Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: surface water
Innovative Solutions in Surface Water Quality Monitoring
PublikacjaIn 2010 a project entitled "Integrated Support System for Management and Protection of Water Dam Reservoir (ZiZOZap)” was initiated, to aid solving water management problems on a river and dam reservoir formed on it. An innovative system of continuous monitoring was created, that encompassed selected physical and chemical parameters of river and lake waters in three chosen sites. This article presents a selection of results, that...
Research into the Movements of Surface Water Masses in the Basins Adjacent to the Port
PublikacjaThis paper presents the results of the practical and simulation research into determining the routes of movement of small objects moving together with surface water masses in basins adjacent to the port. The results of this research were referenced against the modelling of routes of small objects in port channel basins. The results of practical research concerning the movement of small objects in basins adjacent to the port were...
Protection of surface water against contamination by wetland systems in Poland
PublikacjaOpisano systemy hydrofitowe stosowane do usuwania zanieczyszczeń z wód powierzchniowych zasilanych wodami opadowymi. Po wprowadzeniu systemów stwierdzono znaczną poprawę jakości wód analizowanych cieków.
Influence of dissolved organic nitrogen on surface waters
PublikacjaThe aim of this study was to determine the susceptibility of dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) contained in biologically treated wastewater disposed from municipal wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) to biodegradability and bioavailability in a water environment. Additionally an evaluation was performed of the participation of this organic nitrogen fraction, including bioavailable DON (bDON), in the nitrogen balance for the Baltic...
Identification and antimicrobial resistance of Enterococcus spp. isolated from surface water
PublikacjaIn the study species distributions and antimicrobial resistance profiles were determined among riverine Enterococcus spp. Susceptibility of the isolates was tested against: ampicillin, imipenem, teicoplanin, vancomycin, erythromycin, linezolid, fosfomycin, ciprofloxacin,levofloxacin, moxifloxacin, tetracycline, high levels of gentamicin and streptomycin. The enterococci were detected in all of the analyzed water samples, periodically...
PublikacjaIn the present study, the creeks and lakes located at the western shore of Admiralty Bay were analysed. The impact of various sources of water supply was considered, based on the parameters of temperature, pH and specific electrolytic conductivity (SEC25). All measurements were conducted during a field campaign in January-February 2017. A multivariate dataset was also created and a biplot of SEC25 and pH of the investigated waters...
Identification and antimicrobial susceptibility of fecal coliforms isolated from surface water
Publikacjaof 274 fecal coliforms isolated from two watercourses influencing the costal water quality of the gdańsk and the puck bay, 265 were identified as escherichia coli. the remained strains belonged to: acinetobacter spp. (n=1), enterobacter spp. (n=3), klebsiella spp. (n=4) and shigella spp. (n=1). the susceptibility of 222 e. coli was tested against 19 antimicrobial agents: aminoglycosides, carbapenems, cephalosporines, folate antagonists,...
Treated wasetewater as a source of humic substances in surface waters
PublikacjaHumic substances impose substantial effect on the aquatic environment as well as the water organisms and human health. Among other features, the humic acids determine organoleptic properties of surface waters. Therefore explanation of the origin and properties of humic acids in surface waters is one of the priorities of water technology.Recently it was pointed out that in the wastewater treatment process organic compounds characterized...
Monitoring surfactant concentrations in surface waters in Tricity agglomeration.
PublikacjaCelem prowadzonych badań było monitorowanie zawartości związków powierzchniowo- czynnych w wybranych rzekach Trójmiasta i Zatoki Gdańskiej. Badania prowadzono w okresie od listopada 2001 do maja 2002 r. W badanych strumieniach wodnych zanotowano niskie stężenia anionowych związków powierzchniowo czynnych (5-10ćg/dm3). Najwyższą zawartość surfaktantów zaobserwowano w potoku Strzyża i rzece Kacza. Najmniej zanieczyszczonym...
The impact of the Tri-City Ring Road on surface water of small endorheic wetlands
PublikacjaThe paper presents the results of the impact of the Tri-City Ring Road on small endorheic catchment basins. Particular attention was paid to pollution discharged from the road to the surface water, as well as changes in hydrological conditions in the vicinity of the road. In the study, surface water samples were analysed in terms of their electrolytic conductivity, pH and content of major minerals. GIS was also used to study transformation...
Study of the Flow Dynamics of Surface Water Masses in the Area of the Coastal Gulf of Gdansk
PublikacjaThe paper describes two methods of predicting the movement of small objects with surface water masses. One of the methods uses graph theory to describe the motion of water masses in port docks. The results of this study were compared to a simulation using the hydrodynamic numerical model M3D. The results obtained in a virtual environment were related to the experiments in the real world. In the coastal area of the Gulf of Gdansk,...
Chemometric Evaluation of WWTPs’ Wastewaters and Receiving Surface Waters in Bulgaria
PublikacjaWastewater treatment plant (WWTP) installations are designed and operated to reduce the quantity of pollutants emitted to surface waters receiving treated wastewaters. In this work, we used classical instrumental studies (to determine chemicals and parameters under obligations put with Directive 91/271/EEC), ecotoxicological tools (Sinapis alba root growth inhibition (SA-RG) and Heterocypris incongruens mortality (MORT) and growth...
The influence of humic substances in treated sewage on the quality of surface waters
PublikacjaAt present the evaluation of WWTP effectiveness is based upon organic matter and nutrients removal. Recently it was found out that sewage treatment leads to formation of resistant to biochemical degradation organic compounds, similar to humic acids. The humic acids formed during sewage treatment process play diversified functions when discharged to surface waters - for instance they can act as carriers of hydrophobic organic pollutants...
The speciation and physico-chemical forms of metals in surface waters and sediments
PublikacjaWody powierzchniowe mogą być zanieczyszczone przez metale występujące w różnych formach fizykochemicznych przez metale w postaci jonowej jak i również metale związane z materia zawieszoną. Substancje nierozpuszczone występujące w postaci koloidów lub w postaci zaabsorbowanej na powierzchni materii zawieszonej mogą ulegać procesowi rozpuszczania w odpowiedzi na zamianę warunków chemicznych i fizycznych środowiska wodnego.Również...
Model of Nutrient and Pesticide Outflow with Surface Water to Puck Bay (Southern Baltic Sea)
PublikacjaCoastal basins are particularly exposed to the adverse impact of anthropogenic stress. In many places, despite only the seasonal increase in the number of residents, progressive urbanization and associated changes in the catchment characteristics are noticeable. Puck Bay is part of the Gulf of Gdansk and belongs to the Baltic Sea. Although the area of Puck Bay is covered by the Natura 2000 Network, this has not saved it from eutrophication...
Surface water quality assessment by the use of combination of multivariate statistical classification and expert information
PublikacjaThe present study deals with the assessment of surface water quality from an industrial-urban region located in northern Poland near to the city of Gdansk. Concentrations of thirteen chemicals includingtotal polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), halogenated volatile organic compounds (HVOCs) and major ions in the samples collected at five sampling points during six campaigns were used as variablesthroughout the study. The originality...
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Determination of selected parameters/ analytes in surface water samples collected in the surroundings of the capital of Spitsbergen (Longyearbyen)
PublikacjaPolar regions are extremely sensitive to pollution such as harmful gases, particles or toxic substances which affect the Arctic climate and ecosystems. Spitsbergen, as well as all Arctic region, because of its geographically distant location and lack of industry sector, should be free of chemical pollution. Despite this, many pollutants could be found in the Polar environment, for example in freshwaters. Their occurrence is related...
PublikacjaIn this paper the particle size of suspended solids in the removing of organic matter and phosphorus compounds from lake water and wastewater treated in the Ecological Treatment Systems (ETS) was analyzed. The invesigated materials were taken from two ETS located in Pomerania Region/Poland. Object in Swarzewo is 3rd stage of biological treatment of municipal wastewater, while object in Kartuzy has task to remove a phosphorus from...
Atmospheric and Surface Water Pollution Interpretation in the Gdańsk Beltway Impact Range by the Use of Multivariate Analysis
PublikacjaOpracowanie dotyczny zastosowania hierarchicznej analizy klastrów i testów nieparametrowych celem dokonania interpretacji wpływu Obwodnicy Trójmiejskiej. W większości przypadków wykryto obecność oddziaływań antropogenicznych (zastosowanie nawozów, transport, posypywanie dróg solą w okresie zimowych) jak i pół-środowiskowych (aerozole morskie, erozja materiałów budowlancyh). Nie wykrytu jednak ścisłej zależności okresowej dla zanieczyszczeń...
Implicit versus explicit finite volume schemes for extreme, free surface water flow modelling.
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono jeden jawny i trzy niejawne schematy metody objętości skończonych. Porównano własności tych schematów oraz oceniono możliwości ich stosowania do modelowania gwałtownych przepływów w kanałach otwartych. Zaproponowano modyfikację schematu niejawnego. Poprawiony schemat może być stosowany do obliczeń przepływu szybkozmiennego w kanałach otwartych i w sieciach kanalizacyjnych.
Organic Pollution in Surface Waters from the Fuglebekken Basin in Svalbard, Norwegian Arctic
PublikacjaThe Fuglebekken basin is situated in the southern part of the island of Spitsbergen (Norwegian Arctic), on the Hornsund fjord (Wedel Jarlsberg Land). Surface water was collected from 24 tributaries (B1-B24) and from the main stream water in the Fuglebekken basin (25) between 10 July 2009 and 30 July 2009. The present investigation reveals the results of the analysis of these samples for their PAH and PCB content. Twelve of 16 PAHs...
The role of atmospheric precipitation in introducing contaminants to the surface waters of the Fuglebekken catchment, Spitsbergen.
PublikacjaAlthough the Svalbard Archipelago is located at a high latitude, far from potential contaminant sources, it is not free from anthropogenic impact. Towards the Fuglebekken catchment, in the southern part of Spitsbergen, north of Hornsund fjord, contaminants can be transported from mainland pollution sources. In the precipitation and surface water collected in the catchment, the following elements were detected and quantified: Ag,...
Particle size analysis of suspensions in removing of organic matter and phosphorus from waste water and surface water
PublikacjaIn this paper the particle size of suspended solids in the removing of organic matter and phosphorus compounds from lake- and waste- water treated in the Ecological Treatment Systems (ETS) was analyzed.The invesigated materials were taken from two ETS located in Pomerania Region/Poland. Object in Swarzewo is 3rd stage of biological treatment of municipal waste water, while object in Kartuzy has task to remove a phosphorus from...
Determination (monitoring) of PAHs in surface waters: why operationally defined procedure is needed
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono i skomentowano rezultaty badań międzylaboratoryjnych oznaczania wielopierścieniowych węglowodorów aromatycznych w wodzie czystej i wodzie zawierającej zawiesinę. Badania wskazują, ze wyniki oznaczania zależa od zastosowanej techniki izolacji analitów z próbki i końcowej procedury ich rozdzielania i oznaczania. Przeprowadzone badania wskazują, że nowoczesna analityka nie dysponuje technikami izolacji, które...
Organic Pollution in Surface Waters from the Fuglebekken Basin in Svalbard, Norwegian Arctic
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Offshore surface waters of Antarctica are free of microplastics, as revealed by a circum-Antarctic study
PublikacjaIn 2018, during a circum navigation of Antarctica below 62° S by the sailing boat Katharsis II, the presence of plastics was investigated with surface sampling nets at ten evenly spaced locations (every 36° of longitude). Although fibres that appeared to be plastic (particles up to 2 cm) were found in numbers ranging from 1 particle (0.002 particles per m3) to 171 particles (1.366 particles per m3) per station, a Fourier-transform...
Leaf wettability and plant surface water storage for common wetland species of the Biebrza peatlands (northeast Poland)
PublikacjaWetlands play a crucial role in buffering the effects of climate change. At the same time, they are one of the most endangered ecosystems on the globe. The knowledge of the water cycle and energy exchange is crucial for the practical preservation and exploiting their capabilities. Leaf wettability is an important parameter characterising the plant's ability to retain water on its surface, and is linked to the ecosystems' hydrological...
Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) as an indicator of surface water quality in the vicinity of the Polish Polar Station, Horsund
PublikacjaSurface waters were collected in the vicinity of the Polish Polar Station in Hornsund (Svalbard) to determine their concentration of various persistent organic pollutants (POPs), such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). In addition, parameters such as pH, SEC and TOC were measured. In total, 15 samples of lake water from and 15 samples of stream water were analysed. The sampling took...
Network design for surface water quality monitoring in a road construction project using Gamma Test theory
PublikacjaRoad construction has a negative environmental impact on the surrounding aquatic environment, requiring the continuous monitoring of surface water quality. Here, optimization of the water quality monitoring network (WQMN) is an essential step in supporting the sustainable development of road construction projects. This study introduces Gamma Test theory (GTT) as a practical method for optimizing the WQMN of surface waters during...
Phenolics occurrence in surface water of the Dniester river basin (West Ukraine): natural background and industrial pollution
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań poziomu fenoli w wodach rzecznych pochodzących ze zlewni Dniestru. Określono zarówno poziom tła naturalnego tych związków w wodzie rzecznej (na poziomie 0,012 mg/l) jak i poziom stężeń tych związków w części zlewni podlegającej antropopresji. Główne źródła emisji antropogenicznej są związane z przemysłem petrochemicznym. Poziom stężenia sumy fenoli w wodzie rzecznej na obszarach objętych wpływem...
Development and Validation of SPE-HPLC-MS/MS Method for Determining Cyclophosphamide in Surface Waters
PublikacjaA rapid and selective method for trace amounts determination of cyclophosphamide in surface water samples has been developed. A solid phase extraction SPE method for extraction and clean-up procedure has been optimized for determination by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry. The analyses proceed in the positive ion mode by means of the electrospray ionization method (ESI). Clean...
A solid phase extraction–ion chromatography with conductivity detection procedure for determining cationic surfactants in surface water samples
PublikacjaA new analytical procedure for the simultaneous determination of individual cationic surfactants (alkyl benzyl dimethyl ammonium chlorides) in surface water samples has been developed. We describe this methodology for the first time: it involves the application of solid phase extraction (SPE – for sample preparation) coupled with ion chromatography–conductivity detection (IC-CD – for the final determination). Mean recoveries of...
Determination of selected chemical parameters in surface water samples collected from the Revelva catchment (Hornsund fjord, Svalbard)
PublikacjaSurface water samples (river and lake) were collected from the Revelva catchment every summer from 2010 to 2013. This study concerns importance of the use of some analytical techniques for pollutants and parameters deter- mination in Arctic environmental samples based on the example of total organic carbon, phenols, and formaldehyde determination and measurement of pH and electrical conductivity parameters. Significant...
Spatial Differences in the Chemical Composition of Surface Water in the Hornsund Fjord Area: A Statistical Analysis with A Focus on Local Pollution Sources
PublikacjaSurface catchments in Svalbard are sensitive to external pollution, and yet what is frequently considered external contamination may originate from local sources and natural processes. In this work, we analyze the chemical composition of surface waters in the catchments surrounding the Polish Polar Station in Svalbard, Hornsund fjord area. We have pooled unpublished and already published data describing surface water composition...
The quantification of bisphenols and their analogues in wastewaters and surface water by an improved solid-phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry method
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Investigating the drinking and surface water quality and associated health risks in a semi-arid multi-industrial metropolis (Faisalabad), Pakistan
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Elucidation of transformation pathway of ketoprofen, ibuprofen, and furosemide in surface water and their occurrence in the aqueous environment using UHPLC-QTOF-MS
PublikacjaThe identification and determination of transformation products (TPs) of pharmaceuticals is essential nowadays, in order to track their fate in the aqueous environment and, thus, to estimate the actual pollution. However, this is a challenging task due to the necessity to apply high-resolution instruments enable to detect known and unknown compounds. This work presents the use of liquid chromatography quadrupole time-of-flight...
Comparison of usefulness of three emergent macrophytes for surface waterprotection against pollution and eutrophication:case study, Bielikowo,Poland.
Assessment of Surface Water Resources Based on Different Growth Scenarios, for Borkena River Sub-basin, Awash River Basin, Ethiopia
PublikacjaThe total annual river flow at the Awash Kombolcha sub-basin of the Borkena river station was estimated to be 4.6 billion cubic meters by 2019-2030. The current average annual flow at the exit measurement station is 544.5Mm3 of the water resources available in the study area. The monthly peak flow of the Borkena River occurs from July to September. In addition, the highest monthly average flow is in August and the lowest is...
Blended natural and synthetic coagulants for the COD and BOD removal from surface water; optimization by response surface methodology: The case of Gibe river
PublikacjaA novel wastewater treatment method is presented in this study. It combines natural coagulants derived from watermelon seeds with the commonly used synthetic coagulant alum. This research demonstrates a remarkable synergy between these two coagulants in removing nutrients from Gibe River wastewater. Combining natural and chemical coagulants often improves water treatment by enhancing particle destabilization, accelerating floc...
Theoretical estimation of acid–base properties of Lewis and Brønsted centres at the V-W-O catalyst surface: water molecule as the probe in DFT calculations
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The Research of the Contamination Levels present in Samples of Precipitation and Surface Waters Collected from the Catchment Area Fuglebekken (Hornsund, Svalbard Archipelago)
PublikacjaPersistent organic pollutants (POPs) are contaminants that may appear in polar regions. In present work surface water was collected from the main stream water in the Fuglebekken basin. The precipitationsamples was collected from the near area by Polish Polar Station in Hornsund. The present investigationreveals the results of the analysis of these samples for their total phenols, formaldehyde, TOC, PAHs and PCBs content. The...
Removal of ketoprofen from surface water in a submerged photocatalytic membrane reactor utilizing membrane distillation: effect of process parameters and evaluation of long‐term performance
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Spatial variability of the hydrochemistry of shallow groundwaters and surface waters of the Rensdyrbekken: A case study of a permafrost catchment in Bellsund (SW Spitsbergen, Svalbard)
PublikacjaProgressive climate change may have unpredictable consequences for the Arctic environment. Permafrost catchments off the west coast of Svalbard, described as “thin” and “warm,” are particularly sensitive to climate change. The interdisciplinary research on the hydrochemical response of surface and underground water functioning within a small permafrost catchment area focused on the determination of the impact of meteorological...
The research of the contamination levels present in samples of precipitation and surface waters collected from the catchment area Fuglebekken (Hornsund, Svalbard Archipelago)
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Assessment of the application of selected metal-organic frameworks as advanced sorbents in passive extraction used in the monitoring of contaminants of emerging concern in surface waters
PublikacjaWater pollution has become a critical global concern requiring effective monitoring techniques and robust protection strategies. Contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) are increasingly detected in various water sources, with their harmful effects on humans and ecosystems continually evolving. Based on literature reports highlighting the promising sorption properties of metal-organic frameworks (MOFs), the aim of this study was...
Wpływ obwodnicy Trójmiasta na chemizm wód powierzchniowych niewielkich zagłębień bezodpływowych = The impact of the Gdańsk's ring road on the chemical composition of the surface waters in small outflowless pools
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono wyniki badań wpływu Obwodnicy Trójmiasta na chemizm wód niewielkich zbiorników bezodpływowych. Próbki poddano analizie na zawartość wybranych kationów i anionów oraz zbadano takie parametry jak pH oraz przewodnictwo. Uzyskane wyniki bardzo jasno wskazują na wysoki wpływ obwodnicy na skład i rodzaj zanieczyszczeń obecnych w badanych próbkach. Zaobserwowano m.in. alkalizację badanych wód oraz wysoki poziom stężeń takich...
Wykorzystanie testu TOXALERT do oceny stanu wód powierzchniowych wokół zakładu przemysłowego. Application of the TOXALERT test to the evaluation of the state of surface waters arround an industrial plant
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono badania, których celem była próba oceny wpływu działalności gospodarczej prowadzonej przez zakład przerobu ropy naftowej na elektryczność wód powierzchniowych wokół zakładu. Badano także skuteczność procesu oczyszczania ścieków, powstających w związku z tą działalnością w przyzakładowej oczyszczalni. Toksyczność pobranych próbek wód oznaczano za pomocą testu bakteryjnego z zastosowaniem organizmów Vibrio fischeri....
Tetracycline and ampicillin resistance of Escherichia coli strains of surface water origin: the potential for horizontal transfer of resistance genes = Oporność na tetracyklinę i ampicylinę szczepów Escherichia Coli wyizolowanych z wody powierzchniowej : możliwość horyzontalnego przenoszenia genów oporności
PublikacjaThe aim of this preliminary study was to assess the occurrence and molecular diversity of tetracycline and ampicillin resistance genes carried by Escherichia coli present in surface water. Bacterial strains were isolated from two watercourses (the Reda River and the Oliwski Stream) that influence the quality of coastal waters in the Gdańsk Bay (Northern Poland) by direct discharge. The bacterial drug susceptibility, tested against...