wszystkich: 60
wybranych: 49
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: wage
Mind the Gender Wage Gap – the Impact of Trade and Competition on Sectoral Wage Difference
PublikacjaThis article examines differences between women’s and men’s wages in 18 selected OECD countries in the period 1970-2005. The study is based on 12 manufacturing sector- and skill-specific sets of panel data on the gender wage gap. We apply a system GMM estimator to the extended version of the conditional gender wage gap convergence equation, controlling for sector concentration and industry-specific measures of openness using a...
Wage determination, Global Value Chains and role played by wage bargaining schemes: The case of Poland
PublikacjaThis study examines the linkages between GVC involvement and wages in Poland given different wage bargaining schemes. The analysis is based on microdata from the European Structure of Earnings Survey for Poland combined with sectoral data from the World Input-Output Database. In particular, two measures of GVC involvement were used: the share of foreign value added (FVA) to export and the measure of traditional offshoring. The...
Global value chains and wages under different wage setting mechanisms
PublikacjaThis study examines whether, and how, differences in wage bargaining schemes shape the relationship between global value chains (GVCs) and the wages of workers while considering both GVC participation and position in GVC. Our dataset is derived from the European Structure of Earnings Survey (SES), containing employee–employer data from 18 European countries, merged with sectoral data from the World Input-Output Database (WIOD)....
The effects of offshoring to low-wage countries on domestic wages: a worldwide industrial analysis
PublikacjaThis paper extends the literature on the implications of offshoring for labour markets by investigating its effect on the wages of different skill groups in a broad global context. The analysis draws on input–output data from the WIOD project, and in the panel analysed (13 manufacturing industries, 40 countries, 1995–2009) we account for up to 96 % of the international trade in manufacturing inputs. Being particularly interested...
Integrated sectors - diversified earnings: the (mising) impact of offshoring on wages and wage convergence in the EU27
PublikacjaThis paper assesses the impact of international outsourcing/offshoring practices on the process of wage equalization across manufacturing sectors in a sample of EU27 economies (1995–2009). We discriminate between heterogeneous wage effects on different skill categories of workers (low, medium and high skill). The main focus is on the labour market outcomes of vertical integration, so we augment a model of conditional wage convergence through...
Integrated Sectors - Diversified Earnings: The (Missing) Impact of Offshoring on Wages and Wage Convergence in the EU27
PublikacjaThis paper assesses the impact of international outsourcing/offshoring practices on the process of wage equalization across manufacturing sectors in a sample of EU27 economies (1995-2009). We discriminate between heterogeneous wage effects on different skill categories of workers (low, medium and high skill). The main focus is on the labour market outcomes of vertical integration, so we augment a model of conditional wage convergence...
Share of the wage factor in national income – selected aspects
PublikacjaThe aim of this study is to examine changes in the share of the wage factor in national income, in selected EU countries against labour productivity and investment rates reflecting changes in capital-labour relations, indicated by researchers as determinants of change of the share of the wage factor in national income. The scope of the study includes a review of literature devoted to the issue of wage factor share in national income...
A Spatio-temporal Approach to Intersectoral Labour and Wage Mobility
PublikacjaThe article presents the spatio-temporal approach for intersectoral labor and wage mobility. Analyses of interindustry mobility were performed with the use of general entropy mobility indices (GEMM). Spatio-temporal approach was obtained thanks to the separate measurement of spatial autocorrelation and regression for each set of sectoral wage and employment structure and was conducted in each year of the research period separately....
A spatio-temporal approach to intersectoral labour and wage mobility
PublikacjaThe article presents the spatio-temporal approach for intersectoral labor and wage mobility. Analyses of interindustry mobility were performed with the use of general entropy mobility indices (GEMM). Spatio- temporal approach was obtained thanks to the separate measurement of spatial autocorrelation and regression for each set of sectoral wage and employment structure and was conducted in each year of the research period separately....
Within- and between-firm wage inequalities and trade integration in GVC
PublikacjaThis paper examines between- (inter) and within- (intra) firm wage inequality using rich employer-employee data for 12 European countries. We confirm that much overall wage inequality is observed within sectors and within occupations. The share of the within- and between-firm components in overall wage inequality varies across countries. We estimate the link between involvement in global value chains (GVCs) and wages differentiating...
GVC involvement and the gender wage gap: Micro -evidence on European countries
PublikacjaWe examine linkages between involvement in global value chains (GVCs) and gender wage inequalities. We use merged data from Structure of Earnings Survey and the World Input Output Database covering 18 European countries. We employ information on employees’ personal and company characteristics and a sectoral involvement in GVCs. In general, the wages of workers from sectors more involved in GVCs are lower. However, the relationship...
GVC and wage dispersion. Firm-level evidence from employee-employer database
PublikacjaResearch background: Wage inequalities are still part of an interesting policy-oriented research area. Given the developments in international trade models (heterogeneity of firms) and increasing availability of micro-level data, more and more attention is paid to wage differences observed within and be-tween firms. Purpose of the article: The aim of the paper is to address the research gap concerning limited cross-country evidence...
The impact of gender wage gap on sectoral economic growth – cross-country approach
PublikacjaWe propose an empirical analysis of testing the relationship between gender wage gap and economic growth. The study takes into account 12 manufacturing sectors in 18 OECD countries for the period between 1970 and 2005.We use industrial statistics (EU KLEMS, 2008) on female and male wages that distinguish between wages paid to different groups of workers classified according to skill level: high, medium and low. We estimate augmented...
Quantifying wage effects of offshoring: import- versus export-based measures of production fragmentation
PublikacjaIn this paper we examine the implications of international fragmentation of production on wages in the light of recent methodological developments in offshoring measurement. In particular, we compare the results stemming from two ways of quantifying offshoring – the traditional one based on import statistics and the one obtained from the decomposition of gross exports and input-output information. In the empirical part of our study,...
The convergence of gender wage differences - myth or fact - multi country multi sector analysis
PublikacjaThe Becker’s theory of discrimination predicts that in the long run the gender wage differences should disappear. In our empirical analysis we verify the testable implications of this mode considering the hypothesis of gender wage gap convergence. The study takes into account 31 sectors in 13 European countries for the period between 1970 and 2005. We distinguish between wages paid to different groups of workers classified according...
Skilled-Unskilled Wage Gap Versus Evolving Trade And Labour Market Structures in the EU
PublikacjaThis paper proposes an alternative approach to the empirical study of wage gap between workers with different educational levels in the enlarged EU. The analysis is based on sectoral database, linking labor market statistics and trade data at the level of 12 manufacturing sectors in a group of 20 European countries: selected New Member States (NMS-5) and former EU-15 economies, in the period 1995-2005. The results of the empirical...
Workers, Firms and Task Heterogeneity in International Trade Analysis: An Example of Wage Effects of Trade Within GVC.
PublikacjaObjective: The main aim of this article is to present how the heterogeneity of workers, firms, and tasks can be incorporated into empirical international trade analysis. In particular, we provide an empirical example in which we aim to quantify the reliance on foreign value added (FVA) within Global Value Chains (GVC) on wages. Research Design & Methods: We estimate a Mincerian wage model augmented with a measure of foreign value...
Wage response to global production links: evidence for workers from 28 European countries (2005–2014)
PublikacjaUsing rich individual-level data on workers from 28 European countries, this study provides the first so extensive cross-country assessment of wage response to global production links within GVC in the period 2005–2014. Unlike the other studies, the authors (i) address the importance of backward linkages in globally integrated production structures (capturing imports of goods and services needed in any stage of the production of...
Gender wage gap convergence and skills heterogeneity in Poland (2005-2014) - quantile regression analysis based on microdata from EUSILC.
PublikacjaIn this article we quantify the magnitude and evolution of gender wage differentials in Poland over the years 2005 – 2014 using microlevel data from EU-SILC database (Statistics on Income and Living Conditions). In the study gender wage gap is examined through quantile regression analysis. It is shown that the gender wage gap varies along the wage distribution with workers’ skills heterogeneity playing a role. Additionally, the...
Import Intensity of Production, Tasks and Wages: Microlevel Evidence for Poland.
PublikacjaObjective: This article relates to recent literature on labour market consequences of production fragmentation within Global Value Chains, analysed in the presence of workers’ heterogeneity and differences in the task content of jobs. The main aim is to assess if there is a relationship between wages of Polish workers and the degree of Polish production dependence on imported inputs. Research Design & Methods: Using microdata from...
Position in global value chains and wages in Central and Eastern European countries
PublikacjaThis paper examines the relationship between the relative position of industries in Global Value Chains (GVC) and wages in 10 Central and Eastern European countries. We combine GVC measures of global import intensity of production, upstreamness and the length of the value chain with micro-data on workers. We find that the wages of Central and Eastern European countries workers are higher when their industry is at the beginning...
Global value chains and labour markets – simultaneous analysis of wages and employment
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Global value chains and labour markets – simultaneous analysis of wages and employment
PublikacjaThis study examines the overall effect of global value chains (GVCs) on wages and labour demand. It exploits the World Input–Output Database to measure GVC involvement via recently developed participation indices (using both backward and forward linkages) and the relative GVC position using three-stage least squares regression. We find that the relative GVC position is negatively correlated with wages and employment and that the...
Global Value Chains and Wages: International Evidence from Linked Worker-Industry Data
PublikacjaUsing a rich dataset on over 110,000 workers from nine European countries and the USA we study the wage response to industry dependence on foreign value added. We estimate a Mincerian wage model augmented with an input-output interindustry linkages measure accounting for task heterogeneity across workers. Low and mediumeducated workers and those performing routine tasks experience (little) wage decline due to major dependency of...
Relationship between wages, labour productivity and unemployment rate in new EU member countries
PublikacjaThe main aim of this article is to find out the extent to which relative labour productivity and relative unemployment rate changes determine relative wage changes. We use average annual macro-data for the period 2002-2013 for Poland and other 5 new EU members: Estonia, Hungary, Slovak, Czech Republic and Slovenia. Using Poland as benchmark, rst we examine the correlation between wage, productivity and unemployment rate changes...
The impact of global value chains on wages, employment, and productivity: a survey of theoretical approaches
PublikacjaThis study presents a systematic literature review to provide a collection of theories explaining the impact of global value chains (GVCs) on labour market outcomes. Due to the complex nature of GVCs and the interconnectedness of wages, employment, and productivity, many direct and indirect effects are at play. To ensure a transparent and systematic flow of the review process, I follow the PRISMA guide. Eventually, 36 records out...
Global value chains, wages, employment and labour production in China: A regional approach
PublikacjaIn this study we analyse the relationship of trade and global value chains (GVCs) to the labour market in 31 Chinese provinces for 25 sectors, by means of a system of structural equations. We firstly distinguish between provincial value chains (PVCs) and interprovincial value chains (PRVCs) in order to outline their distribution and evolution over time. Then, we investigate to what extent participation in GVCs, PVCs and PRVCs –...
A Survey of Ongoing Activities of Best Agers in latvia, Lithuania and Poland: The main Results and lessons from Germany
Global Value Chains and Wages: Multi-Country Evidence from Linked Worker-Industry Data
PublikacjaThis paper uses a multi-country microeconomic setting to contribute to the literature on the nexus between production fragmentation and wages. Exploiting a rich dataset on over 110,000 workers from nine Eastern and Western European countries and the United States, we study the relationship between individual workers’ wages and industry ties into global value chains (GVCs). We find an inverse (but weak) relationship between the...
The Recent Past and Possible Futures of Citizen Science: Final Remarks
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Postoperative elevated bed header position versus supine in the management of chronic subdural hematoma: a systematic review and meta-analysis
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Publisher Correction: Evaluating knowledge, attitude, and physical activity levels related to cardiovascular disease in Egyptian adults with and without cardiovascular disease: a community-based cross-sectional study
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Evaluating knowledge, attitude, and physical activity levels related to cardiovascular disease in Egyptian adults with and without cardiovascular disease: a community-based cross-sectional study
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Do new EU members have any chance of earning as much as Westerns do?
PublikacjaThis article examines the wage dispersion in the European Union in the last ten years (1996-2006). The research is motivated by the fact that New Members States (NMS) expected that wage convergence would occurred after their accession to the EU. At the same time Old Member States (OMS) have been increasingly concerned with the possibility that the EU enlargement could influence their local labor markets and wages through new channels...
Estymacja progowej płacy pracowników naukowo-dydaktycznych w warunkach hipotetycznego kontraktu (na przykładzie Politechniki Gdańskiej)
PublikacjaArtykuł przedstawia wyniki badań, których celem było oszacowanie najniższego, akceptowalnego wynagrodzenia pracowników naukowo-dydaktycznych uczelni publicznej w warunkach hipotetycznego kontraktu i ustalenie jej relacji do faktycznie otrzymywanego wynagrodzenia. Oszacowania tego dokonano na podstawie wyników badań ankietowych (self-reported reservation wage) przeprowadzonych wśród pracowników naukowo-dydaktycznych Politechniki...
Working Conditions in Global Value Chains: Evidence for European Employees
PublikacjaThis article investigates a sample of almost nine million workers from 24 European countries in 2014 to conclude how involvement in global value chains (GVCs) affects working conditions. We use employer–employee data from the Structure of Earnings Survey merged with industry-level statistics on GVCs based on the World Input-Output Database. Given the multidimensional nature of the dependent variable, we compare estimates of the...
The impact of internal and international migration on regional convergence in Poland
PublikacjaAccording to neoclassical theory, migration is expected to speed up the convergence process between countries (Barro, Sala-i-Martin 2004). The flow of labour from low-wage regions to high-wage regions should equalise payrolls. However, the impact of migration on convergence rates is unclear when the labour flow is heterogeneous. Moreover, the movement of labour towards wealthier areas depresses the demand for goods, services and...
Próba uogólnionej oceny efektywności wybranych rynków pracy
PublikacjaCelem artykułu jest pilotażowa próba dokonania uzupełnienia oceny efektywności rynków pracy wynikami uprzednio przeprowadzonej analizy mobilności międzysektorowej płac oraz zatrudnienia. Ocena mobilności międzysektorowej przeprowadzona zostanie dwutorowo: z jednej strony za pomocą uzupełnienia jej o zobrazowanie reakcji rynków na międzysektorowe przesunięcia zatrudnienia, a z drugiej z użyciem ocen zagregowanej zmiany zróżnicowania...
Zmiany udziału pracy w dochodzie narodowym a nierówności społeczne na przykładzie państw Grupy Wyszehradzkiej
PublikacjaDokonująca się liberalizacja handlu, rynków pieniężnych i kapitałowych, umiędzynaro-dowienie produkcji oraz szybkie i szerokie wykorzystanie technologii stanowiące siłę napędową globalizacji włączyły, transformującą się gospodarkę polską w ten proces. Globalizacja określa rozprzestrzenianie się charakterystycznych trendów światowej ekonomii, polityki, życia społecznego i kultury na całym świecie, niezależnie od stopnia zaawansowania...
Ocena kosztów pracy w Polsce na tle innych krajów Unii Europejskiej
PublikacjaRelacja pomiędzy obciążeniami z tytułu podatków, składek na ubezpieczenia społeczne i inne pozapłacowe składnik kosztu pracy określana jest mianem - "klina podatkowego" (tax wage). Badania już dawno udowodniły, że to nie obciążenia podatkowe, ale "klin podatkowy" jest decydującym elementem wpływającym na wielkość bezrobocia Z najnowszego raportu OECD wynika, że Polska jest w bezpośredniej czołówce krajów o wysokich obciążeniach...
Międzysektorowa mobilność zatrudnienia oraz płac a efektywność rynku pracy.
PublikacjaCelem artykułu jest uzyskanie odpowiedzi na pytanie, czy ocenę efektywności funkcjonowania rynków pracy, rozumianej jako zdolność rynków do „oczyszczania się”, można przedstawić za pomocą analizy międzysektorowej mobilności płac oraz zatrudnienia. W połowie lat 90. XX wieku Paul Krugman dowodził, iż negatywne szoki gospodarcze skutkują w krajach europejskich wzrostem bezrobocia, natomiast w USA wzrostem rozpiętości płac. Tymczasem...
Istota i rola "klina podatkowego" w kształtowaniu racjonalnego systemu zatrudniania
PublikacjaKoszty pozyskania kapitału intelektualnego w firmie stanowią istotny element strategii finansowej przedsiębiorstwa. Istotną barierę w pozyskiwaniu kwalifikowanej kadry pracowników stanowią pozapłacowe obciążenia kosztów pracy określane mianem "klina podatkowego" (tax wage) Badania już dawno udowodniły, że to nie obciążenia podatkowe, ale "klin podatkowy" jest decydującym elementem wpływającym na wielkość bezrobocia Z najnowszego...
The EU enlargement and domestic employment
PublikacjaThe study focuses on the interactions between EU member states' labor markets (manufacturing and tradable business services) over the period 1995-2005. We use recently released detailed sector level employment statistics, considering the effects of trade integration on the creation of links between labor force in ''Old'' and ''New'' partners in the enlarged EU. Empirical estimations show that the domestic demand for labor in the...
Płaca progowa pracowników naukowo-dydaktycznych polskich wyższych uczelni publicznych w warunkach hipotetycznego kontraktu
PublikacjaArtykuł przedstawia analizę, której celem było określenie płacy progowej (reservation wage) pracowników naukowo-dydaktycznych w warunkach hipotetycznego kontraktu wprowadzającego warunek jednoetatowości. Dane, na bazie których dokonano oszacowania zebrano poprzez badania ankietowe przeprowadzone wśród pracowników naukowo-dydaktycznych polskich uczelni publicznej w okresie od 28 lutego do 30 marca 2012 roku. Prezentowane w opracowaniu...
Gender Disparity in the FinTech Sector: Systematic Literature Review
PublikacjaThe main objective of this chapter is to identify research areas of FinTech activity in which gender disparity has been observed. In addition, we shall identify how the development of FinTech reduces the gender gap. A systematic literature review using the PRISMA concept is the preferred research method. Publications were searched in the following databases: Web of Science, Scopus and Google Scholar using the formula “FinTech AND...
Specialization and inequality along the development path: an interindustry analysis.
PublikacjaCelem niniejszej rozprawy doktorskiej jest przeprowadzenie empirycznej analizy procesów zwišzanych ze zmianami w strukturze specjalizacyjnej państw w procesie rozwoju ekonpmicznego oraz zwišzanych z nimi efektami dystrybucyjnymi dotyczšcymi rozkładu płac i dochodu. Rozprawa składa się z czterech częci: I. Employment and export specialization patterns versus GDP per capita performance - unifying approach; II.Determinants of export...
Zastosowanie trendów przełącznikowych w analizie płac realnych w Polsce
PublikacjaStreszczenie W początkowej części artykułu zostały przedstawione i omówione informacje o poziomie miesięcznych nominalnych płac (WN) oraz indeksie cen dóbr konsumpcyjnych (ICK) w gospodarce polskiej w latach 1995-2015. Następnie opisano poziomy realnych płac (W) wyrażone w cenach roku 2015. Na bazie tych informacji przedstawiono i przedyskutowano zagadnienia dotyczące rocznych przyrostów płac realnych oraz ich rocznych stóp wzrostu....
Global variation in anastomosis and end colostomy formation following left‐sided colorectal resection
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Pooled analysis of WHO Surgical Safety Checklist use and mortality after emergency laparotomy