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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: SMALL BUSINESS
CSR and small business from the international and national perspective
PublikacjaCorporate and social responsibility is nowadays quite a popular topic among large companies but thanks to numerous popularization activities undertaken by national and international institutions, also small entrepreneurs become more and more interested in exploring this fairly new approach. This paper outlines the main differences between the implementation of the CSR approach in large companies and in SMEs, which are not able...
Development of Small Business Sector in Slovakia in 1993-2006
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A Typology of Small Business Growth Modelling: A Critical Literature Review
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Managerial Perception of Regional Small Business Environment in Southern Poland
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Social networks as a context for small business? A new look at an enterprise in the context of a smallness and newness liability syndrome
PublikacjaIn this paper we aim to propose and outline key ingredients to a small enterprise success, emerging from the social capital of small business owner-managers and their business networks. We employ resource based view of an organization as well as an embeddedness perspective along with new approach transaction costs to outline the pillars of an advantage of a small business entity. The analysis of survey data leads us to conclusion,...
Journal of Small Business Strategy
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Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development
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International Journal of Globalisation and Small Business
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Conflict handling in small firms’ foreign business relationships
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Business competencies and innovation capability in cross-border small regional enterprises
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Southern African Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management
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Impact of the Regional Business Environment on the Development of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Southern Poland
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Impact of Integrated European Business Environment on Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) Cooperation Strategies
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Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship Annual Conference
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Journal of Small Business & Entrepreneurship
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The competencies of a small and medium-sized company owner-manager. Kompe-tencje właściciela-menedżera małego i średniego przedsiębiorstwa. W:Entre-preneurship and small business development in the 21st century. Przedsię-biorczość i rozwój małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw w XXI wieku. Ed. B. Piasecki. Łódź: Uniw. Łódz.**2002 s. 69 - 90 bibliogr. 14 poz.
PublikacjaArtykuł nawiązuje do charakterystyki przedsiębiorcy w świetle paradygmatukompetencji. Przedstawia obszary kompetencji: zarządzanie celami i czynno-ściami, przywództwo, zarządzanie zasobami ludzkimi, kierowanie podwładnymi ispecjalistyczną wiedzą.
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business
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Opinions and view of entrepreneurs regerding the single european Market-Analytical Model. W: Entrepreneurship and small business development in the21st century. Przedsiębiorczość i rozwój małych i średnich przedsiebiorstww XI wieku. Ed. B. Piasecki. Łódź: Uniw. Łódź**2002 s. 109-117.**2002 s. 109 - 117 Opinie i poglądy przedsiębiorców na temat Jednolitego Rynku Europejskiego - model analityczny.
PublikacjaArtykuł zawiera propozycje modelu czynników kształtujących świadomość pol-skich przedsiębiorców odnośnie szans i zagrożeń w związku z otwarciem gospodarki Polski na Jednolitu Rynek Europejski. Model ten musi być wykorzystany przy projektowaniu badań opinii i poglądów przedsiębiorców.
Female entrepreneurship in transitional economies: the case of Poland
PublikacjaPolska przeszła skomplikowaną drogę przemian gospodarczych by ostatecznie wstąpić do UE. Jednę z sił, pomocnych na tej drodze była i jest przedsiębiorczość. Autorzy podjęli się charakterystyki przedsiębiorczości kobiet w okresie transformacji, porównując ją z przedsiębiorczością w pozostałych 15 krajach UE (przed akcesją Polski). Wykorzystano do tego badania przeprowadzone w 1992, 1999 i 2004 wśród przedsiębiorców regionu gdańskiego....
A breath of fresh air - social cognitive career theory in studying entrepreneurial intentions
PublikacjaA pinch of robustness and a pinch of freshness create an interesting story. That is why this study focuses on entrepreneurial intentions from an alternative theoretical perspective in an underexplored context. In this paper, it is argued that social cognitive career theory is relevant to the study of individual entrepreneurial cognition and behaviour, and it offers a solid framework in entrepreneurship research. This paper expands...
Julita Wasilczuk dr hab.
OsobyUrodzona 5 kwietnia 1965 roku w Gdańsku. W latach 1987–1991 odbyła studia na Wydziale Ekonomiki Transportu Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego (obecnie Wydział Ekonomii). Od 1993 roku zatrudniona na nowo utworzonym Wydziale Zarządzania i Ekonomii, Politechniki Gdańskiej, na stanowisku asystenta. W 1997 roku uzyskała stopień doktora nauk ekonomicznych na WZiE, a w 2006 doktora habilitowanego nauk ekonomicznych w dyscyplinie nauki o zarządzaniu,...
Is it all about networking? Building a sustainable value of a small enterprise in Polish context
PublikacjaIn this paper we aim to propose and outline key ingredients to a small enterprise success, emerging from the social capital of small business owner-managers and their business networks. We employ resource based view of an organization as well as an embeddedness perspective along with new approach transaction costs to outline the pillars of an advantage of a small business entity. The analysis of survey data leads us to conclusion,...
Paweł Ziemiański dr
OsobyPaweł Ziemiański - adiunkt na Wydziale Zarządzania i Ekonomii Politechniki Gdańskiej. Jego zainteresowania badawcze dotyczą przedsiębiorczości, zespołów przedsiębiorczych oraz negatywnych aspektów (ciemnej strony) przedsiębiorczości. Prowadził również badania dotyczące psychologicznych aspektów sprawowania władzy w organizacjach. W działalności dydaktycznej interesuje go praca ze studium przypadku. Brał udział w szkoleniu z nauczania...
A business simulation method in educating architects
PublikacjaIn this article, the authors analyse the application of the business simulation method as a support tool in educating undergraduate architecture students. While running a fictional architectural practice, students learn about the role of an architect in the investment process and are introduced to economic aspects of running a small practice, including the importance of cash flow. They are also made aware about the importance of...
Cooperation in Creating Innovation in Polish Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in the Light of Empirical Studies
PublikacjaNowadays, sources of competitive advantage and economic development are sought in the sphere of innovation. They are at the centre of interest of representatives of the world of politics, science, and business. Moreover, they have been incorporated into governmental and international strategic development programmes. This article attempts to characterize and evaluate cooperation in creating innovation in small and medium-sized...
Beata Krawczyk-Bryłka dr
OsobyPsycholog, doktor nauk humanistycznych w dziedzinie zarządzania, adiunkt w Katedrze przedsiębiorczości. 2018 - 2021: Kierownik projektu NCN: „Efektuacyjny model zespołu przedsiębiorczego. Jak działają przedsiębiorcze zespoły odnoszące sukces" od 2016: Quality Standards Lead filaru People management & personal development na studiach MBA Politechniki Gdańskiej 2008 – 2012: Prodziekan ds kształcenia Wzydziału Zarządzania i Ekonomii...
Emergent approach to Knowledge Management by Small Companies: multiple case-study research
PublikacjaPurpose: The aim of this paper is to examine knowledge management approach followed by small companies on the example of firms from the knowledge-intensive business services (KIBS) sector. Design/methodology/approach: The study is based on the results of a qualitative survey involving 12 owners and managers of small companies operating in the KIBS sector. The survey uses the case study method. Findings: The findings confirm that...
Corporate Social Responsibility and Family Business: Current Debates and Future Prospects
PublikacjaThis paper aims at examining the main perspectives on corporate social responsibility (CSR) in family firms discussed in international literature. The topic of CSR has grown exponentially in the last two decades in both, business practice and as an area of interest among academics and researchers. Most studies focus on multinational corporations, some on small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and the smallest number on family business...
The Role of a Software Product Manager in Various Business Environments
PublikacjaThe aim of the paper is to identify the role of the software product manager depending on the size of the company and the characteristics of the product they are working on. This has been achieved in cooperation with 15 experts from the IT industry. The companies were divided into 4 levels of size: micro-enterprises, small businesses, medium businesses and large enterprises. The characteristics of the products were divided into...
Enhancing Business Process Management Through Nature Assessment: Development and Deployment of the Business Process Nature Assessment Tool
PublikacjaIn contemporary business landscapes, the diverse nature of processes necessitates a thor-ough assessment before implementing Business Process Management (BPM). However, conducting such assessments can be arduous, particularly for small and medium-sized en-terprises. This study aims to address this challenge by developing and showcasing the utility of an online tool based on the Business Process Nature Assessment Framework (BPNAF)....
KM Challenges in Small KIBS Companies: Multi-case Analysis in Two Countries
PublikacjaKnowledge Intensive Business Services (KIBS) – i.e. companies like e.g. computer services, consulting, engineering, business communication, and R&D support - are key players in the modern economies. They stimulate the innovativeness of businesses and societies. Their competitiveness is based on knowledge, which is their key production factor and also the kind of “goods” they sell. The large majority of KIBS companies have a small...
The Impact of EU Funds on the Development of Business Environment Institutions – Research Results in Pomeranian Voivodeship in Poland
PublikacjaThe paper presents the main findings of the research conducted to assess the impact of EU funds on development of business environment infrastructure in Pomeranian Voivodeship in Poland, and – indirectly – on the growth of the innovation capacity of Pomeranian entrepreneurs. The research shows that support of ROP PV 2007-2013 contributed to the creation of multifunctional business infrastructure throughout the Pomorskie Voivodship,...
How Small KIBS Companies Manage Their Intellectual Capital? Towards an Emergent KM Approach
PublikacjaThe growing interest in Intellectual Capital management and Knowledge Management is now reaching small companies, especially those in the Knowledge-Intensive Business Services (KIBS) sector. This paper aims to explore this issue, starting from the assumption that a planned and systematic approach to KM, as is used in large companies, is rarely applicable in small organizations. It is more likely that small companies adopt an approach...
Implementing a CSR Strategy in a Small Enterprise - a Case Study
PublikacjaAs a result of employees’ meetings conducted according to Kaizen workshops formula and seeking new development directions for the company (including CSR actions) various product and service innovations have been implemented. Also a market niche has been discovered, and as a consequence the company gained another profitable aspect of the business activity. The atmosphere and contribution in performing tasks have improved among...
Wojciech Wyrzykowski dr hab.
OsobyWojciech Wyrzykowski jest pracownikiem Katedry Finansów na Wydziale Zarządzania i Ekonomii Politechniki Gdańskiej. Jest autorem 70 publikacji naukowych w tym 5 monografii oraz współautorem 7 monografii. Najistotniejsze z nich oddające zainteresowania naukowe autora to Podatkowe uwarunkowania rozwoju przedsiębiorczości w Polsce, Podatki w Polsce – zarys wykładu, Księgi, ewidencje i rejestry podatkowe małych przedsiębiorców,...
Knowledge management implementation in small and micro KIBS : A categorization
Publikacjahe main goal of the paper is to provide a statistical categorization of small and micro knowledge-intensive business service (KIBS) companies, based on their knowledge management (KM) attitude. Since knowledge is the main production factor and output of these companies, it is essential to achieve a better understanding of how they manage this resource. A questionnaire-based survey was conducted on a sample of Polish small and micro...
Influence of the internet and electronic commerce growth on polish small and medium enterprises. PODAĆ POLSKI TYTUŁ.
PublikacjaTechnological development in communication creates new possibilities for commercial activity . Each new medium was changing business processes . Internet does the same - implies rapid changes in every stage of commercial activity.The aim of this paper is to show that the Internet and Electronic Commerce are influencing the Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) development in Poland. For achieving this another issue had to be under...
Knowledge management and factors influencing its implementation in small KIBS firms – evidence from Poland
PublikacjaPurpose – Even if the notion of knowledge management (KM) has been introduced more than three decades ago, the application of this concept in the context of small firms has still not been sufficiently explored. The relatively few contributions, however, agree on the fact that small companies do not manage knowledge the same way as their larger counterparts. In order to fill this gap, the present paper aims to the investigate the...
Interactive Prototypes in Teaching User-Centred Design and Business Process Modelling
PublikacjaThis publication describes experiences gathered during the use of interactive prototyping in two areas: design of user interfaces for a touch screen information kiosk and interactive prototyping of business processes. Prototyping is promoted here as a technique useful for both visualizing design concepts and for stimulating communication within relevant teams. Developing interactive prototypes of use interfaces is discussed here...
Knowledge management approaches of small and medium-sized firms: a cluster analysis
PublikacjaPurpose This paper aims to categorise the approaches to knowledge management (KM) by companies. In the literature, there is no consensus on a universal or “best” approach to KM. Especially, this paper singles out and discusses the variegated features that characterise the implementation of KM by small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) having different characteristics. Design/methodology/approach A cluster analysis was used...
How can systems thinking help us in the COVID‐19 crisis?
PublikacjaThe COVID-19 pandemic outbreak remains one of the most influential events in the global economy over the recent years. While being primarily public health related, it has a tremendous impact on many other aspects, including business management. Many businesses were forced to introduce rapid changes to their business models in order to survive. The aim of this paper is to show the complexity and interrelations of changes triggered...
Experimental economics in business education: Using simple games to achieve multifaceted effects
PublikacjaEconomics differs from other sciences not only because of its normative part, but also because of very limited use of experiments. In this way, economics is often perceived as being methodologically more similar to astronomy or meteorology rather than physics or chemistry. Over last decades, however, experimental economics has been significantly developed. This chapter presents some of the possibilities for academic teachers to...
The High Quality Business School Academic Teacher of the 21st Century – Polish Students’ Perspective
PublikacjaThe literature shows that the success and competence of future managers depend on the quality of their academic teachers. Moreover high quality study requires high quality lecturing/teaching that creates an environment in which deep learning outcomes are made possible for students. The aim was to identify the characteristics of the academic teacher working at business schools, according to the expectations of Polish students...
Jakub Golik dr
OsobyJakub Golik pracuje obecnie jako Asystent w grupie pracowników badawczo-dydaktycznych Wydziału Zarządzania i Ekonomii Politechniki Gdańskiej w Katedrze Przedsiębiorczości. Jakub prowadzi badania w zakresie modeli maksymalizujących użyteczność w ekonomii; przedsiębiorczości; zagadnienia wyboru kariery oraz teorii decyzji. W swoich badaniach używa głównie metod ilościowych i eksperymentalnych, takich jak Analiza Łączna (Conjoint...
Employment structure in individual enterprises in Poland in 2010-2014
Dane BadawczeIt is worth mentioning the role of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises in the labor market. The above-mentioned entities employ in total nearly 70% of all employees who work in the corporate sector. Micro enterprises play a decisive role in this respect, accounting for nearly 40% of all employees.Comparing the data contained in the table below...
How can Systems Thinking Help Us Handling the COVID-19 Crisis?
PublikacjaPurpose: COVID-19 pandemic outbreak remains one of the most influential events in the global economy over the recent years. While being primarily public health-related, it has a tremendous impact on many other aspects, such as public transport, education, and business management. Many businesses were forced to introduce rapid changes to their business models in order to survive. The aim of this paper is to show the complexity and...
PublikacjaPurpose: This study's primary goal is to present the theoretical concept of family enterprises. Specifically, the results of earlier studies and the issues facing this field of research now will be described. The article also examines the underlying impacts that family control has on business management in order to fill the research gap left by earlier studies on the performance differences between family and non-family enterprises....