrycznych toru kolejowego w procesie modernizacji linii kolejowych. Scharakteryzowano główne cechy dotyczące tej tematyki w oparciu o literaturę polską i zagraniczną, w tym przepisy branżowe. Przedstawiono czynniki wpływające na projektowanie modernizacji linii kolejowych. Określono wartości dopuszczalne parametrów kinematycznych i geometrycznych. Specyfika omawianego...

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  • Creating Shared Value by the University

    Purpose Works that link creating shared value (CSV) with the university are arising, and there is a hope for a great future of this combination. The main problem with these works is that they are based on the wrong assumptions of what CSV is. The aim of the paper is to properly explain the concept of CSV and match it with university social responsibility (USR) at a strategic level. Design/methodology/approach A literature review...

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    W artykule rozpatruje się konstrukcję sterownika mikrosieci elektroenergetycznej. Sterownik zarządza zasobamienergii elektrycznej w celu pokrycia zapotrzebowania lokalnych gospodarstw domowych z uwzględnieniem kwestii ekonomicznych. Przedstawiono strukturę sterowania, zdefiniowano zadanie optymalizacji, dokonano badań symulacyjnych dla przykładowej mikrosieci o zróżnicowanych sposobach generowania i magazynowania. Zaproponowano...

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  • Blackout initial disturbances in electric Power System searching


    The paper contains short survey of the blackouts that took place in the last few years. The sources and initial disturbances are discussed. The typical scenario of the disturbance, leading to blackout in the electrical power system are presented.Next, models of a power system eligible to considered topic are discussed. Finally the algorithm of the blackout initial disturbances in power system searching is presented.The consideration...

  • Economic significance of initial public offerings in China and India

    Rapid economic growth in China and India has attracted attention of many researchers, focusing on various social and economic factors underlying the success of these countries. One of the key components of country’s economy is financial system which consists of segments such as banking sector and equity market. The topic of initial public offerings (IPOs), one of the corporate financing sources, involving raising funds through...

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  • Upgrading low value-added activities in global value chains: a functional specialisation approach

    This paper aims to identify patterns of functional specialisation (FS) in global value chains (GVCs) and determinants of upgrading them for selected Central Eastern European (CEE) economies. By combing the World Input-Output Database with data on occupations, we reveal a new FS pattern among subgroups of CEEs. Poland and Slovakia have an unfavourable GVC position and specialise in low value-added fabrication function. In contrast,...

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  • Wystawy światowe w Barcelonie: Problemy zachowania dziedzictwa kulturowego


    - Rok 2014

    W prezentowanej Państwu książce przedmiotem analizy są obiekty architektoniczne wystaw światowych, które - pomimo tymczasowego charakteru imprez wystawowych - pozostają jako obiekty stałe. Konstrukcja książki wykorzystuje zasadę od ogółu do szczegółu, gdzie na tle subiektywnie wyselekcjonowanych przykładów historycznych, tymczasowych obiektów wystawowych przedstawiam przypadek dwóch szczegółowo przeanalizowanych pawilonów hiszpańskich...

  • Ocena odporności na zużycie ścierne stopów Ti na elementy pary trącej endoprotez stawu kolanowego

    Najczęściej stosowanym biomateriałem tytanowym na elementy endoprotez stawu kolanowego jest stop Ti6Al4V. Z uwagi na zawartość wanadu, zaliczanego do pierwiastków o dużej toksyczności podejmowane są działania w kierunku zastąpienia wskazanego stopu - stopami bezwanadowymi. Jednym z najbardziej obiecujących jest stop Ti13Nb13Zr zawierający w swoim składzie jedynie pierwiastki witalne, niewywołujące stanów zapalnych i odczynów...

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  • Buckling and initial post-local buckling behaviour of cold-formed channel member flange

    The initial post-buckling behaviour of a cold-formed channel member flange after its local buckling is investigated. An axially compressed column or beam subjected to pure bending is considered. The member material is assumed to follow a linear stress-strain relationship. The governing non-linear differential equation of the problem is derived using the minimum total potential energy principle. An approximate solution for the equation...

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  • Hat problem on a graph


    The topic of our paper is the hat problem. In that problem, each of n people is randomly fitted with a blue or red hat. Then everybody can try to guess simultaneously his own hat color looking at the hat colors of the other people. The team wins if at least one person guesses his hat color correctly and no one guesses his hat color wrong, otherwise the team loses. The aim is to maximize the probability of win. In this version every...

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  • Can we really solve an arch stability problem?

    We bring attention to the problem of solving nonlinear boundary-value problems for elastic structures such as arches and shells. Here we discuss a classical problem of a shear-deformable arch postbuckling. Considering a postbuckling behaviour of a circular arch we discuss the possibility to find numerically a solution for highly nonlinear regimes. The main attention is paid to the problem of determination of all solutions. The...

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  • Observation Value Analysis – Integral Part of Bayesian Diagnostics

    The decision making process, in general, is understood as a process of selecting one of the available solutions to the problem. One of possible approaches supporting the process is Bayesian statistical decision theory providing a mathematical model to make decisions of a technical nature in conditions of uncertainty. Regarding above, a detailed subject of the research is to analyze the value of the observation, which is a part...

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  • The Snow Team Problem


    - Rok 2017

    We study several problems of clearing subgraphs by mobile agents in digraphs. The agents can move only along directed walks of a digraph and, depending on the variant, their initial positions may be pre-specified. In general, for a given subset~$\cS$ of vertices of a digraph $D$ and a positive integer $k$, the objective is to determine whether there is a subgraph $H=(\cV_H,\cA_H)$ of $D$ such that (a) $\cS \subseteq \cV_H$, (b)...

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  • On the hat problem on a graph


    The topic of this paper is the hat problem in which each of n players is uniformly and independently fitted with a blue or red hat. Then everybody can try to guess simultaneously his own hat color by looking at the hat colors of the other players. The team wins if at least one player guesses his hat color correctly, and no one guesses his hat color wrong; otherwise the team loses. The aim is to maximize the probability of winning....

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  • Effect of initial imperfection on buckling of thin-walled I columns


    Effects of initial geometrical imperfections on critical buckling loads of thin-walled I columns are investigated. Torsional and flexural buckling are taken into account. The column behaviour is described in accord to the theory of thin-walled beams with nondeformable cross-section. Some numerical examples and conclusions related to effects of imperfections on properties of the critical loads are presented.

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  • A modified hat problem

    The topic of our paper is the hat problem in which each of n players is randomly fitted with a blue or red hat. Then everybody can try to guess simultaneously his own hat color by looking at the hat colors of the other players. The team wins if at least one player guesses his hat color correctly, and no one guesses his hat color wrong; otherwise the team loses. The aim is to maximize the probability of a win. There are known many...

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  • Benchmarking the Digital Government Value Chain


    Digital Government (DG) benchmarking is an academically vivid topic and, equally important, a tool with the potential to provide valuable insights to policymakers and public managers responsible for digital policies at the level of countries and international bodies. Alas, this potential remains largely untapped in the current DG benchmarking practice. In our study, we identify the reasons and propose a way of mitigating them....

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  • A more colorful hat problem

    The topic is the hat problem in which each of n players is randomly fitted with a blue or red hat. Then everybody can try to guess simultaneously his own hat color by looking at the hat colors of the other players. The team wins if at least one player guesses his hat color correctly, and no one guesses his hat color wrong; otherwise the team loses. The aim is to maximize the probability of winning. We consider a generalized hat...

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  • Hat problem on the cycle C4

    The topic of our paper is the hat problem. In that problem, each of n people is randomly tted with a blue or red hat. Then everybody can try to guess simultanously his own hat color looking at the hat colors of the other people. The team wins if at least one person guesses his hat color correctly and no one guesses his hat color wrong, otherwise the team loses. The aim is to maximize the probability of win. In this version every...

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  • Hat problem on odd cycles

    The topic is the hat problem in which each of n players is randomly fitted with a blue or red hat. Then everybody can try to guess simultaneously his own hat color by looking at the hat colors of the other players. The team wins if at least one player guesses his hat color correctly, and no one guesses his hat color wrong; otherwise the team loses. The aim is to maximize the probability of a win. In this version every player can...

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  • Calculation of an ultimate load value of a silo with geometric imperfections in the shape of eigenforms


    The ultimate load value of a silo with initial geometric imperfections was measured. The structure was loaded with wind. Imperfections were assumed as translations of the shell nodes from perfect geometry taken from eigenforms and their combinations. Two variants of the maximum deflection placement with respect to the direction of wind pressure were proposed. The first consists in applying the maximum wind pressure to the element...

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  • On the Hat Problem on the Cycle C7

    The topic is the hat problem in which each of n players is randomly fitted with a blue or red hat. Then everybody can try to guess simultaneously his own hat color by looking at the hat colors of the other players. The team wins if at least one player guesses his hat color correctly, and no one guesses his hat color wrong; otherwise the team loses. The aim is to maximize the probability of a win. In this version every player can...

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  • Buckling of thin-walled columns accounting for initial geometrical imperfections

    The paper is devoted to the effect of some geometrical imperfections on the critical buckling load of axially compressed thin-walled I-columns. The analytical formulas for the critical torsional and flexural buckling loads accounting for the initial curvature of the column axis or the twist angle respectively are derived. The classical assumptions of theory of thin-walled beams with non-deformable cross-sections are adopted. The...

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  • On Solvability of Boundary Value Problems for Elastic Micropolar Shells with Rigid Inclusions


    - Mechanics of Solids - Rok 2020

    In the framework of the linear theory of micropolar shells, existence and uniqueness theorems for weak solutions of boundary value problems describing small deformations of elastic micropolar shells connected to a system of absolutely rigid bodies are proved. The definition of a weak solution is based on the principle of virial movements. A feature of this problem is non-standard boundary conditions at the interface between the...

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  • Effect of the inclination angle of the condenser on the heat transfer coefficient value – experimental study

    • H. Charun
    • M. Czapp
    • S. Czapp
    • M. Orłowska

    - Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Rzeszowskiej. Mechanika - Rok 2016

    When considering problem of the condensation of the refrigerant in a flow inside channel, one needs to pay attention to the shape of its cross-section, the hydraulic diameter, the channel length as well as the orientation of the channel axis in space (horizontal, vertical, inclined). This paper presents an experimental study concerning the effect of the inclination angle of the condenser with a single coil pipe on the heat transfer...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w portalu

  • The Use of an Autoencoder in the Problem of Shepherding


    This paper refers to the problem of shepherding clusters of passive agents consisting of a large number of objects by a team of active agents. The problem of shepherding and the difficulties that arise with the increasing number of data describing the location of agents have been described. Several methods for reducing the dimensionality of data are presented. Selected autoencoding method using a Restricted Boltzmann Machine is...

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  • A framework for accelerated optimization of antennas using design database and initial parameter set estimation

    The purpose of this paper is to exploit a database of pre-existing designs to accelerate parametric optimization of antenna structures is investigated. Design/methodology/approach The usefulness of pre-existing designs for rapid design of antennas is investigated. The proposed approach exploits the database existing antenna base designs to determine a good starting point for structure optimization and its response sensitivities....

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  • Local buckling and initial post-buckling behaviour of channel member flange - analytical approach


    - Rok 2016

    The local buckling and initial post-buckling behaviour of the cold-formed channel member flange is investigated. The governing nonlinear differential equation for axially compressed columns and beams undergoing pure bending is derived using the stationary total potential energy principle. The critical stress and initial post-buckling equilibrium path is determined by means of a perturbation approach. The results obtained allow...

  • Cross-cultural problem of quality


    - Rok 2009

    The paper, by presenting issues such as variability of reality, quality of life, quality and environmental management systems, emphasizes the opportunities of taking the socially important problem under control by utilization of efficient quality engineering analytical methods.

  • Decisional DNA and Optimization Problem


    - Rok 2013

    Many researchers have proved that Decisional DNA (DDNA) and Set of Experience Knowledge Structure (SOEKS or SOE) is a technology capable of gathering information and converting it into knowledge to help decision-makers to make precise decisions in many ways. These techniques have a feature to combine with different tools, such as data mining techniques and web crawlers, helping organization collect information from different sources...

  • The effect of processing on the safety and nutritional value


    - Rok 2017

    Agricultural crops as well as animal food raw materials are usually somehow processed before being used by humans. Processing should make them more useful, increase their safety and nutritional value, extend the shelf life, and modify the sensory properties. However, changes and interactions of various compounds in the conditions of processing may generate products toxic or otherwise unsafe for the human organism. The food industry...

  • Boundary value problems with causal operators

    Praca dotyczy istnienia rozwiązań dla równań różniczkowych z nieliniowymi dwu-punktowymi warunkami brzegowymi. Podano warunki dostateczne na istnienie rozwiązań takich zagadnień stosując metodę iteracji monotonicznych. Dyskutowano też nierówności różniczkowe rzędu pierwszego z dodatnimi operatorami liniowymi oraz problem rozwiązań ekstremalnych.

  • Image as a key factor of brand value at social media


    - Logistyka - Rok 2015

    The paper aims to investigate the relationship between social media presence and activities and brand value for the most valuable Global Brands 2012 (Interbrandt 2013). Social media communication is an innovative way of communication. Brand value is a key performance indicator of brand strategy for managers. Brand and category image realized to be the key factor of investigated relation.

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • A construction for the hat problem on a directed graph


    A team of n players plays the following game. After a strategy session, each player is randomly fitted with a blue or red hat. Then, without further communication, everybody can try to guess simultaneously his own hat color by looking at the hat colors of the other players. Visibility is defined by a directed graph; that is, vertices correspond to players, and a player can see each player to whom he is connected by an arc. The...

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  • On the hat problem, its variations, and their applications

    The topic of our paper is the hat problem in which each of n players is randomly fitted with a blue or red hat. Then everybody can try to guess simultaneously his own hat color by looking at the hat colors of the other players. The team wins if at least one player guesses his hat color correctly, and no one guesses his hat color wrong; otherwise the team loses. The aim is to maximize the probability of a win. There are known many...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w portalu

  • The hat problem on a union of disjoint graphs

    The topic is the hat problem in which each of n players is randomly fitted with a blue or red hat. Then everybody can try to guess simultaneously his own hat color by looking at the hat colors of the other players. The team wins if at least one player guesses his hat color correctly, and no one guesses his hat color wrong; otherwise the team loses. The aim is to maximize the probability of winning. In this version every player...

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  • Value co‐creation (VCC) and value co‐destruction (VCD) via open government data (OGD): Empirical case of Tanzania

    • F. Ishengoma
    • D. Shao
    • R. G. da Silva
    • G. C. Wiedenhoft
    • C. H. Alexopoulos
    • N. Rizun
    • S. Saxena

    - Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries - Rok 2024

    Having emphasized upon the potential benefits of Open Government Data (OGD) initiatives via value derivation and innovation pursuits of the stakeholders, it falls in place to complement this line of OGD research in the specific case of Tanzania, a developing country, to support the inferences. Specifically, it is important to understand the manner in which OGD VCC-one of the hinges of OGD initiatives- and OGD VCD-a possible fall...

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  • Problem awarii nowobudowanej kanalizacji


    - Instal - Rok 2015

    Awaria nowobudowanej i odebranej kanalizacji. Rzetelność projektanta, kierownika budowy i inspektora nadzoru. Ocena zagrożeń dla procesu budowlanego. Błędy działań naprawczych. Szczególny problem projektanta i wykonawcy wywodzących się zer środowiska "melioracji rolnych". Zagrożenia finansowe w sytuacji braku trwałego efektu inwestycji.

  • Differential inequalities with initial time difference.


    Uzyskano pewne wyniki porównawcze pomiędzy rozwiązaniami nierówności różniczkowych startujących z różnych punktów początkowych. O nieliniowej funkcji f (związanej z zagadnieniem) zakładano jednostronny warunek Lipschitza. Podano pewne zastosowanie otrzymanych wyników. Sformułowano też pewne warunki dotyczące stabilności.

  • The potential of web awareness as a determinant of dually defined customer value



    In the conditions of increasing demand barrier, the enterprise’s basic capital is customers. From an enterprise point of view, this means the need to create a dual perceived and defined customer value which remains related to market value (income and development potential) and customer resource value (reference, information and cooperative potential). The progressing digitisation process transfers business processes, and thus relationships, into...

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  • Towards High-Value Datasets Determination for Data-Driven Development: A Systematic Literature Review


    - Rok 2023

    Open government data (OGD) is seen as a political and socio-economic phenomenon that promises to promote civic engagement and stimulate public sector innovations in various areas of public life. To bring the expected benefits, data must be reused and transformed into value-added products or services. This, in turn, sets another precondition for data that are expected to not only be available and comply with open data principles,...

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  • The Backbone Coloring Problem for Small Graphs

    In this paper we investigate the values of the backbone chromatic number, derived from a mathematical model for the problem of minimization of bandwidth in radio networks, for small connected graphs and connected backbones (up to 7 vertices). We study the relationship of this parameter with the structure of the graph and compare the results with the solutions obtained using the classical graph coloring algorithms (LF, IS), modified...

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  • Global value chains and productivity gains: a cross-country analysis

    The main aim of this article is to assess the implications of involvement in global value chains (GVC) on sectoral productivity growth from the international perspective. Our panel data analysis covers 40 countries, 20 industries (13 manufacturing and 7 services sectors) in the period 1995–2011. Estimation results suggest that there is a positive link between TFP growth and the involvement of sectors in global value chains (measured...

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  • The computational complexity of the backbone coloring problem for planar graphs with connected backbones

    In the paper we study the computational complexity of the backbone coloring problem for planar graphs with connected backbones. For every possible value of integer parameters λ≥2 and k≥1 we show that the following problem: Instance: A simple planar graph GG, its connected spanning subgraph (backbone) HH. Question: Is there a λ-backbone coloring c of G with backbone H such that maxc(V(G))≤k? is either NP-complete or polynomially...

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  • Observation value analysis - integral part of Bayesian diagnostics


    Detailed subject of the research is to analyse the value of the observation, which is a part of preposterior analysis. For the presented network, the main objective was to determine, conducting of which of three tests is the most valuable from the perspective of determining possible need or possibility to omission expensive technical expertise. The main advantage of preposterior analysis is answering the question which of the considered...

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  • Property sustainable value versus highest and best use analyzes

    • M. Walacik
    • M. Renigier‐Biłozor
    • A. Chmielewska
    • A. Janowski


    This article proposes the possibility of applying fuzzy logic theory to perform the tasks of determining the market value of agricultural lands. These tasks are of a multi‐criteria character, as multiple factors are taken into consideration during the land value valuation process. The market value of agricultural land plots, calculated using fuzzy logic methods, can provide a basis for further use in the processes that are directly...

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  • Influence of initial density of cohesionless soil on evolution of passive earth pressure

    • J. Tejchman
    • E. Bauer
    • S. Tantono

    - Acta Geotechnica - Rok 2007

    Artykuł porusza problem odporu bezkohezyjnego gruntu. Obliczenia wykonano wykorzystując metodę elementów skończonych na bazie mikropolarnego prawa hipolastycznego. W obliczeniach przyjęto różne początkowe zagęszczenia oraz średnice cząstek gruntu.

  • Asymmetric Renyi Problem and > PATRICIA Tries


    - Rok 2016

    In 1960 R´enyi asked for the number of random queries necessary to recover a hidden bijective labeling of n distinct objects. In each query one selects a random subset of labels and asks, what is the set of objects that have theselabels? Weconsider here anasymmetric version of the problem in which in every query an object is chosenwith probability p > 1/2 and we ignore “inconclusive” queries. We study the number of queries needed...

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  • The effects of perceived risk, brand value, and brand trust on eWOM


    Unrestricted access to the Internet, mobile devices, social applications and offering shopping comment options via online stores and platforms, encourages customers to generate online reviews about brands. That is why it became important to learn about the factors that motivate customers to create electronic word of mouth (eWOM). The survey aimed to check if there are links between perceived brand value, perceived risk, brand trust...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w portalu

  • The hat problem on cycles on at least nine vertices


    The topic is the hat problem in which each of n players is randomly fitted with a blue or red hat. Then everybody can try to guess simultaneously his own hat color by looking at the hat colors of the other players. The team wins if at least one player guesses his hat color correctly, and no one guesses his hat color wrong; otherwise the team loses. The aim is to maximize the probability of winning. In this version every player...

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  • Identification and simulation of shells geometric initial imperfection


    - Rok 2008

    Przedstawiono stochastyczną analizę stalowych zbiorników walcowych ze wstępnymi imperfekcjami geometrycznymi. Imperfekcje opisano za pomocą jednorodnych pól losowych.

  • Differential-algebraic systems with initial time difference

    O funkcjach występujących w zagadnieniu zakładano m.in. warunek typu Perrona uzyskując pewne wyniki porównawcze dla zagadnień różniczkowo-algebraicznych startujących z różnych punktów początkowych. Wyniki porównawcze uzyskano również wykorzystując odpowiednią funkcję typu Lapunova. Sformułowane zostały warunki dostateczne na to aby rozwiązanie było stabilne.

  • Delay differential inequalities with initial time difference


    - Rok 2006

    Praca dotyczy nierówności różniczkowych z argumentami opóźnionymi przy różnych warunkach początkowych. Podano twierdzenia porównawcze dla takich nierówności. Podano też warunki dostateczne na istnienie ekstremalnych rozwiązań odpowiednich równań różniczkowych z argumentami opóźnionymi.

  • Systems of differential inequalities with initial time difference.


    - Rok 2004

    Pewne twierdzenia porównawcze są formułowane dla takich zagadnień.O funkcji F występującej po prawej stronie nierówności różniczkowej zakłada się, że spełnia własności kwasimonotoniczności. Sformułowanorównież twierdzenia o istnieniu ekstremalnych rozwiązań dla odpowiednich równań różniczkowych pierwszego rzędu z odchylonymi argumentami.

  • The Successful Case of Social Cooperative 50+ as an Example of Value Creation


    The article presents the successful case of social cooperative 50+ as an Example of Value Creation. Authors discuss an idea of social enterprises and social cooperatives and success factors of them.

  • An adaptive approach to the problem of collision avoiding at sea


    - Rok 2005

    W referacie przedstawiono koncepcję podejścia adaptacyjnego do unikania kolizji na morzu. Omawiany problem został sklasyfikowany jako problem uczenia się ze wzmocnieniem. Zamieszczono opis podstawowych technik uczenia się ze wzmocnieniem, ich ograniczeń i sposobu w jaki można zapewnić efektywne uczenie się, mimo wspomnianych ograniczeń. Zaprezentowana metoda została zilustrowana przykładowym procesem konstrukcji modelu i algorytmami...

  • Optimization algorithm and filtration using the adaptive TIN model at the stage of initial processing of the ALS point cloud



    Airborne laser scanning (ALS) provides survey results in the form of a point cloud. The ALS point cloud is a source of data used primarily for constructing a digital terrain model (DTM). To generate a DTM, the set of ALS observations must be first subjected to the point cloud processing methodology. A standard methodology is composed of the following stages: acquisition of the ALS data, initial processing (including filtration),...

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  • Conditional Value-at-Risk Vs. Value-at-Risk to Multi-Objective Portfolio Optimization


    - Rok 2012

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  • Identification of High-Value Dataset determinants: is there a silver bullet for efficient sustainability-oriented data-driven development?


    - Rok 2023

    Open Government Data (OGD) are seen as one of the trends that has the potential to benefit the economy, improve the quality, efficiency, and transparency of public administration, and change the lives of citizens, and the society as a whole facilitating efficient sustainability-oriented data-driven services. However, the quick achievement of these benefits is closely related to the “value” of the OGD, i.e., how useful, and reusable...

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  • Effect of irradiation intensity and initial pollutant concentration on gas phase photocatalytic activity of TiO2 nanotube arrays


    - CATALYSIS TODAY - Rok 2017

    Well-organized TiO2 nanotube arrays were fabricated via one-step anodization process. The as-prepared TiO2 nanotubes were characterized by X-ray powder diffractometry (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRS) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Photocatalytic activity of obtained photocatalyst was studied in reaction of toluene degradation in the gas phase using low powered and low...

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  • Value of Age Diversity – Declarations and Practice in Polish Organizations

    The present article relates to management of age diverse teams in organisations and enterprises located in Poland. Managing diversity is an active and conscious process leading not only to a lack of discriminatory conduct but above all to making full use of the potential of the team. The potential resulting from the diversity of knowledge, skills and experience. The diversity of the age of the team members is in fact a differentiation...

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  • Investigating Analytics Dashboards’ Support for the Value-based Healthcare Delivery Model

    • M. Isazad Mashinchi
    • A. Ojo
    • J. F. Sullivan

    - Rok 2020

    Improving the value of care is one of the essential aspects of Value-Based Healthcare (VBHC) model today. VBHC is a new HC delivery model which is centered on patient health outcomes and improvements. There is anecdotal evidence that the use of decision aid tools like dashboards can play a significant role in the successful implementation of VBHC models. However, there has been little or no systematic studies and reviews to establish...

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  • Personal Brand Value and Social Media, the Top Football Players’ Case


    - Rok 2018

    Personal branding valuation and social media usage are new and empirically unexplored areas of research. The aim of the presented study is to determine how social media performance and sentiment are related to the value of a personal brand. Based on an example of 100 most valuable football players, in reference to transfermarkt.com and the sentione.com (sentiment analysis), the author points out the strongest...

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  • A FPTAS for minimizing total completion time in a single machine time-dependent scheduling problem

    In this paper a single machine time-dependent scheduling problem with total completion time criterion is considered. There are given n jobs J1,…,Jn and the processing time pi of the ith job is given by pi=a+bisi, where si is the starting time of the ith job (i=1,…,n),bi is its deterioration rate and a is the common base processing time. If all jobs have deterioration rates different and not smaller than a certain constant u>0,...

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  • Chain Action - How Do Countries Add Value Through Digital Government?


    This study examineshow countries develop and benefit from Digital Government(DG).The literature proposes various conceptualizations of the value-adding logic of DG, but the benchmarking practice is not respondingto such proposals.For instance, the United Nations’E-Government Surveycombines the readiness and uptake indicatorsand failsto cover any impactindicators;thus,its diagnostic valueis limited. To overcome...

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  • Selection Pressure in the Evolutionary Path Planning Problem

    This article compares an impact of using various post-selection methods on the selection pressure and the quality of the solution for the problem of planning the path for a moving object using the evolutionary method. The concept of selection pressure and different methods of post-selection are presented. Article analyses behaviour of post-selection for four options of evolutionary algorithms. Based on the results achieved, waveform...

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  • The searchlight problem for road networks



    We consider the problem of searching for a mobile intruder hiding in a road network given as the union of two or more lines, or two or more line segments, in the plane. Some of the intersections of the road network are occupied by stationary guards equipped with a number of searchlights, each of which can emit a single ray of light in any direction along the lines (or line segments) it is on. The goal is to detect the intruder,...

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