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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: UNDERWATER ACOUSTIC CHANNEL
A multisensor detector of a sleep apnea for using at home
PublikacjaDiagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea usually involves polysomnographic analysis, which unfortunately requires overnight stay in a specialized clinic and is very uncomfortable for a patient. This paper describes the method and apparatus for recording a set of signals to detect sleep apnea. The device records the following signals simultaneously: three-channel ECG, respiratory functions, signals from the accelerometer, and snoring...
Study of data scheduling methods in the WiMAX Mobile metropolitan area networks
PublikacjaThe paper discusses basic assumptions of the WiMAX Mobile system. It also presents and analyses the results of simulation tests run for selected data scheduling methods and subcarrier allocation. Based on the test results, the authors have prepared a comparative analysis of two popular data scheduling methods, i.e. WRR and PF, and their own method CDFQ which uses information about the current channel situation for the queuing processes...
Experimental test of nonclassicality with arbitrarily low detection efficiency
PublikacjaWe theoretically introduce and experimentally demonstrate the realization of a nonclassicality test that allows for arbitrarily low detection efficiency without invoking an extra assumption of independence of the devices. Our test and its implementation is set in a prepare-and-measure scenario with an upper limit on the classical communication capacity of the channel through which the systems are communicated. The essence for our...
Contactless hearing aid designed for infants
PublikacjaIt is a well known fact that language development through home intervention for a hearing-impaired infant should start in the early months of a newborn baby's life. The aim of this paper is to present a concept of a contactless digital hearing aid designed especially for infants. In contrast to all typical wearable hearing aid solutions (ITC, ITE, BTE), the proposed device is mounted in the infant's bed with any parts of its set-up...
Local dynamics of fluids and dielectrics as the foundation of signal-carrying wave properties
PublikacjaThis paper develops an original approach to fundamental problems of classical linear acoustics and electromagnetics, proving a crucial role of doubly-dynamic local properties of a propagation medium in supporting wave-like fields able to carry information signals. The proof is composed of two steps concerning, subsequently, fluid acoustics and dielectric electromagnetics. The first step consists in complementing a common, practically...
Design and experimental investigations of a cylindrical microjet heat exchanger for waste heat recovery systems
PublikacjaCompact heat exchangers have more and more applications in many areas, including the HVAC, food and petrochemical industry. This paper describes the development of heat exchanger technology for waste heat recovery (WHR) from a range of processes. Case-study testing shows that the proposed heat exchanger can successfully enhance heat transfer and recover waste heat in a range of applications making them economically, environmentally and...
Number of active users of the mobile banking application (only a mobile phone) - 2017
Dane BadawczeCustomers using mobile devices can use their bank account via the bank's website or a separate application. Such a solution allows for easier logging in (usually no customer number is required, but only a password) and a number of additional functions (from a more extensive interface to a larger number of possible operations - making a transfer, opening...
Communication methods at selected private universities in Gdańsk, Sopot and Gdynia in 2010
Dane BadawczeA university, including a private one, is an organization serving the environment. Therefore, a necessary condition (especially in today's market situation) is the development of cooperation between universities and the environment. Creating mutual relations between universities with the environment, belongs to an important area of activity of this...
Guitar String Sound Retrieved from Moving Pixels
PublikacjaThe aim of this study was to develop a method of visual recording and analyzing the vibrations of guitar strings using high-speed cameras and dedicated video processing algorithms. The recording of a plucked string reveals the way in which the deformations propagate, composing the standing and travelling wave. The paper compares the results for a few selected models of classical and acoustic guitars, and it involves processing...
Numerical Model of Surface and Quasi-Spherical Sea Noise and Its Application to Analysis of DIFAR Systems
PublikacjaVarious types of passive sonar systems are used to detect submarines. These activities are complex and demanding. Therefore, computer simulations are most often used at the design stage of these systems. For this reason, it is also necessary to simulate the acoustic ambient noise of the sea. The article proposes a new numerical model of surface and quasi-spherical sea noise and presents its statistical parameters. The results of...
Hałaśliwość silników asynchronicznych – podstawy nowych hipotez
PublikacjaArtykuł zawiera nowe spojrzenie na hałas emitowany przez silniki asynchroniczne. Poprzez wykonane badania akustyczne z analizami widmowymi określono związki przyczynowo-skutkowe powstawania drgań i hałasu przy zasilaniu sieciowymch i przekształtnikowym. Na podstawie wyznaczonych charakterystyk kierunkowych ciśnienia akustycznego silników sformułowano hipotezę, że rola tarcz łożyskowych w emitowaniu hałasu przez silnik może być...
The influence of the carbon equivalent on the weldability of high-strength low-alloy steel in the water environment
PublikacjaFrom many years, the high strength low alloy steels are often used for offshore constructions. This constructions, due to the environment in which they work, require more frequent repairs than the constructions from the land. For economic reasons, repairs take place in the underwater conditions, however water significantly decreases the weldability of steel. The paper presents the results of the CTS weldability test for S460ML...
Seafloor relief reconstruction from side scan sonar data
PublikacjaSide scan sonar is one of the most widely used imaging systems in the underwater environment. It is relatively cheap and easy to deploy, in comparison with more powerful sensors. Although side scan sonar does not provide seafloor bathymetry directly, its records are directly related to seafloor images. In the paper, the method for 3D seafloor relief reconstruction from side scan sonar data is presented. The method is based on the...
Influence of nodes with positive eccentricity on load-carrying capasity of truss' top chords in trusses made of welded cold-formed members.
PublikacjaIn order to establish the influence of eccentric crossing of truss members on the load-carrying capacity of the folded chord of a hat-section truss, a research model was created and preliminary numerical analysis of the truss was performed with the use of Marc Mentat programme. Distorial instability of crossheads caused by deviation of loose (unmounted) channel section web’s bends was observed. Due to the slenderness of the section’s...
An Approach to Mean Path Loss Model Estimation for Off-Body Channels
PublikacjaThis paper presents an approach to estimation of the mean path loss model parameters in off-body Body Area Networks channels. In this approach, the path loss exponent is constrained to a value obtained for the line-of-sight (LoS) propagation in the co-polarised channel, considering a generalised static scenario. The comparison of the goodness of fit between the proposed approach and other approaches, for a set of measurements obtained...
Decoherence-free communication over multiaccess quantum channels
PublikacjaIn this paper we consider decoherence-free communication over multiple access and k-user quantum channels. First, we concentrate on a hermitian unitary noise model U for a two-access bi-unitary channel and show that in this case a decoherence-free code exists if the space of Schmidt matrices of an eigensubspace of U exhibits certain properties of decomposability. Then, we show that our technique is also applicable for generic random unitary...
Generalized adaptive notch smoothing revisited
PublikacjaThe problem of identification of quasi-periodically varying dynamic systems is considered. This problem can be solved using generalized adaptive notch filtering (GANF) algorithms. It is shown that the accuracy of parameter estimates can be significantly increased if the results obtained from GANF are further processed using a cascade of appropriately designed filters. The resulting generalized adaptive notch smoothing (GANS) algorithm...
Celowe zanieczyszczanie pilotów w łączu w górę w interfejsie 5G NR
PublikacjaReferat poświęcono zagadnieniu zakłócania sygnałów pilotowych w interfejsie radiowym 5G NR. Przedstawiono charakterystykę sygnału referencyjnego DMRS oraz uwarunkowania możliwości jego selektywnego zakłócenia. Opisano schemat transmisji w kanale fizycznym PUSCH, zaimplementowany w oprogramowaniu Sionna. Zaprezen-towano model symulacyjny oraz założenia badań wpływu zanieczyszczenia pilotów na jakość transmisji. Przedsta-wiono wyniki...
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono wyniki numerycznych symulacji okołodźwiękowego przepływu pary przez ostatnie stopnie części niskoprężnej turbiny o mocy 50 MW. Celem przeprowadzonych symulacji była detekcja oraz lokalizacja fali uderzeniowej, występującej dla przyjętej geometrii układu łopatkowego. Przeanalizowano również wpływ zmiany wartości ciśnienia na wlocie do rozpatrywanych stopni turbiny na maksymalną wartość...
Aplikacja demonstrująca działanie kodów fontannowych
PublikacjaIstotną cechą kodów fontannowych jest możliwość odtwarzania nadawanych danych niezależnie od jakości kanału. Wynika to z tego, że kody te nie mają z góry założonej zawartości informacyjnej, a kolejne symbole nadmiarowe są generowane, dopóki jest taka potrzeba. Jest to szczególnie przydatne w transmisjach broadcastowych, bo każdy z odbiorców może zdekodować dane tak wcześnie, na ile pozwala jakość łącza. Aby przybliżyć funkcjonowanie...
Isothermal calorimetry data for cement pastes containing pristine and silica-coated bismuth oxide (Bi2O3) and gadolinium oxide (Gd2O3) structures
Dane BadawczeExcel file containing raw calorimetric data determined up to 168 h (Tam Air 3 8-channel isothermal calorimeter) of cement pastes containing variable amount of Bi2O3, Gd2O3, Bi2O3-SiO2 and Gd2O3-SiO2 structures. Sample designation in the Excel file is in line with sample designation in the manuscript associated with dataset.
The XPS spectra of Ce0.8Cu0.2O2 prepared using microemulsion method
Dane BadawczeThe dataset includes XPS spectra of Ce0.8Cu0.2O2-s sintered under air atmosphere. Samples were produced using aqueous soft chemistry methods (microemulsion). The XPS spectra were collected for all species.
The XPS spectra of Ce0.8Ni0.2O2 prepared using microemulsion method
Dane BadawczeThe dataset includes XPS spectra of Ce0.8Ni0.2O2-s sintered under air atmosphere. Samples were produced using aqueous soft chemistry methods (microemulsion). The XPS spectra were collected for all species.
Toward Safe and Efficient Recovery of Gas Munitions Dumped at Sea
PublikacjaThe proposal of a system for the safe recovery of unexploded ordnance (UXO), chemical weapons (CW) and chemicalwarfare agents (CWA) dumped at sea mainly after WWI and WWII is described in this work. The proposed solutionaddresses the tasks required to neutralise thousands of tons of dumped material and the currently available solutionsand proposed ideas. Requirements concerning the features of a recovery system are defined and...
Evolution of artificial single-cell organisms foraging for resources in a 3-dimensional environment
PublikacjaForaging for resources is a simple cognitive task that even one-celled biological organisms can ac- complish. We present an Artificial Life system in which artificial unicellular organisms (animats) forage for food in a 3-dimensional simulated liquid environment. The movement of animats is controlled by evolving artificial gene regulatory networks encoded in linear genomes. When an animat consumes enough food, it produces offspring...
Coastal zone monitoring using Sentinel-1 SAR polarymetry data
PublikacjaIn recent years the role of the surveillance and security of Polish boundaries has significantly increased. Polish coastal zone monitoring requires various approaches using various technological means in order to ensure the protection of Polish boundaries. In this paper, the authors discuss and present alternatives to underwater surveillance methods of coastal area analysis and monitoring using data retrieved from the newly developed...
Acceleration waves in the nonlinear micromorphic continuum
PublikacjaWithin the framework of the nonlinear elastic theory of micromorphic continua we derive the conditions for propagation of acceleration waves. An acceleration wave, also called a wave of weak discontinuity of order two, can be treated as a propagating nonmaterial surface across which the second derivatives of the placement vector and micro-distortion tensor may undergo jump discontinuities. Here we obtain the acoustic tensor for...
PublikacjaThe literature describes acoustic levitation phenomena with the utilization of air squeeze film between the vibrating inducer and the lifted object. The objective of the study is to determine the shape of the inducer with vibration characteristics that would allow the levitation of an object of the assumed geometry. In this paper, the influence of the dimension ratio of the inducer on the frequency of the first mode of vibration...
Curves of thermodynamic states in some fluids with dispersion
Publikacjavariations in the thermodynamic state of a dispersive medium, caused by sound, are studied. A bubbly liquid and a Maxwell fluid are considered as examples. Curves in the plane of thermodynamic states are plotted. They are in fact pictorial images of linear relations of excess pressure and excess density in the acoustic wave which reflect irreversible attenuation of the sound energy. The curves account for the nonlinear generation...
Multi-source-supplied parallel hybrid propulsion of the inland passenger ship STA.H. Research work on energy efficiency of a hybrid propulsion system operating in the electric motor drive mode
PublikacjaIn the Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship Technology, Gdansk University of Technology, design has recently been developed of a small inland ship with hybrid propulsion and supply system. The ship will be propelled by a specially designed so called parallel hybrid propulsion system. The work was aimed at carrying out the energy efficiency analysis of a hybrid propulsion system operating in the electric motor drive mode and at...
Instantaneous impedance monitoring of AA 7075 aluminum alloy corrosion in borate buffer with admixed chloride ions
PublikacjaThe study presents a research capabilities of Dynamic Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (DEIS) as a tool used for instantaneous on-line monitoring of corrosion processes on the example of AA 7075 aluminum alloy. A borate buffer with admixed chloride ions in a quantity ranging from 0.05 to 25 mM was used to represent different types of corrosion attack. The surface of samples specimens was evaluated before and after the tests...
Deep Learning-Based LOS and NLOS Identification in Wireless Body Area Networks
PublikacjaIn this article, the usage of deep learning (DL) in ultra-wideband (UWB) Wireless Body Area Networks (WBANs) is presented. The developed approach, using channel impulse response, allows higher efficiency in identifying the direct visibility conditions between nodes in off-body communication with comparison to the methods described in the literature. The effectiveness of the proposed deep feedforward neural network was checked on...
LSTM-based method for LOS/NLOS identification in an indoor environment
PublikacjaDue to the multipath propagation, harsh indoor environment significantly impacts transmitted signals which may adversely affect the quality of the radiocommunication services, with focus on the real-time ones. This negative effect may be significantly reduced (e.g. resources management and allocation) or compensated (e.g. correction of position estimation in radiolocalisation) by the LOS/NLOS identification algorithm. This paper...
Experimental investigations on pressure drop during the condensation in flow of HFE7000 in vertical minichannel
PublikacjaIn the work presented in the paper authors focused attention on the issues of flow resistance and pressure drop during condensation in the flow. The case of the descending flow through a cylindrical single-channel of 2.3 mm inner diameter was carefully analyzed. In the course of investigations a new working fluid HFE 7000 has been scrutinised which has a strongly differing properties in comparison to the other fluids that are commonly...
Balance errors in numerical solutions of shallow water equations
PublikacjaThe analysis of the conservative properties of the shallow water equations is presented in the paper. The work focuses on the consistency of numerical solution of these equations with the conservation laws of mass and momentum. The investigations involve two different conservative forms which are solved by an implicit box scheme. The theoretical analysis supported by numerical experiments is carried out for rectangular channel...
Quantum key distribution based on private states: Unconditional security over untrusted channels with zero quantum capacity
PublikacjaIn this paper, we prove unconditional security for a quantum key distribution (QKD) protocol based on distilling pbits (twisted ebits) from an arbitrary untrusted state that is claimed to contain distillable key. Our main result is that we can verify security using only public communication-via parameter estimation of the given untrusted state. The technique applies even to bound-entangled states, thus extending QKD to the regime...
The XPS spectra of LSCNT sintered at 1200C
Dane BadawczeThe dataset includes XPS spectra of La0.27Sr0.54Ce0.09Ni0.1Ti0.9O3-s sintered at various temperatures under air atmosphere for 12 h. Samples were produced using aqueous soft chemistry methods (Pechini). The XPS spectra were collected for all species.
The XPS spectra of ZrO2/5%Cu prepared using wet impregnation method
Dane BadawczeThe dataset includes XPS spectra of ZrO2/5%Cu catalyst sintered under air atmosphere. Samples were produced using aqueous soft chemistry methods and incipient wettness impregnation using nitrate solution. The XPS spectra were collected for all species.
The XPS spectra of AlOOH/1%Cu prepared using wet impregnation method
Dane BadawczeThe dataset includes XPS spectra of AlOOH/1%Cu catalyst sintered under air atmosphere. Samples were produced using aqueous soft chemistry methods and incipient wettness impregnation using nitrate solution. The XPS spectra were collected for all species.
The XPS spectra of SrTiO3/5%Cu prepared using wet impregnation method
Dane BadawczeThe dataset includes XPS spectra of SrTiO3/5%Cu catalyst sintered under air atmosphere. Samples were produced using aqueous soft chemistry methods and incipient wettness impregnation using nitrate solution. The XPS spectra were collected for all species.
The XPS spectra of CeO2/5%Cu prepared using wet impregnation method
Dane BadawczeThe dataset includes XPS spectra of CeO2/5%Cu catalyst sintered under air atmosphere. Samples were produced using aqueous soft chemistry methods and incipient wettness impregnation using nitrate solution. The XPS spectra were collected for all species.
The XPS spectra of AlOOH/5%Cu prepared using wet impregnation method
Dane BadawczeThe dataset includes XPS spectra of AlOOH/5%Cu catalyst sintered under air atmosphere. Samples were produced using aqueous soft chemistry methods and incipient wettness impregnation using nitrate solution. The XPS spectra were collected for all species.
The XPS spectra of Al2O3/5%Cu prepared using wet impregnation method
Dane BadawczeThe dataset includes XPS spectra of Al2O3/5%Cu catalyst sintered under air atmosphere. Samples were produced using aqueous soft chemistry methods and incipient wettness impregnation using nitrate solution. The XPS spectra were collected for all species.
PublikacjaW referacie zaprezentowano audiowizualny korpus mowy zawierający 31 godzin nagrań mowy w języku angielskim. Korpus dedykowany jest do celów automatycznego audiowizualnego rozpoznawania mowy. Korpus zawiera nagrania wideo pochodzące z szybkoklatkowej kamery stereowizyjnej oraz dźwięk zarejestrowany przez matrycę mikrofonową i mikrofon komputera przenośnego. Dzięki uwzględnieniu nagrań zarejestrowanych w warunkach szumowych korpus...
Verification of the method of reconstructing convective velocity fields on the basis of temperature fields in vertical, differential and equally heated, open and closed channels
PublikacjaThis paper describes a method of reconstructing velocity fields, i.e. a numerical reconstruction procedure (NRP) that involves the numerical processing of experimentally measured temperature distributions in free convection heat transfer. The NRP consists in solving only the continuity and Navier–Stokes equations with an additional source term. This term is proportional to a known temperature (e.g. from a thermal imaging camera)...
Towards Resource Theory of Coherence in Distributed Scenarios
PublikacjaThe search for a simple description of fundamental physical processes is an important part of quantum theory. One example for such an abstraction can be found in the distance lab paradigm: if two separated parties are connected via a classical channel, it is notoriously difficult to characterize all possible operations these parties can perform. This class of operations is widely known as local operations and classical communication....
Akustyczna analiza parametrów ruchu drogowego z wykorzystaniem informacji o hałasie oraz uczenia maszynowego
PublikacjaCelem rozprawy było opracowanie akustycznej metody analizy parametrów ruchu drogowego. Zasada działania akustycznej analizy ruchu drogowego zapewnia pasywną metodę monitorowania natężenia ruchu. W pracy przedstawiono wybrane metody uczenia maszynowego w kontekście analizy dźwięku (ang.Machine Hearing). Przedstawiono metodologię klasyfikacji zdarzeń w ruchu drogowym z wykorzystaniem uczenia maszynowego. Przybliżono podstawowe...
ECG-based prediction of ventricular fibrillation by means of the PCA
PublikacjaA Sudden Cardiac Death (SCD) is a death resulting from cardiac failure with no significant symptoms earlier than one hour before occurrence. It is the cause of for approximately 400000 deaths per year in United States and millions of deaths worldwide. The proposed system, including two-stage algorithm and wearable diagnostic device allows for SCD risk estimation and continuous monitoring of high risk patients. A single channel...
New trends in development of micro heat exchangers for ORC's
PublikacjaIn the paper, new trends in development of micro heat exchangers for CHP are presented. Main attention is concentrated on the question, how channels size and thermal development lenght affect the heat transfer. New types of micro heat exchangers developed at the Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery PAS and the methoda of their design are presented. The new experimental testing methods of the micro-channel heat exchangers, new algorithms...
New data acquisition system for birch sap concentrate production using the reverse osmosis technology
PublikacjaThe work presents a simple electronic device that helps to monitor the basic parameters of the reverse osmosis (RO) system during the concentration of birch tree sap. The construction costs are low (around 150 Euro) but the functionality of the device is high. It has an in-build two channel conductometer and can measure the volumetric flow rate of two streams of liquids. The collected data are transmitted wirelessly via Bluetooth...