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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: modal analysis
Modal analysis of a steel grandstand
PublikacjaAmong the issues related to the idea of sustainable society is the safety of civil engineering structures devoted to satisfy different needs of people. One of the types of structures devoted to satisfy recreational needs are grandstands, which are used during sport events or music concerts. It is obligatory to consider interaction between structure and crowd load especially when the crowd movement involves rhythmic jumping, dancing,...
Modal analysis of cylindrical steel tanks
PublikacjaCylindrical steel tanks are very popular structures used for storage of products of chemical and petroleum industries. Their safety and reliability is crucial because any failure could have serious consequences. The aim of present paper is to show the results of the first phase of investigation of seismic behaviour such structures. Modal analysis using Finite Element Method (FEM) for three models of real tanks used in Poland has...
Diagnosis of the Vilnius Cathedral Tower by modal analysis
PublikacjaPraca dotyczy wstępnych badań diagnostycznych dzwonnicy katedralnej w Wilnie. Analiza oparta jest na pomiarach drgań obiektu, wykonanych podczas wymuszeń losowych (ruch uliczny, wiatr etc.) oraz podczas bicia dzwonów. Na ich podstawie określono kilka pierwszych częstości drgań swobodnych wieży. Zaobserwowano znaczne wzmocnienie amplitudy drgań z pierwszą częstością własną w wynikach pomiarów wykonywanych przy biciu dzwonów. Wskazuje...
Modal analysis of railway current collectors using Autodesk Inventor
PublikacjaThe paper presents the results of modal analysis of railway current collector type 160EC. In the first place, the analysis was carried out analytically for a simplified two lumped mass pantograph model. Then numerical analysis was conducted in the Autodesk Inventor (AI) on the prepared multibody model using the AI modal analysis algorithm, which is based on the finite element method (FEM). Model elements which are most relevant...
Numerical modal analysis of a vertical rising steel water gate
PublikacjaVertical rising steel water gates are very common not only in Poland and Germany but also in other countries of the world. Their popularity is mainly attributed to their simplicity of construction, which makes their production process cheaper and faster when compared to other solutions. The aim of this paper is to conduct a numerical modal analysis to examine the eigenvalues and eigenmodes of a vertical rising steel gate. Two cases...
Rigorous Modal Analysis of Structures Containing Inhomogeneous Dielectric Cylinders.
PublikacjaW pracy wykorzystano zmodyfikowaną procedurę iteracyjną i metodę dopasowania rodzajów w celu analizy struktur zawierających asymetrycznie umieszczone, niepełnej wysokości lub wielowarstwowe, niejednorodne, cylindryczne rezonatory dielektryczne. Analiza bazuje na nowatorskiej koncepcji zwanej hybrydową macierzą impedancyjną (HIM - hybryd impedancje matrix), która opisuje relacje pomiędzy całkowitym polem elektrycznym i magnetycznym...
PublikacjaThe aim of this article is to present the results of a numerical modal analysis of two actual structures of timber frame buildings and the different behaviour due to the used insulation material. One model of the timber structure was filled with mineral wool, while the other with polyurethane foam. During the modal analysis, eigenvalues for both models have been determined. The results of the analysis clearly show the increase...
Modal analysis of a fish-belly flap type of steel water gate
PublikacjaABSTRACT: The results of a modal analysis of the fish-belly flap type of steel water gate are presented in the paper. The analysis was conducted for a detailed numerical model of the structure using four-node quadrilateral shell elements. The study was focused on the examination of the influence of positioning of the flap gate and hydrostatic pressure of water on the eigenvalues and eigenmodes of the structure. The results of the study...
Modal Analysis of a Steel Radial Gate Exposed to Different Water Levels
PublikacjaWith the increase in water retention needs and planned river regulation, it might be important to investigate the dynamic resistance of vulnerable elements of hydroelectric power plants, including steel water locks. The most frequent dynamic loads affecting hydroengineering structures in Poland include vibrations caused by heavy road and railway traffic, piling works and mining tremors. More destructive dynamic loads, including...
Material Parameters Identification of Historic Lighthouse Based on Operational Modal Analysis
PublikacjaIn the present paper, the identification of the material parameters of a masonry lighthouse is discussed. A fully non-invasive method was selected, in which the material properties were determined via numerical model validation applied to the first pair of natural frequencies and their related mode shapes, determined experimentally. The exact structural model was built by means of the finite element method. To obtain experimental...
DYNWIR S-70 program for modal analysis of multisupported and multimass rotors
PublikacjaThe article provides a brief description of the program Dynwir-S-70 (currently being developed in the Rotor Dynamics and Slide Bearings Department in the Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery Polish Academy of Sciences in Gdansk) which is a program for analysis of multi-supported and multi-mass rotors. Used algorithms and the construction of mass and stiffness matrix were presented. Damping matrix structure based on Rayleigh damping...
Modal analysis of temporary steel grandstand equipped with different bracing systems
PublikacjaThe aim of this paper is to present the results of numerical analysis focused on temporary steel scaffolding grandstand. The investigation has been devoted to modal analysis where modes of free vibrations and corresponding natural frequencies have been estimated and compared. The structure was equipped with different types of stiffener members. One on them is a typical tubular stiffener, while the second one is spe-cially designed...
Modal Analysis of Planar Elliptical Resonator Deposited on Unshielded Dielectric Slab
PublikacjaModal analysis of isolated open planar elliptical patch placed on dielectric slab is presented in the paper. It applies concept of Illuminating Modes which is formulated for the case of two-side opened structure. The current on patch is expanded in basis functions in form of Mathieu radial and angular functions. The spectrum of excited modes for exemplary planar resonators is presented and discussed using the concept of power of...
Non-Destructive Diagnostics of Concrete Beams Strengthened with Steel Plates Using Modal Analysis and Wavelet Transform
PublikacjaExternally bonded reinforcements are commonly and widely used in civil engineering objects made of concrete to increase the structure load capacity or to minimize the negative effects of long-term operation and possible defects. The quality of adhesive bonding between a strengthened structure and steel or composite elements is essential for effective reinforcement; therefore, there is a need for non-destructive diagnostics of adhesive...
Updating Finite Element Model of a Wind Turbine Blade Section Using Experimental Modal Analysis Results
PublikacjaThis paper presents selected results and aspects of themultidisciplinary and interdisciplinary research oriented for the experimental and numerical study of the structural dynamics of a bend-twist coupled full scale section of awind turbine blade structure.Themain goal of the conducted research is to validate finite elementmodel of themodified wind turbine blade section mounted in the flexible support structure accordingly to the...
Modal Reduction and Analysis of Gyroscopic Systems
PublikacjaThe paper introduces the method of the modal reduction of systems that experience the Coriolis acceleration or gyroscopic effect component. In such cases corresponding system equations are non-self-adjoined. To solve the problem modal reduced model is built up for the system without Coriolis acceleration or gyroscopic effect terms. These phenomena are included by application of any lumping technique. Hence, the final reduced model...
Modal FEM Analysis of Ferrite Resonant Structures
PublikacjaThe finite-element method (FEM) is applied for modal analysis of ferrite-loaded spherical resonators. To improve the efficiency of the numerical calculations, the body-of-revolution (BOR) technique is utilized. Due to the frequency-dependent ferrite permeability, FEM leads to a nonlinear eigenvalue problem that is challenging to solve. To this end, Beyn’s method is proposed. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is confirmed...
A Novel Modal Technique for Time and Frequency Domain Analysis of Waveguide Components
PublikacjaW pracy zaprezentowano, nową i szybką metodę analizy komponentów falowodowych. Metoda opiera się na kombinacji metody różnic skończonych, metody dekompozycji dziedziny obliczeniowej, redukcji rzędu modelu oraz dyskretnych rozwinięć funkcyjnych. Przedstawiona technika pozwala na skrócenie czasu analizy układu nawet o dwa rzędy wielkości w stosunku do poprzednich algorytmów.
Comparison of modal and finite-element methods in the vibrational analysis of marine propulsion systems
PublikacjaW okrętowych układach napędowych występują dwa typy części składowych. Pierwszym z nich są odcinki wałów, które należą do elementów o ciągłym rozkładzie własności masowych, sprężystych i tłumiących oraz elementy o parametrach skupionych, do których można zaliczyć śrubę napędową, tarcze sprzęgieł i inne. W pracy porównano dwie metody modelowania takich układów. Pierwsza z nich związana jest z tworzeniem modeli przybliżonych w oparciu...
Analysis of Modal Parameters Using a Statistical Approach for Condition Monitoring of the Wind Turbine Blade
PublikacjaThe primary objective of the presented paper is the numerical and experimental investigation related to developing a useful diagnostic method, which can be used for determining the site and size of damage in laminated shells of wind turbine blades. The described detection technique is based on the analysis of low frequencies bending vibrations mode shapes of rotor blades. The authors used the commonly applied statistics methods...
Detection of Delamination in Laminate Wind Turbine Blades Using One-Dimensional Wavelet Analysis of Modal Responses
PublikacjaThis paper demonstrates the effectiveness of a nondestructive diagnostic technique used to determine the location and size of delamination in laminated coatings of wind turbine blades. This is realized based on results of numerical and experimental investigations obtained by the use of the finite element method (FEM) and laser scanning vibrometry (LSV). The proposed method is based on the one-dimensional continuous wavelet transform...
Efficacy of modal curvature damage detection in various pre-damage data assumptions and modal identification techniques
PublikacjaThe efficacy of modal curvature approach for damage localization is discussed in the paper in the context of input data. Three modal identification methods, i.e., Eigensystem Realization Algorithm (ERA), Natural Excitation Technique with ERA (NExT-ERA) and Covariance Driven Stochastic Subspace Identification (SSI-Cov), and four methods of determining baseline data, i.e., real measurement of the undamaged state, analytical function,...
Study on applicability of two modal identification techniques in irrelevant cases
PublikacjaStudy on applicability of two modal identification techniques in irrelevant cases is made in this paper. The following techniques are considered: Peak Picking based on correlation analysis (PP-CA), dedicated for ambient vibrations and Eigensystem Realization Algorithm (ERA), formulated for free decay vibrations investigation. Irrelevant cases are found when analyzed signals are different than recommended to a given technique. The...
Damage Detection in the Wind Turbine Blade Using Root Mean Square and Experimental Modal Parameters
PublikacjaThe paper presents results of an experimental study related to a non-destructive diagnostic technique used for preliminary determination the location and size of delamination in composite coatings of wind turbine blades. The proposed method of damage detection is based on the analysis of the ten first mode shapes of bending vibrations, which correspond to displacements of rotor blades perpendicular to the rotor plane. Modal parameters...
A dynamic vehicle-bridge model based on the modal identification results of an existing EN57 train and bridge spans with non-ballasted tracks
PublikacjaThis paper addresses the methodology of the bridge-vehicle dynamic model definition based on the free response measurements of an existing train and existing bridge spans. In the case of the railway vehicle, the methodology uses the impulse excitations of a single car by means of the wedge method. In the case of the bridge spans, free responses are collected after the passages of trains. The global modal parameters (frequencies...
Uncertainty quantification of modal parameter estimates obtained from subspace identification: An experimental validation on a laboratory test of a large-scale wind turbine blade
PublikacjaThe uncertainty afflicting modal parameter estimates stems from e.g., the finite data length, unknown, or partly measured inputs and the choice of the identification algorithm. Quantification of the related errors with the statistical Delta method is a recent tool, useful in many modern modal analysis applications e.g., damage diagnosis, reliability analysis, model calibration. In this paper, the Delta method-based uncertainty...
Experimental study on plate modal parameters
PublikacjaTest doświadczalny jest częścią systemu diagnostycznego. Autorzy badają wpływ dodatkowej masy na parametry modalne wolno popartej stalowej płytyi. Artykół przedstawia technikę wyznaczania parametrów modalnych dla systemów monitorowania konstrukcji.The experimental test introduced in the paper is the part of the diagnostic system. The authors investigate the influence of the additional mass on modal parameters of simply supported...
Modelling and analysis of beam/bar structure by application of bond graphs
PublikacjaThe paper presents an uniform, port-based approach to modelling of beam/bar systems (trusses). Port-based model of such distributed parameter system has been defined by application of the bond graph methodology and the distributed transfer function method (DTFM). The proposed method of modelling enables to formulate input data for computer analysis by application of the DTFM. The constructed computational package enables the frequency...
Modal parameters identification with Particle Swarm Optimization
PublikacjaThe paper presents method of the modal parameters identification based on the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm [1]. The basic PSO algorithm is modified in order to achieve fast convergence and low estimation error of identified parameters values. The procedure of identification as well as algorithm modifications are presented and some simple examples for the SISO systems are provided. Results are compared with the results...
Modal diagnostics of civil engineering structures.
PublikacjaKsiążka dotyczy zastosowania analizy modalnej do diagnostyki konstrukcji budowlanych.
On the broadband behaviour of planar elliptical dipole-modal approach
PublikacjaBroadband behavior of planar elliptical dipole structure is analyzed using Illuminatin Modes (IM) approach. The current on patch has been expanded in series of eigenfunctions in form of Mathieu radial and angular functions. The frequency behavior of current distributions and related powers have been discussed to explain the mechanism of broadband operation of the dipole. Different behavior of radiations patterns in wide frequency...
The Effect of University Campuses on the Modal Split of Polish Cities
PublikacjaThe article considers the effect Polish public universities have on the characteristics of urban traffic. The article describes how the public university community has changed over 25 years and its share in the urban population. The characteristics of the modal split in Polish university towns is given based on selected cases. The relation between the share of transport modes in the modal split and the size of towns or university...
PublikacjaThe paper presents usage of a Particle Swarm Optimization [1] based algorithm for spectral-based modal parameters identification. The main algorithm consists of two groups of swarms, namely, scouts and helpers. For the first group additional penalizing process is provided to force separation of scouting swarms in frequency space. The swarms have an ability to communicate with each other. At first stage, each swarm focuses on a...
Application of Illuminating Modes concept in modal expansion of elliptical resonator
PublikacjaIn the paper an IlluminatingModes (IM) approach as an extension of Spectral Domain Approach (SDA) is presented. IM concept is applied to the case of open microstrip planar elliptical resonator. A modal expansion of currents induced in the structures during illuminating them by a single plane wave is the novelty of the method. As an example of application of the method, we present the results obtained by an examination of two resonators...
Identification of Kinematic Excitation Function by the Modal Coordinates Estimation of the System's Dynamics
PublikacjaThe paper presents a method of the kinematic excitation courses’ identification in excitation points, based on the car road test acceleration at different measurement points. For the purpose of the laboratory fatigue life investigation of contemporary complex structures (e.g. cars bodies) and components of these structures (i.e. cars roofs), only a few first vibration modes are usually taken into account. During real life tests...
An adaptation of modal control to vibration control of industrial robots
PublikacjaRozważania dotyczą drgań niestacjonarnego układu nośnego manipulatora IRb-6. Do nadzorowania drgań zastosowano algorytm sterowania modalnego przy energetycznym wskaźniku jakości. Celem proponowanego algorytmu jest minimalizacja poziomu drgań końcówki manipulatora, co spowoduje zwiększenie obciążeń dopuszczalnych współczesnych linii zrobotyzowanych, jak również poprawę dokładności oraz powtarzalności pozycjonowania robota.
Modal structure design in refractive capillary optical fibers
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Finite Element model updating on experimental modal parameters
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Spectrum-based modal parameters identification with Particle Swarm Optimization
PublikacjaThe paper presents the new method of the natural frequencies and damping identification based on the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm. The identification is performed in the frequency domain. The algorithm performs two PSO-based steps and introduces some modifications in order to achieve quick convergence and low estimation error of the identified parameters’ values for multi-mode systems....
Soil-structure interaction effects on modal parameters of office buildings with different number of stories
PublikacjaThe paper summarizes the results of a numerical investigation designed to study the soil-structure interaction effects on modal parameters of three office buildings. The reinforced-concrete 4-storey, 8-storey, and 12-storey office buildings, each with additional two levels of embedded basements, represent low, medium, and high-rise structures, respectively. In order to conduct this research, detailed finite-element structure models...
FEA analysis of the multicell piezoelectric motor
PublikacjaThe presented paper concerns a design, modeling and chosen tests of the prototype multicell piezoelectric motor (MPM). The principle of operation based on three independent traveling wave actuators is presented. The main materials and technologies used in the fabrication process are described. The structure of the motor is modeled using static and modal FEM analysis. The process of traveling wave generation in the MPM structure...
Comparative analysis of different numerical models of a steel radial gate
PublikacjaHydrotechnical structures are important components in water management system and general flooding safety. Their reliability should be ensured since potential damage might lead to catastrophic consequences. Weir gates are considered to be highly vulnerable elements of each hydro power plant, with regard to its dynamic resistance. The aim of the paper is to compare different numerical models and their influence on the results of...
Numerical analysis of a temporary steel grandstand
PublikacjaThe purpose of this paper is to present the results of the numerical analysis focused on the response of the temporary steel scaffolding grandstand subjected to human-induced vibrations due to jumping. Shell as well as beam elements have been used in the numerical model. Its first stage has involved conducting modal analysis in order to determine the modes of free vibrations and the corresponding natural frequencies for the empty...
Improvement of damage detection methods based on experimental modal parameters
PublikacjaW pracy przedstwiono sposoby porawy czułości metod detekcji uszkodzeń wykorzystujacych eksperyentalne parametry modalne konstrukcji. Wykazano, że zastosowanie zawansowanych technik obróbki sygnałów pomiarowych pozwala zdecydowanie poprwaić skutecznośc znanych z literatury metod.
Simulation of surveilance of industrial robot's vibration with a use of the modal control
PublikacjaW pracy rozważano drgania niestacjonarnego układu nośnego robota IRb-6. Do nadzorowania drgań zastosowano algorytm sterowania modalnego przy energetycznym wskaźniku jakości. Celem proponowanego algorytmu jest minimalizacja poziomu drgań uchwytu manipulatora, a tym samym - zwiększenie możliwości nowoczesnych linii zrobotyzowanych, jak również poprawa dokładności i powtarzalności pozycjonowania robotów.
A new prototype of piezoelectric bending resonant transducer for analysis of soft tissues properties
PublikacjaThis paper is devoted to a new piezoelectric bending resonant transducer prototype dedicated to the characterization of the mechanical properties of soft tissue. A general description of the actuator’s structure is presented including the basic principles of the measurement. The chosen geometry of the prototype is discussed and compared with the existing version. Constitutive equations are presented for the active and passive layer...
Modal modification of structural damping applied to increase the stability and convergence of numerical integration
PublikacjaThe presented paper refers to numerical tests done on systems fused of multibody and finite-element parts. The appearance of its multibody part gives rise to significant nonlinear components, i.e., second-order nonlinear differential equations express the dynamics. We usually solve these equations by “step-by-step” integration methods. When using the currently available integration algorithms, we approximate these initial systems...
Kinetic analysis of the stage for a high speed steam turbine
PublikacjaThis article analyzes possibilites of resonances within a control stage for a high speed steam turbine. This stage hase been based on assembling of a single blade to a rotating disk and increasing of rigidity of the system by using of a bandage. In the analysis will be nd a possiblity of resonance frequency, and mistuning by showing safety working ranges. The calculations have bean used the3D modal and harmonic analysis by the...
Design and simulation of a new prototype of piezoelectric cantilever sensor/actuator for analysis of the soft tissues properties
PublikacjaThis paper is devoted to a new prototype of piezoelectric cantilever transducer dedicated for the characterization of the mechanical properties of soft tissues. General description of the actuator’s structure is presented including the basic principles of the measurement. The chosen geometry of the prototype is discussed and compared with the existing one. Constitutive equations are presented for the active and passive layer of...
Exact modal absorbing boundary condition for waveguide simulations - discrete Green's function approach
PublikacjaA modal absorbing boundary condition (ABC) based on the discrete Green's function (DGF) is introduced and applied for termination of waveguides simulated by means of the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method. The differences between the developed approach and implementations already demonstrated in the literature are presented. By applying DGF, a consistent theoretical approach to modal ABC in the FDTD method is obtained....