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wyświetlamy 1000 najlepszych wyników Pomoc
Recent advances in rapid multiobjective optimization of expensive simulation models in microwave and antenna engineering by Pareto front exploration
PublikacjaPractical engineering design problems are inherently multiobjective, that is, require simultaneous control of several (and often conflicting) criteria. In many situations, genuine multiobjective optimization is required to acquire comprehensive information about the system of interest. The most popular solution techniques are populationbased metaheuristics, however, they are not practical for handling expensive electromagnetic...
New Trends in Sample Preparation Techniques for the Analysis of the Residues of Pharmaceuticals in Environmental Samples
PublikacjaPharmaceutical residues in the environment is a field of special interest due to the adverse effects to either human health or aquatic and soil environment. Pharmaceuticals have been already detected in underground, surface and wastewaters, soils, manure and sediments. The growing awareness of environmental pollution arising from human activity forces the need for their comprehensive determination. Environmental samples are complex...
Validation of odor concentration from mechanical-biological treatment piles using static chamber and wind tunnel with different wind speed values
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Occurrence and Exposure to Lead and Cadmium and Their Environmental Influence on Eyesight
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Correction to: Environmental risk, toxicity, and biodegradation of polyethylene: a review
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Environmental Implications of Oil Spills from Shipping Accidents
PublikacjaWzrost znaczenia ropy naftowej w XX wieku i w związku z tym, zwiększenie się światowej floty tankowców zwróciły uwagę na negatywne skutki transportu morskiego. Katastrofy z udziałem tankowców pokazały, jak dramatyczne w skutkach mogą być wycieki produktów ropopochodnych z uszkodzonych lub zatopionych jednostek. Skutki wycieku ropy na morzu zależą od wielu czynników, takich jak parametry fizyko-chemiczne paliwa, charakterystyka...
Optimizing Construction Engineering Management Using Metaheuristic Methods and Bayesian Networks
PublikacjaThe construction of buildings invariably involves time and costs, and disruptions impact ongoing construction projects. Crisis situations in management strategies, structural confusion, and finan-cial miscalculations often arise due to misguided decision-making. This article proposes a method that combines the learning of Bayesian Networks and heuristic techniques to optimize deci-sion-making processes in construction scheduling....
Aptamer based tools for environmental and therapeutic monitoring: A review of developments, applications, future perspectives
PublikacjaNucleic acids in the form of aptamers play a growing and significant role in the targeted and rapid analysis of environmental sample composition and medical analyses. In this paper, the review of both aptamers synthesis methods as well as application of these short chain oligonucleotides (with critical comments on their strong and weak features) are given. The first ones include: systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment...
Engineering soft nanostructured functional materials via orthogonal chemistry
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The Impact of Weather on Traffic Speed in Urban Area
PublikacjaThe issue of the impact of weather conditions on trip speed of vehicles has been studied for a long time and it is still the subject of many scientific researches. The impact of atmospheric conditions on the speed with which drivers drive their vehicles seems to be obvious. Good weather conditions, sunny weather with good visibility surely provokes higher speed while rainfall, wind...
Advances in the degradation and recycling of polyurethanes: biodegradation strategies, MALDI applications, and environmental implications
Publikacjaolyurethanes pose significant environmental challenges due to their limited recyclability and slow biodegra- dation. This review highlights recent advancements in polyurethanes degradation and recycling, with a partic- ular focus on the application of Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization techniques. This methods have made significant progress in analyzing environmental contamination by polyurethanes, offering a detailed...
Microporous Polyurethane Thin Layer as a Promising Scaffold for Tissue Engineering
PublikacjaThe literature describes that the most efficient cell penetration takes place at 200–500 µm depth of the scaffold. Many different scaffold fabrication techniques were described to reach these guidelines. One such technique is solvent casting particulate leaching (SC/PL). The main advantage of this technique is its simplicity and cost efficiency, while its main disadvantage is the scaffold thickness, which is usually not less than...
Urban and Road Engineering - Smolnicki
Kursy OnlineLectures about "Urban and Road Engineering", dedicated to sixth semester of the English-speaking group, will be conducted in a way that activates students. Lectures on Road Engineering cover a wide range of important issues related to the subject, starting from a discussion of the historical circumstances of the creation, development and domination of the contemporary conventional model, through identifying new approaches and...
Manufacturing Engineering
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L'industria e la Storia. La lezione di Giorgio Mori
PublikacjaThe wide contribution of Giorgio Mori for a better understanding of the long-term historical relationships between history and industry is the focus of this chapter. By analysing the long list of books and articles written all along his scientific and academic life it is possible to trace a sort of fil rouge that permits to appreciate the huge effort made by this scholar in offering a fresh and never banal interpretation of the...
A framework for Air Quality Management Zones - Useful GIS-based tool for urban planning: Case studies in Antwerp and Gdańsk
PublikacjaThere is a growing recognition of the importance of proper urban design in the improvement of air flow and pollution dispersion and in reducing human exposure to air pollution. However, a limited number of studies have been published so far focusing on the development of standard procedures which could be applied by urban planners to effectively evaluate urban conditions with respect to air quality. To fill this gap, a new approach...
PublikacjaThe increase of seakeeping performance is of particular importance for car and passenger ferries, service ships in the gas and oil extraction industry and offshore wind power farm industry, as well as for special purpose ships (including military applications). In the water areas of the Baltic Sea, North Sea, and Mediterranean Sea, which are characterised by a short and steep wave, the hull shape has a substantial impact on the...
Modelling long-term technological transition of Polish power system using MARKAL: Emission trade impact
PublikacjaThe need for technological transition of electricity production becomes a global problem. However, in coal-dominated Polish power system this need is even more crucial than anywhere, since technical lifetime of the most domestic power plants is ending. In this paper, the impact of the EU Emission Trading Scheme (EU ETS) for CO2 combined with sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) emission trading mechanism on power technology...
Decisional-DNA-Based Digital Twin Implementation Architecture for Virtual Engineering Objects
PublikacjaDigital twin (DT) is an enabling technology that integrates cyber and physical spaces. It is well-fitted for manufacturing setup since it can support digitalized assets and data analytics for product and process control. Conventional manufacturing setups are still widely used all around the world for the fabrication of large-scale production. This article proposes a general DT implementation architecture for engineering objects/artifacts...
Wind wave variability in Hornsund fjord, west Spitsbergen
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Vertical axis wind engines using Magnus effect.
PublikacjaZaprezentowano krótki zarys historii wykorzystania energii wiatru. Opisano efekt Magnusa oraz dotychczasowe próby wykorzystania go w budowie silników wiatrowych. Przedstawiono obliczenia, za pomocą, których oszacowano możliwe do osiągnięcia sprawności silników wiatrowych o osi pionowej wyposażonych w rotory Magnusa.
Assessment of the Reliability of Wind Farm Devices in the Operation Process
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Wind Turbine Operation in Electric Power System.Advanced Modelling
PublikacjaW monografii przedstawiono zagadnienia związane z pracą elektrowni wiatrowych w systemie elektroenergetycznym, a w tym przedstawiono wpływ elektrowni wiatrowych na system elektroenergetyczny (jakość energii elektrycznej). Omówiono zasady modelowania elektrowni wiatrowych różnych typów, tj. z generatorami asynchronicznymi i synchronicznymi, pracujących w systemie elektroenergetycznym. Przestawiono wybrane modele elektrowni wiatrowych...
Wind Conditions in Urban Layout – Numerical and Experimental Research
PublikacjaThis paper presents research which compares the numerical and the experimental results for different cases of airflow around a few urban layouts. The study is concerned mostly with the analysis of parameters, such as pressure and velocity fields, which are essential in the building industry. Numerical simulations have been performed by the commercial software Fluent, with the use of a few different turbulence models, including...
Fabrication of polyurethane and polyurethane based composite fibers by the electrospinning technique for soft tissue engineering of cardiovascular system
PublikacjaElectrospinning is the unique technique, which provides forming of polymeric scaffolds for soft tissue engineering, which include tissue scaffolds for soft tissues of cardiovascular system. Such artificial soft tissues of cardiovascular system may possess mechanical properties comparable to native vascular tissues. Electrospinning technique gives the opportu nity to form fibres with nm- to μm-scale in diameter. The arrangement...
Monte Carlo simulations of the fracture resistance degradation of asphalt concrete subjected to environmental factors
PublikacjaThe paper presents the results of laboratory tests of SCB (semi-circular beam) samples of asphalt concrete, subjected to the destructive effect of water and frost as well as the aging processes. The determined values of material parameters show significant dispersions, which makes the design of mixtures difficult. Statistical analysis of the test results supplemented by computer simulations made with the use of the proprietary...
Environmental Protection in Energetics, PG_00049751, W, PE-ET, sem.1, winter 2023/24
Kursy OnlineEnvironmental aspects of energy production and processing.
Environmental Protection in Energetics (PG_00049751), W, PE-ET, sem.1, winter 2023/24
Kursy OnlineEnvironmental aspects of energy production and processing.
Monitoring and Analytics of Environmental Pollutants
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Kursy Online -
Surface shape reverse engineering with nurbs
PublikacjaW artykule zaprezentowano algorytm, który interpoluje prostokątną tablice punktów w przestrzeni trójwymiarowej przy pomocy powierzchni NURBS. Algorytm oblicza parametry powierzchni NURBS tak, aby jak najwierniej oddać kształt opisany przez punkty. Do interpolacji punktów wybrano powierzchnię NURBS, jako najbardziej uniwersalny i najczęściej używany w programach CAD rodzaj powierzchni. Interpolowane punkty mogą pochodzić zarówno...
Faculty of studies managment and engineering of production
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono założenia programowe dla kierunku studiów pierwszego stopnia (inżynierskie) Zarządzanie i Inżynieria Produkcji opracowane w ramach standardów kształcenia. Zaprezentowano: ustalenia ogólne, kwalifikacje absolwenta, ramowe treści kształcenia oraz wymagania programowe.
Modal diagnostics of civil engineering structures.
PublikacjaKsiążka dotyczy zastosowania analizy modalnej do diagnostyki konstrukcji budowlanych.
Engineering a de Novo Transport Tunnel
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Wilga Photonics and Web Engineering 2011
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WILGA Photonics and Web Engineering 2010
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WILGA Photonics and Web Engineering 2010
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Engineering contribution for cartilage cultivation in bioreactor.
PublikacjaPraca omawia metody oraz korzyści wynikające z hodowli tkanek w bioreaktorach w zakresie inżynierii tkankowej. Przedstawiono również współczesne technologie, w tym nanotechnologie, towarzyszące hodowli chrząstek stawowych w bioreaktorach. Praca prezentuje także nowe trendy badawcze w zakresie procesu doskonalenia i optymalizacji hodowli tkanek dla potrzeb medycyny.
How to teach sustainable structural engineering.
PublikacjaNa podstawie analizy toretycznej i doświadczeń praktycznych - autora jako profesora politechniki, badacza i praktykującego inżyniera - uzyskanych w niniejszym pięćdziesięcioleciu, przedstawiono ogólny stan obecny zrównoważonej inżynierii i jej akcentowanie w Politechnice Gdańskiej.
Applications of the Future Internet Engineering Project
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Engineering theory and practice: wisdom of thinking
PublikacjaOmówiono wzajemny związek teorii i praktyki w rozwijaniu zawodowych umiejętności inżynierów. Teorię rozumie się tu jako zdolność do kreatywnego myślenia - źródła wszelkiej działalności człowieka. Dlatego należy kłaść nacisk na wysoki poziom kształcenia ogólnego w szkole średniej i na samej uczelni aby w wyniku otrzymać intelektualnie dojrzałych inżynierów-humanistów
Knowledge Views and their application in systems engineering
PublikacjaWykorzystanie technologii Semantic Web, w szczególności baz wiedzy, w przemyśle informatycznym jest niewielkie. Jest to spowodowane między innymi dużym ryzykiem związanym z wdrażaniem nowych technologii i brakiem wiedzy na ich temat ze strony inżynierów oprogramowania. Aby zmniejszyć ryzyko związane z wdrażaniem baz wiedzy i zminimalizować nakład pracy inżynierów na zapoznanie się z nimi, w niniejszej pracy zaproponowano koncepcję...
The influence of global climate change on the environmental fate of anthropogenic pollution released from the permafrost
PublikacjaThis article presents a review of information related to the influence of potential permafrost degradation on the environmental fate of chemical species which are relased and stored, classified as potential influence in future Antarctic environment. Considering all data regarding climate change prediction, this topic may prove important issue for the future state of the Antarctic environment. A detailed survey on soil and permafrost...
Inter Applied Chemistry Programme 7 Principles of Environmental MicrobiologyC.W. Knapp
Kursy OnlineInter Applied Chemistry Programme 7 Dr Charles W. Knapp BSc MSc PhD FHEA Principles of Environmental Microbiology
Design thinking qualifications framework – standardizing the innovative approach to entrepreneurial education delivery to engineering students
PublikacjaHighly competitive labor market stimulates increasing expectations towards fresh university alumni. It is not enough to be an expert - well educated and often experienced - in chosen discipline. High variability of the business environment, continuous change, number of risks, together with higher work demand than supply, shape clear employers’ expectations: entrepreneurial employees are wanted. On this ground a need for entrepreneurial...
Risk Diagnosis and Management with BBN for Civil Engineering Projects during Construction and Operation
PublikacjaThe authors demonstrate how expert knowledge about the construction and operation phases combined with monitoring data can be utilized for the diagnosis and management of risks typical to large civil engineering projects. The methodology chosen for estimating the probabilities of risk elements is known as Bayesian Belief Networks (BBN). Using a BBN model one can keep on updating the risk event probabilities as the new evidence...
Case Study on the Use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for the Maintenance of Ocean Engineering Facilities
PublikacjaThe article presents the concept of using innovative unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), including autonomous UAV-I for inspection activities, auxiliary and transport works in the processes of servicing large-scale ocean engineering structures in the offshore part of the sea. The proposed areas of application of UAV-I devices and key technologies determining the possibility of using these vehicles in difficult operating conditions...
Upward convergence patterns in chosen environmental-related SDGs
PublikacjaSustainable development is a challenge facing humanity. EU countries not only strive to reach their specific objectives, but they also work collaboratively towards shared goals. There is a need to balance synergies and compromises to address these objectives effectively. When discussing countries' development and people's well-being, one often focuses on socio-economic development. However, it is crucial not to overlook the environmental...
High-resolution wind wave parameters in the area of the Gulf of Gdańsk during 21 extreme storms (GIS dataset)
Dane BadawczeThis GIS dataset contains the results of wind-wave parameter modelling in the area of the Gulf of Gdańsk (Southern Baltic). For the simulations, a high resolution SWAN model was used. The dataset consists of the significant wave height, the direction of the wave approaching the shore and the wave period during 21 historical, extreme storms (rasters)....
Hybrid Algorithm to Protect Java’s Code from Reverse Engineering