wszystkich: 481
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: STANDARDS
Standards Conformity Framework in comparison with contemporary methods supporting standards application
PublikacjaAchieving and assessing conformity with standards and compliance with various sets of requirements generates significant costs for contemporary economies. Great deal of this is spent on fulfilment of safety and security requirements. However, standards application is not supported sufficiently by the tools available on the market. Therefore, Standards Conformity Framework (SCF) containing methods and tools which provide support...
IT services management standards
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IT Business Standards as an Ontology Domain
PublikacjaThe aim of this paper is to report a selection of Semantic Web aspects pertaining to ontology development activities in the domain of the IT business standard (TOGAF 9) such as formulating competency questions, conceptualization of the domain, resolution of the source knowledge deficiency and applying common design patterns in the OWL formalization. Authors also try to determine target groups that may benefit from such ontology...
Standards in Genomic Sciences
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Ontology as a Tool for the IT Management Standards Support
PublikacjaIn this paper the authors discuss the initial idea of using ontologies to model requirements of the standards that support IT management processes. The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF) is set as an example. A need for transition from the generic model do the organization-specific one is indicated. The described example serves as a ground for considering the usefulness of such modeling approach in the wider spectrum of...
A Review of Standards with Cybersecurity Requirements for Smart Grid
PublikacjaAssuring cybersecurity of the smart grid is indispensable for the reliable operation of this new form of the electricity network. Experts agree that standardised solutions and practices should be applied in the first place. In recent years many new standards for smart grids have been published, which paradoxically results in the difficulty of finding a relevant publication in this plethora of literature. This paper presents results...
Standards on Cyber Security Assessment of Smart Grid
PublikacjaSecurity evaluation of communication systems in smart grid poses a great challenge to the developers and operators. In recent years many new smart grid standards were proposed, which paradoxically results in the difficulty in finding a relevant publication in this plethora of literature. This paper presents the results of a systematic analysis which aimed at addressing this issue by identifying standards that present sound security...
CIP Security Awareness and Training: Standards and Practice
PublikacjaThese are critical infrastructure employees who have access to the critical cyber assets in the first place. This situation is well recognised by international and national standardisation bodies which recommend security education, training and awareness as one of the key elements of critical infrastructure protection. In this chapter the standards are identified and their relevant areas are described. A practical implementation...
CIP Security Awareness and Training: Standards and Practice
PublikacjaThese are critical infrastructure employees who have access to the critical cyber assets in the first place. This situation is well recognized by international and national standardization bodies which recommend security education, training and awareness as one of the key elements of critical infrastructure protection. In this chapter the standards are identified and their relevant areas are described. A practical implementation...
Validation of Services Supporting Healthcare Standards Conformance
PublikacjaThe paper presents the results of experimental validation of a set of innovative software services supporting processes of achieving, assessing and maintaining conformance with standards and regulations. The study involved several hospitals implementing the Accreditation Standard promoted by the Polish Ministry of Health. First we introduce NOR-STA services that implement the TRUST-IT methodology of argument management. Then we...
International Journal of Services and Standards
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Advances and technical standards in neurosurgery
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IEEE Communications Standards Magazine
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Standards with cybersecurity controls for smart grid - A systematic analysis
PublikacjaIn recent years numerous standards related to the cybersecurity of smart grids have been published, which led to the challenge for operators in obtaining indications that match their specific objectives and contexts. Although several studies approached this problem by providing more or less comprehensive surveys and overviews of smart grid cybersecurity standards, none of them was dedicated to the actual and important subject of...
Cybersecurity and Privacy in Standards for Smart Grids – a Comprehensive Survey
PublikacjaResilient information and communications technologies are a prerequisite for reliable operation of smart grid. In recent years, many standards for the new form of electricity network have been proposed, which results in operators and other smart grid stakeholders having difficulties in finding the documents which can be related to their particular problems. The purpose of this paper is to bring in all smart grid standards that...
SCF - a Framework Supporting Achieving and Assessing Conformity with Standards
PublikacjaStandards Conformity Framework (SCF) presented in this paper encompasses methods and tools whichprovide support for application of standards and other normative documents. The approach taken focuses ondevelopment, assessment and maintenance of an electronic document which demonstrates conformity. Sucha document contains an argument structure developed in accordance with the Trust-IT methodology. Thepaper discusses details of the...
Supporting Compliance with Security Standards by Trust Case Templates
PublikacjaTrust Cases are used to justify that a given object (a system, an infrastructure, an organization) exhibits certain properties. One of possible applications of trust cases is related to the processes of achieving and demonstrating the compliance with standards. A Trust Case Template derived from a given standard constitutes a skeleton of justification (encompassing evidence and argumentation) of the compliance with the standard....
Supporting compliance with safety standards by trust case templates
PublikacjaStandard Compliance (SC) Framework presented in this paper encompasses methods and tools which provide support for application of standards. The framework is based on trust case methodology. A trust case is a data structure which represents a justification that an object (a system, an infrastructure, an organization) exhibits certain properties. It contains an argument and related evidence which support claimed properties. A trust...
Modernization of tram lines with the use of railway design standards
PublikacjaThe article presents the main differences between the process of upgrading railway and tram routes. Geometrical layout designing is an issue of the interest. Railway designing rules that may be helpful in the design of the modernization are specified.
Review of International Standards and Policy Guidelines for Smart Sustainable Cities
PublikacjaSmart cities are often criticized for preoccupation with technology, for ignoring the negative effects of technology, for irrelevance to the needs of the poor, and for ubiquitous data collection creating perfect conditions for surveillance societies and autocratic states. In response, cities pursue smartness and sustainability simultaneously, becoming global (by participation in global digital networks) and local (by addressing...
Implementation of International Standards of Fiscal and Monetary Transparency - Case of Poland
PublikacjaResearch background: Financial managers, investors, lenders, counterparties and citizens should have useful, reliable, timely, complete, comparable, readable information on fiscal and monetary policy. The actions taken and instruments used by fiscal and monetary authorities have an important impact on economic conditions. Purpose of the article: The aim of the article is to assess Poland's compliance with international standards...
Burning mouth syndrome: epidemiology, diagnosis and modern treatment standards.
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Review of sewage sludge management: standards, regulations and analytical methods
PublikacjaThis article presents the most popular methods of sewage sludge management and associated unit operations and processes referring to them. The most popular methods are: Reclamation and adaptation of lands to specific needs; plant cultivation not intended for consumption or for production of food; usage in agriculture; usage in building; recovery of phosphorus, rare earth metals or fats and usage in industry; producing combustible...
Verification of the compatibility of TOC, TOKC duct silencers with selected EN standards
PublikacjaThe TOC and TOKC ventilation silencers tested during the a.m. procedures are compatible with selected standards to the extents and classes as stated above without further limitations.
Open standards-based communication system for distributed intelligent surveillance solution
PublikacjaThe paper presents an open standards-based communication system being a part of a distributed surveillance solution. The paradigm of “intelligent” surveillance approach is introduced, and employed video processing is discussed briefly. Requirements analysis toward the design of communication subsystem architecture is presented. Special attention is paid to the multimedia streaming functionality of presented solution, which is based...
A method of trust case templates to support standards conformity achievement and assessment
PublikacjaOsiąganie i ocena zgodności ze standardami stanowi poważne obciążenie finansowe dla współczesnych gospodarek. Pomimo znacznej wagi tego problemu, nie znalazł on jednak zadowalającego przełożenia na rozwiązania dostępne na rynku. W tej pracy zaproponowano metodę nazwaną Standards Conformity Framework (SCF), która wspiera stosowanie standardów. Jest ona oparta na spostrzeżeniu, że osiąganie i ocena zgodności ze standardem polega...
A moderate position in the debate on the possibility and moral utility of the ethical standards codification
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International standards of serving imprisonment for mentally ill prisoners and Polish realities
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New education standards for engineers at selected faculties of universities of technology in Poland
PublikacjaWolny rynek edukacji zmierza do punktu finalnego. Kształcenie inżynierów staje się coraz bardziej sprawa globalną. Głównym problemem w kształceniu jest zapewnienie odpowiednich relacji między wykształceniem ogólnym a technicznym specjalistycznym.Dlatego też standardy kształcenia winny stanowić co najmniej 80 % całkowitej liczby godzin przewidzianych programem kształcenia. Dla właściwej edukacji inżynierów niezbędne jest uczestnictwo...
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Logistics aspects in the group of health care accreditation standards associated with patient nutrition
PublikacjaMedical services are currently one of the more popular branches of the service sector, both in Poland and worldwide. Along with direct impact on human health and life, they have influence on the necessity of constant search for forms of their improvement. Actions taken for improvement of health services quality are implemented with diversity, both as an obligatory action imposed in all medical services units, as well as, actions...
Meeting Requirements Imposed by Secure Software Development Standards and Still Remaining Agile
PublikacjaThe paper introduces the AgileSafe method of selecting agile practices for software development projects that are constrained by assurance requirements resulting from safety and/or security related standards. Such requirements are represented by argumentation templates which explain how the evidence collected during agile practices implementation will support the conformity with the requirements. Application of the method is demonstrated...
Compensation Topologies in IPT Systems: Standards, Requirements, Classification, Analysis, Comparison and Application
PublikacjaWireless power transfer devices are becoming more relevant and widespread. Therefore, an article is devoted to a review, analysis and comparison of compensation topologies for an inductive power transfer. A new classification of topologies is developed. A lot of attention is paid to the problems of the physical fundamentals of compensation work, standards, safety, and five main topology requirements. It is determined, that topologies...
Socio-Cultural Standards Promoted by the Mass Media as Predictors of Restrictive and Bulimic Behavior
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Household standards and socio-economic aspects as a factor determining energy consumption in the city
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Problems of PAH quantification by GC–MS method using isotope-labelled standards
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Problems of PAH quantification by GC-MS method using isotope-labelled standards.
PublikacjaChromatografia gazowa w połączeniu ze spektromerią mas (GC-MS) jest obecnie rutynowo stosowaną metodą w analityce środowiskowej do oznaczania śladowych ilości zanieczyszczeń organicznych. Stosowanie detektora mas sprawia, że wygodnym wzorcem wewnętrznym są stabilne izotopowo analogi oznaczanych związków. Związki te są wykorzystywane do śledzenia i kompensacji strat analitów podczas wykonywania określonych operacji związanych z...
Hybrid Finite Element Method Development for Offshore Structures’ Calculation with the Implementation of Industry Standards
PublikacjaIn the design process of offshore steel structures, it is typical to employ commercial calculation codes in which simulation and evaluation of results are performed on the basis of the available standards (e.g. API, DNV, Lloyds). The modeling and solution rely on finite element methods and cover the simulation of the structure’s properties along with the influence of the marine environment – sea currents, wave and wind loading,...
Hybrid Finite Element Method Development for Offshore Structures’ Calculation with the Implementation of Industry Standards
PublikacjaIn the design process of offshore steel structures, it is typical to employ commercial calculation codes in which simulationand evaluation of results are performed on the basis of the available standards (e.g. API, DNV, Lloyds). The modelingand solution rely on finite element methods and cover the simulation of the structure’s properties along with the influenceof the marine environment – sea currents, wave...
Methodology for implementing power plant efficiency standards for power generation: potential emission reduction
PublikacjaSome methods of generating power such as power generation through coal, natural gas, oil result in inevitable emissions of greenhouse gases. While power generation is necessary due to its increasing demand, it is important for power companies to generate their power in an efcient manner to reduce its efect on the environment. One of the most efective ways of tackling inefciency issues is through the implementation of efciency standard....
New implementation of data standards for AI research in precision oncology. Experience from EuCanImage
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Preparation of Internal Standards for 2D-UPLC-MS/MS Quantification of Noncanonical DNA Bases
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Ampacity of power cables exposed to solar radiation – recommendations of standards vs. CFD simulations
PublikacjaThe aim of the paper is to evaluate the ampacity of a low-voltage single power cable according to: 1) recommendations of the standard IEC 60287, 2) a Computational Fluid Dynamics method, implemented in Ansys software; and comparison of the results obtained for these two cases. Moreover, limitations of recommendations of the above mentioned standard are indicated.
Appraisal of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of Gdańsk University of Technology in view of domestic education standards
PublikacjaOpisano doświadczenia Wydziału Mechanicznego Politechniki Gdańskiej wyniesione z akredytacji kierunku studiów: mechanika i budowa maszyn. Skoncentrowano się na przedstawieniu procedury sporządzania raportu samooceny i jego weryfikacji przez komisję zewnętrzną.
The Polish perspective on adopting EU standards nitrogen removal at large WWTPs - case studies
PublikacjaW związku z przyjęciem nowych regulacji prawnych w zakresie usuwania azotu w dużych oczyszczalniach ścieków (>100 000 RM), potrzebne są wiarygodne i dokładne informacje na temat wymiarowania stref anoksycznych w komorach osadu czynnego. Badania zostały przeprowadzone w oczyszczalniach Gdańsk-Wschód oraz Gdynia-Dębogórze. Ich celem było porównanie szybkości denitryfikacji określonej w warunkach laboratoryjnych oraz obliczonej na...
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The Polish perspective on adopting EU standards for nitrogen removal at large WWTP´s - case studies.
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono porównanie szybkości procesu denitryfikacji mierzonej w warunkach laboratoryjnych z obliczeniami dokonanymi na podstawie bilansu masy dla bioreaktorów w skali technicznej. Doświadczenia wykonano w oczyszczalni ścieków'' Wschód w Gdańsku i ''Dębogóra'' w Gdyni.
Acoustical Standards Used in Design of School Spaces = Standardy akustyczne używane w projektowaniu przestrzeni szkoły
PublikacjaArtykuł prezentuje wytyczne projektowania akustyki wnętrz w pomieszczeniach szkolnych zawarte w europejskich i amerykańskich standardach technicznych. Opisane są także aktualne polskie przepisy odnoszące się do akustyki wnętrza. We wnioskach zaprezentowano wytyczne dla poprawy komfortu akustycznego w szkołach. // Design guidelines for interior acoustics in learning spaces included in European and American technical standards and...
The conducted immunity test of an AC adaptor in accordance with EMC standards
Dane BadawczeThe dataset presents a result of measurements that are a part of immunity tests to conducted disturbances, induced by radio-frequency fields. The immunity tests were carried out on the mains cable of the ac adaptor PHILIPS DC power supply SBC 6654. Tests of immunity of electronic systems to conducted disturbances in the frequency range from 150 kHz...
Standards for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area versus Common Assessment Framework in education. Conflict or harmony?
PublikacjaThe aim of the research was to analyze the assumptions of Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ENQA) and the criteria of Common Assessment Framework (CAF) for the educational sector and based on that to find out the main differences and similarities (conflicts and harmony) between them. The results of the research showed that the current trends of the quality movement evolution in...