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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: agricultural land use
Using Isolation Forest and Alternative Data Products to Overcome Ground Truth Data Scarcity for Improved Deep Learning-based Agricultural Land Use Classification Models
PublikacjaHigh-quality labelled datasets represent a cornerstone in the development of deep learning models for land use classification. The high cost of data collection, the inherent errors introduced during data mapping efforts, the lack of local knowledge, and the spatial variability of the data hinder the development of accurate and spatially-transferable deep learning models in the context of agriculture. In this paper, we investigate...
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Changes in the Use of Agricultural Land in Poland and Czech Republic
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Assessment of the impact of land use in an agricultural catchment area on water quality of lowland rivers
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State Interventionism in Agricultural Land Turnover in Poland
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Modelling the impact of the agricultural holdings and land-use structure on the quality of inland and coastal waters with an innovative and interdisciplinary toolkit
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Modelling the impact of the agricultural holdings and land-use structure on the quality of inland and coastal waters with an innovative and interdisciplinary toolkit
PublikacjaThe changes taking place in the marine coastal zones are extremely important, as about 40% of the human population currently lives in the coastal areas (within 100 kilometres of the coastline) increasing anthropogenic pressure on the marine ecosystems. Agriculture is a significant source of nutrients to the marine environment that increase hypoxia, eutrophication and may pose a threat to the services provided by ecosystems. In...
Journal of Land Use Science
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Journal of Transport and Land Use
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A New Approach for Investigating the Impact of Pesticides and Nutrient Flux from Agricultural Holdings and Land-Use Structures on Baltic Sea Coastal Waters
PublikacjaKnowledge related to land-use management impacts on the Baltic Sea ecosystem is limited. The constant release of pollutants into water bodies has resulted in water quality degradation. Therefore, only the innovative approaches integrated with research will provide accurate solutions and methods for proper environment management and will enable understanding and prediction of the impacts of land-use in the Baltic Sea region. Modelling...
Monitoring Trends of Land Use and Land Cover Changes in Rajang River Basin
PublikacjaIn this study, the spatiotemporal changes in land use and land cover (LULC) were evaluated from 1992 to 2015 for the Rajang River Basin (RRB) located in the Sarawak State of Malaysia. The changes in water bodies cropped lands, and forests were assessed based on the available remotely sensed satellite data. Supervised classification with the Maximum-Likelihood-Algorithm technique was adopted for monitoring the LULC changes using...
Land use structure determinants for the Gdańsk Shipyard Area.
PublikacjaArtykuł zawiera omówienie uwarunkowań ogólnomiejskich rozwoju terenów postoczniowych w Gdańsku - obszaru tzw. Młodego Miasta. W szczególności ujęte w nim zostały kwestie odnoszące się do lokalizacji obszaru, jego potencjału rozwojowego, a także analiza szans rozwojowych nowego programu miejskiego w obszarze Aglomeracji Gdańskiej.
TeMA-Journal of Land Use Mobility and Environment
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Agricultural land per capita in selected countries, 1993–2021
Dane BadawczeThe table presents agricultural land per capita in a given country. It is the sum of arable land and land used as pastures for grazing livestock. The data concerns Poland, the world and Poland's neighbors and covers the period from 1993 to 2021.
Wood Quality of Pendulate Oak on Post-Agricultural Land: A Case Study Based on Physico-Mechanical and Anatomical Properties
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Geomorphological and Hydrological Effects of Subsidence and Land use Change in Industrial and Urban Areas
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Verification of Economic and Agricultural Indicators With the Use of Statistical Methods on the Example of Individual Farms
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The impact of land use and season on the riverine transport of mercury into the marine coastal zone
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Phosphorus pools and internal loading in a eutrophic lake with gradients in sediment geochemistry created by land use in the watershed
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Linking occurrence and changes in local abundance of farmland bird species to landscape composition and land-use changes
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Wind Conditions at Pedestrian Level in Different Types of Residential Urban Development for a High Degree of Land Use Efficiency
PublikacjaThe paper concerns wind conditions around urban building development at the pedestrian level. The article aims to identify aerodynamic phenomena around three types of multi-family housing developmentswith different forms and the same urban parameters of building development intensity (high intensity was taken into account). The aim of the research was mainly to achieve qualitative results that would lead to understanding fundamental...
The effect of land use in the catchment and meteorological conditions on the riverine transport of dissolved organic carbon into the Puck Lagoon (southern Baltic)
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Evaluation of the Influence of Farming Practices and Land Use on Groundwater Resources in a Coastal Multi-Aquifer System in Puck Region (Northern Poland)
PublikacjaThis study focuses on the modeling of groundwater flow and nitrate transport in a multi-aquifer hydrosystem in northern Poland, adjacent to Puck Bay (Baltic sea). The main goal was to investigate how changes in land use and farming practices may affect groundwater recharge and submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) to the sea and the associated N-NO3 fluxes. An integrated modelling approach has been developed, which couples the...
The Potential Use of Citrus aurantifolia L. Essential Oils for Decay Control, Quality Preservation of Agricultural Products, and Anti-Insect Activity
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Hybridization of valuation procedures as a medicine supporting the real estate market and sustainable land use development during the covid-19 pandemic and afterwards
PublikacjaCurrently we are facing the pandemic situation that occur all over the world. Regardless the country or even the region, the negative consequences that are expected could be very big and the level of crisis is not predictable. This situation is the challenge for the real estate market as well. Due to this fact, the authors believe that there is the time when deep transformation of approaches, procedures and awareness related to...
Use of electronic nose for quality assessment of agricultural ethanol distillates Wykorzystanie elektronicznego nosa do oceny jakości etanolowych destylatów rolniczych
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono wyniki badań oceny jakości destylatów rolniczych za pomocą prototypu elektronicznego nosa, wyposażonego w zestaw 6 półprzewodnikowych czujników. Frakcję lotną próbek destylatu rolniczego wytwarzano za pomocą procesu barbotażu. Klasyfikację próbek do odpowiedniej klasy jakości, przeprowadzano przy użyciu funkcji dyskryminacyjnych: liniowej i kwadratowej wspartej metodą kroswalidacji. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych...
Współdziałanie planowania przestrzennego ląd-woda: jak wykorzystać doświadczenia pilotażowego planu zagospodarowania dla zachodniej części Zatoki Gdańskiej = Co-operation/coexistence of land based and marine spatial planning - how to use the MSP Western Gulf of Gdańsk pilot plan experience
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Narratives on cutting down trees on private land. A comparison of urban and rural municipalities in Poland using the Q-deliberation method
PublikacjaIncreased development in rural and urban areas leads to a decrease in tree cover and reduces the ecosystem services that trees provide. Municipal authorities must consider managing trees on private land to ensure that residents have access to trees and green spaces. In doing so, they must frequently confront conflicting stakeholder views, which are driven by diverse public and private interests and impacted by the type of landscape...
Remote measurement of building usable floor area - Algorithms fusion
PublikacjaRapid changes that are taking place in the urban environment have significant impact on urban growth. Most cities and urban regions all over the world compete to increase resident and visitor satisfaction. The growing requirements and rapidity of introducing new technologies to all aspects of residents' lives force cities and urban regions to implement "smart cities" concepts in their activities. Real estate is one of the principal...
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Innovation in sustainable development: an investigation of the EU context using 2030 agenda indicators
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Disequilibrium in the real estate market: Evidence from Poland
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Innovation level and local development of EU regions. A new assessment approach
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Spatial allocation of nature-based solutions in the form of public green infrastructure in relation to the socio-economic district profile–a GIS-based comparative study of Gdańsk and Rome
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Spatial allocation of nature-based solutions in the form of public green infrastructure in relation to the socio-economic district profile–a GIS-based comparative study of Gdańsk and Rome
PublikacjaWith increasing environmental and climate change threats to urban areas, Nature-based Solutions (NbS), including public greenery, are becoming integral components of green infrastructure (GI) networks. These solutions provide multiple benefits in different aspects, including stormwater management, enhanced air quality and improved societal well-being, offering cost-effective and adaptable alternatives to resource-intensive and...
Automated Valuation Model based on fuzzy and rough set theory for real estate market with insufficient source data
PublikacjaObjective monitoring of the real estate value is a requirement to maintain balance, increase security and minimize the risk of a crisis in the financial and economic sector of every country. The valuation of real estate is usually considered from two points of view, i.e. individual valuation and mass appraisal. It is commonly believed that Automated Valuation Models (AVM) should be devoted to mass appraisal, which requires a large...
Property sustainable value versus highest and best use analyzes
PublikacjaThis article proposes the possibility of applying fuzzy logic theory to perform the tasks of determining the market value of agricultural lands. These tasks are of a multi‐criteria character, as multiple factors are taken into consideration during the land value valuation process. The market value of agricultural land plots, calculated using fuzzy logic methods, can provide a basis for further use in the processes that are directly...
Romanika Okraszewska dr inż. arch.
Osobydr inż. arch. Romanika Okraszewska jest adiunktem w Katedrze Inżynierii Drogowej i Transportowej Wydziału Inżynierii Lądowej i Środowiska Politechniki Gdańskiej. W 1996 ukończyła klasę matematyczno-informatyczną w VIII Liceum Ogólnokształcącym im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Gdańsku. Absolwentka dwóch wydziałów Politechiki Gdańksiej, w roku 2002 ukończyła studia architektury i urbanistyki a w 2004 zarządzania i ekonomii. W latach...
Data Acquisition and Processing for GeoAI Models to Support Sustainable Agricultural Practices
PublikacjaThere are growing opportunities to leverage new technologies and data sources to address global problems related to sustainability, climate change, and biodiversity loss. The emerging discipline of GeoAI resulting from the convergence of AI and Geospatial science (Geo-AI) is enabling the possibility to harness the increasingly available open Earth Observation data collected from different constellations of satellites and sensors...
Seasonal contributions of nutrients from small urban and agricultural watersheds in northern Poland
PublikacjaDiffuse sources of pollution like agricultural or urban runoff are important factors in determining the quality of surface waters, although they are more difficult to monitor thanpointsources.Theobjectiveofourstudywastoverifyassumptionsthattheinflow from agricultural nutrient sources is higher than from urbanized ones. It has been done by comparing the nutrients and organic matter concentrations and loads for three small streams...
Integrated information and prediction Web Service WaterPUCK General concept
PublikacjaIn this paper, general concept of a new method as ‘Integrated information and prediction Web Service WaterPUCK’ for investigation influence of agricultural holdings and land-use structures on coastal waters of the southern Baltic Sea is presented. WaterPUCK Service is focused on determination of the current and future environmental status of the surface water and groundwater located in the Puck District (Poland) and its impact...
The Impact of Spatiotemporal Changes in Land Development (1984–2019) on the Increase in the Runoff Coefficient in Erbil, Kurdistan Region of Iraq
PublikacjaNowadays, geospatial techniques are a popular approach for estimating urban flash floods by considering spatiotemporal changes in urban development. In this study, we investigated the impact of Land Use/Land Cover (LULC) changes on the hydrological response of the Erbil basin in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI). In the studied area, the LULC changes were calculated for 1984, 1994, 2004, 2014 and 2019 using the Digital Elevation...
Nutrient loss from three small-size watersheds in the southern Baltic Sea in relation to agricultural practices and policy
PublikacjaAgriculture is the major contributor of waterborne nutrient fluxes into the Baltic Sea, one of the world’s most eutrophication-sensitive areas. Poland, as a large, densely populated state ohf the Baltic Region, with dominating agricultural land use, largely contributes to riverborne loads of N and P. The aim of our study was to examine the input of nutrients from three small first-order agricultural watersheds (Bladzikowski Stream,...
Jakub Szulwic dr inż.
OsobyJakub Szulwic (ur. 23 grudnia 1974 w Bydgoszczy) – geodeta uprawniony, specjalizujący się w zakresie pomiarów i oceny geometrii obiektów inżynierskich szczególnie z wykorzystaniem metod fotogrametrii inżynieryjnej i skaningu laserowego; zajmuje się geomatyką i geoinformtyką. Autor ponad 100 publikacji naukowych, w tym 50 indeksowanych w Web of Science (h-index =15). W 1993 roku ukończył klasę o profilu mat-fiz i zdał maturę w Liceum...
Wpływ stosowanych praktyk rolniczych na dopływ wód podziemnych oraz azotanów do Zatoki Puckiej
PublikacjaEutrophication of marine basins associated with submarine groundwater discharge is currently one of the most important challenges in modern coastal hydrogeology, and is classified as a serious global environmental problem. A particular source of groundwater pollution is agricultural activity, which is commonly carried out in the coastal zone. Research was conducted on a representative part of the Bay of Puck watershed, dominated...
Long-Term Impact of Wind Erosion on the Particle Size Distribution of Soils in the Eastern Part of the European Union
PublikacjaWind erosion is the leading cause of soil degradation and air pollution in many regionsof the world. As wind erosion is controlled by climatic factors, research on this phenomenon isurgently needed in soil and land management in order to better adapt to climate change. In thispaper, the impact of wind erosion on the soil surface in relation to particle size distribution wasinvestigated. Changes in percentage of sand, silt and...
Ocena stanu chemicznego i zagrożeń wód podziemnych oraz powierzchniowych w rejonie Zalewu Wślanego
PublikacjaThe purpose of the research was to examine how factors such as land use and land management affect the quality of groundwater and surface water. These studies were possible thanks to funding from the IDUB Technetium Talent Management Grants project titled “Assessment of Anthropogenic Threat to Groundwater and Surface Water in the Region of the Vistula Lagoon”. The research area included a section of the Vistula Spit, ¯u³awy Wielkie...
Assessing climate change threats and urbanization impacts on surface runoff in Gdańsk (Poland): insights from remote sensing, machine learning and hydrological modeling
PublikacjaThis study investigates the impacts of Land Use/Land Cover (LULC) changes and climate change on surface runoff in Gdańsk, Poland, which is crucial for local LULC planning and urban flood risk management. The analysis employs two primary methodologies: remote sensing and hydrological modeling. Remote sensing was conducted using Google Earth Engine and Land Change Modeler in IDRISI Terrset software to analyze historical (1985–2022)...
Energy policy and the role of bioenergy in Poland
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono sytuacje energetyczną kraju. Omówiono poszczególne sektory wytwarzania energii oraz zapotrzebowania na energię i paliwa. Omówiono przekształcenia sektorów energetycznych w Polsce na przestrzeni lat 1990-2002. Na tym tle przedstawiono techniczne, ekonomiczne, społeczne i prawne aspekty rozwoju energetyki źródeł odnawialnych a w szczególności opartych o bioenergię. Przedstawiono wnioski dla Polski płynące z dotychczasowych...
Wstępna ocena wielkości stężeń związków azotu i fosforu odprowadzanych z wodami powierzchniowymi do Zatoki Puckiej z terenu gminy Puck
PublikacjaThe ferilizers used in agriculture negatively affect the surface and groundwater quality. The Bay of Puck is a semi-closed part of the Gulf of Gdańsk, which is particularly vulnerable to eutrophication caused by the inflow of nutrient substances. The Bay is surrounded by the lands intensively used in agriculture. Also a number of touristic resorts is located on its coast. The streams and rivers carry the load of nitrogen and phosphorus...