Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: TEXT MINING, COVID-19, ECONOMY, ECONOMY NEWS - MOST Wiedzy


Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: TEXT MINING, COVID-19, ECONOMY, ECONOMY NEWS

Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: TEXT MINING, COVID-19, ECONOMY, ECONOMY NEWS

  • Thematic Areas in the Polish Countryside and Their Role in Local Development


    - Rok 2018

    The article defines the phenomenon of space thematisation with regards to rural areas in Poland. The typology of thematic spaces and criteria of their comparative description have been proposed. Thematic villages, home gardens, amusement parks and housing estates have been distinguished. They have been compared in terms of spatial availability, the degree of user participation and the commercial vs. non-commercial creation purpose....



    - Rok 2019

    The article aims to show the specificity of the internationalization of Kazakh enterprises, in particular, the pace, scope, intensity, and forms of their internationalization in the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU). The EEU is a relatively young grouping that was established in 2015 by the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic and the Russian Federation. EEU creators try to give...

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  • An intelligent cellular automaton scheme for modelling forest fires


    - Ecological Informatics - Rok 2024

    Forest fires have devastating consequences for the environment, the economy and human lives. Understanding their dynamics is therefore crucial for planning the resources allocated to combat them effectively. In a world where the incidence of such phenomena is increasing every year, the demand for efficient and accurate computational models is becoming increasingly necessary. In this study, we perform a revision of an initial proposal...

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  • E-dyplomy: uwarunkowania administracyjne i funkcjonalne ich wprowadzenia na polskich uczelniach


    - Rok 2020

    Pandemia COVID-19 wymusiła na polskim systemie szkolnictwa wyższego szereg zmian, z których główne dotyczą zmian w zakresie organizacji pracy, cyfryzacji procesów obsługi toku studiów. Przepisy prawa stanowią już o e-teczce, mamy rozporządzenia dotyczące jej prowadzenia, niemniej niewiele uczelni, o ile w ogóle, prowadzi na chwilę obecną akta osobowe studentów w postaci elektronicznej. Jednym z elementów składowych e-teczki jest...

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  • ICT, financial markets and their impact on firms’ performance and internationalisation


    The effects of information and communication technology (ICT) and financial development on growth are highly debated in the literature. Motivated by previous studies and their mixed results, in this study, we propose an analysis to re-examine the ICT-finance puzzle. We go beyond country-specific or sector-specific studies and conduct cross-country analysis with firm-level data. It enables obtaining a broad picture of the ICT-finance-growth...

  • Creating a Remote Choir Performance Recording Based on an Ambisonic Approach

    The aim of this paper is three-fold. First, the basics of binaural and ambisonic techniques are briefly presented. Then, details related to audio-visual recordings of a remote performance of the Academic Choir of the Gdańsk University of Technology are shown. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, artists had a choice, namely, to stay at home and not perform or stay at home and perform. In fact, staying at home brought in the possibility...

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  • Monika Klimowicz dr hab.


    I am a political scientist and economist. My professional passion is to plan and effectively implement scientific projects that revolve around the socio-economic aspects of European integration. I have carried out research projects, within national and international research teams, funded by the Polish National Science Centre and the European Commission. The main areas of my studies have been so far innovation in regional development,...

  • Pozwolić odejść, czyli... Granice interwencji


    Celem tekstu jest zwrócenie uwagi na problem ostatecznej granicy interwencji konserwatorskich wobec zabytków architektury w kontekście holistycznej koncepcji ochrony dziedzictwa. Tekst adresowany jest do polskich czytelników ze względu na szczególne odniesienia do sytuacji polskiego systemu ochrony dziedzictwa. Choć architektura należy do sfery sztuk użytkowych, większość budynków nie powstawała...

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  • Pozytywne doświadczenia zakupowe w kreowaniu lojalności nabywczej


    Doświadczenie zakupowe to rodzaj mentalnej podróży, pozostawiającej niematerialne wrażenia, w postaci wiedzy i śladu emocjonalnego [69], będące kluczowym elementem w zrozumieniu zachowań konsumentów, jak również istotnych zmian zachodzących we współczesnym marketingu [10]. Cel: Celem głównym badań było ukazanie wpływu pozytywnych doświadczeń zakupowych na kształtowanie satysfakcji i lojalności nabywczej oraz sposobów budowania...

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  • Gas Turbine Cycle with External Combustion Chamber for Prosumer and Distributed Energy Systems


    The use of various biofuels, usually of relatively small Lower Heating Value (LHV), affects the gas turbine efficiency. The present paper shows that applying the proposed air by-pass system of the combustor at the turbine exit causes tan increase of efficiency of the turbine cycle increased by a few points. This solution appears very promising also in combined gas/steam turbine power plants. The comparison of a turbine set operating...

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  • New Challenges in Management and Economics in 21st century. Selected studies and examples


    - Rok 2020

    In Chapter 1 authors describe the method used to assess the level of readiness of an organization to introduce the Lean Six Sigma concept supporting the Quality 4.0 assumptions, which is gaining more and more interest not only in large organizations, but also in the SME sector. Its use will be illustrated by the example of a small service company. Chapter 2 presents the characteristics of blockchain technology applications in the...

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  • Synthesis of 5-Substituted 1H-Tetrazoles from Nitriles in the Presence of Heterogeneous Catalyst


    - Rok 2012

    Tetrazoles are five-membered heterocyclic compounds containing in their rings four nitrogen atoms. They have wide applications as corrosion inhibitors, analytical reagents, high-energy materials and gas generating compositions. Tetrazoles also play important role in coordination chemistry as ligands and in medicinal chemistry as metabolically stable surrogates for carboxylic acids. In recent years, investigation of new method of...

  • Tacit Knowledge Sharing and Project Performance. Does the Knowledge Workers' Personal Branding Matter?

    Tacit knowledge sharing is the real challenge for knowledge management today. Network economy has completely changed the role of knowledge workers who now become independent tacit knowledge producers. Bearing this fact in mind, the author studied how tacit knowledge sharing affects the process of building a personal brand and project performance. For this purpose, the authors conducted a study among Polish professionals with different...

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  • Bioelectronic nose: Current status and perspectives



    A characteristic feature of human and animal organs of smell is the ability to identify hundreds of thousands of odours. It is accompanied by particular smell sensations, which are a basic source of information about odour mixture. The main structural elements of biological smell systems are the olfactory receptors. Small differences in a structure of odorous molecules (odorants) can lead to significant change of odour, which is...

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    The economic significance of the banking sector is well recognized in the theory and practice. In the literature there are discussed various topics concerning banking: banking sectors stability and its determinants, as well as influence of the banking sector on other sectors of the economy. Moreover the situation in the banking sector has been studied from different perspectives: its stability, profitability, efficiency, competition,...

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  • Protection of historical heritage as part of the development of cultural tourism – a case study of the community of Kamieniec Ząbkowicki in Lower Silesia


    - Rok 2016

    Both literature and economics show a changing approach to historical heritage. It is no longer seen as a resource that generates only high maintenance costs. Analyses of local government units (LGUs) show that historical heritage is a strength rather than a weakness. More and more often, it is considered in economic development strategies as an asset that creates new activities and functions, generates income, and creates jobs....

  • High-quality academic teachers in business school. The case of The University of Gdańsk, Poland


    The Bologna process, the increasing number of higher education institutions, the mass education and the demographic problems make the quality of education and quality of the academic teachers a subject of wide public debate and concern. The aim of the paper is to identify the most preferred characteristics of a teacher working at a business school. The research problem was: What should a high-quality business school academic teacher...

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  • Processes of enhancing the intelligence of Learning Organizations on the basis of Competence Centers

    The process of organizational learning and proper knowledge management became today one of the major challenges for the organization acting in the knowledge-based economy. According to the observations of the authors of this paper the demand for formalization of knowledge management processes and organizational learning is particularly evident in research institutions, established either by the universities, or the companies. The...

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  • In search of a new relationship between nature and society


    - Rok 2011

    We live in an era of breakthrough- not only in the literal sense of the word, but the breakthrough of the century or the millennium. New discoveries and the crisis present in the economy, society, religion and ecology forces a review of all universally accepted theories. Nature, ecology and environment are the key words used in every area of human activity. It has led to the development of a new scientific field- the philosophy...

  • Global energy transition: From the main determinants to economic challenges regions


    - EQUILIBRIUM Quarterly Journal of Economics and Economic Policy - Rok 2023

    Dynamic global energy transition has been accelerating for the last decade. Interestingly, the energy transition is multidimensional and concerns both the dimensions of technique/ technology and the economic, social, institu-tional, and legal spheres (Shuguang et al., 2022; Tzeremes et al., 2022; Ram-zan et al., 2022; Tzeremes et al., 2022). The literature also points to the signif-icant impact of the digitization of the global...

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  • Renewable and Sustainable Energy: Current State and Prospects


    The last two decades of the twentieth century represented a period of above-average, systematic growth of formal and informal interdependencies between economies of different countries and between world markets. The intensity, magnitude, and diversity of these interdependencies have never been recorded before in economic history, and the market transformations taking place have been referred to in the literature as the process...

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  • Lateral load resistance of piled raft foundation - A case study of District Jail, Saidu Sharif, Swat Pakistan

    • I. Jamil
    • I. Khan
    • M. Amjad
    • M. Ahmad
    • U. Farooq
    • T. Bibi

    - International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (Netherlands) - Rok 2021

    Piled raft foundations under lateral loads are usually designed as a pile group, ignoring the contribution of the raft to resisting the lateral loads. In this paper, a case study was performed to determine the raft's contribution to the lateral load resistance. This study analyzed a pile-supported reinforced concrete retaining wall for two different foundation conditions, i.e., pile group foundation and pile raft foundation. Pile group...

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  • Energy Losses Due to Imperfect Payment Infrastructure and Payment Instruments


    - ENERGIES - Rok 2021

    One of the strategic objectives of the European Union is a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and improvement of energy efficiency by at least 32.5% in different areas of the economy by 2030. However, little is known about the impact of payment in retail on energy consumption. The purpose of this paper is to assess the chain of losses of time and energy, and therefore financial losses, that occur due to the imperfection of payment...

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  • Automatic classification and mapping of the seabed using airborne LiDAR bathymetry

    • Ł. Janowski
    • P. Tysiąc
    • R. Wróblewski
    • M. Rucińska
    • A. Kubowicz- Grajewska


    Shallow coastal areas are among the most inhabited areas and are valuable for biodiversity, recreation and the economy. Due to climate change and sea level rise, sustainable management of coastal areas involves extensive exploration, monitoring, and protection. Current high-resolution remote sensing methods for monitoring these areas include bathymetric LiDAR. Therefore, this study presents a novel methodological approach to assess...

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  • Determinants of SME location in a suburban area: Evidence from the Gdańsk–Gdynia–Sopot metropolitan area.


    - Urbani izziv - Rok 2017

    Given the importance of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the European economy, it is essential to have adequate information about the various factors that determine their choice of location. However, the size of a company is often an aspect not covered in theoretical studies and empirical research on industrial locations and urban planning. This article examines the place of residence...

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  • Digital Transformation and Its Influence on Sustainable Manufacturing and Business Practices


    - Sustainability - Rok 2023

    The paper focuses on the relationship between businesses and digital transformation, and how digital transformation has changed manufacturing in several ways. Aspects like Cloud Computing, vertical and horizontal integration, data communication, and the internet have contributed to sustainable manufacturing by decentralizing supply chains. In addition, digital transformation inventions such as predictive analysis and big data analytics...

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  • System diagnostyki oddechowej oparty na konwolucyjnych sieciach neuronowych

    Choroby układu oddechowego człowieka od zawsze były obciążeniem dla całego społeczeństwa. Sytuacja stała się szczególnie trudna po wybuchu pandemii COVID-19. Jednak nawet teraz nierzadko zdarza się, że ludzie konsultują się ze swoim lekarzem zbyt późno, już po niepożądanym rozwinięciu się choroby. W celu ochrony pacjentów przed ciężką chorobą płuc, zaleca się jak najwcześniejsze wykrycie wszelkich objawów zaburzających pracę układu...

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  • Overcoming Challenges of Virtual Scrum Teams: Lessons Learned Through an Action Research Study


    - Rok 2023

    After the COVID-19 breakout, agile teams found themselves in situations that “pure agilists” and textbooks on agile methods had preferred to ignore. Whereas agile mindsets helped them to quickly shift to remote work, mere virtualization of agile practices often proved insufficient, and several challenges emerged. This paper reports on an Action Research project carried out in Lufthansa Systems Poland with the aim of (1) revisiting...

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  • Xanthone synthetic derivatives with high anticandidal activity and positive mycostatic selectivity index values


    - Scientific Reports - Rok 2023

    With the current massive increases in drug-resistant microbial infection as well as the significant role of fungal infections in the death toll of COVID-19, discovering new antifungals is extremely important. Natural and synthetic xanthones are promising derivatives, although only few reports have demonstrated their antifungal mechanism of action in detail. Newly synthetized by us xanthone derivative 44 exhibited strong antifungal...

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  • Zmiany udziału pracy w dochodzie narodowym a nierówności społeczne na przykładzie państw Grupy Wyszehradzkiej


    Dokonująca się liberalizacja handlu, rynków pieniężnych i kapitałowych, umiędzynaro-dowienie produkcji oraz szybkie i szerokie wykorzystanie technologii stanowiące siłę napędową globalizacji włączyły, transformującą się gospodarkę polską w ten proces. Globalizacja określa rozprzestrzenianie się charakterystycznych trendów światowej ekonomii, polityki, życia społecznego i kultury na całym świecie, niezależnie od stopnia zaawansowania...

  • Działanie na szkodę spółki zależnej - aspekty prawne


    Celem artykułu jest prezentacja prawnych aspektów funkcjonowania grup kapitałowych w Polsce. Opracowanie dotyczy prawa grup spółek rozpatrywanego z punktu widzenia potrzeb działalności gospodarczej, z uwzględnieniem ochrony akcjonariuszy mniejszościowych, wierzycieli i menedżerów spółek tworzących holding, w szczególności spółek zależnych. Wykazano, że polski system prawa grup spółek nie spełnia zupełnie potrzeb współczesnego obrotu...

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  • Valorization of Bioplastic Waste: A Review on Effective Recycling Routes for the Most Widely Used Biopolymers

    Plastics-based materials have a high carbon footprint, and their disposal is a considerable problem for the environment. Biodegradable bioplastics represent an alternative on which most countries have focused their attention to replace of conventional plastics in various sectors, among which food packaging is the most significant one. The evaluation of the optimal end-of-life process for bioplastic waste is of great importance...

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  • Remote sensing and photogrammetry techniques in diagnostics of concrete structures

    Recently laser scanning technologies become widely used in many areas of the modern economy. In the following paper authors show a potential spectrum of use Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS) in diagnostics of reinforced concrete elements. Based on modes of failure analysis of reinforcement concrete beam authors describe downsides and advantages of adaptation of terrestrial laser scanning to this purpose, moreover reveal under which...

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  • Sustainable Investing. Socio-Economic Impacts of Exchange-Traded Funds


    - Rok 2023

    Sustainable Investing: Socio-Economic Impacts of Exchange-Traded Funds examines the social and economic effects of sustainable investing ETFs and their impacts on the global financial system. The book presents the key issues with regard to sustainable investing, discussing exchange-traded funds mechanisms and categories in comparison to competing investment funds. The book outlines the theoretical determinants of ETF markets development...

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  • Synthesis and Physicochemical Characteristics of Chitosan-Based Polyurethane Flexible Foams


    - Processes - Rok 2021

    The use of shrimp waste to obtain chitosan (Ch) is an essential issue, considering a circular economy, waste management, and its application to environmentally friendly materials. In this study, northern prawn shells were utilized to obtain Ch, which could then be used for synthesizing chitosan-based polyurethane (PUR+Ch) foams with different Ch concentration. The chemical structure, morphology, hardness, thermal properties, viscoelastic...

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  • The Influence of Co-Fermentation of Agri-Food Waste with Primary Sludge on Biogas Production and Composition of the Liquid Fraction of Digestate

    Energy self-sufficiency is a current trend in wastewater treatment plants. This effect can be achieved by increasing the production of electricity from biogas and by reducing energy consumption for technological processes. One idea, in line with the circular economy concept, is the use of waste rich in organic matter as co-substrates for the fermentation process. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of waste co-fermentation...

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  • Selected problems of decision making modelling in power engineering

    The paper presents the selected problems of decision making modelling in power engineering specially investment risk evaluation methods. The proposed model can be used in the range programming the development and investing process in power engineering. Decision making problems in power engineering and the evaluation of investment effectiveness in particular are closely related to modelling which relatively accurately reflects...

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  • Bioactive hybrid metal-organic framework (MOF)-based nanosensors for optical detection of recombinant SARS-CoV-2 spike antigen

    • N. Rabiee
    • Y. Fatahi
    • S. Ahmadi
    • N. Aabbariki
    • A. Ojaghi
    • M. Rabiee
    • F. Radmanesh
    • R. Dinarvand
    • M. Bagherzadeh
    • E. Mostafavi... i 4 innych


    Fast, efficient, and accurate detection of SARS-CoV-2 spike antigen is pivotal to control the spread and reduce themortality of COVID-19. Nevertheless, the sensitivity of available nanobiosensors to detect recombinant SARS-CoV-2 spike antigen seems insufficient. As a proof-of-concept, MOF-5/CoNi2S4 is developed as a low-cost, safe, and bioactive hybrid nanostructure via the one-pot high-gravity protocol. Then, the porphyrin, H2TMP,...

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  • Targeting yeast topoisomerase II by imidazo and triazoloacridinone derivatives resulting in their antifungal activity

    Fungal pathogens are considered as serious factors for deadly diseases and are a case of medical concern. Invasive fungal infections also complicate the clinical course of COVID-19, leading to a significant increase in mortality. Furthermore, fungal strains' multidrug resistance has increased the demand for antifungals with a different mechanism of action. The present study aimed to identify antifungal compounds targeting yeast...

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  • Marta Kuc-Czarnecka dr

    Marta Kuc-Czarnecka jest zastępczynią kierownika Katedry Statystyki i Ekonomii na Wydziale Zarządzania i Ekonomii Politechniki Gdańskiej. Pełni również funkcję pełnomocniczki Dziekana ds. akredytacji AMBA. Jest współzałożycielką Rethinking Economics Gdańsk oraz członkinią Fundacji im. Edwarda Lipińskiego na rzecz promocji pluralizmu w naukach ekonomicznych. W latach 2018-2022 była ekspertką Europejskiej Fundacji na Rzecz Poprawy...

  • Trendy w e-usługach

    W artykule przedstawiono trendy w sektorze e-biznesu pokazujące perspektywy zmian w usługach. Zwrócono uwagę jak zmienia się podejście do samego procesu usługi, jak zmienia się sposób świadczenia samej usługi. Autor przedstawia trendy nie tylko związane z zastosowaniem nowoczesnych technologii, ale również związane z otwieraniem nowych segmentów rynku jakimi są np. społeczności. W wyniku analizy przytoczonych przykładów wykorzystania...

  • L'economia mondiale dopo la guerra fredda


    - Rok 2018

    Che cosa è successo negli equilibri economici mondiali a partire dal 1989 e dalla dissoluzione del vecchio ordine sovietico? Dopo aver esaminato gli Usa e i suoi competitori asiatici, Giappone e Cina, il libro si concentra sull’Europa e sulle grandi trasformazioni portate dalla riunificazione tedesca, da Maastricht e dalla nascita dell’euro. Infine analizza, nell’ambito della globalizzazione, il ruolo dei BRICS, lo sviluppo economico...

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  • Przesył energii elektrycznej - potrzeby,progi i bariery

    • M. Bartosik
    • W. Kamrat
    • M. Każmierkowski
    • W. Lewandowski
    • P. Maciej
    • T. Peryt
    • T. Skoczkowski
    • A. Strupczewski
    • A. Szeląg

    - Przegląd Elektrotechniczny - Rok 2016

    W artykule przeanalizowano stan aktualny i kierunki rozwoju krajowego systemu przesy ł owego w kontek ś cie potrzeb gospodarki krajowej. Przedstawiono znaczenie sieci przesy ł owych oraz rol ę operatorów systemu przesy ł owego i systemów dystrybucyjnych w sektorze energetycznym. Oceniono mo ż liwo ś ci rozwoju przy uwzgl ę dnieniu aktualnych prognoz zapotrzebowania na energi ę , wytyczono potencjalne...

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  • Jakub Miler dr inż.

    Kariera akademicka: 2000: mgr inż. Wydział ETI, Politechnika Gdańska, praca pt. "Computer system for supporting risk management in a software engineering project", promotor prof. Janusz Górski 2005: dr inż. Wydział ETI, Politechnika Gdańska, rozprawa pt. "A Method of Software Project Risk Identification and Analysis", obroniona z wyróżnieniem, dziedzina nauki techniczne, dyscyplina informatyka, promotor prof. Janusz Górski Zainteresowania...

  • Neurodiversity and remote work in times of crisis: lessons for HR


    - Personnel Review - Rok 2023

    Purpose The rich qualitative study builds on 11 semi-structured interviews with nine neurodivergent employees and two business professionals supportive of neurodiversity to understand the lived experiences of dealing with crisis in a remote working environment. Design/methodology/approach The purpose of the reported research is to understand how neurominorities experience remote working in the times of crisis and what the implications...

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  • External Security Strategies of Belarus

    Under President Lukashenko, three Belarusian national security strategies have been announced: the first in 1995, the second in 2001 and the third in 2011. The first proposal, formulated after Lukashenko’s victory in the presidential elections in 1994, outlined Belarus as a neutral state, unbound to any military block in the absence of external enemies. The direction of the foreign policy pursued by the president of Belarus was...

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  • The competitive advantage of Ppomorskie Voivodeship in strategic documents based on the Regional Innovation Strategy


    - Rok 2012

    The article presents and discusses the main assumptions and courses of action contained in the innovation strategy for Pomorskie voivodeship with respect to building the competitive advantage The considerations are preceded by analyses concerning the interpretation and meaning of the following concepts in contemporary economy (with special emphasis on their regional context): competitiveness, competitive advantage and innovation,...

  • The competitive advantage of Pomorskie Voivodeship in strategic documents based on the Regional Innovation Strategy


    - Rok 2012

    The article presents and discusses the main assumptions and courses of action contained in the innovation strategy for Pomorskie voivodeship with respect to building the competitive advantage The considerations are preceded by analyses concerning the interpretation and meaning of the following concepts in contemporary economy (with special emphasis on their regional context): competitiveness, competitive advantage and innovation,...

  • Geographic Information System for Flood Hazard Analysis and Early Warning Using Numerical Weather Predictions


    - Rok 2015

    Floods are a phenomenon which causes significant losses of lives as well as property damage, which in turn severely impact the local economy. The nature of a flooding has been well researched, and several methods of flood hazard simulation have been established over the last decades. The current legislation in the European Union requires the Member States to create, maintain and update flood risk and hazard maps, as well as identify...

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  • Economic crisis in Croatia


    Croatia is becoming the 28th member of the European Union on July 1st, 2013. Croatia has gone a long way from a socialistic republic to an independent country recognized as one of the economic tigers of the Western Balkans in the first decade of the 21st century. Croatia has been hit by a global crisis which turned out to be a huge external shock for the region of the Western Balkans. Although it does not enter the economy through...

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