wszystkich: 98
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: creativity
Collective creativity in management science
PublikacjaPurpose: The purpose of this paper is to establish the current state of knowledge on collective creativity in management science on the basis of a systematic literature review. Methodology: A systematic review was performed based on the three-step SPL procedure proposed by Tranfield et al. (2003). Two databases (Scopus and Web of Science) were searched electronically up until March 2022. Based on the secondary data a literature...
Levels of creativity in architectural education
PublikacjaArchitectural design combines engineering science and art, thus stimulating creativity is a challenge in the didactic process. There are various levels of creativity that can be attained through architectural education. From idea to architecture (FITA) is a teaching method based on metaphorical and analogical reasoning that was developed, implemented and tested during architectural design classes in the Faculty of Architecture...
Unlocking creativity with new technologies
PublikacjaArtificial intelligence, augmented and virtual reality, Internet of Things and digital twins are just a few concepts related to the fourth industrial revolution that is happening right before our eyes. The key question asked by managers in the aerosol sector recently is: what does all this new technology mean to me?
New Product Creativity Dimensions and Performance
PublikacjaA new product’s meaningfulness and novelty are recognized as two distinct and important dimensions. Thus, researchers started to investigate their impact on new product performance. However, researchers’ reports on the impact of novelty on performance are still mixed, and several issues need to be solved. One of these problems is comparing how strongly each of these dimensions affects the new product performance. The other is to...
Balance Between Creativity and Methodology in Software Projects
PublikacjaTaking into account trends of innovation in economy and increasing interest in applying creativity techniques in computer science, this paper focuses on relationship between creativity and methodology in software project. First, it extracts useful knowledge about creativity from creativity research. Then, it makes an attempt to combine creativity issues and dimensions with concepts from software project area. It presents also lessons...
Knowledge Sharing and Creativity: Individual and Organizational Perspective
PublikacjaThe flow of knowledge between employees contributes to the knowledge development which in turn influences individual and organizational creativity. However knowledge sharing by employees is not a simplistic and homogeneous behaviour. Basing on the literature review in the area of intraorganizational knowledge sharing and creativity, the author aims to explain the relation between giving knowledge and individual (giver) creativity,...
Digital Creativity
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Creativity Studies
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Virtual Creativity
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Sociological and Gerontological Perspectives on Ageing, Creativity, and the Third Age
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Revision of architectural design education in terms of sustainability, creativity and digitalisation
PublikacjaThe article explores different educational strategies in relation to architectural design courses, focusing on sustainability, creativity and digitalisation. The starting point for this research was a t-survey (t-teachers) among 40 teachers of architectural design from eight European universities, to examine different programme frames and the teachers’ attitude versus the design process. The survey findings facilitated the identification...
MOOCs in SP4CE - case studies (Strategic Partnership for Creativity and Entrepreneurship)
PublikacjaSP4CE stands for Strategic Partnership for Creativity and Entrepreneurship project which has been funded with support from the European Commission under the ERASMUS+ Programme in the period 1st September 2014 - 31st August 2017. The main purpose of SP4CE project is to design innovative e-learning tools for collaboration between students, enterprises and teachers. It concentrates on identifying users’ needs and supports the development...
Positive Risk of Creativity in Software Projects: an Expected Result, a Threat or an Opportunity?
PublikacjaPositive risk of creativity appears when there is an excess of creativity. This paper aims at exploring the concept of positive risk of creativity in software projects. It presents a taxonomy of positive risks as well as case studies of positive risks in diploma software projects. It also attempts to answer the question whether positive risks should be treated as expected results of applying creativity process, or they cause additional...
Exploration of Creativity Techniques in Software Engineering in Training-Application-Feedback Cycle
PublikacjaCreativity research has proposed about a hundred and fifty creativity techniques. The question is whether they can be applied in software engineering for creativity training or directing creativity in software projects. This paper aims at answering this question via a quasi-experiment conducted in Training-Application-Feedback cycle in which participants express their opinions about selected creativity techniques after training...
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Creativity and Innovation Management
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Tacit Knowledge Sharing and Creativity. How to Derive Innovation from Project Teams?
PublikacjaModern companies are increasingly likely to work in a project management environment, which ensures their success in the implementation of innovation. The aim of the study is to prove that tacit knowledge is a mediator for creativity and project performance. Creativity as one of the crucial sources of innovation is stimulated by tacit knowledge. Bearing this fact in mind, the authors studied relations between tacit knowledge, creativity...
Virtual tour as an innovative tool for architectural education - from understanding heritage to creativity stimulation
PublikacjaThe article presents the potential of the virtual tour in architectural education as an innovative tool to better understand heritage and stimulate creativity. A methodology for creating a virtual tour based on a point cloud obtained from a survey based on 360° camera images is presented. Two different purposes for the use of point clouds are presented from reliable indicators of heritage documentation useful for digital twin modelling...
Do the New Requirements for the Use of Energy Efficient Lighting Design Mean the End of Creativity?,
PublikacjaThis paper addresses issues strongly connected to recent environmental discussions which are currently taking place in Europe, Asia, America, Australia and other parts of the world about global warming, the Greenhouse Effect, light pollution and other negative impacts artificial lighting has on our planet and what can be done about it. The author also attempts to answer indirectly two of the most important questions for lighting...
Psychology of Aesthetics Creativity and the Arts
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Journal of Creativity in Mental Health
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Street Art and Urban Creativity
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PublikacjaThe paper proposes an approach to creative generation of new names for the purposes of Role Playing Games in fantasy realms. The generator based on an existing database of na mes is able to propose a set of new names with regard to demanded attributes, such as: length of the name, sex and race of the character, a given p hrase as the origin for the generated name as well as subjective evaluations from former users. The software...
Innovations in Polish family firms. Exploring employee creativity and management practices that stimulate innovative thinking
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Quality improvement in Polish public administration in the context of the creativity potential of tools and techniques of customer satisfaction research
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Development of Technical Creativity Featuring Modified TRIZ-AM Inventive Principle to Support Design for Additive Manufacturing
Publikacjahe design for additive manufacturing (DFAM) processing was introduced to fully utilise the design freedom provided by additive manufacturing (AM). Consequently, appropriate design methodologies have become essential for this technology. Recently, many studies have identified the importance of DFAM method utilisation to produce AM parts, and TRIZ is a strategy used to formalise design methodologies....
International Journal of Creativity and Problem Solving
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International Journal of Design Creativity and Innovation
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International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change
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Kursy OnlineThe aim of the course is to acquaint students with entrepreneurship as a phenomenon, increase their pro-entrepreneurial attitudes and develop skills necessary in entrepreneurship process. Special emphasis will be placed on fashion business as representing creative industry. The main objectives are as follows: Learn how to prepare a business model canvas and business plan. Know the backstage of the fashion industry. Identify...
Kursy OnlineThe aim of the course is to acquaint students with entrepreneurship as a phenomenon, increase their pro-entrepreneurial attitudes and develop skills necessary in entrepreneurship process. Special emphasis will be placed on fashion business as representing creative industry. The main objectives are as follows: Learn how to prepare a business model canvas and business plan. Know the backstage of the fashion industry. Identify...
International Conference on Computational Creativity
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Thinking Skills and Creativity
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Are creative users more apt in reusing and adopting Open Government Data (OGD)? Gender differences
PublikacjaOpen Government Data (OGD) has been considered as a potent instrument for value creation and innovation by a range of stakeholders. Given that individual ingenuity is a function of individual and environmental factors, it is important to understand how the OGD adoption and usage is a factor of creative performance behaviors (CPB), viz., Problem Identification (PI), Information Search (IS), Idea Generation (IG) and Idea Promotion...
ICT4SMEs Innovation Creativity and Talent eLearning program for ICT Smes
ProjektyProjekt realizowany w Centrum Transferu Technologii
From Creative Thinking Techniques to Innovative Design Solutions - The Educators' Perspective
PublikacjaThe article presents a structure and basic tasks of a new original academic course, which was inaugurated in 2015 at the Faculty of Architecture in Gdańsk University of Technology and organized for the first year students of Spatial Planning.The title of the course was ‘Garden Cities and the Gardens in the Cities. A Course with Elements of Training Creativity’. The aim of the course was to encourage the participants to develop...
Rengel Cane Sia Doctoral Candidate
OsobyI'm Rengel, born and raised in the Philippines. I joined the Gdansk University of Technology in October 2019 as a Maria Skłodowska-Curie early-stage researcher. Calculating the Photophysics of molecular logic sensors for the early detection of atherosclerosis - a precursor to the world's leading causes of death. I'm a professional bass player. I play music to relieve stress and express creativity. I also like reading fantasy...
Trust, Tacit Knowledge Sharing, Project Performance and their Managerial Implications
PublikacjaTacit Knowledge Sharing is increasingly attracting the attention of scientists and managers intrigued by their potential application for creating innovative solutions. Project management as a set of methodologies and best practices need to be charged by knowledge. The research problem tackled in this article refers to a current managerial problem regarding tacit knowledge sharing execution in project based organizations. The objective...
Trust, Collaborative Culture and Tacit Knowledge Sharing in Project Management–a Relationship Model
PublikacjaThe aim of this research is to study the relationship between Trust, Collaborative Culture, and Tacit Knowledge Sharing in Project Management as a source of Team Creativity in the context of delivering value through knowledge. For this purpose authors conducted a study of 514 Polish professionals with different functions and experience in managing projects in construction industry. The data collected during the study has been analysed...
Joanna Bach-Głowińska dr inż. arch.
OsobyI am an architect by education (M.Sc. Arch 1994) and practice (1994-2011), a Town Planner by practice (1999-2017, Ministerial Entitlements 1655/2002), and a Researcher (Ph.D.2012, Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Glasgow School of Art 2013 - 2015, also teaching on Gdansk University of Technology since 2014). I have been the Principal Investigator of Era Net Urban Transformation Capacities EmbedterLabs: Better Embedded Labs for More...
Magdalena Maria Popowska dr
OsobyAbsolwentka Uniwersytetu im Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu oraz Ecole Supérieure de Commerce w Rouen. Pracownik badawczo dydaktyczny, autorka i recenzentka wielu artykułów publikowanych w czasopismach krajowych i międzynarodowych. Przez wiele lat odpowiedzialna za procesy internacjonalizacji, w latach 2008-2016 jako prodziekan ds. międzynarodowych i publicznych, a 2016-2020 jako pełnomocnik dziekana ds. współpracy międzynarodowej....
Market knowledge and new product performance: the mediating effects of new product performance
PublikacjaMarket knowledge is recognised as an important predictor of new product performance, which existing studies have proven. However, a missing link in this relationship is creativity, and specifically, as a natural process in product innovation. This study aims to examine a model that includes two mediating mechanisms between market knowledge scope and two new product outcomes, respectively: a new product’s competitive advantage and...
Tacit Knowledge Sharing and Value Creation in the Network Economy: Socially Driven Evolution of Business
PublikacjaKey factors which affect competitive advantage in the network economy are innovation, relationships, cooperation, and knowledge. Sharing knowledge is not easy. Companies find it problematic. Presented studies show that the essence of the value creation today is not in sharing explicit but rather tacit knowledge, which is a source of creativity and innovation. Delivering value through knowledge does not only require efficient Transactive...
Rozwijanie kreatywności ucznia w procesie kształtowania umiejętności językowych. Innowacja pedagogiczna z elementami neurodydaktyki w edukacji wczesnoszkolnej
PublikacjaThis text is a ready-to-use pedagogical innovation program combining teaching English and classes developing creativity in early childhood education. Classes developing creativity are a unique opportunity to implement innovative solutions and ideas to develop language competencies and key competencies, which can be difficult during a standard English lesson. The...
Narzędzia treningu twórczości jako pomoc w kształceniu projektantów
PublikacjaKreatywność rozwijać. Na tym założeniu opiera się międzynarodowy program edukacyjny Odyssey of the Mind (Odyseja Umysłu). W programie zespoły młodych osób pracują metodą projektową, wykorzystując różnorodne techniki treningu twórczości, nad rozwiązaniem abstrakcyjnego problemu rozbieżnego. Część absolwentów programu wybiera kierunki kreatywne jako naturalną kontynuację procesu edukacji. Elementy treningu twórczości można wykorzystać...
Work Values of Police Officers and Their Relationship With Job Burnout and Work Engagement
PublikacjaValues represent people’s highest priorities and are cognitive representations of basic motivations. Past research shows that levels of both aspects of job-related well-being, job burnout and work engagement, are related to work values. The policing profession is associated with high engagement and a risk of burnout. There is a gap in the literature regarding the hierarchy of work values in police officers, how work values are...
Przykłady dobrej praktyki w projekcie SP4CE Erasmums+
PublikacjaProjekt SP4CE, czyli Partnerstwo Strategiczne na Rzecz Kreatywności i Przedsiębiorczości (ang. Strategic Partnership for Creativity and Entrepreneurship) jest odpowiedzią na potrzeby zidentyfikowane w komunikacie z Burgii w sprawie ściślejszej europejskiej współpracy w dziedzinie kształcenia i szkolenia zawodowego w latach 2011-2020. W projekcie zaprojektowano i uruchomiono portal SP4CE bazujący na oprogramowaniu WordPress i Moodle.
Dariusz Dąbrowski dr hab. inż.
OsobyDariusz Dąbrowski ukończył studia w Instytucie Okrętowym Politechniki Gdańskiej, a w 1987 roku podjął pracę na tej uczelni na stanowisku asystenta w Zakładzie Organizacji Przemysłu Okrętowego w ówczesnym Instytucie Organizacji i Projektowania Systemów Produkcyjnych. W 1990 roku wyjechał na stypendium TEMPUS, UE, i spędził 14 miesięcy na Uniwersytecie w Sheffield, gdzie uczestniczył w programie Master of Business Administration...
Sound Art and Architecture: New Horizons for Architecture and Urbanism
PublikacjaThe article discusses the crossroad between art and architecture. It sketches out the theoretical and practical aspects of involving art into architecture and multisensory dimensions of space. The analysis is based on examples of innovative experimental activities for architecture: educational projects such as workshops, seminars and courses, combining art and architecture, with special emphasis on sound art, and the consequences...
Entrepreneurship after the Age of Sixty–Five? Reflections of Third Age University students
PublikacjaThe common synonyms for entrepreneurship usually include such concepts as creativity, innovation, and activity. These, in turn, are more often associated with youth rather than people of older age (Górniak, 2013). On the basis of literature research and interviews conducted with students from the Sopot School of Social Psychology of the University of the Third Age, the authors determined that among individuals...