Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: urban%20sustainable%20development - MOST Wiedzy


Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: urban%20sustainable%20development

Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: urban%20sustainable%20development

  • The Comparison of the Web GIS Applications Relevant for 4D Models Sharing


    - Rok 2019

    The paper presents results of the project: Cultural Heritage Through Time (CHT 2, http://cht2-project.eu) realized accomplished within the framework of the “Joint Programming Initiative in Cultural Heritage” JPI-CH (http://www.jpi-culturalheritage.eu) by an international consortium: Politecnico di Milano (IT), Newcastle University (UK), Salamanca University (ES), and Stanislaw Staszic Scientific Association SSSA (a non-profit...

  • Codesigned Digital Tools for Social Engagement in Climate Change Mitigation


    - Sustainability - Rok 2023

    Digital technologies and economies can strengthen participative processes and data- and knowledge-based sustainable urban development. It can also accelerate social integration and the efforts of urban dwellers towards more resilient urban environments. Gap: Most of the tools that strengthen participatory processes were not cocreated with stakeholders. Research shows that codesigned platforms driven by new technological advances...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Interactive and Media Architecture – From Social Encounters to City Planning Strategies


    The paper searches into the potential of media and interactive projects to support participation and generate social encounters in public spaces. Moreover, it proposes implementation of media and interactive projects into city planning processes. On the basis of theoretical approaches, case studies and interdisciplinary surveys the paper gives insight how interactive and media architecture can engage people in activities in urban...

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  • Markthal Rotterdam as a contemporary continuation of nineteenth-entury market-halls' architectural ideas in Europe, 3rd International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference, Social Sciences and Arts, Conference proceedings, book 4, Arts, Performing Arts, Architecture and design, Volume II, Vienna, Austria; pp. 391-398


    In the nineteenth century the reorganization of the European city local trading model resulted in the network of a series of newly constructed covered market halls. The large-format objects superseded the trade forms of previous streets and squares. In the second half of the twentieth century the panoply of the public trade markets was dominated by food super- and hypermarkets. It seemed that the era of old-time market halls,...

  • Agile Methods In Formation of Metropolis Neighbourhood


    - Rok 2017

    A study of the zone adjoining the metropolis area of Tricity (Poland) was conducted on the basis of analyses of changes in spatial development, outline planning decisions and local plans of spatial development. Localities placed at several dozen kilometres from strongly urbanized areas do not constitute metropolis outskirts. The vicinity of large urban centres is an obstacle to the development of localities as self-sufficient units...

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  • Protect our right to light


    - NATURE - Rok 2019

    “The struggle for light” is how the Swiss architect Le Corbusier described the history of architecture in 1935. Today, with the skies crowded out by buildings in modern cities, those words should ring in the ears of policymakers and planners. Skyscraper construction is booming. China is the leader, last year completing 88 of the 143 buildings around the world that are taller than 200 metres (see ‘Vertical growth’). As the nation’s...

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  • Simulation of the number of storm overflows considering changes in precipitation dynamics and the urbanisation of the catchment area: a probabilistic approach

    • B. Szeląg
    • R. Suligowski
    • J. Drewnowski
    • F. De Paola
    • F. Fernandez-Morales
    • Ł. Bąk


    This paper presents a probabilistic methodology that allows the study of the interactions between changes in rainfall dynamics and impervious areas in urban catchment on a long- and short-term basis. The proposed probabilistic model predict future storm overflows while taking into account the dynamics of changes in impervious areas and rainfall. In this model, a logistic regression method was used to simulate overflow resulting...

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  • Rewitalizacja struktur metropolitalnych w procesie transformacji


    - Rok 2007

    Rewitalizacja jako proces przestrzenny jest silnie uwarunkowana konkurencyjnością miast. Dobre praktyki europejskie będące efektem Inicjatywy URBAN opisano jako tło projektu badawczego ''Transformacje zdegradowanych struktur przestrzennych metropolii polskich''. W rozdziale opisano efekty badań w tym podstawy nowego paradygmatu.

  • Use of Bi-Temporal ALS Point Clouds for Tree Removal Detection on Private Property in Racibórz, Poland


    - Remote Sensing - Rok 2021

    Trees growing on private property have become an essential part of urban green policies. In many places, restrictions are imposed on tree removal on private property. However, monitoring compliance of these regulations appears difficult due to a lack of reference data and public administration capacity. We assessed the impact of the temporary suspension of mandatory permits on tree removal, which was in force in 2017 in Poland,...

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  • The role of sport in the Smart City concept

    Sport brings to cities innovative solutions that influence urban life, yet considerations about sport still rarely contribute to the development of the very popular smart city concept. This raises the question: what is the perception of sport in the city from the perspective of the smart city concept? One of the challenges of future urban policy is to provide initiatives that ensure the wellbeing and promote the model of a healthy...

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  • The Touristification of Italian Historic City Centres: The Lesson for Central Europe about the Airbnb Eruption


    - Rok 2021

    The unparalleled scale of the recent growth in tourism – the rise of the number of temporary visitors – could not have emerged without the impact on other socio‑economic aspects, namely, a change on the part of the destinations. Especially historic city centres are vulnerable to such an impact that could be manifested through diverse transformations of public space usage, housing market economics, availability of services, employment...

  • Preferences and Transport Behavior of Gdansk Residents in the Light of the Result of Complex Traffic Survey


    - Rok 2018

    Preferences and transport behavior of the population are a fundamental aspect of research in public transport. Identifying the basic postulates of transport, the factors determining the specific behavior of transport and modal split allow to analyze the differences between the groups singled passengers and to prepare better offer of an urban transport. In Poland, still in many cities urban transport research is conducted ad hoc,...

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    - Rok 2018

    The paper presents a multi-criteria approach in multifunctional building system design process. The aim is to develop a theory relative to the engineering system of multifunctional with a mathematical representation defined by a holistic network for the lifecycle of the designed object. The idea of work was to define the structure of a complex system. Background for the presented field is to develop a design strategy for multifunctional...

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  • Od pragmatyzmu do masowej indywidualizacji w kształtowaniu form oświetlania miasta


    „Od pragmatyzmu do masowej indywidualizacji w kształtowaniu form oświetlenia miasta” podejmuje dwa istotne wątki. Z jednej strony mówi o ewolucji architektonicznych użytkowych form oświetleniowych na przestrzeni wieków, z drugiej zaś zwraca uwagę na oznaki rewolucji cyfrowej i jej wpływ na kształtowanie oświetlenia miasta. Te dwa wątki łączą się w dokonanej obserwacji pojawienia się nowego paradygmatu masowej indywidualizacji...

  • Jacek Poplatek dr inż. arch.

    Jacek Poplatek – adiunkt w Studio Architektury Ochrony Zdrowia należącym do Katedry Architektury Miejskiej i Przestrzeni Nadwodnych. W pracy naukowo-badawczej zajmuje się głównie problematyką programowania i projektowania obiektów architektury służby zdrowia, w tym głównie szpitali. Przedmiotem zainteresowania są także badania XIX wiecznej architektury historycznej Sopotu i ochrony jej dziedzictwa.  Jest autorem wielu publikacji...

  • Innowacja urbanistyczna w kontekście kształtowania środowiska mieszkaniowego


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  • Magdalena Gajewska prof. dr hab. inż.

    Magdalena Gajewska (ur. 1.06.1968 r. w Gdańsku) ukończyła studia w 1993 roku na Wydziale Hydrotechniki Politechniki Gdańskiej.  Jest adiunktem w Katedrze Technologii Wody i Ścieków na Wydziale Inżynierii Lądowej i Środowiska Politechniki Gdańskiej. Doktorat (2001) i habilitacja (2013) w dyscyplinie inżynierii środowiska.  W kadencji 2016–2020 pełni funkcję prodziekana ds. nauki. Specjalizuję się w technologiach związanych z ekoinżynierią:...

  • Architectural project V Design for all

    Kursy Online
    • J. Cudzik
    • D. Sędzicki
    • M. Gawdzik

    This course centers on designing a modern hotel/student dormitory incorporating additional ground-floor services, such as restaurants, shops, and conference spaces. Students will tackle the challenge of creating a dynamic and flexible design responsive to the urban context and sustainability goals while using advanced conceptual tools such as artificial intelligence.This course aims to guide students in designing a hotel that serves...

  • Cmentarze w przestrzeni polskich miast


    - Rok 2022

    Przedmiotem badań jest przedstawienie cmentarzy na terenach polskich miast: Gdańska, Krakowa, Lublina, Warszawy i Wrocławia. Na potrzeby pracy przeanalizowano położenie cmentarzy względem współczesnej i historycznej tkanki miejskiej a także względem innych nekropolii, dzięki czemu zidentyfikowano zjawisko występowania zespołów cmentarzy miejskich. Zbadano także zagadnienie likwidacji cmentarzy miejskich i odniesiono je do współczesnych...

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  • Dynamic GNSS Mission Planning Using DTM for Precise Navigation of Autonomous Vehicles


    Nowadays, the most widely used method for estimating location of autonomous vehicles in real time is the use of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS). However, positioning in urban environments using GNSS is hampered by poor satellite geometry due to signal obstruction created by both man-made and natural features of the urban environment. The presence of obstacles is the reason for the decreased number of observed satellites...

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  • Współczesne zmiany klimatyczne i ich wpływ na funkcjonowanie systemów miejskich (na przykładzie miast strefy nadmorskiej Polski)

    The purpose of this article is to present contemporary climatic changes in their actual scale, and to assess their impact on functioning of urban areas situated on the Polish coast. The results of the analysis of variability of hydro-climatic conditions that occurred in the last 65 years (1951-2015) in the area of the Polish coast suggest that important changes were concerning: (1) temperature of the air, and thickness and length...

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  • Elective design I: Waterfront Areas in a Changing Climate – Solutions for Gdańsk

    Kursy Online
    • J. Borucka
    • J. Szczepański
    • L. Nyka

    Elective design I:Waterfront Areas in a Changing Climate – Solutions for Gdańsk  for MSc in Arch. Seminars & assignments: 30 hTeacher: Lucyna Nyka, Jakub Szczepański, Justyna Borucka + assist. teacher from Gdańsk Tech Waterfront Areas in a Changing Climate – Solutions for Gdańsk – This course explores challenges, conflicts and concepts in waterfront areas, their connection to architectural and urban design in the time of...

  • Smart city and data management foundations

    Kursy Online
    • M. Krzyżanowski
    • W. Drapiński
    • J. Sudakowska
    • A. Guzik
    • K. Dytrych
    • A. Modrzejewska
    • A. Orłowski

    This e-learning course, specifically designed for individuals aiming to establish startups, those proficient in technology yet unsure of how to leverage and market it, and students aspiring to further their studies in data analysis, transportation, IT management, or data engineering. This course serves as an entry point for roles such as Smart City Specialist and Chief Data Officer in municipal settings. Participants will gain...

  • Management of MV/LV Transformer Replacement Based on AMI Platform


    - Automatyka Elektryka Zakłócenia - Rok 2023

    The paper presents the extended possibilities of managing the selection and replacement of MV/LV transformers using the measurement data from the Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) system. The analysis was conducted on samples of over 1900 transformers that operate in two different types of MV grids: rural and urban. The analysis has shown that there is a great potential in the field of optimizing the rated power of the transformers.

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  • Tworzenie miejskości po 1990r., Geneza niemieckiej urbanistyki współczesnych założeń mieszkaniowych

    Artykuł jest przyczyną do przypomnienia genezy współczesnej formy niemieckich miejskich struktur mieszkaniowych w kontekście zmian rozumienia ich wymiaru miejskości. Niemiecka myśl urbanistyczna łączy w sobie dwie wyraziste tradycje dwudziestego wieku - Gründerzeit i KlassischeModerne. Pozostaje jednak silnie otwarta na innowację generowaną nie tylko dzięki postępowi technicznemu, ale przede wszystkim poprzez planowanie interdyscyplinarne...

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  • Endangering of Groundwater on the Municipal Intakes in Gdańsk

    Groundwater from the Quaternary aquifer on the marine terrace in Gdańsk has been exploited for almost a century, supplying the town with water of good quality. However intensive exploitation in the past and development of the urban area influenced the chemical composition of the water. Hydrogeochemical background for such ions as chlorine, sulphate and ammonia has changed and also some organic micro compounds appeared in single...

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  • Izabela Burda dr inż. arch.


    The most popular method for assessing the energy efficiency of vehicles is to compare the fuel consumption achieved in the conditions of selected approval test. Operating conditions are defined using the speed profiles, usually for only two categories: urban and extra-urban driving. Assessing the energy efficiency of vehicles should be performed using a more detailed classification of conditions. Presented results of comparison...

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  • Detection and removal of priority substances and emerging pollutants from stormwater: case study of the Kołobrzeska collector, Gdańsk, Poland


    - Sustainability - Rok 2022

    Progressive urban development affects environmental balance and disrupts the hydrologic cycle, in which rainfall plays a significant role. Since rainwater is considered a valuable resource of the environment, many technical solutions are implemented that enable effective rainwater management. On the other hand, stormwater runoff from urban areas contains numerous (also toxic) substances, and therefore should be properly treated....

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  • Comparison of PCBs and PAHs levels in European coastal waters using mussels from the Mytilus edulis complex as biomonitors


    - OCEANOLOGIA - Rok 2015

    Mussels from the Mytilus edulis complex were used as biomonitors for two groups of organic pollutants: polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs, congeners: 28, 52, 101, 118, 138, 153 and 180) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs, naphthalene, acenaphthylene, acenaphthene, fluorene, phenanthrene, anthracene, fluoranthene, pyrene, benz(a)anthracene, chrysene, benzo(b)fluoranthene, benzo(k)fluoranthene, benzo(a)pyrene, indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene,...

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  • Buenos Aires – Toward Comprehensive Development and Sustainable Mobility

    This paper is introducing Buenos Aires’ achievements and challenges in implementing comprehensive development and integrating efficient and sustainable transport system within its urban structure. There are several important steps in this process starting from urban regeneration of Puerto Madero, the introduction and then implementation of a strategic plan Modelo territorial (2010) and of Buenos Aires' Plan de Movilidad Sustentable...

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  • Paweł Burdziakowski dr inż.

    dr inż. Paweł Burdziakowski jest specjalista w zakresie fotogrametrii i teledetekcji lotniczej niskiego pułapu, nawigacji morskiej i lotniczej. Jest również licencjonowanym instruktorem lotniczym oraz programistą. Głównymi obszarami zainteresowania jest fotogrametria cyfrowa, nawigacja platform bezzałogowych oraz systemy bezzałogowe, w tym lotnicze, nawodne, podwodne. Prowadzi badania  w zakresie algorytmów i metod poprawiających...

  • Czekając na polskie Docklands.Kwestia przedsięwzięć urbanistycznych o dużej skali


    - Rok 2012

    Artykuł podsumowuje pierwsze polskie doświadczenia związane z realizacją przedsięwzięć urbanistycznych o dużej skali (ang. large scale urban developments). Analiza polskiego wymiaru globalnego fenomenu, jakim są takie projekty,wskazuje na dwa aspekty ''neoliberalnego'' urbanizmu - rola przedsięwzięć jako narzędzia polityki przestrzennej oraz rola prywatnej samoregulacji w procesie realizacji projektu.

  • Technical solutions and benefits of introducing rain gardens – Gdańsk case study


    Nowadays, Nature-Based Solutions (NBSs) are developing as innovative multifunctional tools to maximize urban ecosystem services such as storm water preservation, reduction of runoff and flood protection, groundwater pollution prevention, biodiversity enhancement, and microclimate control. Gdańsk is one of the first Polish cities to widely introduce rain gardens (one example of an NBS) in different areas such as parks, city center,...

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  • Modelling Signalised Intersections Reliability of Functioning

    The article addresses a fundamental aspect of traffic, i.e. the operation of traffic signals at intersections, in reference to the reliability theory. In many cases, when intersections carry substantial amounts of traffic, selecting control parameters to produce satisfactory traffic conditions is quite difficult. Design methods do not cover all possible situations which are the result of intersection geometry and location...

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  • Rewitalizacja przestrzeni miejskiej poprzez wydarzenia i inicjatywy sportowe

    Artykuł opisuje powiązania pomiędzy procesami rewitalizacji przestrzeni miejskiej, a wydarzeniami i inicjatywami sportowymi różnej skali i rangi. Można wyodrębnić trzy główne uwarunkowania występowania tych powiązań: 1) podczas organizacji największych wydarzeń sportowych o zasięgu globalnym, takich jak igrzyska olimpijskie oraz mistrzostwa Świata i Europy w piłce nożnej; 2) podczas przedsięwzięć aktywizujących mieszkańców w formie...

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  • Na granicy wody i lądu – pojęcie niebieskiej przestrzeni urbanistycznej

    Obecnie obserwuje się wzrost zainteresowania projektowaniem urbanistycznym i architektonicznym z wykorzystaniem wody lub wręcz projektowania nowych terenów miejskich na obszarach wodnych. Sposób postrzegania strefy graniczenia wody i lądu w mieście ulega transformacji, a związek między tymi dwoma tkankami – znacznemu zacieśnieniu, w skutek czego w ostatnim dziesięcioleciu zaczęło kształtować się pojęcie niebieskich przestrzeni miejskich....

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  • Implementing Integrated Territorial Investments

    The chapter presents the first experiences related to the implementation of the Integrated Territorial Investment (ITI). In the case of the Pomeranian region in Poland, this process was associated with the creation of a broad partnership and bottom-up approach to the development strategy programming for Urban Functional Areas. In this paper, we try to assess the effectiveness of this process, by defining its strong points and bottlenecks,...

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  • Katarzyna Szakajło dr inż. arch.

  • „Space, architecture and infrastructure “in-between cities”.


    The article presents contemporary city problems, like division of the city, infrastructural barriers, empty spaces, chaotic development, cuting-off areas, threatening the city image and functioning. These problems can be best observed in the areas in-between cities. One of the main questions for urban planners and architects seems thus to be: how to connect the city spaces instead of creating the barriers, how to create the areas...

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  • Channel State Estimation in LTE-Based Heterogenous Networks Using Deep Learning

    Following the continuous development of the information technology, the concept of dense urban networks has evolved as well. The powerful tools, like machine learning, break new ground in smart network and interface design. In this paper the concept of using deep learning for estimating the radio channel parameters of the LTE (Long Term Evolution) radio interface is presented. It was proved that the deep learning approach provides...

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  • Performance Measurements of Real Time Video Transmission from Car Patrol

    The HSUPA technology application to video streaming from moving vehicle to the central server is presented in the paper. A dedicated software for transmission control in case of non public IP address is employed. Quality of video streaming in urban area was measured. Several car routes were investigated in the area of the Polish Tricity. Measurements pointed out that the real time streaming quality during vehicle movement is sufficient...

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  • Podejście środowiskowe w dydaktyce projektowania Sustainable approach in teaching of design


    - Rok 2018

    The aim of the paper is to assess the inclusion of academic teaching design to the process of sustainable development and proposals for an integrated approach in training architects. The article presents an original interpretation of environmental design in the field of architecture and urban planning. The significance of the environmental perspective is presented in the context of growing spatial and social fragmentation. The...

  • Zabytkowa infrastruktura kolejowa jako potencjał krajobrazu kulturowego


    - Rok 2020

    W dobie obecnych działań rewitalizacyjnych oraz przemian kolejnictwa, prowadzonych lub przewidywanych w licznych miastach Polski, konieczne jest wskazanie wartości, jakie często niesie z sobą infrastruktura kolejowa. Może się ona stać istotnym elementem przekształcanych przestrzeni miejskich – nie tylko pod względem transportowym. Odpowiednio zaplanowane działania pozwalają uchronić przed destrukcją historyczne obiekty, m.in. wprowadzając...

  • Jakub Osmański


    Student studiów magisterskich Urban Studies na Universite Libre de Bruxelles/Vrije Universiteit Brussel.

  • Romanika Okraszewska dr inż. arch.

    dr inż. arch. Romanika Okraszewska jest adiunktem w Katedrze Inżynierii Drogowej i Transportowej Wydziału Inżynierii Lądowej i Środowiska Politechniki Gdańskiej. W 1996 ukończyła klasę matematyczno-informatyczną w VIII Liceum Ogólnokształcącym  im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Gdańsku. Absolwentka dwóch wydziałów Politechiki Gdańksiej, w roku 2002 ukończyła studia architektury i urbanistyki a w 2004 zarządzania i ekonomii. W latach...

  • Museum of the Second World War in Gdansk as an Example of Contemporary Design Trends in Museum Buildings


    At a time when history gives us one of the last opportunities to confront our knowledge of World War II, with the knowledge of people living in those days, there are buildings created with strong transmission not only architectural, but also of a great emotional load. At the same time, when the political system does not forbid to speak openly about the past period, and the technology allows you to create structures, about which...

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  • Public Spaces - Coexistence and Participation


    The paper is an attempt to answer two questions: (1) how to develop positive social relations and citizenship among residents of cities in Poland and (2) howsuitable shaping of public space affects the activation and integration of local residents.The specificity of the post-war process of urbanization in Poland - a country traditionally agricultural - was its political dimension (forced 'nationalisation' of agriculture and industrialization...



    Low Emission Vehicles that are hybrid and electric cars may benefit from specially designed tires that are optimized for driving conditions typical for such vehicles. It is possible that in the future Low Emission Vehicles, especially passenger cars, will substitute conventional vehicles in all applications, however for the time being they are mostly used in urban and suburban areas. Urban traffic has a rather low demand for grip...

  • Art of Space – Art in Space / The Role of Sound Art in Public


    - Rok 2015

    The article presents a discussion of the crossroad between art and architecture. It sketches out the theoretical and practical aspects of space revitalisation and improving its quality in the context of multisensory dimension of public spaces. The unique manifestation of art and creativity in public space could be detected and stimulated using participatory architecture, for instance interactive installations, projects related...

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