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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: Nuclear Quantum Effects
Effects of whole-body vibration warm-up on subsequent jumping and running performance
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Effects of Contamination with Gasoline and Diesel Oil on Shear Strength of Coarse Grained Soil
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Unraveling the Protective Effects of Cognitive Reserve on Cognition and Brain: A Cross-Sectional Study
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Common-Mode Voltage and Bearing Currents in PWM Inverters: Causes, Effects and Prevention
PublikacjaIn modern induction motor drives an increase of transistors' switching frequency and a decrease of switching times are the sources of some serious problems. The high dv/dt and the common mode voltage generated by the inverter PWM control results in the appearances of bearing currents, shaft voltages, motor terminal overvoltages, the decrease of motor efficiency, and electromagnetic interference. The aspects of common mode (CM)...
Nowe Technologies i wzrosty gospodarczy w Ameryce Łacińskiej. Spatial effects
PublikacjaCelem artykułu jest identyfikacja statystycznych zależności między poziomem wdrożenia ICT a poziomem PKB per capita w Ameryce Łacińskiej. Analiza obejmuje lata 2000-2013, a do przeprowadzenia badań empirycznych wykorzystano metody ekonometrii przestrzennej.
The effects of short-term passive smoke exposure on endothelium-dependent and independent vasodilation
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Central Vagotonic Effects of Atropine Modulate Spectral Oscillations of Sympathetic Nerve Activity
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Effects of beach wrack on the fate of mercury at the land-sea interface – A preliminary study
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Residual Effects of Different Cropping Systems on Physicochemical Properties and the Activity of Phosphatases of Soil
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The Effects of Two Kinds of Dietary Interventions on Serum Metabolic Profiles in Haemodialysis Patients
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2D numerical simulation of tear film dynamics: Effects of shear-thinning properties
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Detrimental effects of chemotherapeutics and other drugs on the endothelium: A call for endothelial toxicity profiling
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The Effects of Cross-Link Density and Chemical Exchange on Magnetization Transfer in Polyacrylamide Gels
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The effects of calcium–silicate–hydrate (C–S–H) seeds on reference microorganisms
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Assessing Phytotoxic Effects of Herbicides and Their Impact on Potato Cultivars in Agricultural and Environmental Contexts
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Income situation of rural households in Poland between 2007 and 2014 and its effects
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Assessing Phytotoxic Effects of Herbicides and Their Impact on Potato Cultivars in Agricultural and Environmental Contexts
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Raman Spectra Measurements for Chemical Identifications - Aspect of Uncertainty Sources and Reduction of Their Effects
PublikacjaRaman spectrometers enable fast and non-contact identification of examined chemicals. These devices measure Raman spectra and compare with the spectra database to identify unknown and often illicit chemicals (e.g. drugs, explosives) usually without any sample preparation. Raman spectra measurements are a challenge due to noise and interferences present outside the laboratories (field applications). The design of a portable Raman...
Water-lubricated stern tube bearing - experimental and theoretical investigations of thermal effects
PublikacjaThe paper presents research results of thermal phenomena accompanying operation of a water-lubricated stern tube bearing with axial grooves. Experimental tests revealed, that intensity of forced axial flow has strong influence on bush temperature. Numerical simulations focused on investigation of the thermal phenomena under operation of water-lubricated journal bearing showed, that restricted axial flow promotes backflow of the...
Investigations of the circulation effects in the structure using ferrite coupled slot-line section
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono badania cyrkulatora zrealizowanego w oparciu o magnesowaną wzdłużnie sekcję ferrytowych szczelinowych linii sprzężonych. Zaproponowane rozwiązanie pozwala na minimalizację rozmiarów układu cyrkulatora oraz na uzyskanie parametrów porównywalnych z dotychczas publikowanymi. W treści artykułu opisano kolejne etapy projektu. Wyniki numeryczne zweryfikowano eksperymentalnie. Pomierzony układ charakteryzował...
Effects of climate change on microbial community structure and function in Antarctic Glacier Lagoon
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Organic and conventional kiwifruit myths versus reality: antioxidant, antiproliferative and health effects
PublikacjaComparison between organic and conventional kiwifruit cultivars ''Hayward'' and ''Bidan'', which was done by four redical scavenging assays, ESI-MS, and DSC measurements, showed significant differences between cultivars. Such results were not estimated in kiwifruit growing under organic and conventional conditions. The extraction of bioactive compounds was done by two different methods: sequential extraction with ethyl acetate...
Organic and conventional kiwifruit, myths versus reality: antioxidant, antiproliferative and helth effects
PublikacjaComparison between organic and conventional kiwifruit cultivars 'Hayward' and 'Bidan', which was done by four radical scavenging assays, ESI-MS, and DSC measurements, showed significant differences between the cultivars. Such results were not estimated in kiwifruit growing under organic and conventional conditions. The extraction of bioactive compounds was done by two different methods: sequential extraction with ethyl acetate...
Upscaling unsaturated flow in binary porous media with air entry pressure effects
PublikacjaArtykuł dotyczy przepływu w gruntach nienasyconych, zawierających soczewki (inkluzje) materiału gruboziarnistego. Materiał inkluzji charakteryzuje się niższą wartością ciśnienia wejścia powietrza niż materiał tła. Podczas infiltracji część powietrza zostaje zamknięta w inkluzjach, po całkowitym wypełnieniu wodą materiału tła. Z drugiej strony, drenaż inkluzji rozpoczyna się dopiero wtedy, gdy przekroczone zostanie ciśnienie wejścia...
Effects of artificial lighting on bioactivity of sweet red pepper (Capsicum annuum L.)
PublikacjaRecent studies have shown that artificial light effectively promotes the growth and development of red peppers when light spectra, intensities and duration are controlled. Cited reports deal mostly with studies involving with the growth stages of pepper. Changes in the biochemical status of plants were not studied. Therefore, this study focuses on the changes in the content of some bioactive compounds (polyphenols, flavonoids,...
Experimental economics in business education: Using simple games to achieve multifaceted effects
PublikacjaEconomics differs from other sciences not only because of its normative part, but also because of very limited use of experiments. In this way, economics is often perceived as being methodologically more similar to astronomy or meteorology rather than physics or chemistry. Over last decades, however, experimental economics has been significantly developed. This chapter presents some of the possibilities for academic teachers to...
Possible effects of the 1984 St. Clair River ice jam on bed changes
PublikacjaThis study examines the possible effect of the record ice jam of 1984 in the St. Clair River on river bed changes and conveyance. Numerical simulations were made to examine the flow and bed shear stresses during the jam formation and release periods. Simulation results indicate that the ice jam in the river did not cause a significant increase in bed shear stress compared to pre- and post-jam open water conditions. The insignificant...
Effects of consecutive apneas on pial artery pulsation and subarachnoid width in healthy subjects
PublikacjaHypercapnia is known to dilate the pial artery, disrupt cerebral autoregulation and increase pial artery pulsation. The cerebral blood flow velocity (CBFV) response to hypercapnia is biphasic. Below the threshold for the increase of blood pressure (BP) with carbon dioxide partial pressure (pCO2), the CBFV measurement reflects vascular reactivity to pCO2 alone at a constant BP. Above this threshold, the CBFV measurement provides...
Binder-induced surface structure evolution effects on Li-ion battery performance
PublikacjaA comparative investigation on binder induced chemical and morphological evolution of Li4Ti5O12 electrodes was performed via X-ray photoemission spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and electrochemical measurements. Composite electrodes were obtained using three different binders (PAA, PVdF, and CMC) with 80:10:10 ratio of active material:carbon:binder. The electrochemical performances of the electrodes, were found to be...
Synergistic effects of nitrogen-doped carbon and praseodymium oxide in electrochemical water splitting
PublikacjaHybrid materials featuring perovskite-type metal oxide in conjunction with heteroatom-doped graphene hold immense promise as alternatives to costly noble metal catalysts for electrochemical water splitting, facilitating the generation of environmentally friendly hydrogen. In this study, perovskite-type oxide containing praseodymium, barium, strontium, cobalt, and iron atoms dispersed in a carbon matrix as a catalyst is synthesized...
Effects of preheating on laser beam–welded NSSC 2120 lean duplex steel
PublikacjaDuplex stainless steels show sustainable alternative for the conventional austenitic grades, with higher strength, higher resistance against stress corrosion cracking, and lower purchase cost. Thus, duplex stainless steel gains more attention in construction, oil and gas, and chemical industries. Among duplex stainless steels, low nickel and low molybdenum alloyed lean duplex stainless steel are a cost-efective substitution of...
Gender as a Moderator of the Double Bias of Mistakes – Knowledge Culture and Knowledge Sharing Effects
PublikacjaThere is no learning without mistakes. The essence of the double bias of mistakes is the contradiction between an often-declared positive attitude towards learning from mistakes, and negative experiences when mistakes occur. Financial and personal consequences, shame, and blame force desperate employees to hide their mistakes. These adverse outcomes are doubled in organizations by the common belief that managers never make mistakes,...
The effects of gas exposure on the graphene/AlGaN/GaN heterostructure under UV irradiation
PublikacjaThis work demonstrates a graphene/AlGaN/GaN sensing device with two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) toward nitrogen dioxide (NO2), tetrahydrofuran, and acetone detection under UV light irradiation. We propose combining measurements of the DC characteristics with a fluctuation-enhanced sensing method to provide insight into the gas detection mechanisms in the synergistic structure of highly stable GaN and gas-sensitive graphene....
Effects of Column Base Flexibility on Seismic Response of Steel Moment-Frame Buildings
PublikacjaSteel Moment Resisting Frames (SMRFs) are very popular lateral load resisting systems in many seismically active regions. However, their seismic response is strongly dependent on the rotational fixity of column base connections. Despite many studies (both experimental and numerical) in this particular area, available approaches for estimating column base flexibility have been validated only against laboratory test data. In the...
The effects of relational and psychological capital on work engagement: the mediation of learning goal orientation
PublikacjaPurpose – This paper proposes a research model in which learning goal orientation (LGO) mediates the impacts of relational capital and psychological capital (PsyCap) on work engagement. Design/methodology/approach – Data obtained from 475 managers and employees in the manufacturing and service industries in Poland were utilized to assess the linkages given above. Common method variance was controlled by the unmeasured latent method...
Synergistic Effects of Propolis Combined with 2-Phenoxyethanol and Antipyretics on the Growth of Staphylococcus aureus
PublikacjaThe present investigation aimed to assess the combinational effect of commonly usedantipyretics and antiseptics with ethanolic extracts of propolis (EEPs) on the growth inhibition ofStaphylococcus aureus. The broth microdilution checkerboard assay revealed synergistic interactionsbetween all investigated antipyretics, namely acetylsalicylic acid, ibuprofen, and acetaminophen,with EEPs samples. The values of the fractional inhibitory...
Temperature Effects on Weigh-in-Motion Accuracy Using Steering Axle Load Spectrum
PublikacjaWeigh-in-motion systems (WIM) serve as valuable sources of traffic load data. The determination of axle load spectra using WIM data is pivotal for calculating load equivalency factors and predicting pavement distresses through M-EPDG. Among various factors affecting WIM accuracy, temperature changes stand out as particularly influential. This paper examines the influence of temperature on WIM-collected data, utilizing the steering...
Effects of loading pattern and lubricant pressure influence on bearing alloy fatigue characteristics
PublikacjaOpisano wyniki testów zmęczeniowych przeprowadzonych dla stopu łożyskowego AlSn (11,3 Cu 1,2) osadzonego na taśmie stalowej. Doświadczalnie określono wartości obciążeń niszczących dla różnych warunków obciążenia: dla obciążeń zginających wahadłowych, dla obciążeń zginających wahadłowych przy równoczesnym działaniu słabego lub zmiennego ciśnienia w komorze olejowej.
Modelling of size effects in concrete using elasto-plascity with non-local softening
PublikacjaArtykuł przedstawia numeryczne symulacje MES efektów skali w materiałach kruchych takich jak beton , wykonane w warunkach płaskiego stanu odkształceń. Materiał był modelowany w ramach sprężysto-plastyczności z izotropowym wzmocnieniem i osłabieniem. W obszarze ściskania przyjęto liniowe kryterium Druckera-Pragera z niestowarzyszonym prawem płynięcia a w obszarze rozciągania liniowe kryterium Rankina ze stowarzyszonym prawem płynięcia....
Workshop on Quantum Information Processing
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Comparison of Bone Injection Gun and Jamshidi intraosseous access devices by paramedics with and without chemical-biological-radiological-nuclear personal protective equipment: a randomized, crossover, manikin trial
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Edyta Gołąb-Andrzejak dr hab.
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Relativity of arithmetic as a fundamental symmetry of physics
PublikacjaArithmetic operations can be defined in various ways, even if one assumes commutativity and associativity of addition and multiplication, and distributivity of multiplication with respect to addition. In consequence, whenever one encounters ‘plus’ or ‘times’ one has certain freedom of interpreting this operation. This leads to some freedom in definitions of derivatives, integrals and, thus, practically all equations occurring in...
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Journal of Nuclear Energy Science and Power Generation Technology
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Seismic damage diagnosis in adjacent steel and RC MRFs considering pounding effects through improved wavelet-based damage-sensitive feature
PublikacjaThis paper aims to propose complex Morlet (cmorfb-fc) wavelet-based refined damage-sensitive feature (rDSF) as a new and more precise damage indicator to diagnose seismic damages in adjacent steel and Reinforced Concrete (RC) Moment Resisting Frames (MRFs) assuming pounding conditions using acceleration responses. The considered structures include 6- and 9-story steel and 4- and 8-story RC benchmark MRFs that are assumed to have...
Synthesis, photophysical characterisation, quantum-chemical study and in vitro antiproliferative activity of cyclometalated Ir(iii) complexes based on 3,5-dimethyl-1-phenyl-1H-pyrazole and N,N-donor ligands
PublikacjaIn this paper, we present the synthesis of four new complexes: the dimeric precursor [Ir(dmppz)2(μ-Cl)]2 (1) (Hdmppz – 3,5-dimethyl-1-phenyl-1H-pyrazole) and heteroleptic bis-cyclometalated complexes: [Ir (dmppz)2 (Py2CO)]PF6 · 1 2 CH2 Cl2 (2), [Ir(dmppz)2 (H2biim)]PF6·H 2 O (3), and [Ir(dmppz)2 (PyBIm)]PF 6 (4), with auxiliary N,N-donor ligands: 2-di(pyridyl)ketone (Py2CO), 2,2’-biimidazole (H 2biim) and 2-(2’-pyridyl)ben- zimidazole...
Comparative study of donor-induced quantum dots in Si nano-channels by single-electron transport characterization and Kelvin probe force microscopy
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New insights into modeling two-step nitrification in activated sludge systems – The effects of initial biomass concentrations, comammox and heterotrophic activities
PublikacjaIn this study, the conventional two-step nitrification model was extended with complete ammonia oxidation (comammox) and heterotrophic denitrification on soluble microbial products. The data for model calibration/validation were collected at four long-term washout experiments when the solid retention time (SRT) and hydraulic retention time (HRT) were progressively reduced from 4 d to 1 d, with mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS)...