Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: women on labour market - MOST Wiedzy


Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: women on labour market

Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: women on labour market

  • A commercial of the shelf components for a unmanned air vehicle photogrammetry


    A photogrammetry from a unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) can be understood as a new measurement tool. Is introduces a low-cost alternatives for a traditional aerial photogrammetry. A commercial off-the-shelf products (COTS), that are commercially available for a costumers, are the standard manufactures products, not custom. COTS products are available in the commercial market and can be bought and used under government contract. That...

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  • Evaluation of Professional Demands and Financial Reward Through the Perception of Police Managers


    - Internal Security - Rok 2013

    The aim of the study was to examine the relationship between job demands and salary in the subjective perception of mid-level police managers. An occupational stress model in which effort spent on job demands are not balanced by the received reward, was adopted. The study comprised 51 police officers (4 women). The partial least squares method was used for the analysis, and the SmartPLS 2.0 program was applied. The income and...

  • Preeclampsia Risk Prediction Using Machine Learning Methods Trained on Synthetic Data


    - Rok 2024

    This paper describes a research study that investigates the use of machine learning algorithms on synthetic data to classify the risk of developing preeclampsia by pregnant women. Synthetic datasets were generated based on parameter distributions from three real patient studies. Four models were compared: XGBoost, Support Vector Machine (SVM), Random Forest, and Explainable Boosting Machines (EBM). The study found that the XGBoost...

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  • Stages of development of payment cards in Poland

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    An important stage in the development of the Polish card market was the commencement of the card and check center of Bank Pekao SA in 1992, which became a professional technical background for the widespread issuance of bank cards. At the same year PolCard SA, became the first agent in the country, launched its own terminals for payment intermediation...

  • Integration and Dependency in Software Lifecycle Based on Jazz Platform

    • B. Chrabski

    - Rok 2011

    Software delivery organizations are being asked to meet goals that seem mutually exclusive. Teams are asked to increase product quality, accelerate time to market, and meet increasing mandates from regulatory bodies. As software solutions and software development environments become rapidly more complex. Many business drivers compound these challlenges.

  • Yuxin Lu Dr

    Research interests: Gravity Model of Trade; Global Value Chains; Economic Growth; Labor Market; Income Inequalities.

  • Relative Productivity, Country Size and Export Diversification

    This paper analyses the effects of productivity and country size on the extent of trade structure diversification. Using a testable version of the Ricardian model, we show that relative export variety is an outcome of two forces: a relative productivity change (technological progress) and a relative country size change (labour force growth). The model predictions are validated empirically using product-level trade data for a sample...

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  • Assessment of occupational risk in technical undertakings


    - Rok 2005

    Summary An undertaking - as a new and often single action - in its nature creates problems with predicting the realization of planned aims. Each undertaking bears some risk. Protection of a man who carries out an undertaking is even a more difficult task. The article offers a method of estimating potential risks connected with labour conditions on the basis of risk evaluation at the stage of undertaking planning.Streszczenie Realizacja...

  • Artificial intelligence and productivity: global evidence from AI patent and bibliometric data .


    In this paper we analyse the relationship between technological innovation in the artificial intelligence (AI) domain and macroeconomic productivity. We embed recently released data on patents and publications related to AI in an augmented model of productivity growth, which we estimate for the OECD countries and compare to an extended sample including non-OECD countries. Our estimates provide evidence in favour of the modern...

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  • Productivity effects of trade in natural resources—comparison with mechanisms of technological specialisation


    This paper compares two alternative growth paths, assessing the effects on productivity of specialisation in natural resources (NR) and in technologically advanced products. The empirical analysis exploits product-level export data for 109 developing and 51 developed economies over the period 1996–2018. We document two distinct types of specialisation, based on exports either of natural resources or of technological products, and...

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  • Stanisław Galla dr inż.

    Urodził się w 1970 w Gdańsku. Jest absolwentem Technikum Mechaniczno Elektrycznego w Gdańsku (1990). Studiował na Wydziale Elektrotechniki Politechniki Gdańskiej (studia ukończył w 1996). Rozprawę doktorską pt. „Metodyka zwiększania dokładności pomiarów małoczęstotliwościowych wskaźników zaburzeń okresowych występujących w sieciach niskiego napięcia” obronił w 2009 r na Wydziale Elektrotechniki i Automatyki Politechniki Gdańskiej....

  • Factors influencing the selection of the ideal employer

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    This dataset contains the results of research that were carried out by the Wrocław University of Science and Technology in March and April 2016, using an anonymous "on-line" questionnaire. 1,320 people took part in the study entitled "My ideal employer" - students and doctoral students of all faculties of the university (including those fields of study...

  • Experimental economics in business education: Using simple games to achieve multifaceted effects


    - Rok 2014

    Economics differs from other sciences not only because of its normative part, but also because of very limited use of experiments. In this way, economics is often perceived as being methodologically more similar to astronomy or meteorology rather than physics or chemistry. Over last decades, however, experimental economics has been significantly developed. This chapter presents some of the possibilities for academic teachers to...

  • Innovative management of IT projects with the use of the agent-based approach on the basis of intelligent agents


    - Rok 2014

    Project management is one of the major challenges for the modern economy. Dynamic changes in the structures of organizations which form the core of the economy imply changes in both management processes and structures. One element of these changes is a new approach to the manufacturing of modern and rapidly changing products (due to changing market requirements). As part of these changes, traditional organizational structures are...

  • Method for Assessing Rail Transport Competitiveness in Poland and the United Kingdom


    - Rok 2015

    Both in Poland and United Kingdom, as well as worldwide, railways have to compete with other modes of transport, and the rail industry seeks for possibilities of achieving a competitive advantage over them. Thus, there is a need for methods for assessment of rail transport competitiveness and detection of areas for improvement. This paper presents a method developed for the Polish regional transport market and verified according...

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  • Cybersecurity in the Electricity Sector


    - Rok 2019

    This book offers a systematic explanation of cybersecurity protection of electricity supply facilities, including discussion of related costs, relevant standards, and recent solutions. The author explains the current state of cybersecurity in the electricity market, and cybersecurity standards that apply in that sector. He then offers a systematic approach to cybersecurity management, including new methods of cybersecurity assessment,...

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  • Prenatal exposure to substance of abuse: A worldwide problem

    Substance abuse during pregnancy is an important public health issue affecting the mother and the growing infant. Preterm labor, miscarriage, abruption and postpartum hemorrhage are obstetric complications which have been associated with women who are dependent on abused substances. Moreover, women are also at an increased risk of medical problems such as poor nutrition, anemia, urinary tract infections as well as sexually transmitted...

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  • Employees’ self-expansion, work conditions, work engagement and productive behaviours: study 1&2

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    In the following studies conducted in Poland, we examined the importance of workplace self-expansion and found that it is a significant mediator between job resources (e.g. compensation and benefits, job tasks) and work engagement (Study 1) as well as task-oriented engagement (Study 2). At the same time, our findings prove that job demands (e.g. role...

  • Revenues to the state budget from the sale of shares in state-owned banks in 1994-2000

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    On June 14, 1996, a special law was passed on the merger and grouping of certain banks in the form of joint-stock companies. Pursuant to these regulations, the PeKaO S.A. banking group was established, which was the only entity of this type established in this way. Additionally, by the end of 1996, four out of nine regional banks were sold, i.e. Wielkopolski...

  • Number of commercial banks at the end of the year, excluding banks that are not operating, bankrupt or liquidated, and banks in organization in 1993-2004

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    Polish banks were gradually transformed from enterprises with a predominance of Polish private capital into banks with a majority share of private foreign capital. In 1993, there were 48 banks with a majority of Polish private capital, and in 2006 there were 7 of them. In 1993, the shares of 10 banks in Poland were owned by private foreign capital,...

  • Towards Cognitive and Perceptive Video Systems

    • T. Akgun
    • C. Attwood
    • A. Cavallaro
    • C. Fabre
    • F. Poiesi
    • P. Szczuko

    - Rok 2014

    In this chapter we cover research and development issues related to smart cameras. We discuss challenges, new technologies and algorithms, applications and the evaluation of today’s technologies. We will cover problems related to software, hardware, communication, embedded and distributed systems, multi-modal sensors, privacy and security. We also discuss future trends and market expectations from the customer’s point of view.

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • The analysis of the conditions for best practices’ transfer


    One of the tasks of the Project Partners was identifying best practices in strengthening the economic activity of women and older people in the context of developing the competitiveness and innovation of SMEs, as well as determining the possibilities and conditions of their transfer. Transfer in this case is understood as the implementation of selected and described solutions in enterprises and public organizations from all the...

  • Information and communication technologies versus diffusion and substitution of financial innovations. The case of exchange-traded funds in Japan and South Korea


    - Rok 2021

    The substitution between financial innovations, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), and stock index derivatives (i.e. index financial instruments) is one of the relatively understudied topics of the financial sciences. The current study aims to verify empirically the diffusion and substitution of ETFs in the market for index financial instruments. It presents in-depth analysis of the development of index financial instruments traded...

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  • Biznesplan dla zakładu podstawowej opieki zdrowotnej o rozszerzonej działalności na obszarze dzielnicy Gdańsk-Południe


    - Rok 2017

    In recent years we have seen the dynamic development of medical services sector in Poland. Private health centres focus on aggressive development strategy. The role of primaryhealth care facilities, which provide services financed from the public funds, declined.The purpose of the article is to present methods of strategic planning which allow toopen new healthcare entity. The next purpose is to make in practice...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Renewable and Sustainable Energy: Current State and Prospects


    The last two decades of the twentieth century represented a period of above-average, systematic growth of formal and informal interdependencies between economies of different countries and between world markets. The intensity, magnitude, and diversity of these interdependencies have never been recorded before in economic history, and the market transformations taking place have been referred to in the literature as the process...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w portalu

  • Intraday price reaction to filing bankruptcy and restructuring proceedings – the evidence from Poland


    - Rok 2021

    This chapter presents the results of research on the price reaction of shares listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange to filing bankruptcy and/or restructuring applications. Event study was adopted as the research method, and it was performed at 10, 5, and 1-minute intervals. It was found that the reaction is rapid, as it takes 1–2 minutes after the information on bankruptcy and restructuring applications was made public. Significantly...

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  • Cryptocurrencies as a Speculative Asset: How Much Uncertainty is Included in Cryptocurrency Price?


    - SAGE Open - Rok 2024

    The aim of this paper is to examine the relationship between uncertainty indices (Geopolitical Uncertainty Index and Global Economic Policy Uncertainty Index) and cryptocurrencies. This study evaluated the behavior of cryptocurrencies with the evolution of uncertainties (GPU, EPU) on returns and volatility in terms of safe heaven as in traditional specualtive assets it increases their volaitility and reduces risk. For this purpose,...

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  • Transforming the Gdansk Bay Area

    The political transformation of Poland in the early nineties from a centrally steered economy to a free market economy entailed changes of the spatial planning system. The impact of these changes on the spatial transformations and current shape of urban structures in the Gdansk Bay Metropolitan Area is apparent and significant. The paper concentrates on the present spatial phenomena of Gdansk Agglomeration resulting from the main...

  • Alternative Energy: Photovoltaic Solar Cells


    Solar radiation is a fuel for photovoltaic cells and modules, which are a source of electric energy. Viable solar technologies that have been developed in the past are starting to be adopted on a broader and more meaningful global scale across different sectors with ever-increasing market penetration. In this entry, a brief overview of the material properties relevant to solar cell operation, the structure of the solar cell, and electrical...

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  • Kobieta ciężarna i alkohol-toksyczny związek. Smółka noworodków jako materiał w diagnostyce spożywania alkoholu w czasie ciąży


    Każda ilość alkoholu spożyta przez ciężarną kobietę może spowodować poronienie, przedwczesny poród, patologię łożyska, zahamowanie wzrostu wewnątrzmacicznego płodu i wystąpienie licznych wad wrodzonych wywołanych alkoholem, określanych wspólnie mianem spektrum płodowych zaburzeń alkoholowych - FASD. Mogą one objawiać się zaburzeniami psychicznymi i/lub fizycznymi. Współczesna diagnostyka u noworodków zespołu FASD opiera się najczęściej...

  • The most important elements of the social package that guide students of Wrocław University of Science and Technology when choosing their first job

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    This dataset contains the results of research that were carried out by the Wrocław University of Science and Technology in March and April 2016, using an anonymous "on-line" questionnaire. 1,320 people took part in the study entitled "My ideal employer" - students and doctoral students of all faculties of the university (including those fields of study...

  • The effects of offshoring to low-wage countries on domestic wages: a worldwide industrial analysis


    This paper extends the literature on the implications of offshoring for labour markets by investigating its effect on the wages of different skill groups in a broad global context. The analysis draws on input–output data from the WIOD project, and in the panel analysed (13 manufacturing industries, 40 countries, 1995–2009) we account for up to 96 % of the international trade in manufacturing inputs. Being particularly interested...

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  • Reduction of measurement data before Digital Terrain Model generation vs. DTM generalisation


    - SURVEY REVIEW - Rok 2018

    Modern data acquisition technologies provide large datasets that are not always necessary in its entirety to properly accomplish the goal of the study. In addition, such datasets are often cumbersome for rational processing, and their processing is time and labour consuming. Therefore, methods that enable to reduce the size of the measurement dataset, such as the generalization of the Digital Terrain Model (DTM) or the reduction...

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  • A solid phase extraction–ion chromatography with conductivity detection procedure for determining cationic surfactants in surface water samples

    A new analytical procedure for the simultaneous determination of individual cationic surfactants (alkyl benzyl dimethyl ammonium chlorides) in surface water samples has been developed. We describe this methodology for the first time: it involves the application of solid phase extraction (SPE – for sample preparation) coupled with ion chromatography–conductivity detection (IC-CD – for the final determination). Mean recoveries of...

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  • The Response of Selected Domestic Capital Markets on the Development of COVID-19 Pandemic – a Broader View

    Objective: The study examines how the record of the first, hundredth, thousandth, ten-thousandth, one-hundred-thousandth, and millionth cases of COVID-19 affected investor behaviour in capital markets. It also looks at whether the month in which the first case was recorded in a given market affected the direction and strength of investor reactions. Lastly, it verifies whether the two announcements made by the WHO related to COVID-19...

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  • Selected Issues of Hybrid Outboard Motors


    The aim of the research reported in the article was designing a hybrid drive system based on an outboard internal combustion engine offered by a selected producer and testing its operating characteristics. The article presents different designs of this type of drive which can be found in the literature and are available in the market. The designed hybrid outboard drive system was tested both on the laboratory test rig and in real...

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  • Application development for Android, iOS and BlackBerry mobile platforms

    Mobile devices, along with dedicated operating systems, have become a substantial and rising trend in software development. Computer industry has significantly changed in order to fulfil the needs of this new segment of the market. Authors have participated in projects, which involved programming on Android, iOS and BlackBerry operating systems. In this paper the most popular mobile platforms (and multiplatform Unity3D environment)...

  • Typology and comparative analysis of black tents built in tradition of iranian tribes


    - Rok 2021

    This study focused on the habits and way of life of nomads in the Iranian Highlands, but their homes, called Black Tents, were of the main interest. The research explored the construction of the Black Tents and the way of shaping the space in which family life takes place. It concerned the architectural forms of tents, structures and materials from which they are erected, as well as interior furnishings and objects that determine...

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  • Projekty NFT i bariery ich wejścia na rynek

    Niniejsza praca traktuje o barierach wejścia na rynek dla projektów NFT. Porusza zagadnienia związane z kapitałochłonnością, regulacjami prawnymi, dostępem do wiedzy i patentów, a także ze zróżnicowaniem produktów i dostawców na rynku NFT. Celem pracy jest identyfikacja i opis barier wejścia, które napotykają nowe przedsiębiorstwa wchodzące na rynek. Autorzy przewidują, że wraz z rosnącym zainteresowaniem konsumentów wzrośnie zainteresowanie...

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  • The level of VAT in relation to the GDP of selected European Union countries in 2007-2015 (in%)

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    VAT (Value Added Tax) is part of a strictly harmonized tax within the European Union. Under the so-called The Sixth Directive introduced provisions regulating the subject and subject of taxation, tax exemptions and exclusions as well as the tax collection mechanism in all Member States.

  • Are Pair Trading Strategies Profitable During COVID-19 Period?

    • M. K. Sohail
    • A. Raheman
    • J. Iqbal
    • M. I. Sindhu
    • A. Staar
    • M. Mushafiq
    • H. Afzal

    - Journal of Information & Knowledge Management - Rok 2022

    Pair trading strategy is a well-known profitable strategy in stock, forex, and commodity markets. As most of the world stock markets declined during COVID-19 period, therefore this study is going to observe whether this strategy is still profitable after COVID-19 pandemic. One of the powerful algorithms of DBSCAN under the umbrella of unsupervised machine learning is applied and three clusters were formed by using market and accounting...

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  • The Undisrupted Growth of the Airbnb Phenomenon between 2014–2020. The Touristification of European Cities before the COVID-19 Outbreak


    As a result of the Airbnb eruption, not only has the character of the short-term rental market been completely transformed, but the decades long growth in tourism has also been further accelerated. Therefore, due to the new demands of the tourism economy, the major shift in the usage of historic city centers occurred–the process of ‘touristification’, that results in the emergence of its new, unsustainable form. Despite the significance...

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  • Technological aspects of manufacturing polymer packaging materials degradable in seawater environment

    In recent years, the number of polymer materials used in the food packaging market was growing extremely fast. This contributed to depletion of non-renewable resources and more intense degradation of the environment due to resistant polymer. Therefore, such a dramatic situation has forced researchers to look for biodegradable materials, decomposable under action of microorganism. Currently, only a small number of researches examine...

  • Economic significance of initial public offerings in China and India

    Rapid economic growth in China and India has attracted attention of many researchers, focusing on various social and economic factors underlying the success of these countries. One of the key components of country’s economy is financial system which consists of segments such as banking sector and equity market. The topic of initial public offerings (IPOs), one of the corporate financing sources, involving raising funds through...

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  • The investment process in the power supply industry


    - Rynek Energii - Rok 2012

    The basis for power supply industry programming in a market economy should be the principle of sustainable development, which must take into account maintaining an adequate level of energy security on the one hand, and the aim to preserve the maximum degree of non-renewable resources on the other hand. Therefore, the overriding aim should be a strive to meet the current and prospective demand for energy and fuel, in conjugation...

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  • Transformational Leadership and Acceptance of Mistakes as a Source of Learning: Poland-USA Cross-Country Study


    - Rok 2022

    This study explores the influence of transformational leadership on internal innovativeness mediated by mistakes acceptance, including country and industry as factors to be considered and gender and risk-taking attitude as moderators. General findings, primarily based on the US samples (healthcare, construction, and IT industry), confirmed that transformational leadership and internal innovativeness are mediated by mistakes acceptance...

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  • Efficiency of European public higher education institutions: a two-stage multicountry approach

    The purpose of this study is to examine efficiency and its determinants in a set of higher education institutions (HEIs) from several European countries by means of non-parametric frontier techniques. Our analysis is based on a sample of 259 public HEIs from 7 European countries across the time period of 2001-2005. We conduct a two-stage DEA analysis (Simar and Wilson in J Economet 136:31-64, 2007), first evaluating DEA scores...

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  • GVC involvement and the gender wage gap: Micro -evidence on European countries

    We examine linkages between involvement in global value chains (GVCs) and gender wage inequalities. We use merged data from Structure of Earnings Survey and the World Input Output Database covering 18 European countries. We employ information on employees’ personal and company characteristics and a sectoral involvement in GVCs. In general, the wages of workers from sectors more involved in GVCs are lower. However, the relationship...

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  • Mechanizmy mocowe na rynkach energii elektrycznej


    W artykule scharakteryzowano rozliczenia mocowe związane z dostawą energii elektrycznej. Opisano najważniejsze mechanizmy mocowe, skupiając się głównie na rozwiązaniach stosowanych w krajach europejskich. Na tym tle przedstawiono zasady funkcjonowania rynku mocy w Polsce. Omówiono wyniki pierwszych aukcji krajowych. Wskazano na możliwy wpływ funkcjonowania rynku mocy na rynek energii elektrycznej.

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  • Creating a modern educational system based on IT competence centers


    This article indicates the need to support University Competence Centers. These are specialized cen-ters which aim to support teaching and the development of the latest software technologies, educating students, PhD students and scientific workers and also raising the competitiveness of the university on the higher education market. The article presents the characteristics of: IBM Rational RequisitePro, IBM Rational Requirements...