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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: DAY-AHEAD MARKET
Lean Startup as a New Way of Managing Technology Ventures Illustrated by the Example of Wlcome App
PublikacjaThe dot-com bubble in the 1990s made the technology industry aware that even excellent ideas backed by amazing teams are not sufficient to ensure a startup’s success. The biggest risk of startups is that they have to operate within many uncertainties, their market and customers are unknown, and their business model is not yet validated. Therefore, successful execution of such a venture requires a rigorous process that would validate...
The Crisis of Marketing Communication in the Era of Social Media
PublikacjaThe articles examines the widely discussed in literature the problem of marketing communication crisis resulting from the changes of the environment. These changes generate both new problems and also new solutions, e.g. social media. The practicioners are pursuing both effective and efficient solutions, in relation to the difficulties encountered while achieving market objectives via traditional methods and channels. In accordance...
The use of HPLC-Q-TOF-MS for comprehensive screening of drugs and psychoactive substances in hair samples and several “legal highs” products
PublikacjaNon-targeted screening of drugs present in herbal products, known as “legal high” drugs and in hair as a biological matrix commonly used in toxicological investigations was accomplished with the use of high pressure liquid chromatography coupled with quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry (HPLC-Q-TOF-MS). In total, 25 and 14 therapeutical drugs and psychoactive substances/metabolites were detected in investigated hair samples...
The future of the logistician education in Poland and Ukraine: comparative analysis of the student’s opinion
PublikacjaBackground: A professional future is the next logical step after a student completes their chosen degree course. More frequently, even during their studies, young people seek opportunities to participate in various conferences, training courses, internships, work placements, and to travel abroad, etc. All of this has one main goal - to increase the student's attractiveness as a potential employee on the labour market. Thus, it...
Programmes to Combat the Economic Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Kazakhstan and Ukraine and Unemployment
PublikacjaThe following article presents economic programmes to combat the negative effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. The analysed programmes were undertaken by the governments of Ukraine and Kazakhstan. They contributed to reducing unemployment in both countries. The findings of Ukrainian researchers focused mainly on estimating losses in the SME sector, especially in the hotel, tourism and transport sectors. Scientific literature in Kazakhstan...
Governmental supported space internship programmes in new ESA member states - Polish perspective
PublikacjaOver last 10 years ve new countries - Czech Republic, Romania, Poland, Hungary and Estonia - have joined the European Space Agency. These countries are currently experiencing a considerable increase of space activities aiming to take part in the European and Global space market. New companies, start-ups and consortiums have been created alongside oces of foreign entities have opened their premises in these countries. All of them...
Próba uogólnionej oceny efektywności wybranych rynków pracy
PublikacjaCelem artykułu jest pilotażowa próba dokonania uzupełnienia oceny efektywności rynków pracy wynikami uprzednio przeprowadzonej analizy mobilności międzysektorowej płac oraz zatrudnienia. Ocena mobilności międzysektorowej przeprowadzona zostanie dwutorowo: z jednej strony za pomocą uzupełnienia jej o zobrazowanie reakcji rynków na międzysektorowe przesunięcia zatrudnienia, a z drugiej z użyciem ocen zagregowanej zmiany zróżnicowania...
Bezzałogowe środki latające (BSL) w układzie czterowirnikowego helikoptera
PublikacjaRozwój układów sterowania, kamer pracujących w świetle widzialnym oraz w podczerwieni doprowadził do wzrostu znaczenia bezpilotowych środków latających. Bezpilotowe środki latające wykorzystywane są do realizacji celów zarówno wojskowych, jak i cywilnych. Podstawowymi zaletami bezpilotowych środków latających są: małe wymiary, duża mobilność, niskie koszty wytworzenia i eksploatacji. Użytkowanie bezpilotowych środków latających...
A study of nighttime vehicle detection algorithms
Dane BadawczeThis dataset is from my master's thesis "A study of nighttime vehicle detection algorithms". It contains both raw data and preprocessed dataset ready to use. In the pictures below you can see how images were annotated.
Studies on the building typology, Gdańsk-Nowy Port district case study, March 2020
Dane BadawczeThe data presents results of work within the studies on the building typology, Gdańsk-Stary Nowy Port district case study, study proposal from March 2020. The goal of the process was to identify the basic types of urban structure of the area and to analyse them in terms of location, connections with the neighbourhood, basic and social functions, population...
Studies on the building typology, Gdańsk-Wrzeszcz district case study, Matejki street, Wajdeloty street, Saperów street, March 2020
Dane BadawczeThe data presents results of work within the studies on the building typology, Gdańsk-Wrzeszcz district case study,Matejki street, Wajdeloty street, Saperów street, study proposal from March 2020. The goal of the process was to identify the basic types of urban structure of the area and to analyse them in terms of location, connections with the neighbourhood,...
Studies on the building typology, Gdynia-Wzgórze św. Maksymiliana district case study, March 2020
Dane BadawczeThe data presents results of work within the studies on the building typology, Gdynia-Wzgórze św. Maksymiliana district case study, study proposal from March 2020. The goal of the process was to identify the basic types of urban structure of the area and to analyse them in terms of location, connections with the neighbourhood, basic and social functions,...
Studies on the building typology, Gdańsk-Wrzeszcz district case study, Kościuszki street, March 2020
Dane BadawczeThe data presents results of work within the studies on the building typology, Gdańsk-Wrzeszcz district case study, Kościuszki street, study proposal from March 2020. The goal of the process was to identify the basic types of urban structure of the area and to analyse them in terms of location, connections with the neighbourhood, basic and social functions,...
Polityka i porządek prawny w polskiej energetyce na tle polityki Unii Europejskiej
PublikacjaW artykule przeanalizowano rozwój wspólnotowego rynku energii elektrycznej, polityk ę energetyczną Polski i UE, sytuację i działania Polski na wspólnotowym rynku energii elektrycznej, a następnie przeanalizowano nowe regulacje prawne dla współpracy rozproszonych źródeł energii elektrycznej i sieci inteligentnych z systemem krajowym, dla zwrotu energii odzyskiwanej z systemów elektromechanicznych do zasilającej...
Computational collective intelligence for enterprise information systems
PublikacjaCollective intelligence is most often understood as a kind of intelligence which arises on the basis of a group (collective) of autonomous unites (people, systems) which is taskoriented. There are two important aspects of an intelligent collective: The cooperation aspect and the competition aspect (Levy 1997). The first of them means the possibility for integrating the decisions made by the collective members for creating the decision of...
Hydro Lubricants: Water-based lubricants for hydropower applications
PublikacjaSeveral different base oil types exist in the market including mineral and synthetic oils (e.g. polyalphaolefins, ester, polyglycol, etc.) and are currently widely in use. Although synthetic oils have drawn great attention over the past few decades in terms of their tribological benefits, mineral oils are still widely used in hydropower applications due primarily to their low cost and easy miscibility with other oils. However,...
The role of investments in economic development
PublikacjaIn the modern world, one may observe diversification of economies of given countries. Many of them, considered to be less developed,are aspiring to diminish the gap between them and well developed countries, one of such countries is Poland, which is trying hard to boots its competitive position in the worldwide market and achieve the constant and well-balanced development. It can be attained by building knowledge economy. Therefore,...
The concept of research on ecological, energy and reliability effects of modified marine fuel oils application to supply compression-ignition engines in real conditions
PublikacjaWithin the article, basic assumptions of the research project financed by Regional Fund for Environmental Protection and Water in Gdansk were described. The project concerns the experimental investigations carried out on laboratory compression-ignition engine in conditions of its supply with a non-standard marine fuel oil. Configuration and measuring capability of laboratory test bed presently being constructed were introduced....
Elderly persons professional activity - substantive issues and methodological challenges
PublikacjaPopulation ageing in Europe and mass withdrawal from professional activity leads to a number of adverse phenomena, such as increased public spending, reduced consumer demand and the growing problem of social exclusion. The study focuses on the problems of population ageing in Europe as well as on the feasible steps that may be taken with a view to professional activation of the elderly. The first part is concerned with the trends...
Key logistics processes in project management based on organisation of an international training session-case study
PublikacjaImprovement of processes, including the logistics processes forms one of the essential aspects of modern business entities functioning. Search for the solutions allowing for quicker and less costly method of realisation of particular activities in highly significant, especially in the conditions of a dynamically changing environment in which the organisations have to function. It is a natural field occuring principally both in...
Education of Logisticians in Poland: Problems and Prospects in Students’ Opinion
PublikacjaLogistics is one of the key sectors of the Polish economy. Its value reflects not only its own capacity, but also the role it plays in ensuring the proper functioning of the entire economy. The rapid development of the industry and the highest demands on logistics solutions bring to the fore the problem of preparing a new generation of specialists in logistics. That is why the question of compliance to learning expectations of...
Global value chains and labour markets – simultaneous analysis of wages and employment
PublikacjaThis study examines the overall effect of global value chains (GVCs) on wages and labour demand. It exploits the World Input–Output Database to measure GVC involvement via recently developed participation indices (using both backward and forward linkages) and the relative GVC position using three-stage least squares regression. We find that the relative GVC position is negatively correlated with wages and employment and that the...
Magdalena Brzozowska-Woś dr hab. inż.
OsobyMagdalena Brzozowska-Woś jest absolwentką Wydziału Zarządzania i Ekonomii Politechniki Gdańskiej (specjalność: systemy zarządzania). Jest również absolwentką Podyplomowego Studium Reklamy (Wydział Zarządzania i Ekonomii PG) oraz Podyplomowego Studium Public Relations (SWPS Uniwersytet Humanistycznospołeczny). W latach 2000-2003 współpracowała z Panoramą Internetu sp. z o. o. jako specjalista ds. marketingu. Pełniła również obowiązki...
La fine di un grande sogno
PublikacjaIl contributo esamima le cause che portarono alla fine dell'Unione sovietica, i meccanismi per il passaggio all'economia di mercato e il nuovo ruolo dello Stato nell'economia russa T
Soxhlet Extraction and New Developments Such as Soxtec in: Comprehansive Sampling and Sample Preparation
PublikacjaSoxhlet extraction is one of the most popular techniques for extraction of analytes from solid materials. Since its discovery in 1879, the standard Soxhlet technique has been routinely applied in almost every analytical laboratory. Up to this day, Soxhlet extraction technique remains a standard technique to which the performance of modern extraction techniques is compared.Over the years, an intensive research on different modifications...
Carbon Dioxide and Water Vapour Fluxes of a Alkaline Fen and Their Dependence on Reflectance
PublikacjaThis study shows results of parallel measurements of greenhouse gases fluxes (carbon dioxide and water vapour) and canopy reflectance of alkaline fen. Fluxes were measured using eddy-covariance technique on micrometeorological station located in the Upper Biebrza Basin (NE Poland) in Rogożynek Village. Study site is located in the Biebrza National Park which was established to protect one of the biggest coherent lowland wetland...
Extraction and Analysis of Bisphenols and Their Derivatives in Infant and Toddler Ready-to-feed Meals by Ultrasound-assisted Membrane Extraction Followed by LC MS/MS
PublikacjaThis research developed an ultrasound-assisted membrane extraction coupled with liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry method for the determination of nineteen bisphenols and their derivatives in infant and toddler ready-to-feed meals. The calibration curves for all analytes were linear in the tested range, and the limit of detection and limit of quantitation were in the range 0.27 to 0.79 ng/g and 0.80 to 2.4 ng/g, respectively....
Innowacje w działalności marketingowej instytucji finansowych na rynku polskim
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono istotę innowacji w usługach finansowych. Na podstawie danych statystycznych dokonano analizy poziomu innowacyjności instytucji finansowych z uwzględnieniem zróżnicowania podmiotowego oraz ze względu na rodzaje innowacji. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na innowacje marketingowe jako wpływające w sposób bezpośredni na działalność marketingową instytucji finansowych. Przedstawiono podstawowe kategorie innowacji...
PublikacjaW opracowaniu poruszono zagadnienie doboru strategii wytwarzania w zakresie procesu produkcyjnego. W ramach tego zagadnienia dokonano podziału procesów produkcyjnych wg różnych kryteriów. Skupiano się na podziale procesów wg. reakcji na zamówienia klienta. Przedstawiono pokrótce najistotniejsze cechy charakteryzujące tego typu procesy. By móc określić strategię w zakresie procesu produkcyjnego zestawiono kryteria wyboru procesu...
Video traffic data - Interchange Piotrkow Trybunalski East (S8-12), weaving, Poland
Dane BadawczeThe data includes video traffic data registered with 2 video cameras at weaving area (weaving section type A) of the Piotrkow Trybunalski East interchange within S8 expressway in Poland (interchange of expressway S8 and national road 12), located in the Piotrkow Trybunalski area. The data covers the one day: 21.06.2017. (expressway S8).
Video DATA - Traffic generation modeling for discount shops - Chrobrego Street
Dane BadawczeThe data includes video traffic data (vehicles, pedestrians, cyclists) registered at 75 Chrobrego street in Gdansk. The data covers the day 01.10.2020 at 6:00-22:00. The video camera was installed at the parking area belonging to the discount store Lidl. The data obtained was used in analysis, providing information about the modal split, the number...
Video DATA - Traffic generation modeling for discount shops - Czerska Street
Dane BadawczeThe data includes video traffic data (vehicles, pedestrians, cyclists) registered at 71 Czerska street in Gdansk. The data covers the day 01.10.2020 at 6:00-22:00. The video camera was installed at the parking area belonging to the discount store Lidl. The data obtained was used in analysis, providing information about the modal split, the number of...
Video DATA - Traffic generation modeling for discount shops - Gdanska Street
Dane BadawczeThe data includes video traffic data (vehicles, pedestrians, cyclists) registered at 21C Gdanska street in Gdansk. The data covers the day 01.10.2020 at 6:00-22:00. The video camera was installed at the parking area belonging to the discount store Lidl. The data obtained was used in analysis, providing information about the modal split, the number of...
Video DATA - Traffic generation modeling for discount shops - Dragana Street
Dane BadawczeThe data includes video traffic data (vehicles, pedestrians, cyclists) registered at 27 Dragana street in Gdansk. The data covers the day 01.10.2020 at 6:00-22:00. The video camera was installed at the parking area belonging to the discount store Lidl. The data obtained was used in analysis, providing information about the modal split, the number of...
Strategia działania przedsiębiorstw ciepłowniczych w warunkach konkurencji
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono główne uwarunkowania rozwoju przedsiębiorstw ciepłowniczych w powiązaniu do aktualnej sytuacji, ale także i perspektyw rozwoju w warunkach gospodarki rynkowej.
High-temperature heat pumps – potential technology for heat recovery and production of process heat
PublikacjaIn the paper, the high temperature vapour compressor based heat pump with a selection of working fluids, both perspective and ecological ones, is considered. Such system is not yet commercially available on the market and in author’s opinion it has significant potential for various applications. In the presented analysis it was assumed that the heat source has a temperature of 50oC and the temperature lift is 60, 80 and 100K respectively....
Economic migrations to Poland in 2008-2018
PublikacjaThe aim of the article is to present the stream and structure of economic migrants to Poland between 2008-2018. The first part presents economic migrations in its theoretical aspects, explaining the concept and presenting definitions. Then, the institutional and legal conditions of economic migration to Poland with particular emphasis on documents recquired by Polish labor market were presented i.e. work permits, seasonal work...
The impact of addition of olive oil on thermal degradation of refined rapeseed oil
PublikacjaFats are an important component of the everyday diet and have a significant impact on the proper functioning of human organism. However, during the process of frying chemical transformations take place in the oil; hence fats characterised by high oxidative stability should be given preference. The aim of this work was to determine the quality of rapeseed oil, blended oil, and refined olive oil, all sourced from the domestic market....
Professional prospects of polish logisticians in the light of the higher education: students’ opinion research.
PublikacjaThe paper focuses on a topic concerning the students’ professional future. Students more often and more are prepared to leave the labor market. In addition to the ongoing higher education they get their education at a variety of courses and trainings; they increase their skills in workshops or attend internships and practices to become attractive candidates for the job in the eyes of a potential employer. At this point a number...
Susceptibility to Degradation in Soil of Branched Polyesterurethane Blends with Polylactide and Starch
PublikacjaA very important method of reducing the amount of polymer waste in the environment is the introduction to the market of polymers susceptible to degradation under the influence of environmental factors. This paper presents the results of testing the susceptibility to degradation in soil of branched polyesterurethane (PUR) based on poly([R,S]-3-hydroxybutyrate) (R,S-PHB), modified with poly([D,L]-lactide) (PLA) and starch (St). Weight...
Combined Close Range Photogrammetry and Terrestrial Laser Scanning for Ship Hull Modelling
PublikacjaThe paper addresses the fields of combined close-range photogrammetry and terrestrial laser scanning in the light of ship modelling. The authors pointed out precision and measurement accuracy due to their possible complex application for ship hulls inventories. Due to prescribed vitality of every ship structure, it is crucial to prepare documentation to support the vessel processes. The presented methods are directed, combined...
Zagrożenia bezpieczeństwa protokołów komunikacji morskiej, lotniczej i lądowej
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono przykładowe zagrożenia wykorzystujące słabości wybranych protokołów komunikacji morskiej, lotniczej i lądowej. Wskazano, jakie czynności należy podjąć, żeby się przed nimi ustrzec (przynajmniej częściowo). Opisano również kierunek, w jakim powinny być rozwijane analizowane protokoły, aby zwiększyć bezpieczeństwo osób je używających.
Innowacje jako wyzwanie dla działań marketingowych banków komercyjnych
PublikacjaW referacie przedstawiona została istota innowacji w funkcjonowaniu banków komercyjnych na rynku polskim. Na podstawie danych statystycznych przeprowadzona została analiza poziomu innowacyjności banków i innych instytucji finansowych z uwzględnieniem zróżnicowania podmiotowego oraz ze względu na rodzaje innowacji. W pracy zidentyfikowane zostały również podstawowe grupy czynników wpływających na innowacje i związane z nimi działania...
Bilansowanie lokalne w systemie elektroenergetycznym
PublikacjaWprowadzenie rozliczeń rynkowych w handlu energią elektryczną wymusiło nowe podejście do krótkookresowego bilansowania energii w systemie elektroenergetycznym. Dla sprawnego funkcjonowania handlu energią, konieczne było wprowadzenie Rynku Bilansującego, łączącego realizację zadań technicznych i handlowych. Obecnie bilansowanie systemu rozwiązywane jest ogólnosystemowo. Decentralizacja procesu wytwarzania energii, rozwój niespokojnych...
Smart city and data management foundations
Kursy OnlineThis e-learning course, specifically designed for individuals aiming to establish startups, those proficient in technology yet unsure of how to leverage and market it, and students aspiring to further their studies in data analysis, transportation, IT management, or data engineering. This course serves as an entry point for roles such as Smart City Specialist and Chief Data Officer in municipal settings. Participants will gain...
Renewable energy transition in Europe in the context of renewable energy transition processes in the world. A review
PublikacjaBoth the global and European energy sectors have been undergoing a deep transition for several years, associated with a reduction in the overall share of conventional coal-based energy in favor of new technologies, especially energy from renewable sources (RES). This transition is moving from centralized production towards distributed technologies and from providing only energy to end users towards combining innovative products...
PublikacjaThe shops of today mostly support the customer by offering him or her products based on basic relationships between products viewed or ordered by users with similar tastes. This common approach may fail in many cases especially when the user does not have sufficient knowledge about the market, or when he or she wants to build a set of products in more than one shop. New categories of smart shop services are proposed in order to...
Entrepreneurship in Virtual Economy: the Case of Currency One SA
PublikacjaPurpose: The scientific purpose of the study is an attempted synthesis of interpretation of “the virtual economy” and “the virtual environment” in the Polish and foreign literature on the subject. The cognitive purpose thereof is to offer an identification and a qualitative analysis of the factors that determine the development of e-entrepreneurship using an example of business practice. Methodology: The theoretical basis of the...
The assessment of solar photovoltaic in Poland: the photovoltaics potential, perspectives and development
PublikacjaThe following article explains the current condition of the photovoltaics sector both in Poland and worldwide. Recently, a rapid development of solar energy has been observed in Poland and is estimated that the country now has about 700,000 photovoltaics prosumers. In October 2021, the total photovoltaics power in Poland amounted to nearly 5.7 GW. The calculated technical potential of photovoltaics in Poland is 153.484 PJ (42.634...
Turning maneuver as a potential cause of the next stability failure mode for a ship in operation
PublikacjaThe only formal stability-related requirement referring to a turning maneuver of a ship results from the IS Codeand its application is limited to passenger ships only. The goal of the adopted criterion is to prevent an excessiveangle of heel in turn. Likewise, the remaining prescriptive criteria, this one is simply based on the concept ofa threshold that must not be exceeded. In this case, the angle of heel...