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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: DEAD TIME COMPENSATION
Automatic Identification System (AIS) Dynamic Data Integrity Monitoring and Trajectory Tracking Based on the Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) Process Model
PublikacjaTo enhance the safety of marine navigation, one needs to consider the involvement of the automatic identification system (AIS), an existing system designed for ship-to-ship and shipto- shore communication. Previous research on the quality of AIS parameters revealed problems that the system experiences with sensor data exchange. In coastal areas, littoral AIS does not meet the expectations of operational continuity and system availability,...
Energy Systems (Dezhou University) [2022/23]
Kursy OnlineFull-time studies, Dezhou University
Energy Systems (Dezhou University) [2023/24]
Kursy OnlineFull-time studies, Dezhou University
Kompensacja skoków ciśnienia w pompie tłoczkowej o zmiennej wydajności z rozrządem krzywkowym
PublikacjaPrzedmiotem rozprawy doktorskiej jest opis matematyczny, badania i symulacja mechanizmu kompensacji skoków ciśnienia w pompie tłoczkowej z rozrządem krzywkowym typu PWK. W rozprawie przedstawiono istniejące rozwiązania konstrukcyjne pomp tłokowych, kładąc szczególny nacisk na przedstawienie stosowanych w nich mechanizmów rozrządu i kompensacji skoków ciśnienia. Ponadto szczegółowo opisano budowę i zasadę działania pompy PWK będącej...
A New Rehabilitation Device for Balance Impaired Individuals
PublikacjaIn the paper authors present a device designed to improve the rehabilitation process of people with balance impairment. The discussed device (JStep) utilizes a commercially available static standing frame (stander) modified in order to fit force sensing units under the feet and in the pillows around the hips of a patient. While executing rehabilitation tasks, the patient may compensate his balance deficiency by leaning on the pillows...
Marine traffic risk modelling – an innovative approach and a case study
PublikacjaThis paper presents a model to analyse the risk of two common marine accidents: collision and grounding. Attention is focused on oil tankers since they pose the highest environmental risks. A case study in selected areas of the Gulf of Finland in ice-free conditions is presented. The model utilizes a formula for risk calculation that considers both the probability of an unwanted event and its consequences. The model can be decomposed...
Lanthanide ions (Eu3+, Er3+, Pr3+) as luminescence and charge carrier centers in Sr2TiO4
PublikacjaA series of strontium orthotitanate (Sr2TiO4) samples doped with 2% of a mole of europium, praseodymium, and erbium were obtained using the solid-state synthesis method. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) technique confirms the phase purity of all samples and the lack of the influence of dopants at a given concentration on the structure of materials. The optical properties indicate, in the case of Sr2TiO4:Eu3+, two independent emission...
Michał Mazur dr inż.
OsobyAktualne zainteresowania inżynieria mechaniczna, robotyka, drgania mechaniczne, analiza modalna, sterowanie, systemy czasu rzeczywistego Wybrane publikacje Kaliński K., Galewski M., Mazur M., Chodnicki M, 2017, Modelling and Simulation Of A New Variable Stiffness Holder for Milling Of Flexible Details, Polish Maritime Research, vol 24, ss. 115-124 Kaliński K. J., Mazur M.: Optimal control at energy performance index of the mobile...
Study of the Operation of Synchronous Generator Voltage Regulator During the Creation of Post Blackout Start-up Path
PublikacjaThis paper presents the influence of automatic voltage regulator (AVR) of synchronous generator on the process of creation of post black-out start-up path. Two elements of AVR have a significant impact on this process: underexcitation limiter (UEL) and load compensation (LC). The authors present a theoretical investigation and simulation results that illustrate how the mentioned elements of AVR affect voltage levels in a power...
Comparison of Mathematical Models of Torque Transmitted by Multi-disc Wet Clutch with Experimental Results
PublikacjaIn this article was described the methodology for the experimental study of flows in the prototype of a satellite hydraulic motor with a rotating body. The experimental tests of the motor were carried out at a low constant rotational speed in a wide range of pressure drop in this motor. The constant rotational speed of the motor was kept by a worm gear. Based on the test results, the leakage characteristics in the flat gaps of...
Experimental Study of Flow Rate in Hydraulic Satellite Motor with the Rotating Case at a Low Constant Rotational Speed
PublikacjaIn this article was described the methodology for the experimental study of flows in the prototype of a satellite hydraulic motor with a rotating body. The experimental tests of the motor were carried out at a low constant rotational speed in a wide range of pressure drop in this motor. The constant rotational speed of the motor was kept by a worm gear. Based on the test results, the leakage characteristics in the flat gaps of...
Początek Gdyńskiego Systemu Wodociągowego Rozbudowa układu wodociągowego na Kępie Oksywskiej w latach 1933 - 1939. Część III.
PublikacjaBudowa sieci osiedlowej na terenie „Nowego Oksywia”. Przyłączenie wodociągu Marynarki Wojennej do budowanego układu na Kępie Oksywskiej. Komplikacje przebiegu procesu budowy rurociągu do Babiego Dołu. Uzbrojenie terenu osiedla "Paged". Przekształcenie na terenie Oksywia struktury sieci rozgałęzieniowej w pierścieniową. Konsolidacja układu na Kępie Oksywskiej z wodociągiem grupowym Wielkiej Gdyni. Realizacja zarządzenia o przymusie...
Joint Meeting of the European Frequency and Time Forum and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers In
Konferencje -
PublikacjaIn the article structural issues that connected with the reinforced concrete supporting construction of the stadium roofing for EURO 2012 in Gdańsk were described. In the first part of the article the concept of stadium foundation were described. In the second the static - strength analysis for two variants fastening together individual foundation elements were made. The two assumed geometrically different concept of foundation...
Andrzej Chybicki dr inż.
OsobyZ wykształcenia informatyk, absolwent Wydziału Elektroniki, Telekomunikacji i Informatyki Politechniki Gdańskiej, doktor nauk technicznych w dziedzinie informatyka specjalizujący się w przetwarzaniau danych przestrzennych w rozproszonych systemach informatycznych. Ukierunkowany na wykorzystywanie osiągnięć i wiedzy zakresu prowadzonych badań w przemyśle. Współpracował z szeregiem podmiotów przemysłu informatycznego, geodezyjnego...
Towards Audio Signal Equalization Based on Spectral Characteristics of a Listening Room and Music Content Reproduced
PublikacjaThis study presents investigations of the influence of the room acoustics on the frequency characteristic of the audio signal playback. First, the concept of a novel spectral equalization method of the room acoustic conditions is introduced. On the basis of the room spectral response, a system for room acoustics compensation based on an equalizer designed is proposed. The system settings depend on music genre recognized automatically....
Wireless Charging Station Design for Electric Scooters: Case Study Analysis
PublikacjaThis study proposes an example of a wireless charging station design for a small-scale vehicle available on the market. The article analyzes basic transmitter inverter topologies and their compensation methods in terms of flexibility of control, tolerance to uncertainty in positioning, and the possibility of decreasing the integration price. Our comprehensive analysis focuses on the battery voltage range, energy capacity, cost,...
Biochemical assays of intensified methane content in biogas from low-temperature processing of waste activated sludge
PublikacjaAnaerobic digestion (AD) is implemented as an important ‘waste to energy’ approach for converting organic-rich byproducts such as sewage sludge into biogas and nutrient-rich digestate. Sewage sludge consists of primary sludge and waste activated sludge (WAS), and low biodegradability of WAS limits methane production. This study presents the influence of the low-temperature pretreatment (LT-PT) of WAS on the efficiency of AD. Different...
Recent Advances in Loop Heat Pipes with Flat Evaporator
PublikacjaThe focus of this review is to present the current advances in Loop Heat Pipes (LHP) with flat evaporators, which address the current challenges to the wide implementation of the technology. A recent advance in LHP is the design of flat-shaped evaporators, which is better suited to the geometry of discretely mounted electronics components (microprocessors) and therefore negate the need for an additional transfer surface (saddle)...
Post‐Second World War Reconstruction of Polish Cities: The Interplay Between Politics and Paradigms
PublikacjaBy the end of the Second World War, many of the Polish cities—and especially their historic centres—were in ruins. This was caused by both bombings and sieges conducted by the Nazis and Soviets. The particular group of cities is associated with former German lands—now called the “Recovered Territories”—which were incorporated into the borders of Poland as compensation for its Eastern Borderlands lost to the Soviet Union. These...
Biological and mechanical research of titanium implants covered with bactericidal coating
PublikacjaThe paper concerns the biological and mechanical properties of titanium implants with an antibacterial coating. The Ti13Zr13Nb alloy samples were coated with hydroxyapatite (HAp) coatings using the electrophoretic deposition technique (EPD). Subsequently, the surface of the samples was modified with silver, copper, and nickel nanoparticles by the immersion method. Different titanium sample types (i.e. HAp-only and nanometals-enriched...
Music signal equalization in a changing environment
PublikacjaThe paper presents the concept of an automatic system for music signal correction, considering room frequency response and music genre being played. The proposed algorithm, based on the room frequency response, compensates acoustic conditions surrounding the sound source. Additionally, the compensation process considers the signal content by recognizing music genre. As part of the described research, a series of subjective tests...
Risk Diagnosis and Management with BBN for Civil Engineering Projects during Construction and Operation
PublikacjaThe authors demonstrate how expert knowledge about the construction and operation phases combined with monitoring data can be utilized for the diagnosis and management of risks typical to large civil engineering projects. The methodology chosen for estimating the probabilities of risk elements is known as Bayesian Belief Networks (BBN). Using a BBN model one can keep on updating the risk event probabilities as the new evidence...
Determination of 3,4-methylenedioxy-α-pyrrolidinobutiophenone (MDPB) in blood. A case report
PublikacjaSynthetic drugs, known as ‘‘legal highs’’, are still very popular on black market. The determination of their composition are required in courts of law and also to understand what potential users may be subjected to. The interest of new cathinones, e.g. MDPBP, is in view of psychoactive effects that they cause and that, in many cases, they are not controlled by law. The case outlined here concerns 19 years-old man, who was found...
Dwukierunkowy przekształtnik 4L-DC z aktywną regulacją napięć w obwodzie pośredniczącym
PublikacjaW artykule opisano model laboratoryjny i wyniki badań dwukierunkowego symetrycznego (ang. Back-to-Back) przekształtnika 4L-DC (ang. Four Level Diode Clamped) z dwukierunkowym dwustopniowym przetwarzaniem energii (połączenie typu ang. Back-To-Back). W celu równoważenia i regulacji napięć kondensatorów w obwodzie pośredniczącym układu zastosowano dwa trójpoziomowe przerywacze DC-DC sterowane synchronicznie metodą modulacji PO-PWM...
Experimental study on the selected aspects of bow thruster generated flow field at ship zero-speed conditions
PublikacjaThe paper presents the results of experimental study on the interaction between the bow thrusters understood as the flow field changes generated by bow tunnel thruster in deep water conditions operated as a single and twin units. The research was limited to zero-speed case for the ship dead in the water. The influence of the hull form and jet spread between the neighbouring thrusters for several combinations of the applied bow...
Scaled agile framework. Dealing with software process‐related challenges of a financial group with the action research approach
PublikacjaThis article reports on a domain-specific software development venture at Nordea. We explore organizational constraints, challenges, and corrective actions undertaken when scaling the agile development approach of their Core Banking Platform program. The fit and required customizations of the rather complex and rigid SAFe framework in a policy-heavy financial institution are audited against the organic growth of the program. In...
Satellite pump and motor
PublikacjaThe article describe the design and operation of a prototype of satellite pump and a prototype of satellite motor. In both machines, the operating mechanism consists of a non-circular gear with external teeth (rotor), non-circular gear with internal teeth (curvature), and ten gear wheels which cooperate with the rotor and the curvature. The differences between the commutation unit in the pump and the commutation unit in the motor...
An ANN-Based Method for On-Load Tap Changer Control in LV Networks with a Large Share of Photovoltaics—Comparative Analysis
PublikacjaThe paper proposes a new local method of controlling the on-load tap changer (OLTC) of a transformer to mitigate negative voltage phenomena in low-voltage (LV) networks with a high penetration of photovoltaic (PV) installations. The essence of the method is the use of the load compensation (LC) function with settings determined via artificial neural network (ANN) algorithms. The proposed method was compared with other selected...
Concept of Wireless Low-Voltage DC Socket for the Residential House Application
PublikacjaThe proposed research is devoted to the comprehensive theoretical and experimental study of the concept of the wireless low power dc socket for residential applications. The main goal of this work is to provide safe dc source for residential customers at power level which is enough in order to supply all typical appliances without power factor correctors. Such types of devices can be already connected to the dc grid and decoupled...
Stanisław Galla dr inż.
OsobyUrodził się w 1970 w Gdańsku. Jest absolwentem Technikum Mechaniczno Elektrycznego w Gdańsku (1990). Studiował na Wydziale Elektrotechniki Politechniki Gdańskiej (studia ukończył w 1996). Rozprawę doktorską pt. „Metodyka zwiększania dokładności pomiarów małoczęstotliwościowych wskaźników zaburzeń okresowych występujących w sieciach niskiego napięcia” obronił w 2009 r na Wydziale Elektrotechniki i Automatyki Politechniki Gdańskiej....
Functional specialisation and economic upgrading in GVCs
Dane BadawczeThe dataset collected for selected Central Eastern European (CEE) countries (CZE, EST, HUN, LVA, LTU, POL, SVK, SVN) contains country-level and sector-level observations for the project implementation linked to the concept of functional specialization of economies. The aim of the project is to identify patterns of functional specialisation in global...
Electric Machines [Energy Technologies][2022/23]
Kursy OnlineFundamentals of elektromechanical energy conversion. Bachelor/Engineer in Energy Technologies, 4th semester, undergraduate, full-time.
Electric Machines [Energy Technologies][2024/25]
Kursy OnlineFundamentals of elektromechanical energy conversion. Bachelor/Engineer in Energy Technologies, 4th semester, undergraduate, full-time.
Electric Machines [Energy Technologies][2023/24]
Kursy OnlineFundamentals of elektromechanical energy conversion. Bachelor/Engineer in Energy Technologies, 4th semester, undergraduate, full-time.
Ogrzewnictwo 2023/2024 IŚ studia stacjonarne sem. VI lato
Kursy OnlineHeating students of Environmental Engineering full-time engineer. sem. 6 Heating 2023/2024 supporting course for the subject Heating (PG_00043392) intended for students: Field of study: Environmental Engineering Level of education: 1st degree - engineering Academic year of course implementation: 2023/2024 Form of studies: full-time Year of study: 3 Semester: 6 (summer)
15th Conference on Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis
WydarzeniaRegistration for the workshops with Sponsors, which will take place during the free time on Tuesday, September 10, 2024, from 2:30 PM, will be conducted by signing up on a list at the registration desk. We kindly inform you that posters should be prepared in size B1 (707 x 1000 mm). Templates:pptx, pdf Please submit your presentations...
PublikacjaA research study presents investigations of the influence of the room acoustics on the frequency characteristic of the audio signal playback. First, a concept of a novel spectral equalization method of the room acoustic conditions is introduced. On the basis of the room spectral response, a system for room acoustics compensation based on an equalizer designed is proposed. The system settings depend on music genre recognized automatically....
Karolina Lademann Mgr
Osoby -
Adrian Augustyniak dr inż.
Osoby -
Analysis of luminance distribution uniformity in CAVE-type virtual reality systems
PublikacjaIn recent years, many scientific and industrial centers in the world developed a virtual reality systems or laboratories. The effect of user “immersion” into virtual reality in such systems is largely dependent of optical properties of the system. In this paper, problems of luminance distribution uniformity in CAVE-type virtual reality systems are analyzed. For better characterization of CAVE luminance nonuniformity corner and...
Accurate design of pseudoelliptic inline SIW filters with frequency-dependent couplings
PublikacjaThis paper presents an accurate synthesis method for inline SIW (Substrate Integrated Waveguide) generalized Chebyshev bandpass filters with frequency-dependent couplings. The technique is based on the synthesis of a coupling matrix that takes into account the impedance of the frequency-dependent stub. Thus, a loading effect compensation in adjacent resonators (via resonant frequency adjustment) and coupling elements (via coupling-value...
Semi complex navigation with an active optical gesture sensor
PublikacjaThis paper presents the methods of diversified touchless interactions between a user and a mobile platform utilizing the optical gesture sensor. The sensor uses 8 photodiodes to measure the reflected light in the active mode (using embedded LEDs) or it measures shadows caused by fingers in the passive mode. Several algorithms were implemented: automatic mode switching, adaptive illumination level compensation, resolution improvements...
High-temperature transport properties of entropy-stabilized pyrochlores
PublikacjaIn this report, the high-temperature transport properties of (Dy1−xCax)(Zr0.2Hf0.2Sn0.2Ti0.2Ge0.2)O7 pyrochlore oxides with x = 0, 0.05, and 0.1 are studied in dry and humid air. The phase composition and crystal structure were determined by using x-ray and neutron diffraction. The addition of calcium to the structure caused an increase in the concentration of oxygen vacancies, indicating an ionic charge compensation mechanism....
Marek Galewski dr hab. inż.
OsobyMgr inż. - 2002r. - Politechnika Gdańska; Wydział Elektroniki, Telekomunikacji i Informatyki; Automatyka i RobotykaDr inż. - 2007r. - Politechnika Gdańska; Wydział Mechaniczny; Budowa i eksploatacja maszynDr hab. inż. - 2016r. - Politechnika Gdańska; Wydział Mechaniczny; Budowa i eksploatacja maszyn Dotychczasowe i planowane obszary badań: Redukcja drgań podczas obróbki frezowaniem i toczeniem Zastosowanie zmiennej prędkości...
Models of Structures in Didactics
PublikacjaThe final aim of teaching students subjects, such as structural mechanics, reinforced concrete, and steel structures is to teach them how structures work in a given building as well as to provide them with skills enabling them to calculate and design structures. The behavioral model of the structure, contrary to the architectural model, which focuses mainly on the external form of the building, shows workings from both the static...
The luminescence study of Sr2TiO4:Sm3+ coumpounds.
Dane BadawczeA luminescent material based on the strontium orthotitanate (Sr2TiO4) matrix doped with 1% of a mole of samarium was obtained using the typical solid-state synthesis method under a neutral atmosphere of nitrogen. The sample was investigated using powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) and several luminescence techniques to study the phase composition, luminescence...
Wear in reciprocating siding friction tests. Ball-on-flat contact. Sintered alumina ceramics (98%). Lubricant - DISTILLED WATER. Specim. set K06
Dane BadawczeFriction and wear tests in ball-on-flat contact. Both specimens made of sintered alumina ceramics (98%) - self-mated contact.Linear reciprocating motion.Lubrication: DISTILLED WATER. Sliding velocity (peak): 0.1 m/s. Load (normal force): 5N. Test rig: TPZ-1 Tribometer.Running time: progressive increments of 10, 15, 30, 60, 180 and 300s. (stored in separate...
Wear in reciprocating siding friction tests. Ball-on-flat contact. Sintered alumina ceramics (98%). Lubricant - DISTILLED WATER. Specim. set K07
Dane BadawczeFriction and wear tests in ball-on-flat contact. Both specimens made of sintered alumina ceramics (98%) - self-mated contact.Linear reciprocating motion.Lubrication: DISTILLED WATER. Sliding velocity (peak): 0.1 m/s. Load (normal force): 5N. Test rig: TPZ-1 Tribometer.Running time: progressive increments of 10, 15, 30, 60, 180 and 300s. (stored in separate...
Wear in reciprocating siding friction tests. Ball-on-flat contact. Sintered alumina ceramics (98%). No lubrication (DRY). Specim. set K04
Dane BadawczeFriction and wear tests in ball-on-flat contact. Both specimens made of sintered alumina ceramics (98%) - self-mated contact.Linear reciprocating motion.Lubrication: DRY. Sliding velocity (peak): 0.1 m/s. Load (normal force): 5N. Test rig: TPZ-1 Tribometer.Running time: progressive increments of 10, 15, 30, 60, 180 and 300s. (stored in separate folders).Specimen...