


  • The assessment of renewable energy in Poland on the background of the world renewable energy sector

    • B. Igliński
    • M. B. Pietrzak
    • U. Kiełkowska
    • M. Skrzatek
    • G. Kumar
    • G. Piechota

    - ENERGY - Rok 2022

    The issues of the article are associated with the development of the renewable energy source (RES) sector in the world and in Poland. The subject is undoubtedly connected with the problem of the energy transformation taking place in most countries nowadays. Energy transformation processes are mainly associated with an increase in the share of energy production from RES and increased awareness of energy use by end consumers. This...

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    Polska, podobnie jak i inne kraje europejskie doświadcza w przyspieszonym tempie zmian demograficznych, które w krajach o rozwiniętych gospodarkach rynkowych rozpoczęły się w latach 60. XX wieku. Procesy nieodwracalne, związane ze starzeniem się społeczeństwa na początku zaobserwowano w Skandynawii, następnie proces ten objął kraje Europy Zachodniej, Europy Południowej, w latach 90. XX wieku – również Europę Środkową i Wschodnią....

  • The Lighting Designer and New Technologies: Lighting for Enhancing Business in Shops & Restaurants – The Do’s & Don’ts of Retail Lighting

    • K. M. Zielińska

    - Rok 2011

    This paper will address issues of successful retail lighting schemes to make the audience familiar with the Do’s & Don’ts. It will also look into the details of designing lighting particularly for window displays, external shop signage and outdoor terraces of restaurants. A holistic approach to retail lighting will be presented with case studies of ‘good’ and ‘bad’ lighting solutions, mostly from Europe, to underline the impacts...

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  • Sensitivity analysis as a tool to optimise Human Development Index

    Research background: Composite indicators are commonly used as an approximation tool to measure economic development, the standard of living, competitiveness, fairness, effectiveness, and many others being willingly implemented into many different research disciplines. However, it seems that in most cases, the variable weighting procedure is avoided or erroneous since, in most cases, the so-called...

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  • Annual growth of House price index in European Union in 2006-2017

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    The financial crisis of 2008 has caused a number of changes in the investment of both companies and individuals. One of the widely invested assets became the real estate market. The decline in real estate prices was noted in 2009 and 2012-2014. The highest decrease in property prices was indicated in Bulgaria, Ireland, Lithuania, Latvia, Slovakia and...

  • Data for systematic review on interversions reducing car use

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    This dataset contains search strategies, bibliographic information and data synthesis performed for a systematic literature review to provide a comprehensive and unbiased summary of the available evidence concerning car use-reducing interventions employed and their effectiveness. ‘Intervention’, for this study purposes, is defined as “any policy, program,...

  • Ochrona powietrza - europejskie standardy

    Current regulations in EU oblige every member country to cover the protection of the air as well as determine, in a bright and clear way, the responsibilities of the governments to monitor the condition and introduce ways of protection of the air from pollution. If the responsibilities imposed by the directive on evaluation and management of the air quality are obeyed by the respective organs of member countries of EU, then the...

  • Selected issues of women's participation in labour market and on boards of family entreprises


    The chapter presents cultural determinants of roles attributed to women, as well as their situation in the labour market and in family businesses. The main aim of the study is to trace the changes in the social image of women’s roles in the labour market. The observations made are based on the changes in the value of the economic activity rate among women in the Baltic Sea Region (BSR) countries, as well as on the feminisation...


    34 IMPLEMENTATION OF INOGATE PROGRAMME IN ARMENIA, AZERBAIJAN AND GEORGIA Krystyna Gomółka Department of Social Sciences and Philosophy, Faculty of Management and Economics, Gdansk University of Technology Ul. G. Narutowicza 11/12, 80 - 233 Gdańsk, Poland Krystyna.Gomolka@zie.pg.gda.pl Abstract INOGATE Programme is one of the instruments designed for the implementation of the energy policy developed by the EU and...

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  • Lithuania inland waterways and its prospects

    • V. Paulauskas
    • P. PLAčIENE
    • A. Maniachin
    • D. Paulauskas
    • M. Wójcik

    - Rok 2007

    Inland waterways have some traditions in Lithuania and in neighbor Countries, but during last 50 years other modes of transport move out inland waterway transport from real economical activity. In the same time inland waterways is the main green and sustainable transport system. In this article are presented analysis situation, methodology for the ships optimal using in inland waterways, forecasting of the possible cargo and passenger...

  • Intencje przedsiębiorcze studentów – analiza międzynarodowa oparta na rozszerzonym modelu Ajzena


    - Rok 2020

    Poszukiwanie czynników wpływających na rozpoczęcie działalności gospodarczej doczekało się opisu w wielu publikacjach. Nie ma wątpliwości, że czynnikiem kluczowym w procesie przedsiębiorczym są intencje, a dzięki pracom I. Ajzena wiadomo także, jakie grupy czynników wpływają na intencje. Jednak jego teoria planowanego zachowania wydaje się być niewystarczająca. Celem rozdziału było opracowanie propozycji rozszerzenia teorii Ajzena....

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  • The International Mercury Cartel, 1928–1954: Controlling Global Supply


    - Business History Review - Rok 2015

    This article describes the features of the international mercury marketduringthe firsthalfofthetwentiethcentury.Itanalyzes the various market agreements made, their effectiveness, and their consequences. The period studied is little understood, although it was one in which mercury production greatly increased. It was also one that saw persistent efforts at market manipulation, owing to a series of agreements between Spanish and...

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  • Safeguarding democracy during pandemics. Social distancing, postal, or internet voting—the good, the bad, or the ugly?



    During a pandemic, many countries and organizations must decide whether to postpone upcoming elections or to hold them (Krimmer et al., 2020a). If the decision is made to hold the election, three main scenarios come to mind: continue using the existing system but include measures to ensure the health of participants; or look for alternatives among remote voting channels which could ensure social distancing is guaranteed either...

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    Konkurencyjność uznawana jest za jeden z ważniejszych elementów globalnego życia społeczno-ekonomicznego. W skali makro konkurencyjność danej gospodarki jest utożsamiana z jej zdolnością do tworzenia w długim okresie większego bogactwa w stosunku do innych gospodarek narodowych oraz zdolności do budowania przewagi konkurencyjnej na rynku. Celem niniejszego opracowania jest wskazanie wpływu zmian metodologicznych w rachunkach narodowych...

  • Which is better in fat times and in lean times: the macho man vs. the nice guy? Study 1 dataset

    Dane Badawcze

    The dataset from cross-cultural study conducted in Poland and Norway in the area of gender stereotypes. Our study was conducted in two countries differing with regard to gender equality indices relating to the extent to which men are allowed to manifest gender-atypical behavior and influencing mate preferences of women. Polish (N = 106) and Norwegian...

  • Dynamic Modeling of COVID-19 Disease with Impact of Lockdown in Pakistan and Malaysia


    - Rok 2021

    Being researchers, it is an utmost responsibility to provide insight on social issues thus, this work addresses the dynamic modeling of first and most contagious disease named as COVID-19 caused by coronavirus. The first case of COVID-19 appeared in Pakistan was on 26th February 2020 and in Malaysia on 27th February 2020; both patients had foreign travel history. In the paper, the number of total affected cases and total deaths...

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  • Smart Asset Management for District Heating Systems in the Baltic Sea Region.


    - ENERGIES - Rok 2021

    The purpose of this review is to provide insight and a comparison of the current status of district heating (DH) systems for selected Baltic Sea countries (Denmark, Germany, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, and Sweden), especially from viewpoints of application and solutions of novel smart asset management (SAM) approaches. Furthermore, this paper considers European projects ongoing from 2016, involving participants from the...

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  • The Most Valuable Global Brands and Condition of Economies: a Spatial Approach


    Research background: Brands are considered to be the most valuable asset of a company. Some of them achieve spectacular global results. The significance of global brands is proved by the fact that their value is often greater than the sum of all company’s net assets. Purpose of the article: The aim of this article is to highlight that brand value does not only create company’s value but also leverages economies. We claim that even though...

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    The known in empirical economics question ‘Why so Few? Why so Slow? Why so Low?’ refers here to the persistently small number of women involved in innovative activities, the slowness of change in the inequalities between women and men in these fields, and women’s continuing lower rank in business and academic positions. In developing countries, women`s labour and entrepreneurial activity remains an ‘untapped resource’ for economic...

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  • Examining Government-Citizen Interactions on Twitter using Visual and Sentiment Analysis


    - Rok 2018

    The goal of this paper is to propose a methodology comprising a range of visualization techniques to analyze the interactions between government and citizens on the issues of public concern taking place on Twitter, mainly through the official government or ministry accounts. The methodology addresses: 1) the level of government activity in different countries and sectors; 2) the topics that are addressed through such activities;...

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  • Experiences and Challenges in Fatality Reduction on Polish Roads

    According to the UN, road safety is the key to achieving sustainable development goals, yet the complexity of how road accidents happen makes this a difficult challenge leaving many countries struggling with the problem. For years, Poland has infamously been one of the EU’s top countries for road-accident fatality rates. Despite that, it has made significant progress in the last thirty years with a fatality reduction of more than...

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  • Do global brands contribute to the economy of their country of origin? A dynamic spatial approach

    Purpose - Brand positioning based on the brand’s country of origin is at the centre of attention in international marketing. It is evident that global brands constitute critical intangible assets for businesses and places. However, it is not clear how they contribute to national economies. This paper aims to discuss the significance of brands as contributing to the value of their companies but also helping to leverage national...

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  • Konkurencyjność w handlu usługami wybranych krajów Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej


    - Rok 2016

    Celem artykułu jest ocena pozycji konkurencyjnej w handlu usługami wybranych krajów Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej – Czech, Estonii, Litwy, Łotwy, Polski, Słowacji oraz Węgier na tle gospodarki światowej. Dane wykorzystane do analizy pochodzą z bazy danych WIOD i obejmują lata 1995 – 2011. Podstawą oceny pozycji konkurencyjnej jest wskaźnik RCA obliczony na podstawie krajowej wartości dodanej oraz na podstawie eksportu brutto. Źródłem...

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  • The impact of equity pledge on inefficient investment: a perspective from family entrepreneurship


    - Rok 2023

    As an efficient and convenient financing method, equity pledges may have a heterogeneous impact on the inefficient investment of family firms. In order to verify this point, this paper takes A-share listed family enterprises from 2010 to 2021 as a research sample. It conducts an empirical test on the impact of equity pledges on inefficient investment in family firms by constructing a panel regression model. The results show...

  • Shaping New Generations of Managers and Consumers: CSR Implementation and Higher Education System in Poland


    - Rok 2016

    Considering the Corporate Social Responsibility as a significant research and education topic for university staff, students, graduates and the whole society, has become a sign of our times. Universities and other education institutions, including the third sector, play an important role, incorporating CSR as a crosscutting issue, in particular into the curricula of future managers and graduate students, no matter the country we...

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  • The condition of economies. Do most valuable global brands matter?

    Research background: Brands are considered to be the most valuable asset of a company. Some of them achieve spectacular global results. The significance of global brands is proved by the fact that their value is often greater than the sum of all company’s net assets. Purpose of the article: The aim of this article is to highlight that brand value does not only create company’s value, but also leverages economies. The Authors claim...

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  • Antibiotic resistance in wastewater, does the context matter? Poland and Portugal as a case study

    • I. Vaz-moreira
    • H. Monika
    • J. Abreu-Silva
    • R. Damian
    • E. Korzeniewska
    • A. Łuczkiewicz
    • C. M. Manaia
    • G. Plaza


    Antibiotic resistance has been considered a major human health threat that may endanger the success of medicine. Recent studies have unveiled worldwide asymmetries of antibiotic resistance occurrence, being factors as diverse as climate, socioeconomic, or antibiotic use possible drivers of such asymmetric distribution. In Europe, where clinical antibiotic resistance is surveyed for more than 20 years, the European Center for Disease...

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  • Financial Markets and Bankruptcy Systems: Is there a Relationship?


    - European Research Studies Journal - Rok 2021

    Purpose: Filling the cognitive gap in the theory of ex-post transaction costs, i.e., at the stage of enforcing market transactions by examining the relationship between friendliness/severity of the bankruptcy and restructuring law towards debtors, the level of development of financial markets, the effectiveness of the judicial system and the rate of debt recovery. Design/Methodology/Approach: In the research, the following methods...

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  • Lighting conditions in Home Office and occupant’s perception: an international study



    The global pandemic and physical distancing restrictions are forcing us to rethink how residential buildings are used regarding the visual environment. This paper describes home office lighting conditions within different countries and continents. The aim is to define the current limitations of home offices in providing a resilient visual environment. The work was developed by a team of international experts working together on...

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  • Monitoring Lead Concentration in the Surrounding Environmental Components of a Lead Battery Company: Plants, Air and Effluents—Case Study, Kenya

    Lead (Pb) pollution from smelters and lead–acid battery has become a serious problem worldwide owing to its toxic nature as a heavy metal. Stricter regulations and monitoring strategies have been formulated, legislated and implemented in various parts of the world on heavy metal usage. Developed countries such as the USA and in Europe largely operate within the set standards, however, developing countries such as Kenya, Nigeria...

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  • Błażej Kochański dr

    Błażej Kochański jest adiunktem w Katedrze Statystyki i Ekonometrii na Wydziale Zarządzania i Ekonomii Politechniki Gdańskiej, ekspertem ds. ryzyka bankowego. Pracował dla banków w Polsce i Europie jako specjalista ds. ryzyka, kierownik ds. planowania i analiz, członek zarządu ds. ryzyka, członek rady nadzorczej i konsultant ds. zarządzania. Zbudował liczne modele predykcyjne wspomagające zarządzanie ryzykiem, z sukcesem zarządzał...


    Purpose: This paper aims at providing comparative analysis of the influence of cultural determinants on the managers’ perceptions of human resources management practices, as a factor conditioning application of evidence-based management. Design/methodology/approach: This article presents the study of 121 managers in Poland, on their perception of HRM practices and analyses the consistency of findings with the Hofstede cultural...

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  • Nietechnologiczne nie znaczy gorsze. Rzecz o innowacjach

    Innowacje nietechnologiczne nie zajmują istotnego miejsca w dyskursie naukowym jak i praktycznym. Zauważona luka badawcza oraz brak praktycznych rozwiązań wspierających innowacje nietechnologicznie, były motywem podjęcia tego tematu przez międzynarodowy zespół, składający się z badaczy z czterech krajów (Danii, Finlandii, Litwy i Polski) oraz szeregu instytucji wspierających biznes, w tych krajach, pełniących funkcje pośredników...

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  • Koncepcja międzynarodowej konkurencyjności makrootoczenia przedsiębiorstw

    Celem badań przedstawionych w niniejszym artykule jest opracowanie koncepcji konkurencyjności międzynarodowej (IC) krajów, której podstawą jest makroekonomiczne otoczenie przedsiębiorstw. Motywem podjęcia tych badań były poważne wady metodologii pomiaru IC gospodarek stosowanej przez Światowe Forum Ekonomiczne (WEF). WEF rekomenduje Globalny Indeks Konkurencyjności (GCI) jako globalną miarę produktywności kraju. WEF utrzymuje,...

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  • Does one currency mean one price? An analysis of the euro effect on price dispersion and convergence

    This paper examines price differentials in the European Union to investigate whether the European Monetary Union has lowered the degree of price dispersion in the euro zone and increased the speed of price convergence. Both euro effects are evaluated using difference-in-difference methodology. Applied to the issue of introducing a single currency, the euro effects identified are the estimated differences in price dispersion and...

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  • Human capital quality indicators for measuring regional knowledge economy advances


    Building Knowledge Economies (KE) is a long-term process. However, civilizational and technological changes together with EU's Lisbon Strategy help in creating solutions that may speed up economical growth of countries and their regions. This seems to be a very important issue, as during last two centuries history shown, that wisdom and human invention and innovation are the most important factor driving economical growth. In this...

  • The Diffusion of Information and Communication Technologies


    - Rok 2018

    This book provides extensive evidence on information and communication technologies development patterns and dynamics of this process across developed economies over the period 1980 to the present day. It adopts newly developed methodology to identification of the ‘critical mass’ and isolation of technological takeoff intervals, which are intimately related to the process of technology diffusion. The statistically robust analysis...

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  • Detection of Polish clinical Aspergillus fumigatus isolates resistant to triazoles


    - MEDICAL MYCOLOGY - Rok 2018

    We studied the presence of triazole resistance of 121 Aspergillus fumigatus clinical isolates collected in two Polish cities, Warsaw and Wrocław, to determine if resistance is emerging in our country. We identified five itraconazole resistant isolates (4.13%) carrying the TR34/L98H alteration in Cyp51A gene, four of which were cross-resistant to posaconazole and one to voriconazole. One isolate was intermediate susceptible to itraconazole...

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  • Building Knowledge for the Purpose of Lip Speech Identification

    Consecutive stages of building knowledge for automatic lip speech identification are shown in this study. The main objective is to prepare audio-visual material for phonetic analysis and transcription. First, approximately 260 sentences of natural English were prepared taking into account the frequencies of occurrence of all English phonemes. Five native speakers from different countries read the selected sentences in front of...

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  • Ad hoc prayer spaces – a challenge of the architecture of the 21th century


    This article considers the problem of arranging places of prayer in the vicinity of universities and dormitories. A survey was conducted among students living in the dormitories of the Gdańsk University of Technology in order to determine if there was a real need to arrange such spaces. Subsequently, examples of temporary chapels designed in the last 20 years in Western European countries were presented. Analysis of the selected...

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  • Decision making techniques for electronic communication: an example for Turkey


    - Rok 2017

    Communication is the way for people exchanging information with each other by using various tools. Electronic communication or Ecommunication is the process of sending, receiving and processing information or messages electronically. Electronic communication that is closely related to the development levels of countries, has made considerable progress especially in terms technology, innovation and entrepreneur. In this study, it...

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  • Numerical modal analysis of a vertical rising steel water gate


    Vertical rising steel water gates are very common not only in Poland and Germany but also in other countries of the world. Their popularity is mainly attributed to their simplicity of construction, which makes their production process cheaper and faster when compared to other solutions. The aim of this paper is to conduct a numerical modal analysis to examine the eigenvalues and eigenmodes of a vertical rising steel gate. Two cases...



    - Rok 2024

    The aim of the following article is to present gender inequality in the labour market in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. Gender inequality was researched by analyzing documents providing rights for women and men in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. The author presented the unequal treatment of women in the labour market by examining the causes of the level of employment of women and men - contract workers, higher unemployment among women,...

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  • Just Let Me Think: Designing Against Acquired Illiteracy.


    - Rok 2014

    This article concerns the relatively new problem of illiteracy relating to persons previously being literate, which is caused by too intensive using of so-called digital media (TV, computers, tablets, smartphones, e-book readers, portable media players, etc.). The problem has been observed for several years mainly in countries with high economic and technological development. The widespread use of digital media and the ease of...

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  • Smart Specialization through Cluster Policy. Evidence from Poland and Germany

    • A. Lis
    • A. M. Kowalski
    • M. Mackiewicz

    - Rok 2021

    The purpose of the chapter is to investigate the interlinks and commonalities between clusters and regional smart specialization strategies (through the prism of experiences of Polish and German regions). The main research strategy was international comparative analysis, and the basic technique for collecting data was document analysis. The research used the four-level procedure of selecting documents, which allowed identification...

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  • Social Convergence in Nordic NUTS-3 Regions


    - Rok 2017

    Geographical proximity, common historical roots and collaboration within the Nordic Council make the Nordic countries, often wrongly treated as monoliths. However, in reality, Nordic regions differ in terms of broadly defined social and economic development. Issues concerning the standard of living are one of the priorities of the Helsinki Treaty signed by Nordic countries. The main goal of this paper is to analyze the existence...

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  • The impact of bankruptcy regimes on entrepreneurship and innovation. Is there any relationship?


    The literature review indicates that bankruptcy law may play an important role in and be one of the factors infuencing the development of entrepreneurship, innovation, and thus economic growth, among other things. In previous studies, the analysis of the impact of bankruptcy law on individual variables has been conducted independently. Our aim was to conduct a holistic analysis, taking several factors into account simultaneously....

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  • What drives sustainable investing? Adoption determinants of sustainable investing exchange-traded funds in Europe

    Despite the growing interest in various topics related to sustainable (ESG) investing, some issues remain understudied, such as the determinants of their utilization at the macro level. This paper contributes to the state of knowledge two-directionally. First, it shows the development of sustainable investing exchange-traded funds (ETFs) in European countries. Second, it traces the significant determinants of adopting sustainable...

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  • Dependent self-employed individuals: are they different from paid employees?


    - Employee Relations - Rok 2023

    This study focuses on dependent self-employment, which covers a situation where a person works for the same employer as a typical worker while on a self-employment contractual basis, i.e., without a traditional employment contract and without certain rights granted to "regular" employees. The research exploits the individual-level dataset of 35 European countries extracted from the 2017 edition of the European Labour Force Survey...

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  • The Impact of Concentration on Secors' Output Level in the European Union (1997-2005)


    This paper examines the impact of concentration on growthof selected 43 sectors within ten European countries over the period of time 1997-2005. We apply system GMM estimator to the extendedversion of production function, including as explanatory variablesindustry specific measures of concentration. We found the relationbetween output and concentration measured by the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI) to be non-monotonic having...