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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: MIKROSKOPIA ELEKTRONOWA (SEM)
sem III_KAMiUP_S.D+A.M. 2023/2024
Kursy OnlinePRZEDMIOT OPRACOWANIA Zadaniem jest wykonie projektu koncepcyjnego zespołu dwóch domów mieszkalnych jednorodzinnych. Projekt będzie wykonywany w parach. Studenci samodzielnie wybierają dowolną lokalizację na świecie, szukając ciekawych miejsc, które będą inspiracją do indywidualnych pomysłów projektowych np: - DOM NAD MORZEM ( na klifie lub w płaskim terenie ) - DOM NAD RZEKĄ - DOM W GÓRACH ( na skale, urwisku ) - DOM W...
Chemia Środowiska_Laboratorium VI sem - 2024
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Computational Intelligence - sem. 2023/2024
Kursy OnlineWidening the students knowledge about the selected methods of artificial intelligence
Podstawy Robotyki sem. letni 2024
Kursy OnlineKurs do przedmiotu (wykład) "Podstawy Robotyki", na I stopniu Automatyka, cybernetyka i robotyka
Betony Specjalne 2024 - III sem
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TRANSPORT Ist, sem 4, 2024L
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Algorytmy genetyczne - sem. 2023/2024
Kursy OnlineGłównym celem przedmiotu jest zapoznanie studentów z algorytmami ewolucyjnymi. Wykład obejmuje następujące zagadnienia: ewolucyjne technik optymalizacji; kodowanie i dekodowanie parametrów; metody oceny stopnia przystosowania; metody selekcji osobników; operacje genetyczne; strategie podstawień; metody skalowania przystosowania; mechanizm niszowania; wielokryterialna optymalizacja.
Teoria Projektowania Architektonicznego sem. IV.
Kursy OnlineWykłady obejmują zagadnienia dotyczące teorii projektowania architektonicznego budynków i zespołów mieszkalnych wielorodzinnych.
Seminarium dyplomowe 7 sem. NT
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Projektowanie Architektoniczne Sem. I. KAMiPN
Kursy OnlineTematem projektu jest mały obiekt użyteczności publicznej: kwiaciarnia, kiosk lub przystanek autobusowy/ wiata, itp. inspirowany twórczością wybranego znanego architekta z XX lub XXI wieku.
Podstawy Robotyki sem. letni 2025
Kursy OnlineKurs do przedmiotu (wykład) "Podstawy Robotyki", na I stopniu Automatyka, cybernetyka i robotyka
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Kursy Online -
Computational Intelligence - 2024/2025 sem.
Kursy OnlineWidening the students knowledge about the selected methods of artificial intelligence
Inteligencja obliczeniowa - sem. 2024/2025
Kursy OnlineUzupełnienie wiedzy studentów o wybrane metody sztucznej inteligencji
Cross-linking of sodium caseinate-structured emulsion with transglutaminase alters postprandial metabolic and appetite responses in healthy young individuals
PublikacjaThe physico-chemical and interfacial properties of fat emulsions influence lipid digestion and may affect postprandial responses. The aim of the present study was to determine the effects of the modification of the interfacial layer of a fat emulsion by cross-linking on postprandial metabolic and appetite responses. A total of fifteen healthy individuals (26·5 (sem 6·9) years and BMI 21·9 (sem 2·0) kg/m2) participated in a cross-over...
Hydrogen degradation of pre-oxidized zirconium alloys
PublikacjaThe presence of the oxide layers on Zr alloys may retard or enhance the hydrogen entry and material degradation, depending on the layer features. This research has been aimed to determine the effects of pre-oxidation of the Zircaloy-2 alloy at a different temperature on hydrogen degradation. The specimens were oxidised in laboratory air at 350°C, 700°C, and 900°C. After, some samples were tensed at 10-5 strain rate and simultaneously...
Structure and electrical properties of Y, Fe-based perovskite mixed conducting composites fabricated by a modified polymer precursor method
PublikacjaIn this work, samples of Y0.07Sr0.93Ti1-xFexO3-d with 20, 40, 60 and 80 mol% of iron amount were prepared by a low-temperature polymer precursor method. The SEM-EDS analysis proved that analyzed Y0.07Sr0.93Ti1-xFexO3-d samples were composites of two Ti- and Fe-rich perovskite samples. This kind of composite consists of two phases in which one has a good ionic and the other electronic conductivity, which makes such a composite a...
Improvement of opipramol base solubility by complexation with β-cyclodextrin
PublikacjaOpipramol (OPI), a tricyclic antidepressant and anxiolytic compound, is administered orally in the form of a dihydrochloride. Salt form of the drug has a higher solubility in water and hence bioavailability and stability. A similar effect can be achieved by closing the hydrophobic part of the drug molecule in the cyclodextrin cavity. The paper presents opipramol inclusion complexes with beta-cyclodextrin (β-CD) in 1:1 molar ratio....
High temperature oxidation behavior of SUS430 SOFC interconnects with Mn-Co spinel coating in air
PublikacjaIn this study, SUS430 alloy is evaluated for its high temperature corrosion properties as a possible material for interconnects of solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs). Samples are coated with Mn-Co by commercial physical vapor deposition (PVD) process and oxidized in air for 1250 h at 800 °C. A dense cubic Mn-Co-Fe spinel layer is formed on the surface, showing great effect on corrosion reduction compared with the samples without coating....
Physico‐Mechanical Properties and Flammability of PUR/PIR Foams Containing Expandable Graphite Core‐Shell Composite Particles
PublikacjaIn this work, polyurethane/polyisocyanurate (PUR/PIR) foams were modified by two types of expandable graphite (EG) core-shell composite particles. The pulverized EG core-shell composite particles were prepared during emulsion polymerization using methyl methacrylate or glycidyl methacrylate for the synthesis of the polymeric shells (poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) and poly (glycidyl methacrylate) (PGMA)), and then the obtained EG_PMMA...
Titania Nanotubes/Hydroxyapatite Nanocomposites Produced with the Use of the Atomic Layer Deposition Technique: Estimation of Bioactivity and Nanomechanical Properties
PublikacjaTitanium dioxide nanotubes/hydroxyapatite nanocomposites were produced on a titanium alloy (Ti6Al4V/TNT/HA) and studied as a biocompatible coating for an implant surface modification. As a novel approach for this type of nanocomposite fabrication, the atomic layer deposition (ALD) method with an extremely low number of cycles was used to enrich titania nanotubes (TNT) with a very thin hydroxyapatite coating. X-ray diffraction (XRD)...
Wpływ metody trawienia i spiekania na właściwości mechaniczne powłok z nanorurek węglowych osadzonych elektroforetycznie na podłożu Ti13Nb13Zr
PublikacjaDo eksperymentu użyto stopu tytanu Ti13Zr13Nb, który ze względu na swój skład chemiczny i właściwości mechaniczne stanowi doskonały materiał do zastosowań w inżynierii medycznej. Celem pracy była ocena wpływu przygotowania podłoża (rodzaj zastosowanego odczynnika trawiącego) oraz obróbki końcowej (proces spiekania) powłok z wielościennych nanorurek węglowych na ich właściwości mechaniczne (nanotwardość, moduł Younga). Do wytworzenia...
Properties of Composite Oxide Layers on The Ti13Nb13Zr Alloy
PublikacjaThe development of composite oxide layers on the Ti13Nb13Zr alloy, their structure and properties have been demonstrated. Two subsequent methods were applied to prepare the composite layers. During the first stage gas oxidation produced a solid oxide layer, and subsequently oxide nanotubes were produced by using an electrochemical method. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), chemical analysis, energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy...
Zirconia ceramics with additions of Alumina for advanced tribological and biomedical applications
PublikacjaThe results of an investigation on slip cast and sintered Y2O3 (3 wt%)- stabilized ZrO2 with additions of 5, 10, 15 wt% Al2O3 are reported. The surface roughness, porosity and density of the samples were measured. The hardness HRc and Hv, fracture toughness K1C, and friction coefficients were also measured using standard methods. The structural properties of the samples were observed by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). The surface...
Biosilica from sea water diatoms algae—electrochemical impedance spectroscopy study
PublikacjaHere, we report on an electrochemical impedance study of silica of organic origin as an active electrode material. The electrode material obtained from carbonized marine biomass containing nanoporous diatoms has been characterised by means of XRD, IR, SEM and EIS. Dif- ferent kinds of crystallographic phases of silica as a result of thermal treatment have been found. The electrode is electrochemically stable during subsequent cyclic...
The Production Possibility of the Antimicrobial Filaments by Co-Extrusion of the PLA Pellet with Chitosan Powder for FDM 3D Printing Technology
PublikacjaThe last decades have witnessed a major advancement and development in three-dimensional (3D) printing technology. In the future, the trend’s utilization of 3D printing is expected to play an important role in the biomedical field. This work presents co-extrusion of the polylactic acid (PLA), its derivatives (sPLA), and chitosan with the aim of achieving filaments for printing 3D objects, such as biomedical tools or implants. The...
Investigation of praseodymium and samarium co-doped ceria as an anode catalyst for DIR-SOFC fueled by biogas
PublikacjaThe Pr and Sm co-doped ceria (with up to 20 mol.% of dopants) compounds were examined as catalytic layers on the surface of SOFC anode directly fed by biogas to increase a lifetime and the efficiency of commercially available DIR-SOFC without the usage of an external reformer. The XRD, SEM and EDX methods were used to investigate the structural properties and the composition of fabricated materials. Furthermore, the electrical...
Properties of Thermally Dewetted Thin Au Films on ITO-Coated Glass for Biosensing Applications
PublikacjaNoble metal nanostructures are object of great interest due to their unique optical and electronic properties exploited in nanotechnology, medicine, biochemistry, and surface-enhanced spectroscopies. In this work, the Au nanoparticle (NP) structures for application in biosensing obtained by dewetting are investigated in dependence on their preparation conditions. Structures are produced from thin Au films (5–30 nm) sputtered onto...
Modeling of microstructure evolution during high-temperature oxidation of porous Fe-Cr steels
PublikacjaResearch on the high-temperature oxidation of metals and alloys is experimentally challenging due to the requirement for long-term corrosion exposure, and in the case of porous alloys, due to their complex internal microstructure. In this study, a corrosion model based on the morphological operations of dilation and erosion has been developed. This approach allows for a utilization of various raster representations of the microstructure...
CuMn1.7Fe0.3O4 – RE2O3 (RE=Y, Gd) bilayers as protective interconnect coatings for Solid Oxide Cells
PublikacjaEfficient replacement of materials based on critical elements such as cobalt is one of the greatest challenges facing the field of solid oxide cells. New generation materials, free of cobalt show potential to replace conventional materials. However, these materials are characterized by poor ability to block chromium diffusion. This article described the study of CuMn1.7Fe0.3O4 (CMFO) spinel combined with single metal oxide (Y2O3...
Effect of Laser Treatment on Intrinsic Mechanical Stresses in Titanium and Some of Its Alloys
PublikacjaLaser surface treatment conducted at different power levels is an option to modify titanium bone implants to produce nano- and microtopography. However, such processing can lead to excess mechanical stress within the surface layer. This research aims to calculate the level of such residual stresses after the surface processing of Ti grade IV, Ti15Mo, and Ti6Al7Nb alloys with an Nd:YAG laser. Light and scanning electron microscopies...
Facile synthesis and characterization of graphene and N-doped graphene by CVD method from liquid precursors for promising electrode materials
PublikacjaIn this study, high-quality and few-layered graphene was synthesized using the chemical vapor deposition (CVD) method from liquid sources. Two different liquid carbon sources, pyridine, and benzene, were used and deposited on nickel foam under heat conditions using a bubbler in a quartz tube. X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Raman analysis confirmed the crystalline properties of graphene and N-doped graphene, demonstrating the high...
The Effect of C45 Carbon Black-Phosphomolybdic Acid Nanocomposite on Hydrogenation and Corrosion Resistance of La2Ni9Co Hydrogen Storage Alloy
PublikacjaIn this paper, we analysed the influence of corrosion processes and the addition of a carbon black-heteropoly phosphomolybdic acid (C45-MPA) nanocomposite on the operating parameters of a hydride electrode obtained on the basis of the intermetallic compound La2Ni9Co. The electrochemical properties of negative electrodes for NiMH batteries were studied using galvanostatic charge/discharge curves, the potentiostatic method, and electrochemical...
In search of molecular precursors for cadmium sulfide-new complexes with a sulfur-rich kernel: cadmium(II) tri-tert-butoxysilanethiolates with additional diethyldithiocarbamato ligand
PublikacjaW ramach rozprawy opracowano metodę syntezy związków koordynacyjnych kadmu zawierających mieszane ligandy S-donorowe, które stanowią reszta tri-tert-butoksysilanotiolanowa oraz ditiokarbaminianowa. Zostały one poddane badaniom za pomocą analizy składu pierwiastkowego, metod spektroskopowych (FTIR, FIR, UV-Vis, NMR, MS) oraz termicznych. W celu osadzenia cienkich warstw wybranych związków posłużono się techniką nakładania obrotowego...
Superconductivity in PrBa 2Cu 3O 7− δ single crystals after high-temperature thermal treatment
PublikacjaThe influence of post-growth treatment, consisting of high-temperature reduction, quench and oxidation, on the structural, electrical and magnetic properties of PrBa2Cu3O7−δ single crystals, obtained in Al2O3 and ZrO2 crucibles by the self-flux method, was examined. We report on the observation of inhomogeneous superconductivity in several Al-doped crystals from the ac magnetic susceptibility and resistivity measurements. Superconducting...
Functionalization of indium-tin-oxide electrodes by laser-nanostructured gold thin films for biosensing applications
Publikacjaof a relatively large area formed by pulsed laser nanostructuring of thin gold films arereported and discussed. The SEM inspection of modified electrodes reveals the presence of the nearlyspherical and disc-shaped particles of dimensions in the range of 40–120 nm. The NP-array geometry canbe controlled by selection of the laser processing conditions. It is shown that particle size and packingdensity of the array are important factors...
Zastosowanie nanocząstek magnetycznych do oczyszczania wody
PublikacjaCelem pracy było wytworzenie nanocząstek magnetycznych do usuwania zanieczyszczeń z wody. Wytworzono je dwoma sposobami. Pierwszym z nich była synteza niklowo-cynkowych ferrytowych (Ni0.5Zn0.5Fe2O4) nanocząstek metodą współstrącenia kationów metali wodorotlenkiem sodu w podwyższonej temperaturze [Majewski 2007]. Drugim sposobem była tzw. metoda sucha, przy pomocy której otrzymano maghemit [Lu i in. 2006]. Dokonano modyfikacji oraz...
The effect of dehydration/rehydration of bacterial nanocellulose on its tensile strength and physicochemical properties
PublikacjaBacterial nanocellulose (BNC) is a natural biomaterial with a wide range of biomedical applications. BNC contains 99 % of water which makes it too thick to be used as a bioimplant material. The aim of the work was to determine the effect of the BNC dehydration followed by rehydration on its mechanical and physicochemical properties, in the context of the use of BNC as bio-prostheses in the cardiovascular system. Dehydration involved the...
Bio-Based Polyurethane Composites and Hybrid Composites Containing a New Type of Bio-Polyol and Addition of Natural and Synthetic Fibers
PublikacjaThis article describes how new bio-based polyol during the liquefaction process can be obtained. Selected polyol was tested in the production of polyurethane resins. Moreover, this research describes the process of manufacturing polyurethane materials and the impact of two different types of fibers—synthetic and natural (glass and sisal fibers)—on the properties of composites. The best properties were achieved at a reaction temperature...
Two kinds of oxygen vacancies in lithium titaniate doped with copper as detected by EPR
PublikacjaLithium titanate (Li1+xTi2-xO4) doped with Cu2+ ions was synthesized by sol-gel processing method. The structure and morphology are characterized by X-ray Diffraction (XRD), X-ray Photoemission Spectroscopy (XPS), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR). Spin Hamiltonian parameters describing Zeeman and hyperfine interaction for 63Cu2+ ions were obtained from EPR spectra simulations. The spectra...
Hybrydowe metody modelowania układów mechanicznych
Publikacjaprzedstawiono dyskretno-ciągłą metodę pryzm oraz hybrydową metodę dekompozycji modalnej modelowania układów mechanicznych. W dyskretno- ciągłej metodzie pryzm elastyczne ciało dyskretyzuje się na jednowymiarowe elementy ciągłe nazywane pryzmami. Każda pryzma opisana jest przez zbiór sześciu sprzężonych równań różniczkowych cząstkowych. Do rozwiązania równań opisujących cały układ stosuje się metodę transmitancji dla układów o parametrach...
Au–Si plasmonic platforms: synthesis, structure and FDTD simulations
PublikacjaPlasmonic platforms based on Au nanostructures have been successfully synthesized by directional solidification of a eutectic from Au and the substrate. In order to determine homogeneous shape and space distribution, the influence of annealing conditions and the initial thickness of the Au film on the nanostructures was analyzed. For the surface morphology studies, SEM and AFM measurements were performed. The structure of platforms...
Nanotubular oxide layers and hydroxyapatite coatings on porous titanium alloy Ti13Nb13Zr
PublikacjaThe surface condition of an implant has a significant impact on response occurring at the implant-biosystem border. The knowledge of physical-chemical and biological processes allows for targeted modification of biomaterials to induce a specified response of a tissue. The present research was aimed at development of technology composing of obtaining the nanotube oxide layers on a porous titanium alloy Ti13Nb13Zr, followed by the...
Sem VI_ENG_Public spaces with greenery_Design Studio
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Placement II stopień ZiE (3-semestralne 1 sem. i 4-semestralne 2 sem.)
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SEMINARIUM DYPLOMOWE (M:03051S3), sem. letni 2021/2022, MiBM, II st., sem. 3
Kursy OnlineSeminarium dyplomowe II
Mechanika I, Ćwiczenia, MiBM, sem. II, I st., sem. letni 2020/2021 (PG_00039866)
Kursy OnlineSpis treści realizowanych na zajęciach: 1. Wielkości skalarne i wektorowe. 2. Wypadkowa układu sił działających na bryłę. 3. Redukcja układu sił do siły głównej i momentu. 4. Równowaga układów sił: płaskich, zbieżnych i równoległych, reguła dwóch i trzech sił działających na bryłę. 5. Równowaga przestrzennych układów sił działających na bryłę. 6. Obliczenie położenia środka ciężkości. 7. Tarcie posuwiste, tarcie cięgien...
Mechanika I , Ćwiczenia, IMM, sem. II, I st., sem. letni 2020/2021 (PG_00039400)
Kursy OnlineSpis treści realizowanych na zajęciach: 1. Wielkości skalarne i wektorowe. 2. Wypadkowa układu sił działających na bryłę. 3. Redukcja układu sił do siły głównej i momentu. 4. Równowaga układów sił: płaskich, zbieżnych i równoległych, reguła dwóch i trzech sił działających na bryłę. 5. Równowaga przestrzennych układów sił działających na bryłę. 6. Obliczenie położenia środka ciężkości. 7. Tarcie posuwiste, tarcie cięgien...