Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: calibration
Calibration in Metrological Approach
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Calibration and metrological approach.
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono teraźniejsze podejście do procesu kalibracji. Różnorodność definicji dotyczących pomiarów w chemii analitycznej, nierzadko niekonsekwentnych, może wprowadzić w zakłopotanie. W pracy wyjaśniono pojęcia takie jak: kalibracja, substancje wykorzystywane do kalibracji, walidacja, niepewność materiałów odniesienia. Omówiono również pojęcie spójności pomiarowej w odniesieniu do procesu kalibracji.
Evaluating calibration and robustness of pedestrian detectors
PublikacjaIn this work robustness and calibration of modern pedestrian detectors are evaluated. Pedestrian detection is a crucial perception com- ponent in autonomous driving and here we study its performance under different image corruptions. Furthermore, we provide analysis of classifi- cation calibration of pedestrian detectors and we show a positive effect of using style-transfer augmentation technique. Our analysis is aimed as a step...
Evaluating Calibration and Robustness of Pedestrian Detectors
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Influence of boundary conditions in calibration chamber
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono wyniki badań modelowych penetracji w komorze kalibracyjnej z zastosowaniem modeli o różnej średnicy. Badania przeprowadzono w piasku średnio zagęszczonym i zagęszczonym przy stałej składowej poziomej naprężenia i przy składowej pionowej naprężenia w gruncie do 400 kPa. Określono wpływ warunków brzegowych na uzyskane wyniki oporu podstawy/oporu stożka lub ostrza dylatometru. Wyznaczono współczynniki korekcyjne oraz...
A new approach in the calibration of passive samplersA new approach on the calibration of passive dosimeters for studies of indoor air (....--------ROZBIEŻNOŚĆ TYTUŁÓW-------------------------------------
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono problematykę kalibracji próbników pasywnych wykorzystywanych w Katedrze Chemii Analitycznej Wydz. Chemicznego PG do monitoringu jakości powietrza wewnętrznego. Proponowane podejście pozwala na oszacowanie wartości stałych kalibracyjnych, a tym samym oznaczenia stężeń związków od heksanu do dodekanu. Tak więc permeacyjne dozymetry pasywne mogą być wykorzystane w analogicznym zakresie jak próbniki aktywne.
Mobile Laser Scanning Calibration on a Marine Platform
PublikacjaThe article describes the method of calibration of the Riegl VMZ-400 mobile scanning system on a floating platform and an experiment aimed at conducting measurements from a previously calibrated instrument. The issue of factors affecting the quality of measurements was discussed. Mobile laser scanning is an increasingly popular measurement solution, but it is still innovative on a European scale. The use of a floating platform...
Kalibracja magnetometru magnetorezystancyjnego = Calibration of magnetoresistive magnetometer
PublikacjaObiekt o właściwościach ferromagnetycznych zaburza w bliskim otoczeniu równomierność ziemskiego pola magnetycznego. Mierząc indukcję magnetyczną można tego rodzaju obiekt wykryć i zlokalizować. W systemach magnetometrycznych wykrywających ukryte obiekty ferromagnetyczne stosowane są magnetometry transduktorowe, protonowe, pompowane optycznie oraz SQUID. Rozwój technologii półprzewodnikowej pozwala zastosować do tego rodzaju poszukiwań...
Numerical modelling of DMT test in calibration chamber
PublikacjaAnaliza numeryczna badania DMT wykonanego w komorze kalibracyjnej w Katedrze Geotechniki Politechniki Gdańskiej. Badania przeprowadzono w piasku Lubiatowo średnio zagęszczonym i zagęszczonym przy składowej pionowej naprężenia 100 kPa. Modelowano proces wciskania ostrza dylatometru oraz fazę odkształcenia membrany. Analiza parametryczna uwzględnia wpływ wartości kąta tarcia wewnętrznego i dylatancji oraz modułu odkształcenia uzyskanych...
A Maximum-Likelihood Approach to Force-Field Calibration
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Use of calibration chamber as a large triaxial apparatus
PublikacjaModelowanie wycinka kolumny żwirowej o wysokości 1 m w komorze kalibracyjnej. Badania przeprowadzono przy różnym naprężeniu bocznym w komorze. Kolumnę poddano obciążeniu pionowemu przy odkształceniu pionowym do 2%. Określono jej parametry wytrzymałościowe oraz moduły odkształcenia przy obciążeniu oraz w cyklach odciążenie-powtórne obciążenie.
Equal Baseline Camera Array—Calibration, Testbed and Applications
PublikacjaThis paper presents research on 3D scanning by taking advantage of a camera array consisting of up to five adjacent cameras. Such an array makes it possible to make a disparity map with a higher precision than a stereo camera, however it preserves the advantages of a stereo camera such as a possibility to operate in wide range of distances and in highly illuminated areas. In an outdoor environment, the array is a competitive alternative...
Use of optical skin phantoms for calibration of dermatological lasers
PublikacjaA wide range of dermatological diseases can be efficiently treated using laser heating. Nevertheless, before the new laser is introduced into clinical practice, its parameters and ability to interact with human skin have to be carefully examined. In order to do that optical skin phantoms can be used. Such phantoms closely imitate the scattering and absorption properties of real human skin tissue along with its thermal properties,...
Penetration resistance of Lubiatowo sand in calibration chamber tests
PublikacjaAnaliza oporu na wciskanie na stożku sondy statycznej wciskanej na podstawie badań modelowych w komorze kalibracyjnej z kontrolą naprężeń bocznych. Przeprowadzono badania z zastosowaniem standardowej końcówki CPT, dylatometru DMT, mini-stożka CPT oraz pali modelowych o różnej średnicy. Badania wykonano na piasku modelowym z plaży w Lubiatowie w stanie średnio zagęszczonym i zagęszczonym w szerokim zakresie składowej pionowej naprężenia....
PublikacjaThe paper describes construction nad calibration procedures of the rolling resistance test trailer R2 Mk2. The trailer is design to measure rolling resistance of passenger car tyres in various road conditions on trafficked road. The trailer utilizes so called angle method also known as vertical arm method. The paper presents also calibration procedures that are necessary to ascertain good precision of the measurements.
Optical method for verification of homogeneity of phantoms for calibration of magnetic resonance
PublikacjaThe primary purpose of this study was to develop a laboratory photonic set-up for characterisation of homogeneity of gel phantoms for calibration of magnetic resonance. In this system, optical coherence tomography allows the detection of micro- and macroscopic heterogeneities of a structure. The set-up was used to perform measurements of agar and agar-carrageenan gels, which are the basis for more complex phantoms for magnetic...
A calibration model for gas sensor array in varying environmental conditions
PublikacjaAbstract: Gas-analyzing systems based on gas sensors, commonly referred to as electronic noses, are the systems which enable the recognition of volatile compounds in their working environment and provide the on-line results of analysis. The most commonly used type of sensors in such systems is semiconductor gas sensors. They are considered to be the most reliable in the long-term applications (more than 1 year), however,...
A calibration model for gas sensor array in varying environmental conditions
PublikacjaAbstract: Gas-analyzing systems based on gas sensors, commonly referred to as electronic noses, are the systems which enable the recognition of volatile compounds in their working environment and provide the on-line results of analysis. The most commonly used type of sensors in such systems is semiconductor gas sensors. They are considered to be the most reliable in the long-term applications (more than 1 year), however,...
Calibration of POCIS and PASSIL passive samplers – influence of humic acids
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The Studies of Assumptions Accompanying the Calibration of High-Temperature Solution Calorimeter
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Calibration of acoustic vector sensor based on MEMS microphones for DOA estimation
PublikacjaA procedure of calibration of a custom 3D acoustic vector sensor (AVS) for the purpose of direction of arrival (DoA) estimation, is presented and validated in the paper. AVS devices working on a p-p principle may be constructed from standard pressure sensors and a signal processing system. However, in order to ensure accurate DoA estimation, each sensor needs to be calibrated. The proposed algorithm divides the calibration process...
Mechanical characterization of a gravel column in a calibration chamber operating as a triaxial cell
PublikacjaA series of tests considering the behavior of gravel columns was performed. A segment of column with a height of 1 m and a diameter of 0.53 m was modelled in a calibration chamber used as a triaxial cell at three different lateral stress applied. The vertical load transferred on the column head was simulated with steady increase of water pressures in the upper and lower membranes. During the loading the volumetric changes in the...
Calibration-Free Single-Anchor Indoor Localization Using an ESPAR Antenna
PublikacjaIn this paper, we present a novel, low-cost approach to indoor localization that is capable of performing localization processes in real indoor environments and does not require calibration or recalibration procedures. To this end, we propose a single-anchor architecture and design based on an electronically steerable parasitic array radiator (ESPAR) antenna and Nordic Semiconductor nRF52840 utilizing Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)...
Effect of salinity and pH on the calibration of the extraction of pharmaceuticals from water by PASSIL
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Calibration of Passive Samplers for the Monitoring of Pharmaceuticals in Water-Sampling Rate Variation
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<title>Diagnostic and calibration system for the CMS RPC muon trigger</title>
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Calibration of the Chemcatcher passive sampler for the monitoring of priority organic pollutants in water
PublikacjaNa Univeristy of Portsmouth (UK) opracowano próbnik pasywny typu Chemcatcher, który może być stosowany do długotrwałego monitoringu organicznych zanieczyszczeń wody. Na działanie wszystkich próbników pasywnych wpływ mają warunki środowiskowe takie jak np. ruch wody czy temperatura. Przed użyciem próbnika Chemcatcher w badaniach polowych wymagana więc była wcześniejsza kalibracja w laboratorium. Przedstawiono wyniki serii doświadczeń...
Verification of ESPAR Antennas Performance in the Simple and Calibration Free Localization System
PublikacjaThis paper presents the results of simulations and measurements of an indoor localization system that uses Electronically Steerable Parasitic Array Radiator (ESPAR) antennas with switched directional beam. Proposed antennas are dedicated for 2.4GHz ISM low-cost applications where determination of the incoming signal is required. The antennas performance is analyzed and verified with relation to positioning methods based on the...
A novel calibration method for RSS-based DoA estimation using ESPAR antennas
PublikacjaIn this paper, we introduce a new calibration method that can successfully be used in direction of arrival (DoA) estimation using electronically steerable parasitic array radiator (ESPAR) antennas and employing power-pattern cross-correlation (PPCC) algorithm, which relies on received signal strength (RSS) values recorded at the antenna output port. Instead of the commonly used two-step approach, during which ESPAR antenna calibration...
ECU calibration for gaseous dual fuel supply system in compression ignition engines
PublikacjaThe dual fuel (DF) combustion mode is proven solution that allows to improve or get at the same level engine performance and reduce toxic compounds in exhaust gases which is confirmed by researchers and end-users. DF combustion mode uses two fuels gaseous fuel as a primary energy source and a pilot quantity of diesel fuel as ignition source. However, in order, to fully take advantage of the potential of the dual fuel mode, DF system...
Accurate Lightweight Calibration Methods for Mobile Low-Cost Particulate Matter Sensors
PublikacjaMonitoring air pollution is a critical step towards improving public health, particularly when it comes to identifying the primary air pollutants that can have an impact on human health. Among these pollutants, particulate matter (PM) with a diameter of up to 2.5 μ m (or PM2.5) is of particular concern, making it important to continuously and accurately monitor pollution related to PM. The emergence of mobile low-cost PM sensors...
Application of auto calibration and linearization algorithms to improve sound quality of computer devices
PublikacjaAn application of auto calibration and linearization algorithms designed for correcting acoustic characteristics of selected computer devices was presented in the paper. The functionality of the algorithms were presented for two kind of computer devices: ultrabook class computer and portable device of All-In-One type. The algorithms were adjusted for the given type of the device on the basis of series of measurements conducted...
Experiments and calibration of a bond-slip relation and efficiency factors for textile reinforcement in concrete
PublikacjaTextile reinforcement yarns consist of many filaments, which can slip relative each other. At modelling of the global structural behaviour, interfilament slip in the yarns, and slip between the yarns and the concrete can be considered by efficiency factors for the stiffness and strength of the yarns, and by applying a bond-slip relation between yarns and concrete. In this work, an effective and robust method for calibration of...
Calibration of the CMS drift tube chambers and measurement of the drift velocity with cosmic rays
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A New Approach to Generation of Standard Gas Mixtures used in the Calibration of Gas Analysers
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Calibration of permeation passive samplers with silicone membranes based on physicochemical properties of the analytes.
PublikacjaW pracy opisano sposób kalibracji pasywnych dozymetrów permeacyjnych, wykorzystywanych w badaniach powietrza w oparciu o własności fizyko-chemiczne analitów. Stwierdzono silną zależność pomiędzy stałą kalibracyjną (K) dozymetrów i liczbą atomów węgla w cząsteczce analitu (w obrębie danej grupy związków chemicznych) dla alkoholi, alifatycznych i aromatycznych węglowodorów oraz estrów. Taka zależność występuje również pomiędzy...
Spatial Calibration of a Dual PTZ-Fixed Camera System for Tracking Moving Objects in Video
PublikacjaA dual camera setup is proposed, consisting of a fixed (stationary) camera and a pan-tilt-zoom (PTZ) camera, employed in an automatic video surveillance system. The PTZ camera is zoomed in on a selected point in the fixed camera view and it may automatically track a moving object. For this purpose, two camera spatial calibration procedures are proposed. The PTZ camera is calibrated in relation to the fixed camera image, using interpolated...
The computational methods in the development of a novel multianalyte calibration technique for potentiometric integrated sensors systems
PublikacjaIn recent years, integration and miniaturization of ion-selective electrodes (ISEs) have brought many benefits resulting in the possibility of simultaneous determination of the ions concentration in small volume samples. One of the key problems related to the preparation of potentiometric integrated sensors systems (PISSs) is a calibration procedure due to the necessity to calibrate each particular sensor separately. The main aim...
Calibration images under different lighting conditions for classic geometric camera calibration.
Dane BadawczeDataset description: Calibration images under different lighting conditions for calassic geometric calibration.
Sensitivity calibration procedures in optical‐CT scanning of BANG®3 polymer gel dosimeters
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Calibration of Cameras and Fringe Pattern Projectors in the Vision System for Positioning of Workpieces on the CNC Machines
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New procedure of silica gel surface modification. Preparation of gaseousstandard mixtures for calibration purposes.
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono nową procedurę modyfikacji powierzchni żelu krzemionkowego z wykorzystaniem trimetyloaminy jako odczynnika. Próbki chemiczne modyfikowanego nośnika zostały wykorzystane do sporządzenia gazowych mieszanin wzorcowych (chlorek metylu jako składnik mierzony) techniką termicznego rozkładu związków powierzchniowych. Głównym celem badań było sprawdzenia przydatności nowej procedury modyfikacji powierzchni żelu do...
Colvolutional calibration of AFM probe
Dane BadawczeAtomic force microscopy is based on the interaction of the examined surface with a probe of a pyramidal shape, tipped with a sharp end with a radius of curvature ranging from single nanometers to hundreds of nanometers. The resolution of the obtained image is of course dependent on the above-mentioned geometric size, and the resulting image is a convolutional...
Efficient RSS-Based DoA Estimation for ESPAR Antennas Using Multiplane SDR Calibration Approach
PublikacjaIn this paper, we have introduced a new method to improve overall efficiency of direction-of-arrival (DoA) estimation scheme relying on received signal strength (RSS) values measured at the output port of electronically steerable parasitic array radiator (ESPAR) antenna. The proposed approach uses software-defined radio (SDR) setup and power pattern cross-correlation (PPCC) estimator involving multiple calibration planes. By placing...
Multianalyte Calibration Methods for Potentiometric Integrated Sensors System for Determination of Ions Concentration in a Body Fluids
PublikacjaIn recent years, integration and miniaturization of ion-selective electrodes (ISEs) have brought many benefits resulting in the possibility of simultaneous determination of the ions concentration in a small sample volume. One of the key problems related to the preparation of integrated sensors systems (ISSs) is a calibration procedure due to the necessity to calibrate each particular sensor separately. The main aim of the research...
Monitoring of n-butanol vapors biofiltration process using an electronic nose combined with calibration models
PublikacjaMalodours, by definition, are generally unpleasant, nuisance smells that are a mixture of volatile chemical compounds which can be perceptible even at low concentrations. Due to the more frequent occurrence of odour nuisance associated with the odour sensations, and thus the need to remove them from the air, deodorization techniques are commonly used. Biofiltration is one of the methods of reducing odorants in the air stream. In...
Calibration of precipitation estimation algorithm with particular emphasis on the Pomeranian region using high performance computing
PublikacjaFast and accurate precipitation estimation is an important element of remote atmosphere monitoring, as it allows, for example, to correct short-term weather forecasts and the prediction of several types of meteorological threats. The paper presents methodology for calibrating precipitation estimation algorithm based on MSG SEVIRI sensor data, and Optimal Cloud Analysis product available via EumetCast transmission. Calibration is...
Static renewal and continuous-flow calibration of two types of passive samplers for the monitoring of pharmaceuticals in wastewater
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Application of the chromatographic retention index system for theestimation of the calibration constants of permeation passivesamplers with polydimethylsiloxane membranes
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań z zastosowaniem pasywnych dozymetrów typu permeacyjnego, wyposażonych w membrany wykonane z PDMS. Badania dotyczyły oszacowania wartości stałych kalibracyjnych dozymetrów przy wykorzystaniu systemu indeksów retencji, wyznaczanych chromatograficznie, w warunkach liniowego narostu temperatury pracy kolumny (LTPRI). Znaleziono korelację pomiędzy wartościami stałych kalibracyjnych próbników typu pasywnego,...
Application of the chromatographic retention index system for the estimation of the calibration constants of permeation passive samplers with polydimethylsiloxane membranes
PublikacjaThe paper presents the results of research on the calibration of permeation passive samplers equipped with polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) membranes using the physico-chemical properties of the analytes. Strong correlations were found between the calibration constants of the samplers and the linear temperature-programmed retention indices of the analytes determined on columns coated with pure PDMS (r2 = 0.914). These correlations...