Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: EARTH CURRENT
The effect of earth fault current harmonics on tripping of residual current devices
PublikacjaSzerokie zastosowanie przekształtników, a w szczególności przemienników częstotliwości sprawia, że wyłączniki różnicowoprądowe znajdują się w obwodach, w których może płynąć odkształcony prąd ziemnozwarciowy. Prąd ziemnozwarciowy w obwodach z przemiennikami częstotliwości zawiera harmoniczne, których rząd głównie zależy od częstotliwości PWM. Odkształcony prąd wpływa na poprawne wyzwalanie wyłączników różnicowoprądowych. W artykule...
Elimination of the negative effect of earth fault current higher frequency on tripping of residual current devices
PublikacjaCzęstotliwość prądu różnicowego większa niż 50/60 Hz ma niekorzystny wpływ na wyzwalanie wyłączników różnicowoprądowych. Przy zwiększonej częstotliwości prądu różnicowego rzeczywisty prąd zadziałania wyłączników zwiększa się, a niektóre z nich w ogóle nie wyzwalają. W artykule omówiono główne przyczyny zwiększenia się prądu zadziałania wyłączników różnicowoprądowych oraz przedstawiono sposób eliminacji niekorzystnego wpływu zwiększonej...
Behavior of residual current devices at earth fault currents with DC component
PublikacjaLow-voltage electrical installations are increasingly saturated with power electronic converters. Due to very high popularity of photovoltaic (PV) installations and the spread of electric vehicles (EV) as well as their charging installations, DC–AC and AC–DC converters are often found in power systems. The transformerless coupling of AC and DC systems via power electronic converters means that an electrical installation containing...
Calculations of Short-Circuit Current Flows in Earth Wires of HV Lines
PublikacjaThis paper presents a method which enables calculating flows of short-circuit currents in earth wires of high voltage transmission lines, and its implementation in the form of a computer programme. The algorithm enables performing calculations for a double-fed line and starconnected lines (three terminal lines). The developed programme enables verifying dimensioning of earth wires in the context of their short-circuit thermal withstand...
Improving sensitivity of residual current transformers to high frequency earth fault currents
PublikacjaFor protection against electric shock in low voltage systems residual current devices are commonly used. However, their proper operation can be interfered when high frequency earth fault current occurs. Serious hazard of electrocution exists then. In order to detect such a current, it is necessary to modify parameters of residual current devices, especially the operating point of their current transformer. The authors proposed...
Testing sensitivity of A-type residual current devices to earth fault currents with harmonics
PublikacjaIn many applications, modern current-using equipment utilizes power electronic converters to control the consumed power and to adjust the motor speed. Such equipment is used both in industrial and domestic installations. A characteristic feature of the converters is producing distorted earth fault currents, which contain a wide spectrum of harmonics, including high-order harmonics. Nowadays, protection against electric shock in...
The effect of the motor filters on earth fault current waveform in circuits with variable speed drives
PublikacjaIn circuits with variable speed drives distorted earth fault current flows. Earth fault current distortion influences the threshold of ventricular fibrillation. This paper presents earth fault current distortion in circuits with variable speed drives when motor filter is used. Two types of motor filter are analyzed. For every type of filter the effect of earth fault current distortion on ventricular fibrillation is evaluated.
The effect of the motor filters on earth fault current waveform in circuits with variable speed drives
PublikacjaIn circuits with variable speed drives distorted earth fault current flows. Earth fault current distortion influences the threshold of ventricular fibrillation. This paper presents earth fault current distortion in circuits with variable speed drives when motor filter is used. Two types of motor filter are analyzed. For every type of filter the effect of earth fault current distortion on ventricular fibrillation is evaluated.
Modification of the operating point of residual current transformers for high frequency earth fault currents detection
PublikacjaFor protection against electric shock in low voltage systems residual current devices are commonly used. However, their proper operation can be interfered when earth fault current with high frequency components occurs. Serious hazard of electrocution exists then. One of the most important element of residual current devices is a residual current transformer with iron core. Tripping characteristic of residual current devices strictly...
Residual current protective device for circuits of distorted earth fault currents – concept, construction and testing
PublikacjaThis dissertation presents behavioral and performance verification and analysis of residual current devices (RCDs), as well as a proposal for the construction of a new RCD protection. The state of the art focuses over pre-existing design of the RCD and its behavior and response to the circuits with distorted (non-sinusoidal) earth fault currents. The study highlights the loopholes of the existing design and depicts the problem...
Current Research in Earth Sciences
Czasopisma -
Computer System for Evaluation of Shock Hazard in Circuits with Non-sinusoidal Earth Currents
PublikacjaEffects of current on people are mainly considered for 50/60 Hz sinusoidal current and smooth direct current. However, modern low voltage circuits are very often equipped with power electronics converters – rectifiers, frequency converters, therefore non-sinusoidal earth currents (touch currents) occur. For non-sinusoidal currents safety criteria should be modified. This paper presents a computer system, based on LabVIEW environment,...
Computer-Aided Calculations of Earth Potential Rise in High Voltage Overhead Lines
PublikacjaHigh voltage overhead power lines with earth wires comprise towers made of conductive material. Some towers are in locations where people can be expected to be either for a long time or for a short time but very frequently. Evaluation of shock hazard near such towers requires calculation of line-to-earth short-circuit current, earth current and especially earth potential rise. Number of towers in high voltage power lines can exceed...
Tripping limitations of residual current devices in photovoltaic installations
PublikacjaIn electrical installations with photovoltaic sources of energy, earth fault current may comprise alternating current component and direct current component. The waveform shape of this earth fault current mainly depends on the point of the fault and the properties of a photovoltaic power electronics converter. The waveform shape of the current influences operation of protection devices, especially tripping threshold of residual...
Earth wires currents calculation by tableau analysis
PublikacjaThe paper presents a new method to compute a phase-to-earth fault current distribution in overhead transmission line. The method is based on the tableau analysis of an unbalanced, multi-wire model of a transmission line. It allows for the calculation of current distribution in overhead earth wires along the transmission line. Additionally, it may be used to calculate currents in a tower’s earthing system as well as voltages over...
The effect of current delay angle on tripping of residual current devices
PublikacjaPower electronics converters applied in domestic or similar installations may utilize current delay (phase) angle control to change the level of transferred power. Due to application of such types of converters, earth fault current in the installation may be strongly distorted. The current distortion level depends on a value of current delay angle. This delay angle also influences the tripping threshold of residual current devices....
Residual current devices in electric vehicles charging installations
PublikacjaThe main requirements of national regulations and international standards regarding protection against electric shock in electric vehicle charging installations are presented. The principles of using residual current devices (RCDs) in such installations are discussed. It is pointed out that RCDs are mandatory equipment for safe charging of electric vehicles. It is noted that the standards require the use of RCDs having an appropriate...
Low-frequency tripping characteristics of residual current devices
PublikacjaFast development of various types of converters makes their utilization in industry and in domestic installations very common. Due to converters, an earth fault current waveform in modern circuits can be distorted or its frequency can be different than 50/60 Hz. Frequency of earth fault (residual) current influences tripping of residual current devices which are widely used in low voltage systems. This paper presents the behaviour...
Residual current devices in installations with PV energy sources
PublikacjaThe paper presents the principles of residual current devices (RCDs) application in photovoltaic (PV) installations. Provisions of standards in this regard are commented on, in particular, attention is drawn to the lack of obligation to use of RCDs in PV installations. The issue of the shape of the earth fault current and the level of leakage currents in such installations are discussed. These factors influence the selection of...
Electric shock hazard in circuits with variable-speed drives
PublikacjaThe conventional approach to electrical safety under fault condition in typical power systems considers earth fault currents of sinusoidal waveform and frequency of 50/60 Hz. However, in circuits with variable-speed drives, there is earth fault current flow with harmonics, and these harmonics influence the threshold of ventricular fibrillation. The paper presents earth fault current waveforms in circuits with variable-speed drives...
RCDs Tripping in the Range from DC to AC 50 kHz for Slowly Rising Residual Current
PublikacjaThe wide use of power electronic converters means that in many low-voltage systems earth fault currents containing components from DC to AC of various frequencies have to be taken into account. Due to the tendency to increase the modulation frequency in converters, components of higher frequencies may be in the order of several tens of kilohertz. Therefore, it is very important to verify the behavior of devices for protection against...
Method of earth fault loop impedance measurement without nuisance tripping of RCDs in 3-phase low-voltage circuits
PublikacjaVerification of electrical safety in low-voltage power systems includes the measurement of earth fault loop impedance. This measurement is performed to verify the effectiveness of protection against indirect contact. The widespread classic methods and meters use a relatively high value of the measuring current (5–20) A, so that they are a source of nuisance tripping of residual current devices (RCDs). The meters dedicated to circuits...
Impact of configuration of earth continuity conductor on induced sheath voltages in power cables
PublikacjaIn high voltage power cable systems a problem of induced sheath voltages exist. Due to these voltages electric shock and damage of non-metallic outer sheath of the cables may occur. Exposure to voltage of the outer sheath may be very high in case of earth fault with high value of earth current. In order to reduce induced sheath voltages an earth continuity conductor (conductors) along power cables is applied. Configuration of this...
Behavior of residual current devices at frequencies up to 50 kHz
PublikacjaThe use of residual current devices (RCDs) is obligatory in many types of low-voltage circuits. They are devices that ensure protection against electric shock in the case of indirect contact and may ensure additional protection in the case of direct contact. For the latter purpose of protection, only RCDs of a rated residual operating current not exceeding 30 mA are suitable. Unfortunately, modem current-using equipment supplied...
A method of earth fault loop impedance measurement without unwanted tripping of RCDs
PublikacjaIn low-voltage networks, earth fault loop impedance (EFLI) measurement is the basis for assessing the effectiveness of automatic disconnection of supply. Such a measurement is performed during initial and periodical verification, especially in a TN low-voltage network. Nowadays, due to widespread application of residual current devices (RCDs), such test is difficult in many circuits because RCDs operate during the test. In this...
Metrological analysis of an computerized system of protection against electric shock in circuits with variable speed drives
PublikacjaDrive systems, that can be operated at variable speed, are equipped with power electronics converters. This causes distortion of the earth current, and consequently the need to take into account the use of proper protective devices in relation to earth current harmonics. This paper presents a system for protection against electric shock in circuits with power electronics converters and metrological analysis indicating the requirements...
Tripping of F-type RCDs for sinusoidal residual current with superimposed smooth DC component
PublikacjaRecent trends in green energy development make that photovoltaics and electric vehicles are applied on an increasing scale. In both photovoltaic and electric vehicle charging installations, a significant value of DC component of the earth fault current may appear, which is a challenge, in particular, for commonly used residual current devices (RCDs). This paper presents results of the laboratory test on the operation of F-type...
Verification of safety in low-voltage power systems without nuisance tripping of residual current devices
PublikacjaLow-voltage power systems require initial and periodical verification to check the effectiveness of protection against electric shock. As a protection in case of fault, automatic disconnection of supply is most often used. To verify such a protection measure, the earth fault loop impedance or resistance is measured. This measurement is easy to perform in circuits without residual current devices. When residual current devices are...
Residual Current Devices: Selection, Operation, and Testing
PublikacjaIn this book, the idea for residual current protection has been presented. The evolution in construction types of residual current devices, which has taken place over decades, is discussed. Types and functional properties of the contemporary residual current devices are described. The main parameters of these devices, from the point of view of their selection and application, are indicated. Special constructions of the protective...
Magnetic Field Generated by Short Circuit Current in the 110 kV Power System
PublikacjaElectric fields within tissues induced by magnetic fields including transients or short-term peaks should not be time averaged and be regarded as instantaneous values as established in the ICNIRP (International Commission on Non - Ionizing Radiation Protection) guidelines. Measurements of power lines magnetic fields with regard to human beings exposure are carried out typically with maximum current load at current balance condition...
Transient States during Short-circuit in a Line Powered by UPS and its Impact on Earth Fault Loop Impedance Measurement and Power Quality
PublikacjaThe short-circuit in a line powered by Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) during different UPS operation modes is presented in the article. The transient state condition related to the short-circuit in a line fed from double conversion On-line UPS is discussed in detail. The results of the measurements of earth fault loop impedance (FLI) in circuits powered by UPS with the instruments of various manufacturers are presented. The...
PublikacjaW artykule omówiono zasady wykonywania uziomów fundamentowych i sztucznych. Przedstawiono wyniki pomiarów prądów w instalacji zawierającej stal zbrojeniową w fundamencie, połączoną z układem uziomu sztucznego w ziemi wykonanym z stali ocynkowanej.
Nowa metoda obliczania rozpływu prądów zwarciowych w przewodach odgromowych linii wysokiego napięcia
PublikacjaReferat przedstawia nowatorską metodę obliczania wartości prądów płynących w przewodach odgromowych w czasie zwarć, pozwalającą na dobór przewodów odgromowych pod względem wytrzymałości cieplnej. Proponowana metoda charakteryzuje się większą dokładnością i większą uniwersalnością niż powszechnie stosowane metody, pozwalając tym samym na dobór przewodów odgromowych z mniejszym ryzykiem niepewności. Prezentowana metoda obliczeniowa...
Effect of the let-through energy of overcurrent protective devices on the temperature of conductors during short-circuits
PublikacjaThe scope of the verification of low-voltage systems covers the earth fault loop impedance measurement. This measurement is usually performed with the use of low-value current meters, which force a current many times lower than the one occurring during a real short-circuit. Therefore, the international standard recommends consideration of the increase of resistance of conductors with the increase of temperature, which may occur...
LabVIEW-based intelligent system of protection against electric shock for photovoltaic installations
PublikacjaEvaluation of shock hazard in installations with photovoltaic sources of energy is more complicated than in a conventional low voltage system. In case of earth fault in photovoltaic generators, that are connected to the AC power public grid, a composite waveform of earth fault current in the installation may occur. For composite waveforms, the safety criteria should be modified. The paper considers the effect of the composite waveforms...
Badanie wybranych właściwości wyłączników różnicowoprądowych typu F
PublikacjaW instalacjach elektrycznych niskiego napięcia instaluje się coraz więcej przekształtników energoelektronicznych (systemy fotowoltaiczne, instalacje ładowania pojazdów elektrycznych, układy napędowe o regulowanej prędkości obrotowej silnika), a mają one wpływ na dobór typu wyzwalania wyłączników różnicowoprądowych (AC, A, F lub B). W obwodach, w których pojawia się prąd różnicowy zawierający składowe o częstotliwości innej niż...
Tripping of F-type RCDs for High-Frequency Residual Currents
PublikacjaResidual current devices (RCDs) are apparatus commonly used for protection against electric shock in low-voltage electrical installations. They protect people in the case of an earth fault or even in the case of direct contact with the live parts. However, to be effective protective devices, RCDs have to detect residual currents of various waveform shapes which appear in modern electrical installations. For this purpose, RCDs...
The role of analytical chemistry in the study of the Anthropocene
PublikacjaThe term “Anthropocene” refers to not yet formalized epoch of geologic time during which geologic processes have been dominated by the human impact. This impact takes on many forms. Biological, physical and chemical changes to the Earth System caused by anthropogenic activity are recorded in natural archives either as new fossil assemblages (neobiota), anthropogenic deposits or a wide variety of pollutants emitted to the environment....
PublikacjaLand surface temperature (LST) plays an important role in many land-surface processes on regional as well on global scales. It is also a good indicator of energy flux phenomena and is used as a parameter in various Earth observation related studies. However, LST estimation based on processing and utilisation of satellite derived data constitutes several problems in terms of time limitations, accessibility, atmospheric influence...
Ancient settlements-atavistic solutions for present water supply and drainage problems engendered by urbanism
PublikacjaWater is the most valuable resource available on earth. Although it is present in abundance, its usable volume is very scarce. This is the reason behind the existence of both floods and droughts around the world. However, human settlements face water scarcity issues that are primarily engendered by improper town planning measures. To create a balance between the available fractions of water, it is therefore imperative to have proper...
Decomposition of the induced magnetism degaussing problem for fast determination of currents in demagnetization coils wrapped outside an object under arbitrary external field conditions
PublikacjaSafe passage of ships in the presence of sea mines can be ensured by limiting or reducing the ship’s magnetic footprint. For vessels with plastic hulls, the main component that requires magnetic damping is the engine. Demagnetization of such an object can be achieved by wrapping it with coils and setting the direct current appropriately. For each specific geographic location, the currents in the coils can be determined iteratively...
Trends in Locally Balanced Energy Systems without the Use of Fossil Fuels: A Review
PublikacjaIn recent years, the idea of the operation of energy systems (power systems, heating systems) has changed significantly. This paper is an overview of locally balanced energy systems without the use of fossil fuels. The paper justifies the concept of local energy balancing in a new energy system that does not use fossil fuels (coal, natural gas, and crude oil), based on European Union guidelines and formal documents as well as the...
Tripping of F-type RCDs for high-frequency residual currents
PublikacjaResidual current devices (RCDs) are apparatus commonly used for protection against electric shock in low-voltage electrical installations. They protect people in the case of an earth fault or even in the case of direct contact with the live parts. However, to be effective protective devices, RCDs have to detect residual currents of various waveform shapes which appear in modern electrical installations. For this purpose, RCDs are...
Nonlinear secondary arc model use for evaluation of single pole auto-reclosing effectiveness
PublikacjaPurpose – The purpose of this paper is to discuss two evaluation methods of single pole autoreclosing process effectiveness in HV transmission lines. Secondary arc current and recovery voltage results obtained by load flow calculation are compared to the results obtained by the time domain simulations. Moreover, a nonlinear secondary arc implementation is presented. Design/methodology/approach – A computer simulation studies were...
Rapid development of the photoresponse and oxygen evolution of TiO2 nanotubes sputtered with Cr thin films realized via laser annealing
PublikacjaRecently, earth abundant transition metal oxides have gained particular attention as potential catalyst candidates due to their availability and low-cost comparing to substrates containing precious Pt or Au species. Herein, we present characterization of morphology, structure and electrochemical properties of pulsed 532 nm laser treated TiO2 nanotubes (NT) sputtered by the thin film of chromium. Scanning electron microscopy enables...
Informal Settlements and International Migrants: The city of Rome (Italy) as Case Study
PublikacjaToday, urbanization is happening at an unprecedentedly rapid rate, owing heavily to the influx of migrants. Empirical evidence shows the development of informal settlements in cities as a result of migration, including Rome. Furthermore, information on informal settlements is either insufficient or inadequate, which makes it challenging for architects, urban planners, and policymakers to form viable solutions to deal with the situations...
Spatiotemporal Assessment of Satellite Image Time Series for Land Cover Classification Using Deep Learning Techniques: A Case Study of Reunion Island, France
PublikacjaCurrent Earth observation systems generate massive amounts of satellite image time series to keep track of geographical areas over time to monitor and identify environmental and climate change. Efficiently analyzing such data remains an unresolved issue in remote sensing. In classifying land cover, utilizing SITS rather than one image might benefit differentiating across classes because of their varied temporal patterns. The aim...
A Parallax Shift Effect Correction Based on Cloud Height for Geostationary Satellites and Radar Observations
PublikacjaThe effect of cloud parallax shift occurs in satellite imaging, particularly for high angles of satellite observations. This study demonstrates new methods of parallax effect correction for clouds observed by geostationary satellites. The analytical method that could be found in literature, namely the Vicente et al./Koenig method, is presented at the beginning. It approximates a cloud position using an ellipsoid with semi-axes...
Determination of Earth Pressure and Displacement of the Retaining Structure According to the Eurocode 7-1
PublikacjaComparative analysis of standard guidelines and findings given in EC7-1 and in Polish Standard PN-83/B-03010. Discussed guidelines concerning active and passive earth pressure as well as at rest pressure state. Wall displacement causing limit states of earth pressure and resistance. Interactive assumptions concerning intermediate earth pressure and resistance values. Conclusions and final remarks.
СИСТЕМА КОНТРОЛЯ СОСТОЯНИЯ ИЗОЛЯЦИИ ЭЛЕКТРОПРИВОДОВ В СЕТЯХ С ГЛУХОЗАЗЕМЛЕННОЙ НЕЙТРАЛЬЮ (System of insulation status monitoring for electric drives in networks with a dead-earth neutral)
PublikacjaПредложен метод контроля изоляции частотно-регулируемых электроприводов в сетях с глухозаземленной нейтралью. Система контроля изоляции включается в момент остановки электропривода. Ключи инвертора коммутируются по специальному закону, и с помощью сигнала трансформатора тока, который изме- ряет ток во всех трех фазах привода одновременно, определяется ток утечки. Рассмотрена схема датчика тока утечки и приведены экспериментальные...