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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT
International management 2024_2025
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Critical Management Studies
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Sustainability Management 2025
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Usability and relational factors in user-perceived quality of online services
PublikacjaThe purpose of this paper is to identify the key determinants of con-sumer-perceived usability of online service websites and their impact on e-loyalty potential, expressed by customer’s willingness to return and to recommend the website to others. In this experimental usability study fifteen video-recorded users performed specific tasks in financial, travel and health online service websites. After completing the tasks users filled...
High temperature oxidation behavior of SUS430 SOFC interconnects with Mn-Co spinel coating in air
PublikacjaIn this study, SUS430 alloy is evaluated for its high temperature corrosion properties as a possible material for interconnects of solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs). Samples are coated with Mn-Co by commercial physical vapor deposition (PVD) process and oxidized in air for 1250 h at 800 °C. A dense cubic Mn-Co-Fe spinel layer is formed on the surface, showing great effect on corrosion reduction compared with the samples without coating....
Characteristics of Anthropogenic Pollution in the Atmospheric Air of South-Western Svalbard (Hornsund, Spring 2019)
PublikacjaThe character of atmospheric pollution and its impact on surface waters may vary substantially in space, and hence, we add a potentially important location for the studies of atmospheric air pollution to the map of the High Arctic. We have investigated the anthropogenic particle characteristics and selected persistent organic pollutant concentrations, in a priorly unmonitored location in the Arctic (Svalbard), exposed to a climatic...
Circulation-Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes
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Water Quality Exposure and Health
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Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering
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International Journal for Quality Research
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Journal of Healthcare Quality Research
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Sustainability of Water Quality and Ecology
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Journal of Quality and Reliability Engineering
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Quality in Ageing and Older Adults
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International Journal of Information Quality
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Water Quality Research Journal
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Marketing office management with leadership competences application in a manufacturing and service company
PublikacjaThe article presents a description of comprehensive leadership competencies in a company, with the emphasis on managing the marketing department. The publication commences with the indication of the leadership in the light of this literature, explaining what leadership competencies are, how they are identified and what competencies we distinguish. It also explains the purpose of applying leadership...
PublikacjaIn this paper the architecture of the software designed for management of position and identification data of floating and flying objects in Maritime areas controlled by Polish Border Guard is presented. The software was designed for managing information stored in a distributed system with two variants of the software, one for a mobile device installed on a vessel, an airplane or a car and second for a central server. The details...
Experimental and numerical study of thermal and electrical potential of BIPV/T collector in the form of air-cooled photovoltaic roof tile
PublikacjaAmong renewable energy sources, Building-Integrated Photovoltaic/Thermal (BIPV/T) systems are gaining increasing interest. To improve their economic competitiveness, technologies that increase their efficiency are searched for. The paper is devoted to evaluating the impact of various air-cooling configurations on the thermal and electrical performance of a photovoltaic roof tile. A numerical model of the own experimental system...
Impact of Visual Image Quality on Lymphocyte Detection Using YOLOv5 and RetinaNet Algorithms
PublikacjaLymphocytes, a type of leukocytes, play a vital role in the immune system. The precise quantification, spatial arrangement and phenotypic characterization of lymphocytes within haematological or histopathological images can serve as a diagnostic indicator of a particular lesion. Artificial neural networks, employed for the detection of lymphocytes, not only can provide support to the work of histopathologists but also enable better...
Is Digitalization Improving Governance Quality? Correlating Analog and Digital Benchmarks
PublikacjaThe digitalization of public governance and the resulting concept of electronic governance is a characteristic feature of contemporary information society. Both can be defined as the process and outcome of digital transformation: transformation of the “analog” version of governance into “digital” governance. Measuring both versions of governance against typical performance measures of efficiency, effectiveness, equity, openness...
WETI - AiR - Równania Różniczkowe 2018/19 (B.Wikieł)
Kursy OnlineKurs tematyczny z zakresu równań różniczkowych pierwszego rzędu. Materiały zawarte w kursie zapoznają studentów z najważniejszymi definicjami, twierdzeniami oraz metodami rozwiązywania równań różniczkowych różnego typu. Studenci mają możliwość samodzielnego rozwiązywania przykładów i zadań na kursie. Wykład w formie e-kursu odpowiada 2 h wykładu tradycyjnego prowadzonego w ramach przedmiotu Analiza matematyczna II dla studentów...
Metody numeryczne w AiR - 23/24 - laboratorium
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Metody numeryczne w AiR - 24/25 - laboratorium
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Metody numeryczne w AiR 24/25 - Wykład
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Angelica Pegani mgr
OsobyPosiada kilkuletnie doświadczenie zawodowe w sektorze prywatnym, pozarządowym oraz w Spółkach Skarbu Państwa. W latach 2020-2024 związana ze spółkami z Grupy PKN ORLEN. Była autorką i współautorką kilku monografii, rozdziału w monografii oraz artykułów opublikowanych w recenzowanych materiałach naukowych podczas studiów doktoranckich. Uczestniczyła w kilkudziesięciu konferencjach ogólnopolskich i międzynarodowych. W toku kształcenia...
The changes of groundwater quality of the ''Czarny Dwór'' intake as a result of the aquifer vulnerability
PublikacjaThe "Czarny Dwór" groundwater intake is one of the main sources of water for Gdańsk. It is situated on the Marine Terrace and exploits mainly Quaternary aquifer, but also Tertiary and Cretaceous. The water is generally of good quality although some undesirable changes were observed in the Quaternary aquifer during almost 40 years of exploitation. The changes are caused by developing urbanization, former high pumping rates and...
Human capital quality indicators for measuring regional knowledge economy advances
PublikacjaBuilding Knowledge Economies (KE) is a long-term process. However, civilizational and technological changes together with EU's Lisbon Strategy help in creating solutions that may speed up economical growth of countries and their regions. This seems to be a very important issue, as during last two centuries history shown, that wisdom and human invention and innovation are the most important factor driving economical growth. In this...
Innovative system for energy collection and management integrated within a photovoltaic module
PublikacjaThe dynamic development of battery technology and design based on the flow of lithium ions, mainly driven by the needs of the automotive industry, leads to the conclusion that these batteries are becoming a more viable alternative to traditional lead-acid batteries. Their use is driven by the ability to quickly charge and discharge, a higher durability, maintenance-free operation, much smaller dimensions and lighter weight. The...
Is Easy Access Related to Better Life? Walkability and Overlapping of Personal and Communal Identity as Predictors of Quality of Life
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Lean Management Zima 2022 NST
Kursy OnlineKurs Lean Management dla studentów studiów niestacjonarnych to 8h materiał teoretyczny on-line z mini zadaniami, którego istotnym rozwinięciem jest 16h ćwiczeń realizowanych w trybie stacjonarnym, czyli podczas naszych wspólnych zajęć. Celem materiału teoretycznego jest przybliżenie Wam tzw. WHY?, czyli przyczyn, dla których wiedza, którą będziemy Wam przekazywać i umiejętności, które zdobywać będziecie podczas ćwiczeń stanowią...
Enhancing Business Process Management Through Nature Assessment: Development and Deployment of the Business Process Nature Assessment Tool
PublikacjaIn contemporary business landscapes, the diverse nature of processes necessitates a thor-ough assessment before implementing Business Process Management (BPM). However, conducting such assessments can be arduous, particularly for small and medium-sized en-terprises. This study aims to address this challenge by developing and showcasing the utility of an online tool based on the Business Process Nature Assessment Framework (BPNAF)....
IoT Based Intelligent Pest Management System for Precision Agriculture
PublikacjaDespite seemingly inexorable imminent risks of food insecurity that hang over the world, especially in developing countries like Pakistan where traditional agricultural methods are being followed, there still are opportunities created by technology that can help us steer clear of food crisis threats in upcoming years. At present, the agricultural sector worldwide is rapidly pacing towards technology-driven Precision Agriculture...
A Quality Model for UML tools
PublikacjaJakość narzędzi UML wpływa na efektywność wykonywania zadań związanych z modelowaniem systemów w procesie wytwarzania oprogramowania. Celem badań prezentowanych w tym referacie jest wyodrębnienie kryteriów jakości narzędzi UML. Omówiono rolę narzędzi UML w projekcie informatycznym, a następnie zaprezentowano szereg kryteriów jakości narzędzi UML wraz z aspektami oceny oraz opisem ankiety, która służy do oceny narzędzi względem...
Quality assessment of experimental knowledge
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono model wieloagentowy oceny jakosci wiedzy zdobytej na podstawie doswiadczenia. Poddano analizie wyniki eksperymentow modelowych oraz sformulowano dalszy plan badan w tym zakresie.
Active Power Quality Controllers
PublikacjaDynamic Static Synchronous Compensator is the most important controller for distribution networks and probably in SEEN. It has been widely used since the 1990s to regulate system voltage precisely, improve voltage profile, reduce voltage harmonics, reduce transient voltage disturbances and load compensation. Rather than using conventional capacitors and inductors combined with fast switches, the D-STATCOM uses a power-electronics...
Feedback control of water quality
PublikacjaSformułowano problem sterowania jakością wody w sieciach wodociągowych i następnie zaproponowano podejście do projektowania sterowania stężeniem chloru w takich sieciach, bazujący na estymacji parametrów oraz sterowaniu adaptacyjnym. Podejście wykorzystuje założenie, że w sieci wodociągowej istnieją punkty wstrzykiwania chloru. Zależność typu wejście-wyjście pomiędzy stężeniem chloru w węźle dozowania i monitorowania jest modelowana...
The role of lipids in food quality
PublikacjaZawartość lipidów zależy od gatunku i stanu dojrzałości surowców żywnościo-wych. Zależnie od zawartości i składu lipidy wpływają korzystnie na wartośćbiologiczną żywności lub wywierają efekt niepożądany. Lipidy i produkty ichprzemian oraz reakcji z innymi składnikami uczestniczą w tworzeniu barwy,tekstury, zapachu i smaku żywności.
Quality Testing of Welded Joints of Wind Towers with Advanced Ultrasonic Techniques – a Case Study
PublikacjaThe application of advanced quality control tests for welds is essential for enhancing competitiveness in thewelded construction industry. The global focus on obtaining energy from alternative sources is leading to the increased production of wind towers. Improving the method of conducting inspections is necessary as wind tower structuresare subject to 100% quality control of welded joints. The article presents the comparison of...
Prediction of Wastewater Quality at a Wastewater Treatment Plant Inlet Using a System Based on Machine Learning Methods
PublikacjaOne of the important factors determining the biochemical processes in bioreactors is the quality of the wastewater inflow to the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). Information on the quality of wastewater, sufficiently in advance, makes it possible to properly select bioreactor settings to obtain optimal process conditions. This paper presents the use of classification models to predict the variability of wastewater quality at...
The quality of sewage sludge stabilized for a long time in reed basins
PublikacjaThe aim of the work was to determine changes of long-term sewage sludge quality stabilized in reed basins from 7-15 years. The following parameters were evaluated: dry matter and organic matter concentration, nitrogen, phosphorus, and selected heavy metal (Cd, Ni, Pb, Cr, Cu, Zn) fractions. The material for the investigations was collected from 4 reed basin systems (utilisated sewage sludge) located in conventional WWTPs in Denmark...
Kursy Online„INFORMATION SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT” for students IM 2022-2023
The effect of an active force while slide diamond burnishing of wooden shafts upon process quality
PublikacjaThe quality of the surface of wooden elements that have been turned and burnished has got a crucial meaning in the whole production process flow, since the obtained effects affect the quality of the wooden surface after finishing (coating, painting). In the paper, selected results of the investigation of the effect of the burnishing process on the surface quality of the elements after turning are presented. Research experiments...
Calculation of the Effects of Implementing a DSM Electricity Demand Management Strategy Using the Example of Analysis of Changes in the Power System Load
PublikacjaThe paper presents the impact of implementing Demand Side Management (DSM) solutions through proper management and control of the process of charging and discharging electric car batteries. As a result, the daily load curves were shaped so as to fill valleys and cut down peaks. Therefore, the implementation of power demand management solutions had a significant impact on the power system operation. The impact of DSM solutions manifested...
Galerkin Finite Element Process for Entropy Production and Thermal Evaluation of Third-Grade Fluid Flow: A Thermal Case Study
Publikacja: A fluid’s moving class improves its heat transmission capability, as well as its rigidity, owing to multivariate molecule suspension. In this way, nanofluids are superior to common fluids. In this study, we evaluated the features of ease and heat transfer. Furthermore, we investigated permeable media, heat source, variable heat conductivity, and warm irradiation results. A mathematical technique known as the Galerkin finite element...
Risk Diagnosis and Management with BBN for Civil Engineering Projects during Construction and Operation
PublikacjaThe authors demonstrate how expert knowledge about the construction and operation phases combined with monitoring data can be utilized for the diagnosis and management of risks typical to large civil engineering projects. The methodology chosen for estimating the probabilities of risk elements is known as Bayesian Belief Networks (BBN). Using a BBN model one can keep on updating the risk event probabilities as the new evidence...