Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: image%20analysis - MOST Wiedzy


Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: image%20analysis

Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: image%20analysis

  • PLE in the analysis of plant compounds


    - Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis - Rok 2005

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  • PLE in the analysis of plant compounds


    - Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis - Rok 2005

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  • Analysis of Green Algae Extracts

    • G. Schroeder
    • B. Łęska
    • J. Fabrowska
    • B. Messyasz
    • M. Pikosz
    • B. Leska

    - Rok 2015

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  • Differential analysis of impedance data



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  • The amplitude analysis of impedance spectra


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  • On aspects of tensile structures analysis.


    W pracy dokonano omówienia podstawowych aspektów analizy konstrukcji napiętych. Przedstawiono krótki rys historyczny tego typu konstrukcji, zwracając uwagę m.in. na konstrukcje membranowe, cięgnowe, pneumatyczne.

  • Analysis of transformer inrush currents


    - Rok 2005

    W artykule przedstawiono model i wyniki obliczeń prądu i strumienia magnetycznego w układzie zawierającym transformator trójfazowy i wyłącznik. Opracowano obwodowy model łącznika z łukiem elektrycznym. Model łuku zbudowano w oparciu o jego statyczną i dynamiczną charakterystykę prądowo-napięciową. Przeprowadzone symulacje wykazały, że wartość maksymalna prądu włączania transformatora zależy zarówno od chwili włączenia napięcia...

  • Damage identification by wavelet analysis

    • J. Grabowska
    • M. Palacz
    • M. Krawczuk


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  • Analysis of abrasive powder at lapping


    - Rok 2006

    Przedstawiono wyniki badań wpływu dawkowania pasty i zawiesiny ściernej na jakość docierania powierzchni płaskich. Analizowano parametry chropowatości powierzchni elementów ceramicznych i miedzianych.

  • Geometrically nonlinear analysis of shells


    Artykuł porusza zagadnienia nieliniowej analizy powłok wykonanych z materiałów izotropowych. Obliczenia wykonano przy wykorzystaniu dwóch komercyjnych programów wykorzystujących Metodę Elementów Skończonych (Robot Millennium v. 19.0 i MSC.Marc v.2005r2 ). Główną uwagę skupiono na zjawisku zakleszczenia.

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  • Polarization rotaror - analysis and design


    - Rok 2008

    W artykule przedstawiono metodę analizy wielosekcyjnego polaryzatora złożonego z periodycznych szyków obiektów cylindrycznych. W celu analizy badanej struktury zastosowano metodę pełnofalową opartą na metodzie dopasowania rodzajów.

  • Damage identification by wavelet analysis



    W pracy omówiono metodę identyfikacji rodzaju nieciagłości w 1 wymiarowych elementach konstrukcji wykorzystującą pomiar propagacji fali sprężystej i jej analizę metodą transformacji falkowej.

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  • Trace analysis - challenges and problems

    W pracy przedstawiono podstawowe problemy związane z oznaczaniem składników śladowych i ultraśladowych w próbkach o złożonym składzie matrycy. W oparciu o dane literaturowe omówiono sposoby zapobiegania błędom jakimi mogą być obarczone wyniki oznaczeń końcowych.

  • Atmospheric precipitation sampling for analysis

    W pracy dokonano przeglądu różnych próbników stosowanych do pobierania próbek opadów atmosferycznych (wody deszczowe, mgła, wody spływne). Zaprezentowano urządzenia o różnym stopniu automatyzacji, od najprostszych konstrukcji do urządzeń kosztownych i wysoce zautomatyzowanych. W wielu publikacjach pomijane są informacje o stosowanej metodyce pobierania próbek oraz o położeniu stanowiska obserwacyjnego. Informacje te są jednak niezbędne,...

  • The analysis of stationary electrochemical noise.


    Szum elektrochemiczny jest techniką cieszącą się rosnącym zainteresowaniem. Jedną z podstawowych charakterystyk przebiegów otrzymywanych za pomocą omawianej metody jest widmowa gęstość mocy. Prawidłowa estymacja powyższej wielkości wiąże się z koniecznością zachowania wymogu stacjonarności szumu elektrochemicznego. W niniejszej pracy autorzy proponują zastosowanie rozkładu Wignera-Villego do oceny stopnia niestacjonarności przebiegów...

  • Flow Analysis of a Kaplan Turbine


    - Rok 2017

    This monograph is a guide to a method of experimental and numerical flow investigations for Kaplan - type turbines. The numerical calculations were compared with the test results of the model Kaplan turbine. The tests were carried out on the model test rig in the Gdańsk University of Technology. The turbine has been thoroughly experimentally investigated, resulting in the identification of optimum setting combination of the stator...

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  • Multibody models for gait analysis


    - Rok 2019

    The aim of this study was to create multibody biomechanical models to analyze a normal gait of the human. Proposed models can be used to identify joint moments of the lower limbs during normal gait in the single and double support phases. Applying Newton-Euler formulation, following planar models were developed: 1) a mathematical 6DOF model describing a gait in the sagittal plane of the body for single support phase and double...

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  • Spectral Analysis of Capital Markets

    In this paper the problem of cycles existence in capital markets is addressed. A spectral analysis algorithm, which reduces signal-to-noise ratio, is proposed to derive cycle periodograms for the yield function of DJIA, WIG~20, and NIKKEI 225 indices. Peaks of the the periodograms provide premises to postulate the existence of some possible cycles. The 3.5 year periodicity in all 3 indices, which can be related to Kitchin cycle...

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  • Sensitivity analysis of a composite footbridge


    - Rok 2014

    This work include an example of sensitivity analysis for the design of a composite footbridge. A sandwich structure is used, consisting two high-strength skins separated by a core material. The analysis was conducted for two numerical models. The first one is a simple, single-span beam of a composite cross-section (laminate and foam), with different Young’s modulus for each material. Calculations were made by means of a MATLAB-based...

  • Analysis of the chemical composition of sediments


    - Rok 2016

    Analysis of sediments and corrosion products was carried out, including microscoping and spectroscopic measurements with SEM/EDX

  • Particulate Material Analysis in Air


    - Rok 2016

    The chapter presents the methods and techniques used to asses the PM10 in air and different instruments typically used in analysis of PM, including sampling of particle by using filters and other systems. Besides the methods recommended by different national standards the other methods, especially electronic microscopy are also described.

  • Analysis of aircraft magnetic interference


    - Rok 2011

    The magnetometric method is used among other things on mobile platforms (planes, helicopters) in military systems and in geological research. Optically-pumped and SQUID magnetometers are used in magnetic systems on airplanes. To be able to attain the sensitivity of modern magnetometers in flight, it is important that maneuver-related magnetic interference effects be minimized. The mathematical model of an aircraft as a source of...

  • Analysis of Airport Runoff Waters

    A particularly important facet of airport operation is the impact of the pollution caused byrunoff waters. Runoff waters at an airport may contain relatively high concentrations of differentcontaminants resulting from the various aspects of its operation: de/anti-icing operations,washing and cleaning operations, spills of fuel and lubricants, exhaust fumes, and weed removal.The pollution caused by airport operations affects soil,...

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  • Modal analysis of a steel grandstand


    Among the issues related to the idea of sustainable society is the safety of civil engineering structures devoted to satisfy different needs of people. One of the types of structures devoted to satisfy recreational needs are grandstands, which are used during sport events or music concerts. It is obligatory to consider interaction between structure and crowd load especially when the crowd movement involves rhythmic jumping, dancing,...

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  • Comparative Analysis of Exoskeletal Actuators

    Since the beginning of the development of exoskeletons in the early 1960s there was a constant need for improving their actuators technology. Requirements for high power and torque for the lower body and very high precision for the hand motion, while maintaining the flexibility of biological muscles, are still not fully satisfied. The problem lies not just in the lack of appropriate actuator technology, but also in the inability...

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  • The Analysis of Vodka: A Review Paper

    Vodka is the most popular alcoholic beverage in Poland, Russia and other Eastern European countries, made from ethyl alcohol of agricultural origin that has been produced via fermentation of potatoes, grains or other agricultural products. Despite distillation and multiple filtering, it is not possible to produce 100 % ethanol. The solution with a minimum ethanol content of 96 %, which is used to produce vodkas, also contains trace amounts...

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  • An annotated timeline of sensitivity analysis

    • M. Kuc-Czarnecka
    • S. Tarantolo
    • F. Ferretti
    • S. Lo Piano
    • M. Kozlova
    • A. Lachi
    • R. Rosati
    • A. Puy,
    • P. Roy
    • G. Vannucci
    • A. Saltelli,


    The last half a century has seen spectacular progresses in computing and modelling in a variety of fields, applications, and methodologies. Over the same period, a cross-disciplinary field known as sensitivity analysis has been making its first steps, evolving from the design of experiments for laboratory or field studies, also called ‘in-vivo’, to the so-called experiments ‘in-silico’. Some disciplines were quick to realize the...

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  • On analysis of nanocomposite conical structures



    This research examines the analysis of rotating truncated conical baskets reinforced by carbon nanotubes around the two independent axes. A time-dependent analysis is considered, and the nonlinear dynamic governing equations are extracted using the energy method. Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) reinforced the conical basket, and the structure's mechanical properties are determined based on the several distributions of carbon nanotubes....

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  • Analysis of aircraft magnetic interference

    The magnetometric method is used among other things on mobile platforms (planes, helicopters) in military systems and in geological research. Optically-pumped and SQUID magnetometers are used in magnetic systems on airplanes. To be able to attain the sensitivity of modern magnetometers in flight, it is important that maneuver-related magnetic interference effects be minimized. The mathematical model of an aircraft as a source of...

  • Analysis of human behavioral patterns


    - Rok 2022

    Widespread usage of Internet and mobile devices entailed growing requirements concerning security which in turn brought about development of biometric methods. However, a specially designed biometric system may infer more about users than just verifying their identity. Proper analysis of users’ characteristics may also tell much about their skills, preferences, feelings. This chapter presents biometric methods applied in several...

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  • Analysis of a gene expression model


    - Rok 2017

    We study a mathematical model of gene transcription and protein synthesis with negative feedback. We consider a system of equations taking into account the number of active binding sites, the way in which dimers bind to DNA and time delay in translation process. For a simplified model that consist of three ordinary differential equations with time delay we derive conditions for stability of the positive steady state and for the...

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  • Data Analysis in Bridge of Data


    The chapter presents the data analysis aspects of the Bridge of Data project. The software framework used, Jupyter, and its configuration are presented. The solution’s architecture, including the TRYTON supercomputer as the underlying infrastructure, is described. The use case templates provided by the Stat-reducer application are presented, including data analysis related to spatial points’ cloud-, audio- and wind-related research.

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  • Autonomous pick-and-place system based on multiple 3Dsensors and deep learning


    - Rok 2022

    Grasping objects and manipulating them is the main way the robot interacts with its environment. However, for robots to operate in a dynamic environment, a system for determining the gripping position for objects in the scene is also required. For this purpose, neural networks segmenting the point cloud are usually applied. However, training such networks is very complex and their results are unsatisfactory. Therefore, we propose...

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  • Autonomous Perception and Grasp Generation Based on Multiple 3D Sensors and Deep Learning


    - Rok 2022

    Grasping objects and manipulating them is the main way the robot interacts with its environment. However, for robots to operate in a dynamic environment, a system for determining the gripping position for objects in the scene is also required. For this purpose, neural networks segmenting the point cloud are usually applied. However, training such networks is very complex and their results are unsatisfactory. Therefore, we propose...

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  • Melanoma skin cancer detection using mask-RCNN with modified GRU model


    - Frontiers in Physiology - Rok 2024

    Introduction: Melanoma Skin Cancer (MSC) is a type of cancer in the human body; therefore, early disease diagnosis is essential for reducing the mortality rate. However, dermoscopic image analysis poses challenges due to factors such as color illumination, light reflections, and the varying sizes and shapes of lesions. To overcome these challenges, an automated framework is proposed in this manuscript. Methods: Initially, dermoscopic...

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    - Rok 2015

    Modern granulometry opens a new way of analysing images by means of morphological filters. In this paper a closer look has been presented on the problem of interpreting information about the features and conditions of marine environment from images taken at the sea coast and shallow water. Using this method allows for example selection of the objects on the image according to the differences in shape. Processes occurring in the...

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  • Tomasz Mikulski dr hab. inż.

  • Application of Fast Cameras to String Vibrations Recording

    A hardware and software solution for guitar string vibration measurement by fast cameras is described. Orthogonal setup for 3D image acquisition is proposed capable to capture several thousand image frames per second. Dedicated image processing algorithm was developed and described in the paper, aimed at tracking the movement of some selected points along the string. Fast and accurate tracking results provided a detailed information...

  • The analysis of firms’ involvement in internationalisation and determinants of its intensity – an analysis for developing and post-transition economies

    The study presents the empirical analysis of firms’ involvement in different forms of internationalisation: export, indirect export, import, indirect import and finally simultaneous exporting and importing. The analysis is based on firm-level data from the World Bank Enterprise Survey (March 2017 release). The empirical part is divided into two stages. Firstly account is taken of firms’ heterogeneity and then a Melitz type analysis...

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  • Media społecznościowe a wizerunek marki


    Jeszcze do niedawna wydawało się, że social media, podobnie jak komunikatory internetowe, będą stanowiły kolejne narzędzie wykorzystywane w komunikacji ze znajomymi, a ich tematyka będzie związana głównie z rozrywką i chęcią podtrzymania więzi społecznych. Jednak, z obserwacji wielu autorów wynika, iż obecnie można już mówić o trendzie social media lub też Web 2.0, a z roku na rok internetowe witryny o charakterze społecznościowym,...

  • Marta Kuc-Czarnecka dr

    Marta Kuc-Czarnecka jest zastępczynią kierownika Katedry Statystyki i Ekonomii na Wydziale Zarządzania i Ekonomii Politechniki Gdańskiej. Pełni również funkcję pełnomocniczki Dziekana ds. akredytacji AMBA. Jest współzałożycielką Rethinking Economics Gdańsk oraz członkinią Fundacji im. Edwarda Lipińskiego na rzecz promocji pluralizmu w naukach ekonomicznych. W latach 2018-2022 była ekspertką Europejskiej Fundacji na Rzecz Poprawy...

  • Deep convolutional neural network for predicting kidney tumour malignancy 


    - Rok 2021

    Purpose: According to the statistics, up to 15-20% of removed solid kidney tumors turn out to be benign in postoperative histopathological examination, despite having been identified as malignant by a radiologist. The aim of the research was to limit the number of unnecessary nephrectomies of benign tumors. Methods or Background: We propose a machine-aided diagnostic system for kidney...

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  • B E Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy


    ISSN: 1935-1682



    ISSN: 0232-2064 , eISSN: 1661-4534



    ISSN: 0162-8828 , eISSN: 1939-3539

  • Latin American Journal of Sedimentology and Basin Analysis


    ISSN: 1669-7316

  • P-Adic Numbers Ultrametric Analysis and Applications


    ISSN: 2070-0466 , eISSN: 2070-0474

  • Stochastics and Partial Differential Equations-Analysis and Computations


    ISSN: 2194-0401 , eISSN: 2194-041X

  • Journal of Business Valuation and Economic Loss Analysis


    ISSN: 1932-9156

  • Journal of Numerical Analysis, Industrial and Applied Mathematics


    ISSN: 1790-8140