Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: PLATFORM - MOST Wiedzy


Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: PLATFORM

Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: PLATFORM

  • An integrated e-learning services management system providing HD videoconferencing and CAA services


    - Rok 2012

    In this paper we present a novel e-learning services management system, designed to provide highly modifiable platform for various e-learning tools, able to fulfill its function in any network connectivity conditions (including no connectivity scenario). The system can scale from very simple setup (adequate for servicing a single exercise) to a large, distributed solution fit to support an enterprise. Strictly modular architecture...

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  • Dynamic Content Internationalization in Web Applications


    - Rok 2013

    This paper shows a concept for providing dynamic internationalization to web applications. Presented work is based on the Java Web Platform but described concepts can be successfully implemented on other platforms. It shows how textual data being part of web pages static and dynamic content can be localized dynamically during application runtime. All concepts presented were or are still being developed in an existing conference...

  • Andrzej Chybicki dr inż.

    Z wykształcenia informatyk, absolwent Wydziału Elektroniki, Telekomunikacji i Informatyki Politechniki Gdańskiej, doktor nauk technicznych w dziedzinie informatyka specjalizujący się w przetwarzaniau danych przestrzennych w rozproszonych systemach informatycznych. Ukierunkowany na wykorzystywanie osiągnięć i wiedzy zakresu prowadzonych badań w przemyśle. Współpracował z szeregiem podmiotów przemysłu informatycznego, geodezyjnego...

  • Joanna Kabrońska dr inż. arch.

    Doktorat z wyróżnieniem: Forma rozwiązań architektonicznych jako droga realizacji idei biblioteki przyszłości, 1994 Laureatka IV Międzynarodowego Biennale Architektury w Krakowie, 1991 Stypendystka DAAD post-doctoral scholarship, Berlin, 2002 Autorka publikacji dotyczących relacji architektury, sztuki i pamięci, między innymi monografii Architektura jako forma pamięci. Rola architektury w tworzeniu współczesnego horyzontu wartości,...

  • Comparison of active proximity radars for the wearable devices


    - Rok 2015

    Two methods of object position and movement estimation in relation to the user of smart glasses were investigated. An active infrared and ultrasonic methods of the obstacle detection were presented and compared. Application of these methods depend on active transducers type (physical medium used), geometry and surface properties of detected objects and their movement direction and speed. In the article properties of both detectors...

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  • Game with a Purpose for Verification of Mappings Between Wikipedia and WordNet


    - Rok 2017

    The paper presents a Game with a Purpose for verification of automatically generated mappings focusing on mappings between WordNet synsets and Wikipedia articles. General description of idea standing behind the games with the purpose is given. Description of TGame system, a 2D platform mobile game with verification process included in the game-play, is provided. Additional mechanisms for anti-cheating, increasing player’s motivation...

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  • Measurement of Latency in the Android Audio Path


    This paper provides a description of experimental investigations concerning comparison between the audio path characteristics of various Android versions. First, information about the changes in each system version in the context of latency caused by them is presented. Then, a measurement procedure employing available applications to measure latency is described comparing to results contained in the Internet. Finally, a comparison...

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  • Celebrating 50 years of SWIMs (Salt Water Intrusion Meetings)

    • V. Post
    • G. Oude Essink
    • A. Szymkiewicz
    • M. Bakker
    • G. Houben
    • E. Custodio
    • C. Voss


    The Salt Water Intrusion Meetings, or SWIMs, are a series of meetings that focus on seawater intrusion in coastal aquifers and other salinisation processes. 2018 marks the 50th year of the SWIM and the 25th biennial meeting. The SWIM proceedings record half a century of research progress on site characterisation, geophysical and geochemical techniques, variable-density flow, modelling, and water management. The SWIM is positioning...

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    This paper discusses the characteristics of pollution and legal regulations governing investment projects affecting the environment. It describes a combined system of a compression ignition engine and a steam turbine, whose aim, when placed on a floating platform, is to produce electric energy in a so-called distributed generation system. Such a system involves a reciprocating internal combustion engine and a connected steam turbine...

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  • Magdalena Brzozowska-Woś dr hab. inż.

    Magdalena Brzozowska-Woś jest absolwentką Wydziału Zarządzania i Ekonomii Politechniki Gdańskiej (specjalność: systemy zarządzania). Jest również absolwentką Podyplomowego Studium Reklamy (Wydział Zarządzania i Ekonomii PG) oraz Podyplomowego Studium Public Relations (SWPS Uniwersytet Humanistycznospołeczny). W latach 2000-2003 współpracowała z Panoramą Internetu sp. z o. o. jako specjalista ds. marketingu. Pełniła również obowiązki...

  • Moduł gier miejskich dla elektronicznego przewodnika multimedialnego EGIT

    W artykule przedstawiono charakterystykę dostępnych rozwiązań i platform gier miejskich oraz dokonano ich porównania. Przedstawiono koncepcję definiowania funkcjonalności modułu gier miejskich stanowiącego rozszerzenie przewodnika eGIT. Opisano architekturę komponentową elektonicznego, bezprzewodowego, multimedialnego przewodnika eGIT wraz z modułem gier miejskich. Przedstawiono proces integracji modułu z aplikacją bazową eGIT,...

  • A Human Behaviour Model Agent for Testing of Voluntary Computing Systems


    - Rok 2014

    Paper presents a design and performance of a voluntary-based distributed computing system testing agent, implementing a human behaviour model. The agent, nicknamed iRobot, was designed and implemented to enable controlled, large scale testing of core algorithms of Comcute - a new voluntary distributed computing platform complementary to BOINC. The main agent design goals were: emulation of human behaviour when browsing web pages,...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym


    Technologia radia programowalnego (ang. Software Defined Radio) jest nowoczesnym rozwiązaniem umożliwiającym realizację urządzeń pracujących w różnego rodzaju systemach łączności radiowej. W pracy zaprezentowano zagadnienia dotyczące koncepcji realizacji radia programowalnego. Zaprezentowano budowę dwóch przykładowych platform sprzętowych do realizacji radia programowalnego. Przedstawiono również architekturę oprogramowania stosowaną...

  • Android OS: A Review

    Due to the technological development, mobile terminals have evolved into functionally sophisticated devices such as smartphones and tablets. The Android platform has become one of the most popular operating system with millions of new users each year. Despite many studies, none have provided a comprehensive description of this operating system. In this paper we present a review of the Android OS. We describe the platforms history...

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  • Some Optimization Methods for Simulations in Volunteer and Grid Systems


    In this chapter, some optimization methods have been presented for improving performance of simulations in the volunteer and grid computing system called Comcute. Some issues related to the cloud computing can be solved by presented approaches as well as the Comcute platform can be used to simulate execution of expensive and energy consuming long-term tasks in the cloud environment. In particular, evolutionary algorithms as well...

  • Termin zgłaszania wystapień do eTEE 2022


    10-05-2022 00:00 - 10-05-2022 23:59

    8. ogólnopolska konferencja "e-Technologie w Kształceniu Inżynierów". Zgłaszanie propozycji wystapień w zakładce "Zgłaszanie abstraktów" na stronie konferencji eTEE: www.pg.edu.pl/etee.

  • Etyka zawodu architekta, III semestr, rok akademicki 2021/2022

    Kursy Online
    • P. Czyż

    Welcome to e-learning course of Architect's Proffesional Ethics. Classes will be conducted via TEAMS platform.  Link to clasess below: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_NGYyZjU0OTItMjgwZC00N2MxLTg5ZjItZDliZDY2YTNiNGUw%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%2286760356-0022-486f-b793-a2d470bba5a5%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22744d498a-011e-4d0b-8a3d-08b49c9156ff%22%7d

  • Impact of SDN Controller’s Performance on Quality of Service


    Software Defined Networking is a paradigm in network architecture; that is quickly becoming commonplace in modern telecommunication systems. It facilitates network customization for the requirements of different applications and simplifies the implementation of new services. Since its proposal, a significant evolution in its functionality has occurred. However, this development brought along problems of efficiency and performance,...

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  • Report of the ISMIS 2011 Contest : Music Information Retrieval


    - Rok 2011

    This report presents an overview of the data mining contestorganized in conjunction with the 19th International Symposiumon Methodologies for Intelligent Systems (ISMIS 2011), in days betweenJan 10 and Mar 21, 2011, on TunedIT competition platform. The contestconsisted of two independent tasks, both related to music information retrieval:recognition of music genres and recognition of instruments, for agiven music sample represented...

  • Supporting Assurance by Evidence-based Argument Services

    Structured arguments based on evidence are used in many domains, including systems engineering, quality assurance and standards conformance. Development, maintenance and assessment of such arguments is addressed by TRUST-IT methodology outlined in this paper. The effective usage of TRUST-IT requires an adequate tool support. We present a platform of software services, called NOR-STA, available in the Internet, supporting key activities...

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  • Eye tracking within near-to-eye display


    - Rok 2015

    In this paper we investigate the effectiveness of the gaze interaction within near-to-eye display. The practical aspect of the paper is about combining an eye tracker with smart glasses. Presented research is related with the eGlasses project, which is focused on the development of an open platform in the form of multisensory electronic glasses and related interaction methods. One of the implemented interaction methods is the one...

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    - Rok 2018

    Metoda wielodostępu OFDM, jest stosowana obecnie w wielu nowoczesnych cywilnych i wojskowych standardach łączności radiowej. Technologia radia programowalnego (ang. Software Defined Radio) umożliwia realizacje urządzeń pracujących z tą metodą wielodostępu. W referacie zaprezentowano przykłady dwóch środowisk oprogramowania służących do realizacji oprogramowania w technologii SDR. Przedstawiono również przykłady platform sprzętowych...



    - Polish Maritime Research - Rok 2018

    The article presents the analysis, project, and experimental examination of an original rigid riser for Coil Tubing Pipes. The principle of riser operation is based on the use of friction forces. The research included the FEM analysis of the designed riser, calculations of the required bolt tensions, and checking the effect of the clamping force on stress distribution in the pipeline. The results of computer simulation were verified...

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  • Adaptive filtering approach to dynamic weighing: a checkweigher case study


    - Rok 2014

    Dynamic weighing, i.e., weighing of objects in motion, with out stopping them on the weighing platform, allows one to increase the rate of operation of automatic weighing systems used in industrial production processes without compromising their accuracy. The paper extends and compares two approaches to dynamic weighing, based on system identification and variable-bandwidth filtering, respectively. Experiments, carried on a conveyor...

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  • Application of smart glasses for fast and automatic color correction in health care


    In recent years different applications of smart glasses in health care have been proposed. In this paper we present the experiments related to automatic color correction using smart glasses platform developed within the eGlasses project. The color pattern is proposed and tested enabling the automatic detection of the pattern and automatic correction of colors. Additionally, the method for encoding and decoding of patient ID in...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Game with a Purpose for Mappings Verification

    Mappings verification is a laborious task. The paper presents a Game with a Purpose based system for verification of automatically generated mappings. General description of idea standing behind the games with the purpose is given. Description of TGame system, a 2D platform mobile game with verification process included in the gameplay, is provided. Additional mechanisms for anti-cheating, increasing player’s motivation and gathering...

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  • Multi-objective Tabu-based Differential Evolution for Teleportation of Smart Virtual Machines in Private Computing Clouds


    - Rok 2021

    We propose a multi-objective approach for using differential evolution algorithm with tabu search algorithm as an additional mutation for live migration (teleportation) of virtual machines. This issue is crucial in private computing clouds. Teleportation of virtual machines is supposed to be planned to determine Pareto-optimal solutions for several criteria such as workload of the bottleneck host, communication capacity of the...

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  • Light4Health eLearning Course: health research for interior lighting design. Re-thinking design approaches based on science


    This paper presents the results of 'Light4Health' (L4H), a three-year EU Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership grant project (2019-2021), which investigated, systematized and taught health-related research on the impact of natural and artificial light on human health and well-being relevant to indoor lighting design. The objective was to re-think evidence-based lighting design approaches for residential, working/educational, and healthcare...

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  • eTEE 2017


    27-04-2017 00:00 - 28-04-2017 23:59

    Konferencja ma na celu pokazanie zastosowania najnowszych technologii w edukacji inżynierskiej oraz badań prowadzonych w tym zakresie.

  • Geo-location of the commune of an IP user


    - Rok 2008

    This paper describes a system of geo-location of an IP user that would enable VoIP users to call 112. Basic requirement is fast (under 50ms) determination of the commune of the subscriber. To obtain as accurate information as possible aggregation of several methods was proposed: using a database of locations of IP ranges created by specialized companies, traceroute using history of user locations to assume his current one.It is...

  • A Stand for Measurement and Prediction of Scattering Properties of Diffusers


    In this paper we present a set of solutions which may be used for prototyping and simulation of acoustic scattering devices. A system proposed is capable of measuring sound field. Also a way to use an open source solution for simulation of scattering phenomena occurring in proximity of acoustic diffusers is shown. The result of our work are measurement procedure and a prototype of the simulation script based on FEniCS - an open source...

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  • Multidisciplinary Open System Transferring Knowledge for R2B Development


    Despite many efforts, there is still a serious problem in transferring knowledge from research to business. The problem is especially visible in Poland – the cooperation of R2B is ineffective. We are trying to solve this problem using some IT support. The manuscript presents some solutions developed at the Gdańsk University of Technology. In particular, the platform called “MOST Knowledge” is deeply described. Its layer architecture,...

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  • AffecTube — Chrome extension for YouTube video affective annotations


    The shortage of emotion-annotated video datasets suitable for training and validating machine learning models for facial expression-based emotion recognition stems primarily from the significant effort and cost required for manual annotation. In this paper, we present AffecTube as a comprehensive solution that leverages crowdsourcing to annotate videos directly on the YouTube platform, resulting in ready-to-use emotion-annotated...

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  • Koncepcja systemu informatycznego dla potrzeb SZwWP


    Implementacja zaawansowanego, zintegrowanego systemu sterowania dla potrzeb Systemu Zaopatrzenia w Wodę Pitną (SZwWP), wymaga odpowiednich platform sprzętowych i programowych - systemu informatycznego. Zaproponowane rozwiązania muszą pozwolić na realizację niezbędnych funkcji systemu - sterowania czy monitorowania, zapewniając jednocześnie dużą niezawodność działania oraz bezpieczeństwo przetwarzanych danych. Ponadto wykorzystywana...

  • Wiarygodna integracja systemów ESB oraz Web services

    W pracy przedstawiono problem wiarygodnej integracji aplikacji rozproszonych z wykorzystaniem technologii Enterprise Service Bus oraz Web services. Przeprowadzono badania trzech platform integracji serwisów: Sun Open ESB, Windows Workflow Foundation oraz Mule ESB wraz z najbardziej popularnymi serwerami Web services. Badania wykazały, że delkarowane i zaimplementowane możliwości współpracy w platformach integracji różnią się w...

  • Using Alpha-beta filtration for robustness improvement of a quadrocopter positioning system

    Quadrocopter is an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) platform. The position of the robot is determined based on readings from an accelerometer and a gyroscope, but the measurement signals contain broadband noise. This article describes a solution for filtering out the noise based on an Alpha – beta filter. It also presents the methodology of designing and implementing such a filter for noise cancellation in measurement signals from...

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  • Knowledge-Grid Modelling for Academic Purposes


    - Rok 2016

    Nowadays, we face a huge amount of data and information sharing on the Web by different users worldwide. A multidimensional perspective in describing a university ontology seems to be very important for the modelling of higher education resources. This paper proposes a multi-dimensional knowledge model, designed to distribute and manage knowledge resources efficiently. We propose our model as the foundation of an advanced knowledge...

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  • GPU based implementation of Temperature-Vegetation Dryness Index for AVHRR3 Satellite Data


    Paper presents an implementation of TVDI (Temperature-Vegetation-Dryness Index) algorithm on GPU (Graphics Processing Unit). Calculation of this index is based on LST (Land Surface Temperature) and NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index). Discussed results are based on multi-spectral imagery retrieved from AVHRR3 sensors for area of Poland. All phases of TVDI implementation on GPU are modified in respect to CUDA platform....

  • Finite element matrix generation on a GPU

    This paper presents an efficient technique for fast generation of sparse systems of linear equations arising in computational electromagnetics in a finite element method using higher order elements. The proposed approach employs a graphics processing unit (GPU) for both numerical integration and matrix assembly. The performance results obtained on a test platform consisting of a Fermi GPU (1x Tesla C2075) and a CPU (2x twelve-core...

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  • A shared curriculum for daylighting education to meet the educational needs of society

    • N. Gentile,
    • F. Giuliani
    • M. Khanie, Sarey
    • N. Sokół
    • V. R. M. Lo Verso
    • F. Caffaro
    • M. K. Pedersen
    • F. Pompili
    • P. Mattsson

    - Rok 2022

    This article describes the collaborative creation of the curriculum for a new eLearning programme on daylighting design of buildings targeting both traditional and lifelong learners. The programme consists of an online platform integrated with a summer school for practical applications. The process was conducted through several workshops with professionals, representatives of national bodies on building regulations, academics,...

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  • Obrabiarki CNC. Podstawy funkcjonowania i programowania.Procesy ubytkowe, przyrostowe i hybrydowe

    • A. ,. Zalewski
    • W. Grzesik
    • M. Deja
    • K. Jarosz
    • A. Ruszaj

    - Rok 2024

    OBRABIARKI CNC (sterowane numerycznie) są podstawowymi elementami nowoczesnego parku maszynowego w różnych gałęziach przemysłu. Uzyskanie lepszej jakości wyrobów i zwiększenie wydajności produkcji zapewniają dobrze przygotowani inżynierowie i technicy programujący i obsługujący te obrabiarki. Współczesną wiedzę o budowie systemów sterowania numerycznego i sposobach programowania obrabiarek CNC mogą oni zaczerpnąć z tej książki....

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  • Modeling and control of a redundantly actuated variable mass 3RRR planar manipulator controlled by a model-based feedforward and a model-based-proportional-derivative feedforward–feedback controller


    - MECHATRONICS - Rok 2016

    In the paper, dynamics of a complex mechatronics system is considered. A redundantly actuated planar manipulator is the base of the mechanical part of it. It is a 3RRR 1 platform based parallel manipulator. To control its trajectory, a model-based feedforward controller is employed. Three aspects are fundamental in the presented investigations. The first focus is on development of an accurate numerical model used to solve the inverse...

  • Research project BRIK: development of an innovative method for determining the precise trajectory of a railway vehicle


    - Przegląd Komunikacyjny - Rok 2019

    In the paper the essential assumptions regarding a research project implemented by a consortium of Gdansk University of Technology and Gdynia Maritime University are presented. The project has been commissioned by National Center of Research and Development with cooperation with Polish Railways (PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe S.A.). The project is focused in implementation of modern measurement techniques using Global Navigation Positioning...

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  • Capacity Transforming challenges into opportunities


    - Rok 2022

    The Urban Initiative Laboratory (UIL) aims to upgrade the smart city concept in Gdańsk by introducing the Food-Water-Energy (FWE) nexus to the city. It was agreed in the CRUNCH international consortium that projects on different scales would be implemented in the individual countries to test the Integrated Decision Supportive system platform, which would, in principle, concern urban scale. The regular urban scale was to be researched...

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  • Overcoming carboxylic acid inhibition by granular consortia in high-load liquefied food waste fermentation for efficient lactate accumulation



    Granular sludge, a self-aggregating spherical biofilm, possesses better stability compared to flocculent sludge under extreme conditions. This study compared the ability of anaerobic granular sludge (AnGS) and flocculent waste activated sludge (WAS) to convert food waste (FW) into highly-valuable optically active lactic acid (LA), a central and versatile intermediate platform molecule. Different loadings (30–60 g volatile suspended...

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  • Wykonanie i zastosowanie układów złożonych z miniaturowych (solid-contact) elektrod jonoselektywnych do badań biomedycznych


    - Rok 2017

    W rozprawie doktorskiej przedstawiono konstrukcję i parametry miniaturowych elektrod jonoselektywnych (EJS) użytych do budowy zintegrowanych platform czujnikowych, które mogą mieć potencjalne zastosowanie w badaniach biomedycznych i klinicznych. Wykazano wpływ lepkości roztworu na zakres liniowy pracy EJS oraz wpływ temperatury przechowywania próbek śliny na ich skład jonowy. Praca badawcza obejmowała zaprojektowanie, wykonanie...

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  • Pączkowanie - metoda rozwoju interoperacyjnych komponentów dla systemów rozproszonych = Budding – the software development method of interoperable components for distributed systems


    Przedstawiono 2 współczesne metody wytwarzania oprogramowania: iteracyjno-przyrostową oraz techniki zwinne, ich zalety i wady w kontekście budowy interoperacyjnych platform i środowisk rozproszonych. Zaprezentowano metodę rozwoju oprogramowania przez pączkowanie, jej założenia, zalety i wady. Przedstawiono technologie, na bazie których działa metodologia wytwarzania oprogramowania przez pączkowanie: Software Product Line, Enterprise...

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  • WSN for intelligent street lighting system

    In this article authors propose to apply WSN to intelligent street lighting system. As a result of such a combination one obtains a system designed to increase functionality of light installations for a wide range of applications and introduce a platform for new additional services, which meets current and future user needs. The system is composed of WSN nodes integrated with light sources based on high power LED diodes, which...

  • Ocena wykorzystywania komunikatorów w systemach zdalnego nauczania


    - Rok 2006

    W referacie wskazano na korzyści dla uczestników kursów i właścicieli platform zdalnego nauczania wynikające z korzystania z komunikatorów. Wykazano, że brak kompatybilności poszczególnych klasycznych rozwiązań jest na tyle uciążliwy, ze dla systemów zdalnego nauczania należy znaleźć rozwiązanie, które obsługiwałoby wszystkie komunikatory. Omówiono więc dwie nowe, tworzone w ramach IETF propozycje standardów komunikatorów: XMPP...

  • Characteristics of an image sensor with early-vision processing fabricated in standard 0.35 µm CMOS technology

    The article presents measurement results of prototype integrated circuits for acquisition and processing of images in real time. In order to verify a new concept of circuit solutions of analogue image processors, experimental integrated circuits were fabricated. The integrated circuits, designed in a standard 0.35 µm CMOS technology, contain the image sensor and analogue processors that perform low-level convolution-based image...

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