Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: control measurement
Systemy bezprzewodowej łączności i transmisji danych dla potrzeb bezpieczeństwa publicznego (studium stanu i rozwiązań)
PublikacjaW niniejszym rozdziale przedstawiono charakterystyki rozwiązań użytkowych zrealizowanych w Katedrze Systemów i Sieci Radiokomunikacyjnych Politechniki Gdańskiej. Autorzy scharakteryzowali opracowane przez zespół badawczy Katedry, systemy bezprzewodowego monitoringu zagrożeń bezpieczeństwa oraz zarządzania i sterowania infrastrukturami krytycznymi. W tym też kontekście omówiono następujące systemy i aplikacje użytkowe: − globalny...
Chapter 11 – Application of Chemical Sensors and Sensor Matrixes to Air Quality Evaluation
PublikacjaIndoor and outdoor air quality is one of the key factors influencing human health. However, air quality evaluation is not easy task. Air is a complex system, which is subjected to changes even within short period of time. Progress in analytical methods and analytical tools provides increasingly more reliable information on the condition and quality of indoor and outdoor air. This progress, however, generates an increase in the...
Hydraulic valve design methodology for hydro turbine control system
PublikacjaThe control of the turbine and its equipment in a hydroelectric power plant requires the HPU (hydraulic power unit) to deliver large volumes of working fluid in a short time at specific optimum control parameters. The use of typical proportional flow control valves created by manufacturers of hydraulic components in low-pressure control systems is disadvantageous due to high pressure losses in the control chambers. This paper presents...
Three-dimensional visualization and measurement of conformal dose distributions using magnetic resonance imaging of bang polymer gel dosimeters
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Image Processing of Mg-Al-Sn Alloy Microstructures for Determining Phase Ratios and Grain Size and Correction with Manual Measurement
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Elective surgery system strengthening: development, measurement, and validation of the surgical preparedness index across 1632 hospitals in 119 countries
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A new analyzer based on pellistor sensor with neural network data postprocessing for measurement of hydrocarbons in lower explosive limit range
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono rezultaty pierwszego etapu badań nad nowym typem analizatora do oznaczania stężenia wodoru i lotnych węglowodorów w zakresie dolnej granicy wybuchowości. Analizator ten zbudowano w oparciu o pojedynczy czujnik pelistorowy z układem przetwarzania danych wykorzystującym sztuczną sieć neuronową.
Automated measurement method for assessing thermal-dependent electronic characteristics of thin boron-doped diamond-graphene nanowall structures
PublikacjaThis paper investigates the electrical properties of boron-doped diamond-graphene (B:DG) nanostructures, focusing on their semiconductor characteristics. These nanostructures are synthesized on fused silica glass and Si wafer substrates to compare their behaviour on different surfaces. A specialized measurement system, incorporating Python-automated code, was developed for an in-depth analysis of electronic properties under various...
Method of earth fault loop impedance measurement without nuisance tripping of RCDs in 3-phase low-voltage circuits
PublikacjaVerification of electrical safety in low-voltage power systems includes the measurement of earth fault loop impedance. This measurement is performed to verify the effectiveness of protection against indirect contact. The widespread classic methods and meters use a relatively high value of the measuring current (5–20) A, so that they are a source of nuisance tripping of residual current devices (RCDs). The meters dedicated to circuits...
Time-domain measurement methods for R, L and C sensors based on aversatile direct sensor-to-microcontroller interface circuit
PublikacjatIn the paper new time-domain measurement methods for determining values of resistive (R), inductive(L) and capacitive (C) sensors based on a versatile direct sensor-to-microcontroller interface for microcon-trollers with internal analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) and analog comparators (ACs) are presented.The interface circuit consists of a reference resistor Rrworking as a voltage divider, a given R, L or C sensorand a microcontroller...
Comparison of the Measurement Techniques Employed for Evaluation of Ambient Air Odour Quality Influenced by Operation of Industrial Sewage Treatment Plant
PublikacjaThe paper presents the results of investigation on ambient air quality evaluation with respect to concentration of odorants in a vicinity of a sewage treatment plant of the LOTOS Group S.A. petroleum plant. The investigation was performed during winter season using a prototype of electronic nose and the Nasal Ranger field olfactometers. The prototype was equipped with a set of six semiconductor sensors by FIGARO Co. and one PID-type...
Investigation of RH effect on uncommon limonene ozonolysis products and SOA formation in indoor air with real time measurement techniques
PublikacjaScientific interest in SOA influence on indoor air quality increases since last 20 years. It is well known, that particles of nano-sized diameter pose a threat for human health causing, among others: eye, upper airway irritation, inflammatory response in cells, worsening asthma, hypertension, diabetes, and central nervous dysfunction. Terpenes are reactive VOCs, commonly emitted in indoor air and considered to be SOA precursors...
High Frequency Harmonics Emission of Modern Power Electronic AC-DC Converters
PublikacjaModern AC/DC converters with bidirectional power flow employing PWM boost topology generate harmonic distortions of input current in relatively high frequency range tightly related to modulation carrier frequency. These frequencies and its multiples in typical applications are usually located in frequency range from single up to several of kHz. Increased harmonic emission in this frequency range can easily and harmfully influence...
Analysis of the applicability of laser scanning to making an inventory of swimming pool facilities
Publikacja3D scanning can be used in many branches of economy, e.g. reverse and prototype engineering, industrial design, quality control, pros-thetics, orthodontics, archiving of historic objects and archeological findings, examination of a scene of crime, making films and comput-er games. The technology of terrestrial laser scanning has a bright fu-ture as we are living in the time of blooming measurement tech-niques, which can provide...
Relative Productivity, Country Size and Export Diversification
PublikacjaThis paper analyses the effects of productivity and country size on the extent of trade structure diversification. Using a testable version of the Ricardian model, we show that relative export variety is an outcome of two forces: a relative productivity change (technological progress) and a relative country size change (labour force growth). The model predictions are validated empirically using product-level trade data for a sample...
QoS Extensions for Flow-Awareness Networks
PublikacjaThe paper contains a description and research results of the proposal for distributed QoS extensions for Flow-Based Networking. These QoS extensions let the network accept or reject flows based on current network load and QoS promises for each of the flows. Proposed solution consists of two distributed components, each of them performing in every node, measurement system and access control. The solution could be applied in any...
Improved Procedures for Feature-Based Suppression of Surface Texture High-Frequency Measurement Errors in the Wear Analysis of Cylinder Liner Topographies
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Power grid frequency measurement in LabVIEW environment using the least mean squares method to signal phase approximation in the presence of noise
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Interval estimator for chlorine monitoring in drinking water distribution systems under uncertain system dynamics, inputs and state measurement errors
PublikacjaThe design of interval observer for estimation of unmeasured state variables for application to drinking water distribution systems is described in this paper. In particular, it considers the design of such observer for estimation of water quality described by free chlorine concentration. An interval observer is derived to produce robust interval bounds on the estimated water quality state variables. The stability and robustness...
Equivalence of on-line and reference methods for measurement of pm10 = Równoważność metod pomiarowych on-line i odniesienia stosowanych do oznaczania pm10
PublikacjaW badaniach nad równoważnością wyników otrzymanych za pomocą pomiaru ciągłego PM10 w stosunku do metody odniesienia stosuje się nienormatywny przewodnik unijny "Demonstration of Equivalence of Ambient Air Monitoring Methods. EC Working Group on Guidance for the Demonstration of Equivalence". W pracy omówiono sposób postępowania wg tego przewodnika. Na podstawie testu terenowego przeprowadzonego na terenie Gdańska w latach 2010-2011...
System pomiaru pola magnetycznego w procesie demagnetyzacji modeli okrętów =System for magnetic field measurement in degaussing process of ships
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono wybrane problemy związane z budową stanowiska badawczego oraz badaniami nowych metod demagnetyzacji okrętów prowadzonych na modelach. Przedstawiono zautomatyzowany system pomiarowy do badania pola magnetycznego modelu okrętu. Omówiono strukturę i funkcje układu pomiarowego oraz metodę ograniczania błędów wynikających z przemieszczania czujników pomiarowych względem pola magnetycznego. Podano przykładowe wyniki pomiarów.
The influence of the grid density of measurement points on damage detection in an isotropic plate by the use of elastic waves and laser scanning Doppler vibrometry
PublikacjaDamage detection in structural components, especially in mechanical engineering, is an 2 important element of engineering practice. There are many methods of damage detection, in which 3 changes in various parameters caused by the presence of damage are analysed. Recently, methods 4 based on the analysis of changes in dynamic parameters of structures, i.e. frequencies or mode shapes 5 of natural vibrations, as well as changes in...
Measurements of the mechanical system properties of "SpeedLine magnetic" ultra-fast robot prototype for IML labeling
Dane BadawczeThe mechanical system tests of the high-speed IML labeling robot "SpeedLine Magnetic" were carried out in order to analyze the effects of the drive system's operating parameters on vibration and noise.
PublikacjaWspółczesna robotyka rozwija się bardzo dynamicznie. Coraz więcej osób prywatnych i inżynierów konstruuje różnego rodzaju pojazdy mobilne. Dlatego autorzy niniejszego referatu postawili sobie następującą tezę: możliwa jest budowa latającego robota mobilnego na bazie kontrolera o niskiej mocy obliczeniowej oraz prostego regulatora, i podjęli się jej udowodnienia.
A new approach to active noise and vibration control - [Part II: unknown frequency case]
PublikacjaThis paper presents a new approach to rejection of complex-valued sinusoidal disturbances acting at the output of a discrete-time stable linear plant with unknown and possibly timevarying dynamics. It is assumed that both the instantaneous frequency of the sinusoidal disturbance and its amplitude may be slowly varying with time and that the output signal is contaminated with wideband measurement noise. It is not assumed that a...
Maciej Jerzy Głowacki
OsobyMaciej Jerzy Głowacki jest absolwentem Politechniki Gdańskiej. Ukończył z wyróżnieniem studia inżynierskie na Wydziale Mechanicznym (2017) oraz studia magisterskie na Wydziale Elektroniki, Telekomunikacji i Informatyki (2018). Od 2014 roku jest nieprzerwanie zaangażowany w działalność badawczą prowadzoną w Katedrze Metrologii i Optoelektroniki. W pracy naukowej zajmował się m. in. nanoszeniem antybakteryjnych powłok hydroksyapatytowych...
Experimental investigation of the weight averaging of pulse frequency modulated sensor output signal
Dane BadawczeThe research aims to practically verify the results of theoretical analysis and simulations of the efficiency of weight averaging of pulse frequency modulated signal. For this purpose, a suitable test stand was built, and the control software in the LabVIEW environment was prepared. Then, a series of experiments were carried out to process and analyze...
Improved energy management technique in pipe-embedded wall heating/cooling system in residential buildings
PublikacjaEffective and environmentally responsive techniques of energy management in residential buildings are desirable for the resulting reduction of energy costs and consumption. In this paper, an improved and efficient technique of energy management in pipe-embedded wall heating/cooling systems, called the Thermal Barrier, is described. Specifically, the Thermal Barrier is a technique focused on the management and control of heat...
Improved energy management technique in pipe-embedded wall heating/cooling system in residential buildings
PublikacjaEffective and environmentally responsive techniques of energy management in residential buildings are desirable for the resulting reduction of energy costs and consumption. In this paper, an improved and efficient technique of energy management in pipe-embedded wall heating/cooling systems, called the Thermal Barrier, is described. Specifically, the Thermal Barrier is a technique focused on the management and control of heat supply...
Influence of the method of the control of the hybrid contactless short-circuit limiter on power quality
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono wpływ sterowania bezstykowego ogranicznika prądów zwarciowych na ograniczanie zapadów napięcia. Scharakteryzowano podstawowe własności ogranicznika oraz układu sterowania jego pracą. Ponieważ prąd zwarciowy jest detekowany przez dedykowany superkrótki bezpiecznik sterowanie musi być dostosowane do czasu przedrukowego i łukowego topika, które zależą od aktualnej wartości prądu i aktualnej konfiguracji obwodu....
Measurements of ASON/GMPLS connection control layer performance according to the ETSI methodology
PublikacjaMeasurements of performance have always been crucial for evaluation of telecommunication systems, especially for implementation of network control elements responsible for connection handling which regards to bandwidth reservation, modification and release. That problem also arises in Automatically Switched Optical Network/Generalized Multiprotocol Label Switching (ASON/GMLPS) architecture, which is considered as one of the components...
Urinary Measurement of Epigenetic DNA Modifications: A Non-Invasive Assessment of the Whole-Body Epigenetic Status in Healthy Subjects and Colorectal Cancer Patients
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A Measurement Invariance Investigation of the Polish Version of the Dual Filial-Piety Scale (DFPS-PL): Student-Employee and Gender Differences in Filial Beliefs
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An interval estimator for chlorine monitoring in drinking water distribution systems under uncertain system dynamics, inputs and chlorine concentration measurement errors
PublikacjaThe design of an interval observer for estimation of unmeasured state variables with application to drinking water distribution systems is described. In particular, the design process of such an observer is considered for estimation of the water quality described by the concentration of free chlorine. The interval observer is derived to produce the robust interval bounds on the estimated water quality state variables. The stability...
Gas chromatography-olfactometry (GC-O), electronic noses (e-noses) and electronic tongues (e-tongues) for in vivo food flavour measurement
PublikacjaThe capter revies two types of artificial olfaction instrumentation, i.e. gas-chromatography-olfactometry (GC-O) and chemical sensor technologies (electronic nose and tongue), combined with multivariate data processing methods as promising approaches for rapid analysis of food. The chapter also includes examples of specific applications for the detection of food flavour and volatile components.
Analysis of measurement uncertainty for contact-less method used to measure the position of catenary contact wire, performed with the use of Monte Carlo method
PublikacjaCurrently the majority of main railway lines in Europe are electrified, and electric trains have the biggest share in the entire amount of rail transport. Reliability of electrified railways is closely related to the issue of supplying traction vehicles with energy. The problems connected with diagnostics of energy consumption node, namely the contact line and the current collector, are therefore of fundamental importance for maintaining...
Modeling and Accuracy Assessment of Determining the Coastline Course Using Geodetic, Photogrammetric and Satellite Measurement Methods: Case Study in Gdynia Beach in Poland
PublikacjaThe coastal environment represents a resource from both a natural and economic point of view, but it is subject to continuous transformations due to climate change, human activities, and natural risks. Remote sensing techniques have enormous potential in monitoring coastal areas. However, one of the main tasks is accurately identifying the boundary between waterbodies such as oceans, seas, lakes or rivers, and the land surface....
Transient States during Short-circuit in a Line Powered by UPS and its Impact on Earth Fault Loop Impedance Measurement and Power Quality
PublikacjaThe short-circuit in a line powered by Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) during different UPS operation modes is presented in the article. The transient state condition related to the short-circuit in a line fed from double conversion On-line UPS is discussed in detail. The results of the measurements of earth fault loop impedance (FLI) in circuits powered by UPS with the instruments of various manufacturers are presented. The...
ZnO coated fiber optic microsphere sensor for the enhanced refractive index sensing
PublikacjaOptical fiber-based sensors are expected to become key components in the control of industrial processes,and the tuning and the enhancement of their sensing properties are crucial for the further developmentof this technology. Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD), a vapor phase technique allowing for the deposition ofconformal thin films, is particularly suited for the deposition of controllable thin films on challenging sub-strates....
The Influence of LED Lighting Sources on the Nature of Power Factor
PublikacjaThis article presents measurements of electric power absorbed by a newly built facility for office and scientific research activities. These measurements highlighted the need for compensation of capacitive reactive power—not predicted by the designer—due to the vast use of LED lighting in the facility. The article also describes a reactive power compensation system, designed on the basis of the above-mentioned measurements, and...
Analiza czynników wpływających na prędkość pojazdów transportu zbiorowego na przykładzie Gdańska
PublikacjaW referacie przedstawiono istotę problemu szacowania prędkości pojazdów transportu zbiorowego w szczególności w zakresie modelowania ruchu. Przedstawiono i omówiono wyniki przeprowadzonych w maju ubiegłego roku pomiarów czasu przejazdu pojazdów transportu zbiorowego na obszarze Gdańska w ramach budowy systemu sterowania ruchem TRISTAR. Otrzymane wyniki zestawiono w celu zaprezentowania statystyki oraz zidentyfikowania czynników...
The power spectral density of audible noise and electric disturbances in ship’s electrical drive systems with frequency converters
Dane BadawczeThe presented dataset is part of research focusing on the impact of the ship's electrical drive systems with frequency converters on vibrations and the level of audible noise on ships.
Networked Object Monitor - A distributed system for monitoring, diagnostics and control of complex industrial facilities
PublikacjaRozwój mobilności i technologii internetowych, a także globalizacji gospodarki światowej, uwzględniający kluczowe aspekty zarządzania przepływem informacji, otworzył zupełnie nowe możliwości opracowywania i konstruowania innowacyjnych rozwiązań technicznych. Z taką myślą powstał prototyp Sieciowego Monitora Obiektu, aplikacji umożliwiającej nie tylko ciągłą kontrolę parametrów obiektów przemysłowych i biznesowych, ale również zarządzanie...
Audible noise in ship’s electrical drive systems with frequency converters
Dane BadawczeThe presented dataset is part of research focusing on the impact of the ship's electrical drive systems with frequency converters on vibrations and the level of audible noise on ships.
A.D.A.M. test (Antibiofilm Dressing's Activity Measurement) — Simple method for evaluating anti-biofilm activity of drug-saturated dressings against wound pathogens
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<title>Cavity simulator and controller for VUV free electron laser SIMCON 2.1, part III: I/O ports and measurement results</title>
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Effective perturbation signal and measurement of corrosion rate. Response to the commentary of Diard and co-workers concerning the paper in Corros. Sci. 37, 913 (1995)
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Karolina Makowska-Jarosik dr inż.
OsobyKarolina Makowska-Jarosik w roku 2009 ukończyła Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Ziemi Żuławskiej w Nowym Dworze Gdańskim. Następnie kontynuowała naukę na kierunku Geodezja i Kartografia na Wydziale Inżynierii Lądowej i Środowiska Politechniki Gdańskiej (studia I stopnia) oraz na Wydziale Geodezji Górniczej i Inżynierii Środowiska Akademii Górniczo-Hutniczej w Krakowie (studia II stopnia). W 2015 zdobyła tytuł magistra inżyniera na...
Travel Time of Public Transport Vehicles Estimation
PublikacjaEffective prediction of speed is central to advanced traveler information and transportation management systems. The speed of public transport vehicles is affected by many external factors including traffic volume, organization and infrastructure. The literature presents methods for estimating travel time on sections of a transport network and vehicle arrival at stops, often making use of the AVL (automatic vehicle location). The...
Heterogeneity of national accounting systems, world-class universities and financial resources: What are the links?
PublikacjaThis study investigates the relationship between university financial resources, applied accounting systems, and the place of a university in the Shanghai Ranking. We find a strong relationship between the financial resources under the control of a world-class university and the position of that university in the highest tier of the global ranking. We propose a model (available online) to predict a university’s tier in the ranking...