wszystkich: 94
wybranych: 85
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: ontology
Ontology clustering by directions algorithm to expand ontology queries
PublikacjaThis paper concerns formulating ontology queries. It describes existing languages in which ontologies can be queried. It focuses on languages which are intended to be easily understood by users who are willing to retrieve information from ontologies. Such a language can be, for example, a type of controlled natural language (CNL). In this paper a novel algorithm called Ontology Clustering by Directions is presented. The algorithm...
Ontology Visualization
PublikacjaOntologie bardzo często są reprezentowane w postaci grafu, którego wierzchołkami są obiekty występujące w prezentowanej ontologii a krawędziami relacje i powiązania pomiędzy tymi obiektami. Grafy reprezentujące ontologie mogą być złożone już dla średniego rozmiaru ontologii. Stąd niezbędna jest pełna i czytelna reprezentacja elementów takiego grafu. Dostępne rozwiązania zazwyczaj nie oferują reprezentacji pełnego zbioru elementów...
Increasing the Efficiency of Ontology Alignment by Tracking Changes in Ontology Evolution
PublikacjaIn this paper we present a development of our ontology alignment framework based on varying semantics of attributes. Emphasising the analysis of explicitly given descriptions of how attributes change meanings they entail while being included within different concepts have been proved useful. Moreover, we claim that it is consistent with the intuitive way how people see the real world and how they find similarities and correspondences...
Ontology-Aided Software Engineering
PublikacjaThis thesis is located between the fields of research on Artificial Intelligence (AI), Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KRR), Computer-Aided Software Engineering (CASE) and Model Driven Engineering (MDE). The modern offspring of KRR - Description Logic (DL) [Baad03] is considered here as a formalization of the software engineering Methods & Tools. The bridge between the world of formal specification (governed by the mathematics)...
Contextual ontology for tonality assessment
Publikacjaclassification tasks. The discussion focuses on two important research hypotheses: (1) whether it is possible to construct such an ontology from a corpus of textual document, and (2) whether it is possible and beneficial to use inferencing from this ontology to support the process of sentiment classification. To support the first hypothesis we present a method of extraction of hierarchy of contexts from a set of textual documents...
Security ontology construction and integration
PublikacjaThere are many different levels on which we can examine security. Each one is different from others, all of them are dependent on the context. Hence the need to bear additional knowledge enabling efficient utilization of the knowledge by the computers. Such information can be provided by ontologies. The paper presentsgathered requirements needed to be taken into account when creating an ontology. The method of ontology creation...
IT Business Standards as an Ontology Domain
PublikacjaThe aim of this paper is to report a selection of Semantic Web aspects pertaining to ontology development activities in the domain of the IT business standard (TOGAF 9) such as formulating competency questions, conceptualization of the domain, resolution of the source knowledge deficiency and applying common design patterns in the OWL formalization. Authors also try to determine target groups that may benefit from such ontology...
Extendable Safety and Security Ontology
PublikacjaSecurity plays an increasingly important role in our everyday life, and research and users of computer systems point out that the need arises for a common, formalised model capable of integrating different solutions. In this paper we show that an ontology can be designed and created in a way that will make it suitable for interoperability and integration. A security and safety ontology and the methodology for creating a common...
Application of Ontology In the ITIL Domain
PublikacjaBusiness standards tend to be less formal in description then strict technical norms. Authors of this chapter suggest applying ontological description (powered by the capabilities of the OWL language) to express Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL). One of the goals of this initial study is to determine the usefulness of such semantic model in organizations that adopted or plan to adopt ITIL.
Hybrid approach to ontology specification and development
PublikacjaIn this chapter a first draft of a hybrid ontology development approach is presented. The context of this method encompasses the multi-agent system equipped with knowledge bases and inferring engine. The process of ontology engineering appears as a complex issue, as it addresses different point-views of both, a client and a modeler with a requirements/system analyst. Regarding this, an approach based on the knowledge preprocessing...
Towards Use of OntoClean for Ontology Contextualization
PublikacjaOntologies are formal systems of concepts used to describe numerous domains of interest. Ontologies are usually very expressive, but it comes at a price of computationally expensive reasoning over them. In our previous work we discussed the possible performance benefits that can be obtained by decomposing an ontology into contexts. While the benefits are appealing, we discovered that, in our case, the main obstacle against using...
Algebra of ontology modules for semantic agents
PublikacjaW środowisku Sieci Semantycznej problem precyzyjnego manipulowania jednostkami wiedzy nabiera szczególnego znaczenia. W tej publikacji dyskutujemy możliwość zaadaptowania do tego celu elastycznego aparatu algebry relacyjnej. Na bazie dysksji szkicujemy pewną szczególną analogię pomiędzy bazami danych a bazami wiedzy i używamy tej analogii do wprowadzenia algebry modułów semantycznych.
Ontology oriented threat detection system
PublikacjaW niniejszym artykule przedstawiony jest projekt opartego o ntologię systemu wykrywania zagrożeń w różnego typu monitorowanych środowiskach (OOTDS). Zakłada się, że umieszczone w środowisku czujniki na bieżąco dostarczają systemowi zdarzeń odzwierciedlających zmiany zachodzące w środowisku. Korzystając z sieci asynchronicznych bloków rosnącej złożoności OOTDS dokonuje analizy otrzymanych zdarzeń. Bloki wstępnego przetwarzania konwertują...
Ontology as a Tool for the IT Management Standards Support
PublikacjaIn this paper the authors discuss the initial idea of using ontologies to model requirements of the standards that support IT management processes. The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF) is set as an example. A need for transition from the generic model do the organization-specific one is indicated. The described example serves as a ground for considering the usefulness of such modeling approach in the wider spectrum of...
Ontology management in the multi-agent system for the it evaluation
PublikacjaThe team of researchers at the Gdańsk University of Technology is currently developing a model of the multi-agent system (MAS_IT) that would aid the IT managers to find the most appropriate technology to the goals assumed. The knowledge is to be provided by experts and stored in the facts and rules bases. The responsibility of the verification process-on the input and query stages-is given to the ontology, making it to some extend...
Ontology Engineering Aspects in the Intelligent Systems Development
PublikacjaThe ontology engineering encompasses both, artificial intelligence methods and software engineering discipline. The paper tries to address a selection of aspects pertaining to development activities such as choice of the environmental framework, functionality description, specification methods and roles definition. Authors refer to the ontology development projects they were involved in.
Developing an Ontology from Set of Experience KnowledgeStructure
PublikacjaWhen referring to knowledge forms,collecting for all decision eventsin a knowledge-explicit way becomes a significant ask for any company. Set of experience knowledge structure can assis in accomplishing this purpose.However,after collecting,distributing and sharing that knowledge as adecisional DNA is even a more important advance.Distributing and sharing companies' decisional DNA through an efficient development of Ontologies...
OSC - domain oriented ontology creation system
PublikacjaOntologies are, as part of semantic web, a basic component to enrich content available in the Internet with a meaning understandable for computers. In this publication an architecture and functionality of a domain oriented web portal for collaborative creation and storage of ontologies is presented. The system is being created by Gdańsk University of Technology Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics faculty's Department...
Influence and selection of basic concepts on ontology design
PublikacjaOntologies as entities representing individual point of view on surrounding world introduce heterogeneity to knowledge representation. Common set of core concepts can introduce similarity big enough for further interoperability between ontologies. In this paper an experiment is presented proving that despite differences in detail ontologies stay similar in regard of core concepts. During the experiments NOIA methodology enhanced...
Cartometric: semantic ontology evaluation with cartographic methods
PublikacjaW ostatnich latach, głównie dzięki rozwojowi inicjatywy Sieci Semantycznej (ang. Semantic Web), staliśmy się świadkami powstawania coraz większej liczby gwałtownie ewoluujących ontologii. W takiej sytuacji zarówno użytkownicy Sieci, jak i komputerowe agenty potrzebują metody oceny właściwości ontologii, w szczególności takiej, która uwzględni jej cechy semantyczne, czyli kształt przestrzeni dozwolonych modeli. Niniejsza praca prezentuje...
The Use of an Ontotrigger for Designing the Ontology of a Model Maturity Capsule
PublikacjaThe aim of this work is to give the definition and present the possibility of applying (introduced and defined here) ontotriggers to design the ontology of a maturity capsule used in the assessment of IT projects. The complexity of designing ontology processes raises the question of whether there is a need for designing ontologies in a situation where it is possible to map them. The work is divided into four main parts. The first...
Lexicon Based Algorithm for Domain Ontology Merging and Alignment
PublikacjaMore and more systems contain some kind of knowledge describing their field of operation. Such knowledge in many cases is stored as an ontology. A need arises for ability to quickly match those ontologies to enable interoperability of such systems. The paper presents a lexicon based algorithm for merging and aligning of OWL ontologies. The proposed similarity levels are being presented and the proposed algorithm is being described....
Ontology of the Design Pattern Language for Smart Cities Systems
PublikacjaThe paper presents the definition of the design pattern language of Smart Cities in the form of an ontology. Since the implementation of a Smart City system is difficult, expensive and closely linked with the problems concerning a given city, the knowledge acquired during a single implementation is extremely valuable. The language we defined supports the management of such knowledge as it allows for the expression of a solution...
Modeling of legal knowledge management system based on ontology
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Fluent Editor and Controlled Natural Language in Ontology Development
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Communications, Multimedia, Ontology, Photonics and Internet Engineering 2012
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Ontology of economy as the basis of Peter Koslowsk's ''Ethical economy''
PublikacjaArtykuł daje prezentacje i komentarz rozdziału o ontologicznych przesłankach teorii ekonomicznych z pracy Petera Koslowskiego ''Zasady etycznej ekonomii (''Princiles''of Ethical Economy, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001).
Enhancing the set of experience knowledge structure as a reflexive ontology
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono mechanizm wspomagania reprezentacji wiedzy wyrażonej w postaci zbioru doświadczeń przy pomocy ontologii.
A Distributed Description of Facts in a Distributed Semantic Web Ontology
PublikacjaInicjatywa Sieci Semantycznej (ang. Semantic Web) zakłada tworzenie w Internecie ontologii zawierających semantyczny opis dużych dziedzin wiedzy. Okazało się jednak, że przekroczenie pewnej wielkości ontologii powoduje szereg negatywnych zjawisk. Aby tym zjawiskom zapobiec, wiele prac koncentruje się na dzieleniu baz wiedzy. Celem tego opracowania jest zaprezentowanie problemów związanych z modularyzacją oraz przedstawienie kilku...
A model of an Ontology Oriented Threat Detection System (OOTDS)
PublikacjaArtykuł omawia projekt zorientowanego na ontologię systemu wykrywania zagrożeń (OOTDS) dla środowiska opisywalnego przez ontologię Bayesowską pierwszego rzędu wyrażoną w języku PR-OWL. Zakłada się, że środowisko monitorowane jest przez zbiór czujników dostarczających nieustannie systemowi OOTDS zdarzenia odzwierciedlające zmiany środowiska, wyrażone w specyficzny dla czujników sposób. Dedykowane moduły obsługi zdarzeń konwertują...
Validation of an Agent and Ontology-based Information Technology Assessment System
PublikacjaThe aim of this paper is to present a new method of the validation of an Agent and Ontology-based Information Technology Assessment System. In the introduction part of the paper, the characteristics of the proposed multi-agent system are presented. Next, some important details regarding the ontology functionality of this system are described and an approach to its verification process is proposed. The approach employs semantic...
Wyszukiwanie informacji z wykorzystaniem algorytmu Ontology Clustering by Directions
PublikacjaArtykuł opisuje algorytm Ontology Clustering by Directions. Algorytm ten ma na celu wspieranie użytkowników w formułowaniu ontologicznych zapytań. Ontologiczne zapytania służą do wydobywania informacji sformułowanych za pomocą ontologii opisanych np. językiem OWL. Artykuł przedstawia rodzaje języków wykorzystywanych do formułowania ontologicznych zapytań. W szczególności opisuje języki, które mają być przyjazne użytkownikom. Na...
An Ontology-based Contextual Pre-filtering Technique for Recommender Systems
PublikacjaContext-aware Recommender Systems aim to provide users with the most adequate recommendations for their current situation. However, an exact context obtained from a user could be too specific and may not have enough data for accurate rating prediction. This is known as the data sparsity problem. Moreover, often user preference representation depends on the domain or the specific recommendation approach used. Therefore, a big effort...
Serendipitous Recommendations Through Ontology-Based Contextual Pre-filtering
PublikacjaContext-aware Recommender Systems aim to provide users with better recommendations for their current situation. Although evaluations of recommender systems often focus on accuracy, it is not the only important aspect. Often recommendations are overspecialized, i.e. all of the same kind. To deal with this problem, other properties can be considered, such as serendipity. In this paper, we study how an ontology-based and context-aware...
An Ontology-based Contextual Pre-filtering Technique for Recommender Systems
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A video monitoring system using ontology-driven identification of threats
PublikacjaIn this paper, we present a video monitoring systemthat leverages image recognition and ontological reasoningabout threats. In the solution, an image processing subsystemuses video recording of a monitored area and recognizesknown concepts in scenes. Then, a reasoning subsystem uses anontological description of security conditions and informationfrom image recognition to check if a violation of a conditionhas occurred. If a threat...
Dynamic OWL Ontology matching Using Lexical Wordnet-based Measures
PublikacjaOntologies are often used as a means of describing knowledge and the domain of operation of modern applications. S need arises for the ability to quickly match those ontologies to enable interoperability of such systems. This paper presents an extension to Noy and McGuiness ontology construction methodology which should improve ontology interoperability and a lexicon-based algorithm for merging and aligning of such ontologies stored...
Ontology Oriented Approach to Service Selection and Invocation in Complex Context Analysis
PublikacjaContext-aware applications running in the intelligent space are taken into account and their execution in the service oriented environment is considered. It has been presented where and how SOA services can be utilized during their execution: to analyze current context of the application and to support execution of strictly determined actions suitable for that context. The proposed mechanism of context-aware service selection and...
Quantum information isomorphism: Beyond the dilemma of the Scylla of ontology and the Charybdis of instrumentalism.
PublikacjaZaprezentowano koncepcję izomorfizmu kwantowej informacji, zgodnie z którym kwantowy opis natury jest izomorficzny z samą naturą.
Ontology-based text convolution neural network (TextCNN) for prediction of construction accidents
PublikacjaThe construction industry suffers from workplace accidents, including injuries and fatalities, which represent a significant economic and social burden for employers, workers, and society as a whole.The existing research on construction accidents heavily relies on expert evaluations,which often suffer from issues such as low efficiency, insufficient intelligence, and subjectivity.However, expert opinions provided in construction...
An optimized system for sensor ontology meta-matching using swarm intelligent algorithm
PublikacjaIt is beneficial to annotate sensor data with distinct sensor ontologies in order to facilitate interoperability among different sensor systems. However, for this interoperability to be possible, comparable sensor ontologies are required since it is essential to make meaningful links between relevant sensor data. Swarm Intelligent Algorithms (SIAs), namely the Beetle Swarm Optimisation Algorithm (BSO), present a possible answer...
Passing from requirements specification to class model using application domain ontology
PublikacjaThe quality of a classic software engineering process depends on the completeness of project documents and on the inter-phase consistency. In this paper, a method for passing from the requirement specification to the class model is proposed. First, a developer browses the text of the requirements, extracts the word sequences, and places them as terms into the glossary. Next, the internal ontology logic for the glossary needs to...
Ontology supported selection of versions for N-version programming in semantic web services
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E-mail user roles identification using OWL-based ontology approach
PublikacjaSieci społeczne jako struktury ukazujące społeczne powiązania pomiędzy osobami lub całymi organizacjami poddawane są często analizie w celu rozpoznania ról, jakie pełnią poszczególni aktorzy w danej sieci. Taka klasyfikacja ról odgrywanych przez aktorów może dostarczać wielu cennych informacji o danej sieci, gdyż daje nam całościowy obraz danej sieci pozwalając na zrozumienie, w jaki sposób sieć jest zorganizowana, i w jaki sposób...
Ontology-Driven Rule-Based Model for an Extension of Information Technology Infrastructure Library Processes
PublikacjaThe aim of this study is to present the stages for building a development model to create information technology (IT) systems for IT service providers. In order to ensure the consistency of the model, a novel solution is proposed where the stages of the model's construction are controlled using ontologies dedicated to the ITIL standard. In this article, a description of models used to assess the provider organization, with particular...
“Bone Development” Is an Ontology Group Upregulated in Porcine Oocytes Before In Vitro Maturation: A Microarray Approach
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“Cell Migration” Is the Ontology Group Differentially Expressed in Porcine Oocytes Before and After In Vitro Maturation: A Microarray Approach
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Transforming a Flat Metadata Schema to a Semantic Web Ontology: The Polish Digital Libraries Federation and CIDOC CRM Case Study
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“Positive Regulation of RNA Metabolic Process” Ontology Group Highly Regulated in Porcine Oocytes Matured In Vitro: A Microarray Approach
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Ontology groups representing angiogenesis and blood vessels development are highly up-regulated during porcine oviductal epithelial cells long-term real-time proliferation – a primary cell culture approach