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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: ATR/FTIR SPECTROSCOPY
Pilot-Scale Studies of WO3/S-Doped g-C3N4 Heterojunction toward Photocatalytic NOx Removal
PublikacjaDue to the rising concentration of toxic nitrogen oxides (NOx) in the air, effective methods of NOx removal have been extensively studied recently. In the present study, the first developed WO3/S-doped g-C3N4 nanocomposite was synthesized using a facile method to remove NOx in air efficiently. The photocatalytic tests performed in a newly designed continuous-flow photoreactor with an LED array and online monitored NO2 and NO system...
Preparation and Characterization of Defective TiO2. The Effect of the Reaction Environment on Titanium Vacancies Formation
PublikacjaAmong various methods of improving visible light activity of titanium(IV) oxide, the formation of defects and vacancies (both oxygen and titanium) in the crystal structure of TiO2 is an easy and relatively cheap alternative to improve the photocatalytic activity. In the presented work, visible light active defective TiO2 was obtained by the hydrothermal reaction in the presence of three different oxidizing agents: HIO3, H2O2, and...
Novel complexes possessing Hg–(Cl, Br, I)⋯O=C halogen bonding and unusual Hg₂S₂(Br/I)₄ kernel. The usefulness of τ₄′ structural parameter
PublikacjaOne mononuclear and two binuclear Hg(II) complexes have been synthesized and characterized by X-ray diffraction, ATR IR and Hirshfeld surface analysis. Single-crystal X-ray diffraction showed that binuclear compounds are centrosymmetric and isostructural. All complexes form bifurcated intermolecular N–H···O hydrogen bonds that contribute to a formation of the centrosymmetric dimers. In binuclear complexes, sulfur atoms of thiourea...
Distribution of Relaxation Times analysis results of impedance measured at 700 °C on porous SrTi0.30Fe0.70O3-d oxygen electrodes sintered at different temperatures
Dane BadawczeThis dataset contains results of Distribution of Relaxation Times analysis (DRT) of impedance of symmetrical cells with porous SrTi0.30Fe0.70O3-d oxygen electrodes sintered at different temperatures (800 °C, 900 °C and 1000 °C). Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy were measured at 700 °C (syntetic air). The DRTTools Matlab GUI, available from prof....
Distribution of Relaxation Times analysis results of impedance measured at 700 °C on porous SrTi0.65Fe0.35O3-d oxygen electrodes sintered at different temperatures
Dane BadawczeThis dataset contains results of Distribution of Relaxation Times analysis (DRT) of impedance of symmetrical cells with porous SrTi0.65Fe0.35O3-d oxygen electrodes sintered at different temperatures (800 °C, 900 °C and 1000 °C). Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy were measured at 700 °C (syntetic air). The DRTTools Matlab GUI, available from prof....
Distribution of Relaxation Times analysis results of impedance measured at 700 °C on porous SrTi0.50Fe0.50O3-d oxygen electrodes sintered at different temperatures
Dane BadawczeThis dataset contains results of Distribution of Relaxation Times analysis (DRT) of impedance of symmetrical cells with porous SrTi0.50Fe0.50O3-d oxygen electrodes sintered at different temperatures (800 °C, 900 °C and 1000 °C). Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy were measured at 700 °C (syntetic air). The DRTTools Matlab GUI, available from prof....
Badanie stabilności chemicznej prepolimerów etero-uretanowych
PublikacjaPrepolimery eterouretanowe otrzymywano na podstawie oligoeterolu (Rokopolu D2002 lub PTMG 1000) i użytego w nadmiarze 4,4-diizocyjanianodifenylometanu. Określono wpływ szybkości obrotów trzpienia wiskozymetru, temperatury, procentowej zawartości grup NCOoraz rodzaju użytego oligoeterolu na lepkość otrzymanych produktów. Oceniono stabilność omawianych prepolimerów w toku przechowywania ich w ciągu 4 tygodni (zmiana zawartości...
Thermal analysis of copper(II) complexes of general formula [Et4N]2[CuBrnCl4-n]
PublikacjaBadano dekompozycję termiczną związków składających sie z anionów: [CuBrnCl4-n]2- (n=0-4) i kationów tetrametyloamoniowych. Stosowano następujące metody badawcze: TG-FTIR, TG-MS, DTA i DTG. Pomiary przeprowadzono w atmosferze argonu i powietrza w zakresie temperatur od 293 K do 1073 K. Produkty dekompozycji identyfikowano metoda spektroskopii w podczerwieni (IR i FIR) oraz metodą dyfrakcji promieniowania rentgenowskiego.
Zbadanie struktury i wybranych własności elementów wykonanych z ABS i ABS/PC oraz ustalenie przyczyn występowania wad powierzchniowych na tych elementach
PublikacjaPrzebadano próbki wykonane z ABS oraz PC/ABS. Zakres przeprowadzonych badań i analiz obejmował: (1) Spektroskopię w podczerwieni z transformacją Fouriera (FTIR), (2) Różnicową Kalorymetrię Skaningową (DSC), (3) Analizę Termograwimetryczną (TGA), (4) Masowy i Objętościowy Wskaźnik Szybkości Płynięcia (MFR i MVR), (5) Twardość metodą Shore’a D oraz (6) wizytę w zakładzie produkcyjnym i analizę procesów montażowych.
Thermal properties. DSC analysis of poly(xylitol sebacate-co-butylene sebacate) PXBS.
Dane BadawczeIn this work, a bio-based copolyester with good mechanical properties was synthesized andcharacterized in terms of structure, main properties and biodegradability Determining the chemicalstructure of such materials is important to understand their behavior and properties. Performingan extraction of insoluble cross-linked polymer using di erent solvents...
Micro-Raman spectroscopy in the studies of multiphase separated polyurethanes. [online] W: [Proc.] UTECH Europe 2003 . The International Polyurethane Industry Conference and Exhibition. 25/26/27 March 2003, The Hague, Netherlands. London: Crain Communications Ltd. Dostępny w World Wide Web: + wydruk.**2003 [s. 123-130 bibliogr. 41 poz.]Mikro-Ramanowska spektroskopia w badaniach poliuretanów wykazujących separację wielofazową.
PublikacjaPrzedmiotem badań były trzy próbki poliuretanowe o zawartości 30% segmentówsztywnych otrzymanych z politlenku propylenu, diizocyjanianu difenylometanui butanodiolu. Próbki te wykazują morfologię wielofazową, w której można wy-różnić globule i sferolity rozproszone w matrycy polimerowej.Za pomocą spek-troskopii mikro-Ramana przeprowadzono mikroanalizę chemiczną wszystkich ele-mentów morfologicznych. Stwierdzono odmienny skład...
Processing, physico-mechanical and thermal properties of reclaimed GTR and NBR/reclaimed GTR blends as function of various additives
PublikacjaIn this work, ground tire rubber (GTR) was mechano-chemically reclaimed in the presence of bitumen and various additives. During studies three types of processing and curing additives: (i) peptizer P300; (ii) vulcanization accelerator tetramethylthiuram disulfide (TMTD) and (iii) organic peroxide di(2-tert-butyl-peroxyisopropyl)benzene (BIB1) were applied to enhance reclaiming of GTR. Reclaiming process was evaluated by oscillating...
Optoelectronic system for monitoring of thin diamond layers growth
PublikacjaDevelopment of the optoelectronic system for monitoring of diamond/DLC (Diamond-Like-Carbon) thin films growth during mu PA ECR CVD (Microwave Plasma Assisted Electron Cyclotron Resonance Chemical Vapour Deposition) process is described. The multi-point Optical Emission Spectroscopy (OES) and Raman spectroscopy were employed as non-invasive optoelectronic tools. Dissociation of H-2 molecules, excitation and ionization of hydrogen...
Incorporation of nitrogen in diamond films – A new way of tuning parameters for optical passive elements
PublikacjaThis paper investigates the impact of nitrogen incorporation in diamond films for the construction of an interferometric sensor to measure displacement. Diamond films with different nitrogen levels (0–5%) were deposited on silicon substrates by microwave plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition. The structural characteristics of these samples are characterized using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM), confocal...
Degradation of protective coatings in steel chimneys of flue gas desulfurisation system
PublikacjaThis paper presents problems associated with corrosion of steel stacks and changes in philosophy of corrosion protection when implemented into flue gas desulphurization systems. In-situ tests were taken by means of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy at the stack which discharges flue gas before wet lime/limestone desulphurization. A very quick electrolyte absorption by the spherical infill vinylester coating was found using...
Validation of dynamic electrochemical impedance spectrograms using autocorrelation function
PublikacjaValidation of impedance data is essential for checking the reliability of experimental data. Kramers – Kronig transformation is used to verify data obtained from classical Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) measurements. Data obtained from Dynamic Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (DEIS) could be validated in the same way, but in this case, there is no information about internal consistency between every single spectrum...
Hydrogen migration in formation of NH(A3Π) radicals in photodissociations of isoxazole and pyridine molecules
PublikacjaIn the present study, the H atom migration was observed in the photodissociation processes of the isoxazole and pyridine molecules in the gas-phase, applying the photon-induced fluorescence spectroscopy (PIFS).
Partial characterization of proteins from mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis as a biomarker of contamination
PublikacjaPrzedmiotem zainteresowania były:- funkcjonalne i przeciwutleniające właściwości białek małża Mytilus galloprovincialis,- poziom zawartości metali ciężkich (ołów i kadm) w tkankach.Badania przeprowadzono dla małży zebranych zarówno w zanieczyszczonych, jak i w czystych obszarach strefy brzegowej Morza Czarnego w regionie Warny (Bułgaria). W badaniach wykorzystano takie techniki analityczne jak: spektroskopia FTIR, fluorescencja,...
Analysis of spectral data by complementary methods. Inspection of the molecular complex in N,N-dimethylformamide - methanol mixtures
PublikacjaDane widmowe FTIR mieszanin N,N-dimetyloformamidu z metanolem poddano anlizie faktorowej oraz analizie metodą ważonych widm różnicowych. Przydatność obu metod analizy w odniesieniu do układów z wiązaniem wodorowym poddano krytycznej dyskusji. Stwierdzono obecność kompleksu molekularnego typu 1:1 w całym zakresie składów mieszanin. Forma tego kompleksu zależy jednak od składu roztworu. Postulowano występowanie słabych wiązań wodorowych...
Thermal analysis of bis(tetraethylammonium) tetrachloroferrate(II)
PublikacjaBadano dekompozycję termiczną związków bis(tetraethylammonium) tetrachloroferrate(II). Stosowano następujące metody badawcze: TG-FTIR, TG-MS i DTA. Pomiary przeprowadzono w atmosferze obojętnej w zakresie temperatur od 293 K do 1073 K. Stałe produkty dekompozycji identyfikowano metodą spektroskopii w podczerwieni, spektroskopii Mössbauera oraz metodą dyfrakcji promieniowania rentgenowskiego. Przedyskutowano wpływ stopnia utlenienia...
Optical and photocatalytic properties of rare earth metal-modified ZnO quantum dots
PublikacjaA series of novel ZnO quantum dots modified with rare earth metals was successfully prepared by a simple sol-gel approach. The effects of types (Eu, Er, Tb, Yb, Ho, La) and amounts (from 0.09 to 0.45 mmol) of lanthanides on the optical properties, structural characterization and photocatalytic activity of ZnO/RE QDs were systematically investigated. The X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), Fourier transform...
Structural investigations of niobium-doped bioactive calcium-phosphate glass-ceramics by means of spectroscopic studies
PublikacjaSynthetic calcium-phosphate based glasses and glass-ceramics play a crucial role in the development of tissue engineering. These materials have a high biocompatibility with biological analogues, excellent ability to undergo varying degrees of resorbability and due to their non-toxicity and relatively high bioactivity they are commonly used as bone and dental implants. A substantial research effort is devoted to improve synthetic...
Scheelite-Type Wide-Bandgap ABO4 Compounds (A = Ca, Sr, and Ba; B = Mo and W) as Potential Photocatalysts for Water Treatment
PublikacjaIn the present study, alkaline-earth metal scheelite-type compounds ABO4 (A = Ca, Sr, Ba, B = Mo, W) synthesized by a hydrothermal method were systematically studied. The as-obtained photocatalysts were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Brunauer-Emmett-Teller surface area analysis (BET), UV–Vis diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DR/UV-Vis), photoluminescence, and thermoluminescence (TL)...
Incorporation of nitrogen in diamond films - A new way of tuning parameters for optical passive elements
PublikacjaThis paper investigates the impact of nitrogen incorporation in diamond films for the construction of an interferometric sensor to measure displacement. Diamond films with different nitrogen levels (0–5%) were deposited on silicon substrates by microwave plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition. The structural characteristics of these samples are characterized using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), atomic force microscopy...
Photosensitive and pH-dependent activity of pyrazine-functionalized carbazole derivative as promising antifungal and imaging agent
PublikacjaCarbazole skeleton plays a significant role as a structural scaffold of many pharmacologically active compounds. Pyrazine-functionalized carbazole derivative was constructed by coupling 2-amino-5-bromo-3-methylaminepyrazine (ABMAP) into 3 and 6 positions of the carbazole ring. Multi-experimental methods were used, e.g., potentiometric, spectroscopic (ATR, UV, XRD powder,1H and13C NMR), electrochemical (cyclic voltammetry), and...
Single-phase product obtained via crude glycerine depolymerisation of polyurethane elastomer: structure characterisation and rheological behaviour
PublikacjaPolyurethane recycling is a topic of growing interest due to the increasing amount of polyurethanewaste. The main purpose of polyurethane feedstock recycling is to recover the starting polyol, a valuable material. In thiswork, amethod of polyurethane thermo-chemical recycling, glycerolysisbymeansof crude glycerine, is proposed. Themaineffort is focusedonthe employment of crude glycerine without purification from biodiesel production...
Oddziaływania międzycząsteczkowe w wybranych układach trójskładnikowych: woda - osmolit - model łańcucha białkowego
PublikacjaW niniejszej rozprawie przedstawione zostały wyniki moich prac nad oddziaływaniami międzycząsteczkowych w wodnych układach osmolitów i białek. Wykorzystałam równolegle dwa kierunki badań: spektroskopię w podczerwieni (FTIR) oraz badania wolumetryczne i akustyczne. Mając możliwość śledzenia formowania się włókien amyloidowych, postanowiłam zbadać również wpływ wytypowanych osmolitów na proces formowania się włókien białkowych. Najważniejszym...
Solar light driven degradation of textile dye contaminants for wastewater treatment – studies of novel polycationic selenide photocatalyst and process optimization by response surface methodology desirability factor
PublikacjaThe unplanned anthropogenic activities and raced industrial revolution detrimentally causes serious threat to terrestrial and aquatic life. A high discharge of wastewater from industries using dyes affects living organisms and the environment. This paper presents studies on polycationic selenides (PCS) synthesized by hydrothermal methods for photocatalytic degradation of dyes. The synthesized PCS were confirmed by various characterization...
XPS study of the lithium titanate doped by copper
Dane BadawczeLithium titanate doped by copper was measured by X-ray photoemission spectroscopy. For sol-gel synthesis lithium acetate dehydrate from Alfa Aesar GmbH &Co and titanium (IV) butoxide 97% from Aldrich were used as reagents. Copper (II) nitrate from Alfa Aesar was used as a source of Cu dopant. It was added in the proper weight to get an x index equal...
SPTNO ceramics measured by XPS method
Dane BadawczeSPTNO (Sr-Pr-Ti-Ni-O) ceramic were manufactured by solid state reaction, from oxides compounds. Synthesis conducted in air atmosphere at temperature in a range of 800-900 deg. Chemical composition of prepared materials were measured by XPS (X-Ray photoemision spectroscopy) method. UHV OmicronNanotechnology system with 128 channel Argus hemispherical...
Characterization of the c-BN/TiC, Ti3SiC2 systems by element selectivespectroscopy.
PublikacjaPomimo dużego technologicznego zainteresowania tytanowymi kompozytami bazującymi na c-BN daje się zauważyć wyraźny brak danych dotyczących lokalnego otoczenia atomów Ti w tego typu materiałach. Główna przyczyna tego stanu rzeczy tkwi w trudności związanej z analizą układu wielofazowego o dużej twardości za pomocą konwencjonalnych metod. Praca poświęcona jest analizie składu i struktury tytanowych kompozytów za pomocą atomowo-selektywnych...
The inhibition effect of mad Honey on corrosion of 2007-type aluminium alloy in 3.5% NaCl solution
PublikacjaThe inhibition effect of mad honey on corrosion of 2007-type aluminium alloy in 3.5% NaCl solution was investigated by Tafel extrapolarisation (TP), electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and dynamic electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (DEIS). All the studied parameters exhibited good anti-corrosive properties against corrosion of 2007-type aluminium alloy in the test solution; the corrosion rates decreased with the increase...
Red Algae – An Alternative Source of Carbon Material for Energy Storage Application
PublikacjaNew electrode material obtained by pyrolysis of aquatic biomass macro (red algae) soaked with glucose solution has been characterized by SEM, EDX and Raman spectroscopy. Graphitized carbon was identified by Raman spectroscopy. Galvanostatic cyclic polarization of the materials in contact with 1M LiPF6 electrolyte in EC:DMC (1:1 v/v) and Li as a counter electrode was performed. Specific capacity of the novel material was enhanced...
Electrochemical performance of boron-doped electrodes on silicon substrates in Fe(CN)₆³-/⁴- and ruthenium hexamine (RuHex)
Dane BadawczeIn this study, we explored the electrochemical behavior of boron-doped electrodes fabricated on silica substrates, using two distinct redox probes: 5 mM ferrocyanide (Fe(CN)₆³⁻/⁴⁻) and ruthenium hexamine (RuHex) in a 0.5 M Na₂SO₄ electrolyte. The electrochemical characterization was performed using cyclic voltammetry (CV) to assess the redox reactions...
Assessment of the application of selected metal-organic frameworks as advanced sorbents in passive extraction used in the monitoring of contaminants of emerging concern in surface waters
PublikacjaWater pollution has become a critical global concern requiring effective monitoring techniques and robust protection strategies. Contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) are increasingly detected in various water sources, with their harmful effects on humans and ecosystems continually evolving. Based on literature reports highlighting the promising sorption properties of metal-organic frameworks (MOFs), the aim of this study was...
Signature of Oxide-Ion Conduction in Alkaline-Earth-Metal-Doped Y3GaO6
PublikacjaWe have studied alkaline-earth-metal-doped Y3GaO6 as a new family of oxide-ion conductor. Solid solutions of Y3GaO6 and 2% −Ca2+-, −Sr2+-, and −Ba2+-doped Y3GaO6, i.e., Y(3−0.06)M0.06GaO6−δ (M = Ca2+, Sr2+, and Ba2+), were prepared via a conventional solid-state reaction route. X-ray Rietveld refined diffractograms of all the compositions showed the formation of an orthorhombic structure having the Cmc21 space group. Scanning electron...
Strukturuvannaa epoksi-oligoesternih sumiščej v prisutnosti peroksidnoï pohidnoï epoksidnoï smoli ED-20
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań sieciowania mieszanin epoksyoligoestrów opartych na żywicy epoksydowej ED-20 (w tym modyfikowanej) oraz na oligoestroakrylanie TGM-3, przy czym jako utwardzacz zastosowano polietylenopoliaminę (PEPA).Usieciowane tworzywa analizowano pod kątem wpływu składu mieszaniny, ilości poszczególnych składników, jak również czasu i temperatury prowadzenia procesu na zawartość frakcji żelowej oraz twardość...
Synteza, budowa i właściwości poliestrouretanów sieciowanych metakrylanem metylu
PublikacjaNową grupę poliestrouretanów (PEU) sieciowanych metakrylanem metylu otrzymano z nienasyconych prepolimerów uretanowych zsyntetyzowanych z oligo(alkilenoestro)dioli (OEA) zawierającą wiązania podwójne. Budowę otrzymanych PEU ustalono na podstawie analizy widm FTIR. Wyniki badań statycznych i dynamicznych właściwości mechanicznych oraz właściwości termicznych wykazały, że uzyskane PEU są interesującą grupą polimerów, których właściwości...
Vitamin B9 as a new eco-friendly corrosion inhibitor for copper in 3.5% NaCl solution
PublikacjaFolic acid salt (sodium folate) was studied as an eco-friendly and non-toxic copper corrosion inhibitor in 3.5% NaCl solution. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, polarization resistance and weight-loss measurements show that the inhibitor efficiency increases with concentration (the highest value- approx. 96% was reported for the solution containing 16 mM sodium folate after 24 h). EIS data and Tafel plots indicate that sodium...
New ceramic materials derived from pyrolyzed poly(1,2-dimethylsilazane) and starch as a potential anode for Li-ion batteries
PublikacjaNewmaterialswere obtained by pyrolysis of starch (S) and poly(1,2-dimethylsilazane) (PSN) (weight ratio: PSN/S 30/70) at temperature a) 500 °C, b) 700 °C and c) 900 °C. Ceramic materials were characterized by infrared spectroscopy, TGA, Raman spectroscopy and SEM. New Si\O and shifted Si\C stretching vibration modes emerged confirming direct interaction between silicon originating fromsilazane and oxygen coming fromstarch. The...
Synergistic effect of multi walled carbon nanotubes and reduced graphene oxides in natural rubber for sensing application
PublikacjaUtilizing the electrical properties of polymer nanocomposites is an important strategy to develop high performance solvent sensors. Here we report the synergistic effect of multi walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) and reduced graphene oxide (RGO) in regulating the sensitivity of the naturally occurring elastomer, natural rubber (NR). Composites were fabricated by dispersing CNTs alone and together with exfoliated RGO sheets (thermally...
Cation sensing by diphenyl-azobenzocrowns
PublikacjaMetal cations complexation and proton binding by 13- and 16-membered diphenyl-azobenzocrowns and diphenyl-hydroxyazobenzocrowns were studied in acetonitrile using spectroscopic methods: UV–vis spectroscopy, spectrofluorimetry, and 1H NMR spectroscopy. Phenyl moieties in benzene rings were found to affect binding strength alkali and alkaline earth metal cations and hydrogen ion, and affect tautomeric equilibrium of hydroxyazobenzocrowns....
Raman studies of 3D printed CB-PLA samples after microwave treatment
Dane BadawczeThis dataset contains Raman spectroscopy analyses of microwave-activated carbon-black doped polylactic acid 3D printed electrodes.
The 3d Ce XPS spectra of Ce0.9M0.1O2
Dane BadawczeThe dataset consists of 3d Ce XPS of Ce0.9M0.1O2 where (M=Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu). X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy analysis (XPS) was performed using X-ray photoelectron spectrometer Omnicron NanoTechnology with 128-channel collector. XPS measurements were undertaken in ultra-high vacuum conditions, below 1.1x10-8 mbar. Photoelectrons were excited by an...
SEM image and EDS map of SrTi0.50Fe0.50O3-d powder aglomerate
Dane BadawczeThis dataset contains image of the SrTi0.50Fe0.50O3-d powder aglomerate with EDS map analysis results. Images were obtained using a PhenomXL (Thermo Fisher Scientific, the Netherlands) scanning electron microscope (SEM) with an accelerating voltage of 10 kV in a high vacuum mode. The chemical compositions of the investigated powder were determined...
SEM image and EDS map of SrTi0.65Fe0.35O3-d powder aglomerate
Dane BadawczeThis dataset contains image of the SrTi0.65Fe0.35O3-d powder aglomerate with EDS map analysis results. Images were obtained using a PhenomXL (Thermo Fisher Scientific, the Netherlands) scanning electron microscope (SEM) with an accelerating voltage of 10 kV in a high vacuum mode. The chemical compositions of the investigated powder were determined...
SEM image and EDS map of SrTi0.30Fe0.70O3-d powder aglomerate
Dane BadawczeThis dataset contains image of the SrTi0.30Fe0.70O3-d powder aglomerate with EDS map analysis results. Images were obtained using a PhenomXL (Thermo Fisher Scientific, the Netherlands) scanning electron microscope (SEM) with an accelerating voltage of 10 kV in a high vacuum mode. The chemical compositions of the investigated powder were determined...
Visible light activity of pulsed layer deposited BiVO4/MnO2 films decorated with gold nanoparticles: The evidence for hydroxyl radicals formation
PublikacjaThin films containing BiVO4 and MnO2 deposited on FTO and modified by Au nanoparticles were studied towards their photoelectrochemical and photocatalytical activities in an aqueous electrolyte. Electrodes were prepared by the pulsed laser deposition (PLD) method. The surfactant-free ablation process was used for preparation of the gold nanoparticles (GNP) water suspension. Obtained layers of varied thicknesses (27–115 nm) were...
Optimization of boron-doping process of titania nanotubes via electrochemical method toward enhanced photoactivity
PublikacjaIn this work, we were focused on the development of the electrochemical approach resulting in a stable boron doping of titania nanotubes. The doping procedure concerns anodic polarization of as-anodized titania in a H3BO3 solution acting as n boron precursor. The series of attempts were taken in order to elaborate the most beneficial doping conditions. The parameters of electrochemical doping allowing to obtain boron-doped titania...
Improved Performance of 1-Ethyl-3-Methylimidazolium Tetrafluoroborate at Steel/HCl Interface by Iodide Ions
PublikacjaThe corrosion and corrosion inhibition of St37 steel in 0.1 M HCl solution by 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate (EMITFB) and the effect of addition of KI on the inhibitive performance of EMITFB have been examined by electrochemical [electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, potentiodynamic polarization, and dynamic electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (DEIS)] and surface examination [scanning electron microscope (SEM)...